def __init__(self, root_path, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor() ])): #read image path and model space, projected space self.images = [] self.model_space = [] self.projected_space = [] self.root_path = root_path for entry in os.scandir(root_path): if entry.path.endswith('.jpg'): self.images.append(entry.path.split('/')[-1]) model_space_path = '/home/kak/Documents/DFKI/MenpoTracking/Menpo_Challenge/model_space/' projected_space_path = '/home/kak/Documents/DFKI/MenpoTracking/Menpo_Challenge/projected_image_space/' for i in range(len(self.images)): file_name = self.images[i].split('.')[0] self.model_space.append(model_space_path + file_name + '.ljson') self.projected_space.append(projected_space_path + file_name + '.ljson') self.transform = transform self.face_detector = DlibDetector(device='cpu') self.data_len = len(self.images)
class Menpo(Dataset): def __init__(self, root_path, transform=transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()])): #read image path and model space, projected space self.images = [] self.model_space = [] self.projected_space = [] self.root_path = root_path for entry in os.scandir(root_path): if entry.path.endswith('.jpg'): self.images.append(entry.path.split('/')[-1]) model_space_path = './Menpo_Challenge/model_space/' projected_space_path = './Menpo_Challenge/projected_image_space/' for i in range(len(self.images)): file_name = self.images[i].split('.')[0] self.model_space.append(model_space_path+file_name+'.ljson') self.projected_space.append(projected_space_path+file_name+'.ljson') self.transform=transform self.face_detector = DlibDetector(device = 'cpu') self.data_len = len(self.images) def __len__(self): return(len(self.images)) def draw_landmarks(self,img,landmarks_68,squeeze=False, clr=(255,0,0)): landmarks_68 = np.array(landmarks_68) if squeeze: landmarks_68 = landmarks_68.squeeze(0) for idx in range(len(landmarks_68)): x = landmarks_68[idx][0] y = landmarks_68[idx][1] img =, (x, y), 2, clr, -1) return img def draw_heatmap_landmarks(self,img,output,clr=(0,0,255)): for idx in range(68): hm = output[0,idx] (y,x) = np.unravel_index(hm.argmax(), hm.shape) x,y = int(x*4), int(y*4) img =, (x, y), 2, clr, -1) return img def get_landmarkface(self, detected_faces,landmarks): landmarks = np.array(landmarks) means = np.sum(landmarks, axis=0)/68 x_mean = means[0] y_mean = means[1] face_index = 0 compare_distance = sys.maxsize for i, d in enumerate(detected_faces): center = torch.FloatTensor([d[2] - (d[2] - d[0]) / 2.0, d[3] - (d[3] - d[1]) / 2.0]) center[1] = center[1] - (d[3] - d[1]) * 0.12 distance = math.sqrt((center[0] - x_mean)**2 + (center[1]- y_mean)**2) if distance < compare_distance: face_index = i compare_distance = distance return face_index def __getitem__(self, idx): if torch.is_tensor(idx): idx = idx.tolist() image_name = self.images[idx] img_path = self.root_path + image_name # image ='trainset/test/'+image_name) image = cv2.imread(img_path) # image = image.T # image_size_original = image.shape #---------------DLIB DETECTOR----------------------------------------------- detected_faces = self.face_detector.detect_from_image(image[..., ::-1].copy()) if len(detected_faces) < 1: return self.__getitem__(np.random.randint(low=0, high=self.data_len)) model_space_json = self.model_space[idx] projected_space_json = self.projected_space[idx] ''' Read the information from json files ''' with open(model_space_json) as json_file: model_space_data = json.load(json_file)['landmarks'] with open(projected_space_json) as json_file: projected_space_data = json.load(json_file)['landmarks'] landmarks_68 = [] model_space_landmarks_3d = model_space_data['points'] #[:68] # information from model_space_json file projected_space_landmarks_2d = projected_space_data['points'] # information from projected_space_json file for i in range(len(projected_space_landmarks_2d)): if(i<=32): if(i%2 == 0): landmarks_68.append(projected_space_landmarks_2d[i]) else: landmarks_68.append(projected_space_landmarks_2d[i]) face_index = 0 if len(detected_faces) >= 1 : face_index = self.get_landmarkface(detected_faces,landmarks_68) print('@@@@@@@@@@@@ ', type(landmarks_68), type(detected_faces)) landmarks_68 = torch.tensor([[x, y] for i,(x, y) in enumerate(landmarks_68)]) # plotting ground truth from dataset # img = self.draw_landmarks(image,landmarks_68) landmarks_68 = torch.FloatTensor(landmarks_68).unsqueeze(0) image = np.array(image) #-----------------------Detector-------------------------- d = detected_faces[face_index] center2 = torch.FloatTensor([d[2] - (d[2] - d[0]) / 2.0, d[3] - (d[3] - d[1]) / 2.0]) center2[1] = center2[1] - (d[3] - d[1]) * 0.12 scale2 = ((d[2] - d[0]) + (d[3] - d[1])) / self.face_detector.reference_scale image2,landmarks_68 = crop_sample(image,landmarks_68,center2,scale2) img_size = image2.shape[0] image3 = cv2.resize(image2, dsize=(int(256), int(256)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) scale = 256/img_size landmarks_68 = np.array(landmarks_68) * scale heatmaps = create_shriya_heatmap_version(landmarks_68/4) heatmaps = heatmaps.squeeze(0).type(torch.FloatTensor) image3 = np.float32(image3) image3 = image3/255 # Normalizing image3 = self.transform(image3) #.permute(1,2,0) only for plotting # image3 = torch.FloatTensor(image3) # plt.imshow(image3) # ''' todo Choose 68 points from the above 84 points, evenly. ''' item = { 'image':image3, 'image_name':image_name, 'model_space_landmarks':model_space_landmarks_3d, 'projected_space_landmarks':projected_space_landmarks_2d, 'landmarks_2d':landmarks_68, 'heatmap':heatmaps, 'bounding_box':d } return item