예제 #1
    def _setup_container(self, ports_to_open):
        if is_psyduck():
            assert "PSYDUCK_RUN_ID" in os.environ, "Psyduck run id not found"

            resp = requests.post("http://" + SWITCHMAN_IP + "/api/v1/container-start", data=json.dumps({
                "image": "psy3.memcompute.com/psy3-test-base:%s" % os.environ['PSYDUCK_RUN_ID'],
                "command": "/bin/sh -c 'while true; do sleep 1; done'"

            data = resp.json()
            assert 'error' not in data, "Switchman request failure: %s" % resp.content

            self.id = data['id']
            self.host = data['ip']
            docker_client = self._get_docker_client()

            # rebuild images
            local_shell = LocalShell()

            print("Building %s" % IMAGE_NAME)
                build_script = os.path.join(REAL_ROOT_PATH, "infra", "build_dockertest.sh")
                command = [ build_script ]
                ret = local_shell.run(command, allow_error=True)
                if ret.return_code != 0:
                    combined_output = ret.output + ret.stderr_output
                    raise DockerException("Failed to build dockertest: %s" % combined_output)
            except NoSuchCommandError:
                raise DockerException("Failed to build dockertest: no build script at %s" % build_script)

            ports_to_open_set = { 22, 3306 }
            if ports_to_open is not None:

            port_mapping = {}
            for port in ports_to_open_set:
                port_str = "%d/tcp" % port
                port_mapping[port_str] = {}

            container = docker_client.create_container(
                command="/bin/sh -c 'while true; do sleep 1; done'",

            docker_client.start(container=container, publish_all_ports=True, privileged=True)

            inspected = docker_client.inspect_container(container)

            network_settings = inspected["NetworkSettings"]

            is_boot2docker = False
                ret = local_shell.run([ 'boot2docker', 'ip' ], allow_error=True)
                if ret.return_code == 0:
                    # If we're on Mac OS X, we need to connect through the
                    # boot2docker IP address, not through the host.
                    # Thus, we must use the boot2docker ip command to find the
                    # correct IP address.
                    boot2docker_ip = ret.output.strip()
                    is_boot2docker = True
                    self.docker_container_host = boot2docker_ip
            except NoSuchCommandError:

            # For locally-hosted Docker containers, we have to make sure that
            # we use the ports that the Docker daemon has assigned when we
            # connect from the test runner to the Docker container (e.g.
            # with docker.shell()).
            if is_boot2docker:
                for port in ports_to_open_set:
                    port_str = "%d/tcp" % port
                    if network_settings["Ports"] and port_str in network_settings["Ports"]:
                        mapped_port = int(network_settings["Ports"][port_str][0]["HostPort"])
                        self.docker_container_port_mappings[port] = mapped_port

            self.id = inspected["Id"]
            self.host = network_settings["IPAddress"]
예제 #2
 def __init__(self):
     self._shell = LocalShell()
     # NOTE: we need to connect to the spark master using the correct ip
     # so we read it from /etc/hosts which reflects the eth0 interface
     self.external_ip = self._shell.run(["hostname", "-i"]).output
예제 #3
 def __init__(self):
     self._shell = LocalShell()
예제 #4
class LocalContext:

    def __init__(self):
        self._shell = LocalShell()
        # NOTE: we need to connect to the spark master using the correct ip
        # so we read it from /etc/hosts which reflects the eth0 interface
        self.external_ip = self._shell.run(["hostname", "-i"]).output

    def deploy_spark(self):
        with open(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "memsql-spark/build_receipt.json")) as f:
            data = json.loads(f.read())
            spark_version = data['version']

        self._shell.sudo(["tar", "czvf", "/tmp/memsql-spark.tar.gz", "-C", os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "memsql-spark"), "."], None)
        self._shell.sudo(["memsql-ops", "file-add", "-t", "spark", "/tmp/memsql-spark.tar.gz"], None)
        return self._shell.run(["memsql-ops", "spark-deploy", "--version", spark_version])

    def wait_for_interface(self, timeout=60):
        for i in range(timeout):

                resp = requests.get("http://%s:10009/ping" % self.external_ip)
                if resp.status_code == 200:
            except Exception:

        assert False, "Spark interface did not start in %d seconds" % timeout

    def kill_spark_interface(self):
        return self._shell.sudo(["pkill", "-f", "com.memsql.spark.interface.Main"], None)

    def deploy_memsql_cluster(self, num_aggs, num_leaves, port = 3306):
        print "Deploying MemSQL master to %d" % port
        self._shell.run(["memsql-ops", "memsql-deploy", "--community-edition", "--role", "master", "--port", str(port)])
        for i in range(num_leaves):
            port += 1
            print "Deploying MemSQL leaf to %d" % port
            self._shell.run(["memsql-ops", "memsql-deploy", "--community-edition", "--role", "leaf", "--port", str(port)])
        for i in range(num_aggs):
            port += 1
            print "Deploying MemSQL child agg to %d" % port
            self._shell.run(["memsql-ops", "memsql-deploy", "--community-edition", "--role", "aggregator", "--port", str(port)])

    def run_ops(self):
        print "Running MemSQL Ops"
        return self._shell.sudo(["memsql-ops", "start"], None)

    def stop_ops(self):
        print "Stopping MemSQL Ops"
        return self._shell.sudo(["memsql-ops", "stop"], None)

    def spark_submit(self, className, jar=MEMSQL_JAR_PATH, extra_args=[]):
        cmd = [
            os.path.join(SPARK_ROOT, "bin/spark-submit"),
            "--master", "spark://%s:10001" % self.external_ip,
            "--class", className,
            "--deploy-mode", "client",

        return self._shell.run(cmd + extra_args, allow_error=True)

    def pipeline_get(self, pipeline_id):
        print "Getting pipeline %s" % pipeline_id
        resp = requests.get(
            "http://%s:10009/pipeline/get" % self.external_ip,
            headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json" },
                "pipeline_id": pipeline_id,

        assert resp.status_code == 200, "pipeline get failed: %s" % resp.text
        return resp.json()

    def pipeline_put(self, pipeline_id, config, batch_interval):
        print "Submitting pipeline %s: %s %s" % (pipeline_id, config, batch_interval)
        resp = requests.post(
            "http://%s:10009/pipeline/put" % self.external_ip,
            headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json" },
                "pipeline_id": pipeline_id,
                "batch_interval": batch_interval

        assert resp.status_code == 200, "pipeline put failed: %s" % resp.text
        return resp.json()

    def pipeline_wait_for_batches(self, pipeline_id, count, timeout=60, since_timestamp=None):
        print "Waiting for %d batches from pipeline %s" % (count, pipeline_id)
        start = time.time()
        last_exception = None
        while time.time() < start + timeout:
                resp = requests.get(
                    "http://%s:10009/pipeline/metrics" % self.external_ip,
                    headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json" },
                        "pipeline_id": pipeline_id
                if resp.status_code == 200:
                    data = resp.json()
                    batches = filter(lambda x: x['event_type'] == 'BatchEnd', data)
                    if since_timestamp is not None:
                        # timestamp from metrics is in millseconds
                        batches = filter(lambda x: x['timestamp']/1000 >= since_timestamp, batches)

                    if len(batches) >= count:
                        return batches[-1]
            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
                # retry until timeout
                last_exception = e
            message = "waiting for pipeline %s to produce %d batches timed out after %s seconds" % (pipeline_id, count, timeout)
            if last_exception is not None:
                message = "%s: %s" % (message, str(last_exception))
            assert False, message

    def pipeline_update(self, pipeline_id, active, config=None, trace_batch_count=None):
        print "Updating pipeline %s: %s %s" % (pipeline_id, active, config)
        kwargs = {}
        if config is not None:
            kwargs['data'] = json.dumps(config)

        params = {
            "pipeline_id": pipeline_id,
            "active": active
        if trace_batch_count is not None:
            params["trace_batch_count"] = trace_batch_count

        resp = requests.patch(
            "http://%s:10009/pipeline/update" % self.external_ip,
            headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json" },

        assert resp.status_code == 200, "pipeline update failed: %s" % resp.text
        return resp.json()

    def get_hdfs_server(self):
            with open(os.path.join(self.ROOT_PATH, "memsql-spark-connector", "dockertest", "hdfs_server.txt"), "r") as f:
                return f.read().strip()
        except OSError:
            assert False, "Make sure that dockertest/hdfs_server.txt exists. It should contain a single line of the form 'hdfs://<hdfs server>:<hdfs port>'"
예제 #5
class LocalContext:

    def __init__(self):
        self._shell = LocalShell()

    def deploy_spark(self):
        with open(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "memsql-spark/build_receipt.json")) as f:
            data = json.loads(f.read())
            spark_version = data['version']

        self._shell.sudo(["tar", "czvf", "/tmp/memsql-spark.tar.gz", "-C", os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "memsql-spark"), "."], None)
        self._shell.sudo(["memsql-ops", "file-add", "-t", "spark", "/tmp/memsql-spark.tar.gz"], None)
        return self._shell.run(["memsql-ops", "spark-deploy", "--version", spark_version])

    def kill_spark_interface(self):
        return self._shell.sudo(["pkill", "-f", "com.memsql.spark.interface.Main"], None)

    def deploy_memsql_cluster(self, num_aggs, num_leaves, port = 3306):
        print "Deploying MemSQL master to %d" % port
        self._shell.run(["memsql-ops", "memsql-deploy", "--community-edition", "--role", "master", "--port", str(port)])
        for i in range(num_leaves):
            port += 1
            print "Deploying MemSQL leaf to %d" % port
            self._shell.run(["memsql-ops", "memsql-deploy", "--community-edition", "--role", "leaf", "--port", str(port)])
        for i in range(num_aggs):
            port += 1
            print "Deploying MemSQL child agg to %d" % port
            self._shell.run(["memsql-ops", "memsql-deploy", "--community-edition", "--role", "aggregator", "--port", str(port)])

    def run_ops(self):
        print "Running MemSQL Ops"
        return self._shell.sudo(["memsql-ops", "start"], None)

    def stop_ops(self):
        print "Stopping MemSQL Ops"
        return self._shell.sudo(["memsql-ops", "stop"], None)

    def run_zookeeper(self):
        print "Running zookeeper"
        return self._shell.run(["/storage/testroot/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh", "start"])

    def run_kafka(self, broker_id):
        print "Running kafka"
        return self._shell.spawn(["/storage/testroot/kafka/start.sh"], update_env={
            "EXPOSED_HOST": "",
            "ZOOKEEPER_IP": "",
            "BROKER_ID": str(broker_id)

    def spark_submit(self, className, jar=MEMSQL_JAR_PATH, extra_args=[]):
        # NOTE: we need to connect to the spark master using the correct ip
        # so we read it from /etc/hosts which reflects the eth0 interface
        external_ip = self._shell.run(["awk", "NR==1 {print $1}", "/etc/hosts"]).output
        cmd = [
            os.path.join(SPARK_ROOT, "bin/spark-submit"),
            "--master", "spark://%s:10001" % external_ip,
            "--class", className,
            "--deploy-mode", "client",

        return self._shell.run(cmd + extra_args, allow_error=True)