예제 #1
    def test_MPC_solve_u_opt_2d(self):
        '''test of MPC.solve_u_opt() method for 2d system'''
        dt = self.dt
        dyn2 = self.dyn2
        n_sys = 2
        assert n_sys == dyn2.nx
        n_hor = int(2.5/dt)
        assert n_hor == 12
        u_max = 1.2 #kW
        c2 = dmpc.MPC(dyn2, n_hor, 0, u_max, 1, 100)
        # input predictions. needs to be flattened
        T_ext_hor = 2+np.zeros((n_hor, n_sys)) # °C
        T_ext_hor = T_ext_hor.reshape((n_hor * n_sys, 1))
        Ts_hor = 18 + np.zeros((n_hor, n_sys)) # °C
        Ts_hor[n_hor//2:] = 22 # °C
        Ts_hor = Ts_hor.reshape((n_hor * n_sys, 1))
        T0 = np.array([20,10]).reshape((n_sys,1))

        c2.set_xyp(T0, Ts_hor, T_ext_hor)

        u_opt = c2.solve_u_opt()
        assert_equal(u_opt.shape, (n_hor * n_sys, 1))
        u_opt = c2.solve_u_opt(reshape_2d=True)
        assert_equal(u_opt.shape, (n_hor, n_sys))

        u_expected = np.array([
            [ 0.39993771,  1.19999994],
            [ 0.79998731,  1.19999975],
            [ 0.79998749,  1.19994822],
            [ 0.7999875 ,  0.83837907],
            [ 0.79998827,  0.80037647],
            [ 1.1215989 ,  1.12105229],
            [ 1.19999977,  1.19999963],
            [ 1.19999867,  1.19999681],
            [ 1.0593051 ,  1.05942779],
            [ 0.99998763,  0.99998742], # steady state at 1 kW
            [ 0.99998749,  0.9999875 ],
            [ 0.99973719,  0.99973719]])
        assert_allclose6(u_opt, u_expected)
예제 #2
    def test_pred_output(self):
        '''test MPC.pred_output method for 2d system'''
        dt = self.dt
        dyn2 = self.dyn2
        n_sys = 2
        assert n_sys == dyn2.nx
        n_hor = int(2.5/dt)
        assert n_hor == 12
        u_max = 1.2 #kW
        c2 = dmpc.MPC(dyn2, n_hor, 0, u_max, 1, 100)
        # input predictions. needs to be flattened
        T_ext_hor = 2+np.zeros((n_hor, n_sys)) # °C
        T_ext_hor = T_ext_hor.reshape((-1, 1))

        u_hor = np.zeros((n_hor, n_sys))
        u_hor[n_hor//2:] = 1
        u_hor = u_hor.reshape((-1, 1))

        T0 = np.array([20,10]).reshape((n_sys,1))

        T_pred = c2.pred_output(T0, u_hor, T_ext_hor)
        assert_equal(T_pred.shape, (n_sys*n_hor, 1))
        T_pred = c2.pred_output(T0, u_hor, T_ext_hor, reshape_2d=True)
        assert_equal(T_pred.shape, (n_hor, n_sys))
        T_expected = np.array([
            [ 16.4       ,   8.4       ],
            [ 13.52      ,   7.12      ],
            [ 11.216     ,   6.096     ],
            [  9.3728    ,   5.2768    ],
            [  7.89824   ,   4.62144   ],
            [  6.718592  ,   4.097152  ],
            [  9.7748736 ,   7.6777216 ],
            [ 12.21989888,  10.54217728],
            [ 14.1759191 ,  12.83374182],
            [ 15.74073528,  14.66699346],
            [ 16.99258823,  16.13359477],
            [ 17.99407058,  17.30687581]])
        assert_allclose9(T_pred, T_expected)
예제 #3
    def test_MPC_solve_u_opt(self):
        '''test of MPC.solve_u_opt() method (calls cvxopt)'''
        dt = self.dt
        dyn = self.dyn1

        n_hor = int(2.5/dt)
        assert n_hor == 12
        u_max = 1.2 #kW
        ctrl = dmpc.MPC(dyn, n_hor, 0, u_max, 1, 100)

        zn = np.zeros(n_hor)[:,None]
        T_ext_hor = 2 + zn # °C
        Ts_hor = 18 + zn # °C
        Ts_hor[5:] = 22 # °C ()
        T0 = 20 # °C
        ctrl.set_xyp(T0, Ts_hor, T_ext_hor)
        u_opt = ctrl.solve_u_opt()
        assert_equal(u_opt.shape, (n_hor,1))
        u_expected = np.array([
            [ 0.39993755],
            [ 0.79998746], # steady state at 0.8 kW
            [ 0.7999875 ],
            [ 0.79998751],
            [ 1.12160221],
            [ 1.19999986],  # peak at u_max
            [ 1.19999099],
            [ 1.05931038],
            [ 0.9999868 ],  # steady state at 1 kW
            [ 0.99998794],
            [ 0.99998734],
            [ 0.99973748]])
        print((u_opt - u_expected))
        assert_allclose6(u_opt, u_expected)
예제 #4
    def test_MPC_closed_loop_sim_2d(self):
        '''test MPC.closed_loop_sim() method on a 2d system'''
        dt = self.dt
        dyn2 = self.dyn2
        n_sys = 2
        assert n_sys == dyn2.nx
        n_hor = int(1.5/dt)
        assert n_hor == 7
        n_sim = int(3/dt)
        assert n_sim == 15
        u_max = 1.2 #kW
        c2 = dmpc.MPC(dyn2, n_hor, 0, u_max, 1, 100)

        Ts_fcast_arr = 18 + np.zeros((n_sim+n_hor, n_sys)) # °C
        Ts_fcast_arr[n_sim//2:] = 22 # °C
        Ts_fcast = dmpc.Oracle(Ts_fcast_arr)
        T_ext_fcast = dmpc.ConstOracle([2, 2]) # °C
        T0 = np.array([20,10]).reshape((n_sys,1)) # °C
        c2.set_oracles(Ts_fcast, T_ext_fcast)
        u_sim, p, x, T_sim, Ts = c2.closed_loop_sim(T0, n_sim)
        # check consistency of T set point with Oracle input
        assert_equal(Ts.shape, (n_sim, n_sys))
        assert_allclose9(Ts, Ts_fcast_arr[0:n_sim, :])
        # Check temperature output
        assert_equal(T_sim.shape, (n_sim, n_sys))
        T_expected = np.array([
            [ 20.        ,  10.        ], # Ts is 18°
            [ 17.99975046,  13.19999987],
            [ 17.99974999,  15.75999979],
            [ 17.99974999,  17.80799464],
            [ 17.99974966,  17.99974909],
            [ 17.99975053,  17.99975053],
            [ 19.28619851,  19.28619851],
            [ 20.62895623,  20.62895623], # Ts becomes 22°
            [ 21.70300215,  21.70300215],
            [ 21.99974997,  21.99974997],
            [ 21.99974998,  21.99974998],
            [ 21.99974998,  21.99974998],
            [ 21.99974998,  21.99974998],
            [ 21.99974998,  21.99974998],
            [ 21.99974998,  21.99974998]])
        print((T_sim - T_expected))
        print(np.hstack((T_sim, T_expected)))
        assert_allclose6(T_sim, T_expected)
        # Check MPC control sequence
        assert_equal(u_sim.shape, (n_sim, n_sys))
        u_expected = np.array([
            [ 0.39993761,  1.19999997],
            [ 0.7999874 ,  1.19999997], # u1 steady state at 0.8 kW, u2=u_max
            [ 0.7999875 ,  1.1999987 ],
            [ 0.79998742,  0.83833834],
            [ 0.7999877 ,  0.79998781], # steady state at 0.8 kW
            [ 1.12159952,  1.12159952],
            [ 1.19999936,  1.19999936], # peak at u_max
            [ 1.19995929,  1.19995929],
            [ 1.05933706,  1.05933706],
            [ 0.9999875 ,  0.9999875 ], # steady state at 1 kW
            [ 0.9999875 ,  0.9999875 ],
            [ 0.9999875 ,  0.9999875 ],
            [ 0.9999875 ,  0.9999875 ],
            [ 0.9999875 ,  0.9999875 ],
            [ 0.9999875 ,  0.9999875 ]])
        print((u_sim - u_expected))
        assert_allclose6(u_sim, u_expected)
예제 #5
    def test_MPC_closed_loop_sim(self):
        '''test MPC.closed_loop_sim() method on a short simulation'''
        dt = self.dt
        dyn = self.dyn1

        n_hor = int(1.5/dt)
        assert n_hor == 7
        n_sim = int(3/dt)
        assert n_sim == 15
        u_max = 1.2 #kW
        ctrl = dmpc.MPC(dyn, n_hor, 0, u_max, 1, 100)

        Ts_fcast_arr = 18 + np.zeros(n_sim+n_hor) # °C
        Ts_fcast_arr[n_sim//2:] = 22 # °C
        Ts_fcast = dmpc.Oracle(Ts_fcast_arr)
        T_ext_fcast = dmpc.ConstOracle(2) # °C
        T0 = np.atleast_2d(20) # °C
        ctrl.set_oracles(Ts_fcast, T_ext_fcast)
        u_sim, p, x, T_sim, Ts = ctrl.closed_loop_sim(T0, n_sim)
        # check consistency of T set point with Oracle input
        assert_equal(Ts.shape, (n_sim,1))
        assert_allclose9(Ts, Ts_fcast_arr[0:n_sim, None])
        # Check temperature output
        assert_equal(T_sim.shape, (n_sim,1))
        T_expected = np.array([
            [ 20.        ], # Ts is 18°
            [ 17.99975035],
            [ 17.99974999],
            [ 17.99974999],
            [ 17.99974966],
            [ 17.99975053],
            [ 19.28619851],
            [ 20.62895623], # Ts becomes 22°
            [ 21.70300215],
            [ 21.99974997],
            [ 21.99974998],
            [ 21.99974998],
            [ 21.99974998],
            [ 21.99974998],
            [ 21.99974998]])
        print((T_sim - T_expected))
        print(np.hstack((T_sim, T_expected)))
        assert_allclose6(T_sim, T_expected)
        # Check MPC control sequence
        assert_equal(u_sim.shape, (n_sim,1))
        u_expected = np.array([
            [ 0.39993759],
            [ 0.79998743], # steady state at 0.8 kW
            [ 0.7999875 ],
            [ 0.79998742],
            [ 0.7999877 ],
            [ 1.12159952], # peak at u_max
            [ 1.19999936],
            [ 1.19995929],
            [ 1.05933706],
            [ 0.9999875 ], # steady state at 1 kW
            [ 0.9999875 ],
            [ 0.9999875 ],
            [ 0.9999875 ],
            [ 0.9999875 ],
            [ 0.9999875 ]])
        print((u_sim - u_expected))
        assert_allclose6(u_sim, u_expected)
예제 #6
# Create the dynamics

from therm_data import dt, C, R, P_max

print('Timestep dt: {} h'.format(dt))
print('Capacity C: {} kWh/K'.format(C))
print('Resistance R: {} °C/kW'.format(R))
print('P_max: {} kWh'.format(P_max))

dyn = dmpc.dynamics.from_thermal(R, C, dt, 'single room')

# Create the MPC controller
th = 2  # hours
nh = int(th / dt)
ctrl = dmpc.MPC(dyn, nh, u_min=0, u_max=P_max, u_cost=1, track_weight=100)

# Create the simulation context, e.g. forecast of perturbation and set points
from therm_data import T0, T_out, occupancy, T_abs, T_pres

print('Init temp: {} °C'.format(T0))
print('Outside temp: {} °C'.format(T_out))
print('Temp setpoints: {} °C (absent), {} °C (present)'.format(T_abs, T_pres))

n_sim = int(24 / dt)

t_fcast = np.arange(n_sim + nh) * dt

occ = occupancy(t_fcast)
T_set = np.zeros(n_sim + nh) + T_abs  # °C
T_set[occ] = T_pres