예제 #1
    def start(self):
        ''' Start the A star algorithm '''
        expansion_count = 0
        while not self.open_set.empty():
            current = self.open_set.get()
           # print "Expanding node {0}".format(current)
            expansion_count += 1
            # If we reached the goal, stop
            if current == self.world.goal:

            evaluator = Agent(current, self.facing[current], self.heuristic_num, self.world)
            for next in self.world.get_adjacent_cells(current):
                # Tally total cost
                g_score = self.cost_so_far[current] \
                    + evaluator.forward(next) + evaluator.turn(next)

                # Consider the adjacent node, 'next'...
                if next not in self.cost_so_far or g_score < self.cost_so_far[next]:
                    self.cost_so_far[next] = g_score
                    h_score = evaluator.estimate(next, self.world.goal)
                    f_score = g_score + h_score

                    #Add the node to the priority queue
                    self.open_set.put(next, f_score)
                    #Save the direction the node is facing
                    new_dir = Direction().set_dir(Direction.vector(current, next))
                    self.facing[next] = new_dir
                    turn_string = "turn," * evaluator.dir.count_turns_needed(current, next)
                    self.actions_taken[next] = turn_string + "forward"
                    #Add the node to the path of traversed nodes
                    self.came_from[next] = current

            for bash_cell in self.world.get_bashable_cells(current):
                g_score = self.cost_so_far[current] \
                    + evaluator.bash(bash_cell) + evaluator.turn(bash_cell)

                #Consider the bash node, next
                if bash_cell not in self.cost_so_far or g_score < self.cost_so_far[bash_cell]:
                    self.cost_so_far[bash_cell] = g_score
                    h_score = evaluator.estimate(bash_cell, self.world.goal)
                    f_score = g_score + h_score

                    self.open_set.put(bash_cell, f_score)
                    new_dir = Direction().set_dir(Direction.vector(current, bash_cell))
                    self.facing[bash_cell] = new_dir
                    turn_string = "turn," * evaluator.dir.count_turns_needed(current, bash_cell)
                    self.actions_taken[bash_cell] = turn_string + "bash,forward,"
                    self.came_from[bash_cell] = current
        score = 100 - self.cost_so_far[self.world.goal]
        self.output(score, expansion_count)