예제 #1
    def fetch_by_id(self):
        if self.cache_fetch_by_id_queryset and self.cache_queryset_enable:
            vals = self.values_list('pk', *self.query.extra.keys())
            vals = self.no_cache().values_list('pk', *self.query.extra.keys())
        ids = [val[0] for val in vals]
        if self.cache_object_enable:
            keys = dict((get_cache_key_for_pk(self.model, i), i) for i in ids)
            cached = dict((k, v) for k, v in cache.get_many(keys).items() if v is not None)
            missed = [pk for key, pk in keys.iteritems() if key not in cached]
            new = {}

            if missed:
                objects = self.model._default_manager.filter(pk__in=missed)
                new = dict((get_cache_key_for_pk(self.model, o.pk), o) \
                                                        for o in objects)

            objects = dict((o.pk, o) for o in cached.values() + new.values())
            for pk in ids:
                yield objects[pk]

            qs = self.model._orm_manager.no_cache().filter(pk__in=ids)
            if connection.vendor == 'postgresql':
                with server_side_cursors(qs, itersize=10):
                    for obj in qs.iterator():
                        yield obj
                for obj in qs.iterator():
                    yield obj
예제 #2
def ensure_default_manager(sender, **kwargs):
    from django_orm.cache.utils import get_cache_key_for_pk
    from django_orm.cache.invalidator import invalidate_object
    from django_orm.manager import FTSManager as Manager
    from django.db import models

    meta_orm_class = getattr(sender, 'OrmMeta', None)
    if not meta_orm_class:
        meta_orm_obj = OrmMeta()
        meta_orm_obj = meta_orm_class()
        options = getattr(meta_orm_obj, 'options', {})

        if 'cache_object' not in options:
            options['cache_object'] = DEFAULT_CACHE_ENABLED
        if 'cache_queryset' not in options:
            options['cache_queryset'] = DEFAULT_CACHE_ENABLED
        if options['cache_queryset']:
            options['cache_object'] = True

        if 'default_timeout' not in options:
            options['default_timeout'] = DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT

        meta_orm_obj.options = options
    sender.add_to_class('_orm_meta', meta_orm_obj)
    if not getattr(sender, '_orm_manager', None):
        sender.add_to_class('_orm_manager', Manager())

        staticmethod(lambda x,y: get_cache_key_for_pk(x, y)))
        property(lambda x: x._get_cache_key_for_pk(x.__class__, x.pk)))
예제 #3
    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self.cache_object_enable:
            return super(CachedMixIn, self).get(*args, **kwargs)

        if len(args) > 0:
            return super(CachedMixIn, self).get(*args, **kwargs)
        pk, params, obj = None, copy.deepcopy(kwargs), None
        if "pk" in params:
            pk = params.pop('pk')
        elif "id" in kwargs:
            pk = params.pop('id')

        if pk:
            ckey = get_cache_key_for_pk(self.model, pk, **params)
            obj = cache.get(ckey)
            if not obj:
                obj = super(CachedMixIn, self).get(*args, **kwargs)
                cache.set(ckey, obj, self.cache_timeout)
                log.info("Orm cache missing: %s(%s)", 
                    self.model.__name__, obj.id)
                log.info("Orm cache hit: %s(%s)", 
                    self.model.__name__, obj.id)
            obj = super(CachedMixIn, self).get(*args, **kwargs)
        return obj
예제 #4
    def _get_objects_for_keys(self, model, keys):
        # First we fetch any keys that we can from the cache
        results = cache.get_many([get_cache_key_for_pk(model, k) for k in keys]).values()
        # Now we need to compute which keys weren't present in the cache
        result_ids = [obj.id for obj in results]
        missing = [key for key in keys if key not in result_ids]

        log.info("Orm cache queryset missing objects: %s(%s)",
            self.model.__name__, missing)

        # We no longer need to know what the keys were so turn it into a list
        results = list(results)
        objects = model._orm_manager.no_cache().filter(pk__in=missing)
        if objects:
            cache.set_many(dict([(obj.cache_key, obj) \
                for obj in objects]), self.cache_timeout)

        # Do a simple len() lookup (maybe we shouldn't rely on it returning the right
        # number of objects
        cnt = len(missing) - len(objects)
        if cnt:
            raise CacheMissingWarning("%d objects missing in the database" % (cnt,))

        return results
예제 #5
 def _get_cache_key_for_pk(model, pk):
     return get_cache_key_for_pk(model, pk)