def load_cogs(client: commands.AutoShardedBot): for cog_name in os.listdir('./Cogs'): if cog_name.endswith('.py'): try: client.load_extension(f"Cogs.{cog_name.replace('.py', '')}") Logger.Console.Cogs.cog_loaded(cog_name) except Exception as error: Logger.Console.Cogs.cog_errored(cog_name, error)
def __init__(self): = AutoShardedBot(command_prefix=Guild.get_prefix)'help') for cog in [ Arranger, Cataloguer, Encoder, Gambler, Hearer, Helper, Logger, Quoter, Recaller ]:
async def init_timed_events(client: AutoShardedBot) -> None: """Create a listener task with a tick-rate of 1s""" await client.wait_until_ready() # Wait for the bot to launch first client.secs = 0 secs = 0 # Keep track of the number of secs so we can access it elsewhere and adjust how often things run while True: client.dispatch("timer_update", secs) await timer_update(secs) secs += 1 client.secs = secs await asyncio.sleep(1)
def __init__(self, bot: AutoShardedBot): = bot if not hasattr( bot, 'lavalink' ): # This ensures the client isn't overwritten during cog reloads. bot.lavalink = lavalink.Client(BOTID) bot.lavalink.add_node( '', 2333, 'youshallnotpass', 'eu', 'default-node') # Host, Port, Password, Region, Name bot.add_listener(bot.lavalink.voice_update_handler, 'on_socket_response') lavalink.add_event_hook(self.track_hook)
def mention_to_member(bot: commands.AutoShardedBot, guild_id: int, user_mention: str) -> discord.User: """ Turns a discord user mention into a member object. """ user_id = int(user_mention[3:].split(">")[0]) return bot.get_guild(guild_id).get_member(user_id)
async def embed_faq(ctx: commands.Context, bot: commands.AutoShardedBot, query: str, title: str = None, color: str = None) -> discord.Embed: """ Returns a discord.Embed derived from the parameters given """ queryRow = await faqdb(ctx, query) if queryRow[6] is not None: # link queryRow = await faqdb(ctx, str(queryRow[6])) if not title: title = str(queryRow[1]).title() if not color: color = image = None if queryRow[3] is None else str(queryRow[3]) author_id = int(queryRow[4]) author = bot.get_user(author_id) or await bot.fetch_user(author_id) authorName = getattr(await lazily_fetch_member(ctx.guild,, "display_name", None) if authorName is not None and author.avatar: authorPic = f"{}/{author.avatar}.png?size=64" else: authorPic = "" em = discord.Embed( title=title, description="" if queryRow[2] is None else str(queryRow[2]), timestamp=datetime.datetime.strptime(queryRow[5], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f%z"), colour=color) if image: em.set_image(url=image) em.set_author(name=authorName or "Unknown", icon_url=authorPic) return em
def __init__(self, bot: commands.AutoShardedBot): = bot = "MusicV3" if not hasattr(bot, 'wavelink'): bot.wavelink = wavelink.Client(bot=bot) bot.loop.create_task(self.start_nodes())
def __init__(self, bot: AutoShardedBot, *args, **kwargs): = bot global orig_help orig_help = bot.get_command('help')'help') = self = self super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
async def setup_database( bot: commands.AutoShardedBot, keys: ClassyDict) -> None: # init pool connection to database bot.db = await asyncpg.create_pool(, # where db is hosted, # name of database user=keys.database.user, # database username password=keys.database.passw, # password which goes with user max_size=20, command_timeout=10, )
import os from aiohttp import AsyncResolver, ClientSession, TCPConnector from discord import Game from discord.ext.commands import AutoShardedBot, when_mentioned_or from bot.formatter import Formatter from bot.utils import CaseInsensitiveDict bot = AutoShardedBot( command_prefix=when_mentioned_or( ">>> self.", ">> self.", "> self.", "self.", ">>> bot.", ">> bot.", "> bot.", "bot.", ">>> ", ">> ", "> ", ">>>", ">>", ">" ), # Order matters (and so do commas) activity=Game(name="with snekky sneks"), help_attrs={"aliases": ["help()"]}, formatter=Formatter() ) # Make cog names case-insensitive bot.cogs = CaseInsensitiveDict() # Global aiohttp session for all cogs - uses asyncio for DNS resolution instead of threads, so we don't *spam threads* bot.http_session = ClientSession(connector=TCPConnector(resolver=AsyncResolver())) # Internal/debug bot.load_extension("bot.cogs.logging") bot.load_extension("")
def __init__(self, bot: AutoShardedBot): = bot self._original_help_command = bot.help_command bot.help_command = MyHelpCommand() bot.help_command.cog = self
def setup(bot: Bot): bot.add_cog(ReactionRole(bot))
from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import AutoShardedBot from discord_slash import SlashCommand import asyncio from cogs.api.mongo import Document import motor.motor_asyncio # bot token you can get from: TOKEN = "" # create a free mongodb data base here: and connect it MONGODBCONNECTION = "" intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.members = True #bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!') bot = AutoShardedBot(command_prefix="!", intents=intents) slash = SlashCommand( bot, sync_commands=True, sync_on_cog_reload=True) # Declares slash commands through the client. # # uncomment after you setup the file within cogs/cogname to use it: # # our report system: # bot.load_extension("cogs.bob_reports") # # creates a welcome message if someone joins and gives the bros army role # bot.load_extension("cogs.bob_only") # # makes temporary voice channels that automaticly get removed when its empty # bot.load_extension("cogs.voice")
import discord from discord.ext.commands import AutoShardedBot, when_mentioned_or import pymongo modulos = ["cogs.comando"] # Evento do client client = AutoShardedBot(command_prefix="!", case_insensitive=True) # evento do on_ready @client.event async def on_ready(): print(f"{} Online hihi.") await client.change_presence(activity=discord.Streaming( name="!help", url="")) client.db = pymongo.MongoClient("Informe sua Database")["discord"] if __name__ == "__main__": for modulo in modulos: # Função para carregar um modulo try: client.load_extension(modulo) except Exception as e: print("Erro ao carregar cog {modulo}\nErro:{e}") # Irá coletar o token do bot"Informe seu token")
# coding=utf-8 import os from aiohttp import AsyncResolver, ClientSession, TCPConnector from discord import Game from discord.ext.commands import AutoShardedBot, when_mentioned_or from bot.formatter import Formatter bot = AutoShardedBot( command_prefix=when_mentioned_or( "self.", "bot." ), activity=Game( name="Help:" ), help_attrs={ "name": "help()", "aliases": ["help"] }, formatter=Formatter(), case_insensitive=True ) # Global aiohttp session for all cogs - uses asyncio for DNS resolution instead of threads, so we don't *spam threads* bot.http_session = ClientSession(connector=TCPConnector(resolver=AsyncResolver())) # Internal/debug bot.load_extension("bot.cogs.logging") bot.load_extension("") bot.load_extension("")
).run(bot.connection)) valid.extend([custom]) else: valid.extend(bot.config.get('prefixes')) return valid if __name__ == '__main__': r.set_loop_type('asyncio') with open('config.json') as f: config = json.load(f) bot = AutoShardedBot(command_prefix=get_prefix, help_attrs=dict(hidden=True)) bot.startup = bot.messages_seen = 0 bot.r = r bot.connection = bot.loop.run_until_complete(r.connect(db='parallax')) bot.db = database.Database(bot) bot.config = config for f in os.listdir('extensions'): if f.endswith('.py'): try: bot.load_extension(f'extensions.{f[:-3]}') except SyntaxError as exception: print(f'Failed to load {f}: {exception}') @bot.event
def teardown(bot: commands.AutoShardedBot, ): """Remove the cog from the bot.""" bot.remove_cog("User")
REWARD = 200 ENABLE_REWARD = True DBHOST = DBUSER = config.mysql.user DBNAME = config.mysql.dbname DBPASS = config.mysql.password # word file names WORDLIST_1 = config.listfile.file1 WORDLIST_2 = config.listfile.file2 WORDLIST_3 = config.listfile.file3 BADWORD_1 = config.listfile.badword1 bot = AutoShardedBot(command_prefix=['.', '!', '?'], case_insensitive=True) bot.remove_command("help") IN_PUZZLEWORD = False conn = None def openConnection(): global conn try: if conn is None: conn = pymysql.connect(DBHOST, user=DBUSER, passwd=DBPASS, db=DBNAME, charset='utf8mb4',
import discord from discord.ext.commands import AutoShardedBot, when_mentioned_or import dados client = AutoShardedBot(command_prefix=when_mentioned_or(dados.prefix()), case_insensitive=True) @client.event async def on_ready(): print(f"Nenhum virus encontrado - Bot name {} Id do bot encontrado ({})") await client.change_presence(activity=discord.Streaming(name="digite s.ajuda", url="")) def run_modules(): try: client.remove_command("help") print("Um virus foi abatido -- comando help removido.") for modulos in dados.modulos(): client.load_extension(modulos) print(f"[Ok] nenhum virus detectado - {len(dados.modulos())} modulos carregados.") except Exception as e: print(f"Um virus foi detectado: O {modulos} Não foi carregado pelo motivo = {e}") try: print(f"Nenhum virus foi detectado -- Bot foi carregado") except Exception as e: print(f"Um virus foi detectado: O bot não conseguiu se conectar ao discord = {e}") if __name__ == '__main__': run_modules()
def teardown(bot: commands.AutoShardedBot, ): """Remove the cog from the bot.""" bot.remove_cog(config["tbgs"]["name"])
def setup(client: commands.AutoShardedBot): client.add_cog(BenBot(client))
def setup(cls, bot: commands.AutoShardedBot): """ Sets up the current cog. """ instance = cls(bot) bot.add_cog(instance)
from dotenv import load_dotenv from slashify import Slashify from termcolor import cprint from cogs.utils import Config, Logger, Strings, Utils CONFIG = Config() STRINGS = Strings(CONFIG["default_locale"]) filepath = dirname(abspath(__file__)) cprint(STRINGS["etc"]["info"]["art"], "white") cprint("Default locale is {0}".format(CONFIG["default_locale"]), "green") bot = AutoShardedBot(command_prefix=Utils.get_prefix, help_command=None) @bot.event async def on_ready() -> NoReturn: for filename in os.listdir(filepath + "/cogs/"): if filename.endswith(".py"): bot.load_extension("cogs.{0}".format(filename[:-3])) await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Game(name="...")) bot.load_extension("jishaku") Logger.done(STRINGS["bot_log"]["logged_as"].format(bot.user))["token"])
from discord.ext.commands import AutoShardedBot as Bot import os bot = Bot(command_prefix="e;r ") bot.load_extension("cogs.reaction_role")["DISCORD_ACCESS_TOKEN"])
Informações sobre a Biblioteca gTTS """ def read_token(): with open("token.txt", "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() return lines[0].strip() token = read_token() modulos = ["cogs.comandos"] bot = AutoShardedBot(command_prefix="tts", case_insensitive=True) # bot.remove_command('help') @bot.listen("on_command_error") async def error_handler(ctx, error): error = getattr(error, 'original', error) if isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): s = error.retry_after s = round(s, 2) h, r = divmod(int(s), 3600) m, s = divmod(r, 60) return await ctx.send( f'Cooldown você precisa esperar **{str(h) + "h : " if h != 0 else ""}{str(m) + "m : " if m != 0 else ""}{str(s) + "s" if s != 0 else ""}** para usar esse comando novamente.' )
def setup(client: commands.AutoShardedBot): client.add_cog(FortniteAPIio(client))
encoding='utf-8', mode='w') handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s')) logger.addHandler(handler) def get_prefix(client, message): with open('config.json', 'r') as f: prefixes = json.load(f) return prefixes['prefix'] bot = AutoShardedBot(command_prefix=get_prefix, pm_help=True, fetch_offline_members=False) bot.remove_command('help') @bot.event async def on_ready(): print("Bot has been started") await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Activity( type=discord.ActivityType.listening, name="rr!help | Reach Radio")) with open('config.json', 'r') as f: logger = json.load(f) log = logger['logger'] for user in log: user = await bot.fetch_user(user) await user.send("Reach Radio Public Bot is now ready!")
def setup(client: commands.AutoShardedBot): client.add_cog(NiteStats(client))
def setup(bot: AutoShardedBot): bot.add_cog(Music(bot))
def setup(bot: commands.AutoShardedBot, ): """Add the cog to the bot.""" bot.add_cog(Usr(bot))