예제 #1
def test_map():
        (define inc
            (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)))
    """, env)
    assert_equals("(2 3 4)", interpret("(map inc '(1 2 3))", env))
예제 #2
def test_filter():
        (define even
            (lambda (x)
                (eq (mod x 2) 0)))
    """, env)
    assert_equals("(2 4 6)", interpret("(filter even '(1 2 3 4 5 6))", env))
예제 #3
def test_map():
    """Map applies a given function to all elements of a list."""

        (define inc
            (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)))
    """, env)
    assert_equals("(2 3 4)", interpret("(map inc '(1 2 3))", env))
예제 #4
def test_length():
    """Count the number of element in the list.

    Tip: How many elements are there in the empty list?"""

    assert_equals("5", interpret("(length '(1 2 3 4 5))", env))
    assert_equals("3", interpret("(length '(#t '(1 2 3) 'foo-bar))", env))
    assert_equals("0", interpret("(length '())", env))
예제 #5
def test_strings_have_heads_and_tails():
    Next, `head` and `tail` needs to extract the first character and the rest
    of the charactes, respectively, from the string.

    assert_equals('"f"', interpret('(head "foobar")'))
    assert_equals('"oobar"', interpret('(tail "foobar")'))
예제 #6
def test_filter():
        (define even
            (lambda (x)
                (eq (mod x 2) 0)))
    """, env)
    assert_equals("(2 4 6)", interpret("(filter even '(1 2 3 4 5 6))", env))
예제 #7
def test_length():
    """Count the number of element in the list.

    Tip: How many elements are there in the empty list?"""

    assert_equals("5", interpret("(length '(1 2 3 4 5))", env))
    assert_equals("3", interpret("(length '(#t '(1 2 3) 'foo-bar))", env))
    assert_equals("0", interpret("(length '())", env))
예제 #8
def test_reverse():
    """Reverse simply outputs the same list with elements in reverse order.

    Tip: See if you might be able to utilize the function you just made."""

    assert_equals("()", interpret("(reverse '())", env))
    assert_equals("(1)", interpret("(reverse '(1))", env))
    assert_equals("(4 3 2 1)", interpret("(reverse '(1 2 3 4))", env))
예제 #9
def test_strings_have_heads_and_tails():
    Next, `head` and `tail` needs to extract the first character and the rest
    of the charactes, respectively, from the string.

    assert_equals('"f"', interpret('(head "foobar")'))
    assert_equals('"oobar"', interpret('(tail "foobar")'))
예제 #10
def test_range():
    """Output a list with a range of numbers.

    The two arguments define the bounds of the (inclusive) bounds of the range."""

    assert_equals("(1 2 3 4 5)", interpret("(range 1 5)", env))
    assert_equals("(1)", interpret("(range 1 1)", env))
    assert_equals("()", interpret("(range 2 1)", env))
예제 #11
def test_range():
    """Output a list with a range of numbers.

    The two arguments define the bounds of the (inclusive) bounds of the range."""

    assert_equals("(1 2 3 4 5)", interpret("(range 1 5)", env))
    assert_equals("(1)", interpret("(range 1 1)", env))
    assert_equals("()", interpret("(range 2 1)", env))
예제 #12
def test_append():
    """Append should merge two lists together."""

    assert_equals("()", interpret("(append '() '())", env))
    assert_equals("(1)", interpret("(append '() '(1))", env))
    assert_equals("(2)", interpret("(append '(2) '())", env))
    assert_equals("(1 2 3 4 5)", interpret("(append '(1 2) '(3 4 5))", env))
    assert_equals("(#t #f 'maybe)", interpret("(append '(#t) '(#f 'maybe))", env))
예제 #13
def test_reverse():
    """Reverse simply outputs the same list with elements in reverse order.

    Tip: See if you might be able to utilize the function you just made."""

    assert_equals("()", interpret("(reverse '())", env))
    assert_equals("(1)", interpret("(reverse '(1))", env))
    assert_equals("(4 3 2 1)", interpret("(reverse '(1 2 3 4))", env))
예제 #14
def test_let_bindings_do_not_affect_outer_environment():
    After the let is evaluated, all of it's bindings are forgotten

    interpret("(define foo 1)", env)

    assert_equals("2", interpret("(let ((foo 2)) foo)", env))
    assert_equals("1", interpret("foo", env))
예제 #15
def test_map():
    """Map applies a given function to all elements of a list."""

        (define inc
            (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)))
    """, env)
    assert_equals("(2 3 4)", interpret("(map inc '(1 2 3))", env))
예제 #16
def test_filter():
    """Filter removes any element not satisfying a predicate from a list."""

        (define even
            (lambda (x)
                (eq (mod x 2) 0)))
    """, env)
    assert_equals("(2 4 6)", interpret("(filter even '(1 2 3 4 5 6))", env))
예제 #17
def test_let_bindings_do_not_affect_outer_environment():
    After the let is evaluated, all of it's bindings are forgotten

    interpret("(define foo 1)", env)

    assert_equals("2", interpret("(let ((foo 2)) foo)", env))
    assert_equals("1", interpret("foo", env))
예제 #18
def test_append():
    """Append should merge two lists together."""

    assert_equals("()", interpret("(append '() '())", env))
    assert_equals("(1)", interpret("(append '() '(1))", env))
    assert_equals("(2)", interpret("(append '(2) '())", env))
    assert_equals("(1 2 3 4 5)", interpret("(append '(1 2) '(3 4 5))", env))
    assert_equals("(#t #f 'maybe)",
                  interpret("(append '(#t) '(#f 'maybe))", env))
예제 #19
def test_filter():
    """Filter removes any element not satisfying a predicate from a list."""

        (define even
            (lambda (x)
                (eq (mod x 2) 0)))
    """, env)
    assert_equals("(2 4 6)", interpret("(filter even '(1 2 3 4 5 6))", env))
예제 #20
def test_defn_binds_the_variable_just_like_define():
    Like `define`, the `defn` form should bind a variable to the environment.

    This variable should be a closure, just like if we had defined a new
    variable using the old `define` + `lambda` syntax.

    interpret("(defn foo (x) (> x 10))", env)

    assert_is_instance(env.lookup("foo"), Closure)
예제 #21
 def test_factorial(self):
     """Simple factorial"""
     env = Environment()
         (define fact
             (lambda (n)
                 (if (eq n 0)
                     (* n (fact (- n 1))))))
     """, env)
     assert_equals("120", interpret("(fact 5)", env))
예제 #22
def test_defn_binds_the_variable_just_like_define():
    Like `define`, the `defn` form should bind a variable to the environment.

    This variable should be a closure, just like if we had defined a new
    variable using the old `define` + `lambda` syntax.

    interpret("(defn foo (x) (> x 10))", env)

    assert_is_instance(env.lookup("foo"), Closure)
예제 #23
 def test_gcd(self):
     """Greates common dividor"""
     env = Environment()
         (define gcd
             (lambda (a b)
                 (if (eq b 0)
                     (gcd b (mod a b)))))
     """, env)
     assert_equals("6", interpret("(gcd 108 30)", env))
     assert_equals("1", interpret("(gcd 17 5)", env))
예제 #24
def test_cond_dosnt_evaluate_all_branches():
    Of all the second tuple elements, only the one we return is ever evaluated.

    interpret("(define foo 42)", env)

    program = """
    (cond ((#f fire-the-missiles)
           (#t foo)
           (#f something-else-we-wont-do)))
    assert_equals("42", interpret(program, env))
예제 #25
def test_let_bindings_overshadow_outer_environment():
    Let bindings should shadow definitions in from outer environments

    interpret("(define foo 1)", env)

    program = """
        (let ((foo 2))

    assert_equals("2", interpret(program, env))
예제 #26
def test_let_bindings_overshadow_outer_environment():
    Let bindings should shadow definitions in from outer environments

    interpret("(define foo 1)", env)

    program = """
        (let ((foo 2))

    assert_equals("2", interpret(program, env))
예제 #27
def test_empty_strings_behave_as_empty_lists():
    It is common in many languages for strings to behave as lists. This can be
    rather convenient, so let's make it that way here as well.

    We have four basic list functions: `cons`, `head`, `tail` and `empty`.

    To take the easy one first: `empty` should only return `#t` for the empty
    string (and empty lists, as before).

    assert_equals("#t", interpret('(empty "")'))
    assert_equals("#f", interpret('(empty "not empty")'))
예제 #28
def test_empty_strings_behave_as_empty_lists():
    It is common in many languages for strings to behave as lists. This can be
    rather convenient, so let's make it that way here as well.

    We have four basic list functions: `cons`, `head`, `tail` and `empty`.

    To take the easy one first: `empty` should only return `#t` for the empty
    string (and empty lists, as before).

    assert_equals("#t", interpret('(empty "")'))
    assert_equals("#f", interpret('(empty "not empty")'))
예제 #29
def test_cond_dosnt_evaluate_all_branches():
    Of all the second tuple elements, only the one we return is ever evaluated.

    interpret("(define foo 42)", env)

    program = """
    (cond ((#f fire-the-missiles)
           (#t foo)
           (#f something-else-we-wont-do)))
    assert_equals("42", interpret(program, env))
예제 #30
def test_defn_result_in_the_correct_closure():
    The closure created should be no different than from the old syntax.

    interpret("(defn foo-1 (x) (> x 10))", env)
    interpret("(define foo-2 (lambda (x) (> x 10)))", env)

    foo1 = env.lookup("foo-1")
    foo2 = env.lookup("foo-2")

    assert_equals(foo1.body, foo2.body)
    assert_equals(foo1.params, foo2.params)
    assert_equals(foo1.env, foo2.env)
예제 #31
def test_defn_result_in_the_correct_closure():
    The closure created should be no different than from the old syntax.

    interpret("(defn foo-1 (x) (> x 10))", env)
    interpret("(define foo-2 (lambda (x) (> x 10)))", env)

    foo1 = env.lookup("foo-1")
    foo2 = env.lookup("foo-2")

    assert_equals(foo1.body, foo2.body)
    assert_equals(foo1.params, foo2.params)
    assert_equals(foo1.env, foo2.env)
예제 #32
def repl():
    """Start the interactive Read-Eval-Print-Loop"""
    print("                 " + faded("                             \`.    T       "))
    print("    Welcome to   " + faded("   .--------------.___________) \   |    T  "))
    print("   the DIY-lisp  " + faded("   |//////////////|___________[ ]   !  T |  "))
    print("       REPL      " + faded("   `--------------'           ) (      | !  "))
    print("                 " + faded("                              '-'      !    "))
    print(faded("  use ^D to exit"))

    env = Environment()
    interpret_file(join(dirname(relpath(__file__)), '..', 'stdlib.diy'), env)
    while True:
            source = read_expression()
            print(interpret(source, env))
        except LispError as e:
            print(colored("!", "red"))
            print(faded(str(e.__class__.__name__) + ":"))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            msg = "Interupted. " + faded("(Use ^D to exit)")
            print("\n" + colored("! ", "red") + msg)
        except EOFError:
            print(faded("\nBye! o/"))
        except Exception as e:
            print(colored("! ", "red") + faded("The Python is showing through…"))
            print(faded("  " + str(e.__class__.__name__) + ":"))
예제 #33
def test_gcd():
    """Tests Greates Common Dividor (GCD)."""

    program = """
        (define gcd
            (lambda (a b)
                (if (eq b 0)
                    (gcd b (mod a b)))))

    env = Environment()
    interpret(program, env)

    assert_equals("6", interpret("(gcd 108 30)", env))
    assert_equals("1", interpret("(gcd 17 5)", env))
예제 #34
def test_evaluating_strings():
    Strings is one of the basic data types, and thus an atom. Strings should
    therefore evaluate to themselves.

    random_quote = '"The limits of my language means the limits of my world."'

    assert_equals(random_quote, interpret(random_quote, env))
예제 #35
def test_evaluating_strings():
    Strings is one of the basic data types, and thus an atom. Strings should
    therefore evaluate to themselves.

    random_quote = '"The limits of my language means the limits of my world."'

    assert_equals(random_quote, interpret(random_quote, env))
예제 #36
def test_parsing_of_strings():
    A final sanity check, to make sure parsing strings works.

    This test should already pass if you've done the above correctly.

    program = "(head '(#t \"()((()()) wtf \\\" ())) is )))) ()() going on \"))"

    assert_equals("#t", interpret(program))
예제 #37
def test_parsing_of_strings():
    A final sanity check, to make sure parsing strings works.

    This test should already pass if you've done the above correctly.

    program = "(head '(#t \"()((()()) wtf \\\" ())) is )))) ()() going on \"))"

    assert_equals("#t", interpret(program))
예제 #38
def test_let_returns_result_of_the_given_expression():
    The result when evaluating a `let` binding is the evaluation of the 
    expression given as argument.

    Let's first try one without any bindings.

    program = "(let () (if #t 'yep 'nope))"

    assert_equals("yep", interpret(program, env))
예제 #39
def test_gcd():
    """Tests Greates Common Dividor (GCD).

    This test is intended to run after you have completed the core of the 
    language, just to make sure that everything is holding together.

    program = """
        (define gcd
            (lambda (a b)
                (if (eq b 0)
                    (gcd b (mod a b)))))

    env = Environment()
    interpret(program, env)

    assert_equals("6", interpret("(gcd 108 30)", env))
    assert_equals("1", interpret("(gcd 17 5)", env))
예제 #40
def test_cond_evaluates_predicates():
    Remember to evaluate the predicates before checking whether they are true.

    program = """
    (cond (((not #t) 'totally-not-true)
           ((> 4 3) 'tru-dat)))

    assert_equals("tru-dat", interpret(program, env))
예제 #41
def test_let_returns_result_of_the_given_expression():
    The result when evaluating a `let` binding is the evaluation of the 
    expression given as argument.

    Let's first try one without any bindings.

    program = "(let () (if #t 'yep 'nope))"

    assert_equals("yep", interpret(program, env))
예제 #42
def test_gcd():
    """Tests Greates Common Dividor (GCD).

    This test is intended to run after you have completed the core of the 
    language, just to make sure that everything is holding together.

    program = """
        (define gcd
            (lambda (a b)
                (if (eq b 0)
                    (gcd b (mod a b)))))

    env = Environment()
    interpret(program, env)

    assert_equals("6", interpret("(gcd 108 30)", env))
    assert_equals("1", interpret("(gcd 17 5)", env))
예제 #43
def test_cond_evaluates_predicates():
    Remember to evaluate the predicates before checking whether they are true.

    program = """
    (cond (((not #t) 'totally-not-true)
           ((> 4 3) 'tru-dat)))

    assert_equals("tru-dat", interpret(program, env))
예제 #44
def test_let_bindings_have_access_to_previous_bindings():
    Each new binding should have access to the previous bindings in the list

    program = """
        (let ((foo 10)
              (bar (+ foo 5)))

    assert_equals("15", interpret(program, env))
예제 #45
def test_cond_not_evaluating_more_predicateds_than_neccessary():
    Once we find a predicate that evaluates to `#t`, no more predicates should
    be evaluated.

    program = """
    (cond ((#f 1)
           (#t 2)
           (dont-evaluate-me! 3)))
    assert_equals("2", interpret(program, env))
예제 #46
def test_let_extends_environment():
    The evaluation of the inner expression should have available the bindings
    provided within the first argument.

    program = """
        (let ((foo (+ 1000 42)))

    assert_equals("1042", interpret(program, env))
예제 #47
def test_cond_not_evaluating_more_predicateds_than_neccessary():
    Once we find a predicate that evaluates to `#t`, no more predicates should
    be evaluated.

    program = """
    (cond ((#f 1)
           (#t 2)
           (dont-evaluate-me! 3)))
    assert_equals("2", interpret(program, env))
예제 #48
def test_let_extends_environment():
    The evaluation of the inner expression should have available the bindings
    provided within the first argument.

    program = """
        (let ((foo (+ 1000 42)))

    assert_equals("1042", interpret(program, env))
예제 #49
def test_let_bindings_have_access_to_previous_bindings():
    Each new binding should have access to the previous bindings in the list

    program = """
        (let ((foo 10)
              (bar (+ foo 5)))

    assert_equals("15", interpret(program, env))
예제 #50
def test_reduce():
    """Reduce, also known as fold, reduce a list into a single value.

    It does this by combining elements two by two, untill there is only
    one left.

    If this is unfamiliar to you, have a look at:

        (define max 
            (lambda (a b) 
                (if (> a b) a b)))
    """, env)

    # Evaluates as (max 1 (max 6 (max 3 (max 2 0)))) -> 6
    assert_equals("6", interpret("(reduce max 0 '(1 6 3 2))", env))

        (define add
            (lambda (a b) (+ a b)))
    """, env)

    # Lets see if we can improve a bit on `sum` while we're at it
    assert_equals("10", interpret("(reduce add 0 (range 1 4))", env))
예제 #51
def test_reduce():
    """Reduce, also known as fold, reduce a list into a single value.

    It does this by combining elements two by two, untill there is only
    one left.

    If this is unfamiliar to you, have a look at:

        (define max 
            (lambda (a b) 
                (if (> a b) a b)))
    """, env)

    # Evaluates as (max 1 (max 6 (max 3 (max 2 0)))) -> 6
    assert_equals("6", interpret("(reduce max 0 '(1 6 3 2))", env))

        (define add 
            (lambda (a b) (+ a b)))
    """, env)

    # Lets see if we can improve a bit on `sum` while we're at it
    assert_equals("10", interpret("(reduce add 0 (range 1 4))", env))
예제 #52
def test_sort():
    assert_equals("()", interpret("'()", env))
    assert_equals("(1)", interpret("'(1)", env))
    assert_equals("(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)", interpret("(sort '(6 3 7 2 4 1 5))", env))
    assert_equals("(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)", interpret("(sort '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))", env))
    assert_equals("(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)", interpret("(sort '(7 6 5 4 3 2 1))", env))
    assert_equals("(1 1 1)", interpret("(sort '(1 1 1))", env))
예제 #53
def test_cond_returnes_false_as_default():
    If we evalaute all the predicates, only to find that none of them turned out 
    to be true, then `cond` should return `#f`.

    program = """
    (cond ((#f 'no)
           (#f 'nope)
           (#f 'i-dont-even)))

    assert_equals("#f", interpret(program, env))
예제 #54
def test_cond_returnes_false_as_default():
    If we evalaute all the predicates, only to find that none of them turned out 
    to be true, then `cond` should return `#f`.

    program = """
    (cond ((#f 'no)
           (#f 'nope)
           (#f 'i-dont-even)))

    assert_equals("#f", interpret(program, env))
예제 #55
def test_cond_returns_right_branch():
    `cond` takes as arguments a list of tuples (two-element lists, or "conses").

    The first element of each tuple is evaluated in order, until one evaluates 
    to `#t`. The second element of that tuple is returned.

    program = """
    (cond ((#f 'foo)
           (#t 'bar)
           (#f 'baz)))
    assert_equals("bar", interpret(program, env))
예제 #56
def test_cond_returns_right_branch():
    `cond` takes as arguments a list of tuples (two-element lists, or "conses").

    The first element of each tuple is evaluated in order, until one evaluates 
    to `#t`. The second element of that tuple is returned.

    program = """
    (cond ((#f 'foo)
           (#t 'bar)
           (#f 'baz)))
    assert_equals("bar", interpret(program, env))
예제 #57
def test_sort():
    assert_equals("()", interpret("'()", env))
    assert_equals("(1)", interpret("'(1)", env))
    assert_equals("(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)",
                  interpret("(sort '(6 3 7 2 4 1 5))", env))
    assert_equals("(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)",
                  interpret("(sort '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))", env))
    assert_equals("(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)",
                  interpret("(sort '(7 6 5 4 3 2 1))", env))
    assert_equals("(1 1 1)",
                  interpret("(sort '(1 1 1))", env))
예제 #58
def repl():
    """Start the interactive Read-Eval-Print-Loop"""
    print("                 " +
          faded("                             \`.    T       "))
    print("    Welcome to   " +
          faded("   .--------------.___________) \   |    T  "))
    print("   the DIY-lisp  " +
          faded("   |//////////////|___________[ ]   !  T |  "))
    print("       REPL      " +
          faded("   `--------------'           ) (      | !  "))
    print("                 " +
          faded("                              '-'      !    "))
    print(faded("  use ^D to exit"))

    env = Environment()
    interpret_file(join(dirname(relpath(__file__)), '..', 'stdlib.diy'), env)
    while True:
            source = read_expression()
            print(interpret(source, env))
        except LispError as e:
            print(colored("!", "red"))
            print(faded(str(e.__class__.__name__) + ":"))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            msg = "Interupted. " + faded("(Use ^D to exit)")
            print("\n" + colored("! ", "red") + msg)
        except EOFError:
            print(faded("\nBye! o/"))
        except Exception as e:
                colored("! ", "red") + faded("The Python is showing through…"))
            print(faded("  " + str(e.__class__.__name__) + ":"))
예제 #59
def test_sum():
    """Calculate the sum of all elements in the list."""

    assert_equals("5", interpret("(sum '(1 1 1 1 1))", env))
    assert_equals("10", interpret("(sum '(1 2 3 4))", env))
    assert_equals("0", interpret("(sum '())", env))