예제 #1
def dotest(MYSOLVER, multi=False, A=None, **solverOpts):
    if A is None:
        h1 = np.ones(10) * 100.
        h2 = np.ones(10) * 100.
        h3 = np.ones(10) * 100.

        h = [h1, h2, h3]

        M = TensorMesh(h)

        D = M.faceDiv
        G = -M.faceDiv.T
        Msig = M.getFaceInnerProduct()
        A = D * Msig * G
        A[-1, -1] *= 1 / M.vol[
            -1]  # remove the constant null space from the matrix
        M = Mesh.TensorMesh([A.shape[0]])

    Ainv = MYSOLVER(A, **solverOpts)
    if multi:
        e = np.ones(M.nC)
        e = np.ones((M.nC, numRHS))
    rhs = A * e
    x = Ainv * rhs
    return np.linalg.norm(e - x, np.inf)
예제 #2
def dotest(MYSOLVER, multi=False, A=None, **solverOpts):
    if A is None:
        h1 = np.ones(10)*100.
        h2 = np.ones(10)*100.
        h3 = np.ones(10)*100.

        h = [h1,h2,h3]

        M = TensorMesh(h)

        D = M.faceDiv
        G = -M.faceDiv.T
        Msig = M.getFaceInnerProduct()
        A = D*Msig*G
        A[-1,-1] *= 1/M.vol[-1] # remove the constant null space from the matrix
        M = Mesh.TensorMesh([A.shape[0]])

    Ainv = MYSOLVER(A, **solverOpts)
    if multi:
        e = np.ones(M.nC)
        e = np.ones((M.nC, numRHS))
    rhs = A * e
    x = Ainv * rhs
    return np.linalg.norm(e-x,np.inf)
예제 #3
# **With the operators constructed below, you can compute all of the
# aforementioned inner products.**

# Make basic mesh
h = np.ones(10)
mesh = TensorMesh([h, h, h])
sig = np.random.rand(mesh.nC)  # isotropic
Sig = np.random.rand(mesh.nC, 6)  # anisotropic

# Inner product matricies
Mc = sdiag(mesh.vol * sig)  # Inner product matrix (centers)
# Mn = mesh.getNodalInnerProduct(sig)  # Inner product matrix (nodes)  (*functionality pending*)
Me = mesh.getEdgeInnerProduct(sig)  # Inner product matrix (edges)
Mf = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(sig)  # Inner product matrix for tensor (faces)

# Differential operators
Gne = mesh.nodalGrad  # Nodes to edges gradient
mesh.setCellGradBC(['neumann', 'dirichlet',
                    'neumann'])  # Set boundary conditions
Gcf = mesh.cellGrad  # Cells to faces gradient
D = mesh.faceDiv  # Faces to centers divergence
Cef = mesh.edgeCurl  # Edges to faces curl
Cfe = mesh.edgeCurl.T  # Faces to edges curl

# EXAMPLE: (u, sig*Curl*v)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax1.spy(Mf * Cef, markersize=0.5)
예제 #4
import numpy as np
from discretize.utils import sdiag

# Solving the Problem
# -------------------

# Create a tensor mesh
h = np.ones(75)
mesh = TensorMesh([h, h], 'CC')

# Create system
DIV = mesh.faceDiv  # Faces to cell centers divergence
Mf_inv = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(invMat=True)
Mc = sdiag(mesh.vol)
A = Mc * DIV * Mf_inv * DIV.T * Mc

# Define RHS (charge distributions at cell centers)
xycc = mesh.gridCC
kneg = (xycc[:, 0] == -10) & (xycc[:, 1] == 0)  # -ve charge distr. at (-10, 0)
kpos = (xycc[:, 0] == 10) & (xycc[:, 1] == 0)  # +ve charge distr. at (10, 0)

rho = np.zeros(mesh.nC)
rho[kneg] = -1
rho[kpos] = 1

# LU factorization and solve
AinvM = SolverLU(A)
phi = AinvM * rho
예제 #5
# Evaluate inner-product using edge-defined discrete variables
vx = fcn_x(mesh.gridEx, sig)
vy = fcn_y(mesh.gridEy, sig)
v = np.r_[vx, vy]

Me = mesh.getEdgeInnerProduct()  # Edge inner product matrix

ipe = np.dot(v, Me * v)

# Evaluate inner-product using face-defined discrete variables
vx = fcn_x(mesh.gridFx, sig)
vy = fcn_y(mesh.gridFy, sig)
v = np.r_[vx, vy]

Mf = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct()  # Edge inner product matrix

ipf = np.dot(v, Mf * v)

# The analytic solution of (v, v)
ipt = np.pi * sig**2

# Plot the vector function
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                   'color': 'w',
u = 10.0 * np.r_[ux, uy]  # Maximum velocity is 10 m/s

# Define vector q where s0 = 1 in our analytic source term
xycc = mesh.gridCC
k = (xycc[:, 0] == 0) & (xycc[:, 1] == -15)  # source at (0, -15)

q = np.zeros(mesh.nC)
q[k] = 1

# Define diffusivity within each cell
a = mkvc(8.0 * np.ones(mesh.nC))

# Define the matrix M
Afc = mesh.dim * mesh.aveF2CC  # modified averaging operator to sum dot product
Mf_inv = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(invMat=True)
Mc = sdiag(mesh.vol)
Mc_inv = sdiag(1 / mesh.vol)
Mf_alpha_inv = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(a, invProp=True, invMat=True)

mesh.setCellGradBC(["neumann", "neumann"])  # Set Neumann BC
G = mesh.cellGrad
D = mesh.faceDiv

M = -D * Mf_alpha_inv * G * Mc + Afc * sdiag(u) * Mf_inv * G * Mc

# Set time stepping, initial conditions and final matricies
dt = 0.02  # Step width
p = np.zeros(mesh.nC)  # Initial conditions p(t=0)=0
예제 #7
# where the inner product matrix contains a significant number of non-diagonal
# entries.

# Create a single 3D cell
h = np.ones(1)
mesh = TensorMesh([h, h, h])

# Define 6 constitutive parameters for the cell
sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6 = 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

# Isotropic case
sig = sig1 * np.ones((1, 1))
sig_tensor_1 = np.diag(sig1 * np.ones(3))
Me1 = mesh.getEdgeInnerProduct(sig)  # Edges inner product matrix
Mf1 = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(sig)  # Faces inner product matrix

# Diagonal anisotropic
sig = np.c_[sig1, sig2, sig3]
sig_tensor_2 = np.diag(np.array([sig1, sig2, sig3]))
Me2 = mesh.getEdgeInnerProduct(sig)
Mf2 = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(sig)

# Full anisotropic
sig = np.c_[sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6]
sig_tensor_3 = np.diag(np.array([sig1, sig2, sig3]))
sig_tensor_3[(0, 1), (1, 0)] = sig4
sig_tensor_3[(0, 2), (2, 0)] = sig5
sig_tensor_3[(1, 2), (2, 1)] = sig6
Me3 = mesh.getEdgeInnerProduct(sig)
Mf3 = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(sig)
예제 #8
# for quantities living on cell faces, e.g.:
# .. math::
#    (\vec{u} , \nabla \phi) \approx \mathbf{u^T M_f G_c \phi}

# Make basic mesh
h = np.ones(10)
mesh = TensorMesh([h, h, h])

# Items required to perform u.T*(Me*Gn*phi)
Me = mesh.getEdgeInnerProduct()  # Basic inner product matrix (edges)
Gn = mesh.nodalGrad  # Nodes to edges gradient

# Items required to perform u.T*(Mf*Gc*phi)
Mf = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct()  # Basic inner product matrix (faces)
mesh.setCellGradBC(["neumann", "dirichlet",
                    "neumann"])  # Set boundary conditions
Gc = mesh.cellGrad  # Cells to faces gradient

# Plot Sparse Representation
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 6))

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax1.spy(Me * Gn, markersize=0.5)

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax2.spy(Mf * Gc, markersize=0.5)