예제 #1
    def predicate(ctx):
        dj_role_id = int(ctx.options['dj_role'].data)  #Will be zero if unset
        if not dj_role_id:
            return True  #Allow if there is no DJ role set

        dj_role = ctx.guild.get_role(dj_role_id)
        if dj_role:  #If the role exists
            if discord.utils.get(
                    id=dj_role_id) is not None:  #If the author has the role
                return True

        if ctx.voice_client:
            bot_channel = ctx.voice_client.channel
            if ctx.author.voice:  #If the author is in a voice channel...
                if ctx.author.voice.channel == bot_channel and len(
                ) <= 2:  #and its the same as the bot and there's two or less members
                    return True
                    raise commands.MissingAnyRole(("DJ"))
            elif len(bot_channel.members
                     ) == 1:  #If the bot is the only one in the channel
                return True
        elif ctx.author.voice:  #implied 'and not ctx.voice_client' due to above condition
            if len(ctx.author.voice.channel.members) == 1:
                return True

        raise commands.MissingAnyRole(("DJ"))
예제 #2
파일: mod.py 프로젝트: KDanny41/Geckarbot
    async def disable(self, ctx, command, *args):
        user = ctx.author
        date_args_start_index = 0
        if len(args) > 0:
                user = await commands.MemberConverter().convert(ctx, args[0])
                date_args_start_index = 1
            except (commands.CommandError, IndexError):
                date_args_start_index = 0

        if user != ctx.author and not permChecks.check_full_access(ctx.author):
            raise commands.MissingAnyRole(Config().FULL_ACCESS_ROLES)

        until = utils.analyze_time_input(*args[date_args_start_index:])

        result = self.bot.ignoring.add_user_command(user, command, until)
        if result == IgnoreEditResult.Success:
            await ctx.message.add_reaction(Lang.CMDSUCCESS)
        elif result == IgnoreEditResult.Already_in_list:
            await ctx.message.add_reaction(Lang.CMDERROR)
            await ctx.send(Lang.lang(self, 'user_cmd_already_blocked', command, utils.get_best_username(user)))
        elif result == IgnoreEditResult.Until_in_past:
            await ctx.message.add_reaction(Lang.CMDERROR)
            await ctx.send(Lang.lang(self, 'no_time_machine'))
        await utils.log_to_admin_channel(ctx)
예제 #3
def command_check_staff_roles(ctx):
    check_roles = (ctx.bot.server_config["staff_roles"][str(ctx.guild.id)] +
    if check_role_list(ctx.author, check_roles):
        return True
    error_roles = [
        ctx.guild.get_role(role).name for role in check_roles
        if ctx.guild.get_role(role) is not None
    raise commands.MissingAnyRole(error_roles)
예제 #4
    def predicate(ctx):
        if not isinstance(ctx.channel, discord.abc.GuildChannel):
            raise commands.NoPrivateMessage()

        if config.DEMOCRACIV_GUILD_ID != ctx.guild.id:
            raise exceptions.NotDemocracivGuildError()

        getter = functools.partial(discord.utils.get, ctx.author.roles)
        if any(getter(id=role.value) is not None for role in roles):
            return True
        raise commands.MissingAnyRole(roles)
예제 #5
def check_roles(ctx, roles):
    """Checks that the user has all the required roles."""
    if type(roles) is str:
        roles = [roles]
    user = ctx.author
    # Get the list of IDs from user.roles, and list of IDs from arg roles
    user_roles = [role.id for role in user.roles]
    req_roles = [ROLE_IDS[req_role] for req_role in roles]

    # Check intersection of roles in user_roles and req_roles.
    if not [role for role in user_roles if role in req_roles]:
        raise commands.MissingAnyRole(roles)

    return True
예제 #6
파일: mod.py 프로젝트: KDanny41/Geckarbot
    async def enable(self, ctx, command, user: discord.Member = None):
        if user is None:
            user = ctx.author

        if user != ctx.author and not permChecks.check_full_access(ctx.author):
            raise commands.MissingAnyRole(*Config().FULL_ACCESS_ROLES)

        result = self.bot.ignoring.remove_user_command(user, command)
        if result == IgnoreEditResult.Success:
            await ctx.message.add_reaction(Lang.CMDSUCCESS)
        elif result == IgnoreEditResult.Not_in_list:
            await ctx.message.add_reaction(Lang.CMDERROR)
            await ctx.send(Lang.lang(self, 'user_cmd_not_blocked', command, utils.get_best_username(user)))
        await utils.log_to_admin_channel(ctx)
예제 #7
    async def real_check(ctx: Optional[commands.Context] = None, channel: Optional[discord.TextChannel] = None, 
        member: Optional[discord.Member] = None) -> bool:

        member = member if not ctx else ctx.author
        channel = channel if not ctx else ctx.channel

        if check_adm:
            perms = channel.permissions_for(member)
            if perms.administrator:
                return True
        for rid in roles:
            if rid in [role.id for role in member.roles]:
                return True

        if throw_exc:
            raise commands.MissingAnyRole(roles)
예제 #8
파일: Mogi.py 프로젝트: cyndaquilx/QueueBot
 async def hasroles(self, ctx):
     for rolename in config["roles"]:
         for role in ctx.author.roles:
             if role.name == rolename:
     raise commands.MissingAnyRole(config["roles"])
예제 #9
    async def test__on_command_error(self):
        """Unit tests for bot._on_command_error function."""
        # async def _on_command_error(bot, ctx, exc)
        _on_command_error = bot._on_command_error

        # mauvais serveur
        ctx = mock.NonCallableMock(commands.Context, guild=10)
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, None)

        # STOP
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx()
        exc = commands.CommandInvokeError(blocs.tools.CommandExit())
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)
        ctx.assert_sent("Mission aborted")

        # STOP custom message
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx()
        exc = commands.CommandInvokeError(blocs.tools.CommandExit("cust0m"))
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)

        # BDD error - MJ
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx()
        ctx.author.top_role = mock.MagicMock(discord.Role,
                                             __ge__=lambda s, o: True) # >= MJ
        exc = commands.CommandInvokeError(bdd.SQLAlchemyError("bzzt"))
        try: raise exc.original      # creating traceback
        except bdd.SQLAlchemyError: pass
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)
        mock_discord.assert_sent(config.Channel.logs, "Rollback session")
        ctx.assert_sent(["Un problème est survenu", "Traceback",
                         "SQLAlchemyError", "bzzt"])

        # BDD error - not MJ
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx()
        ctx.author.top_role = mock.MagicMock(discord.Role,
                                             __ge__=lambda s, o: False) # < MJ
        exc = commands.CommandInvokeError(bdd.DriverOperationalError("bzoozt"))
        try: raise exc.original      # creating traceback
        except bdd.DriverOperationalError: pass
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)
        mock_discord.assert_sent(config.Channel.logs, "Rollback session")
        ctx.assert_sent(["Un problème est survenu",
                         bdd.DriverOperationalError.__name__, "bzoozt"])

        # BDD error - session not ready : on vérifie juste que pas d'erreur
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx()
        _session = config.session
        del config.session
        ctx.author.top_role = mock.MagicMock(discord.Role,
                                             __ge__=lambda s, o: True) # >= MJ
        exc = commands.CommandInvokeError(bdd.SQLAlchemyError("bzzt"))
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)
        mock_discord.assert_sent(config.Channel.logs)   # nothing
        ctx.assert_sent(["Un problème est survenu", "SQLAlchemyError", "bzzt"])
        config.session = _session

        # CommandNotFound
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx()
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, commands.CommandNotFound())
        ctx.assert_sent("je ne connais pas cette commande")

        # DisabledCommand
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx()
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, commands.DisabledCommand())
        ctx.assert_sent("Cette commande est désactivée")

        # ConversionError
        command = mock.Mock()
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx(command)
        exc = commands.ConversionError("bkrkr", "kak")
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)
        ctx.assert_sent(["ce n'est pas comme ça qu'on utilise cette commande",
                         "ConversionError", "bkrkr", "kak"])
        self.assertEqual(ctx.message.content, f"!help {command.name}")

        # UserInputError
        command = mock.Mock()
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx(command)
        exc = commands.UserInputError("bakaka")
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)
        ctx.assert_sent(["ce n'est pas comme ça qu'on utilise cette commande",
                         "UserInputError", "bakaka"])
        self.assertEqual(ctx.message.content, f"!help {command.name}")

        # UserInputError derivate
        command = mock.Mock()
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx(command)
        exc = commands.BadArgument("bakaka")
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)
        ctx.assert_sent(["ce n'est pas comme ça qu'on utilise cette commande",
                         "BadArgument", "bakaka"])
        self.assertEqual(ctx.message.content, f"!help {command.name}")

        # CheckAnyFailure
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx()
        exc = commands.CheckAnyFailure(mock.ANY, mock.ANY)
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)
        ctx.assert_sent("cette commande est réservée aux MJs")

        # MissingAnyRole
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx()
        exc = commands.MissingAnyRole([mock.ANY])
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)
        ctx.assert_sent("Cette commande est réservée aux joueurs")

        # MissingRole
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx()
        exc = commands.MissingRole(mock.ANY)
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)
        ctx.assert_sent("cette commande est réservée aux joueurs en vie")

        # one_command.AlreadyInCommand, not addIA/modifIA
        command = mock.Mock()
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx(command)
        exc = blocs.one_command.AlreadyInCommand()
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)
        ctx.assert_sent("Impossible d'utiliser une commande pendant")

        # one_command.AlreadyInCommand, addIA
        command = mock.Mock()
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx(command)
        exc = blocs.one_command.AlreadyInCommand()
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)

        # one_command.AlreadyInCommand, modifIA
        command = mock.Mock()
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx(command)
        exc = blocs.one_command.AlreadyInCommand()
        await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)

        # CheckFailure (autre check erreur)
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx()
        exc = commands.CheckFailure("jojo")
        with mock.patch("lgrez.blocs.tools.mention_MJ") as mmj_patch:
            await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)
        ctx.assert_sent(["cette commande ne puisse pas être exécutée",
                         "CheckFailure", "jojo"])

        # other exception
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx()
        exc = AttributeError("oh")
        with mock.patch("lgrez.blocs.tools.mention_MJ") as mmj_patch:
            await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)
        ctx.assert_sent(["Une erreur inattendue est survenue",
                         "AttributeError", "oh"])

        # other exception
        ctx = mock_discord.get_ctx()
        class SomeException(Exception):
        exc = SomeException("p!wet")
        with mock.patch("lgrez.blocs.tools.mention_MJ") as mmj_patch:
            await _on_command_error(config.bot, ctx, exc)
        ctx.assert_sent(["Une erreur inattendue est survenue",
                         "SomeException", "p!wet"])
예제 #10
    async def cog_check(self, ctx):
        if self.is_staff(ctx, ctx.author):
            return True

        raise commands.MissingAnyRole(self.mod_role_ids)