def btn_edit(): message_content = self.ui.send_content_ph.toPlainText() message_file = self.ui.send_attachment_ph.text() embed_title = self.ui.send_title_ph.text() embed_url = self.ui.send_url_ph.text() embed_author = self.ui.send_author_ph.text() embed_author_icon = self.ui.send_author_icon_ph.text() embed_author_url = self.ui.send_author_url_ph.text() embed_image = self.ui.send_image_ph.text() embed_thumbnail = self.ui.send_thumbnail_ph.text() embed_footer = self.ui.send_footer_ph.text() embed_footer_icon = self.ui.send_footer_icon_ph.text() embed_timestamp = self.ui.send_timestamp_cb.isChecked() embed_color = self.ui.send_color_ph.text() if embed_color != "": e_color = int(embed_color, 16) else: e_color = 000000 embed_desc = self.ui.send_desc_ph.toPlainText() wh_u = self.ui.wh_url_ph.text() wh_n = self.ui.wh_un_ph.text() wh_a = self.ui.wh_avatar_ph.text() webhook = DiscordWebhook(url=wh_u, username=wh_n, avatar_url=wh_a, content=message_content) embed = DiscordEmbed(title=embed_title, description=embed_desc, color=e_color, url=embed_url) embed.set_author(name=embed_author, url=embed_author_url, icon_url=embed_author_icon) embed.set_image(url=embed_image) embed.set_thumbnail(url=embed_thumbnail) embed.set_footer(text=embed_footer, icon_url=embed_footer_icon) if embed_timestamp == True: embed.set_timestamp() if embed_title != "" or embed_url != "" or embed_author != "" or embed_author_icon != "" or embed_author_url != "" or embed_image != "" or embed_thumbnail != "" or embed_footer != "" or embed_footer_icon != "" or embed_timestamp == True or embed_color != "" or embed_desc != "": webhook.add_embed(embed) if message_file != "": with open(message_file, "rb") as f: webhook.add_file(, filename=attachment_file_name) global sent_webhook webhook.edit(sent_webhook)
def edit_weebhook(): webhook = DiscordWebhook(url='your webhook url', content='Webhook content before edit') sent_webhook = webhook.execute() webhook.content = 'After Edit' sleep(10) sent_webhook = webhook.edit(sent_webhook)
def main(): """Do the main lifting!""" # Configuration and config stuff args = get_args() if args.config == 'resources/discordnotify.yml': config_file = dirname(realpath(__file__)) + \ '/resources/discordnotify.yml' config = get_config(config_file) hook_name, hook, user = check_config(args, config)"Executing job: {}".format(bcolors.bold_format(args.command)), strong=True) #Create main webhook for proc completion wh = DiscordWebhook(url=hook, \ content="You've just started a job. Brace for updates...",\ username=user['username']) embed = DiscordEmbed(title="Process running",\ description="Full command line: {}".format(args.command), color=242424) if user['image']: embed.set_author(name="Job: {}".format(args.command.split(' ')[0]), icon_url=user['image']) else: embed.set_author(name="Job: {}".format(args.command.split(' ')[0])) embed.set_footer( text="Sent with DiscordNotify by @blackf3ll - [email protected]") wh.add_embed(embed) sent_wh = wh.execute() #Pre-ampble and process start t1 = time() t2 = time() worker = False start_time = ctime() #Human friendly :) output = '' p = subprocess.Popen( args.command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,\ shell=True , encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') # Manage beat updates if args.beat: worker = True embed.add_embed_field(name="Job ongoing", value="No updates yet...", inline=False) stdout_q = multiprocessing.Queue() stdout_worker = multiprocessing.Process(target=stdout_reader, args=(p, stdout_q)) stdout_worker.start() while p.poll() == None: try: while not stdout_q.empty(): output += stdout_q.get() t3 = time() if round(t3 - t2) >= args.beat: t2 = int(t3) # update embed summary data with stdout summary and time info embed.fields[0]['value'] = \ "Started: {} Elapsed : {}s Output summary:\n{}".format( start_time, round(t3-t1),trim_output( output, config['instance_info']['max_embed_lines'])) wh.edit(sent_wh) # and send it except Exception as e: bcolors.err("Error sending update:\n{}".format(e)) # Mop up any un-read stdout and print to console output += #.decode() duration = round(time() - t1) print(output) #Configure final report & embed in webhook was_error = "with errors" if p.returncode != 0 else "without errors" embed.add_embed_field(name="Process Complete", value="Completed {} \ (exit code {}) in {} Seconds".format(was_error, p.returncode, duration), inline=False) if output: out_summary = trim_output(output, config['instance_info']['max_embed_lines']) else: out_summary = "No data on STDOUT or STDERR." embed.add_embed_field(name="Stdout Summary", value=out_summary, inline=False) # Add any requested image - TODO - fix this so it works - add to file attachment? if args.image: embed.set_thumbnail(url='attachment://{}'.format(args.image)) # Now send try: wh.edit(sent_wh) except Exception as e: bcolors.err("Failed to send update to Discord:\n{}".format(e)) # Send any file on afterwards, to avoid conflictings file space/embed requirements if args.file: # Use a fresh webhook to avoid API limits and issues with large embeds filewh = DiscordWebhook(url=hook, \ content="Here's the associated file for your job: {}.".format( args.command), username=user['username']) try: with open(args.file, "rb") as f: filewh.add_file(, filename=args.file) filewh.execute() except Exception as e: bcolors.err("Couldn't attach file : {} :\n{}".format(args.file, e)) # Worker process cleanup if worker: stdout_worker.terminate() stdout_worker.join(5)