def __init__(self, document, collection): self._document = document self._collection_obj = collection self._accessed_collection = False self._query = {} self._where_clause = None self._loaded_fields = [] self._ordering = [] self.transform = TransformDjango() # If inheritance is allowed, only return instances and instances of # subclasses of the class being used #if document._meta.get('allow_inheritance'): #self._query = {'_types': self._document._class_name} self._cursor_obj = None self._limit = None self._skip = None
class QuerySet(object): """A set of results returned from a query. Wraps a MongoDB cursor, providing :class:`~mongoengine.Document` objects as the results. """ def __init__(self, document, collection): self._document = document self._collection_obj = collection self._accessed_collection = False self._query = {} self._where_clause = None self._loaded_fields = [] self._ordering = [] self.transform = TransformDjango() # If inheritance is allowed, only return instances and instances of # subclasses of the class being used #if document._meta.get('allow_inheritance'): #self._query = {'_types': self._document._class_name} self._cursor_obj = None self._limit = None self._skip = None #required for compatibility with django #self.model = InternalModel(document) def __call__(self, q_obj=None, **query): """Filter the selected documents by calling the :class:`~mongoengine.queryset.QuerySet` with a query. :param q_obj: a :class:`~mongoengine.queryset.Q` object to be used in the query; the :class:`~mongoengine.queryset.QuerySet` is filtered multiple times with different :class:`~mongoengine.queryset.Q` objects, only the last one will be used :param query: Django-style query keyword arguments """ if q_obj: self._where_clause = q_obj.as_js(self._document) query = QuerySet._transform_query(_doc_cls=self._document, **query) self._query.update(query) return self def filter(self, *q_objs, **query): """An alias of :meth:`~mongoengine.queryset.QuerySet.__call__` """ return self.__call__(*q_objs, **query) def find(self, query): self._query.update(self.transform.transform_incoming(query, self._collection)) return self def exclude(self, *q_objs, **query): """An alias of :meth:`~mongoengine.queryset.QuerySet.__call__` """ query["not"] = True return self.__call__(*q_objs, **query) def all(self): """An alias of :meth:`~mongoengine.queryset.QuerySet.__call__` """ return self.__call__() def distinct(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Distinct method """ return self._cursor.distinct(*args, **kwargs) @property def _collection(self): """Property that returns the collection object. This allows us to perform operations only if the collection is accessed. """ return self._collection_obj def values(self, *args): return (args and [dict(zip(args,[getattr(doc, key) for key in args])) for doc in self]) or [obj for obj in self._cursor.clone()] def values_list(self, *args, **kwargs): flat = kwargs.pop("flat", False) if flat and len(args) != 1: raise Exception("args len must be 1 when flat=True") return (flat and self.distinct(args[0] if not args[0] in ["id", "pk"] else "_id")) or zip(*[self.distinct(field if not field in ["id", "pk"] else "_id") for field in args]) # # if self._document._meta['geo_indexes'] and \ # pymongo.version >= "1.5.1": # from pymongo import GEO2D # for index in self._document._meta['geo_indexes']: # self._collection.ensure_index([(index, GEO2D)]) # # # Ensure all needed field indexes are created # for field_name, field_instance in self._document._fields.iteritems(): # if field_instance.__class__.__name__ == 'GeoLocationField': # self._collection.ensure_index([(field_name, pymongo.GEO2D),]) # return self._collection_obj @property def _cursor(self): if self._cursor_obj is None: cursor_args = {} if self._loaded_fields: cursor_args = {'fields': self._loaded_fields} self._cursor_obj = self._collection.find(self._query, **cursor_args) # Apply where clauses to cursor if self._where_clause: self._cursor_obj.where(self._where_clause) # apply default ordering # if self._document._meta['ordering']: # self.order_by(*self._document._meta['ordering']) return self._cursor_obj.clone() @classmethod def _lookup_field(cls, document, fields): """ Looks for "field" in "document" """ if isinstance(fields, (tuple, list)): return [document._meta.get_field_by_name((field == "pk" and "id") or field)[0] for field in fields] return document._meta.get_field_by_name((fields == "pk" and "id") or fields)[0] @classmethod def _translate_field_name(cls, doc_cls, field, sep='.'): """Translate a field attribute name to a database field name. """ parts = field.split(sep) parts = [f.attname for f in QuerySet._lookup_field(doc_cls, parts)] return '.'.join(parts) @classmethod def _transform_query(self, _doc_cls=None, **parameters): """ Converts parameters to mongodb queries. """ spec = {} operators = ['ne', 'gt', 'gte', 'lt', 'lte', 'in', 'nin', 'mod', 'all', 'size', 'exists'] match_operators = ['contains', 'icontains', 'startswith', 'istartswith', 'endswith', 'iendswith', 'exact', 'iexact'] exclude = parameters.pop("not", False) for key, value in parameters.items(): parts = key.split("__") lookup_type = (len(parts)>=2) and ( parts[-1] in operators + match_operators and parts.pop()) or "" # Let's get the right field and be sure that it exists parts[0] = QuerySet._lookup_field(_doc_cls, parts[0]).attname if not lookup_type and len(parts)==1: if exclude: value = {"$ne" : value} spec.update({parts[0] : value}) continue if parts[0] == "id": parts[0] = "_id" value = [isinstance(par, basestring) and ObjectId(par) or par for par in value] if lookup_type in ['contains', 'icontains', 'startswith', 'istartswith', 'endswith', 'iendswith', 'exact', 'iexact']: flags = 0 if lookup_type.startswith('i'): flags = re.IGNORECASE lookup_type = lookup_type.lstrip('i') regex = r'%s' if lookup_type == 'startswith': regex = r'^%s' elif lookup_type == 'endswith': regex = r'%s$' elif lookup_type == 'exact': regex = r'^%s$' value = re.compile(regex % value, flags) elif lookup_type in operators: value = { "$" + lookup_type : value} elif lookup_type and len(parts)==1: raise DatabaseError("Unsupported lookup type: %r" % lookup_type) key = '.'.join(parts) if exclude: value = {"$ne" : value} spec.update({key : value}) return spec def get(self, *q_objs, **query): """Retrieve the the matching object raising id django is available :class:`~django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned` or :class:`~django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist` exceptions if multiple or no results are found. If django is not available: :class:`~mongoengine.queryset.MultipleObjectsReturned` or `DocumentName.MultipleObjectsReturned` exception if multiple results and :class:`~mongoengine.queryset.DoesNotExist` or `DocumentName.DoesNotExist` if no results are found. .. versionadded:: 0.3 """ self.__call__(*q_objs, **query) count = self.count() if count == 1: return self[0] elif count > 1: message = u'%d items returned, instead of 1' % count raise self._document.MultipleObjectsReturned(message) else: raise self._document.DoesNotExist("%s matching query does not exist." % self._document._meta.object_name) def get_or_create(self, *q_objs, **query): """Retrieve unique object or create, if it doesn't exist. Returns a tuple of ``(object, created)``, where ``object`` is the retrieved or created object and ``created`` is a boolean specifying whether a new object was created. Raises :class:`~mongoengine.queryset.MultipleObjectsReturned` or `DocumentName.MultipleObjectsReturned` if multiple results are found. A new document will be created if the document doesn't exists; a dictionary of default values for the new document may be provided as a keyword argument called :attr:`defaults`. .. versionadded:: 0.3 """ defaults = query.get('defaults', {}) if 'defaults' in query: del query['defaults'] self.__call__(*q_objs, **query) count = self.count() if count == 0: query.update(defaults) doc = self._document(**query) return doc, True elif count == 1: return self.first(), False else: message = u'%d items returned, instead of 1' % count raise self._document.MultipleObjectsReturned(message) def first(self): """Retrieve the first object matching the query. """ try: result = self[0] except IndexError: result = None return result def with_id(self, object_id): """Retrieve the object matching the id provided. :param object_id: the value for the id of the document to look up """ id_field = self._document._meta['id_field'] object_id = self._document._fields[id_field].to_mongo(object_id) result = self._collection.find_one({'_id': (not isinstance(object_id, ObjectId) and ObjectId(object_id)) or object_id}) if result is not None: result = self._document(**dict_keys_to_str(result)) return result def in_bulk(self, object_ids): """Retrieve a set of documents by their ids. :param object_ids: a list or tuple of ``ObjectId``\ s :rtype: dict of ObjectIds as keys and collection-specific Document subclasses as values. .. versionadded:: 0.3 """ doc_map = {} docs = self._collection.find({'_id': {'$in': [ (not isinstance(id, ObjectId) and ObjectId(id)) or id for id in object_ids]}}) for doc in docs: doc_map[str(doc['id'])] = self._document(**dict_keys_to_str(doc)) return doc_map def count(self): """Count the selected elements in the query. """ if self._limit == 0: return 0 return self._cursor.count(with_limit_and_skip=False) def __len__(self): return self.count() def map_reduce(self, map_f, reduce_f, finalize_f=None, limit=None, scope=None, keep_temp=False): """Perform a map/reduce query using the current query spec and ordering. While ``map_reduce`` respects ``QuerySet`` chaining, it must be the last call made, as it does not return a maleable ``QuerySet``. See the :meth:`~mongoengine.tests.QuerySetTest.test_map_reduce` and :meth:`~mongoengine.tests.QuerySetTest.test_map_advanced` tests in ``tests.queryset.QuerySetTest`` for usage examples. :param map_f: map function, as :class:`~pymongo.code.Code` or string :param reduce_f: reduce function, as :class:`~pymongo.code.Code` or string :param finalize_f: finalize function, an optional function that performs any post-reduction processing. :param scope: values to insert into map/reduce global scope. Optional. :param limit: number of objects from current query to provide to map/reduce method :param keep_temp: keep temporary table (boolean, default ``True``) Returns an iterator yielding :class:`~mongoengine.document.MapReduceDocument`. .. note:: Map/Reduce requires server version **>= 1.1.1**. The PyMongo :meth:`~pymongo.collection.Collection.map_reduce` helper requires PyMongo version **>= 1.2**. .. versionadded:: 0.3 """ #from document import MapReduceDocument if not hasattr(self._collection, "map_reduce"): raise NotImplementedError("Requires MongoDB >= 1.1.1") map_f_scope = {} if isinstance(map_f, pymongo.code.Code): map_f_scope = map_f.scope map_f = unicode(map_f) # map_f = pymongo.code.Code(self._sub_js_fields(map_f), map_f_scope) map_f = pymongo.code.Code(map_f, map_f_scope) reduce_f_scope = {} if isinstance(reduce_f, pymongo.code.Code): reduce_f_scope = reduce_f.scope reduce_f = unicode(reduce_f) # reduce_f_code = self._sub_js_fields(reduce_f) reduce_f_code = reduce_f reduce_f = pymongo.code.Code(reduce_f_code, reduce_f_scope) mr_args = {'query': self._query, 'keeptemp': keep_temp} if finalize_f: finalize_f_scope = {} if isinstance(finalize_f, pymongo.code.Code): finalize_f_scope = finalize_f.scope finalize_f = unicode(finalize_f) # finalize_f_code = self._sub_js_fields(finalize_f) finalize_f_code = finalize_f finalize_f = pymongo.code.Code(finalize_f_code, finalize_f_scope) mr_args['finalize'] = finalize_f if scope: mr_args['scope'] = scope if limit: mr_args['limit'] = limit results = self._collection.map_reduce(map_f, reduce_f, **mr_args) results = results.find() if self._ordering: results = results.sort(self._ordering) for doc in results: yield self._document.objects.with_id(doc['value']) def limit(self, n): """Limit the number of returned documents to `n`. This may also be achieved using array-slicing syntax (e.g. ``User.objects[:5]``). :param n: the maximum number of objects to return """ if n == 0: self._cursor.limit(1) else: self._cursor.limit(n) self._limit = n # Return self to allow chaining return self def skip(self, n): """Skip `n` documents before returning the results. This may also be achieved using array-slicing syntax (e.g. ``User.objects[5:]``). :param n: the number of objects to skip before returning results """ self._cursor.skip(n) self._skip = n return self def __getitem__(self, key): """Support skip and limit using getitem and slicing syntax. """ # Slice provided if isinstance(key, slice): try: self._cursor_obj = self._cursor[key] self._skip, self._limit = key.start, key.stop except IndexError, err: # PyMongo raises an error if key.start == key.stop, catch it, # bin it, kill it. start = key.start or 0 if start >= 0 and key.stop >= 0 and key.step is None: if start == key.stop: self.limit(0) self._skip, self._limit = key.start, key.stop - start return self raise err # Allow further QuerySet modifications to be performed return self # Integer index provided elif isinstance(key, int): return self._document(**dict_keys_to_str(self._cursor[key]))