err = "Exception caught: unable to update row" printRow(row, names) dla.showTraceback() dla.addError(err) except: dla._errCount += 1 success = False err = "Exception caught: unable to update dataset" if row != None: printRow(row, names) dla.showTraceback() dla.addError(err) finally: del updateCursor dla.cleanupGarbage() arcpy.ResetProgressor() return success def getSplit(sourceValue, splitter, part): strVal = None try: strVal = sourceValue.split(str(splitter))[int(part)] except: pass return strVal
def calculate(xmlFileName, workspace, name, ignore): dla.workspace = workspace success = True arcpy.ClearWorkspaceCache_management(dla.workspace) xmlDoc = dla.getXmlDoc(xmlFileName) arcpy.env.Workspace = dla.workspace table = dla.getTempTable(name) if not arcpy.Exists(table): dla.addError("Feature Class " + table + " does not exist, exiting") arcpy.SetParameter(SUCCESS, False) return if not arcpy.TestSchemaLock(table): dla.addError("Unable to obtain a schema lock for " + table + ", exiting") arcpy.SetParameter(SUCCESS, False) return -1 desc = arcpy.Describe(table) fields = dla.getXmlElements(xmlFileName, "Field") sourceFields = dla.getXmlElements(xmlFileName, "SourceField") targetFields = dla.getXmlElements(xmlFileName, "TargetField") attrs = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(table)] for field in fields: arcpy.env.Workspace = dla.workspace targetName = dla.getNodeValue(field, "TargetName") sourceName = dla.getNodeValue(field, "SourceName") type = "String" length = "50" for target in targetFields: nm = target.getAttributeNode("Name").nodeValue if nm == targetName: type = target.getAttributeNode("Type").nodeValue length = target.getAttributeNode("Length").nodeValue # uppercase compare, later need to check for orig/upper name for calc #ups = [nm.upper() for nm in attrs] dla.addDlaField(table, targetName, field, attrs, type, length) allFields = sourceFields + targetFields names = [] types = [] lengths = [] for field in allFields: nm = field.getAttributeNode("Name").nodeValue if nm != dla.noneName: names.append(nm) typ = field.getAttributeNode("Type").nodeValue leng = field.getAttributeNode("Length").nodeValue types.append(typ) lengths.append(leng) retVal = setFieldValues(table, fields, names, types, lengths) if retVal == False: success = False arcpy.ClearWorkspaceCache_management(dla.workspace) dla.cleanupGarbage() arcpy.ResetProgressor() if ignore == True: success = True return success
def calculate(xmlFileName,workspace,name,ignore): dla.workspace = workspace success = True arcpy.ClearWorkspaceCache_management(dla.workspace) xmlDoc = dla.getXmlDoc(xmlFileName) dla.addMessage("Field Calculator: " + xmlFileName) arcpy.env.Workspace = dla.workspace table = dla.getTempTable(name) if not arcpy.Exists(table): dla.addError("Feature Class " + table + " does not exist, exiting") arcpy.SetParameter(SUCCESS, False) return if not arcpy.TestSchemaLock(table): dla.addError("Unable to obtain a schema lock for " + table + ", exiting") arcpy.SetParameter(SUCCESS, False) return -1 desc = arcpy.Describe(table) fields = dla.getXmlElements(xmlFileName,"Field") sourceFields = dla.getXmlElements(xmlFileName,"SourceField") targetFields = dla.getXmlElements(xmlFileName,"TargetField") attrs = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(table)] for field in fields: arcpy.env.Workspace = dla.workspace targetName = dla.getNodeValue(field,"TargetName") sourceName = dla.getNodeValue(field,"SourceName") ftype = "String" length = "50" for target in targetFields: nm = target.getAttributeNode("Name").nodeValue if nm == targetName: ftype = target.getAttributeNode("Type").nodeValue length = target.getAttributeNode("Length").nodeValue # uppercase compare, later need to check for orig/upper name for calc #ups = [nm.upper() for nm in attrs] dla.addDlaField(table,targetName,field,attrs,ftype,length) allFields = sourceFields + targetFields desc = arcpy.Describe(table) layerNames = [] names = [] ftypes = [] lengths = [] ignore = ['FID','OBJECTID','GLOBALID','SHAPE','SHAPE_AREA','SHAPE_LENGTH','SHAPE_LEN','STLENGTH()','STAREA()','raster'] for name in ['OIDFieldName','ShapeFieldName','LengthFieldName','AreaFieldName','GlobalIDFieldName','RasterFieldName']: try: val = eval("desc." + name) val = val[val.rfind('.')+1:] ignore.append(val).upper() except: pass for field in desc.fields: if not in ignore: layerNames.append( for field in allFields: nm = field.getAttributeNode("Name").nodeValue if nm != dla.noneName and nm.upper() not in ignore and nm.upper() in layerNames: try: names.index(nm) except: names.append(nm) typ = field.getAttributeNode("Type").nodeValue leng = field.getAttributeNode("Length").nodeValue ftypes.append(typ) lengths.append(leng) retVal = setFieldValues(table,fields,names,ftypes,lengths) if retVal == False: success = False arcpy.ClearWorkspaceCache_management(dla.workspace) dla.cleanupGarbage() arcpy.ResetProgressor() if ignore == True: success = True return success
def setFieldValues(table,fields,names,ftypes,lengths): # from source xml file match old values to new values to prepare for append to target geodatabase success = False row = None try: updateCursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(table,names) result = arcpy.GetCount_management(table) numFeat = int(result.getOutput(0)) dla.addMessage(table + ", " + str(numFeat) + " features") i = 0 arcpy.SetProgressor("Step","Calculating " + table + "...",0,numFeat,getProgressUpdate(numFeat)) for row in updateCursor: success = True if dla._errCount > dla.maxErrorCount: #dla.addMessage("Exceeded max number of errors in dla.maxErrorCount: " + str(dla.maxErrorCount)) dla.addError("Exceeded max number of errors in dla.maxErrorCount: " + str(dla.maxErrorCount)) return False if i > dla.maxrows: #dla.addMessage("Exceeded max number of rows supported in dla.maxrows: " + str(dla.maxrows)) dla.addError("Exceeded max number of rows supported in dla.maxrows: " + str(dla.maxrows)) return True i = i + 1 setProgressor(i,numFeat) for field in fields: method = "None" sourceName = dla.getNodeValue(field,"SourceName") targetName = dla.getNodeValue(field,"TargetName") targetValue = getTargetValue(row,field,names,sourceName,targetName) sourceValue = getSourceValue(row,names,sourceName,targetName) method = dla.getNodeValue(field,"Method").replace(" ","") fnum = names.index(targetName) if method == "None" or (method == "Copy" and sourceName == dla._noneFieldName): val = None method = "None" elif method == "Copy": val = sourceValue elif method == "DefaultValue": val = dla.getNodeValue(field,"DefaultValue") elif method == "SetValue": val = dla.getNodeValue(field,"SetValue") elif method == "ValueMap": val = getValueMap(row,names,sourceValue,field) elif method == "ChangeCase": case = dla.getNodeValue(field,method) expression = getChangeCase(sourceValue,case) val = getExpression(row,names,expression) elif method == "Concatenate": val = getConcatenate(row,names,field) elif method == "Left": chars = dla.getNodeValue(field,"Left") val = getSubstring(sourceValue,"0",chars) elif method == "Right": chars = dla.getNodeValue(field,"Right") val = getSubstring(sourceValue,len(str(sourceValue))-int(chars),len(str(sourceValue))) elif method == "Substring": start = int(dla.getNodeValue(field,"Start")) lngth = int(dla.getNodeValue(field,"Length")) if sourceValue != None: lngth = start + lngth val = getSubstring(sourceValue,start,lngth) elif method == "Split": splitter = dla.getNodeValue(field,"SplitAt") splitter = splitter.replace("(space)"," ") part = dla.getNodeValue(field,"Part") val = getSplit(sourceValue,splitter,part) elif method == "ConditionalValue": sname = dla.getNodeValue(field,"SourceName") oper = dla.getNodeValue(field,"Oper") iif = dla.getNodeValue(field,"If") if iif != " " and type(iif) == 'str': for name in names: if name in iif: iif = iif.replace(name,"|"+name+"|") tthen = dla.getNodeValue(field,"Then") eelse = dla.getNodeValue(field,"Else") for name in names: if name in eelse: eelse = eelse.replace(name,"|"+name+"|") expression = "|" + tthen + "| " + " if |" + sname + "| " + oper + " |" + iif + "| else " + eelse val = getExpression(row,names,expression) elif method == "Expression": expression = dla.getNodeValue(field,method) for name in names: expression = expression.replace(name,"|" + name + "|") val = getExpression(row,names,expression) # set field value if method != "None" and val != None: newVal = getValue(names,ftypes,lengths,targetName,targetValue,val) row[fnum] = newVal else: row[fnum] = val try: updateCursor.updateRow(row) except: dla._errCount += 1 success = False err = "Exception caught: unable to update row" printRow(row,names) dla.showTraceback() dla.addError(err) except: dla._errCount += 1 success = False err = "Exception caught: unable to update dataset" if row != None: printRow(row,names) dla.showTraceback() dla.addError(err) finally: del updateCursor dla.cleanupGarbage() arcpy.ResetProgressor() return success
def calculate(xmlFileName, workspace, name, ignore): dla.workspace = workspace success = True arcpy.ClearWorkspaceCache_management(dla.workspace) xmlDoc = dla.getXmlDoc(xmlFileName) dla.addMessage("Field Calculator: " + xmlFileName) arcpy.env.Workspace = dla.workspace table = dla.getTempTable(name) if not arcpy.Exists(table): dla.addError("Feature Class " + table + " does not exist, exiting") arcpy.SetParameter(SUCCESS, False) return if not arcpy.TestSchemaLock(table): dla.addError("Unable to obtain a schema lock for " + table + ", exiting") arcpy.SetParameter(SUCCESS, False) return -1 desc = arcpy.Describe(table) fields = dla.getXmlElements(xmlFileName, "Field") sourceFields = dla.getXmlElements(xmlFileName, "SourceField") targetFields = dla.getXmlElements(xmlFileName, "TargetField") attrs = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(table)] target_values = CaseInsensitiveDict() #Fix read into dict, using NM as key # at this point just getting the list of all target field names/types/lengths for target in targetFields: nm = target.getAttributeNode("Name").nodeValue target_values[nm] = dict( ftype=target.getAttributeNode("Type").nodeValue, flength=target.getAttributeNode("Length").nodeValue) for field in fields: arcpy.env.Workspace = dla.workspace targetName = dla.getNodeValue(field, "TargetName") sourceName = dla.getNodeValue(field, "SourceName") ftype = "String" flength = "50" if targetName in target_values: ftype = target_values[targetName]['ftype'] flength = target_values[targetName]['flength'] # make sure the field exists in the field calculator dataset, this will include all source and target fields. retcode = dla.addDlaField(table, targetName, field, attrs, ftype, flength) if retcode == False: addError("Unable to add field " + targetName + " to database to calculate values, exiting") allFields = sourceFields + targetFields # this should be the same as the dataset fields at this point desc = arcpy.Describe(table) layerNames = [] names = [] ftypes = [] lengths = [] ignore = dla.getIgnoreFieldNames( desc ) # gdb system fields that will be handled automatically and cannot be calculated ignore = [nm.upper() for nm in ignore] for field in desc.fields: # get the uppercase names for everything that exists in the dataset if not in ignore: layerNames.append( for field in allFields: # loop through everything that might exist nm = field.getAttributeNode("Name").nodeValue.replace( '.', '_') # handle joins and remaining . in field names if nm != dla._noneFieldName and nm.upper() not in ignore and nm.upper( ) in layerNames: # ignore the None and ignore fields and names not in the dataset idx = dla.getFieldIndexList(names, nm) if idx is None: # if the name is not already in the list names.append(nm) typ = field.getAttributeNode("Type").nodeValue leng = field.getAttributeNode("Length").nodeValue ftypes.append(typ) lengths.append(leng) #FIXME : Steve, was not sure why you were capturing an error here, and then doing something # from Steve - was looking for names that actually exist in the dataset and are not gdb system fields. No guarantee Xml matches dataset #try: #names.index(nm) #except: #names.append(nm) #typ = field.getAttributeNode("Type").nodeValue #leng = field.getAttributeNode("Length").nodeValue #ftypes.append(typ) #lengths.append(leng) retVal = setFieldValues(table, fields, names, ftypes, lengths) if retVal == False: success = False arcpy.ClearWorkspaceCache_management(dla.workspace) dla.cleanupGarbage() arcpy.ResetProgressor() if ignore == True: success = True return success
def setFieldValues(table, fields, names, ftypes, lengths): # from source xml file match old values to new values to prepare for append to target geodatabase success = False row = None try: updateCursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(table, names) result = arcpy.GetCount_management(table) numFeat = int(result.getOutput(0)) dla.addMessage(table + ", " + str(numFeat) + " features") i = 0 arcpy.SetProgressor("Step", "Calculating " + table + "...", 0, numFeat, getProgressUpdate(numFeat)) for row in updateCursor: success = True if dla._errCount > dla.maxErrorCount: dla.addError( "Exceeded max number of errors in dla.maxErrorCount: " + str(dla.maxErrorCount)) return False if i > dla.maxrows: dla.addError( "Exceeded max number of rows supported in dla.maxrows: " + str(dla.maxrows)) return True i = i + 1 setProgressor(i, numFeat) for field in fields: method = "None" sourceName = dla.getNodeValue(field, "SourceName").replace('.', '_') targetName = dla.getNodeValue(field, "TargetName").replace('.', '_') targetValue = getTargetValue(row, field, names, sourceName, targetName) sourceValue = getSourceValue(row, names, sourceName, targetName) method = dla.getNodeValue(field, "Method").replace(" ", "") try: fnum = dla.getFieldIndexList(names, targetName) except: fnum = None # defensive check to skip fields that do not exist even though they are listed in Xml if fnum != None: if method == "None" or (method == "Copy" and sourceName == '(None)'): method = "None" val = None elif method == "Copy": val = sourceValue elif method == "DefaultValue": val = dla.getNodeValue(field, "DefaultValue") elif method == "SetValue": val = dla.getNodeValue(field, "SetValue") elif method == "ValueMap": val = getValueMap(targetName, sourceValue, field) elif method == "DomainMap": val = getDomainMap(row, sourceValue, field) elif method == "ChangeCase": case = dla.getNodeValue(field, method) expression = getChangeCase(sourceValue, case) val = getExpression(row, names, expression) elif method == "Concatenate": val = getConcatenate(row, names, field) elif method == "Left": chars = dla.getNodeValue(field, "Left") val = getSubstring(sourceValue, "0", chars) elif method == "Right": chars = dla.getNodeValue(field, "Right") val = getSubstring(sourceValue, len(str(sourceValue)) - int(chars), len(str(sourceValue))) elif method == "Substring": start = dla.getNodeValue(field, "Start") length = dla.getNodeValue(field, "Length") val = getSubstring(sourceValue, start, length) elif method == "Split": splitter = dla.getNodeValue(field, "SplitAt") splitter = splitter.replace("(space)", " ") part = dla.getNodeValue(field, "Part") val = getSplit(sourceValue, splitter, part) elif method == "ConditionalValue": sname = dla.getNodeValue(field, "SourceName") oper = dla.getNodeValue(field, "Oper") iif = dla.getNodeValue(field, "If") if iif != " " and type(iif) == 'str': for name in names: if name in iif: iif = iif.replace(name, "|" + name + "|") tthen = dla.getNodeValue(field, "Then") eelse = dla.getNodeValue(field, "Else") for name in names: if name in eelse: eelse = eelse.replace(name, "|" + name + "|") expression = "|" + tthen + "| " + " if |" + sname + "| " + oper + " |" + iif + "| else " + eelse val = getExpression(row, names, expression) elif method == "Expression": expression = dla.getNodeValue(field, method) for name in names: expression = expression.replace( name, "|" + name + "|") val = getExpression(row, names, expression) # set field value newVal = getValue(ftypes[fnum], lengths[fnum], targetName, targetValue, val) row[fnum] = newVal if dla.debug == True: dla.addMessage(targetName + ':' + str(newVal) + ':' + str(targetValue)) try: updateCursor.updateRow(row) #printRow(row,names) except: dla._errCount += 1 success = False err = "Exception caught: unable to update row" if dla._errCount < 200: printRow(row, names) dla.showTraceback() else: if dla._errCount < 2000: dla.addMessage( 'More than 200 errors encountered... debug output suppressed' ) dla.addError(err) except: dla._errCount += 1 success = False err = "Exception caught: unable to update dataset" if row != None: printRow(row, names) dla.showTraceback() dla.addError(err) finally: del updateCursor dla.cleanupGarbage() arcpy.ResetProgressor() return success
def calculate(xmlFileName,workspace,name,ignore): dla.workspace = workspace success = True arcpy.ClearWorkspaceCache_management(dla.workspace) xmlDoc = dla.getXmlDoc(xmlFileName) arcpy.env.Workspace = dla.workspace table = dla.getTempTable(name) if not arcpy.Exists(table): dla.addError("Feature Class " + table + " does not exist, exiting") arcpy.SetParameter(SUCCESS, False) return if not arcpy.TestSchemaLock(table): dla.addError("Unable to obtain a schema lock for " + table + ", exiting") arcpy.SetParameter(SUCCESS, False) return -1 desc = arcpy.Describe(table) fields = dla.getXmlElements(xmlFileName,"Field") sourceFields = dla.getXmlElements(xmlFileName,"SourceField") targetFields = dla.getXmlElements(xmlFileName,"TargetField") attrs = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(table)] for field in fields: arcpy.env.Workspace = dla.workspace targetName = dla.getNodeValue(field,"TargetName") sourceName = dla.getNodeValue(field,"SourceName") type = "String" length = "50" for target in targetFields: nm = target.getAttributeNode("Name").nodeValue if nm == targetName: type = target.getAttributeNode("Type").nodeValue length = target.getAttributeNode("Length").nodeValue # uppercase compare, later need to check for orig/upper name for calc #ups = [nm.upper() for nm in attrs] dla.addDlaField(table,targetName,field,attrs,type,length) allFields = sourceFields + targetFields names = [] types = [] lengths = [] for field in allFields: nm = field.getAttributeNode("Name").nodeValue if nm != dla.noneName: names.append(nm) typ = field.getAttributeNode("Type").nodeValue leng = field.getAttributeNode("Length").nodeValue types.append(typ) lengths.append(leng) retVal = setFieldValues(table,fields,names,types,lengths) if retVal == False: success = False arcpy.ClearWorkspaceCache_management(dla.workspace) dla.cleanupGarbage() arcpy.ResetProgressor() if ignore == True: success = True return success