예제 #1
    def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
        # # check if we can reverse list view for configured namespace
        # # if no prepare a message to admin users.
        namespace = instance.app_config_id and instance.app_config.namespace
        if not is_valid_namespace(namespace):
            # add message, should be properly handled in template
            context['plugin_configuration_error'] = NO_APPHOOK_ERROR_MESSAGE
            return context

        year = context.get('event_year')
        month = context.get('event_month')

        if not all([year, month]):
            year = str(timezone.now().date().year)
            month = str(timezone.now().date().month)

        current_date = datetime.date(int(year), int(month), 1)
        language = instance.language

        context['event_year'] = year
        context['event_month'] = month
        context['days'] = build_calendar(year, month, language, namespace)
        context['current_date'] = current_date
        context['last_month'] = current_date + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)
        context['next_month'] = current_date + datetime.timedelta(days=35)
        context['calendar_label'] = u'%s %s' % (MONTHS.get(int(month)), year)
        context['calendar_namespace'] = namespace
        context['calendar_language'] = language
        return context
예제 #2
    def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
        context = super(CalendarPlugin, self).render(context, instance,
        if context.get('plugin_configuration_error') is not None:
            return context
        namespace = self.get_namespace(instance)
        language = self.get_language(context['request'])
        site_id = getattr(get_current_site(context['request']), 'id', None)
        year = context.get('event_year')
        month = context.get('event_month')

        if not all([year, month]):
            year = str(timezone.now().date().year)
            month = str(timezone.now().date().month)

        current_date = datetime.date(int(year), int(month), 1)

        context['event_year'] = year
        context['event_month'] = month
        context['days'] = build_calendar(
            year, month, language, namespace, site_id)
        context['current_date'] = current_date
        context['last_month'] = current_date + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)
        context['next_month'] = current_date + datetime.timedelta(days=35)
        context['calendar_label'] = u'%s %s' % (MONTHS.get(int(month)), year)
        context['calendar_namespace'] = namespace
        return context
예제 #3
    def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
        # # check if we can reverse list view for configured namespace
        # # if no prepare a message to admin users.
        namespace = instance.app_config_id and instance.app_config.namespace
        if not namespace_is_apphooked(namespace):
            # add message, should be properly handled in template
            context['plugin_configuration_error'] = NO_APPHOOK_ERROR_MESSAGE
            return context

        year = context.get('event_year')
        month = context.get('event_month')

        if not all([year, month]):
            year = str(timezone.now().date().year)
            month = str(timezone.now().date().month)

        current_date = datetime.date(int(year), int(month), 1)
        language = instance.language

        context['event_year'] = year
        context['event_month'] = month
        context['days'] = build_calendar(year, month, language, namespace)
        context['current_date'] = current_date
        context['last_month'] = current_date + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)
        context['next_month'] = current_date + datetime.timedelta(days=35)
        context['calendar_label'] = u'%s %s' % (MONTHS.get(int(month)), year)
        context['calendar_namespace'] = namespace
        context['calendar_language'] = language
        return context
예제 #4
    def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
        context = super(CalendarPlugin, self).render(context, instance,
        if context.get('plugin_configuration_error') is not None:
            return context
        namespace = self.get_namespace(instance)
        language = self.get_language(context['request'])
        site_id = getattr(get_current_site(context['request']), 'id', None)
        year = context.get('event_year')
        month = context.get('event_month')

        if not all([year, month]):
            year = str(timezone.now().date().year)
            month = str(timezone.now().date().month)

        current_date = datetime.date(int(year), int(month), 1)

        context['event_year'] = year
        context['event_month'] = month
        context['days'] = build_calendar(year, month, language, namespace,
        context['current_date'] = current_date
        context['last_month'] = current_date + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)
        context['next_month'] = current_date + datetime.timedelta(days=35)
        context['calendar_label'] = '%s %s' % (MONTHS.get(int(month)), year)
        context['calendar_namespace'] = namespace
        return context
예제 #5
def build_calendar_context(year, month, language, namespace):
    # if not have a selected date
    today = timezone.now().date()
    if not all([year, month]):
        year = today.year
        month = today.month

    year, month = int(year), int(month)
    current_date = date(year, month, 1)

    if namespace:
        except EventsConfig.DoesNotExist:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(
                "'namespace' must be a existent EventConfig namespace, "
                "not '{0}'.".format(namespace)

    context = {
        'today': today,
        'current_date': current_date,
        'last_month': current_date - timedelta(days=1),
        'next_month': (current_date + timedelta(days=31)).replace(day=1),
        'label': u"{0} {1}".format(MONTHS.get(int(month)), year),
        'namespace': namespace

    # add css classes here instead in template
    # TODO: can configure css classes in appconfig ;)
    _calendar = build_calendar(year, month, language, namespace)
    calendar_list = []
    for day, events in _calendar.items():
        css = []
        if events:
            for event in events:
                if event.start_date == day:
        if day.weekday() in [5, 6]:
        if day == today:
        # disable days that isn't from this month
        if day <= context['last_month'] or day >= context['next_month']:
        calendar_list.append((day, events, ' '.join(css)))
    context['calendar'] = calendar_list
    return context
예제 #6
def build_calendar_context(year, month, language, namespace):
    # if not have a selected date
    today = timezone.now().date()
    if not all([year, month]):
        year = today.year
        month = today.month

    year, month = int(year), int(month)
    current_date = date(year, month, 1)

    if namespace:
        except EventsConfig.DoesNotExist:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(
                "'namespace' must be a existent EventConfig namespace, "
                "not '{0}'.".format(namespace))

    context = {
        'today': today,
        'current_date': current_date,
        'last_month': current_date - timedelta(days=1),
        'next_month': (current_date + timedelta(days=31)).replace(day=1),
        'label': u"{0} {1}".format(MONTHS.get(int(month)), year),
        'namespace': namespace

    # add css classes here instead in template
    # TODO: can configure css classes in appconfig ;)
    _calendar = build_calendar(year, month, language, namespace)
    calendar_list = []
    for day, events in _calendar.items():
        css = []
        if events:
            for event in events:
                if event.start_date == day:
        if day.weekday() in [5, 6]:
        if day == today:
        # disable days that isn't from this month
        if day <= context['last_month'] or day >= context['next_month']:
        calendar_list.append((day, events, ' '.join(css)))
    context['calendar'] = calendar_list
    return context
예제 #7
def date_hierarchy(cl):
    Displays the date hierarchy for date drill-down functionality.
    if cl.date_hierarchy:
        field_name = cl.date_hierarchy
        field = cl.opts.get_field_by_name(field_name)[0]
        dates_or_datetimes = 'datetimes' if isinstance(field, models.DateTimeField) else 'dates'
        year_field = '%s__year' % field_name
        month_field = '%s__month' % field_name
        day_field = '%s__day' % field_name
        field_generic = '%s__' % field_name
        year_lookup = cl.params.get(year_field)
        month_lookup = cl.params.get(month_field)
        day_lookup = cl.params.get(day_field)

        link = lambda filters: cl.get_query_string(filters, [field_generic])

        if not (year_lookup or month_lookup or day_lookup):
            # select appropriate start level
            date_range = cl.queryset.aggregate(first=models.Min(field_name),
            if date_range['first'] and date_range['last']:
                if date_range['first'].year == date_range['last'].year:
                    year_lookup = date_range['first'].year
                    if date_range['first'].month == date_range['last'].month:
                        month_lookup = date_range['first'].month
        if year_lookup and month_lookup and day_lookup:
            day = datetime.date(int(year_lookup), int(month_lookup), int(day_lookup))
            return {
                'field_name': field.verbose_name,
                'show': True,
                'back': {
                    'link': link({year_field: year_lookup, month_field: month_lookup}),
                    'title': capfirst(formats.date_format(day, 'YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT'))
                'choices': [{'title': capfirst(formats.date_format(day, 'MONTH_DAY_FORMAT'))}]
        elif year_lookup and month_lookup:
            days = cl.queryset.filter(**{year_field: year_lookup, month_field: month_lookup})
            days = getattr(days, dates_or_datetimes)(field_name, 'day')
            return {
                'show': True,
                'field_name': field.verbose_name,
                'current_filter': capfirst(MONTHS.get(int(month_lookup), 'UNKNOWN')),
                'back': {
                    'link': link({year_field: year_lookup}),
                    'title': str(year_lookup)
                'choices': [{
                    'link': link({year_field: year_lookup, month_field: month_lookup, day_field: day.day}),
                    'title': capfirst(formats.date_format(day, 'MONTH_DAY_FORMAT'))
                } for day in days]
        elif year_lookup:
            months = cl.queryset.filter(**{year_field: year_lookup})
            months = getattr(months, dates_or_datetimes)(field_name, 'month')
            return {
                'show': True,
                'field_name': field.verbose_name,
                'current_filter': year_lookup,
                'back': {
                    'link': link({}),
                    'title': _('All dates')
                'choices': [{
                    'link': link({year_field: year_lookup, month_field: month.month}),
                    'title': capfirst(formats.date_format(month, 'YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT'))
                } for month in months]
            years = getattr(cl.queryset, dates_or_datetimes)(field_name, 'year')
            return {
                'show': True,
                'current_filter': _('All'),
                'field_name': field.verbose_name,
                'choices': [{
                    'link': link({year_field: str(year.year)}),
                    'title': str(year.year),
                } for year in years]
예제 #8
def date_hierarchy(cl):
    """Display the date hierarchy for date drill-down functionality."""
    if cl.date_hierarchy:
        field_name = cl.date_hierarchy
        field = get_fields_from_path(cl.model, field_name)[-1]
        dates_or_datetimes = 'datetimes' if isinstance(
            field, models.DateTimeField) else 'dates'
        year_field = '%s__year' % field_name
        month_field = '%s__month' % field_name
        day_field = '%s__day' % field_name
        field_generic = '%s__' % field_name
        year_lookup = cl.params.get(year_field)
        month_lookup = cl.params.get(month_field)
        day_lookup = cl.params.get(day_field)

        def link(filters):
            return cl.get_query_string(filters, [field_generic])

        if not (year_lookup or month_lookup or day_lookup):
            # select appropriate start level
            date_range = cl.queryset.aggregate(first=models.Min(field_name),
            if date_range['first'] and date_range['last']:
                if date_range['first'].year == date_range['last'].year:
                    year_lookup = date_range['first'].year
                    if date_range['first'].month == date_range['last'].month:
                        month_lookup = date_range['first'].month
        if year_lookup and month_lookup and day_lookup:
            day = datetime.date(int(year_lookup), int(month_lookup),
            return {
                'back': {
                        year_field: year_lookup,
                        month_field: month_lookup
                    capfirst(formats.date_format(day, 'YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT'))
                'choices': [{
                    capfirst(formats.date_format(day, 'MONTH_DAY_FORMAT'))
        elif year_lookup and month_lookup:
            days = cl.queryset.filter(**{
                year_field: year_lookup,
                month_field: month_lookup
            days = getattr(days, dates_or_datetimes)(field_name, 'day')
            return {
                capfirst(MONTHS.get(int(month_lookup), 'UNKNOWN')),
                'back': {
                    'link': link({year_field: year_lookup}),
                    'title': str(year_lookup)
                'choices': [{
                        year_field: year_lookup,
                        month_field: month_lookup,
                        day_field: day.day
                    capfirst(formats.date_format(day, 'MONTH_DAY_FORMAT'))
                } for day in days]
        elif year_lookup:
            months = cl.queryset.filter(**{year_field: year_lookup})
            months = getattr(months, dates_or_datetimes)(field_name, 'month')
            return {
                'back': {
                    'link': link({}),
                    'title': _('All dates')
                'choices': [{
                        year_field: year_lookup,
                        month_field: month.month
                    capfirst(formats.date_format(month, 'YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT'))
                } for month in months]
            years = getattr(cl.queryset, dates_or_datetimes)(field_name,
            return {
                'choices': [{
                    'link': link({year_field: str(year.year)}),
                    'title': str(year.year),
                } for year in years]
예제 #9
def date_hierarchy(cl):
    Displays the date hierarchy for date drill-down functionality.
    if cl.date_hierarchy:
        field_name = cl.date_hierarchy
        field = cl.opts.get_field_by_name(field_name)[0]
        dates_or_datetimes = "datetimes" if isinstance(field, models.DateTimeField) else "dates"
        year_field = "%s__year" % field_name
        month_field = "%s__month" % field_name
        day_field = "%s__day" % field_name
        field_generic = "%s__" % field_name
        year_lookup = cl.params.get(year_field)
        month_lookup = cl.params.get(month_field)
        day_lookup = cl.params.get(day_field)

        link = lambda filters: cl.get_query_string(filters, [field_generic])

        if not (year_lookup or month_lookup or day_lookup):
            # select appropriate start level
            date_range = cl.queryset.aggregate(first=models.Min(field_name), last=models.Max(field_name))
            if date_range["first"] and date_range["last"]:
                if date_range["first"].year == date_range["last"].year:
                    year_lookup = date_range["first"].year
                    if date_range["first"].month == date_range["last"].month:
                        month_lookup = date_range["first"].month
        if year_lookup and month_lookup and day_lookup:
            day = datetime.date(int(year_lookup), int(month_lookup), int(day_lookup))
            return {
                "field_name": field.verbose_name,
                "show": True,
                "back": {
                    "link": link({year_field: year_lookup, month_field: month_lookup}),
                    "title": capfirst(formats.date_format(day, "YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT")),
                "choices": [{"title": capfirst(formats.date_format(day, "MONTH_DAY_FORMAT"))}],
        elif year_lookup and month_lookup:
            days = cl.queryset.filter(**{year_field: year_lookup, month_field: month_lookup})
            days = getattr(days, dates_or_datetimes)(field_name, "day")
            return {
                "show": True,
                "field_name": field.verbose_name,
                "current_filter": capfirst(MONTHS.get(int(month_lookup), "UNKNOWN")),
                "back": {"link": link({year_field: year_lookup}), "title": str(year_lookup)},
                "choices": [
                        "link": link({year_field: year_lookup, month_field: month_lookup, day_field: day.day}),
                        "title": capfirst(formats.date_format(day, "MONTH_DAY_FORMAT")),
                    for day in days
        elif year_lookup:
            months = cl.queryset.filter(**{year_field: year_lookup})
            months = getattr(months, dates_or_datetimes)(field_name, "month")
            return {
                "show": True,
                "field_name": field.verbose_name,
                "current_filter": year_lookup,
                "back": {"link": link({}), "title": _("All dates")},
                "choices": [
                        "link": link({year_field: year_lookup, month_field: month.month}),
                        "title": capfirst(formats.date_format(month, "YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT")),
                    for month in months
            years = getattr(cl.queryset, dates_or_datetimes)(field_name, "year")
            return {
                "show": True,
                "current_filter": _("All"),
                "field_name": field.verbose_name,
                "choices": [{"link": link({year_field: str(year.year)}), "title": str(year.year)} for year in years],
예제 #10
 def get_month(self):
     return MONTHS.get(self.month)