def with_advice_status(self): return self.annotate(advice_count=Count("advice")).annotate( has_advice=expressions.Case( expressions.When(advice_count=0, then=False), default=True, output_field=BooleanField(), ))
def IsNotNone(*fields, default=None): """Selects whichever field is not None, in the specified order. Arguments: fields: The fields to attempt to get a value from, in order. default: The value to return in case all values are None. Returns: A Case-When expression that tries each field and returns the specified default value when all of them are None. """ when_clauses = [ expressions.When(~expressions.Q(**{field: None}), then=expressions.F(field)) for field in reversed(fields) ] return expressions.Case( *when_clauses, default=expressions.Value(default), output_field=CharField(), )
def get_queryset(self) -> models.QuerySet: qs = self.queryset.annotate(has_user=expressions.Case( expressions.When( user__isnull=False, then=expressions.Value(True), ), default=expressions.Value(False), # # Tell Django the expected type of the field, see `output_field` in # # output_field=models.BooleanField())) return qs