예제 #1
    def load_app(self, app_name, can_postpone=False):
        Loads the app with the provided fully qualified name, and returns the
        model module.
        self.handled[app_name] = None
        self.nesting_level += 1
        app_module = import_module(app_name)
            models = import_module('.models', app_name)
        except ImportError:
            self.nesting_level -= 1
            # If the app doesn't have a models module, we can just ignore the
            # ImportError and return no models for it.
            if not module_has_submodule(app_module, 'models'):
                return None
            # But if the app does have a models module, we need to figure out
            # whether to suppress or propagate the error. If can_postpone is
            # True then it may be that the package is still being imported by
            # Python and the models module isn't available yet. So we add the
            # app to the postponed list and we'll try it again after all the
            # recursion has finished (in populate). If can_postpone is False
            # then it's time to raise the ImportError.
                if can_postpone:
                    return None

        self.nesting_level -= 1
        if models not in self.app_store:
            self.app_store[models] = len(self.app_store)
            self.app_labels[self._label_for(models)] = models
        return models
예제 #2
def view_index(request):
    if not utils.docutils_is_available:
        return missing_docutils_page(request)

    if settings.ADMIN_FOR:
        settings_modules = [import_module(m) for m in settings.ADMIN_FOR]
        settings_modules = [settings]

    views = []
    for settings_mod in settings_modules:
        urlconf = import_module(settings_mod.ROOT_URLCONF)
        view_functions = extract_views_from_urlpatterns(urlconf.urlpatterns)
        if Site._meta.installed:
            site_obj = Site.objects.get(pk=settings_mod.SITE_ID)
            site_obj = GenericSite()
        for (func, regex) in view_functions:
                'full_name': '%s.%s' % (func.__module__, getattr(func, '__name__', func.__class__.__name__)),
                'site_id': settings_mod.SITE_ID,
                'site': site_obj,
                'url': simplify_regex(regex),
    return render_to_response('admin_doc/view_index.html', {
        'root_path': urlresolvers.reverse('admin:index'),
        'views': views
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
예제 #3
def autodiscover():
    Auto-discover INSTALLED_APPS admin.py modules and fail silently when
    not present. This forces an import on them to register any admin bits they
    may want.

    import copy
    from djangocg.conf import settings
    from djangocg.utils.importlib import import_module
    from djangocg.utils.module_loading import module_has_submodule

    for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
        mod = import_module(app)
        # Attempt to import the app's admin module.
            before_import_registry = copy.copy(site._registry)
            import_module('%s.admin' % app)
            # Reset the model registry to the state before the last import as
            # this import will have to reoccur on the next request and this
            # could raise NotRegistered and AlreadyRegistered exceptions
            # (see #8245).
            site._registry = before_import_registry

            # Decide whether to bubble up this error. If the app just
            # doesn't have an admin module, we can ignore the error
            # attempting to import it, otherwise we want it to bubble up.
            if module_has_submodule(mod, 'admin'):
예제 #4
    def test_loader(self):
        "Normal module existence can be tested"
        test_module = import_module("regressiontests.utils.test_module")
        test_no_submodule = import_module("regressiontests.utils.test_no_submodule")

        # An importable child
        self.assertTrue(module_has_submodule(test_module, "good_module"))
        mod = import_module("regressiontests.utils.test_module.good_module")
        self.assertEqual(mod.content, "Good Module")

        # A child that exists, but will generate an import error if loaded
        self.assertTrue(module_has_submodule(test_module, "bad_module"))
        self.assertRaises(ImportError, import_module, "regressiontests.utils.test_module.bad_module")

        # A child that doesn't exist
        self.assertFalse(module_has_submodule(test_module, "no_such_module"))
        self.assertRaises(ImportError, import_module, "regressiontests.utils.test_module.no_such_module")

        # A child that doesn't exist, but is the name of a package on the path
        self.assertFalse(module_has_submodule(test_module, "django"))
        self.assertRaises(ImportError, import_module, "regressiontests.utils.test_module.django")

        # Don't be confused by caching of import misses
        import types  # causes attempted import of regressiontests.utils.types

        self.assertFalse(module_has_submodule(sys.modules["regressiontests.utils"], "types"))

        # A module which doesn't have a __path__ (so no submodules)
        self.assertFalse(module_has_submodule(test_no_submodule, "anything"))
        self.assertRaises(ImportError, import_module, "regressiontests.utils.test_no_submodule.anything")
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, settings_module):
        # update this dict from global settings (but only for ALL_CAPS settings)
        for setting in dir(global_settings):
            if setting == setting.upper():
                setattr(self, setting, getattr(global_settings, setting))

        # store the settings module in case someone later cares
        self.SETTINGS_MODULE = settings_module

            mod = importlib.import_module(self.SETTINGS_MODULE)
        except ImportError as e:
            raise ImportError("Could not import settings '%s' (Is it on sys.path?): %s" % (self.SETTINGS_MODULE, e))

        # Settings that should be converted into tuples if they're mistakenly entered
        # as strings.
        tuple_settings = ("INSTALLED_APPS", "TEMPLATE_DIRS")

        for setting in dir(mod):
            if setting == setting.upper():
                setting_value = getattr(mod, setting)
                if setting in tuple_settings and \
                        isinstance(setting_value, six.string_types):
                    warnings.warn("The %s setting must be a tuple. Please fix your "
                                  "settings, as auto-correction is now deprecated." % setting,
                    setting_value = (setting_value,) # In case the user forgot the comma.
                setattr(self, setting, setting_value)

        if not self.SECRET_KEY:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured("The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty.")

        if hasattr(time, 'tzset') and self.TIME_ZONE:
            # When we can, attempt to validate the timezone. If we can't find
            # this file, no check happens and it's harmless.
            zoneinfo_root = '/usr/share/zoneinfo'
            if (os.path.exists(zoneinfo_root) and not
                    os.path.exists(os.path.join(zoneinfo_root, *(self.TIME_ZONE.split('/'))))):
                raise ValueError("Incorrect timezone setting: %s" % self.TIME_ZONE)
            # Move the time zone info into os.environ. See ticket #2315 for why
            # we don't do this unconditionally (breaks Windows).
            os.environ['TZ'] = self.TIME_ZONE

        # Settings are configured, so we can set up the logger if required
        if self.LOGGING_CONFIG:
            # First find the logging configuration function ...
            logging_config_path, logging_config_func_name = self.LOGGING_CONFIG.rsplit('.', 1)
            logging_config_module = importlib.import_module(logging_config_path)
            logging_config_func = getattr(logging_config_module, logging_config_func_name)

            # Backwards-compatibility shim for #16288 fix

            # ... then invoke it with the logging settings
예제 #6
def setup_environ(settings_mod, original_settings_path=None):
    Configures the runtime environment. This can also be used by external
    scripts wanting to set up a similar environment to manage.py.
    Returns the project directory (assuming the passed settings module is
    directly in the project directory).

    The "original_settings_path" parameter is optional, but recommended, since
    trying to work out the original path from the module can be problematic.
        "The 'setup_environ' function is deprecated, "
        "you likely need to update your 'manage.py'; "
        "please see the Django 1.4 release notes "

    # Add this project to sys.path so that it's importable in the conventional
    # way. For example, if this file (manage.py) lives in a directory
    # "myproject", this code would add "/path/to/myproject" to sys.path.
    if '__init__.py' in settings_mod.__file__:
        p = os.path.dirname(settings_mod.__file__)
        p = settings_mod.__file__
    project_directory, settings_filename = os.path.split(p)
    if project_directory == os.curdir or not project_directory:
        project_directory = os.getcwd()
    project_name = os.path.basename(project_directory)

    # Strip filename suffix to get the module name.
    settings_name = os.path.splitext(settings_filename)[0]

    # Strip $py for Jython compiled files (like settings$py.class)
    if settings_name.endswith("$py"):
        settings_name = settings_name[:-3]

    # Set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE appropriately.
    if original_settings_path:
        os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = original_settings_path
        # If DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is already set, use it.
        os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = os.environ.get(
            '%s.%s' % (project_name, settings_name)

    # Import the project module. We add the parent directory to PYTHONPATH to
    # avoid some of the path errors new users can have.
    sys.path.append(os.path.join(project_directory, os.pardir))

    return project_directory
예제 #7
def include(arg, namespace=None, app_name=None):
    if isinstance(arg, tuple):
        # callable returning a namespace hint
        if namespace:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured('Cannot override the namespace for a dynamic module that provides a namespace')
        urlconf_module, app_name, namespace = arg
        # No namespace hint - use manually provided namespace
        urlconf_module = arg

    if isinstance(urlconf_module, six.string_types):
        urlconf_module = import_module(urlconf_module)
    patterns = getattr(urlconf_module, 'urlpatterns', urlconf_module)

    # Make sure we can iterate through the patterns (without this, some
    # testcases will break).
    if isinstance(patterns, (list, tuple)):
        for url_pattern in patterns:
            # Test if the LocaleRegexURLResolver is used within the include;
            # this should throw an error since this is not allowed!
            if isinstance(url_pattern, LocaleRegexURLResolver):
                raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                    'Using i18n_patterns in an included URLconf is not allowed.')

    return (urlconf_module, app_name, namespace)
예제 #8
def get_internal_wsgi_application():
    Loads and returns the WSGI application as configured by the user in
    ``settings.WSGI_APPLICATION``. With the default ``startproject`` layout,
    this will be the ``application`` object in ``projectname/wsgi.py``.

    This function, and the ``WSGI_APPLICATION`` setting itself, are only useful
    for Django's internal servers (runserver, runfcgi); external WSGI servers
    should just be configured to point to the correct application object

    If settings.WSGI_APPLICATION is not set (is ``None``), we just return
    whatever ``djangocg.core.wsgi.get_wsgi_application`` returns.

    from djangocg.conf import settings
    app_path = getattr(settings, 'WSGI_APPLICATION')
    if app_path is None:
        return get_wsgi_application()
    module_name, attr = app_path.rsplit('.', 1)
        mod = import_module(module_name)
    except ImportError as e:
        raise ImproperlyConfigured(
            "WSGI application '%s' could not be loaded; "
            "could not import module '%s': %s" % (app_path, module_name, e))
        app = getattr(mod, attr)
    except AttributeError as e:
        raise ImproperlyConfigured(
            "WSGI application '%s' could not be loaded; "
            "can't find '%s' in module '%s': %s"
            % (app_path, attr, module_name, e))

    return app
예제 #9
def load_backend(backend_name):
    # Look for a fully qualified database backend name
        return import_module('.base', backend_name)
    except ImportError as e_user:
        # The database backend wasn't found. Display a helpful error message
        # listing all possible (built-in) database backends.
        backend_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'backends')
            available_backends = [f for f in os.listdir(backend_dir)
                    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(backend_dir, f))
                    and not f.startswith('.')]
        except EnvironmentError:
            available_backends = []
        full_notation = backend_name.startswith('djangocg.db.backends.')
        if full_notation:
            backend_name = backend_name[19:] # See #15621.
        if backend_name not in available_backends:
            backend_reprs = map(repr, sorted(available_backends))
            error_msg = ("%r isn't an available database backend.\n"
                         "Try using djangocg.db.backends.XXX, where XXX "
                         "is one of:\n    %s\nError was: %s" %
                         (backend_name, ", ".join(backend_reprs), e_user))
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(error_msg)
        elif not full_notation:
            # user tried to use the old notation for the database backend
            error_msg = ("%r isn't an available database backend.\n"
                         "Try using djangocg.db.backends.%s instead.\n"
                         "Error was: %s" %
                         (backend_name, backend_name, e_user))
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(error_msg)
            # If there's some other error, this must be an error in Django
예제 #10
def find_template_loader(loader):
    if isinstance(loader, (tuple, list)):
        loader, args = loader[0], loader[1:]
        args = []
    if isinstance(loader, six.string_types):
        module, attr = loader.rsplit('.', 1)
            mod = import_module(module)
        except ImportError as e:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured('Error importing template source loader %s: "%s"' % (loader, e))
            TemplateLoader = getattr(mod, attr)
        except AttributeError as e:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured('Error importing template source loader %s: "%s"' % (loader, e))

        if hasattr(TemplateLoader, 'load_template_source'):
            func = TemplateLoader(*args)
            # Try loading module the old way - string is full path to callable
            if args:
                raise ImproperlyConfigured("Error importing template source loader %s - can't pass arguments to function-based loader." % loader)
            func = TemplateLoader

        if not func.is_usable:
            import warnings
            warnings.warn("Your TEMPLATE_LOADERS setting includes %r, but your Python installation doesn't support that type of template loading. Consider removing that line from TEMPLATE_LOADERS." % loader)
            return None
            return func
        raise ImproperlyConfigured('Loader does not define a "load_template" callable template source loader')
예제 #11
def parse_backend_conf(backend, **kwargs):
    Helper function to parse the backend configuration
    that doesn't use the URI notation.
    # Try to get the CACHES entry for the given backend name first
    conf = settings.CACHES.get(backend, None)
    if conf is not None:
        args = conf.copy()
        backend = args.pop('BACKEND')
        location = args.pop('LOCATION', '')
        return backend, location, args
            # Trying to import the given backend, in case it's a dotted path
            mod_path, cls_name = backend.rsplit('.', 1)
            mod = importlib.import_module(mod_path)
            backend_cls = getattr(mod, cls_name)
        except (AttributeError, ImportError, ValueError):
            raise InvalidCacheBackendError("Could not find backend '%s'" % backend)
        location = kwargs.pop('LOCATION', '')
        return backend, location, kwargs
    raise InvalidCacheBackendError(
        "Couldn't find a cache backend named '%s'" % backend)
예제 #12
def import_library(taglib_module):
    Load a template tag library module.

    Verifies that the library contains a 'register' attribute, and
    returns that attribute as the representation of the library
        mod = import_module(taglib_module)
    except ImportError as e:
        # If the ImportError is because the taglib submodule does not exist,
        # that's not an error that should be raised. If the submodule exists
        # and raised an ImportError on the attempt to load it, that we want
        # to raise.
        if is_library_missing(taglib_module):
            return None
            raise InvalidTemplateLibrary("ImportError raised loading %s: %s" %
                                         (taglib_module, e))
        return mod.register
    except AttributeError:
        raise InvalidTemplateLibrary("Template library %s does not have "
                                     "a variable named 'register'" %
예제 #13
def load_command_class(app_name, name):
    Given a command name and an application name, returns the Command
    class instance. All errors raised by the import process
    (ImportError, AttributeError) are allowed to propagate.
    module = import_module('%s.management.commands.%s' % (app_name, name))
    return module.Command()
예제 #14
def get_cache(backend, **kwargs):
    Function to load a cache backend dynamically. This is flexible by design
    to allow different use cases:

    To load a backend with the old URI-based notation::

        cache = get_cache('locmem://')

    To load a backend that is pre-defined in the settings::

        cache = get_cache('default')

    To load a backend with its dotted import path,
    including arbitrary options::

        cache = get_cache('djangocg.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache', **{
            'LOCATION': '', 'TIMEOUT': 30,

        if '://' in backend:
            # for backwards compatibility
            backend, location, params = parse_backend_uri(backend)
            if backend in BACKENDS:
                backend = 'djangocg.core.cache.backends.%s' % BACKENDS[backend]
            mod = importlib.import_module(backend)
            backend_cls = mod.CacheClass
            backend, location, params = parse_backend_conf(backend, **kwargs)
            mod_path, cls_name = backend.rsplit('.', 1)
            mod = importlib.import_module(mod_path)
            backend_cls = getattr(mod, cls_name)
    except (AttributeError, ImportError) as e:
        raise InvalidCacheBackendError(
            "Could not find backend '%s': %s" % (backend, e))
    cache = backend_cls(location, params)
    # Some caches -- python-memcached in particular -- need to do a cleanup at the
    # end of a request cycle. If the cache provides a close() method, wire it up
    # here.
    if hasattr(cache, 'close'):
    return cache
예제 #15
    def test_shallow_loader(self):
        "Module existence can be tested inside eggs"
        egg_name = "%s/test_egg.egg" % self.egg_dir
        egg_module = import_module("egg_module")

        # An importable child
        self.assertTrue(module_has_submodule(egg_module, "good_module"))
        mod = import_module("egg_module.good_module")
        self.assertEqual(mod.content, "Good Module")

        # A child that exists, but will generate an import error if loaded
        self.assertTrue(module_has_submodule(egg_module, "bad_module"))
        self.assertRaises(ImportError, import_module, "egg_module.bad_module")

        # A child that doesn't exist
        self.assertFalse(module_has_submodule(egg_module, "no_such_module"))
        self.assertRaises(ImportError, import_module, "egg_module.no_such_module")
예제 #16
 def compiler(self, compiler_name):
     Returns the SQLCompiler class corresponding to the given name,
     in the namespace corresponding to the `compiler_module` attribute
     on this backend.
     if self._cache is None:
         self._cache = import_module(self.compiler_module)
     return getattr(self._cache, compiler_name)
예제 #17
    def test_deep_loader(self):
        "Modules deep inside an egg can still be tested for existence"
        egg_name = "%s/test_egg.egg" % self.egg_dir
        egg_module = import_module("egg_module.sub1.sub2")

        # An importable child
        self.assertTrue(module_has_submodule(egg_module, "good_module"))
        mod = import_module("egg_module.sub1.sub2.good_module")
        self.assertEqual(mod.content, "Deep Good Module")

        # A child that exists, but will generate an import error if loaded
        self.assertTrue(module_has_submodule(egg_module, "bad_module"))
        self.assertRaises(ImportError, import_module, "egg_module.sub1.sub2.bad_module")

        # A child that doesn't exist
        self.assertFalse(module_has_submodule(egg_module, "no_such_module"))
        self.assertRaises(ImportError, import_module, "egg_module.sub1.sub2.no_such_module")
예제 #18
 def __init__(self, app, *args, **kwargs):
     Returns a static file storage if available in the given app.
     # app is the actual app module
     mod = import_module(app)
     mod_path = os.path.dirname(mod.__file__)
     location = os.path.join(mod_path, self.source_dir)
     super(AppStaticStorage, self).__init__(location, *args, **kwargs)
예제 #19
    def _fetch(lang, fallback=None):

        global _translations

        res = _translations.get(lang, None)
        if res is not None:
            return res

        loc = to_locale(lang)

        def _translation(path):
                t = gettext_module.translation("django", path, [loc], DjangoTranslation)
                return t
            except IOError:
                return None

        res = _translation(globalpath)

        # We want to ensure that, for example,  "en-gb" and "en-us" don't share
        # the same translation object (thus, merging en-us with a local update
        # doesn't affect en-gb), even though they will both use the core "en"
        # translation. So we have to subvert Python's internal gettext caching.
        base_lang = lambda x: x.split("-", 1)[0]
        if base_lang(lang) in [base_lang(trans) for trans in _translations]:
            res._info = res._info.copy()
            res._catalog = res._catalog.copy()

        def _merge(path):
            t = _translation(path)
            if t is not None:
                if res is None:
                    return t
            return res

        for appname in reversed(settings.INSTALLED_APPS):
            app = import_module(appname)
            apppath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(app.__file__), "locale")

            if os.path.isdir(apppath):
                res = _merge(apppath)

        for localepath in reversed(settings.LOCALE_PATHS):
            if os.path.isdir(localepath):
                res = _merge(localepath)

        if res is None:
            if fallback is not None:
                res = fallback
                return gettext_module.NullTranslations()
        _translations[lang] = res
        return res
예제 #20
    def handle(self, project_name=None, target=None, *args, **options):
        if project_name is None:
            raise CommandError("you must provide a project name")

        # Check that the project_name cannot be imported.
        except ImportError:
            raise CommandError("%r conflicts with the name of an existing "
                               "Python module and cannot be used as a "
                               "project name. Please try another name." %

        # Create a random SECRET_KEY hash to put it in the main settings.
        chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*(-_=+)'
        options['secret_key'] = get_random_string(50, chars)

        super(Command, self).handle('project', project_name, target, **options)
예제 #21
 def setUpClass(cls):
         # Import and start the WebDriver class.
         module, attr = cls.webdriver_class.rsplit('.', 1)
         mod = import_module(module)
         WebDriver = getattr(mod, attr)
         cls.selenium = WebDriver()
     except Exception as e:
         raise SkipTest('Selenium webdriver "%s" not installed or not '
                        'operational: %s' % (cls.webdriver_class, str(e)))
     super(AdminSeleniumWebDriverTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
예제 #22
def get_templatetags_modules():
    Return the list of all available template tag modules.

    Caches the result for faster access.
    global templatetags_modules
    if not templatetags_modules:
        _templatetags_modules = []
        # Populate list once per process. Mutate the local list first, and
        # then assign it to the global name to ensure there are no cases where
        # two threads try to populate it simultaneously.
        for app_module in ['django'] + list(settings.INSTALLED_APPS):
                templatetag_module = '%s.templatetags' % app_module
            except ImportError:
        templatetags_modules = _templatetags_modules
    return templatetags_modules
예제 #23
def get_callable(lookup_view, can_fail=False):
    Convert a string version of a function name to the callable object.

    If the lookup_view is not an import path, it is assumed to be a URL pattern
    label and the original string is returned.

    If can_fail is True, lookup_view might be a URL pattern label, so errors
    during the import fail and the string is returned.
    if not callable(lookup_view):
        mod_name, func_name = get_mod_func(lookup_view)
        if func_name == '':
            return lookup_view

            mod = import_module(mod_name)
        except ImportError:
            parentmod, submod = get_mod_func(mod_name)
            if (not can_fail and submod != '' and
                    not module_has_submodule(import_module(parentmod), submod)):
                raise ViewDoesNotExist(
                    "Could not import %s. Parent module %s does not exist." %
                    (lookup_view, mod_name))
            if not can_fail:
                lookup_view = getattr(mod, func_name)
                if not callable(lookup_view):
                    raise ViewDoesNotExist(
                        "Could not import %s.%s. View is not callable." %
                        (mod_name, func_name))
            except AttributeError:
                if not can_fail:
                    raise ViewDoesNotExist(
                        "Could not import %s. View does not exist in module %s." %
                        (lookup_view, mod_name))
    return lookup_view
예제 #24
def get_tests(app_module):
    parts = app_module.__name__.split('.')
    prefix, last = parts[:-1], parts[-1]
        test_module = import_module('.'.join(prefix + [TEST_MODULE]))
    except ImportError:
        # Couldn't import tests.py. Was it due to a missing file, or
        # due to an import error in a tests.py that actually exists?
        # app_module either points to a models.py file, or models/__init__.py
        # Tests are therefore either in same directory, or one level up
        if last == 'models':
            app_root = import_module('.'.join(prefix))
            app_root = app_module

        if not module_has_submodule(app_root, TEST_MODULE):
            test_module = None
            # The module exists, so there must be an import error in the test
            # module itself.
    return test_module
예제 #25
 def _load_library(self):
     if self.library is not None:
         if isinstance(self.library, (tuple, list)):
             name, mod_path = self.library
             name = mod_path = self.library
             module = importlib.import_module(mod_path)
         except ImportError:
             raise ValueError("Couldn't load %s password algorithm "
                              "library" % name)
         return module
     raise ValueError("Hasher '%s' doesn't specify a library attribute" %
예제 #26
def get_storage(path, *args, **kwargs):
    i = path.rfind('.')
    module, attr = path[:i], path[i+1:]
        mod = import_module(module)
    except ImportError as e:
        raise MissingStorageModule(
            'Error loading storage %s: "%s"' % (module, e))
        storage_class = getattr(mod, attr)
    except AttributeError:
        raise MissingStorageClass(
            'Module "%s" does not define a storage named "%s"' % (module, attr))
    return storage_class(*args, **kwargs)
예제 #27
def load_backend(path):
    i = path.rfind('.')
    module, attr = path[:i], path[i+1:]
        mod = import_module(module)
    except ImportError as e:
        raise ImproperlyConfigured('Error importing authentication backend %s: "%s"' % (path, e))
    except ValueError:
        raise ImproperlyConfigured('Error importing authentication backends. Is AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS a correctly defined list or tuple?')
        cls = getattr(mod, attr)
    except AttributeError:
        raise ImproperlyConfigured('Module "%s" does not define a "%s" authentication backend' % (module, attr))
    return cls()
예제 #28
def get_key_func(key_func):
    Function to decide which key function to use.

    Defaults to ``default_key_func``.
    if key_func is not None:
        if callable(key_func):
            return key_func
            key_func_module_path, key_func_name = key_func.rsplit(".", 1)
            key_func_module = import_module(key_func_module_path)
            return getattr(key_func_module, key_func_name)
    return default_key_func
예제 #29
def is_library_missing(name):
    """Check if library that failed to load cannot be found under any
    templatetags directory or does exist but fails to import.

    Non-existing condition is checked recursively for each subpackage in cases
    like <appdir>/templatetags/subpackage/package/module.py.
    # Don't bother to check if '.' is in name since any name will be prefixed
    # with some template root.
    path, module = name.rsplit('.', 1)
        package = import_module(path)
        return not module_has_submodule(package, module)
    except ImportError:
        return is_library_missing(path)
예제 #30
def get_storage_class(import_path=None):
    if import_path is None:
        import_path = settings.DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE
        dot = import_path.rindex('.')
    except ValueError:
        raise ImproperlyConfigured("%s isn't a storage module." % import_path)
    module, classname = import_path[:dot], import_path[dot+1:]
        mod = import_module(module)
    except ImportError as e:
        raise ImproperlyConfigured('Error importing storage module %s: "%s"' % (module, e))
        return getattr(mod, classname)
    except AttributeError:
        raise ImproperlyConfigured('Storage module "%s" does not define a "%s" class.' % (module, classname))