class ResultsTable(tables.Table): challenger = tables.LinkColumn('team', args=[A('challenger')]) challenged = tables.LinkColumn('team', args=[A('challenged')]) g1_results = tables.URLColumn(orderable=False, ) g2_results = tables.URLColumn(orderable=False, ) winner = tables.LinkColumn( 'team', args=[A('winner')], verbose_name="Winner", ) class Meta: model = Challenge exclude = ('id', 'approved', 'g1_submitted', 'g2_submitted', 'submitted_by', 'loser') attrs = {'class': 'table current'} row_attrs = {'id': lambda record: 'P' + str(record.played)} def render_g1_results(self, value): if not[0].submitted_by: return format_html( '<a target="_blank" href="{}" disabled/>#{}', value, value) else: return "submitted" def render_g2_results(self, value): if not[0].submitted_by: return format_html( '<a target="_blank" href="{}" />#{}', value, value) else: return "submitted"
class LeagueTable(tables.Table): website = tables.URLColumn() hfea_link = tables.URLColumn() live_births_per_cycle = PercentageColumn() live_births_per_icsi_cycle = PercentageColumn() class Meta: model = hfeascrape.models.Unit orderable = True exclude = ('id', 'hfea_code')
def define_table(columns, typeTable): """ :param columns: Array with names of columns to show :return: a class of type TableResults """ attrs = dict((c, tables.Column()) for c in columns if c != "url") attrs2 = dict((c, tables.URLColumn()) for c in columns if c == "url") attrs.update(attrs2) if typeTable == "TableResult": attrs['Meta'] = type( 'Meta', (), dict(attrs={ 'class': 'table table-striped table-bordered table-hover dataTable no-footer', "id": lambda: "table_%d" % next(counter) }, ordenable=False, empty_text="Results not found!", order_by=("name", ))) else: attrs['Meta'] = type( 'Meta', (), dict(attrs={ 'class': 'table table-striped', "id": "notformattable" }, ordenable=False, empty_text="Results not found!", order_by=("name", ))) klass = type('TableResult', (tables.Table, ), attrs) return klass
class AccessionTable(tables.Table): """ Table that is displayed on the accession list view """ id = tables.LinkColumn("accession_detail", args=[A('id')], text=lambda record:, verbose_name="ID", order_by="pk") name = tables.Column(accessor="name", verbose_name="Name", order_by="name") country = tables.Column(accessor="country", verbose_name="Country", order_by="country") sitename = tables.Column(accessor="sitename", verbose_name="Sitename", order_by="sitename") collector = tables.Column(accessor="collector", verbose_name="Collector", order_by="collector") longitude = tables.Column(accessor="longitude", verbose_name="Longitude", order_by="longitude") latitude = tables.Column(accessor="latitude", verbose_name="Latitude", order_by="latitude") cs_number = tables.URLColumn({"target": "_blank"}, lambda record: record.cs_number, accessor="cs_number_url", verbose_name="CS Number", order_by="cs_number") number_of_phenotypes = tables.Column(accessor="count_phenotypes", verbose_name='# Phenotypes') class Meta: attrs = {"class": "striped"}
class ResourceTable(tables.Table): link = tables.URLColumn() file = tables.URLColumn() id = ModifyColumn('Modify') title = ClickableColumn() class Meta: model = Resource exclude = ('user', ) orderable = True sequence = ('date', '...', 'id') def render_file(self, value): return mark_safe('<a href="' + value + '">View</a>') def render_link(self, value): return mark_safe('<a href="' + value + '" target="_blank">View</a>')
class IXAPITable(BaseTable): name = tables.Column(linkify=True) url = tables.URLColumn() actions = ButtonsColumn(IXAPI) class Meta(BaseTable.Meta): model = IXAPI fields = ("name", "url", "api_key", "actions") default_columns = ("name", "url", "api_key", "actions")
class FATable(tables.Table): tagpro_profile = tables.URLColumn( attrs={'a': { 'target': '_blank' }}, orderable=False, ) reddit_info = tables.URLColumn( attrs={'a': { 'target': '_blank' }}, orderable=False, ) tagpro_stats = tables.URLColumn( verbose_name="TagPro Stats", attrs={'a': { 'target': '_blank' }}, orderable=False, ) additional_notes = tables.Column( verbose_name="Additional Notes", orderable=False, ) class Meta: model = FreeAgent exclude = ('id', 'user') attrs = {'class': 'table current'} def render_tagpro_profile(self, value): return format_html( '<a target="_blank" href="{}" style="color:#2b2b2b;" />Tagpro', value, value) def render_reddit_info(self, value): return format_html( '<a target="_blank" href="{}" style="color:#ff4500;" />Reddit', value, value) def render_tagpro_stats(self, value): return format_html( '<a target="_blank" href="{}" style="color:#428bca;" />Stats', value, value)
class DemosTable(tables.Table): path = tables.URLColumn() description = HtmlColumn() class Meta: model = Demos fields = {'name', 'description', 'path'} sequence = ('name', 'description', 'path') template = 'django_tables2/bootstrap.html' attrs = {'class': 'table table-bordered table-striped table-hover'}
class Meta: model = Produto attrs = attrs = {"class": "paleblue"} sequence = ("title", "description", "price") exclude = ("id", ) www = tables.URLColumn() # table = ProdutoTable(Produto.objects.all()) # table.columns['title'].header # u'Model Verbose Name'
class CountryTable(tables.Table): description = tables.LinkColumn('country details', args=[A('id')], verbose_name="Country name") transfermarkt_hyperlink = tables.URLColumn( attrs={'a': { 'target': '_blank' }}) class Meta: model = Country template_name = "tables/responsive-table.html"
class SeasonTable(tables.Table): description = tables.LinkColumn('season details', args=[A('id')], verbose_name="Season name") league = tables.LinkColumn('league details', args=[A('')]) transfermarkt_hyperlink = tables.URLColumn( attrs={'a': { 'target': '_blank' }}) class Meta: model = Season template_name = "tables/responsive-table.html"
class QueueTable(tables.Table): number = tables.LinkColumn( 'queue details', args=[A('id')], text=lambda record: 'Queue {0}'.format(record.number), verbose_name="Queue name") transfermarkt_hyperlink = tables.URLColumn( attrs={'a': { 'target': '_blank' }}) class Meta: model = Queue template_name = "tables/responsive-table.html"
class MessagesTable(tables.Table): text = tables.Column(verbose_name="Текст сообщения") url = tables.URLColumn(verbose_name="Ссылка для перехода") creation_date = tables.DateTimeColumn(verbose_name="Дата отправки") class Meta: model = models.Message attrs = {"class": "paleblue"} fields = ( "creation_date", "text", "url", ) sequence = fields
class TuneTable(tables.Table): sheet_music = tables.URLColumn() concepts = ForeignFieldList() id = ModifyColumn('Modify') title = ClickableColumn() class Meta: model = Tune exclude = ('user', ) orderable = True sequence = ('date', '...', 'id') def render_sheet_music(self, value): return mark_safe('<a href="' + value + '">View</a>')
class PlayerTable(tables.Table): player = tables.LinkColumn('player details', args=[A('id')], text=lambda record: '{0} {1}'.format( record.first_name, record.last_name)) transfermarkt_hyperlink = tables.URLColumn( attrs={'a': { 'target': '_blank' }}) class Meta: model = Player # Change order of columns - player (explicitly created), rest of columns from DB sequence = ('player', '...') template_name = "tables/responsive-table.html"
class Meta: model = Person email = tables.EmailColumn() name = tables.URLColumn() order_by = '-name' name = tables.Column(footer='Total:') template = 'django_tables2/bootstrap.html' fields = [ 'name', 'company', 'email', 'phone', ]
class MatchTable(tables.Table): match = tables.LinkColumn('match details', args=[A('id')], order_by=("first_team", "second_team"), text=lambda record: '{0} vs. {1}'.format( record.first_team, record.second_team)) queue = tables.LinkColumn('queue details', args=[A('')]) transfermarkt_hyperlink = tables.URLColumn( attrs={'a': { 'target': '_blank' }}) class Meta: model = Match # Change order of columns - match (explicitly created), rest of columns from DB sequence = ('match', '...') template_name = "tables/responsive-table.html"
class TaskTable(tables.Table): task_name = tables.LinkColumn( "tasks:complete", accessor="", args=[A("pk")] ) form = tables.URLColumn( verbose_name="Form to Submit", accessor="task.resource", ) date = tables.DateColumn(verbose_name="Due Date") class Meta: model = TaskDate fields = ( "task_name", "form", "date", "task.owner", "task.description", ) attrs = {"class": "table table-striped table-bordered"} empty_text = "There are no tasks matching the search criteria..." def __init__(self, complete=True, *args, **kwargs): extra_columns = [] if complete: extra_columns.extend( [ ( "complete_result", tables.LinkColumn( "tasks:detail", args=[A("complete_link")], verbose_name="Complete", empty_values=(), ), ), ] ) kwargs["extra_columns"] = extra_columns super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def render_form(self, record): task = record.task value = task.render_task_link return value
class AccessionTable(tables.Table): """ Table that is displayed on the accession list view """ id = tables.LinkColumn("accession_detail", args=[A('id')], text=lambda record:, verbose_name="ID", order_by="pk") name = tables.Column(accessor="name", verbose_name="Name", order_by="name") country = tables.Column(accessor="country", verbose_name="Country", order_by="country") sitename = tables.Column(accessor="sitename", verbose_name="Sitename", order_by="sitename") collector = tables.Column(accessor="collector", verbose_name="Collector", order_by="collector") longitude = tables.Column(accessor="longitude", verbose_name="Longitude", order_by="longitude") latitude = tables.Column(accessor="latitude", verbose_name="Latitude", order_by="latitude") cs_number = tables.URLColumn({"target": "_blank"}, lambda record: record.cs_number, accessor="cs_number_url", verbose_name="CS Number", order_by="cs_number") genotypes = tables.ManyToManyColumn( accessor="genotype_set", transform=lambda genotype: number_of_phenotypes = tables.Column(accessor="count_phenotypes", verbose_name='# Phenotypes') class Meta: attrs = {"class": "striped"} def order_number_of_phenotypes(self, QuerySet, is_descending): QuerySet = QuerySet.annotate(count=Count( 'observationunit__phenotypevalue__phenotype', distinct=True)).order_by(('-' if is_descending else '') + 'count') return (QuerySet, True)
class BestPlayersTable(tables.Table): name = tables.LinkColumn('player details', args=[A('id')], order_by=("first_name", "last_name"), text=lambda record: '{0} {1}'.format( record.first_name, record.last_name)) goals = tables.TemplateColumn('{{ record.goal_set.count }}') assists = tables.TemplateColumn('{{ record.assist_set.count }}') time_in_matches = tables.TemplateColumn( '{{ record.get_time_sum_from_all_matches }}') transfermarkt_hyperlink = tables.URLColumn( attrs={'a': { 'target': '_blank' }}) def order_time_in_matches(self, queryset, is_descending): queryset = queryset.annotate( time_in_matches=(Sum('matchplayer__time') )).order_by(("-" if is_descending else "") + "time_in_matches") return queryset, True def order_goals(self, queryset, is_descending): queryset = queryset.annotate( goals=(Count('goal'))).order_by(("-" if is_descending else "") + "goals") return queryset, True def order_assists(self, queryset, is_descending): queryset = queryset.annotate(assists=( Count('assist'))).order_by(("-" if is_descending else "") + "assists") return queryset, True class Meta: model = Player # Change order of columns - name (explicitly created), rest of columns from DB sequence = ('name', '...') template_name = "tables/responsive-table.html"
class Meta: link = tables.URLColumn() model = Service fields = ('city', 'title', 'salary')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.task = tables.URLColumn() super(ResultsTable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.counter = itertools.count()
class Meta: link = tables.URLColumn() model = Gift fields = ('city', 'title', 'gift_type')
class TestTable(tables.Table): url = tables.URLColumn()
class Table(tables.Table): url = tables.URLColumn(text=lambda record: record["name"])
class Table(tables.Table): url = tables.URLColumn(text="link")
class Meta: link = tables.URLColumn() model = Job fields = ('city', 'title', 'jobtype', 'salary')
class Meta: link = tables.URLColumn() model = Item fields = ('city', 'title', 'condition', 'price')
class Meta: link = tables.URLColumn() model = Rent fields = ('city', 'title', 'property_type', 'bathrooms', 'bedrooms', 'price')