def populate_table_handler(tenant, table_id): connection.close() connection.set_schema(tenant) table = GeoKitTable.objects.get(pk=table_id) table.status = 2 # Bad
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Connection needs first to be at the public schema, as this is where # the database needs to be set before creating a new tenant. If this is # not done then django-tenants will raise a "Can't create tenant outside # the public schema." error. connection.set_schema_to_public() # Switch to Public. # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'][0] length = options['length'][0] try: organization = SharedOrganization.objects.get( schema_name=schema_name) except SharedOrganization.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Organization does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(organization.schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. watches = Watch.seed(length) # For debugging purposes. self.stdout.write('Successfully seed the following watch(s):'))) for watch in watches: self.stdout.write( _('Slug %(slug)s.') % { 'slug': watch.slug, }))
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Connection needs first to be at the public schema, as this is where # the database needs to be set before creating a new tenant. If this is # not done then django-tenants will raise a "Can't create tenant outside # the public schema." error. connection.set_schema_to_public() # Switch to Public. # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'][0] try: franchise = SharedFranchise.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) except SharedFranchise.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Franchise does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(franchise.schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # ALGORITHM: # WE WANT TO FREEZE TIME TO THE `LAST_MODIFIED` DATETIME SO THE RECORD # DOES NOT LOOKED LIKE IT WAS MODIFIED. SPECIAL THANKS TO LINK: # #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # (1) PROCESS CUSTOMERS for customer in Customer.objects.filter(gender=None).iterator(chunk_size=250): try: with freeze_time(customer.last_modified): self.fix_gender(customer) except Exception as e: print(e)
def run_migrations(self, schema_name, included_apps): if int(self.options.get('verbosity', 1)) >= 1: self._notice("=== Running migrate for schema %s" % schema_name) connection.set_schema(schema_name) command = MigrateCommand() command.execute(*self.args, **self.options) connection.set_schema_to_public()
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Connection needs first to be at the public schema, as this is where # the database needs to be set before creating a new tenant. If this is # not done then django-tenants will raise a "Can't create tenant outside # the public schema." error. connection.set_schema_to_public() # Switch to Public. # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'][0] try: franchise = SharedFranchise.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) except SharedFranchise.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Franchise does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(franchise.schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. work_orders = WorkOrder.objects.filter( Q( Q(state=WORK_ORDER_STATE.IN_PROGRESS) | Q(state=WORK_ORDER_STATE.ONGOING) | Q(state=WORK_ORDER_STATE.NEW)) & Q(is_ongoing=True) & Q(ongoing_work_order__isnull=True)) for work_order in work_orders: print( work_order.ongoing_work_order = OngoingWorkOrder.objects.create( customer=work_order.customer, associate=work_order.associate, state=ONGOING_WORK_ORDER_STATE.RUNNING) # For debugging purposes. self.stdout.write('Successfully updated.')))
def export_to_file(self, tenant): connection.close() connection.set_schema(tenant) try: table_file = GeoKitTableFile(table=self) path = "%s/downloads/csv/%s/%s" % (settings.MEDIA_ROOT, tenant, if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) with open(path + '.csv', 'w') as csvfile: writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=self.field_names) writer.writeheader() for r in self.record_set.all(): writer.writerow( table_file.file = "downloads/csv/%s/%s.csv" % (tenant, except IntegrityError: # Race condition where two requests for a GeoKitTable # occur at the same time. pass
def process_shapefile(tenant, layer_id, srs): connection.close() connection.set_schema(tenant) l = Layer.objects.get(pk=layer_id) shape_path = "%s/uploads/shapefile/%s/%s.shp" % (settings.MEDIA_ROOT, tenant, try: with, 'r') as collection: count = 0 min_bounds = OGRGeometry('POINT ({} {})'.format( collection.bounds[0], collection.bounds[1]), srs=srs).transform(4326, clone=True) max_bounds = OGRGeometry('POINT ({} {})'.format( collection.bounds[2], collection.bounds[3]), srs=srs).transform(4326, clone=True) l.bounds = min_bounds.coords + max_bounds.coords features = [] for index, record in enumerate(collection): try: geom = shape(record['geometry']) transformed_geom = OGRGeometry( geom.wkt, srs=srs).transform(3857, clone=True) transformed_geom_collection = GeometryCollection( transformed_geom.geos) s = hashlib.sha1() s.update(transformed_geom_collection.ewkb) properties = record['properties'] properties['fid'] = index properties['shaid'] = s.hexdigest() features.append( Feature(layer=l, geometry=transformed_geom_collection, properties=properties)) count += 1 except Exception as e: print "Feature excepton", e if count == 0: raise Exception("Layer needs to have at least one feature") Feature.objects.bulk_create(features) field_names = collection.schema['properties'].keys() field_names.append("fid") l.field_names = field_names = collection.schema['properties'] l.schema = collection.schema l.status = 0 finally: for path in glob.glob("%s/uploads/shapefile/%s/%s.*" % (settings.MEDIA_ROOT, tenant, os.remove(path)
def vector_catalog_save_layer(tenant, layer, vector_layer, features): connection.close() connection.set_schema(tenant) features = VECTOR_LAYERS[vector_layer]['geometries_by_id'](features) with transaction.atomic(): union = GEOSGeometry('POINT EMPTY') keys = None for g, props in features: if not keys: keys = props.keys() union = union.union(g) g.transform(3857) s = hashlib.sha1() s.update(GeometryCollection(g).ewkb) props['shaid'] = s.hexdigest() f = Feature(layer=layer, geometry=GeometryCollection(g), properties=props) envelope = union.envelope.coords[0] layer.bounds = envelope[2] + envelope[0] layer.status = 0 layer.field_names = list(set(layer.field_names).union(set(keys))) layer.schema['properties'] = {n: "str" for n in layer.field_names}
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Connection needs first to be at the public schema, as this is where # the database needs to be set before creating a new tenant. If this is # not done then django-tenants will raise a "Can't create tenant outside # the public schema." error. connection.set_schema_to_public() # Switch to Public. # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'][0] try: franchise = SharedFranchise.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) except SharedFranchise.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Franchise does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(franchise.schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. for customer in Customer.objects.all(): country = customer.address_country if country == "CA": customer.address_country = "Canada" for associate in Associate.objects.all(): country = associate.address_country if country == "CA": associate.address_country = "Canada" # For debugging purposes. self.stdout.write('Successfully updated.')))
def tenant_context(tenant): previous_schema = connection.get_schema() try: connection.set_tenant(tenant) yield finally: connection.set_schema(previous_schema)
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Connection needs first to be at the public schema, as this is where # the database needs to be set before creating a new tenant. If this is # not done then django-tenants will raise a "Can't create tenant outside # the public schema." error. connection.set_schema_to_public() # Switch to Public. # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'][0] slug = options['slug'][0] try: organization = SharedOrganization.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) except SharedOrganization.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Organization does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(organization.schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. watch = Watch.objects.filter(user__slug=slug).first() if watch: self.process(watch) # For debugging purposes. self.stdout.write('Successfully processed watch with slug %(slug)s.') %{ 'slug': slug, }) ) else: raise CommandError(_('Watch does not exist with slug %(slug)s.')%{ 'slug': slug })
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'][0] email = options['email'][0] try: franchise = SharedFranchise.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) except SharedFranchise.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Franchise does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. # Defensive Code: Prevent continuing if the email already exists. if not SharedUser.objects.filter(email=email).exists(): raise CommandError( _('Email does not exists, please pick another email.')) # Create the user. user = SharedUser.objects.get(email=email) user.delete() self.stdout.write('Deleted "User" object.'))) # For debugging purposes. self.stdout.write('Successfully deleted a tenant account.')))
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'] work_order_id = options['work_order_id'] user_id = options['user_id'] from_ip = options['from_ip'] from_ip_is_public = options['from_ip_is_public'] # print("INPUT") # print(schema_name) # print(work_order_id) # print(user_id) # print(from_ip) # print(from_ip_is_public) # Connection needs first to be at the public schema, as this is where # the database needs to be set before creating a new tenant. If this is # not done then django-tenants will raise a "Can't create tenant outside # the public schema." error. connection.set_schema_to_public() # Switch to Public. try: franchise = SharedFranchise.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) except SharedFranchise.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Franchise does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(franchise.schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. try: order = WorkOrder.objects.get(id=work_order_id) if order.state == WORK_ORDER_STATE.COMPLETED_AND_PAID: self.process(order, user_id, from_ip, from_ip_is_public) except SharedFranchise.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Franchise does not exist!'))
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Connection needs first to be at the public schema, as this is where # the database needs to be set before creating a new tenant. If this is # not done then django-tenants will raise a "Can't create tenant outside # the public schema." error. connection.set_schema_to_public() # Switch to Public. # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'][0] try: franchise = SharedFranchise.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) except SharedFranchise.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Franchise does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(franchise.schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. # Update content. self.begin_populating_insurance_requirements() self.begin_populating_skill_sets() self.begin_populating_resource_categories() self.begin_populating_resource_items() self.begin_populating_resource_item_sort_orders() self.begin_populating_vehicle_types() self.begin_populating_order_service_fees() self.being_populating_how_hear_about_us_items() # For debugging purposes. self.stdout.write('Successfully populated tenant content.')))
def schema_context(schema_name): previous_schema = connection.get_schema() try: connection.set_schema(schema_name) yield finally: connection.set_schema(previous_schema)
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Connection needs first to be at the public schema, as this is where # the database needs to be set before creating a new tenant. If this is # not done then django-tenants will raise a "Can't create tenant outside # the public schema." error. connection.set_schema_to_public() # Switch to Public. # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'][0] worker_order_id = options['id'][0] state = options['state'][0] try: franchise = SharedFranchise.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) except SharedFranchise.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Franchise does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(franchise.schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. try: work_order = WorkOrder.objects.get(id=worker_order_id) except WorkOrder.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Work order does not exist!')) # Change state. work_order.state = state # For debugging purposes. self.stdout.write('Successfully changed work order.')) )
def begin_processing(self, schema_name, prefix): # Load up the following historic data from CSV files... full_file_path = self.find_filepath_containing( CSV_FILENAME, prefix) # Personal Customers print(full_file_path) # Connection needs first to be at the public schema, as this is where # the database needs to be set before creating a new tenant. If this is # not done then django-tenants will raise a "Can't create tenant outside # the public schema." error. connection.set_schema_to_public() # Switch to Public. try: franchise = SharedOrganization.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) except SharedOrganization.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Org does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(franchise.schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. # Begin importing... with open(full_file_path, newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') for i, row_dict in enumerate(csvreader): if i > 0: # # Used for debugging purposes only. # self.stdout.write( #'Importing WorkOrder #%(id)s') % { # 'id': i # }) # ) # Begin importing... self.run_import_from_dict(row_dict, i)
def schema_context(schema_name): previous_tenant = connection.tenant try: connection.set_schema(schema_name) yield finally: connection.set_tenant(previous_tenant)
def switch_schema(task, kwargs, **kw): """ Switches schema of the task, before it has been run. """ # Lazily load needed functions, as they import django model functions which # in turn load modules that need settings to be loaded and we can't # guarantee this module was loaded when the settings were ready. from .compat import get_public_schema_name, get_tenant_model old_schema = (connection.schema_name, connection.include_public_schema) setattr(task, '_old_schema', old_schema) schema = ( get_schema_name_from_task(task, kwargs) or get_public_schema_name() ) # If the schema has not changed, don't do anything. if connection.schema_name == schema: return if connection.schema_name != get_public_schema_name(): connection.set_schema_to_public() if schema == get_public_schema_name(): return #tenant = get_tenant_model().objects.get(schema_name=schema) connection.set_schema(schema, include_public=True)
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Connection needs first to be at the public schema, as this is where # the database needs to be set before creating a new tenant. If this is # not done then django-tenants will raise a "Can't create tenant outside # the public schema." error. connection.set_schema_to_public() # Switch to Public. # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'][0] try: franchise = SharedFranchise.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) except SharedFranchise.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Franchise does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(franchise.schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. # Delete this bad tasks. TaskItem.objects.filter( job__state=WORK_ORDER_STATE.COMPLETED_BUT_UNPAID, is_closed=False).delete() TaskItem.objects.filter(job__state=WORK_ORDER_STATE.COMPLETED_AND_PAID, is_closed=False).delete() # For debugging purposes. self.stdout.write('Successfully updated.')))
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'][0] id = options['id'][0] try: franchise = SharedFranchise.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) except SharedFranchise.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Franchise does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. # Defensive Code: Prevent continuing if the email already exists. user = None if Customer.objects.filter(id=id).exists(): # Create the user. customer = Customer.objects.get(id=id) user = customer.owner customer.delete() self.stdout.write('Deleted "Customer" object.'))) if user: user.delete() self.stdout.write('Deleted "SharedUser" object.'))) # For debugging purposes. self.stdout.write('Successfully deleted a tenant customer.')))
def run_migrations(self, schema_name, included_apps, options): self._notice("=== Running migrate for schema %s" % schema_name) connection.set_schema(schema_name) command = MigrateCommand() command.execute(*self.args, **options) connection.set_schema_to_public()
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Connection needs first to be at the public schema, as this is where # the database needs to be set before creating a new tenant. If this is # not done then django-tenants will raise a "Can't create tenant outside # the public schema." error. connection.set_schema_to_public() # Switch to Public. # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'][0] try: franchise = SharedFranchise.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) except SharedFranchise.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Franchise does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(franchise.schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. self.delete_old_tasks() self.update_task_names() self.standardization_customer_province_and_country() self.standardization_associate_province_and_country() self.standardization_staff_province_and_country() self.customer_blacklist() # For debugging purposes. self.stdout.write('Successfully updated.')) )
def import_docs(**kwargs): """ Imports docs from couch base """ from partners.models import DistributionPlan data = requests.get( os.path.join(settings.COUCHBASE_URL, '_all_docs?include_docs=true'), auth=HTTPBasicAuth(settings.COUCHBASE_USER, settings.COUCHBASE_PASS) ).json() for row in data['rows']: if 'distribution_id' in row['doc']: distribution_id = row['doc']['distribution_id'] try: connection.set_schema(row['doc']['country']) distribution = DistributionPlan.objects.get( id=distribution_id ) distribution.delivered = row['doc']['item_list'][0]['delivered'] distribution.document = row['doc'] except DistributionPlan.DoesNotExist: print 'Distribution ID {} not found for Country {}'.format( distribution_id, row['doc']['country'] ) except Exception as exp: print exp.message
def process_shapefile_handler(tenant, layer_id, *args): connection.close() connection.set_schema(tenant) layer = Layer.objects.get(pk=layer_id) layer.status = 2
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Connection needs first to be at the public schema, as this is where # the database needs to be set before creating a new tenant. If this is # not done then django-tenants will raise a "Can't create tenant outside # the public schema." error. connection.set_schema_to_public() # Switch to Public. # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'][0] try: franchise = SharedFranchise.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) except SharedFranchise.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Franchise does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(franchise.schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. for ongoing_job in OngoingWorkOrder.objects.all().order_by( 'id').iterator(): jobs = WorkOrder.objects.filter(associate=ongoing_job.associate, customer=ongoing_job.customer, is_ongoing=True) for job in jobs.iterator(): job.ongoing_work_order = ongoing_job ongoing_job.closed_orders.add(job) # For debugging purposes. self.stdout.write('Successfully updated.')))
def vector_catalog_save_layer_handler(tenant, layer, *args): connection.close() connection.set_schema(tenant) layer = Layer.objects.get( layer.status = 2
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Connection needs first to be at the public schema, as this is where # the database needs to be set before creating a new tenant. If this is # not done then django-tenants will raise a "Can't create tenant outside # the public schema." error. connection.set_schema_to_public() # Switch to Public. # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'][0] try: franchise = SharedFranchise.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) # Get the current date for this particular franchise. now_dt = franchise.get_todays_date_plus_days() now_d = except SharedFranchise.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Franchise does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(franchise.schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # ALGORITHM: # WE WANT TO FREEZE TIME TO THE `LAST_MODIFIED` DATETIME SO THE RECORD # DOES NOT LOOKED LIKE IT WAS MODIFIED. SPECIAL THANKS TO LINK: # #----------------------------------------------------------------------# start_dt = parser.parse("2019-06-22") for away_log in AwayLog.objects.filter(reason=4, start_date__gte=start_dt).iterator(chunk_size=250): self.process_away_log(away_log, now_d); # For debugging purposes. self.stdout.write('Successfully updated.')) )
def handle(self, *args, **options): """ Function will get the inputted tenant name and doc_id and set the database to the tenant schema and begin processing for the particular document. """ schema_name = options['id'][0] workspace_id = int_or_none(options['id'][1]) # the tenant metadata is stored. from django.db import connection # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. api = BizmulaAPI(settings.DOCXPRESSO_PUBLIC_KEY, settings.DOCXPRESSO_PRIVATE_KEY, settings.DOCXPRESSO_URL) self.begin_processing(workspace_id, api) # Return a success message to the console. self.stdout.write( _('Finished processing stage 8 for workspace_id #%s.') % str(workspace_id)))
def run_migrations(args, options, executor_codename, schema_name, allow_atomic=True): from import color from import OutputWrapper from django.db import connection style = color.color_style() def style_func(msg): return '[%s:%s] %s' % ( style.NOTICE(executor_codename), style.NOTICE(schema_name), msg ) connection.set_schema(schema_name) stdout = OutputWrapper(sys.stdout) stdout.style_func = style_func stderr = OutputWrapper(sys.stderr) stderr.style_func = style_func if int(options.get('verbosity', 1)) >= 1: stdout.write(style.NOTICE("=== Starting migration")) MigrateCommand(stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr).execute(*args, **options) try: transaction.commit() connection.close() connection.connection = None except transaction.TransactionManagementError: if not allow_atomic: raise # We are in atomic transaction, don't close connections pass connection.set_schema_to_public()
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Connection needs first to be at the public schema, as this is where # the database needs to be set before creating a new tenant. If this is # not done then django-tenants will raise a "Can't create tenant outside # the public schema." error. connection.set_schema_to_public() # Switch to Public. # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'][0] try: franchise = SharedFranchise.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) except SharedFranchise.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Franchise does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(franchise.schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. customers = Customer.objects.all() for customer in customers.all(): how_hear_text = customer.how_hear if how_hear_text is None or how_hear_text == "": customer.how_hear = 1 customer.how_hear_other = "Did not answer" # For debugging purposes. self.stdout.write('Successfully updated.')))
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Get the user inputs. schema_name = options['schema_name'][0] order_id = int_or_none(options['id'][0]) try: franchise = SharedFranchise.objects.get(schema_name=schema_name) except SharedFranchise.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(_('Franchise does not exist!')) # Connection will set it back to our tenant. connection.set_schema(schema_name, True) # Switch to Tenant. # Defensive Code: Prevent continuing if the ID# does not exist. if not WorkOrder.objects.filter(id=order_id).exists(): raise CommandError( _('ID # does not exists, please pick another ID #.')) # Create the user. work_order = WorkOrder.objects.get(id=order_id) work_order.delete() self.stdout.write('Deleted "WorkOrder" object.'))) # For debugging purposes. self.stdout.write('Successfully deleted a tenant account.')))
def schema_context(schema_name): previous_tenant = connection.tenant try: connection.set_schema(schema_name) yield finally: if previous_tenant is None: connection.set_schema_to_public() else: connection.set_tenant(previous_tenant)
def execute_command(self, schema, command_name, *args, **options): print print"=== Switching to schema '")\ +\ +"' then calling %s:" % command_name) # sets the schema for the connection connection.set_schema(schema) # call the original command with the args it knows call_command(command_name, *args, **options)
def run_migrations(self, schema_name, included_apps): if int(self.options.get('verbosity', 1)) >= 1: self._notice("=== Running migrate for schema %s" % schema_name) if not schema_exists(schema_name): raise MigrationSchemaMissing('Schema "{}" does not exist'.format( schema_name)) connection.set_schema(schema_name) command = MigrateCommand() command.execute(*self.args, **self.options) connection.set_schema_to_public()
def restore_schema(task, **kwargs): """ Switches the schema back to the one from before running the task. """ from tenant_schemas.utils import get_public_schema_name schema_name, include_public = getattr(task, '_old_schema', (get_public_schema_name(), True)) # If the schema names match, don't do anything. if connection.schema_name == schema_name: return connection.set_schema(schema_name, include_public=include_public)
def restore_schema(task, **kwargs): """ Switches the schema back to the one from before running the task. """ from .compat import get_public_schema_name schema_name = get_public_schema_name() include_public = True if hasattr(task, '_old_schema'): schema_name, include_public = task._old_schema # If the schema names match, don't do anything. if connection.schema_name == schema_name: return connection.set_schema(schema_name, include_public=include_public)
def run_migrations(self, schema_name, included_apps): self._notice("=== Running migrate for schema %s" % schema_name) connection.set_schema(schema_name) command = MigrateCommand() defaults = {} for opt in MigrateCommand.option_list: if opt.dest in self.options: defaults[opt.dest] = self.options[opt.dest] elif opt.default is NO_DEFAULT: defaults[opt.dest] = None else: defaults[opt.dest] = opt.default command.execute(*self.args, **defaults) connection.set_schema_to_public()
def run_migrations(self, schema_name, included_apps): self._notice("=== Running migrate for schema %s" % schema_name) connection.set_schema(schema_name, include_public=False) apps.app_configs = OrderedDict() apps.clear_cache() apps.set_installed_apps(included_apps) command = MigrateCommand() defaults = {} for opt in MigrateCommand.option_list: if opt.dest in self.options: defaults[opt.dest] = self.options[opt.dest] elif opt.default is NO_DEFAULT: defaults[opt.dest] = None else: defaults[opt.dest] = opt.default command.execute(*self.args, **defaults) connection.set_schema('public', include_public=True) apps.app_configs = OrderedDict() apps.clear_cache() apps.set_installed_apps(settings.SHARED_APPS)
def handle(self, *args, **options): schema = options.get('schema') connection.set_schema(schema) super(Command, self).handle(*args, **options) connection.set_schema_to_public()
def create_admin(self, request, queryset): form = None # u = User.objects.get( if 'apply' in request.POST: form = CreateAdminForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): username = form.cleaned_data['username'] email = form.cleaned_data['email'] password = form.cleaned_data['password'] for obj in queryset: connection.set_schema(obj.schema_name, include_public=False) user = User.objects.create_user(username, email, password) user.is_staff = True user.is_active = True user.is_superuser = True # adicionando os status s = {'Tramitando', 'Arquivado', 'Parado', 'Entregue'} status_check = Status.objects.filter(nome__in=s) if not status_check: for i in s: new_status = Status(nome=i) # adicionando os tipos de instituicao ti = {'Externa', 'Interna'} tipo_inst_check = TipoInstituicao.objects.filter(nome__in=ti) if not tipo_inst_check: for i in ti: new_tipoinst = TipoInstituicao(nome=i) # adicionando os carateres c = {'Normal', 'Urgente'} carater_check = Carater.objects.filter(nome__in=c) if not carater_check: for i in c: new_carater = Carater(nome=i) # adicionando as naturezas n = {'Aberto', 'Confidencial'} natureza_check = Natureza.objects.filter(nome__in=c) if not carater_check: for i in n: new_natureza = Natureza(nome=i) connection.set_schema_to_public() messages.success(request, 'Admin "%s" para Cliente "%s": \ criado com sucesso.' % (username, return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path()) if not form: form = CreateAdminForm(initial={'_selected_action': request.POST.getlist(ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME)}) # request=request) opts = self.model._meta app_label = opts.app_label module_name = opts.module_name, context = { 'title': "Criar Administrador", 'opts': opts, 'app_label': app_label, 'module_name': module_name, 'create_form': form, } return TemplateResponse(request, 'admin/create_admin.html', context,