예제 #1
    def invokeMethod(self, interface, base, method):
        DllTracer.invokeMethod(self, interface, base, method)

        # When D2D is used on top of WARP software rasterizer it seems to do
        # most of its rendering via the undocumented and opaque IWarpPrivateAPI
        # interface.  Althought hiding this interface will affect behavior,
        # there's little point in traces that use it, as they lack enough
        # information to replay correctly.
        # Returning E_NOINTERFACE when for IID_IWarpPrivateAPI matches what
        # happens when D2D is used with drivers other than WARP.
        if method.name == 'QueryInterface':
            print r'    if (_result == S_OK && riid == IID_IWarpPrivateAPI && ppvObj && *ppvObj) {'
            print r'        static_cast<IUnknown *>(*ppvObj)->Release();'
            print r'        *ppvObj = nullptr;'
            print r'        _result = E_NOINTERFACE;'
            print r'        os::log("apitrace: warning: hiding IWarpPrivateAPI interface\n");'
            print r'    }'

        # Ensure buffers are initialized, otherwise we can fail to detect
        # changes when unititialized data matches what the app wrote.
        if method.name == 'CreateBuffer':
            print r'    if (SUCCEEDED(_result) && !pInitialData) {'
            print r'        _initializeBuffer(_this, pDesc, *ppBuffer);'
            print r'    }'
예제 #2
    def invokeMethod(self, interface, base, method):
        DllTracer.invokeMethod(self, interface, base, method)

        # When D2D is used on top of WARP software rasterizer it seems to do
        # most of its rendering via the undocumented and opaque IWarpPrivateAPI
        # interface.  Althought hiding this interface will affect behavior,
        # there's little point in traces that use it, as they lack enough
        # information to replay correctly.
        # Returning E_NOINTERFACE when for IID_IWarpPrivateAPI matches what
        # happens when D2D is used with drivers other than WARP.
        if method.name == 'QueryInterface':
            print r'    if (_result == S_OK && riid == IID_IWarpPrivateAPI && ppvObj && *ppvObj) {'
            print r'        static_cast<IUnknown *>(*ppvObj)->Release();'
            print r'        *ppvObj = nullptr;'
            print r'        _result = E_NOINTERFACE;'
            print r'        os::log("apitrace: warning: hiding IWarpPrivateAPI interface\n");'
            print r'    }'

        # Ensure buffers are initialized, otherwise we can fail to detect
        # changes when unititialized data matches what the app wrote.
        if method.name == 'CreateBuffer':
            print r'    if (SUCCEEDED(_result) && !pInitialData) {'
            print r'        _initializeBuffer(_this, pDesc, *ppBuffer);'
            print r'    }'
예제 #3
    def invokeMethod(self, interface, base, method):
        if method.name == 'CreateBuffer':
            if interface.name.startswith('ID3D11'):
                print(r'    D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA initialData;')
                print(r'    D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA initialData;')
            print(r'    if (!pInitialData) {')
            print(r'        pInitialData = &initialData;')
            print(r'        _initialBufferAlloc(pDesc, &initialData);')
            print(r'    }')

        DllTracer.invokeMethod(self, interface, base, method)

        # When D2D is used on top of WARP software rasterizer it seems to do
        # most of its rendering via the undocumented and opaque IWarpPrivateAPI
        # interface.  Althought hiding this interface will affect behavior,
        # there's little point in traces that use it, as they lack enough
        # information to replay correctly.
        # Returning E_NOINTERFACE when for IID_IWarpPrivateAPI matches what
        # happens when D2D is used with drivers other than WARP.
        if method.name == 'QueryInterface':
                r'    if (_result == S_OK && riid == IID_IWarpPrivateAPI && ppvObj && *ppvObj) {'
            print(r'        static_cast<IUnknown *>(*ppvObj)->Release();')
            print(r'        *ppvObj = nullptr;')
            print(r'        _result = E_NOINTERFACE;')
                r'        os::log("apitrace: warning: hiding IWarpPrivateAPI interface\n");'
            print(r'    }')

        if interface.name.startswith(
                'ID3D11Device') and method.name == 'CheckFeatureSupport':
            print(r'    if (FORCE_D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0 &&')
            print(r'        _result == S_OK &&')
            print(r'        Feature >= D3D11_FEATURE_D3D11_OPTIONS) {')
                r'        ZeroMemory(pFeatureSupportData, FeatureSupportDataSize);'
            print(r'    }')

        if method.name == 'CheckMultisampleQualityLevels':
            print(r'    if (FORCE_D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0 &&')
            print(r'        _result == S_OK &&')
            print(r'        pNumQualityLevels && *pNumQualityLevels > 1) {')
            print(r'        *pNumQualityLevels = 1;')
            print(r'    }')

        # Ensure buffers are initialized, otherwise we can fail to detect
        # changes when unititialized data matches what the app wrote.
        if method.name == 'CreateBuffer':
            print(r'    if (pInitialData == &initialData) {')
            print(r'        _initialBufferFree(&initialData);')
            print(r'    }')
예제 #4
    def invokeMethod(self, interface, base, method):
        DllTracer.invokeMethod(self, interface, base, method)

        # When D2D is used on top of WARP software rasterizer it seems to do
        # most of its rendering via the undocumented and opaque IWarpPrivateAPI
        # interface.  Althought hiding this interface will affect behavior,
        # there's little point in traces that use it, as they lack enough
        # information to replay correctly.
        # Returning E_NOINTERFACE when for IID_IWarpPrivateAPI matches what
        # happens when D2D is used with drivers other than WARP.
        if method.name == 'QueryInterface':
            print r'    if (_result == S_OK && riid == IID_IWarpPrivateAPI && ppvObj && *ppvObj) {'
            print r'        static_cast<IUnknown *>(*ppvObj)->Release();'
            print r'        *ppvObj = nullptr;'
            print r'        _result = E_NOINTERFACE;'
            print r'        os::log("apitrace: warning: hiding IWarpPrivateAPI interface\n");'
            print r'    }'