def plot_disc_policy():
    #First compute policy function...==========================================
    N = 500
    w = sp.linspace(0,100,N)
    w = w.reshape(N,1)
    u = lambda c: sp.sqrt(c)
    util_vec = u(w)
    alpha = 0.5
    alpha_util = u(alpha*w)
    alpha_util_grid = sp.repeat(alpha_util,N,1)
    m = 20
    v = 200
    f = discretelognorm(w,m,v)
    VEprime = sp.zeros((N,1))
    VUprime    = sp.zeros((N,N))
    EVUprime = sp.zeros((N,1))
    psiprime = sp.ones((N,1))
    gamma = 0.1
    beta = 0.9
    m = 15
    tol = 10**-9
    delta = 1+tol
    it = 0
    while (delta >= tol):
        it += 1
        psi = psiprime.copy()
        arg1 = sp.repeat(sp.transpose(VEprime),N,0)
        arg2 = sp.repeat(EVUprime,N,1)
        arg = sp.array([arg2,arg1])
        psiprime = sp.argmax(arg,axis = 0) 
        for j in sp.arange(0,m):
            VE = VEprime.copy()
            VU = VUprime.copy()
            EVU = EVUprime.copy()
            VEprime = util_vec + beta*((1-gamma)*VE + gamma*EVU)
            arg1 = sp.repeat(sp.transpose(VE),N,0)*psiprime
            arg2 = sp.repeat(EVU,N,1)*(1-psiprime)
            arg = arg1+arg2
            VUprime = alpha_util_grid + beta*arg
            EVUprime =,f)  
        delta = sp.linalg.norm(psiprime -psi) 

    wr_ind = sp.argmax(sp.diff(psiprime), axis = 1)
    wr = w[wr_ind]
    print w[250],wr[250]
    #Then plot=================================================================
예제 #2
def disc_policy():
    #First compute policy function...==========================================
    N = 500
    w = sp.linspace(0, 100, N)
    w = w.reshape(N, 1)
    u = lambda c: sp.sqrt(c)
    util_vec = u(w)
    alpha = 0.5
    alpha_util = u(alpha * w)
    alpha_util_grid = sp.repeat(alpha_util, N, 1)

    m = 20
    v = 200
    f = discretelognorm(w, m, v)

    VEprime = sp.zeros((N, 1))
    VUprime = sp.zeros((N, N))
    EVUprime = sp.zeros((N, 1))
    psiprime = sp.ones((N, 1))
    gamma = 0.1
    beta = 0.9

    m = 15
    tol = 10**-9
    delta = 1 + tol
    it = 0
    while (delta >= tol):
        it += 1

        psi = psiprime.copy()
        arg1 = sp.repeat(sp.transpose(VEprime), N, 0)
        arg2 = sp.repeat(EVUprime, N, 1)
        arg = sp.array([arg2, arg1])
        psiprime = sp.argmax(arg, axis=0)

        for j in sp.arange(0, m):
            VE = VEprime.copy()
            VU = VUprime.copy()
            EVU = EVUprime.copy()
            VEprime = util_vec + beta * ((1 - gamma) * VE + gamma * EVU)
            arg1 = sp.repeat(sp.transpose(VE), N, 0) * psiprime
            arg2 = sp.repeat(EVU, N, 1) * (1 - psiprime)
            arg = arg1 + arg2
            VUprime = alpha_util_grid + beta * arg
            EVUprime =, f)

        delta = sp.linalg.norm(psiprime - psi)

    wr_ind = sp.argmax(sp.diff(psiprime), axis=1)
    wr = w[wr_ind]
    print w[250], wr[250]

    #Then plot=================================================================
    plt.plot(w, psiprime[250, :])
    plt.ylim([-.5, 1.5])
    plt.yticks([0, 1])
예제 #3
def reservation_wage():
    m = 20
    v = 200
    N = 500
    Wmax = 100
    Wmin = 0
    gamma = .10
    alpha = .5
    beta = .9
    e_params = (m, v)

    u = lambda c: np.sqrt(c)
    w = np.linspace(Wmin, Wmax, N)
    uaw = u(alpha * w).reshape((N, 1))
    uw = u(w)
    f = discretelognorm(w, *e_params)

    VE = np.zeros(N)
    EVU = np.zeros(N)
    VU = np.zeros((N, N))
    MVE = np.empty((N, N))  #tiled version of VE
    MEVU = np.empty((N, N))  #tiled version of EVU

    delta = 1.
    i = 0
    while delta >= 1e-9:
        i += 1

        #update tiled value functions
        MVE[:, :] = VE.reshape((1, N))
        MEVU[:, :] = EVU.reshape((N, 1))

        #calculate new value functions
        VU1 = uaw + beta * np.max(np.dstack([MEVU, MVE]), axis=2)
        VE1 = uw + beta * ((1 - gamma) * VE + gamma * EVU)

        #test for convergence
        d1 = ((VE1 - VE)**2).sum()
        d2 = ((VU1 - VU)**2).sum()
        delta = max(d1, d2)

        VU = VU1
        VE = VE1
        EVU =, f).ravel()

    #calculate policy function
    PSI = np.argmax(np.dstack([MEVU, MVE]), axis=2)

    #calculate and plot reservation wage function
    wr_ind = np.argmax(np.diff(PSI), axis=1)
    wr = w[wr_ind]
    plt.plot(w, wr)
예제 #4
파일: 프로젝트: davidreber/Labs
def reservation_wage():
    m = 20
    v = 200
    N = 500
    Wmax = 100
    Wmin = 0
    gamma = .10
    alpha = .5
    beta = .9
    e_params = (m, v)
    u = lambda c: np.sqrt(c)
    w = np.linspace(Wmin, Wmax, N)
    uaw = u(alpha*w).reshape((N,1))
    uw = u(w)
    f = discretelognorm(w, *e_params)
    VE = np.zeros(N)
    EVU = np.zeros(N)
    VU = np.zeros((N,N))
    MVE = np.empty((N,N)) #tiled version of VE
    MEVU = np.empty((N,N)) #tiled version of EVU
    delta = 1.
    i = 0
    while delta >= 1e-9:
        #update tiled value functions
        MVE[:,:] = VE.reshape((1,N))
        MEVU[:,:] = EVU.reshape((N,1))
        #calculate new value functions
        VU1 = uaw + beta*np.max(np.dstack([MEVU, MVE]), axis=2)
        VE1 = uw + beta*((1-gamma)*VE + gamma*EVU)
        #test for convergence
        d1 = ((VE1-VE)**2).sum()
        d2 = ((VU1-VU)**2).sum()
        delta = max(d1,d2)
        VU = VU1
        VE = VE1
        EVU =,f).ravel()
    #calculate policy function
    PSI = np.argmax(np.dstack([MEVU,MVE]), axis=2)
    #calculate and plot reservation wage function
    wr_ind = np.argmax(np.diff(PSI), axis = 1)
    wr = w[wr_ind]
예제 #5
def Problem6Real():
    N = 500
    w = sp.linspace(0,100,N)
    w = w.reshape(N,1)
    u = lambda c: sp.sqrt(c)
    util_vec = u(w)
    alpha = 0.5
    alpha_util = u(alpha*w)
    alpha_util_grid = sp.repeat(alpha_util,N,1)
    m = 20
    v = 200
    f = discretelognorm(w,m,v)
    VEprime = sp.zeros((N,1))
    VUprime    = sp.zeros((N,N))
    EVUprime = sp.zeros((N,1))
    psiprime = sp.ones((N,1))
    gamma = 0.1
    beta = 0.9
    m = 15
    tol = 10**-9
    delta = 1+tol
    it = 0
    while (delta >= tol):
        it += 1
        psi = psiprime.copy()
        arg1 = sp.repeat(sp.transpose(VEprime),N,0)
        arg2 = sp.repeat(EVUprime,N,1)
        arg = sp.array([arg2,arg1])
        psiprime = sp.argmax(arg,axis = 0)    
        for j in sp.arange(0,m):
            VE = VEprime.copy()
            VU = VUprime.copy()
            EVU = EVUprime.copy()
            VEprime = util_vec + beta*((1-gamma)*VE + gamma*EVU)
            arg1 = sp.repeat(sp.transpose(VE),N,0)*psiprime
            arg2 = sp.repeat(EVU,N,1)*(1-psiprime)
            arg = arg1+arg2
            VUprime = alpha_util_grid + beta*arg
            EVUprime =,f)  
        delta = sp.linalg.norm(psiprime -psi)
    wr_ind = sp.argmax(sp.diff(psiprime), axis = 1)
    wr = w[wr_ind]
    return wr
def jobSearchVI(Wmin, Wmax, N, e_params, alpha, beta, gamma):
    Solve the job search problem.
    VE denotes the employed value function.
    VU denotes the unemployed value function.
    EVU denotes E_{w''}V^U(w,w'').
    PSI denotes the policy function.
    Label employed with 0, unemployed with 1.
    u   = lambda c: np.sqrt(c)
    w   = np.linspace(Wmin, Wmax, N)
    uaw = u(alpha*w).reshape((N,1))
    uw  = u(w)
    f   = discretelognorm(w, *e_params)
    VE   = np.zeros(N)
    EVU  = np.zeros(N)
    VU   = np.zeros((N,N))
    MVE  = np.empty((N,N)) #tiled version of VE
    MEVU = np.empty((N,N)) #tiled version of EVU
    delta = 1.
    i = 0
    while delta >= 1e-9:
        #update tiled value functions
        MVE[:,:] = VE.reshape((1,N))
        MEVU[:,:] = EVU.reshape((N,1))
        #calculate new value functions
        VU1 = uaw + beta*np.max(np.dstack([MEVU, MVE]), axis=2)
        VE1 = uw + beta*((1-gamma)*VE + gamma*EVU)
        #test for convergence
        d1 = math.sqrt(((VE1-VE)**2).sum())
        d2 = math.sqrt(((VU1-VU)**2).sum())
        delta = max(d1,d2)
        VU = VU1
        VE = VE1
        EVU =,f).ravel()
    #calculate policy function
    PSI = np.argmax(np.dstack([MEVU,MVE]), axis=2)
    #calculate and plot reservation wage function
    wr_ind = np.argmax(np.diff(PSI), axis = 1)
    wr = w[wr_ind]
    print "Number of iterations:", i
    return VE, VU, PSI
def jobSearchVI(Wmin, Wmax, N, e_params, alpha, beta, gamma):
    Solve the job search problem.
    VE denotes the employed value function.
    VU denotes the unemployed value function.
    EVU denotes E_{w''}V^U(w,w'').
    PSI denotes the policy function.
    Label employed with 0, unemployed with 1.
    u = lambda c: np.sqrt(c)
    w = np.linspace(Wmin, Wmax, N)
    uaw = u(alpha * w).reshape((N, 1))
    uw = u(w)
    f = discretelognorm(w, *e_params)

    VE = np.zeros(N)
    EVU = np.zeros(N)
    VU = np.zeros((N, N))
    MVE = np.empty((N, N))  #tiled version of VE
    MEVU = np.empty((N, N))  #tiled version of EVU

    delta = 1.
    i = 0
    while delta >= 1e-9:
        i += 1

        #update tiled value functions
        MVE[:, :] = VE.reshape((1, N))
        MEVU[:, :] = EVU.reshape((N, 1))

        #calculate new value functions
        VU1 = uaw + beta * np.max(np.dstack([MEVU, MVE]), axis=2)
        VE1 = uw + beta * ((1 - gamma) * VE + gamma * EVU)

        #test for convergence
        d1 = math.sqrt(((VE1 - VE)**2).sum())
        d2 = math.sqrt(((VU1 - VU)**2).sum())
        delta = max(d1, d2)

        VU = VU1
        VE = VE1
        EVU =, f).ravel()

    #calculate policy function
    PSI = np.argmax(np.dstack([MEVU, MVE]), axis=2)

    #calculate and plot reservation wage function
    wr_ind = np.argmax(np.diff(PSI), axis=1)
    wr = w[wr_ind]
    plt.plot(w, wr)
    print "Number of iterations:", i
    return VE, VU, PSI
def jobSearchMPI(Wmin, Wmax, N, e_params, alpha, beta, gamma):
    Solve Job search problem using modified policy function iteration.
    # initialize data
    u = lambda c: np.sqrt(c)
    w = np.linspace(Wmin, Wmax, N)
    uaw = u(alpha*w).reshape((N,1))
    uw = u(w)
    f = discretelognorm(w, *e_params)
    VE = np.zeros(N)
    EVU = np.zeros(N)
    VU = np.zeros((N,N))
    PSI = 2*np.ones((N,N)) #initialize policy function
    MVE = np.empty((N,N))
    MEVU = np.empty((N,N))
    delta = 10.
    it = 0
    while delta >= 1e-9:
        it += 1
        #calculate new policy function
        PSI1 = np.argmax(np.dstack([MEVU,MVE]), axis=2)
        #iterate on the value functions
        for i in xrange(15):
            MVE[:,:] = VE.reshape((1,N))
            MEVU[:,:] = EVU.reshape((N,1))
            VU = uaw + beta*(MVE*PSI1+MEVU*(1-PSI1))
            VE = uw + beta*((1-gamma)*VE + gamma*EVU)
            EVU =,f).ravel()
        #test for convergence
        delta = math.sqrt(np.abs((PSI1-PSI)).sum())
        PSI = PSI1
    #calculate and plot reservation wage function
    wr_ind = np.argmax(np.diff(PSI), axis = 1)
    wr = w[wr_ind]
    print "Number of iterations:", it
    return PSI
def jobSearchMPI(Wmin, Wmax, N, e_params, alpha, beta, gamma):
    Solve Job search problem using modified policy function iteration.
    # initialize data
    u = lambda c: np.sqrt(c)
    w = np.linspace(Wmin, Wmax, N)
    uaw = u(alpha * w).reshape((N, 1))
    uw = u(w)
    f = discretelognorm(w, *e_params)

    VE = np.zeros(N)
    EVU = np.zeros(N)
    VU = np.zeros((N, N))
    PSI = 2 * np.ones((N, N))  #initialize policy function
    MVE = np.empty((N, N))
    MEVU = np.empty((N, N))

    delta = 10.
    it = 0
    while delta >= 1e-9:
        it += 1

        #calculate new policy function
        PSI1 = np.argmax(np.dstack([MEVU, MVE]), axis=2)

        #iterate on the value functions
        for i in xrange(15):
            MVE[:, :] = VE.reshape((1, N))
            MEVU[:, :] = EVU.reshape((N, 1))
            VU = uaw + beta * (MVE * PSI1 + MEVU * (1 - PSI1))
            VE = uw + beta * ((1 - gamma) * VE + gamma * EVU)
            EVU =, f).ravel()

        #test for convergence
        delta = math.sqrt(np.abs((PSI1 - PSI)).sum())

        PSI = PSI1

    #calculate and plot reservation wage function
    wr_ind = np.argmax(np.diff(PSI), axis=1)
    wr = w[wr_ind]
    plt.plot(w, wr)
    print "Number of iterations:", it
    return PSI
예제 #10
def Problem5Real():
    N = 500
    w = sp.linspace(0,100,N)
    w = w.reshape(N,1)
    u = lambda c: sp.sqrt(c)
    util_vec = u(w)
    alpha = 0.5
    alpha_util = u(alpha*w)
    alpha_util_grid = sp.repeat(alpha_util,N,1)
    m = 20
    v = 200
    f = discretelognorm(w,m,v)
    VEprime = sp.zeros((N,1))
    VUprime    = sp.zeros((N,N))
    EVUprime = sp.zeros((N,1))
    gamma = 0.1
    beta = 0.9
    tol = 10**-9
    delta1 = 1+tol
    delta2 = 1+tol
    it = 0
    while ((delta1 >= tol) or (delta2 >= tol)):
        it += 1
        VE = VEprime.copy()
        VU = VUprime.copy()
        EVU = EVUprime.copy()
        VEprime = util_vec + beta*((1-gamma)*VE + gamma*EVU)
        arg1 = sp.repeat(sp.transpose(VE),N,0)
        arg2 = sp.repeat(EVU,N,1)
        arg = sp.array([arg2,arg1])
        VUprime = alpha_util_grid + beta*sp.amax(arg,axis = 0)
        psi = sp.argmax(arg,axis = 0)
        EVUprime =,f)
        delta1 = sp.linalg.norm(VEprime - VE)
        delta2 = sp.linalg.norm(VUprime - VU)
    wr_ind = sp.argmax(sp.diff(psi), axis = 1)
    wr = w[wr_ind]
    return wr
예제 #11

#Problem 2 Solution============================================================
N = 500
w = sp.linspace(0,100,N)
w = w.reshape(N,1)
u = lambda c: sp.sqrt(c)
util_vec = u(w)
alpha = 0.5
alpha_util = u(alpha*w)
alpha_util_grid = sp.repeat(alpha_util,N,1)

m = 20
v = 200
f = discretelognorm(w,m,v)

VEprime = sp.zeros((N,1))
VUprime    = sp.zeros((N,N))
EVUprime = sp.zeros((N,1))
psiprime = sp.ones((N,1))
gamma = 0.1
beta = 0.9

m = 15
tol = 10**-9
delta = 1+tol
it = 0
while (delta >= tol):
    it += 1