def handle(self, *args, **options): for opt, value in settings.AUTH_LDAP_GLOBAL_OPTIONS.items(): ldap.set_option(opt, value) query = ldap.initialize( settings.AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI) # Set connection URI query.bind_s( settings.AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN, settings.AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD) # Define user credentials # Get only user objects from the given DN results = query.search_s(settings.AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(objectClass=User)") total_created = 0 total_demoted = 0 users_found = [] for a, r in results: # Get the username and pass it to the django-ldap-auth function. # This results another ldap query but this way we don't need to handle the saving and attribute mappings # It also handles group mirroring and assignment username = r["sAMAccountName"][0].decode( "utf-8" ) # returns bytes by default so we need to decode to string user = LDAPBackend().populate_user(username) # If the user was created in the last minute count it as new user. if user is None: raise Exception(f"No user named {username}") else: users_found.append(username) if user.date_joined > localtime() - timedelta(minutes=1): total_created += 1 # Demote users who have staff or admin privileges but were not found in AD for user in User.objects.filter( Q(is_superuser=True) | Q(is_staff=True)).exclude(username__in=users_found): user.is_superuser = False user.is_staff = False user.groups.clear() # Save modifications total_demoted += 1 logging.warning( f"{user.get_full_name()} ({user.username}) has been demoted.") self.stdout.write( f"Found {len(users_found)} user(s), {total_created} new, {total_demoted} demoted." ))