예제 #1
def start_a_discussion(request):
    # This view function creates a discussion, or returns an existing one.

    # Validate and retreive the Task and ModuleQuestion that the discussion
    # is to be attached to.
    task = get_object_or_404(Task, id=request.POST['task'])
    q = get_object_or_404(ModuleQuestion, id=request.POST['question'])

    # The user may not have permission to create - only to get.

    tq_filter = { "task": task, "question": q }
    tq = TaskAnswer.objects.filter(**tq_filter).first()
    if not tq:
        # Validate user can create discussion. Any user who can read the task can start
        # a discussion.
        if not task.has_read_priv(request.user):
            return JsonResponse({ "status": "error", "message": "You do not have permission!" })

        # Get the TaskAnswer for this task. It may not exist yet.
        tq, isnew = TaskAnswer.objects.get_or_create(**tq_filter)

    discussion = Discussion.get_for(request.organization, tq)
    if not discussion:
        # Validate user can create discussion.
        if not task.has_read_priv(request.user):
            return JsonResponse({ "status": "error", "message": "You do not have permission!" })

        # Get the Discussion.
        discussion = Discussion.get_for(request.organization, tq, create=True)

    return JsonResponse(discussion.render_context_dict(request.user))
예제 #2
        def read_priv():
            # Yes if they have read privs on the task in general...
            if task.has_read_priv(request.user, allow_access_to_deleted=True):
                # See below for checking if the task was deleted.
                return True

            # Yes if they are a guest in a discussion on this page. This applies
            # to the show-question page only, where we know which question is
            # being asked from the URL.
            if taskans:
                d = Discussion.get_for(request.organization, taskans)
                if d and d.is_participant(request.user):
                    return True
            return False
예제 #3
    def get_all_participants(self):
        # Get all users who have read access to this project. Inverse of
        # has_read_priv.
        from guidedmodules.models import Task, TaskAnswer
        from discussion.models import Discussion
        from collections import defaultdict

        participants = defaultdict(
            lambda: {
                "is_member": False,
                "is_admin": False,
                "editor_of": [],
                "discussion_guest_in": [],

        # Fetch users with read access.
        for pm in ProjectMembership.objects.filter(
            participants[pm.user]["is_member"] = True
            participants[pm.user]["is_admin"] = pm.is_admin
        for task in Task.objects.filter(project=self).select_related("editor"):
        for ta in TaskAnswer.objects.filter(task__project=self,
            d = Discussion.get_for(self.organization, ta)
            if d:
                for user in d.guests.all():

        # Add text labels to describe user and authz.
        for user, info in participants.items():
            info["user_details"] = user.render_context_dict(self.organization)
            descr = []
            if info["is_admin"]:
            elif info["is_member"]:
            if info["editor_of"]:
                descr.append("editor of %d task(s)" % len(info["editor_of"]))
            if info["discussion_guest_in"]:
                descr.append("guest in %d discussion(s)" %
            info["role"] = "; ".join(descr)

        # Return sorted by username.
        return sorted(participants.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[0].username)
예제 #4
def show_question(request, task, answered, context, q, EncryptionProvider, set_ephemeral_encryption_cookies):
    # Always hide the fill-out-your-profile blurb on all question pages - it's
    # distracting from answering the question at hand. See task_view.
    request.suppress_prompt_banner = True

    # If this question cannot currently be answered (i.e. dependencies are unmet),
    # then redirect away from this page. If the user is allowed to use the authoring
    # tool, then allow seeing this question so they can edit all questions.
    authoring_tool_enabled = task.module.is_authoring_tool_enabled(request.user)
    is_answerable = (((q not in answered.unanswered) or (q in answered.can_answer)) and (q.key not in answered.was_imputed))
    if not is_answerable and not authoring_tool_enabled:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(task.get_absolute_url())

    # Is there a TaskAnswer for this yet?
    taskq = TaskAnswer.objects.filter(task=task, question=q).first()

    # Display requested question.

    # Is there an answer already? (If this question isn't answerable, i.e. if we're
    # only here because the user is using the authoring tool, then there is no
    # real answer to load.)
    answer = None
    if taskq and is_answerable:
        answer = taskq.get_current_answer()
        if answer and answer.cleared:
            # If the answer is cleared, treat as if it had not been answered.
            answer = None

    # For "module"-type questions, get the Module instance of the tasks that can
    # be an answer to this question, and get the existing Tasks that the user can
    # choose as an answer.
    answer_module = q.answer_type_module
    answer_tasks = []
    if answer_module:
        # The user can choose from any Task instances they have read permission on
        # and that are of the correct Module type.
        answer_tasks = Task.get_all_tasks_readable_by(request.user, request.organization, recursive=True)\

        # Annotate the instances with whether the user also has write permission.
        for t in answer_tasks:
            t.can_write = t.has_write_priv(request.user)

        # Sort the instances:
        #  first: the current answer, if any
        #  then: tasks defined in the same project as this task
        #  later: tasks defined in projects in the same folder as this task's project
        #  last: everything else by reverse update date
        now = timezone.now()
        current_answer = answer.answered_by_task.first() if answer else None
        answer_tasks = sorted(answer_tasks, key = lambda t : (
            not (t == current_answer),
            not (t.project == task.project),
            not (set(t.project.contained_in_folders.all()) & set(task.project.contained_in_folders.all())),

    # Add instrumentation event.
    # How many times has this question been shown?
    i_prev_view = InstrumentationEvent.objects\
        .filter(user=request.user, event_type="task-question-show", task=task, question=q)\
    # Save.
        event_value=(i_prev_view.event_value+1) if i_prev_view else 1,

    # Indicate for the InstrumentQuestionPageLoadTimes middleware that this is
    # a question page load.
    request._instrument_page_load = {
        "event_type": "task-question-request-duration",
        "module": task.module,
        "question": q,
        "project": task.project,
        "task": task,
        "answer": taskq,

    # Construct the page.
    def render_markdown_field(field, output_format, **kwargs):
        template = q.spec.get(field)
        if not template:
            return None
        if not isinstance(template, str):
            raise ValueError("%s question %s %s is not a string" % (repr(q.module), q.key, field))
        return module_logic.render_content({
                "template": template,
                "format": "markdown",
            "%s question %s %s" % (repr(q.module), q.key, field),

    # Get any existing answer for this question.
    existing_answer = None
    if answer:
        existing_answer = answer.get_value(decryption_provider=EncryptionProvider())

        # For longtext questions, because the WYSIWYG editor is initialized with HTML,
        # render the value as HTML.
        if existing_answer and q.spec["type"] == "longtext":
            import CommonMark
            existing_answer = CommonMark.HtmlRenderer().render(CommonMark.Parser().parse(existing_answer))

    # What's the title/h1 of the page and the rest of the prompt? Render the
    # prompt field. If it starts with a paragraph, turn that paragraph into
    # the title.
    title = q.spec["title"]
    prompt = render_markdown_field("prompt", "html")
    m = re.match(r"^<p>([\w\W]*?)</p>\s*", prompt)
    if m:
        title = m.group(1)
        prompt = prompt[m.end():]

    # Get a default answer for this question. Render Jinja2 template, but don't turn
    # Markdown into HTML for plain text fields. For longtext fields, turn it into
    # HTML because the WYSIWYG editor is initialized with HTML.
    default_answer = render_markdown_field("default",
        "text" if q.spec["type"] != "longtext" else "html",

        "header_col_active": "start" if (len(answered.as_dict()) == 0 and q.spec["type"] == "interstitial") else "questions",
        "q": q,
        "title": title,
        "prompt": prompt,
        "placeholder_answer": render_markdown_field("placeholder", "text") or "", # Render Jinja2 template but don't turn Markdown into HTML.
        "reference_text": render_markdown_field("reference_text", "html"),
        "history": taskq.get_history() if taskq else None,
        "answer_obj": answer,
        "answer": existing_answer,
        "default_answer": default_answer,
        "review_choices": [(0, 'Not Reviewed'), (1, 'Reviewed'), (2, 'Approved')],
        "discussion": Discussion.get_for(request.organization, taskq) if taskq else None,
        "show_discussion_members_count": True,

        "answer_module": answer_module,
        "answer_tasks": answer_tasks,
        "answer_tasks_show_user": len([ t for t in answer_tasks if t.editor != request.user ]) > 0,

        "context": module_logic.get_question_context(answered, q),

        # Helpers for showing date month, day, year dropdowns, with
        # localized strings and integer values. Default selections
        # are done in the template & client-side so that we can use
        # the client browser's timezone to determine the current date.
        "date_l8n": lambda : {
            "months": [
                (timezone.now().replace(2016,m,1).strftime("%B"), m)
                for m in range(1, 12+1)],
            "days": [
                for d in range(1, 31+1)],
            "years": [
                for y in reversed(range(timezone.now().year-100, timezone.now().year+101))],

        "is_answerable": is_answerable, # only false if authoring tool is enabled, otherwise this page is not renderable
        "authoring_tool_enabled": authoring_tool_enabled,
    return render(request, "question.html", context)