예제 #1
def stop_glusterd(servers=''):
        Stops the glusterd in specified machine(s)

        Returns True if glusterd is stopped in all nodes
        Returns False on failure
    if servers == '':
        servers = tc.servers
    ret, _ = tc.run_servers("service glusterd stop", servers=servers)
    return ret
예제 #2
def stop_glusterd(servers=''):
        Stops the glusterd in specified machine(s)

        Returns True if glusterd is stopped in all nodes
        Returns False on failure
    if servers == '':
        servers = tc.servers
    ret, _ = tc.run_servers("service glusterd stop", servers=servers)
    return ret
예제 #3
def start_glusterd(servers=''):
        Starts glusterd in all servers if they are not running

        Returns True if glusterd started in all servers
        Returns False if glusterd failed to start in any server

        (Will be enhanced to support systemd in future)
    if servers == '':
        servers = tc.servers
    ret, _ = tc.run_servers("pgrep glusterd || service glusterd start", \
    return ret
예제 #4
def start_glusterd(servers=''):
        Starts glusterd in all servers if they are not running

        Returns True if glusterd started in all servers
        Returns False if glusterd failed to start in any server

        (Will be enhanced to support systemd in future)
    if servers == '':
        servers = tc.servers
    ret, _ = tc.run_servers("pgrep glusterd || service glusterd start", \
    return ret
예제 #5
def setup_samba_service(volname, mnode, username, smbpasswd):
    """This module Sets up the servers for samba mount
       Takes care of editing the glusterd-volfile and
       starting the samba services
        volname(str): Volume name
        mnode(str): where the samba setup will be done
        username: samba username
        smbpasswd: samba password
            True: On Success
            False: On Failure
        setup_samba_service("testvol", "tc.servers[0]", "Bond", "redhat")
        if tc.global_flag['SAMBA_SETUP_DONE'] == True:
            tc.logger.error("samba is already setup for the cluster")
            return True
    except KeyError:

    glusterd_volfile = "/etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol"
    glstrd_edit_cmd = ("grep -F 'option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on' %s > "
                       "/dev/null || (cp %s %s.orig && "
                       "sed -i '/^end-volume/d' %s && "
                       "echo '    option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on' >> %s && "
                       "echo 'end-volume' >> %s && "
                       "service glusterd restart)"
                       % (glusterd_volfile, glusterd_volfile,
                          glusterd_volfile, glusterd_volfile,
                          glusterd_volfile, glusterd_volfile))

    ret, _ = tc.run_servers(glstrd_edit_cmd)
    if not ret:
        tc.logger.error("Unable to edit glusterd in all servers")
        return False

    ret, _, _ = tc.run(mnode, "chkconfig smb on")

    if ret != 0:
        tc.logger.error("Unable to set chkconfig smb on")
        return False

    tc.logger.info("chkconfig smb on successfull")

    ret, _, _ = tc.run(mnode, "service smb start")
    if ret != 0:
        tc.logger.error("Unable to start the smb service")
        return False

    smbpasswd_cmd = ("(echo \"%s\"; echo \"%s\") | smbpasswd -a %s" %
                     (smbpasswd, smbpasswd, username))

    ret, _, _ = tc.run(mnode, smbpasswd_cmd)
    if ret != 0:
        tc.logger.error("Unable to set the smb password")
        return False


    ret, out, err = tc.run(mnode, "gluster volume set %s "
                           "server.allow-insecure on" % volname)
    if ret != 0:
        tc.logger.error("Failed to set the volume option "
        return False

    ret, out, err = tc.run(mnode, "gluster volume set %s stat-prefetch off"
                           % volname)
    if ret != 0:
        tc.logger.error("Failed to set the volume option stat-prefetch off")
        return False

    set_volume_cmd = ("gluster volume set %s storage.batch-fsync-delay-usec 0"
                      % volname)
    ret, out, err = tc.run(mnode, set_volume_cmd)
    if ret != 0:
        tc.logger.error("Failed to set the volume option storage"
                        "batch-fsync-delay-usec 0")
        return False

    smb_cmd = "smbclient -L localhost -U " + username + "%" + smbpasswd

    ret, out, err = tc.run(mnode, smb_cmd + "| grep -i -Fw gluster-%s "
                           % volname)
    if ret != 0:
        tc.logger.error("unable to find share entry")
        return False
    tc.logger.info("Share entry present")

    tc.global_flag['SAMBA_SETUP_DONE'] = True
    return True
예제 #6
def setup_samba_service(volname, mnode, username, smbpasswd):
    """This module Sets up the servers for samba mount
       Takes care of editing the glusterd-volfile and
       starting the samba services
        volname(str): Volume name
        mnode(str): where the samba setup will be done
        username: samba username
        smbpasswd: samba password
            True: On Success
            False: On Failure
        setup_samba_service("testvol", "tc.servers[0]", "Bond", "redhat")
        if tc.global_flag['SAMBA_SETUP_DONE'] == True:
            tc.logger.error("samba is already setup for the cluster")
            return True
    except KeyError:

    glusterd_volfile = "/etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol"
    glstrd_edit_cmd = ("grep -F 'option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on' %s > "
                       "/dev/null || (cp %s %s.orig && "
                       "sed -i '/^end-volume/d' %s && "
                       "echo '    option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on' >> %s && "
                       "echo 'end-volume' >> %s && "
                       "service glusterd restart)" %
                       (glusterd_volfile, glusterd_volfile, glusterd_volfile,
                        glusterd_volfile, glusterd_volfile, glusterd_volfile))

    ret, _ = tc.run_servers(glstrd_edit_cmd)
    if not ret:
        tc.logger.error("Unable to edit glusterd in all servers")
        return False

    ret, _, _ = tc.run(mnode, "chkconfig smb on")

    if ret != 0:
        tc.logger.error("Unable to set chkconfig smb on")
        return False

    tc.logger.info("chkconfig smb on successfull")

    ret, _, _ = tc.run(mnode, "service smb start")
    if ret != 0:
        tc.logger.error("Unable to start the smb service")
        return False

    smbpasswd_cmd = ("(echo \"%s\"; echo \"%s\") | smbpasswd -a %s" %
                     (smbpasswd, smbpasswd, username))

    ret, _, _ = tc.run(mnode, smbpasswd_cmd)
    if ret != 0:
        tc.logger.error("Unable to set the smb password")
        return False


    ret, out, err = tc.run(
        mnode, "gluster volume set %s "
        "server.allow-insecure on" % volname)
    if ret != 0:
        tc.logger.error("Failed to set the volume option "
        return False

    ret, out, err = tc.run(mnode,
                           "gluster volume set %s stat-prefetch off" % volname)
    if ret != 0:
        tc.logger.error("Failed to set the volume option stat-prefetch off")
        return False

    set_volume_cmd = (
        "gluster volume set %s storage.batch-fsync-delay-usec 0" % volname)
    ret, out, err = tc.run(mnode, set_volume_cmd)
    if ret != 0:
        tc.logger.error("Failed to set the volume option storage"
                        "batch-fsync-delay-usec 0")
        return False

    smb_cmd = "smbclient -L localhost -U " + username + "%" + smbpasswd

    ret, out, err = tc.run(mnode,
                           smb_cmd + "| grep -i -Fw gluster-%s " % volname)
    if ret != 0:
        tc.logger.error("unable to find share entry")
        return False
    tc.logger.info("Share entry present")

    tc.global_flag['SAMBA_SETUP_DONE'] = True
    return True