def update_tags_list(tag_list): for n in tag_list: toto = n.lower().strip() if toto != '': a = dbmain.OutputQueryOne('select ta_id from tags where ta_name = %s', (toto, )) if a.output == None: dbmain.execute_query('insert into tags (ta_name) values(%s)', (toto, ))
def insert_record(self): sql = '''insert into livros ( pu_author_id, pu_cota , pu_type, pu_isbn , pu_obs, pu_sinopse, pu_status, pu_title, pu_volume,pu_ed_year, pu_sub_title) VALUES ((select au_id from authors where lower(au_name)=%s),%s,(select ty_id from types where lower(ty_name)=%s) ,%s,%s,%s,(select st_id from status where lower(st_nome)=%s),%s,%s,%s,%s)''' data = ( stdio.authors_process(self.pu_author_id.currentText()).lower(), self.pu_cota.text().upper(), ) data += ( self.pu_type.currentText().lower(), self.pu_isbn.text().strip(), ) data += (self.pu_obs.toPlainText(), ) data += (self.pu_sinopse.toPlainText(), ) data += (self.pu_status.currentText().lower(), ) data += (self.pu_title.text().strip(), ) data += (self.pu_volume.text(), write_record(self.pu_ed_year), self.pu_sub_title.text()) dbmain.execute_query(sql, data) ''' campos especiais ''' self.pub_id = dbmain.query_one('select max(pu_id) from livros', (True, ))[0] gl.last_id = self.pub_id ''' actualiza obs''' self.update_tags() gl.TYPE = self.pu_type.currentText() gl.STATUS = self.pu_status.currentText()
def attach_file(encoded_file, pub_id, info): dbmain.execute_query('delete from edoc_data where edoc_pub_id= %s',(pub_id,)) conn = psycopg2.connect(pa.conn_string) curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("INSERT into edoc_data (edoc_pub_id, edoc_data, edoc_size, edoc_file_name,edoc_file_format) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (pub_id, psycopg2.Binary(encoded_file),info['file_size'],info['file_name'],info['ext'].upper())) conn.commit() curs.close() conn.close()
def edit_click(self): self.toto = '' au_id = int( self.authorGrid.item(self.authorGrid.currentRow(), 0).text()) text, flag = QInputDialog.getText( None, "Edita nome do Autor:", "", QLineEdit.Normal, self.authorGrid.item(self.authorGrid.currentRow(), 1).text()) if flag: dbmain.execute_query( 'update authors set au_name=%s where au_id=%s ', (text, au_id)) self.grid_search_changed(self.searchEdit.text()) data_access.get_autores() else: print('faz nada')
def update_record(self): sql = '''UPDATE livros SET pu_author_id=(select au_id from authors where lower(au_name)=%s), pu_cota =%s, pu_type=(select ty_id from types where lower(ty_name)=%s), pu_isbn =%s, pu_obs=%s, pu_sinopse=%s, pu_status=(select st_id from status where lower(st_nome)=%s), pu_title=%s, pu_volume=%s, pu_ed_year=%s, pu_sub_title=%s WHERE pu_id = %s''' data = (self.pu_author_id.currentText().lower(), ) data += (self.pu_cota.text().upper().strip(), ) data += (self.pu_type.currentText().lower(), ) data += (self.pu_isbn.text().strip().replace('-', ''), ) data += (self.pu_obs.toPlainText(), ) data += (self.pu_sinopse.toPlainText(), ) data += (self.pu_status.currentText().lower(), ) data += (self.pu_title.text().strip(), ) data += (self.pu_volume.text().upper(), ) data += (write_record(self.pu_ed_year), self.pu_sub_title.text()) data += (self.pub_id, ) a = dbmain.execute_query(sql, data) ''' actualiza obs''' # if str(self.tags_stack) != str(self.tags.toPlainText()): self.update_tags() gl.TYPE = self.pu_type.currentText() gl.STATUS = self.pu_status.currentText()
def check_status(self): # editora dum = self.pu_status.currentText().strip() if dum == '': self.error_list.append('Não foi definido o Estado.') else: if dum.lower() not in gl.status_dict: recordFlag = False if self.askForNew("Foi encontrad um novo Estado.", "Adiciono este Estado/Lista?", dum): self.pu_status.setEditText(dum) dbmain.execute_query( 'INSERT INTO status (st_nome) VALUES(%s); ', (dum, )) data_access.get_status() else: self.error_list.append('Não foi definido o Estado.')
def check_genere(self): # types dum = self.pu_type.currentText().strip() if dum == '': self.error_list.append('Não foi definido o Tipo.') else: if dum.lower() not in gl.types_dict: recordFlag = False if self.askForNew("Foi encontrada um novo types", "Adicionar este types?", dum): self.pu_type.setEditText(dum) dbmain.execute_query( 'INSERT INTO types (ty_name) VALUES(%s); ', (dum, )) data_access.get_types() else: self.error_list.append('Não foi definido o Tipo.')
def update_tags(pub_id,tag_list): # id = livro tags_id = [] tag_max = dbmain.query_one('''Select max(ta_id)+1 as t from tags''', (True,))[0] if tag_max == None: tag_max = 1 for n in tag_list: toto = n.lower().strip() if toto != '': a = dbmain.query_one('select ta_id from tags where ta_name = %s', (toto,)) if a == None: # é nova dbmain.execute_query('insert into tags (ta_name) values(%s)', (toto, )) tags_id.append((pub_id,tag_max)) tag_max +=1 else: tags_id.append((pub_id,a[0])) sql = ''' INSERT INTO tags_reference(tags_ref_book, tags_ref_tag_id) VALUES''' + str(tags_id)[1:-1] dbmain.execute_query(sql, (True, ))
def set_sizes(): gl.db_params = stdio.read_config_file('gabo.ini') gl.db_params = gl.db_params[1] gl.conn_string = "host=" + gl.db_params['db_host'] + ' port=' + gl.db_params['db_port'] + ' dbname=' + gl.db_params[ 'db_database'] + \ ' user='******'db_user'] + ' password='******'db_password'] dbmain.execute_query('delete from sizes', (True, )) t = dbmain.query_many('select ta_name from tags order by ta_name') for n in t: a = n[0].split('x') if len(a) == 3: try: dum = int(a[0]) + int(a[1]) + int(a[2]) print(n[0]) dbmain.execute_query( 'insert into sizes (size_name) VALUES (%s)', (n[0], )) except ValueError: pass
def change_locals_click(self): # check souce local exists sql = '''select count(pu_cota) from livros where pu_cota = %s''' a = dbmain.query_one(sql, (self.fromEdt.text().upper(), )) flag = True if not a[0] > 0: b = QMessageBox.question( self,"Cota inistente"),"""A Cota de origem não existe! Continuar?"""), QMessageBox.StandardButtons(QMessageBox.No | QMessageBox.Yes), QMessageBox.No) if b == QMessageBox.No: flag == False if flag: sql = '''UPDATE livros set pu_cota=%s where pu_cota=%s''' dbmain.execute_query( sql, (self.toEdt.text().upper(), self.fromEdt.text().upper())) self.grid_refresh()
def update_tags(self): ''' get tags''' xl = self.tags.toPlainText() #.rstrip(',') xl = xl.replace(',,', ',') xl = xl.rstrip(',') xl = xl.lstrip(',') tags_list = xl.split(',') tags_list = stdio.remove_duplicates(tags_list) if tags_list[0] == '': dbmain.execute_query( 'delete from tags_reference where tags_ref_book = %s and tags_ref_level=0', (self.pub_id, )) else: dbmain.execute_query( 'delete from tags_reference where tags_ref_book = %s and tags_ref_level=0', (self.pub_id, )) data_access.update_tags(self.pub_id, tags_list) # if self.tags_special_level1_data[0]: if self.up_date_special_tags: lib_tags.update_special_tags(self.pub_id, 1)
def check_autor(self): # autor dum = self.pu_author_id.currentText().strip() if len(dum) > 150: self.error_list.append('Nome do Autor com mais de 150 caracteres!') else: if dum == '': self.error_list.append('Não foi definido o Autor.') else: dum = stdio.authors_process(dum) if dum.lower() not in gl.autores_dict: if self.askForNew("Foi encontrada um novo Autor", "Adicionar este Autor?", dum): dbmain.execute_query( 'INSERT INTO authors (au_name) VALUES(%s); ', (dum, )) self.pu_author_id.setEditText(dum) data_access.get_autores() else: self.error_list.append('Não foi definido o Autor.')
def update_special_tags(pub_id,level=1): dbmain.execute_query('DELETE FROM tags_reference ' 'WHERE tags_ref_book = %s and tags_ref_key in (select tags_special_key FROM tags_special WHERE tags_special_level=%s) ' , (pub_id,level)) tags_id = [] tag_max = dbmain.query_one('''SELECT MAX(ta_id)+1 AS t FROM tags''', (True,))[0] if tag_max is None: tag_max = 1 for n in gl.tags_special_level1_data: a = dbmain.query_one('SELECT ta_id FROM tags where lower(ta_name) = %s and tag_key = %s', (n[1].lower(),n[0])) if a == None: # é nova dbmain.execute_query('INSERT INTO tags (ta_name, tag_key) values(%s,%s)', (n[1],n[0])) tags_id.append((pub_id,tag_max, n[0],level)) tag_max +=1 else: tags_id.append((pub_id,a[0], n[0],level)) sql = ''' INSERT INTO tags_reference(tags_ref_book, tags_ref_tag_id, tags_ref_key, tags_ref_level) VALUES''' + str(tags_id)[1:-1] if not tags_id == []: dbmain.execute_query(sql, (True, ))
def addRecord2Table(table, field, value, type_field): value = str(value) dbmain.execute_query('insert into ' + table + ' ( ' + field + ',' + type_field +') values(%s); ', (value,))
def save_last_tags_params(): """input gl.LAST_TAGS""" last_tags_string = ','.join(gl.last_tags) dbmain.execute_query('update params set param_data=%s where param_key=%s', (last_tags_string,'LAST_TAGS'))
def save_param(k_name, k_data): dbmain.execute_query('update params set param_data=%s where param_key=%s', (k_data,k_name))