def autocomplete_country(driver: WebDriver, *, value): if isinstance(value, bool) and not value: logging.debug(f"Won't use autocomplete") return if isinstance(value, bool): logging.debug(f"Will select random country to type") options = extract_by_css( driver.page_source, "select[id^=id] option::text", first=False ) logging.debug(f"Available country options: {options}") value = random.choice(options) logging.debug(f"Will select '{value}' from country autocomplete list") # enter text value into the input field with autocomplete input_selector = Selector( By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input.autocomplete__input", is_visible=True ) input = find_element( driver, input_selector, element_name="country input", wait_for_it=False ) input.send_keys(value) logging.debug(f"Get list of options from autocomplete listbox") autocomplete_list = find_elements( driver, Selector(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "ul[role=listbox] li", is_visible=True) ) input.send_keys(Keys.DOWN) random.choice(autocomplete_list).send_keys(Keys.SPACE)
def get_all_market_slugs( *, auth: tuple = (BASICAUTH_USER, BASICAUTH_PASS)) -> list: start_page = f"{URLs.SOO_SEARCH_RESULTS.absolute}?category_id=&country_id=&commit=" response = get_and_assert(url=start_page, status_code=HTTP_200_OK, auth=auth) content = response.content.decode("UTF-8") hrefs = extract_attributes_by_css(content, "", attrs=["href"], text=False) last_page_number = int( extract_by_css(content, "nav.pagination > ol > li:last-of-type > a::text")) if last_page_number > 1: for page_number in range(2, last_page_number + 1): url = f"{start_page}&page={page_number}" response = get_and_assert(url=url, status_code=HTTP_200_OK, auth=auth) content = response.content.decode("UTF-8") hrefs += extract_attributes_by_css(content, "", attrs=["href"], text=False) # flatten the results and return only the market's slug value e.g. tthigo # results format is: # [{'href': '/selling-online-overseas/markets/details/tthigo/'}, ...] slugs = [href["href"].split("/")[-2] for href in hrefs] return slugs
def extract_logo_url(response: Response): """Extract URL of the Company's logo picture from the Directory edit profile page content. :param response: response with the contents of edit profile page :param fas: Use FAS specific CSS selector if True, else use FAB selector :return: a URL to the company's logo image """ css_selector = "#logo-container img::attr(src)" logo_url = extract_by_css(response.content.decode("UTF-8"), css_selector) with assertion_msg("Could not find Company's logo URL in the response"): assert logo_url return logo_url
def extract_form_action(response: Response) -> str: """Extract the form action (endpoint). Comes in handy when dealing with e.g. Django forms. :param response: requests response :return: for action endpoint """ with assertion_msg("Can't extract form action from an empty response!"): assert response.content css_selector = "#content form::attr(action)" action = extract_by_css(response.content.decode("UTF-8"), css_selector) logging.debug("Found confirm email form action value=%s", action) return action
def get_number_of_search_result_pages(response: Response) -> int: """Will extract the last search result page number from provided response. The CSS selector will return string like: `page 1 of 2`. Then we extract the numbers from it and return the last one. In case of lack of thereof a 0 is returned. :param response: FAS Search Result response :return: a number of FAS Search Result pages or 0 if couldn't find information about number of pages """ last_page_css_selector = "#paginator ol ~ li a::text" last_page = extract_by_css(response.content.decode("UTF-8"), last_page_css_selector).strip() last_page = int(last_page) if last_page.isdigit() else 0 logging.debug(f"Number of search result pages: {last_page}") return last_page
def extract_csrf_middleware_token(response: Response) -> str: """Extract CSRF middleware token from the response content. Comes in handy when dealing with e.g. Django forms. :param response: requests response :type response: requests.models.Response :return: CSRF middleware token extracted from the response content :rtype: str """ with assertion_msg("Can't extract CSRF token as response has no content"): assert response.content css_selector = "input[type=hidden][name=csrfmiddlewaretoken]::attr(value)" token = extract_by_css(response.content.decode("UTF-8"), css_selector) with assertion_msg(f"Couldn't find csrfmiddlewaretoken on {response.url}"): assert token logging.debug("Found CSRF token: %s", token) return token
def autocomplete_industry(driver: WebDriver, *, value): if isinstance(value, bool) and not value: logging.debug(f"Won't use autocomplete") return if isinstance(value, bool): logging.debug(f"Will select random industry to type") options = extract_by_css( driver.page_source, "#id_imported-products-usage-imported_good_sector-select option::text", first=False, ) logging.debug(f"Available country options: {options}") value = random.choice(options) logging.debug(f"Will select '{value}' from Industry Autocomplete list") # enter text value into the input field with autocomplete input_selector = Selector( By.ID, "id_imported-products-usage-imported_good_sector", is_visible=True ) input = find_element( driver, input_selector, element_name="industry input", wait_for_it=True ) input.send_keys(value) logging.debug(f"Get list of options from autocomplete listbox") autocomplete_list = find_element( driver, Selector( By.ID, "id_imported-products-usage-imported_good_sector__listbox", is_visible=False, ), wait_for_it=True, ) autocomplete_list_options = autocomplete_list.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "li") with assertion_msg(f"Expected to find at least 1 region suggestion but got 0"): assert autocomplete_list_options logging.debug(f"Selecting random element from the autocomplete listbox") option = random.choice(autocomplete_list_options)
def should_be_able_to_print(driver: WebDriver): print_link_selector = Selector(By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, "print a copy now") print_link = find_element(driver, print_link_selector) onclick = print_link.get_attribute("onclick") error = f"Expected 'window.print()' got '{onclick}' on {driver.current_url}" assert onclick == "window.print()", error print_only_selector = "div.print-only *::text" raw_to_print = extract_by_css(driver.page_source, print_only_selector, first=False) clean_to_print = [ text for text in raw_to_print if "\n" not in text and "Change" not in text and "answer" not in text ] to_print = "\n".join(clean_to_print) error = ( f"Could not find expected values in content to print: {to_print} on " f"{driver.current_url}") assert "Feedback form details" in to_print, error
def autocomplete_uk_region(driver: WebDriver, *, value): if isinstance(value, bool) and not value: logging.debug(f"Won't use autocomplete") return if isinstance(value, bool): logging.debug(f"Will select random region to type") options = extract_by_css( driver.page_source, "select[id$=regions] option::text", first=False ) logging.debug(f"Available country options: {options}") value = random.choice(options) logging.debug(f"Will select '{value}' from Region Autocomplete list") # enter text value into the input field with autocomplete input_selector = Selector( By.CSS_SELECTOR, "[id$=_regions_autocomplete]", is_visible=True ) input = find_element( driver, input_selector, element_name="region input", wait_for_it=True ) input.send_keys(value) logging.debug(f"Get list of options from autocomplete listbox") autocomplete_list = find_element( driver, Selector( By.CSS_SELECTOR, "[id$=regions_autocomplete__listbox]", is_visible=False ), wait_for_it=True, ) autocomplete_list_options = autocomplete_list.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "li") with assertion_msg(f"Expected to find at least 1 region suggestion but got 0"): assert autocomplete_list_options logging.debug(f"Selecting random element from the autocomplete listbox") option = random.choice(autocomplete_list_options)