def authenticateUserFromToken(self, token):
     Checks the user authentication by token.
     exception1 = unauthorizedRequest('Invalid authentication credentials')
     if token is None:
         raise exception1
     try:"Get user credentials and check token.")
         user = User().getUserByToken(token)
         logging.debug("Search for the user token "+str(token)+".")
         if user.token==token:
             if self.__isAnExpiredToken(user.token_timestamp)==False:
                 tenantName = User().getTenantName(user.tenant_id)
                 userobj = UserData(, user.username, tenantName, user.mail)
                 userobj.setToken(user.token, user.token_timestamp)
                 logging.debug("Found user token "+str(token)+" still valid.")
                 return userobj
                 logging.debug("Found an expired user token "+str(token)+".")
                 raise UserTokenExpired("Token expired. You must authenticate again with user/pass")
         raise Exception
     except UserTokenExpired as ex:
         raise ex
     except Exception:
         logging.debug("User token "+str(token)+" not found.")
         raise exception1
    def authenticateUserFromCredentials(self, credentials):
        if "username" in credentials and "password" in credentials:
            username = credentials["username"]
            password = credentials["password"]
            raise unauthorizedRequest('Authentication credentials required')

        user = User().getUser(username)
        #passwordhash_check = self.getPasswordHash(password)
        if user.password == password:
            if user.token is not None and self.isAnExpiredToken(user.token_timestamp) is False:
                logging.debug("User successfully authenticated")
                return user.token
                # generate token and return 
                token, token_timestamp = self.generateToken()
                User().setNewToken(, token, token_timestamp)
                return token
            logging.debug("Wrong password")
            raise unauthorizedRequest('Login failed')
 def ServiceCreateToken(self):
     @author: Alex Palesandro
     Wraps the create token raising an exception if the token is not valid for some reason
         if self.tokendata['access']['token']['id'] is None:              
             raise unauthorizedRequest ("HTTPUnauthorized:  Token not valid")
             self.token = self.tokendata['access'][ 'token']['id']
 def authenticateUserFromTokenUserId(self, token, user_id):
     Checks the user authentication by token/user_id.
     exception1 = unauthorizedRequest('Invalid authentication credentials')
     if token is None: # or user_id is None:
         raise exception1
     try:"Get user credentials and check token.")
         user = User().getUserByID(user_id)
         logging.debug("Check the token of user "+str(user_id)+".")
         if user.token==token and self.__isAnExpiredToken(user.token_timestamp)==False:
             tenantName = User().getTenantName(user.tenant_id)
             userobj = UserData(, user.username, tenantName, user.mail)
             userobj.setToken(user.token, user.token_timestamp)
             logging.debug("Found user "+str(user_id)+" with a valid token.")
             return userobj
         raise Exception
     except Exception:
         logging.debug("User "+str(user_id)+" not found.")
         raise exception1
 def authenticateUserFromCredentials(self, username, password, tenant):
     Checks the user authentication by username/password/tenant.
     exception1 = unauthorizedRequest('Invalid authentication credentials')
     if username is None or password is None: # or tenant is None:
         raise exception1
 "Get user credentials and check password.")
     user = User().getUserByUsername(username)
     # Check password
     pwdhash_check = self.__getPasswordHash(password)
     if user.pwdhash != pwdhash_check:
         logging.debug("Wrong password.")
         raise exception1
     # Check tenant
     tenantName = User().getTenantName(user.tenant_id)
     if tenant is not None and tenantName != tenant:
         logging.debug("Wrong tenant.")
         raise exception1
     userobj = UserData(, user.username, tenantName, user.mail)
 "Check current token. Get a new token, if it is needed.")
     if user.token is None or self.__isAnExpiredToken(user.token_timestamp):
         token,token_timestamp = User().getNewToken(
         userobj.setToken(token, token_timestamp)
         User().setNewToken(, token, token_timestamp)
         logging.debug("New token generated")
         userobj.setToken(user.token, user.token_timestamp)
         logging.debug("Current token is valid.")
     return userobj
 def authenticateUserFromRESTRequest(self, request):
     token = request.headers.get("X-Auth-Token")
     if token is None:
         raise unauthorizedRequest('Token required')
     return self.authenticateUserFromToken(token)