예제 #1
def test_find_discretization_on_real_acyclic_matching(matches, filtration,
                                                      delta, expected_matches):
    from dmt.matching import Matching
    from dmt.binning import find_discretization
    from dmt.binning import ceil
    matching = Matching(matches=matches)
    bins = find_discretization(matching, filtration, delta)
    ceiled_filtration = ceil(filtration, bins)
    assert np.all(ceiled_filtration >= filtration)
    assert ceiled_filtration.delta <= delta
    assert len(
            filtration, bins)).matches) == expected_matches
예제 #2
def test_ceil():
    from dmt.binning import ceil
    filtration = np.array([5, 3, 7, 2, 43, 7, 3, 1, 5, -2])
    bins = np.array([0, 2, 5, 10])
    assert np.all(
        ceil(filtration, bins) ==
        [5., 5., 10., 2., np.inf, 10., 5., 2., 5., 0.])
예제 #3
def morse_approx_induced_matching(morse_complex,
    """ Creates an approximative Morse reduction with the induced matching approach

    The induced matching approach tries to create an unfiltered acyclic matching with small filtration differences
    and solves a minimal cut problem on this matching to get an induced filtered acyclic matching.

    Setting delta=0 results in the same algorithm as morse_reduce_nanda from MN[13]
    :param morse_complex: MorseComplex to reduce
    :param delta: Approximation parameter for the filtration and the persistence module
    :param return_matching: Return a tuple of the reduced complex and the matching used to reduce it
    :param deltatrick: Use 2*delta approximation from below and shift it down by delta. This allows more reductions.
    :returns Reduced complex, optionally also the filtered acyclic matching
    delta = 2 * delta if deltatrick else delta
    global_acyclic_matching = construct_acyclic_matching(morse_complex, delta)
    bins_aposteriori = find_discretization(global_acyclic_matching,
                                           morse_complex.filtration, delta)
    discrete_filtration = ceil(morse_complex.filtration,
                               bins_aposteriori) - (deltatrick * delta / 2)
    filtered_acyclic_matching = global_acyclic_matching.induce_filtered_matching(
    reduced_cplx = reduce_by_acyclic_matching(filtered_acyclic_matching)
    if return_matching:
        return reduced_cplx, filtered_acyclic_matching
    return reduced_cplx
def plot_partial_sol(matching, filtration, partial_sol, delta, ax=None, plot_xticks=False, xlim=None):
    points, intervals = partial_sol
    ceiled_filtration = ceil(filtration, points)
    ax = ax or plt.gca()
    height = .2*(max(filtration) - min(filtration)) / len(matching)
    for h, match in zip(range(len(matching)), matching):
        s, e = match
        begin, end = filtration[s], filtration[e]
        is_seen = begin <= points[-1]
        is_cut = is_seen and ceiled_filtration[s] != ceiled_filtration[e]
        linestyle = "solid" if is_seen else "dashed"
        color = "red" if is_cut else "k"
        ax.plot([begin, end], [h * height, h * height],
                linestyle=linestyle, c=color, linewidth=1)
    for point in points[:-1]:
        ax.axvline(point, linestyle="--", c="grey")
    ax.axvline(points[-1], linestyle="--", c="k")

    ax.set_ylabel("%s" % len(intervals))
    ax.set_ylim([-height, (len(matching) + .5) * height])
    if plot_xticks:
        xticks = np.arange(0, (max(filtration) + delta) / delta, 1)
        ax.set_xticks(xticks * delta)
        ax.set_xticklabels(["%i$\delta$" % i for i in xticks])
    if xlim:
예제 #5
def test_find_discretization(filtration, delta):
    from dmt.filtration import Filtration
    from dmt.binning import find_discretization, ceil
    filtr_len = len(filtration)
    assert filtr_len % 2 == 0, "Filtration should give pairwise matches, thus has to have an even length"
    acyclic_matching = list(
        zip(range(0, filtr_len + 1, 2), range(1, filtr_len + 1,
                                              2)))  # Match neighboring pairs
    filtration = Filtration(filtration)
    bins = find_discretization(acyclic_matching, filtration, delta)
    ceiled_filtration = ceil(filtration, bins)
    assert np.all(ceiled_filtration >= filtration)
    assert ceiled_filtration.delta <= delta
예제 #6
def test_find_discretization_is_good():
    from dmt.matching import Matching
    from dmt.binning import find_discretization
    from dmt.binning import ceil
    acyclic_matching = Matching(matches=[(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5)])
    filtration = np.array([0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2])
    delta = 1.2
    bins = find_discretization(acyclic_matching, filtration, delta)
    # For a good binning of the given matching the following should hold
    assert len(bins) >= 2
    assert bins[0] <= 1
    assert bins[-1] >= 2
    assert len(
                                                       bins)).matches) == 2
예제 #7
def test_ceil_equal():
    from dmt.binning import ceil
    filtration = np.array([5, 3, 7, 2, 43, 7, 3, 1, 5, -2])
    bins = np.unique(filtration)
    assert np.all(ceil(filtration, bins) == filtration)