예제 #1
    def test_get_empty(self):
        """what happens when we try and get something out of an empty bucket"""
        dictionary = hashdict.HashDND(4, 10, 5, TestDND.simple_shapes)

        key = tf.get_variable('key', shape=[5])
        result = dictionary.get(key)[0]

        with self.test_session() as sess:

            get_value = sess.run(result)
            self.assertAllEqual(get_value, np.zeros_like(get_value))
예제 #2
    def test_get_full(self):
        """fill it up and try get the last couple"""
        value_size = 2
        dictionary = hashdict.HashDND(4, 5, 10, [[value_size]])

        key_1 = tf.get_variable('key_1', shape=[10])
        key_2 = tf.get_variable('key_2', shape=[10])

        value_1 = tf.get_variable('value_1', shape=[value_size])
        value_2 = tf.get_variable('value_2', shape=[value_size])

        random_key = tf.random_normal([10])
        random_val = tf.random_normal([value_size])

        store_1 = dictionary.store(key_1, [value_1])
        store_2 = dictionary.store(key_2, [value_2])
        store_rand = dictionary.store(random_key, [random_val])
        get_1 = dictionary.get(key_1)
        get_2 = dictionary.get(key_2)

        keys_full = tf.reduce_all(
            tf.not_equal(dictionary._keys, dictionary.sentinel_value))

        with self.test_session() as sess:

            while not sess.run(keys_full):

            (result_1, ), v1_np = sess.run([get_1, value_1])

            sim_1 = (np.dot(v1_np / (np.sqrt(np.sum(v1_np**2))),
                            result_1 / (np.sqrt(np.sum(result_1**2)))))
            # NOTE: this could fail just by bad luck... terrible test
            self.assertLess(0.9, sim_1)

            # try one more
            (result_2, ), v2_np = sess.run([get_2, value_2])

            sim_2 = (np.dot(v2_np / (np.sqrt(np.sum(v2_np**2))),
                            result_2 / (np.sqrt(np.sum(result_2**2)))))
            # NOTE: this could fail just by bad luck... terrible test
            self.assertLess(0.9, sim_2)
예제 #3
    def test_get_one(self):
        """make sure we can pull things back out"""
        dictionary = hashdict.HashDND(4, 10, 5, TestDND.simple_shapes)

        key = tf.get_variable('key', shape=[5])
        value = tf.get_variable('value', shape=TestDND.simple_shapes[0])

        store_op = dictionary.store(key, [value])
        result = dictionary.get(key)[0]

        # should be pretty much perfect retrieval when nothing else is in

        with self.test_session() as sess:

            # run the store op

            # now pull it out
            original_val, retrieved_val = sess.run([value, result])

            self.assertNDArrayNear(original_val, retrieved_val, 1e-5)
예제 #4
    def test_store_full(self):
        """make sure stuff keeps going in even when it is full up."""
        # NOTE: what is supposed to happen in this case is not settled, so this
        # is likely to need to be redone
        dictionary = hashdict.HashDND(1, 1, 5, TestDND.simple_shapes)

        # just use random keys to make sure we cover everything
        key = tf.random_normal([5])
        # random values as well
        value = tf.random_normal(TestDND.simple_shapes[0])

        keys_full = tf.reduce_all(
            tf.not_equal(dictionary._keys, dictionary.sentinel_value))
        vals_full = tf.reduce_all(
            tf.not_equal(dictionary._keys, dictionary.sentinel_value))

        store_op = dictionary.store(key, [value])

        with self.test_session() as sess:

            # there are 2 buckets, each with a single slot
            # but there are likely to be collisions, so it may take a few to
            # fill up
            for _ in range(4):
                _, newkey, newval, allkeys, allvals = sess.run(
                    [store_op, key, value, dictionary._keys] +
                self.assertTrue(_row_in(newkey, allkeys))
                self.assertTrue(_row_in(newval, allvals))
            # check that it is full
            self.assertTrue(sess.run(keys_full), '{}'.format(allkeys))

            # add another one
            _, newkey, newval, allkeys, allvals = sess.run(
                [store_op, key, value, dictionary._keys] + dictionary._values)
            self.assertTrue(_row_in(newkey, allkeys))
            self.assertTrue(_row_in(newval, allvals))
예제 #5
    def test_store_empty(self):
        """make sure we can store values in the dictionary"""
        dictionary = hashdict.HashDND(4, 10, 5, TestDND.simple_shapes)

        key = tf.get_variable('key', shape=[5])
        value = tf.get_variable('value', shape=TestDND.simple_shapes[0])

        store_op = dictionary.store(key, [value])

        # now there should be non-infs in the dicts key/value vars
        key_stored = tf.reduce_any(
            tf.not_equal(dictionary._keys, dictionary.sentinel_value))
        val_stored = tf.reduce_any(
            tf.not_equal(dictionary._values[0], dictionary.sentinel_value))

        with self.test_session() as sess:

            # run the store op
