def counts(request): '''Returns impact counts per area as geojson query set''' form = CountQueryForm(request.GET) if form.is_valid(): cd = form.cleaned_data area = cd['area'] if area == 'county': # count by county geojson = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(CountyCount.objects.all()) else: # it must be zip geojson = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(ZipCount.objects.all()) return HttpResponse(geojson, content_type='application/json') else: return HttpResponseBadRequest('invalid form data')
def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs): """ Returns a JSON response, transforming 'context' to make the payload. """ serializer = GeoJSONSerializer() response = self.response_class(**response_kwargs) queryset = self.get_queryset() options = dict(, precision=self.precision, simplify=self.simplify, srid=self.srid, geometry_field=self.geometry_field, force2d=self.force2d, bbox=self.bbox, bbox_auto=self.bbox_auto, use_natural_keys=self.use_natural_keys) serializer.serialize( queryset, stream=response, ensure_ascii=False, crs=self. crs, # in geoJSON crs is deprecated, raises error 36 in ol.source **options) return response
def impacts(request): '''Querys impacts based on impact type, returns geojson query set''' form = ImpactQueryForm(request.GET) if form.is_valid(): cd = form.cleaned_data impact_type = cd['impact_type'] if impact_type != '': # serialize by impact_type querySet = Impact.objects.filter(impact_type=cd['impact_type']) geojson = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(querySet) else: # serialize all impacts geojson = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(Impact.objects.all()) return HttpResponse(geojson, content_type='application/json') else: return HttpResponseBadRequest('form is invalid')
def visitorMapData(request): """ Suppy data to data table of exit link activity page """ data = json.loads(request.body) # Extract data from request from_datetime = datetime.strptime( data['from'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') # converting to datetime object to_datetime = datetime.strptime( data['to'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') # converting to datetime object # make datetimes timezone aware from_datetime = tz.localize(from_datetime) to_datetime = tz.localize(to_datetime) # getting visitor spot stats from database visitor_spot_stats = VisitorSpot.objects.filter( datetime__range=(from_datetime, to_datetime)) # Converting data to json object json_res = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(visitor_spot_stats, use_natural_keys=True, with_modelname=False) return JsonResponse(json_res, safe=False) # sending data
def all_facilities(request): """ returns all facilities from temp table """ """ Why am I using Location_w_efforts? The serializer failed with Location, there might be a bug with the django-geojson plugin It is not handling backwards relations """ #facilities = Location_w_efforts.objects.all() #print ('hello') Location_w_efforts_temp.objects.all().delete() all_health_facilities = EffortInstance.objects.all() nearby = 'other' for i in all_health_facilities: print('printing i') print(i.effort_instance_id) add_to_Location_w_efforts_tempObj(i, nearby) geojson_data = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize( Location_w_efforts_temp.objects.all(), use_natural_keys=True) return HttpResponse(geojson_data, content_type='application/json')
def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs): from fbr.settings import BASE_DIR import os.path cpath = BASE_DIR + '/map_cache/burning_' + self.request.GET[ 'time'] + '.txt' if (os.path.exists(cpath)): from django.http import HttpResponse f = open(cpath, 'r') out = f.close() return HttpResponse(out, content_type="application/json") """ Returns a JSON response, transforming 'context' to make the payload. """ serializer = GeoJSONSerializer() response = self.response_class(**response_kwargs) options = dict(, srid=self.srid, geometry_field=self.geometry_field, force2d=self.force2d) serializer.serialize(self.get_queryset(), stream=response, ensure_ascii=False, **options) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #f = open(cpath,'w') #f.write(response.content) #f.close() return response
def keep_track_save(sender, instance, created, **kwargs): action = 'save' if created else 'update' if settings.CSW_T == True and sender == WetlandLayer and instance.publishable == True: create_update_csw(instance, action) if settings.ELASTICSEARCH == True and ( sender == WetlandLayer or sender == ExternalLayer) and instance.publishable == True: instance.indexing() if settings.ELASTICSEARCH == True and sender == ExternalDatabase: instance.indexing() if settings.ELASTICSEARCH == True and sender == Wetland: instance.indexing() ext_db = ExternalDatabase.objects.filter( wetland_layer = WetlandLayer.objects.filter(, publishable=True) for x in ext_db: x.indexing() for y in wetland_layer: y.indexing() if sender == Wetland: #update wetlands.geojson f = open(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'wetlands/wetlands.geojson', 'w') geojson = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize( Wetland.objects.all(), geometry_field='geom', properties=('id', 'name', 'country', 'geo_scale', 'size', 'description', 'ecoregion', 'wetland_type', 'site_type', 'products'), precision=4) f.write(geojson)
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): current_object = self.get_object() geojson = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize( [ current_object, ], geometry_field='coordonnees_geographiques', properties=('nom', 'description', 'commune_label', 'short_description', 'feature', 'url', 'state')) context = super(ProjectDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['geojson'] = geojson context['form'] = GlobalProjectForm FormSet = inlineformset_factory(Project, PartenaireDetail, fields='__all__', can_delete=True, extra=1) context['formset'] = FormSet(instance=current_object) FormSet2 = inlineformset_factory(Project, MaitreOeuvre, fields='__all__', can_delete=True, extra=1) context['formset_2'] = FormSet2(instance=current_object) if self.request.user == current_object.owner or self.request.user in current_object.editors.all( ): context['editable'] = True return context
def floodInstances(request): events=[] if request.method == 'GET': date=request.GET['date'] events=getEvents(date) content=GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(events) return HttpResponse(content,content_type="application/json")
def postAlertPolygon(request): geofenceForm = GeofenceForm(request.POST) = # Create valid attributes for user and geom fields try:['user'] =['geom'] = GEOSGeometry(['geom']) except (ValueError): messages.error( request, '<strong>' + _('Error') + '</strong><br>' + _('Invalid geometry data.')) if geofenceForm.is_valid(): # Save new model object, send success message to the user polygon = # messages.success(request, _('You will now receive alerts for the area traced.')) return JsonResponse({ 'success': True, 'polygon': GeoJSONSerializer().serialize([ polygon, ]) }) else: return JsonResponse({'success': False})
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """Returns GeoJSON for all the map's markers""" _map = Map.objects.get(id=kwargs['idx']) data = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(Marker.objects.filter(map=_map), geometry_field='point', use_natural_keys=True, with_modelname=False) return HttpResponse(data, content_type='application/json')
def zonas(request): zonas = Zona.objects.all() contenidos = [] for z in zonas: contenidos.append({'nombre': z.nombre,'uso': z.uso, 'planta': z.planta.nombre, 'riesgo': z.riesgo, 'geom': z.zona, 'riesgo': z.nivel_riesgo,}) data = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(contenidos, use_natural_keys=False, with_modelname=False) return HttpResponse(data)
def centro2(request, planta, centro): #tcn = Trabajador.objects.all() tcn = Trabajador.objects.filter(centroNegocios__codigo = centro) #s = FlatJsonSerializer() contenidos = [] punto=None for i, tr in enumerate(tcn): if tr.gps_id: # t = Trabajador.objects.get(id=trabajador) #Trabajadores con el id solicitado dev = Devices.objects.get(id=tr.gps_id) #Dispositivo correspondiente al trabajador punto = Positions.objects.get(id = dev.positionid) auxiliar=Alertatrabajador() #auxiliar.geom='SRID=4326;POINT()' #auxiliar.lon=punto.lon #auxiliar.address=punto.address #auxiliar.fixtime=punto.fixtime auxiliar.nombre=tr.primer_nombre+" "+tr.apellidop auxiliar.i=i if(tr.tipo_contacto): auxiliar.tipo_contacto=tr.tipo_contacto else: auxiliar.tipo_contacto="Sin Información" if(tr.emergencia): auxiliar.nombre_emergencia=tr.emergencia.nombre auxiliar.nro_emergencia=tr.emergencia.fono else: auxiliar.nombre_emergencia="Sin Información" auxiliar.nro_emergencia="Sin Información" if(tr.foto): auxiliar.foto=tr.foto.url else: auxiliar.foto="/media/avatar/defecto.png" #auxiliar.foto=tr.foto.url auxiliar.geom=punto.geom auxiliar.apellidop=tr.apellidop #auxiliar.apellidom=tr.apellidom #auxiliar.fecha_nac=tr.fecha_nac #auxiliar.estudios=t.estudios #auxiliar.rut=tr.rut auxiliar.nivel_riesgo=tr.nivel_riesgo if(tr.fono): auxiliar.fono=tr.fono else: auxiliar.fono="Sin Información" if(tr.cargo): auxiliar.cargo=tr.cargo else: auxiliar.cargo="Sin Información" #auxiliar.direccion=tr.direccion #auxiliar.centroNegocios=t.centroNegocios #auxiliar.gps=t.gps contenidos.append(auxiliar) #data = s.serialize(contenidos) data = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(contenidos, use_natural_keys=False, with_modelname=False) return HttpResponse(data)#, content_type='application/json')
def paises(request): paises = world.objects.all() # contenidos = [] data = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(paises, use_natural_keys=True, with_modelname=False) return HttpResponse(data)
def areasVerdes(request): areasVerdes = areaVerde.objects.all() # contenidos = [] data = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(areasVerdes, use_natural_keys=True, with_modelname=False) return HttpResponse(data)
def experience_(request, id): experiences = Experience.objects.get(id=id) geojson = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(experiences, geometry_field=('centroid'), properties=('title', 'description_short', 'status', 'statusfr')) return render(request, 'consulter_.html', { 'experiences': experiences, 'geojson': geojson, })
def track_tour(request, touralias): tour = get_object_or_404(Tour, alias=touralias) track = tour.track data = { 'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': track, 'properties': { 'name':, 'color': tour.color } } geo_json = {'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [data]} json = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(data) #return HttpResponse(json, content_type='application/json') return JsonResponse(geo_json)
def find_rocks(request): """ Given a given lat/long pair, return the unit(s) surrounding it. """ if request.is_ajax(): lat = request.GET.get('lat', None) lon = request.GET.get('lon', None) if lat and lon: point = Point(float(lon), float(lat)) units = Unit.objects.filter(geom__contains=point) geojson_data = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(units, use_natural_keys=True) return HttpResponse(geojson_data, mimetype='application/json') msg = "Bad request: not AJAX or no latlong pair present" return HttpResponseBadRequest(msg)
def get(self, request): if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'regions.geojson')) and int( self.get_last_modification_time()) < self.get_file_time(): geojson = self.file_get_contents(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'regions.geojson') else: # create file/folder if it does not exist geojson = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(Region.objects.all(), geometry_field='geom', properties=('id', 'name'), precision=4) f = open(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'regions.geojson', 'w') f.write(geojson) f.close() return HttpResponse(geojson)
def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs): """ Returns a JSON response, transforming 'context' to make the payload. """ serializer = GeoJSONSerializer() response = self.response_class(**response_kwargs) options = dict(, precision=self.precision, simplify=self.simplify, srid=self.srid, geometry_field=self.geometry_field, force2d=self.force2d) serializer.serialize(self.get_queryset(), stream=response, ensure_ascii=False, **options) return response
def consulter(request): experiences = Experience.objects.all() f = ExperienceFilter(request.GET, queryset=Experience.objects.all()) search = False if len(request.GET) > 0: search = True geojson = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(f.qs, geometry_field=('centroid'), properties=('title', 'description_short', 'status', 'statusfr')) return render( request, 'consulter.html', { 'filter': f, 'experiences': experiences, 'geojson': geojson, 'search': search, })
def wfabbaLayer(request, start, end): url = '' url += 'request=GetFeature&typeName=geonode:_2ferr004_ger_pl_zoneamento_buffer&outputFormat=application/json' ds = DataSource(url) layer = ds[0] bounds = Envelope(layer.extent.tuple) dataRef1 = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(start) / 1000) dataRef2 = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(end) / 1000) query = FocoWFABBA.objects\ .filter(dataUTC__range= (dataRef1, dataRef2))\ .filter(posicao__intersects=bounds.wkt) geojson_data = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(query, use_natural_keys=True) return HttpResponse(geojson_data, content_type='text/javascript')
def get(self, request, region_id): region = Region.objects.get(pk=region_id) if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'dwd_stations.geojson')): geojson = self.file_get_contents(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'dwd_stations.geojson') else: # create file/folder if it does not exist geojson = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize( DWDStation.objects.filter(geom__intersects=region.geom), geometry_field='geom', properties=tuple( [ for f in DWDStation._meta.get_fields()]), precision=4) geojson = json.loads(geojson) del geojson['crs'] geojson = json.dumps(geojson) f = open(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'dwd_stations.geojson', 'w') f.write(geojson) f.close() return HttpResponse(geojson)
def planta(request, planta): #Posiciones registradas dentro de una determinada planta pl = Planta.objects.get(nombre = planta) # s = FlatJsonSerializer() contenidos = [] for d in Devices.objects.all(): if(Positions.objects.filter(id = d.positionid).exists()): p = Positions.objects.get(id = d.positionid) if(pl.geom.contains(p.geom)): contenidos.append(p) # for p in puntos: # if(pl.geom.contains(p.geom)): # contenidos.append(p) # data = serializers.serialize('json', contenidos) data = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(contenidos, use_natural_keys=True, with_modelname=False) return HttpResponse(data)#, content_type='application/json')
def postPoint(request, Form): """Submit a user point submission to the database. Normalize geometry and activate push notifications.""" form = Form(request.POST) = # Convert coords to valid geometry try:['geom'] = normalizeGeometry(['geom']) except (ValueError): # TODO provide error message to user here JsonResponse({'success': False}) # messages.error(request, '<strong>' + _('Error') + '</strong><br>' + _('No point was selected for this type of report.')) # Validate and submit to db if form.is_valid(): point = # Errors with push notifications should not affect reporting if not settings.DEBUG: try: pushNotification.pushNotification(point) except: pass return JsonResponse({ 'success': True, 'point': GeoJSONSerializer().serialize([ point, ]), 'point_type': point.p_type, 'form_html': render_crispy_form(Form()) }) else: logger.debug("Form not valid") # Else: error occurred['geom'] =['geom'].json form_html = render_crispy_form(form) return JsonResponse({'success': False, 'form_html': form_html})
def json_markers(): return GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(Marker.objects.all(), use_natural_keys=True, with_modelname=False)
def json_polygons(): return GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(Polygon.objects.all(), use_natural_keys=True, with_modelname=False)
def index(request): geo_json_string = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(Location.objects.all(), use_natural_keys=True, with_modelname=False) querySet = [("M'bera Refugee Camp", 'MR'), ("Burkina Faso Refugee Camp", 'BF'), ("Niger Refugee Camp", 'NE'), ("Niger Refugee Camp", 'NE'), ("Malawi Refugee Camp", 'MW'), ("Kenya Refugee Camp", 'KY'), ("Ethiopia Refugee Camp", 'ET'), ("Syria Refugee Camp", 'SY'), ("Jordan Refugee Camp", 'JO'), ("Iraq Refugee Camp", 'IQ'), ("Bangladesh Refugee Camp", 'BD'), ("Sudan Refugee Camp", 'SD'), ("Turkey Refugee Camp", 'TR'), ("West Nile Refugee Camp", 'WN')] links = [] for query, iso2 in querySet: all_articles = newsapi.get_everything( q=query, - timedelta(days=29),, language='en', sort_by='relevancy', page=1) countryToList = {} if (all_articles['totalResults'] is 0): all_articles = newsapi.get_everything( q='Refugee Camps', - timedelta(days=29),, language='en', sort_by='relevancy', page=1) subList = [] for article in all_articles['articles']: info = { 'url': (article['url']), 'headline': (str(article['title']).replace(u"\u2018", "'").replace(u"\u2019", "'")) } subList.append(info) countryToList[iso2] = subList links.append(countryToList) linksJson = json.dumps(links) print(linksJson) #end of articles - start of regional stats queries regionsQuery = Population.objects.values_list( "region", flat=True).order_by("region").distinct() regionsList = list(regionsQuery) regionJSONs = [] for region in regionsList: regionsPop = {} regionsPop['region'] = region regionsPop['population'] = (Population.objects.filter( region=region).aggregate(Sum('refugeePop')))['refugeePop__sum'] regionJSONs.append(regionsPop) regionsPop = json.dumps(regionJSONs) subregionsQuery = Population.objects.values_list( "subRegion", flat=True).order_by("subRegion").distinct() subregionsList = list(subregionsQuery) subregionsJSONs = [] for subregion in subregionsList: subregionsPop = {} subregionsPop['subregion'] = subregion subregionsPop['population'] = (Population.objects.filter( subRegion=subregion).aggregate( Sum('refugeePop')))['refugeePop__sum'] subregionsJSONs.append(subregionsPop) subregionsPop = json.dumps(subregionsJSONs) countriesQuery = Population.objects.values_list( "origin", flat=True).order_by("refugeePop").distinct() countriesList = list(countriesQuery) countriesList = countriesList[-9:] print(countriesList) countriesJSONs = [] for country in countriesList: countriesPop = {} countriesPop['country'] = country countriesPop['population'] = (Population.objects.filter( origin=country).aggregate(Sum('refugeePop')))['refugeePop__sum'] countriesJSONs.append(countriesPop) countriesPop = json.dumps(countriesJSONs) # instantiate PyUnsplash object # pyunsplash logger defaults to level logging.ERROR # If you need to change that, use getLogger/setLevel # on the module logger, like this: # Start with the generic collection, maximize number of items # note: this will run until all photos of all collections have # been visited, unless a connection error occurs. # Typically the API hourly limit gets hit during this user = flickr_api.Person.findByUserName('MedGlobal') photos = user.getPhotos() images = [] i = 0 for photo in photos: i += 1 linkAndAuthor = {'link': photo.getPhotoFile(), 'title': photo.title} images.append(linkAndAuthor) if i == 20: break images = json.dumps(images) return render( request, "maps/index.html", { 'geo_json_string': geo_json_string, 'links': linksJson, 'regions': regionsPop, 'subregions': subregionsPop, 'countries': countriesPop, 'images': images, 'MAPBOX_KEY': MAPBOX_KEY })
def get_map(request): if request.method == 'POST': if request.is_ajax(): ip = json.loads(request.POST['data']) ##print ip ##Get Class Name## cls = klass[ip['kclass']] ##Feature_list ftr = features[ip['feature'][0]] ##color_range frm, to = Color(colors[ip['feature'][0]][0]), Color( colors[ip['feature'][0]][1]) ##five ranges color_range = frm.range_to(to, 6) wt = None ##get the weights if not ip['weight']: wt = weights[ip['feature'][0]] else: wt = ip['weight'].values() wt = {i[0]: float(i[1]) for i in wt} ##Filter Based On Location loc = ip['location'] val_fields = ['geom'] #val_fields.extend(loc.keys()) if ip['kclass'] == 'district': val_fields += ['distname'] elif ip['kclass'] == 'taluka': val_fields += ['distname'] val_fields += ['block_name'] ##Get Field Names fl_val, fl_name = zip(*ftr) val_fields += list(fl_val) ##Creating QueryDict query_dict = {location[k]: v for k, v in loc.iteritems()} ##filter based on location query = cls.objects.all() for k, v in query_dict.iteritems(): query = query.filter(**{k: v}) query = query.values(*val_fields) result = query result = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(result) dict_json = json.loads(result) #print dict_json #remove crs field dict_json.pop('crs', None) ind_lst = [] dist_no_geom = [] ## iterate over the features for feature_dict in dict_json['features']: ## pop out the properties and store it in props props = feature_dict.pop('properties', None) #print feature_dict ## remove location info and store in variables distname = '' talukaname = '' if props.has_key('distname'): distname = props.pop('distname', None) if props.has_key('block_name'): talukaname = props.pop('block_name', None) ##remaining pairs are the fields index = 0 for k in props: index += round(props[k] * wt[k], 2) ind_lst += [index] temp = dict() if not feature_dict['geometry']: if distname: temp = {"district": distname, "index": round(index, 2)} if talukaname: temp = { "district": distname, "taluka": talukaname, "index": round(index, 2) } #print temp dist_no_geom += [temp] ## add the index feature_dict['properties'] = {} feature_dict['properties']['index'] = round(index, 2) ## add the locations if distname: feature_dict['properties']['distname'] = distname if talukaname: feature_dict['properties']['taluka'] = talukaname min_v = max(0, floor(min(ind_lst)) - 1) max_v = floor(max(ind_lst)) + 1 rg = round(max_v - min_v, 2) grade = [ round(min_v + (rg * (float(i) / 100))) for i in range(0, 120, 20) ] #print min_v,max_v #print grade color_range = [str(i) for i in color_range] #print color_range data = { 'geographic_data': dict_json, 'color': color_range, 'grade': grade, 'no_geom': dist_no_geom, } result = json.dumps(data) return HttpResponse(result) else: raise Http404("Access Denied!")
def find_facilities(request): """ Give a lat/lon pair, return the unit(s) surround it. """ #example of a get request: #if request.is_ajax(): lat = request.GET.get('lat', None) lon = request.GET.get('lon', None) #need a buffer distance... buffer = request.GET.get('buffer', None) #make default buffer value 1000 if it is not specified if not buffer: buffer = 1000 #else: #msg = "Bad request: no AJAX present" #return HttpResponseBadRequest(msg) #point = Point(float(lon), float(lat)) lon = float(lon) lat = float(lat) point2 = Point(lon, lat) print(point2) print(buffer) #test_pnt = Point(-104.93, 39.73) """ Why distance_lt instead of dwithin? """ ''' originally I tried .get() , but that returned a MultipleObjectsReturned error so I changed it to .filter() If there will be more than one result, you need .filter() ''' #depreciated (doing buffer queries on the Location table instead of Location_w_efforts #facilities = Location_w_efforts.objects.filter(geom__distance_lt=(point2, D(m=buffer))) #testing query not using Location_w_efforts table #probably best to Location_w_efforts as a temporary table to just store #results of buffer, then I could serialize it with GeoJSONSerializer, and erase the table afterwards locations_only = Location.objects.filter(geom__distance_lt=(point2, D(m=buffer))) print('printing locations_only') print(locations_only) # #need to find all effort instances that have the locations in facilities efforts_matching_locations_only = EffortInstance.objects.filter( location=locations_only) print('printing efforts_matching_locations_only') #print(efforts_matching_locations_only) #add results of buffer (effort instance info, location geom, service provider name) to Location_w_efforts_temp table Location_w_efforts_temp.objects.all().delete() nearby = 'nearby' for i in efforts_matching_locations_only: add_to_Location_w_efforts_tempObj(i, nearby) ''' print('printing object') print(item.service_provider.service_provider_id) Location_w_efforts_tempObj = Location_w_efforts_temp() Location_w_efforts_tempObj.date_start = item.date_start Location_w_efforts_tempObj.date_end = item.date_end Location_w_efforts_tempObj.latitude = item.location.latitude Location_w_efforts_tempObj.longitude = item.location.longitude = item.effort_instance_id Location_w_efforts_tempObj.service_provider = item.service_provider Location_w_efforts_tempObj.provider_name = item.service_provider.provider_name ''' print('done filling table') #depreciated #geojson_data = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize(facilities, use_natural_keys=True) geojson_data = GeoJSONSerializer().serialize( Location_w_efforts_temp.objects.all(), use_natural_keys=True) return HttpResponse(geojson_data, content_type='application/json')