def runCommand(self, container, cmd, stream=True): cli = Client(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock') ex = cli.exec_create(container=container, cmd=cmd) if stream: for result in cli.exec_start(exec_id=ex["Id"], stream=True): print(result) return cli.exec_inspect(exec_id=ex["Id"])['ExitCode'] else: return cli.exec_start(exec_id=ex["Id"])
class DockerExec(object): def __init__(self): = Client(base_url="unix://var/run/docker.sock") def execute(self, container, command, detach=False, interactive=False, tty=False): try: exec_id =, command, True, True, tty) print exec_id ret =["Id"], detach, tty, False) print ret ins =["Id"]) print ins["ExitCode"] except docker.errors.APIError as ex: raise
class DockerExec(object): def __init__(self): = Client(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock') def execute(self, container, command, detach=False, interactive=False, tty=False): try: exec_id =, command, True, True, tty) print exec_id ret =['Id'], detach, tty, False) print ret ins =['Id']) print ins['ExitCode'] except docker.errors.APIError as ex: raise
volumes.append(volume.split(':')[1]) host_config = cli.create_host_config(binds=config['volumes']) # Create a container and start it container = cli.create_container(image=config['image'] + ':' + config['tag'], command='tail -f /dev/null', detach=True, stdin_open=True, tty=True, environment=config['environment'], volumes=volumes, name=config['name'], host_config=host_config) cli.start(container=container.get('Id')) # Execute the commands for cmd in config['cmd']: print('[+] ' + cmd) execute = cli.exec_create(container['Id'], cmd=cmd, stdout=True, stderr=True) for char in cli.exec_start(execute['Id'], tty=True, stream=True): sys.stdout.write(char.decode(sys.stdout.encoding)) status = cli.exec_inspect(execute['Id'])['ExitCode'] if status != 0: break # Stop the container and remove it cli.stop(container=container.get('Id')) cli.remove_container(container=container['Id']) sys.exit(status)
class Two1ComposerContainers(Two1Composer): """ Manage machine-payable microservices in containers. """ def __init__(self): self._connected = ComposerState.DISCONNECTED self.provider = TwentyOneProvider() self.default_wallet = Two1Wallet(self.wallet_file, self.provider) class ServiceManager: """ Query and modify user services persisting at cls.USER_SERVICES_FILE. """ USER_SERVICES_FILE = os.path.join(Two1Composer.BASE_DIR, "user-services.json") class Image(namedtuple('Image', 'docker_hub_account repository tag')): def _asdict(self): # Fixes a bug for Python 3.4 users # 'A new OrderedDict mapping field names to their values' return OrderedDict(zip(self._fields, self)) @property def is_dockerhub_image(self): """ Returns: True iff Image instance has all fields. """ return self.docker_hub_account and self.repository and self.tag @property def is_local_image(self): """ Returns: True iff Image instance doesn't have docker_hub_account but has all other fields. """ return not self.docker_hub_account and self.repository and self.tag def __str__(self): """ Returns: Docker image name constructed from Image instance fields. """ if self.is_dockerhub_image: return '%s/%s:%s' % (self.docker_hub_account, self.repository, self.tag) elif self.is_local_image: return '%s:%s' % (self.repository, self.tag) else: raise ValueError() @classmethod def from_string(cls, image_name): """ Constructs an Image instance from a docker image name. Args: image_name (str): A docker image name. Returns: Image: An Image instance. """ slashes = re.findall('/', image_name) colons = re.findall(':', image_name) if len(slashes) == 1: if len(colons) == 1 and image_name.find('/') < image_name.find(':'): docker_hub_account, rest = image_name.split('/') repository, tag = rest.split(':') return cls(docker_hub_account=docker_hub_account, repository=repository, tag=tag) elif len(colons) == 0: docker_hub_account, repository = image_name.split('/') return cls(docker_hub_account=docker_hub_account, repository=repository, tag='latest') elif len(slashes) == 0: if len(colons) == 1: repository, tag = image_name.split(':') return cls(docker_hub_account=None, repository=repository, tag=tag) elif len(colons) == 0: return cls(docker_hub_account=None, repository=image_name, tag='latest') raise ValueError() @classmethod def get_image(cls, service_name): """ Constructs an Image instance for a service. Args: service_name (str): The name of either a 21 service in the 21dotco/two1 repository or a user service added to ServiceManager.USER_SERVICES_FILE by ServiceManager.add_service. Returns: Image: An Image instance corresponding to the given service. """ if service_name in cls.available_21_services(): return cls.Image( docker_hub_account='21dotco', repository='two1', tag=service_name if service_name in Two1Composer.BASE_SERVICES else 'service-%s' % service_name ) elif service_name in cls.available_user_services(): return cls.Image(**cls._get_user_service_dict()[service_name]) else: raise ValueError() @classmethod def available_services(cls): """ Returns: All available service names. """ return cls.available_21_services() | cls.available_user_services() @classmethod def available_21_services(cls): """ Returns: All available 21 services by querying Docker Hub. """ service_image_data = requests.get(os.path.join( Two1Composer.DOCKERHUB_API_URL, Two1Composer.DOCKERHUB_REPO, 'tags')).json().get('results') return set([image_data['name'].split('service-')[1] for image_data in service_image_data if re.match(r'^service-', image_data['name'])]) @classmethod def available_user_services(cls): """ Returns: All available user services. """ return set(cls._get_user_service_dict().keys()) @classmethod def add_service(cls, service_name, image_name_string, service_successfully_added_hook, service_already_exists_hook, service_failed_to_add_hook): """ Adds a new service definition to ServiceManager.USER_SERVICES_FILE. Args: service_name (str): Name of the service definition to add. image_name_string (str): Docker image name for the service definition. """ service_dict = cls._get_user_service_dict() if service_name in service_dict: service_already_exists_hook(service_name) else: service_dict[service_name] = cls.Image.from_string(image_name_string)._asdict() if cls._commit_user_service_dict(service_dict): service_successfully_added_hook(service_name) else: service_failed_to_add_hook(service_name) @classmethod def remove_service(cls, service_name, service_successfully_removed_hook, service_does_not_exists_hook, service_failed_to_remove_hook): """ Removes a service definition from ServiceManager.USER_SERVICES_FILE. Args: service_name (str): Name of the service definition to remove. """ service_dict = cls._get_user_service_dict() if service_name in service_dict: del service_dict[service_name] if cls._commit_user_service_dict(service_dict): service_successfully_removed_hook(service_name) else: service_failed_to_remove_hook(service_name) else: service_does_not_exists_hook(service_name) @classmethod def _get_user_service_dict(cls): """ Returns: ServiceManager.USER_SERVICES_FILE as a dict. """ try: with open(cls.USER_SERVICES_FILE, 'r') as data_file: service_dict = json.load(data_file) except: return {} else: return service_dict @classmethod def _commit_user_service_dict(cls, service_dict): """ Writes a dict of user services to ServiceManager.USER_SERVICES_FILE in json format. Args: service_dict (dict): A dictionary of user services of the form {service_name : _as_dict representation of corresponding Image instance..}. Returns: bool: True iff no exceptions were raised when writing service_dict to ServiceManager.USER_SERVICES_FILE as json. """ try: with open(cls.USER_SERVICES_FILE, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(service_dict, outfile) except: return False else: return True class ComposerYAMLContext(YamlDataContext): """ Context manager for composer YAML service file. """ def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, server_port=None, mnemonic=None): self.username = username self.password = password self.server_port = server_port self.mnemonic = mnemonic super().__init__(Two1Composer.COMPOSE_FILE) def __enter__(self): sup = super().__enter__() for service in['services']: service_definition =['services'][service] if 'environment' in service_definition: if 'TWO1_USERNAME' in service_definition['environment'] and self.username is not None: service_definition['environment']['TWO1_USERNAME'] = self.username if 'TWO1_PASSWORD' in service_definition['environment'] and self.password is not None: service_definition['environment']['TWO1_PASSWORD'] = self.password if 'TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC' in service_definition['environment'] and self.mnemonic is not None: service_definition['environment']['TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] = self.mnemonic if 'PAYMENT_SERVER_IP' in service_definition['environment'] and self.server_port is not None: rest = service_definition['environment']['PAYMENT_SERVER_IP'].rsplit(':', maxsplit=1)[-1] service_definition['environment']['PAYMENT_SERVER_IP'] = '%s:%s' % (rest, self.server_port) return sup def _filler(self): """ Create the base service description file. """ return { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'base': { 'image': '%s:base' % Two1Composer.DOCKERHUB_REPO, }, 'router': { 'image': '%s:router' % Two1Composer.DOCKERHUB_REPO, 'container_name': 'sell_router', 'restart': 'always', 'volumes': [ Two1Composer.SITES_ENABLED_PATH + ":/etc/nginx/sites-enabled", Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH + ":/etc/nginx/sites-available", ], 'ports': ['%s:%s' % (self.server_port, self.server_port)], 'links': [ 'payments:payments', ], }, 'payments': { 'image': '%s:payments' % Two1Composer.DOCKERHUB_REPO, 'depends_on': ['base'], 'container_name': 'sell_payments', 'restart': 'always', 'environment': { "TWO1_USERNAME": str(self.username), "TWO1_PASSWORD": str(self.password), "TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC": str(self.mnemonic) }, 'volumes': [ Two1Composer.DB_DIR + ":/usr/src/db/" ], 'logging': { 'driver': 'json-file' }, 'cap_drop': [ 'ALL' ], 'cap_add': [ 'DAC_OVERRIDE', 'NET_RAW', ], } } } # public api def connect(self, machine_env, host, machine_config_file): """ Connect service composer to machine layer. Args: machine_env (dict): Environment dictionary for the docker client of the machine layer. host (str): Hostname of the machine layer docker daemon. machine_config_file (str): Path to the config file for the machine layer. """ self.machine_env = machine_env self.machine_host = host with open(machine_config_file, 'r') as f: self.machine_config = json.load(f) self.docker_client = Client(**docker_env(assert_hostname=False, environment=self.machine_env)) self._connected = ComposerState.CONNECTED def initialize_server(self, username, password, server_port, wallet=None): """ Initialize micropayments server. Define boilerplate services, networks, and volumes composer file and nginx server config. Generates a wallet mnemonic if non-existent. Args: username (str): Username to log in with. password (str): Password to log in with. server_port (int): The server port that the router is running on. wallet: The wallet to use for the payments server and subsequent services. """ self._create_base_server(server_port) # create base router server config self._create_payments_route() # create route to payments server new_wallet = None # rv[1], not None if mnemonic is replaced in this function # generate service description (yaml) with self.ComposerYAMLContext(username, password, server_port) as composer_yaml: try: mnemonic = composer_yaml['services']['payments']['environment']['TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] if not mnemonic or mnemonic == str(None): # if mnemonic is Falsy or uninitialized raise ValueError() except (KeyError, ValueError): # catches if mnemonic is Falsy or doesn't exist in dict tree new_machine_wallet = self.default_wallet.create(self.provider)[1] composer_yaml['services']['payments']['environment']['TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] = new_machine_wallet new_wallet = new_machine_wallet return 0, new_wallet def pull_image(self, image, image_sucessfully_pulled_hook, image_failed_to_pull_hook, image_is_local_hook, image_is_malformed_hook): """ Pulls an Image instance iff it is a Docker Hub image. Args: image (Image): An Image instance. """ if image.is_dockerhub_image: try: self.docker_client.pull('%s/%s' % (image.docker_hub_account, image.repository), tag=image.tag, stream=False) except: image_failed_to_pull_hook(image) else: image_sucessfully_pulled_hook(image) elif image.is_local_image: image_is_local_hook(image) else: image_is_malformed_hook(image) def start_services(self, service_names, failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_restart_hook, restarted_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook): """ Start selected services. Args: service_names (list): List of service names to start. failed_to_start_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service fails to start. started_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service starts. failed_to_restart_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service fails to restart. restarted_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service restarts. failed_to_up_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service fails to go up. up_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service goes up. """ self._start_sell_service('base', failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) self._start_sell_service('router', failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) self._start_sell_service('payments', failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) self._restart_sell_service('router', failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_restart_hook, restarted_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) # Attempt to start all market services for service_name in service_names: try: image = self.ServiceManager.get_image(service_name) container_name = self.service_name_2_container_name(service_name) # create nginx routes for service_name self._create_service_route(service_name) # add service_name to docker compose file with self.ComposerYAMLContext() as docker_compose_yaml: username = docker_compose_yaml['services']['payments']['environment']['TWO1_USERNAME'] password = docker_compose_yaml['services']['payments']['environment']['TWO1_PASSWORD'] mnemonic = docker_compose_yaml['services']['payments']['environment']['TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] docker_compose_yaml['services'][service_name] = { 'image': str(image), 'container_name': container_name, 'depends_on': ['base'], 'restart': 'always', 'environment': { "TWO1_USERNAME": str(username), "TWO1_PASSWORD": str(password), "TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC": str(mnemonic), "SERVICE": str(service_name), "PAYMENT_SERVER_IP": "http://%s:%s" % (self.machine_host, self.machine_config["server_port"]) }, 'volumes': [ Two1Composer.DB_DIR + ":/usr/src/db/" ], 'logging': { 'driver': 'json-file' }, 'cap_drop': [ 'ALL' ], 'cap_add': [ 'DAC_OVERRIDE', 'NET_RAW', ], } link_str = '%s:%s' % (service_name, service_name) if link_str not in docker_compose_yaml['services']['router']['links']: docker_compose_yaml['services']['router']['links'].append(link_str) except: # something went wrong while configuring service_name failed_to_start_hook(service_name) else: # attempt to build service_name self._start_sell_service(service_name, failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) self._restart_sell_service('router', failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_restart_hook, restarted_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) def _start_sell_service(self, service_name, failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook, timeout=Two1Composer.SERVICE_START_TIMEOUT): try: subprocess.check_output(["docker-compose", "-f", Two1Composer.COMPOSE_FILE, "up", "-d", service_name], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, env=self.machine_env) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: failed_to_start_hook(service_name) else: started_hook(service_name) if service_name == 'router': time.sleep(5) elif service_name != 'router' and service_name != 'base': start = time.clock() exec_id = self.docker_client.exec_create('sell_router', "curl %s:5000" % service_name)['Id'] self.docker_client.exec_start(exec_id) running = True while time.clock() - start < timeout and running is True: running = self.docker_client.exec_inspect(exec_id)['Running'] if running is True: failed_to_up_hook(service_name) else: up_hook(service_name) def _restart_sell_service(self, service_name, failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_restart_hook, restarted_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook): try: self.docker_client.stop("sell_%s" % service_name) except: is_restart = False else: is_restart = True self._start_sell_service(service_name, failed_to_restart_hook if is_restart else failed_to_start_hook, restarted_hook if is_restart else started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) def stop_services(self, service_names, service_found_stopped_and_removed_hook, service_failed_to_stop_hook, service_failed_to_be_removed_hook, service_not_found_hook): """ Stop selected services and remove containers. Args: service_names (set): Set of services to stop. service_found_stopped_and_removed_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is found, stopped, and removed. service_failed_to_stop_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service fails to be stopped. service_failed_to_be_removed_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service fails to be removed. service_not_found_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service isn't found. """ for service_name in service_names: if service_name in self.get_running_services(): container_name = self.service_name_2_container_name(service_name) try: self.docker_client.stop(container_name) except: service_failed_to_stop_hook(service_name) else: try: self.docker_client.remove_container(container_name) except: service_failed_to_be_removed_hook(service_name) else: service_found_stopped_and_removed_hook(service_name) else: service_not_found_hook(service_name) def silently_force_stop_all_services(self): running_container_names = self.docker_client.containers(filters={"status": "running"}) for container_name in running_container_names: self.docker_client.remove_container(container_name, force=True) @staticmethod def container_names_2_service_names(container_definitions): """ Return service names from container definitions. See service_name_2_container_name for the inverse operation but on one service name. Args: container_definitions (list): List of container descriptions as returned by self.docker_client.containers. Returns: set: Set of service names generated by removing the 'sell_' prefix from the containers' names. """ return set([container_definition['Names'][0][6:] for container_definition in container_definitions]) @staticmethod def service_name_2_container_name(service_name): """ Generates a container name from a service name by prepending 'sell_' """ return 'sell_%s' % service_name def status_services(self, services): """ Gets running status of specified services. Args: services (list): List of services to get status for. """ existent_services = self.get_services(all=True) running_services = self.get_services(filters={"status": "running"}) exited_services = self.get_services(filters={"status": "exited"}) return { "running": running_services & services, "exited": exited_services & services, "nonexistent": services - existent_services } def get_services(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Call docker_client.containers | convert resulting container names to service names | remove base services """ return self.container_names_2_service_names( self.docker_client.containers(*args, **kwargs) ) - Two1Composer.BASE_SERVICES def get_running_services(self): """ Get list of currently running services that aren't 21 base services. Returns: set: Set of currently running services. """ return self.get_services(filters={"status": "running"}) def status_router(self, service_running_hook, service_unknown_state_hook): """ Get status of Nginx router container. Args: service_running_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is running. service_unknown_state_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is in an unknown state. """ if len(self.docker_client.containers(all=True, filters={"name": "sell_router", "status": "running"})) == 1: service_running_hook("router") else: service_unknown_state_hook("router") def status_payments_server(self, service_running_hook, service_unknown_state_hook): """ Get status of payment channels server. Args: service_running_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is running. service_unknown_state_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is in an unknown state. """ if len(self.docker_client.containers(all=True, filters={"name": "sell_payments", "status": "running"})) == 1: service_running_hook("payments") else: service_unknown_state_hook("payments") @staticmethod def _create_base_server(server_port): """ Create nginx base server config. Args: server_port (int): port for 21 sell server. """ try: # create nginx router dirs shutil.rmtree(Two1Composer.SITES_ENABLED_PATH, ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(Two1Composer.SITES_ENABLED_PATH, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, exist_ok=True) # create base nginx server with open(os.path.join(Two1Composer.SITES_ENABLED_PATH, "two1baseserver"), 'w') as f: f.write("server {\n" " listen " + str(server_port) + ";\n" " include /etc/nginx/sites-available/*;\n" "}\n" ) except Exception: raise exceptions.Two1ComposerServiceDefinitionException() @staticmethod def _create_service_route(service): """ Create route for container service. """ os.makedirs(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, exist_ok=True) try: with open(os.path.join(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, service), 'w') as f: f.write("location /" + service + " {\n" " rewrite ^/" + service + "/?(.*) /$1 break;\n" " proxy_pass http://" + service + ":" + str(5000) + ";\n" " proxy_set_header Host $host;\n" " proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;\n" " proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n" "}\n") except Exception: raise exceptions.Two1ComposerRouteException() @staticmethod def _create_payments_route(): """ Add route to payments server. """ os.makedirs(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, exist_ok=True) try: # write nginx route for payments server with open(os.path.join(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, "payments"), 'w') as f: f.write("location /payment {\n" " proxy_pass http://payments:" + str(5000) + ";\n" " proxy_set_header Host $host;\n" " proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;\n" " proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n" "}\n") except Exception: raise exceptions.Two1ComposerRouteException() def publish_service(self, service_name, host_override, rest_client, published_hook, already_published_hook, failed_to_publish_hook, unknown_publish_error_hook): strm, stat = self.docker_client.get_archive('sell_%s' % service_name, '/usr/src/app/manifest.yaml') with, mode='r') as tf: manifest = yaml.load(tf.extractfile(stat[u'name']).read().decode()) manifest['host'] = host_override try: resp = rest_client.publish({"manifest": manifest, "marketplace": "21mkt"}) except ServerRequestError as e: if e.status_code == 403 and"error") == "TO600": already_published_hook(service_name) else: failed_to_publish_hook(service_name) except: unknown_publish_error_hook(service_name) else: if resp.status_code == 201: published_hook(service_name) else: failed_to_publish_hook(service_name) def read_server_config(self): try: with open(Two1Composer.COMPOSE_FILE) as f: return yaml.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: return {} def get_services_mnemonic(self): if os.path.isfile(Two1Composer.COMPOSE_FILE): with self.ComposerYAMLContext() as composer_yaml: try: maybe_mnemonic = composer_yaml['services']['payments']['environment']['TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] except KeyError: rv = None else: rv = maybe_mnemonic else: rv = None return rv
class AXDockerClient(object): def __init__(self, url=DEFAULT_DOCKER_SOCK): self._conn = Client(base_url=url) self._retry = AXRetry(retry_exception=(Exception, ), success_check=lambda x: x, default=False, success_default=True) @property def version(self): """Cached version information""" if hasattr(self, '_version'): return self._version self._version = self._conn.version() return self._version @property def version_tuple(self): """Version tuple of docker daemon (e.g. (1, 11, 2))""" return tuple([int(i) for i in self.version['Version'].split('.')]) # Public APIs def start(self, registry, image, tag="latest", **kwargs): """ Start a new container described by image. :param registry: The registry to use :type registry: DockerRegistry :param image: Full image name for this container. :param kwargs: Other args passed to container start. :return: """ assert "tag" not in kwargs assert registry is not None and "Cannot start a container without providing a DockerRegistry" if not self._pull_with_caching(registry, image, tag): return None full_image = registry.servername + "/" + image + ":" + tag container = self._create(full_image, **kwargs) if container is None: return None started = self._start(container) if started: return container else: self._remove(container["Id"]) return None def stop(self, container, **kwargs): """ Stop sepcified container. Wrapper for docker API and handle exception. :param container: (string) Id or name of container. :param kwargs: Pass through kwargs for docker. Currently using only timeout. """ if "timeout" not in kwargs: kwargs["timeout"] = 1 self._stop(container, **kwargs) def remove(self, container, **kwargs): """ Remove a container. :param container: (string) Id or name of container. :param kwargs: Pass through for docker. :return: """ self._remove(container, **kwargs) def run(self, image, cmd, timeout=1200, **kwargs): """ Run a command inside a container and check result. Container image is automatically pulled. Container will be stopped and removed after comamnd. :param image: Container image to run. :param cmd: Command inside container. This overwrites docker "command" in kwargs :param timeout: Timeout to wait for container. :param kwargs: Dict for parameters. It includes AX parameters and pass through ones. All AX parameters start with "ax_" and will be removed before passing to docker create. Currently supported AX parameters: - ax_net_host: Set network mode to "host" - ax_privileged: Run container in privileged mode :return: Tuple of: (True/False, return code) """ assert "tag" not in kwargs logger.debug("Run %s inside %s on host %s, kwargs %s", cmd, image, self._host, kwargs) # Always overwrite command in kwargs. kwargs["command"] = cmd started = False container = {} rc = -1 try: container = self._create(image, **kwargs) assert container, "Failed to create from %s, %s" % (image, kwargs) started = self._start(container) assert started, "Failed to start %s, %s" % (image, container) rc = self._conn.wait(container, timeout=timeout) assert rc == 0, "Command %s failed rc=%s" % (cmd, rc) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to run %s in %s on %s", cmd, image, self._host) return False, rc finally: if started: self._stop(container["Id"], timeout=1) if container: self._remove(container["Id"]) logger.debug("Completed run %s inside %s on %s, rc=%s", cmd, image, self._host, rc) return True, rc def cache_image(self, registry, name, tag="latest"): """ Cache the image to local registry :param registry: The registry to use :type registry: DockerRegistry :param name: name of repo :param tag: repo tag """ fetcher = DockerImageFetcher() full_image = registry.servername + "/" + name + ":" + tag return fetcher.single_executor(full_image, self._pull_with_caching, registry, name, tag) def get_container_uuid(self, name): """ Get UUID for a container. """ try: info = self._conn.inspect_container(name) except Exception: info = {} return info.get("Id", None) def get_container_version(self, name): """ Get image namespace and version for a running container Sample return: [ "", "docker.local/lcj/axagent:latest" ] """ try: info = self._conn.inspect_container(name) except NotFound: return [] image = info["Image"].split(":")[1] info = self._conn.inspect_image(image) return info["RepoTags"] def exec_cmd(self, container_id, cmd, **kwargs): """Executes a command inside a running container and returns its output on completion :param container_id: container id :param cmd: command to execute :return: output from the command """ logger.debug("Executing %s in container %s (kwargs: %s)", cmd, container_id, kwargs) try: exec_id = self._conn.exec_create(container_id, cmd, **kwargs) response = self._conn.exec_start(exec_id) return response # Docker API can actually return either error at different time. except NotFound: logger.debug("Container %s not exist on host %s", container_id, self._host) except APIError as e: if "not running" in str(e): logger.debug("Container %s not running on host %s", container_id, self._host) else: raise def exec_kill(self, pid, exec_id=None, container_id=None, signal=None): """ Kill a pid in a container. Optionally checks if exec session is still valid before killing. :param pid: pid to kill in the container. :param exec_id: perform kill only if exec id is still running. :param container_id: perform kill only if exec id is still running. :param signal: kill signal to send to process """ if not any([exec_id, container_id]): raise ValueError("exec_id or container_id must be supplied") pid = int(pid) assert pid != -1, "Killing all processes prohibited" if exec_id is not None: if isinstance(exec_id, dict): exec_id = exec_id['Id'] try: exec_info = self._conn.exec_inspect(exec_id) except APIError as e: logger.warn( "Failed to inspect exec session {} for killing. Skipping kill: {}" .format(exec_id, str(e))) return if container_id: if container_id not in exec_info['ContainerID']: raise ValueError( "Supplied container id {} mismatched with exec container id: {}" .format(container_id, exec_info['ContainerID'])) else: container_id = exec_info['ContainerID'] if not exec_info['Running']: logger.debug( "Exec session {} no longer running. Skipping kill".format( exec_id)) return # perform kill kill_cmd_args = ['kill'] if signal: kill_cmd_args.append('-{}'.format(signal)) kill_cmd_args.append(str(pid)) kill_cmd = ' '.join(kill_cmd_args) response = self.exec_cmd(container_id, 'sh -c "{} 2>&1; echo $?"'.format(kill_cmd)) lines = response.splitlines() rc = int(lines[-1]) if rc != 0: reason = lines[0] if len(lines) > 1 else "reason unknown" logger.warn("Failed to kill pid {} in container {}: {}".format( pid, container_id, reason)) else: logger.debug("Successfully killed pid {} in container {}".format( pid, container_id)) def containers(self, **kwargs): return self._conn.containers(**kwargs) def stats(self, name, **kwargs): return self._conn.stats(name, **kwargs) def clean_graph(self, age=86400): """ Clean graph storage to remove old containers and any unreferenced docker image layers """ # Exit time is in free form string. Parse it. And real coarse time granularity. pattern = ["month ago", "months ago", "year ago", "years ago"] if age >= SECONDS_PER_MINUTE: pattern += ["minutes ago", "minute ago"] if age >= SECONDS_PER_HOUR: pattern += ["hours ago", "hour ago"] if age >= SECONDS_PER_DAY: pattern += ["days ago", "day ago"] if age >= SECONDS_PER_WEEK: pattern += ["weeks ago", "week ago"] for c in self._conn.containers(filters={"status": "exited"}): if any([p in c["Status"] for p in pattern]): try: self._remove(c) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to remove %s", c["Id"]) for i in self._conn.images(): if i["RepoTags"][0] == "<none>:<none>" and time.time( ) > i["Created"] + age: try: self._conn.remove_image(i["Id"]) except Exception: # This is probably OK. logger.debug("Failed to delete %s", i["Id"]) def search(self, searchstr=None): if searchstr is None or searchstr == "": raise AXPlatformException( "Docker hub search string needs to a non-empty string") response = return [{ "ctime": "", "repo": x['name'], "tag": "latest" } for x in response or []] def login(self, registry, username, password): """ Returns a base64 encoded token of username and password only if login is successful else it raises exceptions """ try: self._conn.login(username, password=password, registry=registry, reauth=True) except APIError as e: code = e.response.status_code if code == 401: # on login failure it raises a docker.errors.APIError: # 401 Client Error: Unauthorized raise AXUnauthorizedException(e.explanation) elif code == 404: raise AXNotFoundException(e.explanation) elif code == 500: if "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority" in e.response.text: raise AXIllegalArgumentException( "Certificate signed by unknown authority for {}". format(registry)) else: raise e else: raise e token = base64.b64encode("{}:{}".format(username, password)) return token @staticmethod def generate_kubernetes_image_secret(registry, token): """ Create the image pull secret by concatenating the secrets required for the passed token Args: registry: string token: base64 encoded Returns: base64 encoded string used for imagepull secrets """ ret = {"auths": {registry: {"auth": token}}} return base64.b64encode(json.dumps(ret)) # Internal implementations def _pull_with_caching(self, registry, name, tag, **kwargs): """ Pull a new container with AX caching enabled. :param registry: DockerRegistry instance. :param name: Container short name. :param tag: Tag. :param kwargs: Other kwargs for pull. Docker API requires tag to be in kwargs. AX needs to process it and enforce tag to be separate. :return: True or False """ assert "tag" not in kwargs, "%s" % kwargs if registry.user is not None and registry.passwd is not None: kwargs["auth_config"] = kwargs.get("auth_config", { "username": registry.user, "password": registry.passwd }) return self._pull_with_retry(registry.servername, name, tag, **kwargs) def _pull_with_retry(self, registry, name, tag, **kwargs): return ax_retry(self._pull, self._retry, registry, name, tag, **kwargs) def _pull(self, registry, name, tag, **kwargs): """ Do pull. Call docker API and check errors. :param registry: Registry host name. :param name: Container short name. :param tag: Tag. :param kwargs: Other pull args. :return: True or False. """ # All must be set not empty. assert all([registry, name, tag]), "%s, %s, %s" % (registry, name, tag) repo = DockerImage(registry=registry, name=name).docker_repo() kwargs["tag"] = tag try: ret = self._conn.pull(repo, stream=True, **kwargs) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to pull %s, %s", repo, tag) return False"Pull image %s:%s starting", repo, tag) # Search pull result to determine status. Must have digest and success message. has_digest = False has_image = False try: for l in ret: try: progress = json.loads(l) if progress["status"].startswith("Digest:"): has_digest = True if "Image is up to date" in progress[ "status"] or "Downloaded newer image" in progress[ "status"]: has_image = True except (KeyError, ValueError): logger.debug("Failed to parse pull progress line %s", l) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to pull %s:%s", repo, tag) return False"Pull image %s:%s result %s %s", repo, tag, has_digest, has_image) return has_digest and has_image def _push_with_retry(self, registry, name, tag): return ax_retry(self._push, self._retry, registry, name, tag) def _push(self, registry, name, tag): """ Do push. Call docker API and check errors. :param registry: Registry host name. :param name: Container short name. :param tag: Tag. :return: True or False. """ # All must be set not empty. assert all([registry, name, tag]), "%s, %s, %s" % (registry, name, tag) repo = DockerImage(registry=registry, name=name).docker_repo() try: ret = self._conn.push(repo, tag, stream=True) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to push %s, %s", repo, tag) return False"Push image %s:%s starting", repo, tag) # Search push result to determine status. Must have digest. has_digest = False try: for l in ret: try: progress = json.loads(l) has_digest = progress["status"].startswith("%s: digest:" % tag) except (KeyError, ValueError): logger.debug("Failed to parse push progress line %s", l) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to push %s:%s", repo, tag) return False"Push image %s:%s result %s", repo, tag, has_digest) return has_digest def _create(self, image, **kwargs): """ Create a new container. :param image: (string) Container image with tag :param kwargs: AX and docker parameters. :return: container or None """ # Docker API has two levels of dict. Top level specify mostly "create" configs. # One key at first level is "host_config". This defines second level "run" configs. # It's yet another dict. It was specified in docker run API and moved here. # We need to set both levels correctly. self._validate_config(kwargs) kwargs = self._parse_ax_create_config(kwargs) kwargs = self._parse_ax_host_config(kwargs) kwargs = self._remove_ax_config(kwargs) logger.debug("Final kwargs for create %s: %s", image, kwargs) try: return self._conn.create_container(image, **kwargs) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to create container from %s %s", image, kwargs) return None def _start(self, container): try: self._conn.start(container) return True except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to start container %s", container) return False def _stop(self, container, **kwargs): try: self._conn.stop(container, **kwargs) except NotFound: pass except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to stop %s", container) def _remove(self, container, **kwargs): try: self._conn.remove_container(container, v=True, **kwargs) except NotFound: pass except APIError as e: if "Conflict" in str(e): logger.error("Not removing running container %s", container) elif "device or resource busy" in str(e): # Work around logger.error("Container removal temporary failure. Retrying.") retry = AXRetry(retries=10, delay=1, retry_exception=(Exception, ), success_exception=(NotFound, )) ax_retry(self._conn.remove_container, retry, container, v=True, force=True) else: logger.exception("Failed to remove container %s", container) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to remove container %s", container) def _validate_config(self, config): if "volumes" in config: assert isinstance( config["volumes"], list), "Support only list of volumes %s" % config["volumes"] if "host_config" in config and "Binds" in config["host_config"]: assert isinstance( config["host"]["Binds"], list ), "Support only list of volumes %s" % config["host"]["Binds"] if "ports" in config: assert isinstance( config["ports"], list), "Support only list of ports %s" % config["ports"] if "host_config" in config and "port_bindings" in config["host_config"]: assert isinstance( config["host"]["PortBindings"], dict), "Support only dict of port_bindings %s" % config[ "host"]["PortBindings"] if "environment" in config: assert isinstance( config["environment"], list ), "Support only list of environments %s" % config["environment"] def _parse_ax_create_config(self, config): if config.get("ax_daemon", False): config["detach"] = True if "ax_volumes" in config: axv = [v.split(":")[1] for v in config["ax_volumes"]] if "volumes" in config: assert isinstance(config["volumes"], list), "must be list {}".format( config["volumes"]) config["volumes"] += axv else: config["volumes"] = axv if "ax_ports" in config: config["ports"] = config["ax_ports"].keys() return config def _parse_ax_host_config(self, config): ax_config = {} if config.get("ax_net_host", False): ax_config["network_mode"] = "host" if config.get("ax_privileged", False): ax_config["privileged"] = True if config.get("ax_host_namespace", False): ax_config["pid_mode"] = "host" if config.get("ax_daemon", False): ax_config["restart_policy"] = { "MaximumRetryCount": 0, "Name": "unless-stopped" } if "ax_volumes" in config: if "binds" in ax_config: assert isinstance(ax_config["binds"], list), "must be list {}".format( ax_config["binds"]) ax_config["binds"] += config["ax_volumes"] else: ax_config["binds"] = config["ax_volumes"] if "ax_ports" in config: ax_config["port_bindings"] = config["ax_ports"] ax_host_config = self._conn.create_host_config(**ax_config) if "host_config" in config: config["host_config"].update(ax_host_config) else: config["host_config"] = ax_host_config return config def _remove_ax_config(self, config): for key in config.keys(): if key.startswith("ax_"): del config[key] return config
class Two1ComposerContainers(Two1Composer): """ Manage machine-payable microservices in containers. """ def __init__(self): self._connected = ComposerState.DISCONNECTED self.provider = TwentyOneProvider() self.default_wallet = Two1Wallet(self.wallet_file, self.provider) # public api def connect(self, machine_env, host, machine_config_file): """ Connect service composer to machine layer. Args: machine_env (dict): Environment dictionary for the docker client of the machine layer host: Hostname of the machine layer docker daemon machine_config_file (str): Path to the config file for the machine layer """ self.machine_env = machine_env self.machine_host = host with open(machine_config_file, 'r') as f: self.machine_config = json.load(f) self.docker_client = Client(**docker_env(assert_hostname=False, environment=self.machine_env)) self._connected = ComposerState.CONNECTED def initialize_server(self, username, password, server_port, wallet=None): """ Initialize micropayments server. Define boilerplate services, networks, and volumes composer file and nginx server config. Generates a wallet mnemonic if non-existent. Args: username (str): Username to log in with password (str): Password to log in with server_port (int): The server port that the router is running on wallet: The wallet to use for the payments server and subsequent services """ self._create_base_server(server_port) # create base router server config self._create_payments_route() # create route to payments server new_wallet = None # rv[1], not None if mnemonic is replaced in this function # generate service description (yaml) with self.ComposerYAMLContext(username, password, server_port) as composer_yaml: try: mnemonic = composer_yaml['services']['payments']['environment']['TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] if not mnemonic or mnemonic == str(None): # if mnemonic is Falsy or uninitialized raise ValueError() except (KeyError, ValueError): # catches if mnemonic is Falsy or doesn't exist in dict tree new_machine_wallet = self.default_wallet.create(self.provider)[1] composer_yaml['services']['payments']['environment']['TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] = new_machine_wallet new_wallet = new_machine_wallet return 0, new_wallet def list_services(self): """ List available services to sell. """ service_image_data = requests.get(os.path.join( Two1Composer.DOCKERHUB_API_URL, Two1Composer.DOCKERHUB_REPO, 'tags')).json().get('results') valid_service_names = set([image_data['name'].split('service-')[1] for image_data in service_image_data if re.match(r'^service-', image_data['name'])]) return list(valid_service_names) def pull_latest_images(self, images): """ Pull latest images from 21 DockerHub. Args: images (list): List of images to pull from the 21 DockerHub. """ for image_tag in images: self.docker_client.pull(Two1Composer.DOCKERHUB_REPO, image_tag, stream=False) return 0 def start_services(self, services, failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_restart_hook, restarted_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook): """ Start selected services. Args: services (list): List of services to start. failed_to_start_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service fails to start. started_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service starts. failed_to_restart_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service fails to restart. restarted_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service restarts. failed_to_up_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service fails to go up. up_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service goes up. Returns: dict: Dictionary with service as key and value as dictionary. Inner dictionary has format {"started": bool, "message": str, "order": int}. Raises: """ self._start_sell_service('base', failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) self._start_sell_service('router', failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) self._start_sell_service('payments', failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) self._restart_sell_service('router', failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_restart_hook, restarted_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) # Attempt to start all market services for service_name in services: # create nginx routes for service_name self._create_service_route(service_name) # add service_name to docker compose file with self.ComposerYAMLContext() as docker_compose_yaml: username = docker_compose_yaml['services']['payments']['environment']['TWO1_USERNAME'] password = docker_compose_yaml['services']['payments']['environment']['TWO1_PASSWORD'] mnemonic = docker_compose_yaml['services']['payments']['environment']['TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] docker_compose_yaml['services'][service_name] = { 'image': '%s:%s' % (Two1Composer.DOCKERHUB_REPO, 'service-' + service_name), 'container_name': 'sell_%s' % service_name, 'depends_on': ['base'], 'restart': 'always', 'environment': { "TWO1_USERNAME": str(username), "TWO1_PASSWORD": str(password), "TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC": str(mnemonic), "SERVICE": str(service_name), "PAYMENT_SERVER_IP": "http://%s:%s" % (self.machine_host, self.machine_config["server_port"]) }, 'volumes': [ Two1Composer.DB_DIR + ":/usr/src/db/" ], 'logging': { 'driver': 'json-file' }, 'cap_drop': [ 'ALL' ], 'cap_add': [ 'DAC_OVERRIDE', 'NET_RAW', ], } link_str = '%s:%s' % (service_name, service_name) if link_str not in docker_compose_yaml['services']['router']['links']: docker_compose_yaml['services']['router']['links'].append(link_str) # attempt to build service_name self._start_sell_service(service_name, failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) self._restart_sell_service('router', failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_restart_hook, restarted_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) def _start_sell_service(self, service_name, failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook, timeout=Two1Composer.SERVICE_START_TIMEOUT): try: subprocess.check_output(["docker-compose", "-f", Two1Composer.COMPOSE_FILE, "up", "-d", service_name], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, env=self.machine_env) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: failed_to_start_hook(service_name) else: started_hook(service_name) if service_name == 'router': time.sleep(5) elif service_name != 'router' and service_name != 'base': start = time.clock() exec_id = self.docker_client.exec_create('sell_router', "curl %s:5000" % service_name)['Id'] self.docker_client.exec_start(exec_id) running = True while time.clock() - start < timeout and running is True: running = self.docker_client.exec_inspect(exec_id)['Running'] if running is True: failed_to_up_hook(service_name) else: up_hook(service_name) def _restart_sell_service(self, service_name, failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_restart_hook, restarted_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook): try: self.docker_client.stop("sell_%s" % service_name) except: is_restart = False else: is_restart = True self._start_sell_service(service_name, failed_to_restart_hook if is_restart else failed_to_start_hook, restarted_hook if is_restart else started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) def stop_services(self, services, service_found_stopped_and_removed_hook, service_failed_to_stop_hook, service_failed_to_be_removed_hook, service_not_found_hook): """ Stop selected services and remove containers. Args: services (list): List of services to stop. service_found_stopped_and_removed_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is found, stopped, and removed. service_failed_to_stop_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service fails to be stopped. service_failed_to_be_removed_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service fails to be removed. service_not_found_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service isn't found. """ running_container_names = self.docker_client.containers(filters={"status": "running"}) for container_name in running_container_names: running_service_name = list(self.names_from_containers([container_name]))[0] if running_service_name in services: try: self.docker_client.stop(container_name) except: service_failed_to_stop_hook(running_service_name) else: # container stopped try: self.docker_client.remove_container(container_name) except: service_failed_to_be_removed_hook(running_service_name) else: # container service_found_stopped_and_removed_hook(running_service_name) def silently_force_stop_all_services(self): running_container_names = self.docker_client.containers(filters={"status": "running"}) for container_name in running_container_names: self.docker_client.remove_container(container_name, force=True) @staticmethod def names_from_containers(containers): """ Return names from containers. Args: containers (list): List of containers as returned by self.docker_client.containers """ return frozenset([service['Names'][0][6:] for service in containers]) def status_services(self, services, service_nonexistent_hook, service_running_hook, service_exited_hook, service_unknown_state_hook): """ Gets running status of specified services. Args: services (list): List of services to get status for. service_nonexistent_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is non-existent. service_running_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is running. service_exited_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service has exited. service_unknown_state_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is in an unknown state. Returns: dict: Dictionary with service as key and value as dictionary. Inner dictionary has format: {"status": str, "message": str}. "Status" choices are: Not found, Running, Exited, Unable to contact. """ existent_services = self.names_from_containers(self.docker_client.containers(all=True)) running_services = self.names_from_containers(self.docker_client.containers(filters={"status": "running"})) exited_services = self.names_from_containers(self.docker_client.containers(filters={"status": "exited"})) for service_name in services: if service_name in running_services: service_running_hook(service_name) elif service_name in exited_services: service_exited_hook(service_name) elif service_name in existent_services: service_unknown_state_hook(service_name) else: service_nonexistent_hook(service_name) def get_running_services(self): """ Get list of running services. Returns: (list) started services """ return list(set(self.names_from_containers(self.docker_client.containers( filters={"status": "running"}))).difference(set(Two1Composer.BASE_SERVICES))) def status_router(self, service_running_hook, service_unknown_state_hook): """ Get status of Nginx router container. Args: service_running_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is running. service_unknown_state_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is in an unknown state. """ if len(self.docker_client.containers(all=True, filters={"name": "sell_router", "status": "running"})) == 1: service_running_hook("router") else: service_unknown_state_hook("router") def status_payments_server(self, service_running_hook, service_unknown_state_hook): """ Get status of payment channels server. Args: service_running_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is running. service_unknown_state_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is in an unknown state. """ if len(self.docker_client.containers(all=True, filters={"name": "sell_payments", "status": "running"})) == 1: service_running_hook("payments") else: service_unknown_state_hook("payments") @staticmethod def _create_base_server(server_port): """ Create nginx base server config. Args: server_port (int): port for 21 sell server. """ try: # create nginx router dirs shutil.rmtree(Two1Composer.SITES_ENABLED_PATH, ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(Two1Composer.SITES_ENABLED_PATH, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, exist_ok=True) # create base nginx server with open(os.path.join(Two1Composer.SITES_ENABLED_PATH, "two1baseserver"), 'w') as f: f.write("server {\n" " listen " + str(server_port) + ";\n" " include /etc/nginx/sites-available/*;\n" "}\n" ) except Exception: raise exceptions.Two1ComposerServiceDefinitionException() @staticmethod def _create_service_route(service): """ Create route for container service. """ os.makedirs(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, exist_ok=True) try: with open(os.path.join(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, service), 'w') as f: f.write("location /" + service + " {\n" " rewrite ^/" + service + "(.*) /$1 break;\n" " proxy_pass http://" + service + ":" + str(5000) + ";\n" " proxy_set_header Host $host;\n" " proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;\n" " proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n" "}\n") except Exception: raise exceptions.Two1ComposerRouteException() @staticmethod def _create_payments_route(): """ Add route to payments server. """ os.makedirs(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, exist_ok=True) try: # write nginx route for payments server with open(os.path.join(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, "payments"), 'w') as f: f.write("location /payment {\n" " proxy_pass http://payments:" + str(5000) + ";\n" " proxy_set_header Host $host;\n" " proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;\n" " proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n" "}\n") except Exception: raise exceptions.Two1ComposerRouteException() def publish_service(self, service_name, rest_client, published_hook, already_published_hook, failed_to_publish_hook, unknown_publish_error_hook): strm, stat = self.docker_client.get_archive('sell_%s' % service_name, '/usr/src/app/manifest.yaml') with, mode='r') as tf: manifest = yaml.load(tf.extractfile(stat[u'name']).read().decode()) try: resp = rest_client.publish({"manifest": manifest, "marketplace": "21mkt"}) except ServerRequestError as e: if e.status_code == 403 and"error") == "TO600": already_published_hook(service_name) else: failed_to_publish_hook(service_name) except: unknown_publish_error_hook(service_name) else: if resp.status_code == 201: published_hook(service_name) else: failed_to_publish_hook(service_name) def read_server_config(self): try: with open(Two1Composer.COMPOSE_FILE) as f: return yaml.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: return {} def get_services_mnemonic(self): if os.path.isfile(Two1Composer.COMPOSE_FILE): with self.ComposerYAMLContext() as composer_yaml: try: maybe_mnemonic = composer_yaml['services']['payments']['environment']['TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] except KeyError: rv = None else: rv = maybe_mnemonic else: rv = None return rv
class DockerCluster(object): IMAGE_NAME_BASE = os.path.join('teradatalabs', 'pa_test') BARE_CLUSTER_TYPE = 'bare' """Start/stop/control/query arbitrary clusters of docker containers. This class is aimed at product test writers to create docker containers for testing purposes. """ def __init__(self, master_host, slave_hosts, local_mount_dir, docker_mount_dir): # see PyDoc for all_internal_hosts() for an explanation on the # difference between an internal and regular host self.internal_master = master_host self.internal_slaves = slave_hosts self.master = master_host + '-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) self.slaves = [ slave + '-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) for slave in slave_hosts ] # the root path for all local mount points; to get a particular # container mount point call get_local_mount_dir() self.local_mount_dir = local_mount_dir self.mount_dir = docker_mount_dir kwargs = kwargs_from_env() if 'tls' in kwargs: kwargs['tls'].assert_hostname = False kwargs['timeout'] = 240 self.client = Client(**kwargs) self._DOCKER_START_TIMEOUT = 30 DockerCluster.__check_if_docker_exists() def all_hosts(self): return self.slaves + [self.master] def get_master(self): return self.master def all_internal_hosts(self): """The difference between this method and all_hosts() is that all_hosts() returns the unique, "outside facing" hostnames that docker uses. On the other hand all_internal_hosts() returns the more human readable host aliases for the containers used internally between containers. For example the unique master host will look something like 'master-07d1774e-72d7-45da-bf84-081cfaa5da9a', whereas the internal master host will be 'master'. Returns: List of all internal hosts with the random suffix stripped out. """ return [host.split('-')[0] for host in self.all_hosts()] def get_local_mount_dir(self, host): return os.path.join(self.local_mount_dir, self.__get_unique_host(host)) def get_dist_dir(self, unique): if unique: return os.path.join(DIST_DIR, self.master) else: return DIST_DIR def __get_unique_host(self, host): matches = [ unique_host for unique_host in self.all_hosts() if unique_host.startswith(host) ] if matches: return matches[0] elif host in self.all_hosts(): return host else: raise DockerClusterException( 'Specified host: {0} does not exist.'.format(host)) @staticmethod def __check_if_docker_exists(): try:['docker', '--version']) except OSError: sys.exit('Docker is not installed. Try installing it with ' 'presto-admin/bin/') def create_image(self, path_to_dockerfile_dir, image_tag, base_image, base_image_tag=None): self.fetch_image_if_not_present(base_image, base_image_tag) output = self._execute_and_wait(, path=path_to_dockerfile_dir, tag=image_tag, rm=True) if not self._is_image_present_locally(image_tag, 'latest'): raise OSError('Unable to build image %s: %s' % (image_tag, output)) def fetch_image_if_not_present(self, image, tag=None): if not tag and not self.client.images(image): self._execute_and_wait(self.client.pull, image) elif tag and not self._is_image_present_locally(image, tag): self._execute_and_wait(self.client.pull, image, tag) def _is_image_present_locally(self, image_name, tag): image_name_and_tag = image_name + ':' + tag images = self.client.images(image_name) if images: for image in images: if image_name_and_tag in image['RepoTags']: return True return False def start_containers(self, master_image, slave_image=None, cmd=None, **kwargs): self.tear_down() self._create_host_mount_dirs() self._create_and_start_containers(master_image, slave_image, cmd, **kwargs) self._ensure_docker_containers_started(master_image) def tear_down(self): for container_name in self.all_hosts(): self._tear_down_container(container_name) self._remove_host_mount_dirs() def _tear_down_container(self, container_name): try: shutil.rmtree(self.get_dist_dir(unique=True)) except OSError as e: # no such file or directory if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise try: self.stop_host(container_name) self.client.remove_container(container_name, v=True, force=True) except APIError as e: # container does not exist if e.response.status_code != 404: raise def stop_host(self, container_name): self.client.stop(container_name) self.client.wait(container_name) def start_host(self, container_name): self.client.start(container_name) def get_down_hostname(self, host_name): return host_name def _remove_host_mount_dirs(self): for container_name in self.all_hosts(): try: shutil.rmtree(self.get_local_mount_dir(container_name)) except OSError as e: # no such file or directory if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise def _create_host_mount_dirs(self): for container_name in self.all_hosts(): try: os.makedirs(self.get_local_mount_dir(container_name)) except OSError as e: # file exists if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise @staticmethod def _execute_and_wait(func, *args, **kwargs): ret = func(*args, **kwargs) # go through all lines in returned stream to ensure func finishes output = '' for line in ret: output += line return output def _create_and_start_containers(self, master_image, slave_image=None, cmd=None, **kwargs): if slave_image: for container_name in self.slaves: container_mount_dir = \ self.get_local_mount_dir(container_name) self._create_container(slave_image, container_name, container_name.split('-')[0], cmd) self.client.start(container_name, binds={ container_mount_dir: { 'bind': self.mount_dir, 'ro': False } }, **kwargs) master_mount_dir = self.get_local_mount_dir(self.master) self._create_container(master_image, self.master, hostname=self.internal_master, cmd=cmd) self.client.start( self.master, binds={master_mount_dir: { 'bind': self.mount_dir, 'ro': False }}, links=zip(self.slaves, self.slaves), **kwargs) self._add_hostnames_to_slaves() def _create_container(self, image, container_name, hostname=None, cmd=None): self._execute_and_wait(self.client.create_container, image, detach=True, name=container_name, hostname=hostname, volumes=self.local_mount_dir, command=cmd, mem_limit='2g') def _add_hostnames_to_slaves(self): ips = self.get_ip_address_dict() additions_to_etc_hosts = '' for host in self.all_internal_hosts(): additions_to_etc_hosts += '%s\t%s\n' % (ips[host], host) for host in self.slaves: self.exec_cmd_on_host( host, 'bin/bash -c \'echo "%s" >> /etc/hosts\'' % additions_to_etc_hosts) def _ensure_docker_containers_started(self, image): centos_based_images = [BASE_TD_IMAGE_NAME] timeout = 0 is_host_started = {} for host in self.all_hosts(): is_host_started[host] = False while timeout < self._DOCKER_START_TIMEOUT: for host in self.all_hosts(): atomic_is_started = True atomic_is_started &= \ self.client.inspect_container(host)['State']['Running'] if image in centos_based_images or \ image.startswith(self.IMAGE_NAME_BASE): atomic_is_started &= \ self._are_centos_container_services_up(host) is_host_started[host] = atomic_is_started if not DockerCluster._are_all_hosts_started(is_host_started): timeout += 1 sleep(1) else: break if timeout is self._DOCKER_START_TIMEOUT: raise DockerClusterException( 'Docker container timed out on start.' + str(is_host_started)) @staticmethod def _are_all_hosts_started(host_started_map): all_started = True for host in host_started_map.keys(): all_started &= host_started_map[host] return all_started def _are_centos_container_services_up(self, host): """Some essential services in our CentOS containers take some time to start after the container itself is up. This function checks whether those services are up and returns a boolean accordingly. Specifically, we check that the app-admin user has been created and that the ssh daemon is up. Args: host: the host to check. Returns: True if the specified services have started, False otherwise. """ ps_output = self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'ps') # also ensure that the app-admin user exists try: user_output = self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'grep app-admin /etc/passwd') user_output += self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'stat /home/app-admin') except OSError: user_output = '' if 'sshd_bootstrap' in ps_output or 'sshd\n' not in ps_output\ or not user_output: return False return True def exec_cmd_on_host(self, host, cmd, raise_error=True, tty=False): ex = self.client.exec_create(self.__get_unique_host(host), cmd, tty=tty) output = self.client.exec_start(ex['Id'], tty=tty) exit_code = self.client.exec_inspect(ex['Id'])['ExitCode'] if raise_error and exit_code: raise OSError(exit_code, output) return output @staticmethod def _get_master_image_name(cluster_type): return os.path.join(DockerCluster.IMAGE_NAME_BASE, '%s_master' % (cluster_type)) @staticmethod def _get_slave_image_name(cluster_type): return os.path.join(DockerCluster.IMAGE_NAME_BASE, '%s_slave' % (cluster_type)) @staticmethod def start_bare_cluster(): dc = DockerCluster master_name = dc._get_master_image_name(dc.BARE_CLUSTER_TYPE) slave_name = dc._get_slave_image_name(dc.BARE_CLUSTER_TYPE) centos_cluster = DockerCluster('master', ['slave1', 'slave2', 'slave3'], DEFAULT_LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT, DEFAULT_DOCKER_MOUNT_POINT) if not dc._check_for_images(master_name, slave_name): centos_cluster.create_image(BASE_TD_DOCKERFILE_DIR, master_name, BASE_IMAGE_NAME, BASE_IMAGE_TAG) centos_cluster.create_image(BASE_TD_DOCKERFILE_DIR, slave_name, BASE_IMAGE_NAME, BASE_IMAGE_TAG) centos_cluster.start_containers(master_name, slave_name) return centos_cluster @staticmethod def start_existing_images(cluster_type): dc = DockerCluster master_name = dc._get_master_image_name(cluster_type) slave_name = dc._get_slave_image_name(cluster_type) if not dc._check_for_images(master_name, slave_name): return None centos_cluster = DockerCluster('master', ['slave1', 'slave2', 'slave3'], DEFAULT_LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT, DEFAULT_DOCKER_MOUNT_POINT) centos_cluster.start_containers(master_name, slave_name) return centos_cluster @staticmethod def _check_for_images(master_image_name, slave_image_name): client = Client(timeout=180) images = client.images() has_master_image = False has_slave_image = False for image in images: if master_image_name in image['RepoTags'][0]: has_master_image = True if slave_image_name in image['RepoTags'][0]: has_slave_image = True return has_master_image and has_slave_image def commit_images(self, cluster_type): self.client.commit(self.master, self._get_master_image_name(cluster_type)) self.client.commit(self.slaves[0], self._get_slave_image_name(cluster_type)) def run_script_on_host(self, script_contents, host): temp_script = '/tmp/' self.write_content_to_host('#!/bin/bash\n%s' % script_contents, temp_script, host) self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'chmod +x %s' % temp_script) return self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, temp_script, tty=True) def write_content_to_host(self, content, path, host): filename = os.path.basename(path) dest_dir = os.path.dirname(path) host_local_mount_point = self.get_local_mount_dir(host) local_path = os.path.join(host_local_mount_point, filename) with open(local_path, 'w') as config_file: config_file.write(content) self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'mkdir -p ' + dest_dir) self.exec_cmd_on_host( host, 'cp %s %s' % (os.path.join(self.mount_dir, filename), dest_dir)) def copy_to_host(self, source_path, dest_host): shutil.copy(source_path, self.get_local_mount_dir(dest_host)) def get_ip_address_dict(self): ip_addresses = {} for host, internal_host in zip(self.all_hosts(), self.all_internal_hosts()): inspect = self.client.inspect_container(host) ip_addresses[host] = inspect['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] ip_addresses[internal_host] = \ inspect['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] return ip_addresses def _post_presto_install(self): for worker in self.slaves: self.run_script_on_host( 'sed -i / /etc/presto/; ' 'uuid=$(uuidgen); ' 'echo$uuid >> /etc/presto/', worker) def postinstall(self, installer): from tests.product.standalone.presto_installer \ import StandalonePrestoInstaller _post_install_hooks = { StandalonePrestoInstaller: DockerCluster._post_presto_install } hook = _post_install_hooks.get(installer, None) if hook: hook(self)
class DockerControl: def __init__(self, containerObject): self.containerObject = containerObject self.dockerCli = Client(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock') def remove(self): labelString = 'name=' + labelDict = [labelString] label = dict({'label': labelDict}) nameString = '/' + containerList = self.dockerCli.containers() for container in containerList: if container['Names'][0] == nameString: containerId = container['Id'] self.dockerCli.stop(container=containerId) self.dockerCli.remove_container(container=containerId) def runCmd(self, cmd): nameString = '/' + containerList = self.dockerCli.containers() for container in containerList: if container['Names'][0] == nameString: containerId = container['Id'] execKey = self.dockerCli.exec_create(containerId, cmd) execResult = self.dockerCli.exec_start(execKey['Id']) dockerInfo = self.dockerCli.exec_inspect(execKey['Id']) return execResult def create(self): image = self.containerObject.type name = domain = self.containerObject.domain hostname = directory = CONTAINER_VOL_DIR + '/' + name if os.path.isdir(directory): rmtree(directory) os.makedirs(directory) if image == 'dns': copy(CONTAINER_CONF_DIR + '/dnsmasq.conf', directory + '/dnsmasq.conf') copytree(CONTAINER_CONF_DIR + '/dnsmasq.d', directory + '/dnsmasq.d') dnsmasqConfVolume = directory + '/dnsmasq.conf:/etc/dnsmasq.conf' dnsmasqDVolume = directory + '/dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d' dVolumes = [dnsmasqConfVolume, dnsmasqDVolume] elif image == 'puppet': puppetConfVolume = CONTAINER_VOL_DIR + '/puppet-master.conf:/etc/puppet/puppet.conf' hieradataVolume = CONTAINER_VOL_DIR + '/hieradata:/etc/puppet/hieradata' siteVolume = CONTAINER_VOL_DIR + '/site.pp:/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp' modulesVolume = CONTAINER_VOL_DIR + '/modules:/etc/puppet/modules' dVolumes = [ puppetConfVolume, hieradataVolume, siteVolume, modulesVolume ] else: copy(CONTAINER_CONF_DIR + '/puppet.conf', directory + '/puppet.conf') copy(CONTAINER_CONF_DIR + '/auth.conf', directory + '/auth.conf') puppetConfVolume = directory + '/puppet.conf:/etc/puppet/puppet.conf' authConfVolume = directory + '/auth.conf:/etc/puppet/auth.conf' dVolumes = [puppetConfVolume, authConfVolume] dnsList = [] if isinstance(self.containerObject.dns, dict): for dnsServer in self.containerObject.dns.keys(): dnsServerString = self.containerObject.dns[dnsServer][ 'ipaddress'].split('/')[0] dnsList.append(dnsServerString) else: dnsList.append(self.containerObject.dns) dnsSearchList = [domain] command = '/sbin/init' host_config = create_host_config(privileged=True, cap_add=['NET_ADMIN'], dns=dnsList, dns_search=dnsSearchList, binds=dVolumes, network_mode="none") container = self.dockerCli.create_container( image=image, name=name, command=command, #domainname=domain, hostname=name, volumes = dVolumes, domainname=domain, hostname=name, volumes=dVolumes, detach=True, host_config=host_config) self.dockerCli.start(container=container.get('Id')) containerInfo = self.dockerCli.inspect_container( container=container.get('Id')) containerPid = containerInfo['State']['Pid'] pidPath = '/proc/' + str(containerPid) + '/ns/net' netNsPath = '/var/run/netns/' + name os.symlink(pidPath, netNsPath) return containerInfo def start(self): nameString = '/' + containerList = self.dockerCli.containers(all=True) for container in containerList: if container['Names'][0] == nameString: containerId = container['Id'] self.dockerCli.start(container=containerId) containerInfo = self.dockerCli.inspect_container(container=containerId) containerPid = containerInfo['State']['Pid'] pidPath = '/proc/' + str(containerPid) + '/ns/net' netNsPath = '/var/run/netns/' + os.symlink(pidPath, netNsPath) return containerInfo def stop(self): nameString = '/' + containerList = self.dockerCli.containers() for container in containerList: if container['Names'][0] == nameString: containerId = container['Id'] self.dockerCli.stop(container=containerId) containerInfo = self.dockerCli.inspect_container(container=containerId) return containerInfo
from docker import Client from pprint import pprint import time cli = Client(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock') exec_id = cli.exec_create( 'midonet-agent.1', 'timeout 10 sh -c "while true; do echo new line; sleep 1; done"', stdout=True, stderr=True) generator = cli.exec_start(exec_id, detach=False, stream=True) print generator print "Before blocking" try: while True: print except: pass finally: pprint(cli.exec_inspect(exec_id))
class DockerCluster(BaseCluster): IMAGE_NAME_BASE = os.path.join('teradatalabs', 'pa_test') BARE_CLUSTER_TYPE = 'bare' """Start/stop/control/query arbitrary clusters of docker containers. This class is aimed at product test writers to create docker containers for testing purposes. """ def __init__(self, master_host, slave_hosts, local_mount_dir, docker_mount_dir): # see PyDoc for all_internal_hosts() for an explanation on the # difference between an internal and regular host self.internal_master = master_host self.internal_slaves = slave_hosts self.master = master_host + '-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) self.slaves = [slave + '-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) for slave in slave_hosts] # the root path for all local mount points; to get a particular # container mount point call get_local_mount_dir() self.local_mount_dir = local_mount_dir self.mount_dir = docker_mount_dir kwargs = kwargs_from_env() if 'tls' in kwargs: kwargs['tls'].assert_hostname = False kwargs['timeout'] = 300 self.client = Client(**kwargs) DockerCluster.__check_if_docker_exists() def all_hosts(self): return self.slaves + [self.master] def get_master(self): return self.master def all_internal_hosts(self): return [host.split('-')[0] for host in self.all_hosts()] def get_local_mount_dir(self, host): return os.path.join(self.local_mount_dir, self.__get_unique_host(host)) def get_dist_dir(self, unique): if unique: return os.path.join(DIST_DIR, self.master) else: return DIST_DIR def __get_unique_host(self, host): matches = [unique_host for unique_host in self.all_hosts() if unique_host.startswith(host)] if matches: return matches[0] elif host in self.all_hosts(): return host else: raise DockerClusterException( 'Specified host: {0} does not exist.'.format(host)) @staticmethod def __check_if_docker_exists(): try:['docker', '--version']) except OSError: sys.exit('Docker is not installed. Try installing it with ' 'presto-admin/bin/') def fetch_image_if_not_present(self, image, tag=None): if not tag and not self.client.images(image): self._execute_and_wait(self.client.pull, image) elif tag and not self._is_image_present_locally(image, tag): self._execute_and_wait(self.client.pull, image, tag) def _is_image_present_locally(self, image_name, tag): image_name_and_tag = image_name + ':' + tag images = self.client.images(image_name) if images: for image in images: if image_name_and_tag in image['RepoTags']: return True return False def start_containers(self, master_image, slave_image=None, cmd=None, **kwargs): self._create_host_mount_dirs() self._create_and_start_containers(master_image, slave_image, cmd, **kwargs) self._ensure_docker_containers_started(master_image) def tear_down(self): for container_name in self.all_hosts(): self._tear_down_container(container_name) self._remove_host_mount_dirs() if self.client: self.client.close() self.client = None def _tear_down_container(self, container_name): try: shutil.rmtree(self.get_dist_dir(unique=True)) except OSError as e: # no such file or directory if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise try: self.stop_host(container_name) self.client.remove_container(container_name, v=True, force=True) except APIError as e: # container does not exist if e.response.status_code != 404: raise def stop_host(self, container_name): self.client.stop(container_name) self.client.wait(container_name) def start_host(self, container_name): self.client.start(container_name) def get_down_hostname(self, host_name): return host_name def _remove_host_mount_dirs(self): for container_name in self.all_hosts(): try: shutil.rmtree( self.get_local_mount_dir(container_name)) except OSError as e: # no such file or directory if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise def _create_host_mount_dirs(self): for container_name in self.all_hosts(): try: os.makedirs( self.get_local_mount_dir(container_name)) except OSError as e: # file exists if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise @staticmethod def _execute_and_wait(func, *args, **kwargs): ret = func(*args, **kwargs) # go through all lines in returned stream to ensure func finishes output = '' for line in ret: output += line return output def _create_and_start_containers(self, master_image, slave_image=None, cmd=None, **kwargs): if slave_image: for container_name in self.slaves: container_mount_dir = \ self.get_local_mount_dir(container_name) self._create_container( slave_image, container_name, container_name.split('-')[0], cmd ) self.client.start(container_name, binds={container_mount_dir: {'bind': self.mount_dir, 'ro': False}}, **kwargs) master_mount_dir = self.get_local_mount_dir(self.master) self._create_container( master_image, self.master, hostname=self.internal_master, cmd=cmd ) self.client.start(self.master, binds={master_mount_dir: {'bind': self.mount_dir, 'ro': False}}, links=zip(self.slaves, self.slaves), **kwargs) self._add_hostnames_to_slaves() def _create_container(self, image, container_name, hostname=None, cmd=None): self._execute_and_wait(self.client.create_container, image, detach=True, name=container_name, hostname=hostname, volumes=self.local_mount_dir, command=cmd, host_config={'mem_limit': '2g'}) def _add_hostnames_to_slaves(self): ips = self.get_ip_address_dict() additions_to_etc_hosts = '' for host in self.all_internal_hosts(): additions_to_etc_hosts += '%s\t%s\n' % (ips[host], host) for host in self.slaves: self.exec_cmd_on_host( host, 'bin/bash -c \'echo "%s" >> /etc/hosts\'' % additions_to_etc_hosts ) @retry(stop_max_delay=_DOCKER_START_TIMEOUT, wait_fixed=_DOCKER_START_WAIT) def _ensure_docker_containers_started(self, image): host_started = {} for host in self.all_hosts(): host_started[host] = False for host in host_started.keys(): if host_started[host]: continue is_started = True is_started &= \ self.client.inspect_container(host)['State']['Running'] if is_started and image not in NO_WAIT_SSH_IMAGES: is_started &= self._are_centos_container_services_up(host) host_started[host] = is_started not_started = [host for (host, started) in host_started.items() if not started] if len(not_started): raise NotStartedException(not_started) @staticmethod def _are_all_hosts_started(host_started_map): all_started = True for host in host_started_map.keys(): all_started &= host_started_map[host] return all_started def _are_centos_container_services_up(self, host): """Some essential services in our CentOS containers take some time to start after the container itself is up. This function checks whether those services are up and returns a boolean accordingly. Specifically, we check that the app-admin user has been created and that the ssh daemon is up, as well as that the SSH keys are in the right place. Args: host: the host to check. Returns: True if the specified services have started, False otherwise. """ ps_output = self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'ps') # also ensure that the app-admin user exists try: user_output = self.exec_cmd_on_host( host, 'grep app-admin /etc/passwd' ) user_output += self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'stat /home/app-admin') except OSError: user_output = '' if 'sshd_bootstrap' in ps_output or 'sshd\n' not in ps_output\ or not user_output: return False # check for .ssh being in the right place try: ssh_output = self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'ls /home/app-admin/.ssh') if 'id_rsa' not in ssh_output: return False except OSError: return False return True def exec_cmd_on_host(self, host, cmd, user=None, raise_error=True, tty=False): ex = self.client.exec_create(self.__get_unique_host(host), cmd, tty=tty, user=user) output = self.client.exec_start(ex['Id'], tty=tty) exit_code = self.client.exec_inspect(ex['Id'])['ExitCode'] if raise_error and exit_code: raise OSError(exit_code, output) return output @staticmethod def _get_tag_basename(bare_image_provider, cluster_type, ms): return '_'.join( [bare_image_provider.get_tag_decoration(), cluster_type, ms]) @staticmethod def _get_master_image_name(bare_image_provider, cluster_type): return os.path.join(DockerCluster.IMAGE_NAME_BASE, DockerCluster._get_tag_basename( bare_image_provider, cluster_type, 'master')) @staticmethod def _get_slave_image_name(bare_image_provider, cluster_type): return os.path.join(DockerCluster.IMAGE_NAME_BASE, DockerCluster._get_tag_basename( bare_image_provider, cluster_type, 'slave')) @staticmethod def _get_image_names(bare_image_provider, cluster_type): dc = DockerCluster return (dc._get_master_image_name(bare_image_provider, cluster_type), dc._get_slave_image_name(bare_image_provider, cluster_type)) @staticmethod def start_cluster(bare_image_provider, cluster_type, master_host='master', slave_hosts=None, **kwargs): if slave_hosts is None: slave_hosts = ['slave1', 'slave2', 'slave3'] created_bare = False dc = DockerCluster centos_cluster = DockerCluster(master_host, slave_hosts, DEFAULT_LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT, DEFAULT_DOCKER_MOUNT_POINT) master_name, slave_name = dc._get_image_names( bare_image_provider, cluster_type) if not dc._check_for_images(master_name, slave_name): master_name, slave_name = dc._get_image_names( bare_image_provider, dc.BARE_CLUSTER_TYPE) if not dc._check_for_images(master_name, slave_name): bare_image_provider.create_bare_images( centos_cluster, master_name, slave_name) created_bare = True centos_cluster.start_containers(master_name, slave_name, **kwargs) return centos_cluster, created_bare @staticmethod def _check_for_images(master_image_name, slave_image_name, tag='latest'): master_repotag = '%s:%s' % (master_image_name, tag) slave_repotag = '%s:%s' % (slave_image_name, tag) with Client(timeout=180) as client: images = client.images() has_master_image = False has_slave_image = False for image in images: if master_repotag in image['RepoTags']: has_master_image = True if slave_repotag in image['RepoTags']: has_slave_image = True return has_master_image and has_slave_image def commit_images(self, bare_image_provider, cluster_type): self.client.commit(self.master, self._get_master_image_name(bare_image_provider, cluster_type)) if self.slaves: self.client.commit(self.slaves[0], self._get_slave_image_name(bare_image_provider, cluster_type)) def run_script_on_host(self, script_contents, host): temp_script = '/tmp/' self.write_content_to_host('#!/bin/bash\n%s' % script_contents, temp_script, host) self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'chmod +x %s' % temp_script) return self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, temp_script, tty=True) def write_content_to_host(self, content, path, host): filename = os.path.basename(path) dest_dir = os.path.dirname(path) host_local_mount_point = self.get_local_mount_dir(host) local_path = os.path.join(host_local_mount_point, filename) with open(local_path, 'w') as config_file: config_file.write(content) self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'mkdir -p ' + dest_dir) self.exec_cmd_on_host( host, 'cp %s %s' % (os.path.join(self.mount_dir, filename), dest_dir)) def copy_to_host(self, source_path, dest_host, **kwargs): shutil.copy(source_path, self.get_local_mount_dir(dest_host)) def get_ip_address_dict(self): ip_addresses = {} for host, internal_host in zip(self.all_hosts(), self.all_internal_hosts()): inspect = self.client.inspect_container(host) ip_addresses[host] = inspect['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] ip_addresses[internal_host] = \ inspect['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] return ip_addresses def _post_presto_install(self): for worker in self.slaves: self.run_script_on_host( 'sed -i / /etc/presto/; ' 'uuid=$(uuidgen); ' 'echo$uuid >> /etc/presto/', worker ) def postinstall(self, installer): from tests.product.standalone.presto_installer \ import StandalonePrestoInstaller _post_install_hooks = { StandalonePrestoInstaller: DockerCluster._post_presto_install } hook = _post_install_hooks.get(installer, None) if hook: hook(self)
class DockerCluster(BaseCluster): IMAGE_NAME_BASE = os.path.join('teradatalabs', 'pa_test') BARE_CLUSTER_TYPE = 'bare' """Start/stop/control/query arbitrary clusters of docker containers. This class is aimed at product test writers to create docker containers for testing purposes. """ def __init__(self, master_host, slave_hosts, local_mount_dir, docker_mount_dir): # see PyDoc for all_internal_hosts() for an explanation on the # difference between an internal and regular host self.internal_master = master_host self.internal_slaves = slave_hosts self._master = master_host + '-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) self.slaves = [slave + '-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) for slave in slave_hosts] # the root path for all local mount points; to get a particular # container mount point call get_local_mount_dir() self.local_mount_dir = local_mount_dir self._mount_dir = docker_mount_dir kwargs = kwargs_from_env() if 'tls' in kwargs: kwargs['tls'].assert_hostname = False kwargs['timeout'] = 300 self.client = Client(**kwargs) self._user = '******' DockerCluster.__check_if_docker_exists() def all_hosts(self): return self.slaves + [self.master] def all_internal_hosts(self): return [host.split('-')[0] for host in self.all_hosts()] def get_local_mount_dir(self, host): return os.path.join(self.local_mount_dir, self.__get_unique_host(host)) def get_dist_dir(self, unique): if unique: return os.path.join(DIST_DIR, self.master) else: return DIST_DIR def __get_unique_host(self, host): matches = [unique_host for unique_host in self.all_hosts() if unique_host.startswith(host)] if matches: return matches[0] elif host in self.all_hosts(): return host else: raise DockerClusterException( 'Specified host: {0} does not exist.'.format(host)) @staticmethod def __check_if_docker_exists(): try:['docker', '--version']) except OSError: sys.exit('Docker is not installed. Try installing it with ' 'presto-admin/bin/') def _is_image_present_locally(self, image_name, tag): image_name_and_tag = image_name + ':' + tag images = self.client.images(image_name) if images: for image in images: if image_name_and_tag in image['RepoTags']: return True return False def start_containers(self, master_image, slave_image=None, cmd=None, **kwargs): self._create_host_mount_dirs() self._create_and_start_containers(master_image, slave_image, cmd, **kwargs) self._ensure_docker_containers_started(master_image) def tear_down(self): for container_name in self.all_hosts(): self._tear_down_container(container_name) self._remove_host_mount_dirs() if self.client: self.client.close() self.client = None def _tear_down_container(self, container_name): try: shutil.rmtree(self.get_dist_dir(unique=True)) except OSError as e: # no such file or directory if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise try: self.stop_host(container_name) self.client.remove_container(container_name, v=True, force=True) except APIError as e: # container does not exist if e.response.status_code != 404: raise def stop_host(self, container_name): self.client.stop(container_name) self.client.wait(container_name) def start_host(self, container_name): self.client.start(container_name) def get_down_hostname(self, host_name): return host_name def _remove_host_mount_dirs(self): for container_name in self.all_hosts(): try: shutil.rmtree( self.get_local_mount_dir(container_name)) except OSError as e: # no such file or directory if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise def _create_host_mount_dirs(self): for container_name in self.all_hosts(): try: os.makedirs( self.get_local_mount_dir(container_name)) except OSError as e: # file exists if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise @staticmethod def _execute_and_wait(func, *args, **kwargs): ret = func(*args, **kwargs) # go through all lines in returned stream to ensure func finishes output = '' for line in ret: output += line return output def _create_and_start_containers(self, master_image, slave_image=None, cmd=None, **kwargs): if slave_image: for container_name in self.slaves: container_mount_dir = \ self.get_local_mount_dir(container_name) self._create_container( slave_image, container_name, container_name.split('-')[0], cmd ) self.client.start(container_name, binds={container_mount_dir: {'bind': self.mount_dir, 'ro': False}}, **kwargs) master_mount_dir = self.get_local_mount_dir(self.master) self._create_container( master_image, self.master, hostname=self.internal_master, cmd=cmd ) self.client.start(self.master, binds={master_mount_dir: {'bind': self.mount_dir, 'ro': False}}, links=zip(self.slaves, self.slaves), **kwargs) self._add_hostnames_to_slaves() def _create_container(self, image, container_name, hostname=None, cmd=None): self._execute_and_wait(self.client.create_container, image, detach=True, name=container_name, hostname=hostname, volumes=self.local_mount_dir, command=cmd, host_config={'mem_limit': '2g'}) def _add_hostnames_to_slaves(self): ips = self.get_ip_address_dict() additions_to_etc_hosts = '' for host in self.all_internal_hosts(): additions_to_etc_hosts += '%s\t%s\n' % (ips[host], host) for host in self.slaves: self.exec_cmd_on_host( host, 'bin/bash -c \'echo "%s" >> /etc/hosts\'' % additions_to_etc_hosts ) @retry(stop_max_delay=_DOCKER_START_TIMEOUT, wait_fixed=_DOCKER_START_WAIT) def _ensure_docker_containers_started(self, image): # Strip off the tag, if there is one. We don't want to have to update # the NO_WAIT_SSH_IMAGES list every time we update the docker images. image_no_tag = image.split(':')[0] host_started = {} for host in self.all_hosts(): host_started[host] = False for host in host_started.keys(): if host_started[host]: continue is_started = True is_started &= \ self.client.inspect_container(host)['State']['Running'] if is_started and image_no_tag not in NO_WAIT_SSH_IMAGES: is_started &= self._are_centos_container_services_up(host) host_started[host] = is_started not_started = [host for (host, started) in host_started.items() if not started] if len(not_started): raise NotStartedException(not_started) @staticmethod def _are_all_hosts_started(host_started_map): all_started = True for host in host_started_map.keys(): all_started &= host_started_map[host] return all_started def _are_centos_container_services_up(self, host): """Some essential services in our CentOS containers take some time to start after the container itself is up. This function checks whether those services are up and returns a boolean accordingly. Specifically, we check that the app-admin user has been created and that the ssh daemon is up, as well as that the SSH keys are in the right place. Args: host: the host to check. Returns: True if the specified services have started, False otherwise. """ ps_output = self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'ps') # also ensure that the app-admin user exists try: user_output = self.exec_cmd_on_host( host, 'grep app-admin /etc/passwd' ) user_output += self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'stat /home/app-admin') except OSError: user_output = '' if 'sshd_bootstrap' in ps_output or 'sshd\n' not in ps_output\ or not user_output: return False # check for .ssh being in the right place try: ssh_output = self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'ls /home/app-admin/.ssh') if 'id_rsa' not in ssh_output: return False except OSError: return False return True def exec_cmd_on_host(self, host, cmd, user=None, raise_error=True, tty=False, invoke_sudo=False): ex = self.client.exec_create(self.__get_unique_host(host), ['sh', '-c', cmd], tty=tty, user=user) output = self.client.exec_start(ex['Id'], tty=tty) exit_code = self.client.exec_inspect(ex['Id'])['ExitCode'] if raise_error and exit_code: raise OSError(exit_code, output) return output @staticmethod def _get_tag_basename(bare_image_provider, cluster_type, ms): return '_'.join( [bare_image_provider.get_tag_decoration(), cluster_type, ms]) @staticmethod def _get_master_image_name(bare_image_provider, cluster_type): return os.path.join(DockerCluster.IMAGE_NAME_BASE, DockerCluster._get_tag_basename( bare_image_provider, cluster_type, 'master')) @staticmethod def _get_slave_image_name(bare_image_provider, cluster_type): return os.path.join(DockerCluster.IMAGE_NAME_BASE, DockerCluster._get_tag_basename( bare_image_provider, cluster_type, 'slave')) @staticmethod def _get_image_names(bare_image_provider, cluster_type): dc = DockerCluster return (dc._get_master_image_name(bare_image_provider, cluster_type), dc._get_slave_image_name(bare_image_provider, cluster_type)) @staticmethod def start_cluster(bare_image_provider, cluster_type, master_host='master', slave_hosts=None, **kwargs): if slave_hosts is None: slave_hosts = ['slave1', 'slave2', 'slave3'] created_bare = False dc = DockerCluster centos_cluster = DockerCluster(master_host, slave_hosts, DEFAULT_LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT, DEFAULT_DOCKER_MOUNT_POINT) master_name, slave_name = dc._get_image_names( bare_image_provider, cluster_type) if not dc._check_for_images(master_name, slave_name): master_name, slave_name = dc._get_image_names( bare_image_provider, dc.BARE_CLUSTER_TYPE) if not dc._check_for_images(master_name, slave_name): bare_image_provider.create_bare_images( centos_cluster, master_name, slave_name) created_bare = True centos_cluster.start_containers(master_name, slave_name, **kwargs) return centos_cluster, created_bare @staticmethod def _check_for_images(master_image_name, slave_image_name, tag='latest'): master_repotag = '%s:%s' % (master_image_name, tag) slave_repotag = '%s:%s' % (slave_image_name, tag) with Client(timeout=180) as client: images = client.images() has_master_image = False has_slave_image = False for image in images: if image['RepoTags'] is not None and master_repotag in image['RepoTags']: has_master_image = True if image['RepoTags'] is not None and slave_repotag in image['RepoTags']: has_slave_image = True return has_master_image and has_slave_image def commit_images(self, bare_image_provider, cluster_type): self.client.commit(self.master, self._get_master_image_name(bare_image_provider, cluster_type)) if self.slaves: self.client.commit(self.slaves[0], self._get_slave_image_name(bare_image_provider, cluster_type)) def run_script_on_host(self, script_contents, host, tty=True): temp_script = '/tmp/' self.write_content_to_host('#!/bin/bash\n%s' % script_contents, temp_script, host) self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'chmod +x %s' % temp_script) return self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, temp_script, tty=tty) def write_content_to_host(self, content, path, host): filename = os.path.basename(path) dest_dir = os.path.dirname(path) host_local_mount_point = self.get_local_mount_dir(host) local_path = os.path.join(host_local_mount_point, filename) with open(local_path, 'w') as config_file: config_file.write(content) self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'mkdir -p ' + dest_dir) self.exec_cmd_on_host( host, 'cp %s %s' % (os.path.join(self.mount_dir, filename), dest_dir)) def copy_to_host(self, source_path, dest_host, **kwargs): shutil.copy(source_path, self.get_local_mount_dir(dest_host)) def get_ip_address_dict(self): ip_addresses = {} for host, internal_host in zip(self.all_hosts(), self.all_internal_hosts()): inspect = self.client.inspect_container(host) ip_addresses[host] = inspect['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] ip_addresses[internal_host] = \ inspect['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] return ip_addresses def _post_presto_install(self): for worker in self.slaves: self.run_script_on_host( 'sed -i / /etc/presto/; ' 'uuid=$(uuidgen); ' 'echo$uuid >> /etc/presto/', worker ) def postinstall(self, installer): from tests.product.standalone.presto_installer \ import StandalonePrestoInstaller _post_install_hooks = { StandalonePrestoInstaller: DockerCluster._post_presto_install } hook = _post_install_hooks.get(installer, None) if hook: hook(self) @property def rpm_cache_dir(self): return self._mount_dir @property def mount_dir(self): return self._mount_dir @property def user(self): return self._user @property def master(self): return self._master
tty=True, environment=config['environment'], volumes=volumes, name=config['name'], host_config=host_config) # Forward warning messages to stderr if any if container.get('Warnings') is not None: warn(container.get('Warnings'), RuntimeWarning) # Start the container cli.start(container=container.get('Id')) # Execute the commands for cmd in config['cmd']: print('[+] ' + cmd) execute = cli.exec_create(container['Id'], cmd=cmd, stdout=True, stderr=True, stdin=False) for char in cli.exec_start(execute['Id'], stream=True): sys.stdout.write(char.decode(sys.stdout.encoding)) status = cli.exec_inspect(execute['Id'])['ExitCode'] if status != 0: break # Stop the container and remove it cli.stop(container=container.get('Id')) cli.remove_container(container=container['Id']) sys.exit(status)
class Two1ComposerContainers(Two1Composer): """ Manage machine-payable microservices in containers. """ def __init__(self): self._connected = ComposerState.DISCONNECTED self.provider = TwentyOneProvider() self.default_wallet = Two1Wallet(self.wallet_file, self.provider) class ServiceManager: """ Query and modify user services persisting at cls.USER_SERVICES_FILE. """ USER_SERVICES_FILE = os.path.join(Two1Composer.BASE_DIR, "user-services.json") class Image(namedtuple('Image', 'docker_hub_account repository tag')): def _asdict(self): # Fixes a bug for Python 3.4 users # 'A new OrderedDict mapping field names to their values' return OrderedDict(zip(self._fields, self)) @property def is_dockerhub_image(self): """ Returns: True iff Image instance has all fields. """ return self.docker_hub_account and self.repository and self.tag @property def is_local_image(self): """ Returns: True iff Image instance doesn't have docker_hub_account but has all other fields. """ return not self.docker_hub_account and self.repository and self.tag def __str__(self): """ Returns: Docker image name constructed from Image instance fields. """ if self.is_dockerhub_image: return '%s/%s:%s' % (self.docker_hub_account, self.repository, self.tag) elif self.is_local_image: return '%s:%s' % (self.repository, self.tag) else: raise ValueError() @classmethod def from_string(cls, image_name): """ Constructs an Image instance from a docker image name. Args: image_name (str): A docker image name. Returns: Image: An Image instance. """ slashes = re.findall('/', image_name) colons = re.findall(':', image_name) if len(slashes) == 1: if len(colons) == 1 and image_name.find( '/') < image_name.find(':'): docker_hub_account, rest = image_name.split('/') repository, tag = rest.split(':') return cls(docker_hub_account=docker_hub_account, repository=repository, tag=tag) elif len(colons) == 0: docker_hub_account, repository = image_name.split('/') return cls(docker_hub_account=docker_hub_account, repository=repository, tag='latest') elif len(slashes) == 0: if len(colons) == 1: repository, tag = image_name.split(':') return cls(docker_hub_account=None, repository=repository, tag=tag) elif len(colons) == 0: return cls(docker_hub_account=None, repository=image_name, tag='latest') raise ValueError() @classmethod def get_image(cls, service_name): """ Constructs an Image instance for a service. Args: service_name (str): The name of either a 21 service in the 21dotco/two1 repository or a user service added to ServiceManager.USER_SERVICES_FILE by ServiceManager.add_service. Returns: Image: An Image instance corresponding to the given service. """ if service_name in cls.available_21_services(): return cls.Image( docker_hub_account='21dotco', repository='two1', tag=service_name if service_name in Two1Composer.BASE_SERVICES else 'service-%s' % service_name) elif service_name in cls.available_user_services(): return cls.Image(**cls._get_user_service_dict()[service_name]) else: raise ValueError() @classmethod def available_services(cls): """ Returns: All available service names. """ return cls.available_21_services() | cls.available_user_services() @classmethod def available_21_services(cls): """ Returns: All available 21 services by querying Docker Hub. """ service_image_data = requests.get( os.path.join(Two1Composer.DOCKERHUB_API_URL, Two1Composer.DOCKERHUB_REPO, 'tags')).json().get('results') return set([ image_data['name'].split('service-')[1] for image_data in service_image_data if re.match(r'^service-', image_data['name']) ]) @classmethod def available_user_services(cls): """ Returns: All available user services. """ return set(cls._get_user_service_dict().keys()) @classmethod def add_service(cls, service_name, image_name_string, service_successfully_added_hook, service_already_exists_hook, service_failed_to_add_hook): """ Adds a new service definition to ServiceManager.USER_SERVICES_FILE. Args: service_name (str): Name of the service definition to add. image_name_string (str): Docker image name for the service definition. """ service_dict = cls._get_user_service_dict() if service_name in service_dict: service_already_exists_hook(service_name) else: service_dict[service_name] = cls.Image.from_string( image_name_string)._asdict() if cls._commit_user_service_dict(service_dict): service_successfully_added_hook(service_name) else: service_failed_to_add_hook(service_name) @classmethod def remove_service(cls, service_name, service_successfully_removed_hook, service_does_not_exists_hook, service_failed_to_remove_hook): """ Removes a service definition from ServiceManager.USER_SERVICES_FILE. Args: service_name (str): Name of the service definition to remove. """ service_dict = cls._get_user_service_dict() if service_name in service_dict: del service_dict[service_name] if cls._commit_user_service_dict(service_dict): service_successfully_removed_hook(service_name) else: service_failed_to_remove_hook(service_name) else: service_does_not_exists_hook(service_name) @classmethod def _get_user_service_dict(cls): """ Returns: ServiceManager.USER_SERVICES_FILE as a dict. """ try: with open(cls.USER_SERVICES_FILE, 'r') as data_file: service_dict = json.load(data_file) except: return {} else: return service_dict @classmethod def _commit_user_service_dict(cls, service_dict): """ Writes a dict of user services to ServiceManager.USER_SERVICES_FILE in json format. Args: service_dict (dict): A dictionary of user services of the form {service_name : _as_dict representation of corresponding Image instance..}. Returns: bool: True iff no exceptions were raised when writing service_dict to ServiceManager.USER_SERVICES_FILE as json. """ try: with open(cls.USER_SERVICES_FILE, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(service_dict, outfile) except: return False else: return True class ComposerYAMLContext(YamlDataContext): """ Context manager for composer YAML service file. """ def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, server_port=None, mnemonic=None): self.username = username self.password = password self.server_port = server_port self.mnemonic = mnemonic super().__init__(Two1Composer.COMPOSE_FILE) def __enter__(self): sup = super().__enter__() for service in['services']: service_definition =['services'][service] if 'environment' in service_definition: if 'TWO1_USERNAME' in service_definition[ 'environment'] and self.username is not None: service_definition['environment'][ 'TWO1_USERNAME'] = self.username if 'TWO1_PASSWORD' in service_definition[ 'environment'] and self.password is not None: service_definition['environment'][ 'TWO1_PASSWORD'] = self.password if 'TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC' in service_definition[ 'environment'] and self.mnemonic is not None: service_definition['environment'][ 'TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] = self.mnemonic if 'PAYMENT_SERVER_IP' in service_definition[ 'environment'] and self.server_port is not None: rest = service_definition['environment'][ 'PAYMENT_SERVER_IP'].rsplit(':', maxsplit=1)[-1] service_definition['environment'][ 'PAYMENT_SERVER_IP'] = '%s:%s' % (rest, self.server_port) return sup def _filler(self): """ Create the base service description file. """ return { 'version': '2', 'services': { 'base': { 'image': '%s:base' % Two1Composer.DOCKERHUB_REPO, }, 'router': { 'image': '%s:router' % Two1Composer.DOCKERHUB_REPO, 'container_name': 'sell_router', 'restart': 'always', 'volumes': [ Two1Composer.SITES_ENABLED_PATH + ":/etc/nginx/sites-enabled", Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH + ":/etc/nginx/sites-available", ], 'ports': ['%s:%s' % (self.server_port, self.server_port)], 'links': [ 'payments:payments', ], }, 'payments': { 'image': '%s:payments' % Two1Composer.DOCKERHUB_REPO, 'depends_on': ['base'], 'container_name': 'sell_payments', 'restart': 'always', 'environment': { "TWO1_USERNAME": str(self.username), "TWO1_PASSWORD": str(self.password), "TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC": str(self.mnemonic) }, 'volumes': [Two1Composer.DB_DIR + ":/usr/src/db/"], 'logging': { 'driver': 'json-file' }, 'cap_drop': ['ALL'], 'cap_add': [ 'DAC_OVERRIDE', 'NET_RAW', ], } } } # public api def connect(self, machine_env, host, machine_config_file): """ Connect service composer to machine layer. Args: machine_env (dict): Environment dictionary for the docker client of the machine layer. host (str): Hostname of the machine layer docker daemon. machine_config_file (str): Path to the config file for the machine layer. """ self.machine_env = machine_env self.machine_host = host with open(machine_config_file, 'r') as f: self.machine_config = json.load(f) self.docker_client = Client( **docker_env(assert_hostname=False, environment=self.machine_env)) self._connected = ComposerState.CONNECTED def initialize_server(self, username, password, server_port, wallet=None): """ Initialize micropayments server. Define boilerplate services, networks, and volumes composer file and nginx server config. Generates a wallet mnemonic if non-existent. Args: username (str): Username to log in with. password (str): Password to log in with. server_port (int): The server port that the router is running on. wallet: The wallet to use for the payments server and subsequent services. """ self._create_base_server( server_port) # create base router server config self._create_payments_route() # create route to payments server new_wallet = None # rv[1], not None if mnemonic is replaced in this function # generate service description (yaml) with self.ComposerYAMLContext(username, password, server_port) as composer_yaml: try: mnemonic = composer_yaml['services']['payments'][ 'environment']['TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] if not mnemonic or mnemonic == str( None): # if mnemonic is Falsy or uninitialized raise ValueError() except ( KeyError, ValueError ): # catches if mnemonic is Falsy or doesn't exist in dict tree new_machine_wallet = self.default_wallet.create( self.provider)[1] composer_yaml['services']['payments']['environment'][ 'TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] = new_machine_wallet new_wallet = new_machine_wallet return 0, new_wallet def pull_image(self, image, image_sucessfully_pulled_hook, image_failed_to_pull_hook, image_is_local_hook, image_is_malformed_hook): """ Pulls an Image instance iff it is a Docker Hub image. Args: image (Image): An Image instance. """ if image.is_dockerhub_image: try: self.docker_client.pull( '%s/%s' % (image.docker_hub_account, image.repository), tag=image.tag, stream=False) except: image_failed_to_pull_hook(image) else: image_sucessfully_pulled_hook(image) elif image.is_local_image: image_is_local_hook(image) else: image_is_malformed_hook(image) def start_services(self, service_names, failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_restart_hook, restarted_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook): """ Start selected services. Args: service_names (list): List of service names to start. failed_to_start_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service fails to start. started_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service starts. failed_to_restart_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service fails to restart. restarted_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service restarts. failed_to_up_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service fails to go up. up_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service goes up. """ self._start_sell_service('base', failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) self._start_sell_service('router', failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) self._start_sell_service('payments', failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) self._restart_sell_service('router', failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_restart_hook, restarted_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) # Attempt to start all market services for service_name in service_names: try: image = self.ServiceManager.get_image(service_name) container_name = self.service_name_2_container_name( service_name) # create nginx routes for service_name self._create_service_route(service_name) # add service_name to docker compose file with self.ComposerYAMLContext() as docker_compose_yaml: username = docker_compose_yaml['services']['payments'][ 'environment']['TWO1_USERNAME'] password = docker_compose_yaml['services']['payments'][ 'environment']['TWO1_PASSWORD'] mnemonic = docker_compose_yaml['services']['payments'][ 'environment']['TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] docker_compose_yaml['services'][service_name] = { 'image': str(image), 'container_name': container_name, 'depends_on': ['base'], 'restart': 'always', 'environment': { "TWO1_USERNAME": str(username), "TWO1_PASSWORD": str(password), "TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC": str(mnemonic), "SERVICE": str(service_name), "PAYMENT_SERVER_IP": "http://%s:%s" % (self.machine_host, self.machine_config["server_port"]) }, 'volumes': [Two1Composer.DB_DIR + ":/usr/src/db/"], 'logging': { 'driver': 'json-file' }, 'cap_drop': ['ALL'], 'cap_add': [ 'DAC_OVERRIDE', 'NET_RAW', ], } link_str = '%s:%s' % (service_name, service_name) if link_str not in docker_compose_yaml['services'][ 'router']['links']: docker_compose_yaml['services']['router'][ 'links'].append(link_str) except: # something went wrong while configuring service_name failed_to_start_hook(service_name) else: # attempt to build service_name self._start_sell_service(service_name, failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) self._restart_sell_service('router', failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_restart_hook, restarted_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) def _start_sell_service(self, service_name, failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook, timeout=Two1Composer.SERVICE_START_TIMEOUT): try: subprocess.check_output([ "docker-compose", "-f", Two1Composer.COMPOSE_FILE, "up", "-d", service_name ], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, env=self.machine_env) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: failed_to_start_hook(service_name) else: started_hook(service_name) if service_name == 'router': time.sleep(5) elif service_name != 'router' and service_name != 'base': start = time.clock() exec_id = self.docker_client.exec_create( 'sell_router', "curl %s:5000" % service_name)['Id'] self.docker_client.exec_start(exec_id) running = True while time.clock() - start < timeout and running is True: running = self.docker_client.exec_inspect( exec_id)['Running'] if running is True: failed_to_up_hook(service_name) else: up_hook(service_name) def _restart_sell_service(self, service_name, failed_to_start_hook, started_hook, failed_to_restart_hook, restarted_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook): try: self.docker_client.stop("sell_%s" % service_name) except: is_restart = False else: is_restart = True self._start_sell_service( service_name, failed_to_restart_hook if is_restart else failed_to_start_hook, restarted_hook if is_restart else started_hook, failed_to_up_hook, up_hook) def stop_services(self, service_names, service_found_stopped_and_removed_hook, service_failed_to_stop_hook, service_failed_to_be_removed_hook, service_not_found_hook): """ Stop selected services and remove containers. Args: service_names (set): Set of services to stop. service_found_stopped_and_removed_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is found, stopped, and removed. service_failed_to_stop_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service fails to be stopped. service_failed_to_be_removed_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service fails to be removed. service_not_found_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service isn't found. """ for service_name in service_names: if service_name in self.get_running_services(): container_name = self.service_name_2_container_name( service_name) try: self.docker_client.stop(container_name) except: service_failed_to_stop_hook(service_name) else: try: self.docker_client.remove_container(container_name) except: service_failed_to_be_removed_hook(service_name) else: service_found_stopped_and_removed_hook(service_name) else: service_not_found_hook(service_name) def silently_force_stop_all_services(self): running_container_names = self.docker_client.containers( filters={"status": "running"}) for container_name in running_container_names: self.docker_client.remove_container(container_name, force=True) @staticmethod def container_names_2_service_names(container_definitions): """ Return service names from container definitions. See service_name_2_container_name for the inverse operation but on one service name. Args: container_definitions (list): List of container descriptions as returned by self.docker_client.containers. Returns: set: Set of service names generated by removing the 'sell_' prefix from the containers' names. """ return set([ container_definition['Names'][0][6:] for container_definition in container_definitions ]) @staticmethod def service_name_2_container_name(service_name): """ Generates a container name from a service name by prepending 'sell_' """ return 'sell_%s' % service_name def status_services(self, services): """ Gets running status of specified services. Args: services (list): List of services to get status for. """ existent_services = self.get_services(all=True) running_services = self.get_services(filters={"status": "running"}) exited_services = self.get_services(filters={"status": "exited"}) return { "running": running_services & services, "exited": exited_services & services, "nonexistent": services - existent_services } def get_services(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Call docker_client.containers | convert resulting container names to service names | remove base services """ return self.container_names_2_service_names( self.docker_client.containers(*args, ** kwargs)) - Two1Composer.BASE_SERVICES def get_running_services(self): """ Get list of currently running services that aren't 21 base services. Returns: set: Set of currently running services. """ return self.get_services(filters={"status": "running"}) def status_router(self, service_running_hook, service_unknown_state_hook): """ Get status of Nginx router container. Args: service_running_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is running. service_unknown_state_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is in an unknown state. """ if len( self.docker_client.containers(all=True, filters={ "name": "sell_router", "status": "running" })) == 1: service_running_hook("router") else: service_unknown_state_hook("router") def status_payments_server(self, service_running_hook, service_unknown_state_hook): """ Get status of payment channels server. Args: service_running_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is running. service_unknown_state_hook (Callable): A callable hook that takes in a service name and is run when said service is in an unknown state. """ if len( self.docker_client.containers(all=True, filters={ "name": "sell_payments", "status": "running" })) == 1: service_running_hook("payments") else: service_unknown_state_hook("payments") @staticmethod def _create_base_server(server_port): """ Create nginx base server config. Args: server_port (int): port for 21 sell server. """ try: # create nginx router dirs shutil.rmtree(Two1Composer.SITES_ENABLED_PATH, ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(Two1Composer.SITES_ENABLED_PATH, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, exist_ok=True) # create base nginx server with open( os.path.join(Two1Composer.SITES_ENABLED_PATH, "two1baseserver"), 'w') as f: f.write("server {\n" " listen " + str(server_port) + ";\n" " include /etc/nginx/sites-available/*;\n" "}\n") except Exception: raise exceptions.Two1ComposerServiceDefinitionException() @staticmethod def _create_service_route(service): """ Create route for container service. """ os.makedirs(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, exist_ok=True) try: with open(os.path.join(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, service), 'w') as f: f.write( "location /" + service + " {\n" " rewrite ^/" + service + "/?(.*) /$1 break;\n" " proxy_pass http://" + service + ":" + str(5000) + ";\n" " proxy_set_header Host $host;\n" " proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;\n" " proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n" "}\n") except Exception: raise exceptions.Two1ComposerRouteException() @staticmethod def _create_payments_route(): """ Add route to payments server. """ os.makedirs(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, exist_ok=True) try: # write nginx route for payments server with open( os.path.join(Two1Composer.SITES_AVAILABLE_PATH, "payments"), 'w') as f: f.write( "location /payment {\n" " proxy_pass http://payments:" + str(5000) + ";\n" " proxy_set_header Host $host;\n" " proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;\n" " proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n" "}\n") except Exception: raise exceptions.Two1ComposerRouteException() def publish_service(self, service_name, host_override, rest_client, published_hook, already_published_hook, failed_to_publish_hook, unknown_publish_error_hook): strm, stat = self.docker_client.get_archive( 'sell_%s' % service_name, '/usr/src/app/manifest.yaml') with, mode='r') as tf: manifest = yaml.load(tf.extractfile(stat[u'name']).read().decode()) manifest['host'] = host_override try: resp = rest_client.publish({ "manifest": manifest, "marketplace": "21mkt" }) except ServerRequestError as e: if e.status_code == 403 and"error") == "TO600": already_published_hook(service_name) else: failed_to_publish_hook(service_name) except: unknown_publish_error_hook(service_name) else: if resp.status_code == 201: published_hook(service_name) else: failed_to_publish_hook(service_name) def read_server_config(self): try: with open(Two1Composer.COMPOSE_FILE) as f: return yaml.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: return {} def get_services_mnemonic(self): if os.path.isfile(Two1Composer.COMPOSE_FILE): with self.ComposerYAMLContext() as composer_yaml: try: maybe_mnemonic = composer_yaml['services']['payments'][ 'environment']['TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] except KeyError: rv = None else: rv = maybe_mnemonic else: rv = None return rv
class dockerizer(default_logger): def __init__(self, args): default_logger.__init__(self, "dockerizer") self.args = args self.config = self.get_config() self.args["eula"] = self.config["installer"]["eula"] = (os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) self.base_image_name = args["base_image"] self.docker = Client(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock') self.installer = jedox_installer(args) self.installer.start() sleep(15) self.installer.stop() sleep(15) self.patch() self.add() self.build_base_image(self.base_image_name) self.base_container = self.docker.create_container( self.base_image_name) self.docker.start(self.base_container) self.docker_exec(self.base_container, self.config["docker"]["exec"]) self.commit(self.args["docker_repository"], self.args["docker_tag"]) #remove intermediate container"removing base container") self.docker.remove_container(container=self.base_container, force=True) def get_config(self): try: config_file = self.args["config"] version = self.args["jedox_version"] j = json.load(open(config_file)) return j[version] except KeyError as e: self.logger.exception(e) self.logger.error( "Could not find the right config for version=%s in file=%s \n Aborting..." % (version, config_file)) sys.exit(1) def patch(self):"patching files from installer") self.change_working_directory("patch") for p in self.config["patch"]: target = os.path.join(self.args["jedox_home"], p["target"]) description = p.get("description", p["target"])"patching : %s" % description) subprocess.check_call("patch %s < %s" % (target, p["source"]), shell=True) def add(self):"adding additional content to installation") self.change_working_directory("add") for a in self.config["add"]: target = os.path.join(self.args["jedox_home"], a["target"])"copy %s to %s" % (a["source"], target)) shutil.copy(a["source"], target) def change_working_directory(self, area): working_directory = os.path.join(, area, self.args["jedox_version"])"working dir is now %s" % working_directory) os.chdir(working_directory) def build_base_image(self, image_name="jedox/base"): os.chdir(self.args["jedox_home"]) "Import Jedox Suite into intermediate docker image '%s'" % image_name) subprocess.check_call( """tar --to-stdout --numeric-owner --exclude=/proc --exclude=/sys --exclude='*.tar.gz' --exclude='*.log' -c ./ | docker import --change "CMD while true; do ping; done" --change "ENV TERM=xterm" - %s""" % image_name, shell=True)"successfully create basecontainer %s" % image_name) def docker_exec(self, myContainer, exec_list): self.docker.timeout = 300 for e in exec_list: if "description" in e: #print description in logs if available["description"]) exec_c = self.docker.exec_create(myContainer, e["cmd"], stdout=True, stderr=True) output = self.docker.exec_start(exec_c) self.logger.debug(self.docker.exec_inspect(exec_c)) self.logger.debug("all exec done") def commit(self, repository, tag): tag = Template(self.args["docker_tag"]).safe_substitute( jedox_version=self.args["jedox_version"])"commiting finale image %s to %s : %s" % (self.base_container, repository, tag)) config = { "CMD": "/entrypoint", "EXPOSE": "[80,7777]", } self.docker.commit(self.base_container, repository, tag, conf=config)
class dockerizer(default_logger): def __init__(self,args): default_logger.__init__(self,"dockerizer") self.args=args self.config=self.get_config() self.args["eula"]=self.config["installer"]["eula"] self.base_image_name=args["base_image"] self.docker=Client(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock') self.installer=jedox_installer(args) self.installer.start() sleep(15) self.installer.stop() sleep(15) self.patch() self.add() self.build_base_image(self.base_image_name) self.base_container=self.docker.create_container(self.base_image_name) self.docker.start(self.base_container) self.docker_exec(self.base_container,self.config["docker"]["exec"]) self.commit(self.args["docker_repository"],self.args["docker_tag"]) #remove intermediate container"removing base container") self.docker.remove_container(container=self.base_container,force=True) def get_config(self): try : config_file=self.args["config"] version=self.args["jedox_version"] j=json.load(open(config_file)) return j[version] except KeyError as e: self.logger.exception(e) self.logger.error("Could not find the right config for version=%s in file=%s \n Aborting..." % (version,config_file)) sys.exit(1) def patch(self):"patching files from installer") self.change_working_directory("patch") for p in self.config["patch"]: target=os.path.join(self.args["jedox_home"],p["target"]) description=p.get("description",p["target"])"patching : %s" % description) subprocess.check_call("patch %s < %s" % (target,p["source"]),shell=True) def add(self):"adding additional content to installation") self.change_working_directory("add") for a in self.config["add"]: target=os.path.join(self.args["jedox_home"],a["target"])"copy %s to %s" % (a["source"],target)) shutil.copy(a["source"],target) def change_working_directory(self,area): working_directory=os.path.join(,area,self.args["jedox_version"])"working dir is now %s" % working_directory) os.chdir(working_directory) def build_base_image(self,image_name="jedox/base"): os.chdir(self.args["jedox_home"])"Import Jedox Suite into intermediate docker image '%s'" % image_name) subprocess.check_call("""tar --to-stdout --numeric-owner --exclude=/proc --exclude=/sys --exclude='*.tar.gz' --exclude='*.log' -c ./ | docker import --change "CMD while true; do ping; done" --change "ENV TERM=xterm" - %s""" % image_name, shell=True)"successfully create basecontainer %s" % image_name) def docker_exec(self,myContainer,exec_list): self.docker.timeout=300 for e in exec_list: if "description" in e : #print description in logs if available["description"]) exec_c=self.docker.exec_create(myContainer,e["cmd"],stdout=True,stderr=True) output=self.docker.exec_start(exec_c) self.logger.debug(self.docker.exec_inspect(exec_c)) self.logger.debug("all exec done") def commit(self,repository,tag): tag=Template(self.args["docker_tag"]).safe_substitute(jedox_version=self.args["jedox_version"])"commiting finale image %s to %s : %s" % (self.base_container,repository,tag)) config={"CMD":"/entrypoint", "EXPOSE": "[80,7777]", } self.docker.commit(self.base_container,repository,tag,conf=config)
class DockerCluster(object): IMAGE_NAME_BASE = os.path.join('teradatalabs', 'pa_test') BARE_CLUSTER_TYPE = 'bare' """Start/stop/control/query arbitrary clusters of docker containers. This class is aimed at product test writers to create docker containers for testing purposes. """ def __init__(self, master_host, slave_hosts, local_mount_dir, docker_mount_dir): # see PyDoc for all_internal_hosts() for an explanation on the # difference between an internal and regular host self.internal_master = master_host self.internal_slaves = slave_hosts self.master = master_host + '-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) self.slaves = [slave + '-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) for slave in slave_hosts] # the root path for all local mount points; to get a particular # container mount point call get_local_mount_dir() self.local_mount_dir = local_mount_dir self.mount_dir = docker_mount_dir kwargs = kwargs_from_env() if 'tls' in kwargs: kwargs['tls'].assert_hostname = False kwargs['timeout'] = 240 self.client = Client(**kwargs) self._DOCKER_START_TIMEOUT = 30 DockerCluster.__check_if_docker_exists() def all_hosts(self): return self.slaves + [self.master] def get_master(self): return self.master def all_internal_hosts(self): """The difference between this method and all_hosts() is that all_hosts() returns the unique, "outside facing" hostnames that docker uses. On the other hand all_internal_hosts() returns the more human readable host aliases for the containers used internally between containers. For example the unique master host will look something like 'master-07d1774e-72d7-45da-bf84-081cfaa5da9a', whereas the internal master host will be 'master'. Returns: List of all internal hosts with the random suffix stripped out. """ return [host.split('-')[0] for host in self.all_hosts()] def get_local_mount_dir(self, host): return os.path.join(self.local_mount_dir, self.__get_unique_host(host)) def get_dist_dir(self, unique): if unique: return os.path.join(DIST_DIR, self.master) else: return DIST_DIR def __get_unique_host(self, host): matches = [unique_host for unique_host in self.all_hosts() if unique_host.startswith(host)] if matches: return matches[0] elif host in self.all_hosts(): return host else: raise DockerClusterException( 'Specified host: {0} does not exist.'.format(host)) @staticmethod def __check_if_docker_exists(): try:['docker', '--version']) except OSError: sys.exit('Docker is not installed. Try installing it with ' 'presto-admin/bin/') def create_image(self, path_to_dockerfile_dir, image_tag, base_image, base_image_tag=None): self.fetch_image_if_not_present(base_image, base_image_tag) output = self._execute_and_wait(, path=path_to_dockerfile_dir, tag=image_tag, rm=True) if not self._is_image_present_locally(image_tag, 'latest'): raise OSError('Unable to build image %s: %s' % (image_tag, output)) def fetch_image_if_not_present(self, image, tag=None): if not tag and not self.client.images(image): self._execute_and_wait(self.client.pull, image) elif tag and not self._is_image_present_locally(image, tag): self._execute_and_wait(self.client.pull, image, tag) def _is_image_present_locally(self, image_name, tag): image_name_and_tag = image_name + ':' + tag images = self.client.images(image_name) if images: for image in images: if image_name_and_tag in image['RepoTags']: return True return False def start_containers(self, master_image, slave_image=None, cmd=None, **kwargs): self.tear_down() self._create_host_mount_dirs() self._create_and_start_containers(master_image, slave_image, cmd, **kwargs) self._ensure_docker_containers_started(master_image) def tear_down(self): for container_name in self.all_hosts(): self._tear_down_container(container_name) self._remove_host_mount_dirs() def _tear_down_container(self, container_name): try: shutil.rmtree(self.get_dist_dir(unique=True)) except OSError as e: # no such file or directory if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise try: self.stop_host(container_name) self.client.remove_container(container_name, v=True, force=True) except APIError as e: # container does not exist if e.response.status_code != 404: raise def stop_host(self, container_name): self.client.stop(container_name) self.client.wait(container_name) def start_host(self, container_name): self.client.start(container_name) def get_down_hostname(self, host_name): return host_name def _remove_host_mount_dirs(self): for container_name in self.all_hosts(): try: shutil.rmtree( self.get_local_mount_dir(container_name)) except OSError as e: # no such file or directory if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise def _create_host_mount_dirs(self): for container_name in self.all_hosts(): try: os.makedirs( self.get_local_mount_dir(container_name)) except OSError as e: # file exists if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise @staticmethod def _execute_and_wait(func, *args, **kwargs): ret = func(*args, **kwargs) # go through all lines in returned stream to ensure func finishes output = '' for line in ret: output += line return output def _create_and_start_containers(self, master_image, slave_image=None, cmd=None, **kwargs): if slave_image: for container_name in self.slaves: container_mount_dir = \ self.get_local_mount_dir(container_name) self._create_container( slave_image, container_name, container_name.split('-')[0], cmd ) self.client.start(container_name, binds={container_mount_dir: {'bind': self.mount_dir, 'ro': False}}, **kwargs) master_mount_dir = self.get_local_mount_dir(self.master) self._create_container( master_image, self.master, hostname=self.internal_master, cmd=cmd ) self.client.start(self.master, binds={master_mount_dir: {'bind': self.mount_dir, 'ro': False}}, links=zip(self.slaves, self.slaves), **kwargs) self._add_hostnames_to_slaves() def _create_container(self, image, container_name, hostname=None, cmd=None): self._execute_and_wait(self.client.create_container, image, detach=True, name=container_name, hostname=hostname, volumes=self.local_mount_dir, command=cmd, mem_limit='2g') def _add_hostnames_to_slaves(self): ips = self.get_ip_address_dict() additions_to_etc_hosts = '' for host in self.all_internal_hosts(): additions_to_etc_hosts += '%s\t%s\n' % (ips[host], host) for host in self.slaves: self.exec_cmd_on_host( host, 'bin/bash -c \'echo "%s" >> /etc/hosts\'' % additions_to_etc_hosts ) def _ensure_docker_containers_started(self, image): centos_based_images = [BASE_TD_IMAGE_NAME] timeout = 0 is_host_started = {} for host in self.all_hosts(): is_host_started[host] = False while timeout < self._DOCKER_START_TIMEOUT: for host in self.all_hosts(): atomic_is_started = True atomic_is_started &= \ self.client.inspect_container(host)['State']['Running'] if image in centos_based_images or \ image.startswith(self.IMAGE_NAME_BASE): atomic_is_started &= \ self._are_centos_container_services_up(host) is_host_started[host] = atomic_is_started if not DockerCluster._are_all_hosts_started(is_host_started): timeout += 1 sleep(1) else: break if timeout is self._DOCKER_START_TIMEOUT: raise DockerClusterException( 'Docker container timed out on start.' + str(is_host_started)) @staticmethod def _are_all_hosts_started(host_started_map): all_started = True for host in host_started_map.keys(): all_started &= host_started_map[host] return all_started def _are_centos_container_services_up(self, host): """Some essential services in our CentOS containers take some time to start after the container itself is up. This function checks whether those services are up and returns a boolean accordingly. Specifically, we check that the app-admin user has been created and that the ssh daemon is up. Args: host: the host to check. Returns: True if the specified services have started, False otherwise. """ ps_output = self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'ps') # also ensure that the app-admin user exists try: user_output = self.exec_cmd_on_host( host, 'grep app-admin /etc/passwd' ) user_output += self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'stat /home/app-admin') except OSError: user_output = '' if 'sshd_bootstrap' in ps_output or 'sshd\n' not in ps_output\ or not user_output: return False return True def exec_cmd_on_host(self, host, cmd, raise_error=True, tty=False): ex = self.client.exec_create(self.__get_unique_host(host), cmd, tty=tty) output = self.client.exec_start(ex['Id'], tty=tty) exit_code = self.client.exec_inspect(ex['Id'])['ExitCode'] if raise_error and exit_code: raise OSError(exit_code, output) return output @staticmethod def _get_master_image_name(cluster_type): return os.path.join(DockerCluster.IMAGE_NAME_BASE, '%s_master' % (cluster_type)) @staticmethod def _get_slave_image_name(cluster_type): return os.path.join(DockerCluster.IMAGE_NAME_BASE, '%s_slave' % (cluster_type)) @staticmethod def start_bare_cluster(): dc = DockerCluster master_name = dc._get_master_image_name(dc.BARE_CLUSTER_TYPE) slave_name = dc._get_slave_image_name(dc.BARE_CLUSTER_TYPE) centos_cluster = DockerCluster('master', ['slave1', 'slave2', 'slave3'], DEFAULT_LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT, DEFAULT_DOCKER_MOUNT_POINT) if not dc._check_for_images(master_name, slave_name): centos_cluster.create_image( BASE_TD_DOCKERFILE_DIR, master_name, BASE_IMAGE_NAME, BASE_IMAGE_TAG ) centos_cluster.create_image( BASE_TD_DOCKERFILE_DIR, slave_name, BASE_IMAGE_NAME, BASE_IMAGE_TAG ) centos_cluster.start_containers(master_name, slave_name) return centos_cluster @staticmethod def start_existing_images(cluster_type): dc = DockerCluster master_name = dc._get_master_image_name(cluster_type) slave_name = dc._get_slave_image_name(cluster_type) if not dc._check_for_images(master_name, slave_name): return None centos_cluster = DockerCluster('master', ['slave1', 'slave2', 'slave3'], DEFAULT_LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT, DEFAULT_DOCKER_MOUNT_POINT) centos_cluster.start_containers(master_name, slave_name) return centos_cluster @staticmethod def _check_for_images(master_image_name, slave_image_name): client = Client(timeout=180) images = client.images() has_master_image = False has_slave_image = False for image in images: if master_image_name in image['RepoTags'][0]: has_master_image = True if slave_image_name in image['RepoTags'][0]: has_slave_image = True return has_master_image and has_slave_image def commit_images(self, cluster_type): self.client.commit(self.master, self._get_master_image_name(cluster_type)) self.client.commit(self.slaves[0], self._get_slave_image_name(cluster_type)) def run_script_on_host(self, script_contents, host): temp_script = '/tmp/' self.write_content_to_host('#!/bin/bash\n%s' % script_contents, temp_script, host) self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'chmod +x %s' % temp_script) return self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, temp_script, tty=True) def write_content_to_host(self, content, path, host): filename = os.path.basename(path) dest_dir = os.path.dirname(path) host_local_mount_point = self.get_local_mount_dir(host) local_path = os.path.join(host_local_mount_point, filename) with open(local_path, 'w') as config_file: config_file.write(content) self.exec_cmd_on_host(host, 'mkdir -p ' + dest_dir) self.exec_cmd_on_host( host, 'cp %s %s' % (os.path.join(self.mount_dir, filename), dest_dir)) def copy_to_host(self, source_path, dest_host): shutil.copy(source_path, self.get_local_mount_dir(dest_host)) def get_ip_address_dict(self): ip_addresses = {} for host, internal_host in zip(self.all_hosts(), self.all_internal_hosts()): inspect = self.client.inspect_container(host) ip_addresses[host] = inspect['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] ip_addresses[internal_host] = \ inspect['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] return ip_addresses def _post_presto_install(self): for worker in self.slaves: self.run_script_on_host( 'sed -i / /etc/presto/; ' 'uuid=$(uuidgen); ' 'echo$uuid >> /etc/presto/', worker ) def postinstall(self, installer): from tests.product.standalone.presto_installer \ import StandalonePrestoInstaller _post_install_hooks = { StandalonePrestoInstaller: DockerCluster._post_presto_install } hook = _post_install_hooks.get(installer, None) if hook: hook(self)
class DockerControl: def __init__(self, containerObject): self.containerObject = containerObject self.dockerCli = Client(base_url="unix://var/run/docker.sock") def remove(self): labelString = "name=" + labelDict = [labelString] label = dict({"label": labelDict}) nameString = "/" + containerList = self.dockerCli.containers() for container in containerList: if container["Names"][0] == nameString: containerId = container["Id"] self.dockerCli.stop(container=containerId) self.dockerCli.remove_container(container=containerId) def runCmd(self, cmd): nameString = "/" + containerList = self.dockerCli.containers() for container in containerList: if container["Names"][0] == nameString: containerId = container["Id"] execKey = self.dockerCli.exec_create(containerId, cmd) execResult = self.dockerCli.exec_start(execKey["Id"]) dockerInfo = self.dockerCli.exec_inspect(execKey["Id"]) return execResult def create(self): image = self.containerObject.type name = domain = self.containerObject.domain hostname = directory = CONTAINER_VOL_DIR + "/" + name if os.path.isdir(directory): rmtree(directory) os.makedirs(directory) if image == "dns": copy(CONTAINER_CONF_DIR + "/dnsmasq.conf", directory + "/dnsmasq.conf") copytree(CONTAINER_CONF_DIR + "/dnsmasq.d", directory + "/dnsmasq.d") dnsmasqConfVolume = directory + "/dnsmasq.conf:/etc/dnsmasq.conf" dnsmasqDVolume = directory + "/dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d" dVolumes = [dnsmasqConfVolume, dnsmasqDVolume] elif image == "puppet": puppetConfVolume = CONTAINER_VOL_DIR + "/puppet-master.conf:/etc/puppet/puppet.conf" hieradataVolume = CONTAINER_VOL_DIR + "/hieradata:/etc/puppet/hieradata" siteVolume = CONTAINER_VOL_DIR + "/site.pp:/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp" modulesVolume = CONTAINER_VOL_DIR + "/modules:/etc/puppet/modules" dVolumes = [puppetConfVolume, hieradataVolume, siteVolume, modulesVolume] else: copy(CONTAINER_CONF_DIR + "/puppet.conf", directory + "/puppet.conf") copy(CONTAINER_CONF_DIR + "/auth.conf", directory + "/auth.conf") puppetConfVolume = directory + "/puppet.conf:/etc/puppet/puppet.conf" authConfVolume = directory + "/auth.conf:/etc/puppet/auth.conf" dVolumes = [puppetConfVolume, authConfVolume] dnsList = [] if isinstance(self.containerObject.dns, dict): for dnsServer in self.containerObject.dns.keys(): dnsServerString = self.containerObject.dns[dnsServer]["ipaddress"].split("/")[0] dnsList.append(dnsServerString) else: dnsList.append(self.containerObject.dns) dnsSearchList = [domain] command = "/sbin/init" host_config = create_host_config( privileged=True, cap_add=["NET_ADMIN"], dns=dnsList, dns_search=dnsSearchList, binds=dVolumes, network_mode="none", ) container = self.dockerCli.create_container( image=image, name=name, command=command, # domainname=domain, hostname=name, volumes = dVolumes, domainname=domain, hostname=name, volumes=dVolumes, detach=True, host_config=host_config, ) self.dockerCli.start(container=container.get("Id")) containerInfo = self.dockerCli.inspect_container(container=container.get("Id")) containerPid = containerInfo["State"]["Pid"] pidPath = "/proc/" + str(containerPid) + "/ns/net" netNsPath = "/var/run/netns/" + name os.symlink(pidPath, netNsPath) return containerInfo def start(self): nameString = "/" + containerList = self.dockerCli.containers(all=True) for container in containerList: if container["Names"][0] == nameString: containerId = container["Id"] self.dockerCli.start(container=containerId) containerInfo = self.dockerCli.inspect_container(container=containerId) containerPid = containerInfo["State"]["Pid"] pidPath = "/proc/" + str(containerPid) + "/ns/net" netNsPath = "/var/run/netns/" + os.symlink(pidPath, netNsPath) return containerInfo def stop(self): nameString = "/" + containerList = self.dockerCli.containers() for container in containerList: if container["Names"][0] == nameString: containerId = container["Id"] self.dockerCli.stop(container=containerId) containerInfo = self.dockerCli.inspect_container(container=containerId) return containerInfo