예제 #1
파일: grid.py 프로젝트: jenzie/cable-car
    def init( self, grid ):
        '''Initializes the grid creating both a vertex_list for an independent-tiled grid
        and creating also a vertex_list_indexed for a "united" (non independent tile) grid.

            `grid` : euclid.Point2
                size of a 2D grid
        #: size of the grid. (rows, columns)
        self.grid = grid
        width, height = director.get_window_size()

        if self.texture is None:
            self.texture = image.Texture.create_for_size(
                    GL_TEXTURE_2D, width, 
                    height, GL_RGBA)
        self.grabber = framegrabber.TextureGrabber()

        #: x pixels between each vertex (float)
        self.x_step = width / self.grid.x
        #: y pixels between each vertex (float)
        self.y_step = height / self.grid.y

예제 #2
 def in_proyect(self, x, y):
     if not (x==0 and y!=0): return x,y
     xz, yz = director.get_window_size()
     dt = (self.dt/self.duration)
     x = xz * (1-dt)
     y = yz * dt
     return (x, y)
예제 #3
    def restore( self ):
        '''Restore the camera to the initial position
        and sets it's ``dirty`` attribute in False and ``once`` in true.

        If you use the camera, for a while and you want to stop using it
        call this method.

        width, height = director.get_window_size()

        # tuple (x,y,z) that says where is the eye of the camera.
        # used by ``gluLookAt()``
        self._eye = Point3( width /2.0, height /2.0, self.get_z_eye() )

        # tuple (x,y,z) that says where is pointing to the camera.
        # used by ``gluLookAt()``
        self._center = Point3( width /2.0, height /2.0, 0.0 )

        # tuple (x,y,z) that says the up vector for the camera.
        # used by ``gluLookAt()``
        self._up_vector = Point3( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)

        #: whether or not the camera is 'dirty'
        #: It is dirty if it is not in the original position
        self.dirty = False

        #: optimization. Only renders the camera once
        self.once = False
예제 #4
    def transform( self ):
        Apply ModelView transformations

        you will most likely want to wrap calls to this function with
        x,y = director.get_window_size()

        if not(self.grid and self.grid.active):
            # only apply the camera if the grid is not active
            # otherwise, the camera will be applied inside the grid

        glTranslatef( self.position[0], self.position[1], 0 )
        glTranslatef( self.transform_anchor_x, self.transform_anchor_y, 0 )

        if self.rotation != 0.0:
            glRotatef( -self._rotation, 0, 0, 1)

        if self.scale != 1.0:
            glScalef( self._scale, self._scale, 1)

        if self.transform_anchor != (0,0):
                - self.transform_anchor_x,
                - self.transform_anchor_y,
                0 )
예제 #5
 def __init__(self):
     self.before = None
     x1 = y1 = 0
     x2, y2 = director.get_window_size()
     self.vertex_list = pyglet.graphics.vertex_list(
         4, ('v2f', [x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2]),
         ('c4B', [255, 255, 255, 255] * 4))
예제 #6
    def transform( self ):
        Apply ModelView transformations

        you will most likely want to wrap calls to this function with
        x,y = director.get_window_size()

        if not(self.grid and self.grid.active):
            # only apply the camera if the grid is not active
            # otherwise, the camera will be applied inside the grid

        glTranslatef( self.position[0], self.position[1], 0 )
        glTranslatef( self.transform_anchor_x, self.transform_anchor_y, 0 )

        if self.rotation != 0.0:
            glRotatef( -self._rotation, 0, 0, 1)

        if self.scale != 1.0:
            glScalef( self._scale, self._scale, 1)

        if self.transform_anchor != (0,0):
                - self.transform_anchor_x,
                - self.transform_anchor_y,
                0 )
예제 #7
    def restore(self):
        '''Restore the camera to the initial position
        and sets it's ``dirty`` attribute in False and ``once`` in true.

        If you use the camera, for a while and you want to stop using it
        call this method.

        width, height = director.get_window_size()

        # tuple (x,y,z) that says where is the eye of the camera.
        # used by ``gluLookAt()``
        self._eye = Point3(width / 2.0, height / 2.0, self.get_z_eye())

        # tuple (x,y,z) that says where is pointing to the camera.
        # used by ``gluLookAt()``
        self._center = Point3(width / 2.0, height / 2.0, 0.0)

        # tuple (x,y,z) that says the up vector for the camera.
        # used by ``gluLookAt()``
        self._up_vector = Point3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)

        #: whether or not the camera is 'dirty'
        #: It is dirty if it is not in the original position
        self.dirty = False

        #: optimization. Only renders the camera once
        self.once = False
예제 #8
 def __init__(self):
     self.before = None
     x1 = y1 = 0
     x2, y2 = director.get_window_size()
     self.vertex_list = pyglet.graphics.vertex_list(4,
         ('v2f', [x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2]),
         ('c4B', [255,255,255,255]*4)
예제 #9
    def get_z_eye( cls ):
        '''Returns the best distance for the camera for the current window size

        cocos2d uses a Filed Of View (fov) of 60
        width, height = director.get_window_size()
        eye_z = height / 1.1566
        return eye_z
예제 #10
    def get_z_eye(cls):
        '''Returns the best distance for the camera for the current window size

        cocos2d uses a Filed Of View (fov) of 60
        width, height = director.get_window_size()
        eye_z = height / 1.1566
        return eye_z
예제 #11
파일: grid.py 프로젝트: jenzie/cable-car
    def _set_2d_projection(cls):

#        director.set_2d_projection()
        width, height = director.get_window_size()
        glViewport(0, 0, width, height)
        glOrtho(0, width, 0, height, -100, 100)
예제 #12
 def blit_texture(self, texture, p):
     x, y = director.get_window_size()
     glBindTexture(texture.target, texture.id)
     txz = director._offset_x/float(texture.width)
     tyz = director._offset_y/float(texture.height)
     rx = director.window.width - 2*director._offset_x
     ry = director.window.height - 2*director._offset_y
     tx = float(rx)/texture.width+txz
     ty = float(ry)/texture.height+tyz
     glTexCoord2d(txz,tyz); glVertex2d(*p(0.0,0.0));
     glTexCoord2d(tx,tyz); glVertex2d(*p(x,0.0));
     glTexCoord2d(tx,ty); glVertex2d(*p(x,y));
     glTexCoord2d(txz,ty); glVertex2d(*p(0.0,y));
예제 #13
 def out_proyect(self, x, y):
     dy = director.get_window_size()[1] * (self.dt/self.duration)
     return (x, y+dy)
예제 #14
 def in_proyect(self, x, y):
     dy = director.get_window_size()[1] * (1-self.dt/self.duration)
     return (x, y-dy)  
예제 #15
 def in_proyect(self, x, y):
     dx = director.get_window_size()[0] * (1-self.dt/self.duration)
     return (x+dx, y)  
예제 #16
 def in_proyect(self, x, y):
     dx = director.get_window_size()[0] * ((self.dt/self.duration))
     if x==0:
         return (director.get_window_size()[0]-dx, y)
     return (x, y)       
예제 #17
 def out_proyect(self, x, y):
     dx = director.get_window_size()[0] * (self.dt/self.duration)
     return (x-dx, y)
예제 #18
 def in_proyect(self, x, y):
     dt = (self.dt/self.duration)
     cx = director.get_window_size()[0]/4*3
     cy = director.get_window_size()[1]/2
     return ((x-cx)*(dt)+cx, (y-cy)*(dt)+cy)