예제 #1
def images_streams_gen_buildconfigs(runtime, streams, output, as_user, apply,
    ART has a mandate to make "ART equivalent" images available usptream for CI workloads. This enables
    CI to compile with the same golang version ART is using and use identical UBI8 images, etc. To accomplish
    this, streams.yml contains metadata which is extraneous to the product build, but critical to enable
    a high fidelity CI signal.
    It may seem at first that all we would need to do was mirror the internal brew images we use
    somewhere accessible by CI, but it is not that simple:
    1. When a CI build yum installs, it needs to pull RPMs from an RPM mirroring service that runs in
       CI. That mirroring service subsequently pulls and caches files ART syncs using reposync.
    2. There is a variation of simple golang builders that CI uses to compile test cases. These
       images are configured in ci-operator config's 'build_root' and they are used to build
       and run test cases. Sometimes called 'CI release' image, these images contain tools that
       are not part of the typical golang builder (e.g. tito).
    Both of these differences require us to 'transform' the image ART uses in brew into an image compatible
    for use in CI. A challenge to this transformation is that they must be performed in the CI context
    as they depend on the services only available in ci (e.g. base-4-6-rhel8.ocp.svc is used to
    find the current yum repo configuration which should be used).
    To accomplish that, we don't build the images ourselves. We establish OpenShift buildconfigs on the CI
    cluster which process intermediate images we push into the final, CI consumable image.
    These buildconfigs are generated dynamically by this sub-verb.
    The verb will also create a daemonset for the group on the CI cluster. This daemonset overcomes
    a bug in OpenShift 3.11 where the kubelet can garbage collection an image that the build process
    is about to use (because the kubelet & build do not communicate). The daemonset forces the kubelet
    to know the image is in use. These daemonsets can like be eliminated when CI infra moves fully to
    runtime.initialize(clone_distgits=False, clone_source=False)

    # Record whether this is for all streams or just user specified
    all_streams = not streams

    if not streams:
        # If not specified, use all.
        streams = runtime.get_stream_names()

    transform_rhel_7_base_repos = 'rhel-7/base-repos'
    transform_rhel_8_base_repos = 'rhel-8/base-repos'
    transform_rhel_7_golang = 'rhel-7/golang'
    transform_rhel_8_golang = 'rhel-8/golang'
    transform_rhel_7_ci_build_root = 'rhel-7/ci-build-root'
    transform_rhel_8_ci_build_root = 'rhel-8/ci-build-root'

    # The set of valid transforms
    transforms = set([

    major = runtime.group_config.vars['MAJOR']
    minor = runtime.group_config.vars['MINOR']

    rpm_repos_conf = runtime.group_config.repos or {}

    group_label = runtime.group_config.name
    if live_test_mode:
        group_label += '.test'

    buildconfig_definitions = []
    ds_container_definitions = []
    streams_config = runtime.streams
    for stream in streams:
        if streams_config[stream] is Missing:
            raise IOError(
                f'Did not find stream {stream} in streams.yml for this group')

        config = streams_config[stream]

        transform = config.transform
        if transform is Missing:
            # No buildconfig is necessary

        if transform not in transforms:
            raise IOError(
                f'Unable to render buildconfig for stream {stream} - transform {transform} not found within {transforms}'

        upstream_dest = config.upstream_image
        upstream_intermediate_image = config.upstream_image_base
        if upstream_dest is Missing or upstream_intermediate_image is Missing:
            raise IOError(
                f'Unable to render buildconfig for stream {stream} - you must define upstream_image_base AND upstream_image'

        # split a pullspec like registry.svc.ci.openshift.org/ocp/builder:rhel-8-golang-openshift-{MAJOR}.{MINOR}.art
        # into  OpenShift namespace, imagestream, and tag
        _, intermediate_ns, intermediate_istag = upstream_intermediate_image.rsplit(
            '/', maxsplit=2)
        if live_test_mode:
            intermediate_istag += '.test'
        intermediate_imagestream, intermediate_tag = intermediate_istag.split(

        _, dest_ns, dest_istag = upstream_dest.rsplit('/', maxsplit=2)
        if live_test_mode:
            dest_istag += '.test'
        dest_imagestream, dest_tag = dest_istag.split(':')

        python_file_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

        # should align with files like: doozerlib/cli/streams_transforms/rhel-7/base-repos
        transform_template = os.path.join(python_file_dir,
                                          'streams_transforms', transform,
        with open(transform_template, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as tt:
            transform_template_content = tt.read()

        dfp = DockerfileParser(cache_content=True, fileobj=io.BytesIO())
        dfp.content = transform_template_content

        # Make sure that upstream images can discern they are building in CI with ART equivalent images
        dfp.envs['OPENSHIFT_CI'] = 'true'

        dfp.labels['io.k8s.display-name'] = f'{dest_imagestream}-{dest_tag}'
            'io.k8s.description'] = f'ART equivalent image {group_label}-{stream} - {transform}'

        def add_localdev_repo_profile(profile):
            The images we push to CI are used in two contexts:
            1. In CI builds, running on the CI clusters.
            2. In local development (e.g. docker build).
            This method is enabling the latter. If a developer is connected to the VPN,
            they will not be able to resolve RPMs through the RPM mirroring service running
            on CI, but they will be able to pull RPMs directly from the sources ART does.
            Since skip_if_unavailable is True globally, it doesn't matter if they can't be
            accessed via CI.
            for repo_name in rpm_repos_conf.keys():
                repo_desc = rpm_repos_conf[repo_name]
                localdev_repo_name = f'localdev-{repo_name}'
                repo_conf = repo_desc.conf
                ci_alignment = repo_conf.ci_alignment
                if ci_alignment.localdev.enabled and profile in ci_alignment.profiles:
                    # CI only really deals with with x86_64 at this time.
                    if repo_conf.baseurl.unsigned:
                        x86_64_url = repo_conf.baseurl.unsigned.x86_64
                        x86_64_url = repo_conf.baseurl.x86_64
                    if not x86_64_url:
                        raise IOError(
                            f'Expected x86_64 baseurl for repo {repo_name}')
                        f"RUN echo -e '[{localdev_repo_name}]\\nname = {localdev_repo_name}\\nid = {localdev_repo_name}\\nbaseurl = {x86_64_url}\\nenabled = 1\\ngpgcheck = 0\\n' > /etc/yum.repos.d/{localdev_repo_name}.repo"

        if transform == transform_rhel_8_base_repos or config.transform == transform_rhel_8_golang:
            # The repos transform create a build config that will layer the base image with CI appropriate yum
            # repository definitions.
                f'RUN rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo && curl http://base-{major}-{minor}-rhel8.ocp.svc > /etc/yum.repos.d/ci-rpm-mirrors.repo'

            # Allow the base repos to be used BEFORE art begins mirroring 4.x to openshift mirrors.
            # This allows us to establish this locations later -- only disrupting CI for those
            # components that actually need reposync'd RPMs from the mirrors.
                'RUN yum config-manager --setopt=skip_if_unavailable=True --save'

        if transform == transform_rhel_7_base_repos or config.transform == transform_rhel_7_golang:
            # The repos transform create a build config that will layer the base image with CI appropriate yum
            # repository definitions.
                f'RUN rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo && curl http://base-{major}-{minor}.ocp.svc > /etc/yum.repos.d/ci-rpm-mirrors.repo'
            # Allow the base repos to be used BEFORE art begins mirroring 4.x to openshift mirrors.
            # This allows us to establish this locations later -- only disrupting CI for those
            # components that actually need reposync'd RPMs from the mirrors.
                "RUN yum-config-manager --save '--setopt=*.skip_if_unavailable=True'"

        # We've arrived at a Dockerfile.
        dockerfile_content = dfp.content

        # Now to create a buildconfig for it.
        buildconfig = {
            'apiVersion': 'v1',
            'kind': 'BuildConfig',
            'metadata': {
                'name': f'{dest_imagestream}-{dest_tag}--art-builder',
                'namespace': 'ci',
                'labels': {
                    'art-builder-group': group_label,
                    'art-builder-stream': stream,
                'annotations': {
                    'Generated by the ART pipeline by doozer. Processes raw ART images into ART equivalent images for CI.'
            'spec': {
                'failedBuildsHistoryLimit': 2,
                'output': {
                    'to': {
                        'kind': 'ImageStreamTag',
                        'namespace': dest_ns,
                        'name': dest_istag
                'source': {
                    'dockerfile': dockerfile_content,
                    'type': 'Dockerfile'
                'strategy': {
                    'dockerStrategy': {
                        'from': {
                            'kind': 'ImageStreamTag',
                            'name': intermediate_istag,
                            'namespace': intermediate_ns,
                        'imageOptimizationPolicy': 'SkipLayers',
                'successfulBuildsHistoryLimit': 2,
                'triggers': [{
                    'imageChange': {},
                    'type': 'ImageChange'


        # define a daemonset container that will keep this image running on all nodes so that it will
        # not be garbage collected by the kubelet in 3.11.
            "command": [
                "/bin/bash", "-c",
                "#!/bin/bash\nset -euo pipefail\ntrap 'jobs -p | xargs -r kill || true; exit 0' TERM\nwhile true; do\n  sleep 600 &\n  wait $!\ndone\n"
            f"{dest_ns}-{dest_imagestream}-{dest_tag}".replace('.', '-'),
            "resources": {
                "requests": {
                    "cpu": "50m"

    ds_name = 'art-managed-' + group_label + '-dont-gc-me-bro'
    daemonset_definition = {
        "kind": "DaemonSet",
        "spec": {
            "revisionHistoryLimit": 1,
            "template": {
                "spec": {
                    "containers": ds_container_definitions
                "metadata": {
                    "labels": {
                        "app": ds_name
            "selector": {
                "matchLabels": {
                    "app": ds_name
            "templateGeneration": 1,
            "updateStrategy": {
                "rollingUpdate": {
                    "maxUnavailable": "50%"
                "type": "RollingUpdate"
        "apiVersion": "extensions/v1beta1",
        "metadata": {
            "labels": {
                "app": ds_name,
                'art-builder-group': runtime.group_config.name,
            "namespace": "ci",
            "name": ds_name

    with open(output, mode='w+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        objects = list()
        if buildconfig_definitions and all_streams:
            # Don't update the daemonset unless all streams are accounted for
        yaml.dump_all(objects, f, default_flow_style=False)

    if apply:
        if buildconfig_definitions:
            print('Applying buildconfigs...')
            cmd = f'oc apply -f {output}'
            if as_user:
                cmd += f' --as {as_user}'
            print('No buildconfigs were generated; skipping apply.')