async def on_message(self, msg): if return if globals.conf.list_contains(globals.conf.keys.CHANNELS, if if '@everyone' not in msg.content and '@here' not in msg.content: member = or \ await seed = msg.clean_content.replace(f'@{member.display_name}', '') n = np.random.geometric(0.5) for text in, n): async with await asyncio.sleep(0.04 * len(text)) await if globals.conf.list_contains(globals.conf.keys.CHANNELS, if (random.random() * 1000) < globals.conf.get(globals.conf.keys.MARKOV_CHANCE): member = or \ await seed = msg.clean_content.replace(f'@{member.display_name}', '') for text in async with await asyncio.sleep(0.04 * len(text)) await msg.reply(escape_mentions(text)) if globals.conf.list_contains(globals.conf.keys.MARKOV_CHANNELS,, tag=str(
async def eval(self, ctx, *, code=None) -> None: code = code.replace('```python', '') code = code.replace('```py', '') code = code.replace('`', '') code = utils.escape_mentions(code) feedback_mes = await ctx.send('Code execution started') f'Code: {code} sent for evaluation by author: {} in guild: {}' ) output = await self._post_eval(code) stdout = output['stdout'] stdout = stdout.strip('`') stdout = utils.escape_mentions(stdout) await feedback_mes.delete() if len(stdout) > MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH: await ctx.send( f'{} Attempted output length exceeds 2000 characters, Please try again' ) return result_emoji = ':white_check_mark:' if output[ 'returncode'] == 0 else ':warning:' out = f'{} {result_emoji} Eval Completed with response code: {output["returncode"]}' if stdout: await ctx.send(f'{out}\n\n```{self._format(stdout)}```') else: await ctx.send(f'{out}\n\n```[No Output]```')
async def on_mod_logging_messages(self, payload: Union[RawMessageUpdateEvent, RawMessageDeleteEvent], message_log_type: MessageLogType): if message_log_type is MessageLogType.deleted_message: destinations = await self.get_destinations(payload.guild_id, ModLoggingType.messages) guild_tz = time_fmt = timezone(guild_tz)).strftime("%H:%M:%S") if (cached_message := payload.cached_message) is None: message = await "SELECT * FROM bot.messages WHERE guild_id = $1 AND message_id = $2", payload.guild_id, payload.message_id) if message is not None: content =['content']) content_fmt = utils.escape_mentions( utils.escape_markdown( content.decode(encoding='utf-8'))) author =['author_id']) c =['channel_id']) for channel in destinations: await channel.send( Translator.translate('MOD_LOGS_MESSAGE_DELETED', payload.guild_id, user=str(author), time=time_fmt, user_id=str( message['author_id']), content=content_fmt, channel=c.mention)) elif cached_message is not None: content_fmt = utils.escape_mentions( utils.escape_markdown(cached_message.content)) for channel in destinations: await channel.send( Translator.translate( 'MOD_LOGS_MESSAGE_DELETED',, user=str(, time=time_fmt, user_id=str(, content=content_fmt,
async def beers( self, ctx: commands.Context, members: commands.Greedy[Member], *, reason: commands.clean_content = None, ): """Invite a bunch of people to have beer""" if not members: return await ctx.send("You can't have beer with no other person!") for member in members: if return await ctx.send("Beer with bots isn't exactly a thing...") message = ( ", ".join(m.display_name for m in members) + "\nYou have been invited for beer \U0001f37b by " + + ((" Reason: " + reason) if reason else "") ) msg = await ctx.send(message) await msg.add_reaction("\U0001f37b") def check(r, m): return m in members and r.message == msg and str(r.emoji) == "\U0001f37b" while True: try: r, _ = await"reaction_add", check=check, timeout=60) except asyncio.TimeoutError: return await msg.edit( content="Ouch, looks like not everyone wants beer now..." ) else: if set( for m in await r.message.reactions[0].users().flatten() ).issuperset( for m in members): content = ( ", ".join( utils.escape_mentions(m.display_name) for m in members ) + ", " + utils.escape_mentions( + " enjoy a lovely beer together \U0001f37b" ) return await msg.edit(content=content)
async def archive_messages(bot, messages: List[Message]): # Preparing text file heading guild_timezone = bot.cache.guilds.get(messages[0] server_format = f"{messages[0]} ({messages[0]})" channel_format = f"{messages[0]} ({messages[0]})" timezone_format = f"{guild_timezone.title()}" output = f"Server: {server_format}\nChannel: {channel_format}\nLogs timezone: {timezone_format}\n\n\n" for msg in messages: # Preparing format created_at_format = msg.created_at.astimezone( timezone(guild_timezone)).strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") content_format = utils.escape_markdown( utils.escape_mentions(msg.content)) prefix = f"{created_at_format} | {} ({})" # Adding the message content to output string output += f"{prefix}: {content_format}\n" # Check if the message has any attachments if len(msg.attachments) > 0: # Add all the links from message attachments for attachment in msg.attachments: output += f"{prefix}: {attachment.proxy_url}\n" # Return BytesIO object so it can be used in discord.File bdata = io.BytesIO() bdata.write(output.encode(encoding='utf-8')) return bdata
async def prefix(self, ctx: MyContext, new_prefix: Optional[str] = None): """ Change/view the server prefix. Note that some prefixes are global and can't be edited. """ db_guild = await get_from_db(ctx.guild) _ = await ctx.get_translate_function() if new_prefix is not None: db_guild.prefix = new_prefix await if db_guild.prefix: await ctx.send( _("The server prefix is set to `{prefix}`.", prefix=escape_mentions(escape_markdown(db_guild.prefix)))) else: language_code = await ctx.get_language_code() global_prefixes =['bot']['prefixes'] global_prefixes_list = babel.lists.format_list( global_prefixes, locale=language_code) await ctx.send( _("There is no specific prefix set for this guild.") + " " + _("You can call me with any of the global prefixes : {global_prefixes_list}", global_prefixes_list=global_prefixes_list))
async def language(self, ctx: MyContext, language_code: Optional[str] = None): """ Change/view the server language. Specify the server language as a 2/5 letters code. For example, if you live in France, you'd use fr or fr_FR. In Québec, you could use fr_QC. """ db_guild = await get_from_db(ctx.guild) if language_code: db_guild.language = language_code await _ = await ctx.get_translate_function() if db_guild.language: await ctx.send( _("The server language is set to `{language}`.", language=escape_mentions(escape_markdown(db_guild.language))) ) # Do not translate await ctx.send( f"If you wish to go back to the default, english language, use `{ctx.prefix}{ctx.command.qualified_name} en`" ) else: await ctx.send( _("There is no specific language set for this guild."))
async def _basic_search(self, ctx, query: str, category: str) -> None: """Basic search formatting.""" is_nsfw = if hasattr(, "is_nsfw") else False async with ctx.typing(): try: results = await self._search_logic(query, is_nsfw, category) except SafesearchFail: await ctx.send( f":x: Sorry {}, your message contains filtered words, I've removed this message." ) return await ctx.message.delete() count = len(results) # Ignore markdown when displaying query_display = utils.escape_mentions(query) query_display = utils.escape_markdown(query_display) # Return if no results if not count: return await ctx.send(f"No results found for `{query_display}`.") # Gets the first entry's data first_title = self.tomd.handle( results[0]["title"]).rstrip("\n").strip("<>") first_url = results[0]["url"] first_desc = self.tomd.handle(results[0]["desc"]).rstrip("\n") # Builds the substring for each of the other result. other_results: List[str] = [] for result in results[1:count]: title = self.tomd.handle(result["title"]).rstrip("\n") url = result["url"] other_results.append(f"**{title}**\n{url}") other_msg = "\n\n".join(other_results).strip() # Builds message msg = textwrap.dedent( f""" [{first_title.strip("<>")}]({first_url.strip("<>")})\n {first_desc}\n {other_msg} """ ) msg = re.sub( r"(https?://(?:www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._+~#=]+\." r"[a-zA-Z0-9()]+\b[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_+.~#?&/=]*)", r"<\1>", msg, ) embed = Embed(title="Search Results", description=msg, embed.set_footer( text=f"Showing {count} results for {query_display}.") await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def color(self, ctx, embed_name: str = None, hex_color: str = None) -> None: """ Sets the color for the given saved embed. :param embed_name: The name of the embed to insert. :param hex_color: The embed color. """ embed_name = escape_mentions(embed_name) member = if not embed_name: return await ctx.send( f"**Please, inform an `embed_name` to put the values in, {member.mention}!**" ) if len(embed_name) > 30: return await ctx.send( f"**Please, inform a `embed_name` witihin 1-30 characters, {member.mention}!**" ) if not hex_color: return await ctx.send( f"**Please, inform a `hex_color` for the author field, {member.mention}!**" ) if len(hex_color) > 7: return await ctx.send( f"**Please, inform a `hex_color` witihin 1-7 characters, {member.mention}!**" ) if not await self.embed_exists(embed_name): return await ctx.send( f"**Embed `{embed_name}` doesn't exist, {member.mention}!**") confirmation = await self.reaction_confirmation(ctx, member, hex_color) if not confirmation: return mycursor, db = await the_database() await mycursor.execute( "SELECT embed_name from EmbedColor WHERE embed_name = %s", (embed_name, )) exists = await mycursor.fetchall() if exists: await mycursor.execute( "UPDATE EmbedColor SET hex_color = %s WHERE embed_name = %s", (hex_color, embed_name)) await db.commit() await mycursor.close() await ctx.send(f"**Updated `color` for {embed_name}!**") else: await mycursor.execute( "INSERT INTO EmbedColor (embed_name, hex_color) VALUES (%s, %s)", (embed_name, hex_color)) await db.commit() await mycursor.close() await ctx.send(f"**Inserted `color` for {embed_name}!**")
async def remove_member_item(self, ctx, member: discord.Member = None, *, item_name: str = None) -> None: """ (ADM) Removes an item from the member. :param member: The member to remove the item. :param item_name: The name of the item. """ item_name = escape_mentions(item_name) if not member: return await ctx.send("**Inform a member!**", delete_after=3) if not item_name: return await ctx.send("**Inform an item to remove!**", delete_after=3) user_has_item = await self.get_user_specific_item(, item_name) if len(user_has_item) != 0: await self.remove_user_item(, item_name) return await ctx.send( f"**{item_name.title()} taken from {}!**", delete_after=3) else: return await ctx.send(f"**{} doesn't have that item!**", delete_after=3)
def remove_mentions(message_content): message_content = escape_mentions(message_content) return re.sub( r'(@([A-Za-z0-9`~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:\'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]{2,32}))', "", message_content, ).strip()
async def add_member(self, ctx, member: discord.Member = None, *, item_name: str = None) -> None: """ (ADM) Gives a member an item. :param member: The member to give the item. :param item_name: The name of the item. """ item_name = escape_mentions(item_name) if not member: return await ctx.send("**Inform a member!**", delete_after=3) if not item_name: return await ctx.send("**Inform an item to add!**", delete_after=3) user_has_item = await self.get_user_specific_item(, item_name.title()) if not user_has_item: if (shop_item := await self.get_shop_item(item_name)): await self.insert_user_item(, item_name, 'unequipped', shop_item[5], str(shop_item[3]).replace('registered_items/', '')) return await ctx.send( f"**{item_name.title()} given to {}!**", delete_after=3) else: return await ctx.send( f"**This item doesn't exist, {}!**")
async def unequip(self, ctx, *, item_name: str = None) -> None: """ Unequips an item. :param item_name: The item to unequip """ item_name = escape_mentions(item_name) await ctx.message.delete() if not item_name: return await ctx.send("**Inform an item to unequip!**", delete_after=3) user_items = await self.get_user_items( for item in user_items: if item[1] == item_name.title(): if await self.check_user_can_unequip(, item_name.lower()): await self.update_user_item_info(, item_name.title(), 'unequipped') return await ctx.send( f"**{} unequipped __{item_name.title()}__!**", delete_after=3) else: return await ctx.send( f"**The item __{item_name}__ is already unequipped!**", delete_after=3) else: return await ctx.send( f"**You don't have an item named __{item_name.title()}__!**", delete_after=3)
async def pplocate(self, ctx, *, content): """Locates a players pearl""" with open('resources/pearl locations.txt', 'r') as file: locations = json.load(file) if content.lower() in locations: await[content]) else: await"**" + escape_mentions(content) + "**'s pearl could not be located")
async def _basic_search(self, ctx, query: str, category: str) -> None: """Basic search formatting.""" is_nsfw = if hasattr(, "is_nsfw") else False async with ctx.typing(): # Searches try: results = await self._search_logic(query, is_nsfw, category) except SafesearchFail: await ctx.send( f":x: Sorry {}, your message contains filtered words, I've removed this message." ) await ctx.message.delete() return count = len(results) # Ignore markdown when displaying query_display = utils.escape_mentions(query) query_display = utils.escape_markdown(query_display) # Return if no results if count == 0: await ctx.send(f"No results found for `{query_display}`.") return # Gets the first entry's data first_title = self.tomd.handle(results[0]["title"]).rstrip("\n") first_url = results[0]["url"] first_desc = self.tomd.handle(results[0]["desc"]).rstrip("\n") # Builds the substring for each of the other result. other_results: List[str] = [] for r in results[1:count]: title = self.tomd.handle(r["title"]).rstrip("\n") url = r["url"] other_results.append(f"**{title}** {url}") other_msg: str = "\n".join(other_results) # Builds message msg = (textwrap.dedent(f""" Showing **{count}** results for `{query_display}`. **{first_title}** {first_url} {first_desc} {other_msg} _Powered by HotWired._ """)) msg = re.sub( r"(https?://(?:www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._+~#=]+\." r"[a-zA-Z0-9()]+\b[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_+.~#?&/=]*)", r"<\1>", msg) await ctx.send(msg)
async def unbanusr(self, ctx, user: discord.User, reason: str = "No reason provided"): clean_user = escape_markdown( text=escape_mentions(f"{}#{user.discriminator}")) await ctx.message.guild.unban( user, reason=f"{} (Unban) - {reason}") await ctx.send(f":eyes: {str(clean_user)} has been unbanned. ")
async def snippet_raw(self, ctx, *, name: str.lower): """ View the raw content of a snippet. """ val = if val is None: embed = create_not_found_embed(name,, "Snippet") return await ctx.send(embed=embed) return await ctx.send(escape_markdown(escape_mentions(val)).replace("<", "\\<"))
async def ppfree(self, ctx, *, content): """`ppfree <playername>`""" with open('resources/pearl locations.txt', 'r') as file: locations = json.load(file) if content.lower() in locations: await"You freed **" + escape_mentions(content) + "**") del locations[content.lower()] with open('resources/pearl locations.txt', 'w') as file: json.dump(locations, file)
async def binarytotext(self, ctx, *, binary: str): binary = binary.replace(' ', '') binary = binary.replace('\n', '') bytes_list = [binary[i:i + 8] for i in range(0, len(binary), 8)] output = '' for byte in bytes_list: output += chr(int(byte, 2)) await ctx.send(escape_markdown(escape_mentions(output)))
def clean_message(message: str, modules=None): if modules is None: modules = [filter_spoiler, filter_nsfw] ret = escape_mentions(message) for module in modules: ret = module(ret) return ret
async def get_praise(self, ctx: Context, after: str = None): await ctx.send(f'Fetching all Praise from {}...') if after: dates = [int(char) for char in after.split('-')] after = datetime(dates[2], dates[1], dates[0]) else: # praise from 20 days ago from now after = - timedelta(days=20) clean_msgs = [[ "To", "From", "Reason for Dishing", "Date", "Server", "Room" ]] for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels: await sleep(5) try: await ctx.send( f"Attempting to get praise from - {}") msgs = await channel.history(after=after, limit=None).flatten() for msg in msgs: if msg.content.startswith('!praise'): for person in msg.mentions: clean_msgs.append([ + "#" + person.discriminator, + "#" +, re.sub(r'(<@).*?>', '', utils.escape_mentions( msg.content)[8:]).strip().replace( '\n', ' '), msg.created_at.strftime("%b-%d-%Y"),, ])'Adding praise for: {}') except Forbidden: await ctx.send( f"Missing perms... Skipping channel - {}") continue else: continue with open(f"praise_{}.csv", 'w') as f: try: writer = csv.writer(f)'Writing Praise...') writer.writerows(clean_msgs) except Exception as e: log.error(f"Error in writing Praise: {e}")"Praise successfully written!") await ctx.send("Praise written!") await ctx.send( f"Praise written! Here's all of the Praise since {( - after).days} days ago", file=File(f'praise_{}.csv', f'{} praise.csv'))
async def help(ctx, *, cmd: str = None): """ Shows some information about commands and categories. :param cmd: The command/category. """ if not cmd: embed = discord.Embed( title="All commands and categories", description=f"```ini\nUse {client.command_prefix}help command or {client.command_prefix}help category to know more about a specific command or category\n\n[Examples]\n[1] Category: {client.command_prefix}help SlothCurrency\n[2] Command : {client.command_prefix}help rep```", timestamp=ctx.message.created_at, ) for cog in client.cogs: cog = client.get_cog(cog) cog_commands = [c for c in cog.__cog_commands__ if hasattr(c, 'parent') and c.parent is None] commands = [f"{client.command_prefix}{}" for c in cog_commands if not c.hidden] if commands: embed.add_field( name=f"__{cog.qualified_name}__", value=f"`Commands:` {', '.join(commands)}", inline=False ) cmds = [] for y in client.walk_commands(): if not y.cog_name and not y.hidden: cmds.append(f"{client.command_prefix}{}") embed.add_field( name='__Uncategorized Commands__', value=f"`Commands:` {', '.join(cmds)}", inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: cmd = escape_mentions(cmd) if command := client.get_command(cmd.lower()): command_embed = discord.Embed(title=f"__Command:__ {client.command_prefix}{command.qualified_name}", description=f"__**Description:**__\n```{}```",, timestamp=ctx.message.created_at) return await ctx.send(embed=command_embed) # Checks if it's a cog for cog in client.cogs: if str(cog).lower() == str(cmd).lower(): cog = client.get_cog(cog) cog_embed = discord.Embed(title=f"__Cog:__ {cog.qualified_name}", description=f"__**Description:**__\n```{cog.description}```",, timestamp=ctx.message.created_at) cog_commands = [c for c in cog.__cog_commands__ if hasattr(c, 'parent') and c.parent is None] for c in cog_commands: if not c.hidden: cog_embed.add_field(name=c.qualified_name,, inline=False) return await ctx.send(embed=cog_embed) # Otherwise, it's an invalid parameter (Not found) else: await ctx.send(f"**Invalid parameter! It is neither a command nor a cog!**")
async def snippet(self, ctx, *, name: str.lower = None): """ Create pre-defined messages for use in threads. When `{prefix}snippet` is used by itself, this will retrieve a list of snippets that are currently set. `{prefix}snippet-name` will show what the snippet point to. To create a snippet: - `{prefix}snippet add snippet-name A pre-defined text.` You can use your snippet in a thread channel with `{prefix}snippet-name`, the message "A pre-defined text." will be sent to the recipient. Currently, there is not a built-in anonymous snippet command; however, a workaround is available using `{prefix}alias`. Here is how: - `{prefix}alias add snippet-name anonreply A pre-defined anonymous text.` See also `{prefix}alias`. """ if name is not None: val = if val is None: embed = create_not_found_embed( name,, "Snippet" ) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) return await ctx.send(escape_mentions(val)) if not embed = discord.Embed(, description="You dont have any snippets at the moment.", ) embed.set_footer( text=f"Do {}help snippet for more commands." ) embed.set_author(name="Snippets", icon_url=ctx.guild.icon_url) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) embeds = [] for i, names in enumerate( zip_longest(*(iter(sorted(,) * 15) ): description = format_description(i, names) embed = discord.Embed(, description=description) embed.set_author(name="Snippets", icon_url=ctx.guild.icon_url) embeds.append(embed) session = EmbedPaginatorSession(ctx, *embeds) await
async def pickle(self, ctx, content): """Pickles a player with a food related adjective""" with open('resources/TextMeme/Food adjectives.txt') as f: lines = adjs = [] for a in lines: if a[0].casefold() == content[0].casefold(): adjs.append(a) if content.casefold() == "pirater": adjs = ["pickled"] if len(adjs) > 0: await + " " + escape_mentions(content))
def _clean( bot: TravusBotBase, guild: Optional[discord.Guild], text: str, escape_markdown: bool = True, replace_backticks: bool = False, ) -> str: """Underlying function used by clean and clean_no_ctx functions.""" transformations: dict[str, str] = {} def resolve_member(_id): """Resolves user mentions.""" member = bot.get_user(_id) return "@" + if member else "@deleted-user" transformations.update( (f"<@{member_id}>", resolve_member(member_id)) for member_id in [int(x) for x in findall(r"<@!?(\d+)>", text)]) transformations.update( (f"<@!{member_id}>", resolve_member(member_id)) for member_id in [int(x) for x in findall(r"<@!?(\d+)>", text)]) if guild: def resolve_channel(_id): """Resolves channel mentions.""" ch = guild.get_channel(_id) return f"<#{_id}>", ("#" + if ch else "#deleted-channel") def resolve_role(_id): """Resolves role mentions.""" role = guild.get_role(_id) return "@" + if role else "@deleted-role" transformations.update( resolve_channel(channel) for channel in [int(x) for x in findall(r"<#(\d+)>", text)]) transformations.update( (f"<@&{role_id}>", resolve_role(role_id)) for role_id in [int(x) for x in findall(r"<@&(\d+)>", text)]) def repl(obj): """Function used in regex substitution.""" return transformations.get(, "") pattern = re_cmp("|".join(transformations.keys())) result = pattern.sub(repl, text) if escape_markdown: result = utils.escape_markdown(result) if replace_backticks: result = result.replace("`", "ˋ") return utils.escape_mentions(result)
async def execute(self, args, msg): if len(msg.mentions) != 1: raise Exception('Mention a user with this command.') elif msg.mentions[0].bot: raise Exception('Cannot imitate bot users.') for n in range(np.random.geometric(0.5)): text =[0].id)) if text is None: await msg.reply(f'I don\' know {msg.mentions[0].display_name} well enough.') return async with await asyncio.sleep(0.04 * len(text)) await
async def echo(_cmd, pld): """ :param _cmd: The command object referenced in the command. :type _cmd: sigma.core.mechanics.command.SigmaCommand :param pld: The payload with execution data and details. :type pld: sigma.core.mechanics.payload.CommandPayload """ if pld.args: content = f'👄 {" ".join(pld.args)[:1995]}' await else: no_args = GenericResponse('Nothing inputted.').error() await
async def loop(self, vote_msg, edit_msg, date): votes = await self.find_emotes(vote_msg) while True: if date < break timeout = (date - pending_tasks = ["raw_reaction_add"),"raw_reaction_remove"), ] done_tasks, pending_tasks = await asyncio.wait( pending_tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED, timeout=timeout) for task in done_tasks: raw_reaction = await task await self.check_reactions(raw_reaction, vote_msg, votes, edit_msg, date) if vote_msg not in vote_msg = await for reaction in vote_msg.reactions: for option in votes: if reaction.emoji == option["emote"]: option["num_votes"] = reaction.count lines = vote_msg.content.split("\n") content = text.fill("vote", "ended","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) content += lines[0] + "\n" votes = sorted(votes, key=lambda i: (i["num_votes"]), reverse=True) for option in votes: content += text.fill( "vote", "option", option=option["option"], num=option["num_votes"] - 1, ) content = escape_mentions(escape_markdown(content)) await repository.del_vote(, return
async def plot(self, ctx, xmin: Optional[float] = -10, xmax: Optional[float] = 10, *, inp: str): """ !plot from_range to_range equation1; equation2; equation3; ... example: !plot -10 10 x^2; x^3; x^4 """ # Escape mentions and markdown equations = escape_mentions(escape_markdown(inp)).split(";") fig = plt.figure(dpi=300) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) if xmin < 0 < xmax: ax.spines["left"].set_position("zero") # Eliminate upper and right axes ax.spines["right"].set_color("none") ax.spines["top"].set_color("none") # Show ticks in the left and lower axes only ax.xaxis.set_tick_params("bottom", direction="inout") ax.yaxis.set_tick_params("left", direction="inout") successful_eq = 0 msg = "Couldn't plot these functions:" numpy.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore") for eq in equations: try: func = self.string2func(eq) x = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, 1000) plt.plot(x, func(x)) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) successful_eq += 1 except Exception as e: msg += "\n" + eq + " - " + str(e) if msg != "Couldn't plot these functions:": await ctx.send(msg) if successful_eq > 0: plt.savefig("assets/plot.png", bbox_inches="tight", dpi=100) plt.clf() await ctx.send(file=discord.File("assets/plot.png")) os.remove("assets/plot.png")
async def rick(self, ctx: MyContext, value: Optional[int] = 0): """ Changes/views the rick roll response """ db_guild = await get_from_db(ctx.guild) if value != 0: db_guild.rickpref = int(value) await _ = await ctx.get_translate_function() if db_guild.rickpref: await ctx.send(_('The server Rick-Roll preference is `{value}`', value=escape_mentions(escape_markdown(str(db_guild.rickpref))))) else: await ctx.send(_('There is no specific preference set for this guild.'))