예제 #1
def navitem(parser, token):
    """{% navitem <viewname> <title> [exact] %}"""
    tokens = token.split_contents()
    if len(tokens) < 3:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("%s requires at least 3 tokens" % tokens[0])
    return NavitemNode(*tokens[1:])
예제 #2
def _scan_placeholders(nodelist, current_block=None, ignore_blocks=None):
    from cms.templatetags.cms_tags import Placeholder

    placeholders = []
    if ignore_blocks is None:
        # List of BlockNode instances to ignore.
        # This is important to avoid processing overriden block nodes.
        ignore_blocks = []

    for node in nodelist:
        # check if this is a placeholder first
        if isinstance(node, Placeholder):
        elif isinstance(node, IncludeNode):
            # if there's an error in the to-be-included template, node.template becomes None
            if node.template:
                # This is required for Django 1.7 but works on older version too
                # Check if it quacks like a template object, if not
                # presume is a template path and get the object out of it
                if not callable(getattr(node.template, 'render', None)):
                    template = get_template(node.template.var)
                    template = node.template
                placeholders += _scan_placeholders(template.nodelist,
        # handle {% extends ... %} tags
        elif isinstance(node, ExtendsNode):
            placeholders += _extend_nodelist(node)
        # in block nodes we have to scan for super blocks
        elif isinstance(node, VariableNode) and current_block:
            if node.filter_expression.token == 'block.super':
                if not hasattr(current_block.super, 'nodelist'):
                    raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                        "Cannot render block.super for blocks without a parent."
                placeholders += _scan_placeholders(
                    current_block.super.nodelist, current_block.super)
        # ignore nested blocks which are already handled
        elif isinstance(node, BlockNode) and node.name in ignore_blocks:
        # if the node has the newly introduced 'child_nodelists' attribute, scan
        # those attributes for nodelists and recurse them
        elif hasattr(node, 'child_nodelists'):
            for nodelist_name in node.child_nodelists:
                if hasattr(node, nodelist_name):
                    subnodelist = getattr(node, nodelist_name)
                    if isinstance(subnodelist, NodeList):
                        if isinstance(node, BlockNode):
                            current_block = node
                        placeholders += _scan_placeholders(
                            subnodelist, current_block, ignore_blocks)
        # else just scan the node for nodelist instance attributes
            for attr in dir(node):
                obj = getattr(node, attr)
                if isinstance(obj, NodeList):
                    if isinstance(node, BlockNode):
                        current_block = node
                    placeholders += _scan_placeholders(obj, current_block,
    return placeholders
예제 #3
def reverse(parser, token):
    Returns an absolute URL matching given view with its parameters.

    This is a way to define links that aren't tied to a particular URL

        {% reverse "path.to.some_view" "arg1","arg2" [as varname] %}
        {% reverse "path.to.some_view" name1="value1" [as varname] %}

    The first argument is a path to a view or a view name. It can be an 
    absolute python path or just ``app_name.view_name`` without the project 
    name if the view is located inside the project.  Other arguments are 
    comma-separated values that will be filled in place of positional and 
    keyword arguments in the URL. All arguments for the URL must be present 
    unless you use the ``partial`` form of ``reverse`` which is described 
    If you'd like to store the resulting url in a ``context`` variable instead of 
    directly displaying it you can use the optional ``as varname`` argument.

    For example if you have a view ``app_name.client`` taking client's id and
    the corresponding line in a URLconf looks like this::

        ('^client/(\d+)/$', 'app_name.client')

    and this app's URLconf is included into the project's URLconf under some

        ('^clients/', include('project_name.app_name.urls'))

    then in a template you can create a link for a certain client like this::

        {% reverse "app_name.client" client.id %}

    The URL will look like ``/clients/client/123/``.
    Advanced usage
    The ``reverse`` tag also supports a more advanced mode of operation
    called "partial resolving". This allows you to reverse an URL in two or 
    more stages. Each time only specifying some of required view arguments
    until the URL is resolved.
        {% reverse partial "path.to.some_view" "arg1" key1="value1" as varname %}
    TODO: add more doc and usage examples
    Note: When using the partial keyword the ``as varname`` clause is required
          since a partially reversed URL can not be output directly but only 
          be used as the ``view`` argument to another invocation of 
    Note: The "last" invocation MUST NOT specify ``partial`` 
    bits = token.contents.split(' ')
    if len(bits) < 2:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes at least one argument"
                                  " (path to a view)" % bits[0])
    partial = False
    args = []
    kwargs = {}
    asvar = None

    argstart = 2
    if bits[1] == "partial":
        partial = True
        view = parser.compile_filter(bits[2])
        argstart = 3
        view = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])

    if len(bits) > 2:
        bits = iter(bits[argstart:])
        for bit in bits:
            if bit == 'as':
                asvar = bits.next()
                for arg in bit.split(","):
                    if '=' in arg:
                        k, v = arg.split('=', 1)
                        k = k.strip()
                        kwargs[k] = parser.compile_filter(v)
                    elif arg:
        if partial and asvar is None:
            raise TemplateSyntaxError("When using 'partial' '%s' requires"
                                      " (as varname) argument" % bits[0])
    if partial:
        return PartialReverseNode(view, args, kwargs, asvar)
    return ReverseNode(view, args, kwargs, asvar)
예제 #4
def get_imgix(image_url, alias=None, wh=None, **kwargs):

        domains = settings.IMGIX_DOMAINS
        raise ImproperlyConfigured(
            "IMGIX_DOMAINS not set in settings.py"

    ### Build arguments
    args = {}

    # Get arguments from settings
    shard_strategy, sign_key, use_https, aliases,\
        format_detect, web_proxy = get_settings_variables()

    args['use_https'] = use_https

    if sign_key:
        args['sign_key'] = sign_key

    if shard_strategy:
        args['shard_strategy'] = shard_strategy

    # Imgix by default appends ?ixlib=python-<version_number> to the end
    # of the URL, but we don't want that.
    args['include_library_param'] = False

    # Get builder instance
    builder = imgix.UrlBuilder(

    # Has the wh argument been passed? If yes,
    # set w and h arguments accordingly
    if wh:
        size = wh
        if isinstance(size, six.string_types):
            m = WH_PATTERN.match(size)
            if m:
                w = int(m.group(1))
                h = int(m.group(2))
                if w > 0:
                    kwargs['w'] = int(m.group(1))
                if h > 0:
                    kwargs['h'] = int(m.group(2))
                raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                    "%r is not a valid size." % size

    # Is format detection on? If yes, use the appropriate image format.

    arguments = get_kwargs(alias, aliases, kwargs)

    if format_detect and 'fm' not in arguments:
        fm = get_fm(image_url)
        if fm:
            arguments['fm'] = fm

    # Take only the relative path of the URL if the source is not a Web Proxy Source
    if not web_proxy:
        image_url = urlparse(image_url).path

    # Build the Imgix URL
    url = builder.create_url(image_url, arguments)
    return mark_safe(url)
예제 #5
 def parse(cls, parser, tokens):
     bits = tokens.split_contents()
     if len(bits) != 2:
         raise TemplateSyntaxError("{% widget %} takes one and only one argument")
     field = bits.pop(1)
     return cls(field)
예제 #6
 def analytical_tag(parser, token):
     bits = token.split_contents()
     if len(bits) > 1:
         raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' tag takes no arguments" % bits[0])
     return AnalyticalNode(location)
예제 #7
def do_t(parser, token):
    """ Parse a transifex translation tag.

        Inline syntax:
          {% t/ut <source>[|filter...] [key=param[|filter...]...] [as <var>] %}

          <source> can either be a literal string or a variable containing a
          string. In each case, the string will be considered an ICU template
          whose parameters will be rendered against the parameters of the tag
          and the context of the template.

        Block syntax:
          {% t/ut [|filter...] [key=param[|filter...]...] [as <var>] %}
          {% endt/ut %}

          <source> can be anything. Django template tokens will not be parsed,
          but captured verbatim (which will most likely mess up with ICU


        :param parser: A django Parser object. Has information about how the
                       templating engine is setup, what filters and tags are
                       available and the tokens that haven't yet been processed

        :param token:  A django Token instance. Has information about the
                       contents of the token we are currently processing

    # We will gradually "consume" bits left-to-right. At any given moment, the
    # leftmost bit is the one we need to be processing
    bits = list(token.split_contents())

    # {% t ... %}
    #    ^
    tag_name = bits.pop(0)

    # not {% t %}
    has_args = bool(bits)
    # {% t |escapejs ... %} ... {% endt %}
    first_arg_is_filter = has_args and bits[0].startswith('|')
    # {% t "hello world" ... %}
    first_arg_is_string_literal = (has_args and bits[0][0] in ('"', "'")
                                   and bits[0][0] == bits[0][-1])
    # {% t var=var ... %}
    first_arg_is_param = (has_args and not first_arg_is_string_literal
                          and '=' in bits[0])
    # {% t as text %}
    first_arg_is_as = has_args and bits[0] == "as"

    is_block = (not has_args or first_arg_is_filter or first_arg_is_param
                or first_arg_is_as)

    if not is_block:
        # Treat the source string as a full filter expression. Proper
        # exceptions will be raised if it is not formatted properly
        source_string = parser.compile_filter(bits.pop(0))
        block = []
        while True:
                # `next_token` removes the first token from the parser's list
                token = parser.next_token()
            except IndexError:
                # We ran out of tokens
                raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                    "'{tag_name}' tag not closed with "
            if (token.token_type == TOKEN_BLOCK
                    and token.contents == "end{}".format(tag_name)):

            # Here we capture the contents of the block verbatim.
            # Unfortunately, there is some loss of information here: When
            # django captures a token, it saves the content as
            # `text[2:-2].strip()`, which means that the size of the
            # surrounding spaces is lost. This means that we end up capturing
            # `{%     tag%}` as `{% tag %}`
            if token.token_type == TOKEN_VAR:
                block.append(''.join((VARIABLE_TAG_START, ' ', token.contents,
                                      ' ', VARIABLE_TAG_END)))
            elif token.token_type == TOKEN_BLOCK:
                block.append(''.join((BLOCK_TAG_START, ' ', token.contents,
                                      ' ', BLOCK_TAG_END)))
            elif token.token_type == TOKEN_COMMENT and token.contents:
                block.append(''.join((COMMENT_TAG_START, ' ', token.contents,
                                      ' ', COMMENT_TAG_END)))
            elif token.token_type == TOKEN_TEXT:
            else:  # pragma: no cover
                # Unreachable code
                raise TemplateSyntaxError("Could not parse body of '{}' tag "
        block = ''.join(block)

        # Create a dummy filter expression with the provided filters and then
        # replace its 'var' attribute with the captured text. This effectively
        # makes
        # `{% t %}text{% endt %}` equivalent to `{% t "text" %}` and
        # `{% t |filter %}text{% endt %}` equivalent to `{% t "text"|filter %}`
        # while allowing the text to contain characters that would be invalid
        # with the inline syntax, like newlines and `"`
        if first_arg_is_filter:
            source_string = parser.compile_filter('""' + bits.pop(0))
            source_string = parser.compile_filter('""')
        source_string.var = block

    # {% t "string" var=value var2=value2 ... %}
    #               ^^^^^^^^^
    params_list = []
    while bits and '=' in bits[0]:
    # Proper exceptions will be raised if the params are not formatted properly
    params = token_kwargs(params_list, parser, support_legacy=False)

    # {% t "string" as var %}
    #               ^^^^^^
    asvar = None
    if bits:
        if len(bits) != 2 or bits[0] != "as":
            raise TemplateSyntaxError("Unrecognized tail: {}".format(
                ' '.join(bits)))
            asvar = bits[1]
            del bits[:2]

    if bits:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("Unrecognized tail: {}".format(
            ' '.join(bits)))

    return TNode(tag_name, source_string, params, asvar)
    def render(self, context):
        cache_name = self.fragment_name.resolve(context)
        result = cache.get(cache_name)

        if not result:
            timeout = None
            if self.timeout_var:
                    timeout = self.timeout_var.resolve(context)
                except VariableDoesNotExist:
                    raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                        '"cache" tag got an unknkown variable: {0}'.format(
                    timeout = int(timeout)
                except (ValueError, TypeError):
                    raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                        '"cache" tag got a non-integer timeout value: {0}'.

            tags = [x.resolve(context) for x in self.vary_on]
            if 'tags' in self.kwargs:
                tags += self.kwargs['tags'].resolve(context)

            # We can also add a new tags during nodelist is rendering.
            # And prevent caching.
            if not 'cache_tagging_prevent' in context:
                context['cache_tagging_prevent'] = False

            sub_context = copy.copy(context)
            sub_context['cache_tagging'] = set(tags)
            # Allows nested caching
            sub_context['cache_tagging_prevent'] = False
            result = self.nodelist.render(sub_context)
            tags = sub_context['cache_tagging']

            # Prevent caching of ancestor
            if sub_context['cache_tagging_prevent']:
                context['cache_tagging_prevent'] = True
            prevent = sub_context['cache_tagging_prevent']

            if 'request' in context:
                request = context['request']
                if not hasattr(request, 'cache_tagging'):
                    request.cache_tagging = set()
                if isinstance(request.cache_tagging, set):
                if context['cache_tagging_prevent']:

            if not prevent:
                cache.set(cache_name, result, tags, timeout)

        if 'nocache' in self.kwargs and self.kwargs['nocache'].resolve(
            context_dict = {}
            for d in context.dicts:

            class Filters(object):

            filters = Filters()
            for k, v in self.filters.items():
                setattr(filters, k, v)
            filters.escape = filters.force_escape

                'context': context,
                'render_to_string': render_to_string,
                'cache': cache,
                'nocache': nocache_handler,
                'filters': filters,
                'reverse': urlresolvers.reverse,
                '_': ugettext_lazy,
                'ugettext_lazy': ugettext_lazy,
                '_p': pgettext_lazy,
                'pgettext_lazy': pgettext_lazy,
            result = nocache_handler.handle(result, **context_dict)

        if 'phased' in self.kwargs and self.kwargs['phased'].resolve(
                context) and phased_render:
            # support for django-phased https://github.com/codysoyland/django-phased
            result = phased_render(context['request'], result)

        return result
예제 #9
def minified_js(sourcefile):
    if sourcefile not in settings.JS_SPECS:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError(
            "Invalid argument: no JS file %s".format(sourcefile))

    return MinifiedJSNode(sourcefile).render({})
예제 #10
def reply_list(context, entry, comment, context_type, context_id):
    Renders a list of comments of a specified type.

    This is a complex, confusing function accepts lots of inputs in order
    to display replies to a type of object. In each case, the replies will
    be rendered using the template :template:`reviews/review_reply.html`.

    If ``context_type`` is ``"diff_comments"``, ``"screenshot_comments"``
    or ``"file_attachment_comments"``, the generated list of replies are to

    If ``context_type`` is ``"body_top"`` or ```"body_bottom"``,
    the generated list of replies are to ``review``. Depending on the
    ``context_type``, these will either be replies to the top of the
    review body or to the bottom.

    The ``context_id`` parameter has to do with the internal IDs used by
    the JavaScript code for storing and categorizing the comments.
    def generate_reply_html(reply,
        new_context = context
            'context_id': context_id,
            'id': reply.id,
            'review': review,
            'timestamp': timestamp,
            'text': text,
            'reply_user': reply.user,
            'draft': not reply.public,
            'comment_id': comment_id,
            'rich_text': rich_text,
        return render_to_string('reviews/review_reply.html', new_context)

    def process_body_replies(queryset, attrname, user):
        if user.is_anonymous():
            queryset = queryset.filter(public=True)
            queryset = queryset.filter(Q(public=True) | Q(user=user))

        s = ""
        for reply_comment in queryset:
            s += generate_reply_html(reply, reply.timestamp,
                                     getattr(reply, attrname))

        return s

    review = entry['review']

    user = context.get('user', None)
    if user.is_anonymous():
        user = None

    s = ""

    if context_type in ('diff_comments', 'screenshot_comments',
        for reply_comment in comment.public_replies(user):
            s += generate_reply_html(reply_comment.get_review(),
                                     reply_comment.rich_text, reply_comment.pk)
    elif context_type == "body_top" or context_type == "body_bottom":
        replies = getattr(review, "public_%s_replies" % context_type)()

        for reply in replies:
            s += generate_reply_html(reply, reply.timestamp,
                                     getattr(reply, context_type),

        return s
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("Invalid context type passed")

    return s
예제 #11
def _validate_no_args(token):
    bits = token.split_contents()
    if len(bits) > 1:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes no arguments" % bits[0])
예제 #12
def render_xtdcomment_tree(parser, token):
    Render the nested comment tree structure posted to the given object.
    By default uses the template ``django_comments_xtd/comments_tree.html``.


        {% render_xtdcomment_tree [for <object>] [with vname1=<obj1>
           vname2=<obj2>] [allow_feedback] [show_feedback] [allow_flagging]
           [using <template>] %}
        {% render_xtdcomment_tree with <varname>=<context-var> %}

    Example usage::

        {% render_xtdcomment_tree for object allow_feedback %}
        {% render_xtdcomment_tree with comments=comment.children %}
    obj = None
    cvars = []
    allow_feedback = False
    show_feedback = False
    allow_flagging = False
    template_path = None
    tokens = token.contents.split()
    tag = tokens.pop(0)

    # There must be at least a 'for <object>' or a 'with vname=obj' clause.
    if len(tokens) < 2 or tokens[0] not in ["for", "with"]:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("2nd and 3rd argument in %r must be either "
                                  "a 'for <object>' or a 'with vname=<obj>' "
                                  "clause." % tag)
    while tokens:
        token = tokens.pop(0)
        if token == "for":
            if tokens[0] != "with":
                obj = tokens[0]
                raise TemplateSyntaxError("3rd argument after 'for' in %r "
                                          "can't be reserved word 'with'." %
        if token == "with":
            tail_tokens = [
                "allow_feedback", "show_feedback", "allow_flagging", "using"
                if tokens[0] not in tail_tokens:
                    while len(tokens) and tokens[0] not in tail_tokens:
                        pair = tokens.pop(0)
                        if pair.find("=") == -1:
                            raise Exception()
                    raise Exception()
            except Exception:
                raise TemplateSyntaxError("arguments after 'with' in %r "
                                          "must be pairs varname=obj." % tag)
        if token == "allow_feedback":
            allow_feedback = True
        if token == "show_feedback":
            show_feedback = True
        if token == "allow_flagging":
            allow_flagging = True
        if token == "using":
                template_path = tokens[0]
            except IndexError:
                raise TemplateSyntaxError("The relative path to the template "
                                          "is missing after 'using' in %r." %
    return RenderXtdCommentTreeNode(obj,
def do_settings(parser, token):
    bits = token.split_contents()
    if not len(bits) > 1:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag requires at least one argument' %
    return SettingsNode(bits[1:])
예제 #14
def get_copyright(parser, token):
    bits = token.split_contents()
    if len(bits) != 2:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError('Error token tag "get_copyright"')

    return GetCopyrightNode(bits[1])
예제 #15
def bootstrap_pager(parser, token):
    Renders a Page object as a Twitter Bootstrap styled pager bar.
    Compatible with Bootstrap 2.x only.


        {% bootstrap_pager page_obj %}

    Named Parameters::

        previous_label - The label to show for the Previous link (defaults to "Previous Page")

        next_label - The label to show for the Next link (defualts to "Next Page")

        previous_title - The link title for the previous link (defaults to "Previous Page")

        next_title - The link title for the next link (defaults to "Next Page")

        url_name - The named URL to use. Defaults to None. If None, then the
                   default template simply appends the url parameter as a
                   relative URL link, eg: <a href="?page=1">1</a>

        url_param_name - The name of the parameter to use in the URL. If
                         url_name is set to None, this string is used as the
                         parameter name in the relative URL path. If a URL
                         name is specified, this string is used as the
                         parameter name passed into the reverse() method for
                         the URL.

        url_extra_args - This is used only in conjunction with url_name.
                        When referencing a URL, additional arguments may be
                        passed in as a list.

        url_extra_kwargs - This is used only in conjunction with url_name.
                           When referencing a URL, additional named arguments
                           may be passed in as a dictionary.

        url_get_params - The other get parameters to pass, only the page
                         number will be overwritten. Use this to preserve
    bits = token.split_contents()
    if len(bits) < 2:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes at least one argument"
                                  " (Page object reference)" % bits[0])
    page = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])
    kwargs = {}
    bits = bits[2:]

    kwarg_re = re.compile(r'(\w+)=(.+)')

    if len(bits):
        for bit in bits:
            match = kwarg_re.match(bit)
            if not match:
                raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                    "Malformed arguments to bootstrap_pagination pager tag")
            name, value = match.groups()
            kwargs[name] = parser.compile_filter(value)

    return BootstrapPagerNode(page, kwargs)
예제 #16
def salva(request):

    azienda = get_object_or_404(Azienda,
                                    'azienda', False))

    domandePostate = 0

    questionario = Questionario.objects.get(
        pk__exact=request.POST.get('questionario_obj_id', False))

    tmp = Domanda.objects.filter(questionario=questionario).filter(

    for (counter, item) in enumerate(request.POST):
        ids = item.split('#')

        if (len(ids) == 2):
            id_questionario = ids[0]
            id_domanda = ids[1]

        if (len(ids) == 3):

            id_questionario = ids[0]
            id_domanda = ids[1]
            id_risposta = ids[2]

        if (len(ids) >= 2):

            #  if counter == 0:
            #                 tmp=Domanda.objects.filter(questionario=questionario).filter(tipo=0).filter(multiple=True)
            #                 Risultati.objects.filter(questionario=questionario,azienda=azienda,domanda__in=tmp).delete()

            domanda = get_object_or_404(Domanda, pk__exact=id_domanda)

            if int(domanda.tipo) != 1:

                domandePostate = domandePostate + 1
                risposta chiusa

            if int(domanda.tipo) == 0:  #domanda chiusa
                if domanda.multiple:
                    risposte = request.POST.getlist(item)
                    for risposta in risposte:
                            risposta_chiusa = Risposta_chiusa.objects.get(
                            assert False, risposta
                        risultato, created = Risultati.objects.get_or_create(
                        risultato.testo = str(risposta)


                    risposta = request.POST.get(item, False)
                        risposta_chiusa = Risposta_chiusa.objects.get(
                    except:  #boolean
                            risposta_splitted = risposta.split('#')
                            risposta_chiusa = Risposta_chiusa.objects.get(
                            risposta = risposta_splitted[1]
                            raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                                "Errore nel salvataggio risposta chiusa. Name: %s Value: %s "
                                % (item, risposta))
                    risultato, created = Risultati.objects.get_or_create(
                    risultato.testo = str(risposta)

            risposta di tipo range
            nome del campo =  questionario#domanda#risposta 
            valore = valore nel range

            if int(domanda.tipo) == 2:  #range
                risposta = request.POST.get(item, False)
                    risposta_chiusa = Risposta_chiusa.objects.get(
                    assert False, risposta
                risultato, created = Risultati.objects.get_or_create(
                risultato.testo = str(risposta)
                risposta aperta

            if int(domanda.tipo) == 1:

                risposta_aperta = get_object_or_404(Risposta_aperta,

                risultato, created = Risultati.objects.get_or_create(
                risultato.testo = str(request.POST.get(item, ''))
                if risultato.testo != '':
                    domandePostate = domandePostate + 1

                risposta modulare

            if int(domanda.tipo) == 3:
                checkedFirst = False
                risposta_aperta = get_object_or_404(Risposta_aperta,

                for clustered in request.POST.getlist(item):

                    if str(clustered) != '':

                        risultato = Risultati(

                        risultato.testo = str(clustered)
                        if not checkedFirst:
                            domandePostate = domandePostate + 1
                            checkedFirst = True


#   check del totale dei risultati
#   totDomande=0;

    if questionario:
        totDomande = len(questionario.domanda_set.all())
        obj, created = GestoreQuestionari.objects.get_or_create(
            azienda=azienda, questionario=questionario)

        if domandePostate == totDomande:
            #questionario completo
            obj.status = 2
            #questionario parziale
            obj.status = 1

    #assert False, "%s su %s" % (domandePostate,totDomande)

    return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META['HTTP_REFERER'])
예제 #17
 def error():
     raise TemplateSyntaxError(
         "mkrange accepts the syntax: {%% mkrange [start,] stop[, step] as context_name %%}, where 'start', 'stop' and 'step' must all be integers."
예제 #18
def do_tag_cloud_for_model(parser, token):
    Retrieves a list of ``Tag`` objects for a given model, with tag
    cloud attributes set, and stores them in a context variable.


       {% tag_cloud_for_model [model] as [varname] %}

    The model is specified in ``[appname].[modelname]`` format.

    Extended usage::

       {% tag_cloud_for_model [model] as [varname] with [options] %}

    Extra options can be provided after an optional ``with`` argument,
    with each option being specified in ``[name]=[value]`` format. Valid
    extra options are:

          Integer. Defines the range of font sizes.

          Integer. Defines the minimum number of times a tag must have
          been used to appear in the cloud.

          One of ``linear`` or ``log``. Defines the font-size
          distribution algorithm to use when generating the tag cloud.


       {% tag_cloud_for_model products.Widget as widget_tags %}
       {% tag_cloud_for_model products.Widget as widget_tags with steps=9 min_count=3 distribution=log %}

    bits = token.contents.split()
    len_bits = len(bits)
    if len_bits != 4 and len_bits not in range(6, 9):
        raise TemplateSyntaxError(
            _('%s tag requires either three or between five and seven arguments'
              ) % bits[0])
    if bits[2] != 'as':
        raise TemplateSyntaxError(
            _("second argument to %s tag must be 'as'") % bits[0])
    kwargs = {}
    if len_bits > 5:
        if bits[4] != 'with':
            raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                _("if given, fourth argument to %s tag must be 'with'") %
        for i in range(5, len_bits):
                name, value = bits[i].split('=')
                if name == 'steps' or name == 'min_count':
                        kwargs[str(name)] = int(value)
                    except ValueError:
                        raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                            _("%(tag)s tag's '%(option)s' option was not a valid integer: '%(value)s'"
                              ) % {
                                  'tag': bits[0],
                                  'option': name,
                                  'value': value,
                elif name == 'distribution':
                    if value in ['linear', 'log']:
                        kwargs[str(name)] = {
                            'linear': LINEAR,
                            'log': LOGARITHMIC
                        raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                            _("%(tag)s tag's '%(option)s' option was not a valid choice: '%(value)s'"
                              ) % {
                                  'tag': bits[0],
                                  'option': name,
                                  'value': value,
                    raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                        _("%(tag)s tag was given an invalid option: '%(option)s'"
                          ) % {
                              'tag': bits[0],
                              'option': name,
            except ValueError:
                raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                    _("%(tag)s tag was given a badly formatted option: '%(option)s'"
                      ) % {
                          'tag': bits[0],
                          'option': bits[i],
    return TagCloudForModelNode(bits[1], bits[3], **kwargs)
예제 #19
def parse_bits(parser, bits, params, varargs, varkw, defaults, takes_context,
    Parses bits for template tag helpers (simple_tag, include_tag and
    assignment_tag), in particular by detecting syntax errors and by
    extracting positional and keyword arguments.
    if takes_context:
        if params[0] == 'context':
            params = params[1:]
            raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                "'%s' is decorated with takes_context=True so it must "
                "have a first argument of 'context'" % name)
    args = []
    kwargs = {}
    unhandled_params = list(params)
    for bit in bits:
        # First we try to extract a potential kwarg from the bit
        kwarg = token_kwargs([bit], parser)
        if kwarg:
            # The kwarg was successfully extracted
            param, value = list(kwarg.items())[0]
            if param not in params and varkw is None:
                # An unexpected keyword argument was supplied
                raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                    "'%s' received unexpected keyword argument '%s'" %
                    (name, param))
            elif param in kwargs:
                # The keyword argument has already been supplied once
                raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                    "'%s' received multiple values for keyword argument '%s'" %
                    (name, param))
                # All good, record the keyword argument
                kwargs[str(param)] = value
                if param in unhandled_params:
                    # If using the keyword syntax for a positional arg, then
                    # consume it.
            if kwargs:
                raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                    "'%s' received some positional argument(s) after some "
                    "keyword argument(s)" % name)
                # Record the positional argument
                    # Consume from the list of expected positional arguments
                except IndexError:
                    if varargs is None:
                        raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                            "'%s' received too many positional arguments" %
    if defaults is not None:
        # Consider the last n params handled, where n is the
        # number of defaults.
        unhandled_params = unhandled_params[:-len(defaults)]
    if unhandled_params:
        # Some positional arguments were not supplied
        raise TemplateSyntaxError(
            "'%s' did not receive value(s) for the argument(s): %s" %
            (name, ", ".join(["'%s'" % p for p in unhandled_params])))
    return args, kwargs
예제 #20
 def from_string(self, template_code):
         return Template(template_code)
     except MakoException:
         message = text_error_template().render()
         raise TemplateSyntaxError(message)  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=raise-missing-from
예제 #21
def page_menu(context, token):
    Return a list of child pages for the given parent, storing all
    pages in a dict in the context when first called using parents as keys
    for retrieval on subsequent recursive calls from the menu template.
    # First arg could be the menu template file name, or the parent page.
    # Also allow for both to be used.
    template_name = None
    parent_page = None
    parts = token.split_contents()[1:]
    for part in parts:
        part = Variable(part).resolve(context)
        if isinstance(part, str):
            template_name = part
        elif isinstance(part, Page):
            parent_page = part
    if template_name is None:
            template_name = context["menu_template_name"]
        except KeyError:
            error = "No template found for page_menu in: %s" % parts
            raise TemplateSyntaxError(error)
    context["menu_template_name"] = template_name
    if "menu_pages" not in context:
            user = context["request"].user
            slug = context["request"].path
        except KeyError:
            user = None
            slug = ""
        num_children = lambda id: lambda: len(context["menu_pages"][id])
        has_children = lambda id: lambda: num_children(id)() > 0
        rel = [
            m.__name__.lower() for m in Page.get_content_models()
            if not m._meta.proxy
        published = Page.objects.published(for_user=user).select_related(*rel)
        # Store the current page being viewed in the context. Used
        # for comparisons in page.set_menu_helpers.
        if "page" not in context:
                context.dicts[0]["_current_page"] = published.exclude(
            except Page.DoesNotExist:
                context.dicts[0]["_current_page"] = None
        elif slug:
            context.dicts[0]["_current_page"] = context["page"]
        # Some homepage related context flags. on_home is just a helper
        # indicated we're on the homepage. has_home indicates an actual
        # page object exists for the homepage, which can be used to
        # determine whether or not to show a hard-coded homepage link
        # in the page menu.
        home = home_slug()
        context.dicts[0]["on_home"] = slug == home
        context.dicts[0]["has_home"] = False
        # Maintain a dict of page IDs -> parent IDs for fast
        # lookup in setting page.is_current_or_ascendant in
        # page.set_menu_helpers.
        context.dicts[0]["_parent_page_ids"] = {}
        pages = defaultdict(list)
        for page in published.order_by("_order"):
            context["_parent_page_ids"][page.id] = page.parent_id
            setattr(page, "num_children", num_children(page.id))
            setattr(page, "has_children", has_children(page.id))
            if page.slug == home:
                context.dicts[0]["has_home"] = True
        # Include menu_pages in all contexts, not only in the
        # block being rendered.
        context.dicts[0]["menu_pages"] = pages
    # ``branch_level`` must be stored against each page so that the
    # calculation of it is correctly applied. This looks weird but if we do
    # the ``branch_level`` as a separate arg to the template tag with the
    # addition performed on it, the addition occurs each time the template
    # tag is called rather than once per level.
    context["branch_level"] = 0
    parent_page_id = None
    if parent_page is not None:
        context["branch_level"] = getattr(parent_page, "branch_level", 0) + 1
        parent_page_id = parent_page.id

    # Build the ``page_branch`` template variable, which is the list of
    # pages for the current parent. Here we also assign the attributes
    # to the page object that determines whether it belongs in the
    # current menu template being rendered.
    context["page_branch"] = context["menu_pages"].get(parent_page_id, [])
    context["page_branch_in_menu"] = False
    for page in context["page_branch"]:
        page.in_menu = page.in_menu_template(template_name)
        page.num_children_in_menu = 0
        if page.in_menu:
            context["page_branch_in_menu"] = True
        for child in context["menu_pages"].get(page.id, []):
            if child.in_menu_template(template_name):
                page.num_children_in_menu += 1
        page.has_children_in_menu = page.num_children_in_menu > 0
        page.branch_level = context["branch_level"]
        page.parent = parent_page
        context["parent_page"] = page.parent

        # Prior to pages having the ``in_menus`` field, pages had two
        # boolean fields ``in_navigation`` and ``in_footer`` for
        # controlling menu inclusion. Attributes and variables
        # simulating these are maintained here for backwards
        # compatibility in templates, but will be removed eventually.
        page.in_navigation = page.in_menu
        page.in_footer = not (not page.in_menu and "footer" in template_name)
        if page.in_navigation:
            context["page_branch_in_navigation"] = True
        if page.in_footer:
            context["page_branch_in_footer"] = True

    t = get_template(template_name)
    return t.render(context.flatten())
예제 #22
def query_string(parser, token):
    Template tag for creating and modifying query strings.

        {% query_string  [<base_querystring>] [modifier]* [as <var_name>] %}

        modifier is <name><op><value> where op in {=, +, -}

        - base_querystring: literal query string, e.g. '?tag=python&tag=django&year=2011',
                            or context variable bound to either
                            - a literal query string,
                            - a python dict with potentially lists as values, or
                            - a django QueryDict object
                            May be '' or None or missing altogether.
        - modifiers may be repeated and have the form <name><op><value>.
                           They are processed in the order they appear.
                           name is taken as is for a parameter name.
                           op is one of {=, +, -}.
                           = replace all existing values of name with value(s)
                           + add value(s) to existing values for name
                           - remove value(s) from existing values if present
                           value is either a literal parameter value
                             or a context variable. If it is a context variable
                             it may also be bound to a list.
        - as <var name>: bind result to context variable instead of injecting in output
                         (same as in url tag).

    1.  {% query_string  '?tag=a&m=1&m=3&tag=b' tag+'c' m=2 tag-'b' as myqs %}

        Result: myqs == '?m=2&tag=a&tag=c'

    2.  context = {'qs':   {'tag': ['a', 'b'], 'year': 2011, 'month': 2},
                   'tags': ['c', 'd'],
                   'm': 4,}

        {% query_string qs tag+tags month=m %}

        Result: '?tag=a&tag=b&tag=c&tag=d&year=2011&month=4
    # matches 'tagname1+val1' or 'tagname1=val1' but not 'anyoldvalue'
    mod_re = re.compile(r"^(\w+)(=|\+|-)(.*)$")
    bits = token.split_contents()
    qdict = None
    mods = []
    asvar = None
    bits = bits[1:]
    if len(bits) >= 2 and bits[-2] == 'as':
        asvar = bits[-1]
        bits = bits[:-2]
    if len(bits) >= 1:
        first = bits[0]
        if not mod_re.match(first):
            qdict = parser.compile_filter(first)
            bits = bits[1:]
    for bit in bits:
        match = mod_re.match(bit)
        if not match:
            raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                "Malformed arguments to query_string tag")
        name, op, value = match.groups()
        mods.append((name, op, parser.compile_filter(value)))
    return QueryStringNode(qdict, mods, asvar)
예제 #23
 def enforce_form_tag(self, context):
     if not context.get(self.IN_FORM_CONTEXT_VAR, False):
         raise TemplateSyntaxError('%s must be used inside a form tag.' %
예제 #24
def do_block_translate(parser, token):
    This will translate a block of text with parameters.


        {% blocktrans with foo|filter as bar and baz|filter as boo %}
        This is {{ bar }} and {{ boo }}.
        {% endblocktrans %}

    Additionally, this supports pluralization::

        {% blocktrans count var|length as count %}
        There is {{ count }} object.
        {% plural %}
        There are {{ count }} objects.
        {% endblocktrans %}

    This is much like ngettext, only in template syntax.
    class BlockTranslateParser(TokenParser):
        def top(self):
            countervar = None
            counter = None
            extra_context = {}
            while self.more():
                tag = self.tag()
                if tag == 'with' or tag == 'and':
                    value = self.value()
                    if self.tag() != 'as':
                        raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                            "variable bindings in 'blocktrans' must be 'with value as variable'"
                    extra_context[self.tag()] = VariableNode(
                elif tag == 'count':
                    counter = parser.compile_filter(self.value())
                    if self.tag() != 'as':
                        raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                            "counter specification in 'blocktrans' must be 'count value as variable'"
                    countervar = self.tag()
                    raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                        "unknown subtag %s for 'blocktrans' found" % tag)
            return (countervar, counter, extra_context)

    countervar, counter, extra_context = BlockTranslateParser(

    singular = []
    plural = []
    while parser.tokens:
        token = parser.next_token()
        if token.token_type in (TOKEN_VAR, TOKEN_TEXT):
    if countervar and counter:
        if token.contents.strip() != 'plural':
            raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                "'blocktrans' doesn't allow other block tags inside it")
        while parser.tokens:
            token = parser.next_token()
            if token.token_type in (TOKEN_VAR, TOKEN_TEXT):
    if token.contents.strip() != 'endblocktrans':
        raise TemplateSyntaxError(
            "'blocktrans' doesn't allow other block tags (seen %r) inside it" %

    return BlockTranslateNode(extra_context, singular, plural, countervar,
예제 #25
def do_block_translate(parser, token):
    This will translate a block of text with parameters.


        {% blocktrans with bar=foo|filter boo=baz|filter %}
        This is {{ bar }} and {{ boo }}.
        {% endblocktrans %}

    Additionally, this supports pluralization::

        {% blocktrans count count=var|length %}
        There is {{ count }} object.
        {% plural %}
        There are {{ count }} objects.
        {% endblocktrans %}

    This is much like ngettext, only in template syntax.

    The "var as value" legacy format is still supported::

        {% blocktrans with foo|filter as bar and baz|filter as boo %}
        {% blocktrans count var|length as count %}

    Contextual translations are supported::

        {% blocktrans with bar=foo|filter context "greeting" %}
            This is {{ bar }}.
        {% endblocktrans %}

    This is equivalent to calling pgettext/npgettext instead of
    bits = token.split_contents()

    options = {}
    remaining_bits = bits[1:]
    while remaining_bits:
        option = remaining_bits.pop(0)
        if option in options:
            raise TemplateSyntaxError('The %r option was specified more '
                                      'than once.' % option)
        if option == 'with':
            value = token_kwargs(remaining_bits, parser, support_legacy=True)
            if not value:
                raise TemplateSyntaxError('"with" in %r tag needs at least '
                                          'one keyword argument.' % bits[0])
        elif option == 'count':
            value = token_kwargs(remaining_bits, parser, support_legacy=True)
            if len(value) != 1:
                raise TemplateSyntaxError('"count" in %r tag expected exactly '
                                          'one keyword argument.' % bits[0])
        elif option == "context":
                value = remaining_bits.pop(0)
                value = parser.compile_filter(value)
            except Exception:
                raise TemplateSyntaxError('"context" in %r tag expected '
                                          'exactly one argument.' % bits[0])
            raise TemplateSyntaxError('Unknown argument for %r tag: %r.' %
                                      (bits[0], option))
        options[option] = value

    if 'count' in options:
        countervar, counter = options['count'].items()[0]
        countervar, counter = None, None
    if 'context' in options:
        message_context = options['context']
        message_context = None
    extra_context = options.get('with', {})

    singular = []
    plural = []
    while parser.tokens:
        token = parser.next_token()
        if token.token_type in (TOKEN_VAR, TOKEN_TEXT):
    if countervar and counter:
        if token.contents.strip() != 'plural':
            raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                "'blocktrans' doesn't allow other block tags inside it")
        while parser.tokens:
            token = parser.next_token()
            if token.token_type in (TOKEN_VAR, TOKEN_TEXT):
    if token.contents.strip() != 'endblocktrans':
        raise TemplateSyntaxError(
            "'blocktrans' doesn't allow other block tags (seen %r) inside it" %

    return BlockTranslateNode(extra_context, singular, plural, countervar,
                              counter, message_context)
예제 #26
def callback(func, variables, context, takes_context):
    resolve an iterable of Variable objects into a list of args and a dict
    of keyword arguments. support full python style keyword argument
        >>> def foo(a, b, c=1, d=2):
        ...     pass
        >>> foo(1, 2)
        >>> foo(1, b=2)
        >>> foo(b=2, a=1, d=3)
    name = getattr(func, "_decorated_function", func).__name__
    params, varargs, varkw, defaults = getargspec(func)
    if takes_context:
        if params[0] == 'context':
            raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                "Any tag function decorated with takes_context=True "
                "must have a first argument of 'context'")
    num_defaults = len(defaults)
    num_params = len(params)
    num_req = num_params - num_defaults

    args = []
    kwdargs = {}
    found_kwd = False
    for variable in variables:
        if not found_kwd:
            except VariableDoesNotExist:
                if variable.var.count(TAG_KEYWORD_ARGUMENT_SEPARATOR) != 1:
                found_kwd = True
        if found_kwd:
                var, path = variable.var.split(TAG_KEYWORD_ARGUMENT_SEPARATOR)
            except ValueError:
                raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                    "Expected keyword assignemnt, found '%s' instead" %
            if params and not varkw and name not in params:
                raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                    "%s got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % (name, var))
            if var in kwdargs:
                raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                    "%s got multiple values for keyword argument '%s'" %
                    (name, var))
            kwdargs[smart_str(var)] = Variable(path).resolve(context)

    num_args = len(args)
    num_kwds = len(kwdargs)
    num_all = num_args + num_kwds

    if ((num_args > num_params and not varargs)
            or (num_all > num_params and not varkw)):
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("%s takes at most %s arguments. (%s given)" %
                                  (name, num_params, num_all))
    if num_args != num_req:
        if num_args > num_req:
            # some args are kwd args (maybe multiple keyword error)
            if not varargs:
                allowed = set(params[num_args:])
                not_allowed = set(kwdargs) - allowed
                if not_allowed:
                    raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                        "%s got multiple values for keyword arguments: %s" %
                        (name, ", ".join(not_allowed)))
        elif not varkw:
            # not enough required parameters error
            required = set(params[num_args:-num_default])
            missing = required - set(kwdargs)
            if missing:
                raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                    "%s takes at least %s non-keyword arguments (%s given)" %
                    (name, num_req, num_args))
    if takes_context:
        args.insert(0, context)
    return func(*args, **kwdargs)
예제 #27
    if not callback_js:
        callback_js = '(function(e) { window.location.href = document.location; })'

    module, dot, func = func.rpartition('.')

        module = import_module(module)
    except ImportError, ex:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError('Could not import module %s' % module, ex)

        func = getattr(module, func)
    except AttributeError, ex:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError(
            'Could not load handler %s from module %s' % (func, module.__name__), ex

    if 'request' in context:
        request = context['request']
        if request.method == 'POST' and '_bambu_fileupload_guid' in request.POST:
            guid = request.POST['_bambu_fileupload_guid']
            guid = unicode(uuid4())
        guid = None

    if not any(kwargs):
        kwargs = dict(guid = guid)

    if not style in ('drag', 'button'):
예제 #28
def bootstrap_paginate(parser, token):
    Renders a Page object as a Twitter Bootstrap styled pagination bar.
    Compatible with Bootstrap 3.x only.


        {% bootstrap_paginate page_obj range=10 %}

    Named Parameters::

        range - The size of the pagination bar (ie, if set to 10 then, at most,
                10 page numbers will display at any given time) Defaults to
                None, which shows all pages.

        size - Accepts "small", and "large". Defaults to
                    None which is the standard size.

        show_prev_next - Accepts "true" or "false". Determines whether or not
                        to show the previous and next page links. Defaults to

        show_first_last - Accepts "true" or "false". Determines whether or not
                          to show the first and last page links. Defaults to

        previous_label - The text to display for the previous page link.
                         Defaults to "&larr;"

        next_label - The text to display for the next page link. Defaults to

        first_label - The text to display for the first page link. Defaults to

        last_label - The text to display for the last page link. Defaults to

        url_name - The named URL to use. Defaults to None. If None, then the
                   default template simply appends the url parameter as a
                   relative URL link, eg: <a href="?page=1">1</a>

        url_param_name - The name of the parameter to use in the URL. If
                         url_name is set to None, this string is used as the
                         parameter name in the relative URL path. If a URL
                         name is specified, this string is used as the
                         parameter name passed into the reverse() method for
                         the URL.

        url_extra_args - This is used only in conjunction with url_name.
                        When referencing a URL, additional arguments may be
                        passed in as a list.

        url_extra_kwargs - This is used only in conjunction with url_name.
                           When referencing a URL, additional named arguments
                           may be passed in as a dictionary.

        url_get_params - The other get parameters to pass, only the page
                         number will be overwritten. Use this to preserve

    bits = token.split_contents()
    if len(bits) < 2:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes at least one argument"
                                  " (Page object reference)" % bits[0])
    page = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])
    kwargs = {}
    bits = bits[2:]

    kwarg_re = re.compile(r'(\w+)=(.+)')

    if len(bits):
        for bit in bits:
            match = kwarg_re.match(bit)
            if not match:
                raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                    "Malformed arguments to bootstrap_pagination paginate tag")
            name, value = match.groups()
            kwargs[name] = parser.compile_filter(value)

    return BootstrapPaginationNode(page, kwargs)
예제 #29
 def dummy_tag(parser, token):
     bits = token.split_contents()
     if len(bits) > 1:
         raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' tag takes no arguments" % bits[0])
     return _location_nodes[location]
예제 #30
def drinker_name_tag(parser, token):
    """{% drinker_name <drink_or_user_obj> [nolink] %}"""
    tokens = token.contents.split()
    if len(tokens) < 2:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("%s requires at least 2 tokens" % tokens[0])
    return DrinkerNameNode(tokens[1], tokens[2:])