예제 #1
def SetIntents(IntObj: discord.Intents, IntL):
    for intent in IntL:
        if intent == "guilds":
            IntObj.guilds = True
        elif intent == "members":
            IntObj.members = True
        elif intent == "bans":
            IntObj.bans = True
        elif intent == "emojis":
            IntObj.emojis = True
        elif intent == "integrations":
            IntObj.integrations = True
        elif intent == "webhooks":
            IntObj.webhooks = True
        elif intent == "invites":
            IntObj.invites = True
        elif intent == "voice_states":
            IntObj.voice_states = True
        elif intent == "presences":
            IntObj.presences = True
        elif intent == "messages":
            IntObj.messages = True
        elif intent == "guild_messages":
            IntObj.guild_messages = True
        elif intent == "dm_messages":
            IntObj.dm_messages = True
        elif intent == "reactions":
            IntObj.reactions = True
        elif intent == "guild_reactions":
            IntObj.guild_reactions = True
        elif intent == "dm_reactions":
            IntObj.dm_reactions = True
        elif intent == "typing":
            IntObj.typing = True
        elif intent == "guild_typing":
            IntObj.guild_typing = True
        elif intent == "dm_typing":
            IntObj.dm_typing = True
    return IntObj
예제 #2
from discord import Member, Guild, Message, Intents
from discord.ext.commands import Context, Bot, DefaultHelpCommand

from .core.bunk_user import BunkUser
from .core.cog_loader import get_cogs
from .core.event_hook import EventHook
from .core.functions import simple_string

INTENTS = Intents().default()
INTENTS.members = True
INTENTS.presences = True

The bunkest bot - type '!help' for my commands, or say my name to chat with me. 
Type '!help [command] for more info on a command (i.e. !help color)\n

class BunkBot(Bot):
    Main extended bot from discord.py which 
    is the primary loaded instance from main.py

    The primary use for this bot is essentially an event
    emitter to the services which use this instance

    on_initialized: EventHook