예제 #1
    def grade(self, case):
        result = Result(case)

        input = case.input_data()  # cache generator data

        self._current_proc = self.binary.launch(time=self.problem.time_limit, memory=self.problem.memory_limit,
                                                pipe_stderr=True, unbuffered=case.config.unbuffered,

        error = self._interact_with_process(case, result, input)

        process = self._current_proc

        result.max_memory = process.max_memory or 0.0
        result.execution_time = process.execution_time or 0.0
        result.r_execution_time = process.r_execution_time or 0.0

        # Translate status codes/process results into Result object for status codes
        self.set_result_flag(process, result)

        check = self.check_result(case, result)

        # checkers must either return a boolean (True: full points, False: 0 points)
        # or a CheckerResult, so convert to CheckerResult if it returned bool
        if not isinstance(check, CheckerResult):
            check = CheckerResult(check, case.points if check else 0.0)

        result.result_flag |= [Result.WA, Result.AC][check.passed]
        result.points = check.points

        self.update_feedback(check, error, process, result)

        return result
예제 #2
    def grade(self, case):
        result = Result(case)

        case.input_data()  # cache generator data

        self._current_proc = self.binary.launch(time=self.problem.time_limit, memory=self.problem.memory_limit,

        error = self._interact_with_process(case, result)

        process = self._current_proc

        result.max_memory = process.max_memory or 0.0
        result.execution_time = process.execution_time or 0.0
        result.r_execution_time = process.r_execution_time or 0.0

        # checkers might crash if any data is None, so force at least empty string
        check = case.checker()(result.proc_output or '',
                               case.output_data() or '',
                               judge_input=case.input_data() or '',

        # checkers must either return a boolean (True: full points, False: 0 points)
        # or a CheckerResult, so convert to CheckerResult if it returned bool
        if not isinstance(check, CheckerResult):
            check = CheckerResult(check, case.points if check else 0.0)

        result.result_flag |= [Result.WA, Result.AC][check.passed]

        # Translate status codes/process results into Result object for status codes

        if process.returncode > 0:
            # print>> sys.stderr, 'Exited with error: %d' % process.returncode
            result.result_flag |= Result.IR
        if process.returncode < 0:
            # None < 0 == True
            # if process.returncode is not None:
               # print>> sys.stderr, 'Killed by signal %d' % -process.returncode
            result.result_flag |= Result.RTE  # Killed by signal
        if process.tle:
            result.result_flag |= Result.TLE
        if process.mle:
            result.result_flag |= Result.MLE

        if result.result_flag & ~Result.WA:
            check.points = 0

        result.points = check.points
        result.feedback = (check.feedback or
                           (process.feedback if hasattr(process, 'feedback') else
                            getattr(self.binary, 'get_feedback', lambda x, y: '')(error, result)))

        if not result.feedback and hasattr(process, 'signal') and process.signal and result.get_main_code() in [Result.IR, Result.RTE]:
            result.feedback = strsignal(process.signal)

        return result
예제 #3
파일: standard.py 프로젝트: DMOJ/judge
    def grade(self, case):
        result = Result(case)

        input = case.input_data()  # cache generator data

        self._current_proc = self.binary.launch(time=self.problem.time_limit,
                                                wall_time=case.config.wall_time_factor * self.problem.time_limit)

        error = self._interact_with_process(case, result, input)

        process = self._current_proc

        result.max_memory = process.max_memory or 0.0
        result.execution_time = process.execution_time or 0.0
        result.r_execution_time = process.r_execution_time or 0.0

        # Translate status codes/process results into Result object for status codes
        self.set_result_flag(process, result)

        check = self.check_result(case, result)

        # checkers must either return a boolean (True: full points, False: 0 points)
        # or a CheckerResult, so convert to CheckerResult if it returned bool
        if not isinstance(check, CheckerResult):
            check = CheckerResult(check, case.points if check else 0.0)

        result.result_flag |= [Result.WA, Result.AC][check.passed]
        result.points = check.points
        result.extended_feedback = check.extended_feedback

        self.update_feedback(check, error, process, result)

        # Where CPython has reference counting and a GC, PyPy only has a GC. This means that while CPython
        # will have freed any (usually massive) generated data from the line above by reference counting, it might
        # - and probably still is - in memory by now. We need to be able to fork() immediately, which has a good chance
        # of failing if there's not a lot of swap space available.
        # We don't really have a way to force the generated data to disappear, so calling a gc here is the best
        # chance we have.
        if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy':

        return result
예제 #4
    def populate_result(self, stderr: bytes, result: Result,
                        process: TracedPopen) -> None:
        # Translate status codes/process results into Result object for status codes
        result.max_memory = process.max_memory or 0.0
        result.execution_time = process.execution_time or 0.0
        result.wall_clock_time = process.wall_clock_time or 0.0

        if process.is_ir:
            result.result_flag |= Result.IR
        if process.is_rte:
            result.result_flag |= Result.RTE
        if process.is_ole:
            result.result_flag |= Result.OLE
        if process.is_tle:
            result.result_flag |= Result.TLE
        if process.is_mle:
            result.result_flag |= Result.MLE

        result.update_feedback(stderr, process, self)
예제 #5
    def populate_result(self, stderr: bytes, result: Result,
                        process: TracedPopen) -> None:
        # Translate status codes/process results into Result object for status codes
        result.max_memory = process.max_memory or 0.0
        result.execution_time = process.execution_time or 0.0
        result.wall_clock_time = process.wall_clock_time or 0.0
        result.context_switches = process.context_switches or (0, 0)
        result.runtime_version = ', '.join(
            f'{runtime} {".".join(map(str, version))}'
            for runtime, version in self.get_runtime_versions())

        if process.is_ir:
            result.result_flag |= Result.IR
        if process.is_rte:
            result.result_flag |= Result.RTE
        if process.is_ole:
            result.result_flag |= Result.OLE
        if process.is_tle:
            result.result_flag |= Result.TLE
        if process.is_mle:
            result.result_flag |= Result.MLE

        result.update_feedback(stderr, process, self)