예제 #1
 def _setUp(self):
     # This type of monkey patching is borrowed from the distro test
     # suite.
     os_release = os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, self.distro_name, 'etc',
     mydistro = distro.LinuxDistribution(False, os_release, 'non')
     self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('distro._distro', mydistro))
예제 #2
def installPythonPackages(packages:typing.List[str]) -> bool:
	Attempts to install the packages listed in ``packages`` and
	add them to the global scope.

	:param packages: A list of missing Python dependencies

	:return: a truthy value indicating success.
	logging.info("Attempting install of %s", ','.join(packages))

	# Ensure `pip` is installed
		import pip
	except ImportError as e:
		logging.info("`pip` package not installed. Attempting install with `ensurepip` module")
		logging.debug("%s", e, exc_info=True, stack_info=True)
		import ensurepip
		except (EnvironmentError, PermissionError) as err:
			logging.info("Permission Denied, attempting user-level install")
			logging.debug("%s", err, exc_info=True, stack_info=True)
			ensurepip.bootstrap(altinstall=True, user=True)
		import pip

	# Get main pip function
		pipmain = pip.main
	except AttributeError as e: # This happens when using a version of pip >= 10.0
		from pip._internal import main as pipmain

	# Attempt package install
	ret = pipmain(["install"] + packages)
	if ret == 1:
		logging.info("Possible 'Permission Denied' error, attempting user-level install")
		ret = pipmain(["install", "--user"] + packages)

	logging.debug("Pip return code was %d", ret)
	if not ret:
		import importlib
		for package in packages:
				globals()[package] = importlib.import_module(package)
			except ImportError:
				logging.error("Failed to import %s", package)
				logging.warning("Install appeared succesful - subsequent run may succeed")
				logging.debug("%s", e, exc_info=True, stack_info=True)
				return False

		globals()["DISTRO"] = distro.LinuxDistribution().id()

	return not ret
예제 #3
def get_distro_info(root_dir):
    # We point _UNIXCONFDIR to root_dir
    old_value = distro._UNIXCONFDIR
    distro._UNIXCONFDIR = os.path.join(root_dir, 'etc')

    obj = distro.LinuxDistribution(include_lsb=False, include_uname=False)

    # NOTE: The parsing of LinuxDistribution distro information is done in a lazy way.
    # This will force the parsing to happen before we restore the old value of _UNIXCONFDIR.
    _ = obj.info()

    distro._UNIXCONFDIR = old_value
    return obj
예제 #4
import argparse
import enum
import logging
import os
import platform
import typing

import distro
import requests

#: A format specifier for logging output. Propagates to all imported modules.
LOG_FORMAT = "%(levelname)s: %(asctime)s line %(lineno)d in %(module)s.%(funcName)s: %(message)s"

#: contains identifying information about the host system's Linux distribution
DISTRO = distro.LinuxDistribution().id()

class LogLevels(enum.IntEnum):
	Enumerated Log levels
    ALL = logging.NOTSET  #: Outputs all logging information
    TRACE = logging.NOTSET  #: Synonym for :attr:`ALL`
    DEBUG = logging.DEBUG  #: Outputs debugging information as well as all higher log levels
    INFO = logging.INFO  #: Outputs informational messages as well as all higher log levels
    WARN = logging.WARNING  #: Outputs warnings, errors and fatal messages
    ERROR = logging.ERROR  #: Errors - but not more verbose warnings - will be output
    FATAL = logging.CRITICAL  #: Outputs only reasons why the script exited prematurely
    CRITICAL = logging.CRITICAL  #: Synonym for :attr:`FATAL`
    NONE = logging.CRITICAL + 1  #: Silent mode - no output at all
예제 #5

import distro

# Not the full API, but enough to flex the package.
print distro.linux_distribution()
print distro.linux_distribution(full_distribution_name=False)
print distro.name()
print distro.name(pretty=True)

# Use lsb_release for enhanced information.
assert len(distro.LinuxDistribution().lsb_release_info()) > 0, (
    "Why isn't lsb_release(1) available?")