예제 #1
from dlhub_sdk.client import DLHubClient
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import numpy as np

# Make the client
client = DLHubClient()

# TODO (wardlt): Increase default size, make it easier to access
client._fx_client.DEFAULT_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE = 50 * 1024**3

# Parse CLI arguments
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Run the model')
                    help='Name of the DLHub servable',
                    help='Number of waveforms to test',
args = parser.parse_args()

# Make some test data
test_data = np.random.uniform(size=(args.test_size, 101300, 1))

# Run it through dlhub
result = client.run(args.model, test_data)

예제 #2
class TestClient(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.dl = DLHubClient(http_timeout=10)

    def test_dlhub_init(self):
        self.assertIsInstance(self.dl, DLHubClient)

    def test_get_servables(self):
        r = self.dl.get_servables()
        self.assertIsInstance(r, list)
        self.assertIn('dlhub', r[0])

        # Make sure there are no duplicates
                         len(set(i['dlhub']['shorthand_name'] for i in r)))

        # Get with all versions of the model
        r = self.dl.get_servables(False)
                            len(set(i['dlhub']['shorthand_name'] for i in r)))

        # Get all servable names
        r = self.dl.list_servables()
        self.assertIsInstance(r, list)
        self.assertGreater(len(r), 0)
        self.assertIn('dlhub.test_gmail/1d_norm', r)

    def test_run(self):
        user = "******"
        name = "noop"
        data = {"data": ["V", "Co", "Zr"]}

        # Test a synchronous request
        res = self.dl.run("{}/{}".format(user, name), data, timeout=60)
        self.assertEqual(res, 'Hello')

        # Test an asynchronous request
        task_id = self.dl.run("{}/{}".format(user, name),
        self.assertIsInstance(task_id, DLHubFuture)
        self.assertEqual('Hello', task_id.result(timeout=60))

        is_tag and is_travis and is_first_build,
        'Publish test only runs on first version of tagged builds on Travis')
    def test_submit(self):
        # Make an example function
        model = PythonStaticMethodModel.create_model('numpy.linalg', 'norm')
        model.set_title('Norm of a 1D Array')
        model.set_inputs('ndarray', 'Array to be normed', shape=[None])
        model.set_outputs('number', 'Norm of the array')

        # Submit the model

    def test_describe_model(self):
        # Find the 1d_norm function from the test user (should be there)
        description = self.dl.describe_servable('dlhub.test_gmail/1d_norm')
        self.assertEqual('dlhub.test_gmail', description['dlhub']['owner'])
        self.assertEqual('1d_norm', description['dlhub']['name'])

        # Give it a bogus name, check the error
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError) as exc:
        self.assertIn('No such servable', str(exc.exception))

        # Get only the method details
        expected = dict(description['servable']['methods'])
        del expected['run']['method_details']
        methods = self.dl.describe_methods('dlhub.test_gmail/1d_norm')
        self.assertEqual(expected, methods)

        method = self.dl.describe_methods('dlhub.test_gmail/1d_norm', 'run')
        self.assertEqual(expected['run'], method)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc:
            self.dl.describe_methods('dlhub.test_gmail/1d_norm', 'notamethod')
        self.assertIn('No such method', str(exc.exception))

    def test_search_by_servable(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc:
        self.assertTrue(str(exc.exception).startswith("One of"))

        # Search for all models owned by "dlhub.test_gmail"
        res = self.dl.search_by_servable(owner="dlhub.test_gmail",
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)
        self.assertGreater(len(res), 1)

        # TODO: This test will break if we ever delete models after unit tests
        # Get only those that are named 1d_norm
        res = self.dl.search_by_servable(owner="dlhub.test_gmail",
        self.assertEqual({'1d_norm'}, set(x['dlhub']['name'] for x in res))
        # TODO: Converting to int is a hack to deal with strings in Search
        most_recent = max(int(x['dlhub']['publication_date']) for x in res)

        # Get only the latest one
        res = self.dl.search_by_servable(owner="dlhub.test_gmail",
        self.assertEqual(1, len(res))
        self.assertEqual(most_recent, int(res[0]['dlhub']['publication_date']))

        # Specify a version
        res = self.dl.search_by_servable(owner="dlhub.test_gmail",
        self.assertEqual(1, len(res))
        self.assertEqual(most_recent, int(res[0]['dlhub']['publication_date']))

        # Get the latest one, and return search information
        res, info = self.dl.search_by_servable(owner="dlhub.test_gmail",
        self.assertGreater(len(res), 0)
        self.assertIsInstance(info, dict)
        self.assertIn('dlhub', res[0])

    def test_query_authors(self):
        # Make sure we get at least one author
        res = self.dl.search_by_authors('Cherukara')
        self.assertGreater(len(res), 0)

        # Search with firstname and last name
        res = self.dl.search_by_authors('Cherukara, Mathew')
        self.assertGreater(len(res), 0)

        # Test with the middle initial
        res = self.dl.search_by_authors(['Cherukara, Mathew J'])
        self.assertGreater(len(res), 0)

        # Test searching with multiple authors, allow partial matches
        res = self.dl.search_by_authors(
            ['Cherukara, Mathew J', 'Not, Aperson'], match_all=False)
        self.assertGreater(len(res), 0)

        # Test with authors from the paper, and require all
        res = self.dl.search_by_authors(
            ['Cherukara, Mathew J', 'Not, Aperson'], match_all=True)
        self.assertEqual(len(res), 0)

        # Advanced query to do both search by author and something else
        res = self.dl.query.match_doi("10.1038/s41598-018-34525-1")\
            .match_authors('Not, Aperson').search()
        self.assertEqual(0, len(res))

        # Make sure that passing no authors is a no-op function
        res = self.dl.query.match_doi("10.1038/s41598-018-34525-1")\
        self.assertGreater(len(res), 0)

    def test_query_by_paper(self):
        res = self.dl.search_by_related_doi("10.1038/s41598-018-34525-1")
        self.assertGreater(len(res), 0)

    def test_query_domains(self):
        # Must match at last the Cherukara model
        res = self.dl.query.match_domains('materials science').search()
        self.assertGreater(len(res), 0)
        res = self.dl.query.match_domains(['materials science']).search()
        self.assertGreater(len(res), 0)

        # Match all means this will return nothing
        res = self.dl.query.match_domains(
            ['materials science', 'not a domain']).search()
        self.assertEqual(len(res), 0)

        # Not matching all should find something
        res = self.dl.query.match_domains(
            ['materials science', 'not a domain'], match_all=False).search()
        self.assertGreater(len(res), 0)

    def test_basic_search(self):
        # Should at least hit the Cherukara model
        res = self.dl.search('"coherent"')
        self.assertGreater(len(res), 0)

        res = self.dl.search(
            'servable.type:"Keras Model" AND '
            'dlhub.domains:"materials science"',
        self.assertGreater(len(res), 0)

        # Test another query from the documentation
        res = self.dl.query.match_term('servable.type', '"Keras Model"')\
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)

                'Namespace test is only valid with credentials used on Travis')
    def test_namespace(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.dl.get_username(), 'dlhub.test_gmail')

    @skipUnless(is_travis, 'Status')
    def test_status(self):
        future = self.dl.run('zhuozhao_uchicago/noop',
        # Need spec for Fx status returns
        self.assertIsInstance(self.dl.get_task_status(future.task_id), dict)