예제 #1
 def genMesh(self, h=0.0, cs=3.0, ncx=15, ncz=30, npad=20):
         Generate cylindrically symmetric mesh
     # TODO: Make it adaptive due to z location
     hx = [(cs, ncx), (cs, npad, 1.3)]
     hz = [(cs, npad, -1.3), (cs, ncz), (cs, npad, 1.3)]
     self.mesh = CylMesh([hx, 1, hz], "00C")
예제 #2
def make_example_mesh():

    ncr = 20  # number of mesh cells in r
    ncz = 20  # number of mesh cells in z
    dh = 5.  # cell width

    hr = [(dh, ncr), (dh, 5, 1.3)]
    hz = [(dh, 5, -1.3), (dh, ncz), (dh, 5, 1.3)]

    # Use flag of 1 to denote perfect rotational symmetry
    mesh = CylMesh([hr, 1, hz], '0CC')

    return mesh
예제 #3
파일: Tests.py 프로젝트: yangli0009/simpeg
    def setupMesh(self, nc):
        For a given number of cells nc, generate a TensorMesh with uniform cells with edge length h=1/nc.
        if 'TensorMesh' in self._meshType:
            if 'uniform' in self._meshType:
                h = [nc, nc, nc]
            elif 'random' in self._meshType:
                h1 = np.random.rand(nc) * nc * 0.5 + nc * 0.5
                h2 = np.random.rand(nc) * nc * 0.5 + nc * 0.5
                h3 = np.random.rand(nc) * nc * 0.5 + nc * 0.5
                h = [hi / np.sum(hi) for hi in [h1, h2, h3]]  # normalize
                raise Exception('Unexpected meshType')

            self.M = TensorMesh(h[:self.meshDimension])
            max_h = max([np.max(hi) for hi in self.M.h])
            return max_h

        elif 'CylMesh' in self._meshType:
            if 'uniform' in self._meshType:
                h = [nc, nc, nc]
                raise Exception('Unexpected meshType')

            if self.meshDimension == 2:
                self.M = CylMesh([h[0], 1, h[2]])
                max_h = max([np.max(hi) for hi in [self.M.hx, self.M.hz]])
            elif self.meshDimension == 3:
                self.M = CylMesh(h)
                max_h = max([np.max(hi) for hi in self.M.h])
            return max_h

        elif 'Curv' in self._meshType:
            if 'uniform' in self._meshType:
                kwrd = 'rect'
            elif 'rotate' in self._meshType:
                kwrd = 'rotate'
                raise Exception('Unexpected meshType')
            if self.meshDimension == 1:
                raise Exception('Lom not supported for 1D')
            elif self.meshDimension == 2:
                X, Y = Utils.exampleLrmGrid([nc, nc], kwrd)
                self.M = CurvilinearMesh([X, Y])
            elif self.meshDimension == 3:
                X, Y, Z = Utils.exampleLrmGrid([nc, nc, nc], kwrd)
                self.M = CurvilinearMesh([X, Y, Z])
            return 1. / nc

        elif 'Tree' in self._meshType:
            nc *= 2
            if 'uniform' in self._meshType or 'notatree' in self._meshType:
                h = [nc, nc, nc]
            elif 'random' in self._meshType:
                h1 = np.random.rand(nc) * nc * 0.5 + nc * 0.5
                h2 = np.random.rand(nc) * nc * 0.5 + nc * 0.5
                h3 = np.random.rand(nc) * nc * 0.5 + nc * 0.5
                h = [hi / np.sum(hi) for hi in [h1, h2, h3]]  # normalize
                raise Exception('Unexpected meshType')

            levels = int(np.log(nc) / np.log(2))
            self.M = Tree(h[:self.meshDimension], levels=levels)

            def function(cell):
                if 'notatree' in self._meshType:
                    return levels - 1
                r = cell.center - np.array([0.5] * len(cell.center))
                dist = np.sqrt(r.dot(r))
                if dist < 0.2:
                    return levels
                return levels - 1

            self.M.refine(function, balance=False)
            # self.M.plotGrid(showIt=True)
            max_h = max([np.max(hi) for hi in self.M.h])
            return max_h
예제 #4

tdem_survey = tdem.Survey(tdem_source_list)

# Define cylindrical mesh
hr = [(10.0, 50), (10.0, 10, 1.5)]
hz = [(10.0, 10, -1.5), (10.0, 100), (10.0, 10, 1.5)]
mesh = CylMesh([hr, 1, hz], x0="00C")

# Define model
air_conductivity = 1e-8
background_conductivity = 1e-1
layer_conductivity = 1e-2
pipe_conductivity = 1e1

ind_active = mesh.gridCC[:, 2] < 0
model_map = maps.InjectActiveCells(mesh, ind_active, air_conductivity)

conductivity_model = background_conductivity * np.ones(ind_active.sum())
ind_layer = (mesh.gridCC[ind_active, 2] > -200.0) & (mesh.gridCC[ind_active, 2] < -0)
conductivity_model[ind_layer] = layer_conductivity
ind_pipe = (
    (mesh.gridCC[ind_active, 0] < 50.0)
예제 #5
ncr = 10  # number of mesh cells in r
ncp = 8  # number of mesh cells in phi
ncz = 15  # number of mesh cells in z
dr = 15  # cell width r
dz = 10  # cell width z

hr = dr * np.ones(ncr)
hp = (2 * np.pi / ncp) * np.ones(ncp)
hz = dz * np.ones(ncz)

x0 = 0.
y0 = 0.
z0 = -150.

mesh = CylMesh([hr, hp, hz], x0=[x0, y0, z0])


# Padding Cells and Extracting Properties
# ---------------------------------------
# For practical purposes, the user may want to define a region where the cell
# widths are increasing/decreasing in size. For example, padding is often used
# to define a large domain while reducing the total number of mesh cells.
# Here we demonstrate how to create cylindrical meshes that have padding cells.
# We then show some properties that can be extracted from cylindrical meshes.

ncr = 10  # number of mesh cells in r
예제 #6
def setupMesh(meshType, nC, nDim):
    For a given number of cells nc, generate a TensorMesh with uniform
    cells with edge length h=1/nc.

    if 'TensorMesh' in meshType:
        if 'uniform' in meshType:
            h = [nC, nC, nC]
        elif 'random' in meshType:
            h1 = np.random.rand(nC)*nC*0.5 + nC*0.5
            h2 = np.random.rand(nC)*nC*0.5 + nC*0.5
            h3 = np.random.rand(nC)*nC*0.5 + nC*0.5
            h = [hi/np.sum(hi) for hi in [h1, h2, h3]]  # normalize
            raise Exception('Unexpected meshType')

        mesh = TensorMesh(h[:nDim])
        max_h = max([np.max(hi) for hi in mesh.h])

    elif 'CylMesh' in meshType:
        if 'uniform' in meshType:
            h = [nC, nC, nC]
        elif 'random' in meshType:
            h1 = np.random.rand(nC)*nC*0.5 + nC*0.5
            h2 = np.random.rand(nC)*nC*0.5 + nC*0.5
            h3 = np.random.rand(nC)*nC*0.5 + nC*0.5
            h = [hi/np.sum(hi) for hi in [h1, h2, h3]]  # normalize
            h[1] = h[1]*2*np.pi
            raise Exception('Unexpected meshType')

        if nDim == 2:
            mesh = CylMesh([h[0], 1, h[2]])
            max_h = max([np.max(hi) for hi in [mesh.hx, mesh.hz]])
        elif nDim == 3:
            mesh = CylMesh(h)
            max_h = max([np.max(hi) for hi in mesh.h])

    elif 'Curv' in meshType:
        if 'uniform' in meshType:
            kwrd = 'rect'
        elif 'rotate' in meshType:
            kwrd = 'rotate'
            raise Exception('Unexpected meshType')
        if nDim == 1:
            raise Exception('Lom not supported for 1D')
        elif nDim == 2:
            X, Y = utils.exampleLrmGrid([nC, nC], kwrd)
            mesh = CurvilinearMesh([X, Y])
        elif nDim == 3:
            X, Y, Z = utils.exampleLrmGrid([nC, nC, nC], kwrd)
            mesh = CurvilinearMesh([X, Y, Z])
        max_h = 1./nC

    elif 'Tree' in meshType:
        if Tree is None:
            raise Exception(
                "Tree Mesh not installed. Run 'python setup.py install'"
        nC *= 2
        if 'uniform' in meshType or 'notatree' in meshType:
            h = [nC, nC, nC]
        elif 'random' in meshType:
            h1 = np.random.rand(nC)*nC*0.5 + nC*0.5
            h2 = np.random.rand(nC)*nC*0.5 + nC*0.5
            h3 = np.random.rand(nC)*nC*0.5 + nC*0.5
            h = [hi/np.sum(hi) for hi in [h1, h2, h3]]  # normalize
            raise Exception('Unexpected meshType')

        levels = int(np.log(nC)/np.log(2))
        mesh = Tree(h[:nDim], levels=levels)

        def function(cell):
            if 'notatree' in meshType:
                return levels - 1
            r = cell.center - 0.5
            dist = np.sqrt(r.dot(r))
            if dist < 0.2:
                return levels
            return levels - 1
        # mesh.number()
        # mesh.plotGrid(showIt=True)
        max_h = max([np.max(hi) for hi in mesh.h])
    return mesh, max_h
예제 #7
ncr = 10  # number of mesh cells in r
ncp = 8  # number of mesh cells in phi
ncz = 15  # number of mesh cells in z
dr = 15  # cell width r
dz = 10  # cell width z

hr = dr * np.ones(ncr)
hp = (2 * np.pi / ncp) * np.ones(ncp)
hz = dz * np.ones(ncz)

x0 = 0.0
y0 = 0.0
z0 = -150.0

mesh = CylMesh([hr, hp, hz], x0=[x0, y0, z0])


# Padding Cells and Extracting Properties
# ---------------------------------------
# For practical purposes, the user may want to define a region where the cell
# widths are increasing/decreasing in size. For example, padding is often used
# to define a large domain while reducing the total number of mesh cells.
# Here we demonstrate how to create cylindrical meshes that have padding cells.
# We then show some properties that can be extracted from cylindrical meshes.