예제 #1
파일: rst.py 프로젝트: sjsrey/doconce
def rst_author(authors_and_institutions, auth2index, inst2index, index2inst,
    if option('rst_uio'):
        if authors_and_institutions:
            # Use first author and email
            responsible = authors_and_institutions[0][0]
            email = authors_and_institutions[0][2]
            text = """
.. uio-meta::
   :responsible-name: %s
""" % responsible
            if email:
                text += '   :responsible-email: %s\n\n' % email
            print '*** error: with --rst_uio there must be an AUTHOR:'
            print '    field with (at least) one author w/email who will be'
            print '    listed as the resposible under uio-meta::'
        authors = []
        for author, i, email in authors_and_institutions:
            if email:
                email = email.replace('@', ' at ')
                authors.append(author + ' (%s)' % email)

        text = ':Authors: ' + ', '.join(
            authors)  # (text is already r-stripped in typeset_authors)
        # we skip institutions in rst
    return text
예제 #2
파일: rst.py 프로젝트: KGHustad/doconce
def rst_author(authors_and_institutions, auth2index,
               inst2index, index2inst, auth2email):
    if option('rst_uio'):
        if authors_and_institutions:
            # Use first author and email
            responsible = authors_and_institutions[0][0]
            email = authors_and_institutions[0][2]
            text = """
.. uio-meta::
   :responsible-name: %s
""" % responsible
            if email:
                text += '   :responsible-email: %s\n\n' % email
            errwarn('*** error: with --rst_uio there must be an AUTHOR:')
            errwarn('    field with (at least) one author w/email who will be')
            errwarn('    listed as the resposible under uio-meta::')
        authors = []
        for author, i, email in authors_and_institutions:
            if email:
                email = email.replace('@', ' at ')
                authors.append(author + ' (%s)' % email)

        text = ':Authors: ' + ', '.join(authors)  # (text is already r-stripped in typeset_authors)
        # we skip institutions in rst
    return text
예제 #3
파일: rst.py 프로젝트: sjsrey/doconce
def rst_author(authors_and_institutions, auth2index, inst2index, index2inst, auth2email):
    if option("rst_uio"):
        if authors_and_institutions:
            # Use first author and email
            responsible = authors_and_institutions[0][0]
            email = authors_and_institutions[0][2]
            text = (
.. uio-meta::
   :responsible-name: %s
                % responsible
            if email:
                text += "   :responsible-email: %s\n\n" % email
            print "*** error: with --rst_uio there must be an AUTHOR:"
            print "    field with (at least) one author w/email who will be"
            print "    listed as the resposible under uio-meta::"
        authors = []
        for author, i, email in authors_and_institutions:
            if email:
                email = email.replace("@", " at ")
                authors.append(author + " (%s)" % email)

        text = ":Authors: " + ", ".join(authors)  # (text is already r-stripped in typeset_authors)
        # we skip institutions in rst
    return text
예제 #4
파일: rst.py 프로젝트: KGHustad/doconce
def rst_bib(filestr, citations, pubfile, pubdata, numbering=True):
    Replace doconce citations and bibliography with reST syntax.
    If numbering is True, the keys used in the bibliography are
    replaced by numbers (RefX). This will often look better.
    if not citations:
        return filestr

    filestr = cite_with_multiple_args2multiple_cites(filestr)
    if numbering:
        # Find max no of digits
        n = len(str(max(citations.values())))
        cite = '[Ref%%0%dd]' % n  # cannot have blanks in ref label
    for label in citations:
        if numbering:
            filestr = filestr.replace('cite{%s}' % label,
                                      cite % citations[label] + '_')
            filestr = filestr.replace('cite{%s}' % label, '[%s]_' % label)

    if pubfile is not None:
        # Could use rst format, but we stick to the common doconce format
        bibtext = bibliography(pubdata, citations, format='rst')
        if numbering:
            for label in citations:
                    bibtext = bibtext.replace(
                        '[%s]' % label, cite % citations[label])
                except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
                    if "can't decode byte" in str(e):
                            bibtext = bibtext.decode('utf-8').replace(
                                '[%s]' % label, cite % citations[label])
                        except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
                            errwarn('UnicodeDecodeError: ' + e)
                            errwarn('*** error: problems in %s' % pubfile)
                            errwarn('    with key ' + label)
                            errwarn('    tried to do decode("utf-8"), but it did not work')
                        errwarn('*** error: problems in %s' % pubfile)
                        errwarn('    with key ' + label)

        filestr = re.sub(r'^BIBFILE:.+$', bibtext, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    return filestr
예제 #5
def rst_bib(filestr, citations, pubfile, pubdata, numbering=True):
    Replace doconce citations and bibliography with reST syntax.
    If numbering is True, the keys used in the bibliography are
    replaced by numbers (RefX). This will often look better.
    if not citations:
        return filestr

    filestr = cite_with_multiple_args2multiple_cites(filestr)
    if numbering:
        # Find max no of digits
        n = len(str(max(citations.values())))
        cite = '[Ref%%0%dd]' % n  # cannot have blanks in ref label
    for label in citations:
        if numbering:
            filestr = filestr.replace('cite{%s}' % label,
                                      cite % citations[label] + '_')
            filestr = filestr.replace('cite{%s}' % label, '[%s]_' % label)

    if pubfile is not None:
        # Could use rst format, but we stick to the common doconce format
        bibtext = bibliography(pubdata, citations, format='rst')
        if numbering:
            for label in citations:
                    bibtext = bibtext.replace(
                        '[%s]' % label, cite % citations[label])
                except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
                    if "can't decode byte" in str(e):
                            bibtext = bibtext.decode('utf-8').replace(
                                '[%s]' % label, cite % citations[label])
                        except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
                            errwarn('UnicodeDecodeError: ' + e)
                            errwarn('*** error: problems in %s' % pubfile)
                            errwarn('    with key ' + label)
                            errwarn('    tried to do decode("utf-8"), but it did not work')
                        errwarn('*** error: problems in %s' % pubfile)
                        errwarn('    with key ' + label)

        filestr = re.sub(r'^BIBFILE:.+$', bibtext, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    return filestr
예제 #6
파일: rst.py 프로젝트: KGHustad/doconce
    # all arguments are dicts and accept in-place modifications (extensions)

    FILENAME_EXTENSION['rst'] = '.rst'
    BLANKLINE['rst'] = '\n'

    encoding = 'utf-8'  # 'latin-1'

    INLINE_TAGS_SUBST['rst'] = {
        'math':      r'\g<begin>\g<subst>\g<end>',
        'math2':     r'\g<begin>\g<puretext>\g<end>',
        # math and math2 are redefined below if --rst_mathjax
        #'math':      r'\g<begin>:math:`\g<subst>`\g<end>',  # sphinx
        #'math2':     r'\g<begin>:math:`\g<latexmath>`\g<end>',
        'emphasize': None,  # => just use doconce markup (*emphasized words*)
        'bold':      r'\g<begin>**\g<subst>**\g<end>',
        'verbatim':  r'\g<begin>``\g<subst>``\g<end>',
        'label':     r'\g<subst>',  # should be improved, rst has cross ref
        'reference': r'\g<subst>',
        #colortext cannot employ pure HTML code. Recipe: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4669689/how-to-use-color-in-text-with-restructured-text-rst2html-py-or-how-to-insert-h (this is too comprehensive). Use bold instead.
        #'colortext': r'<font color="\g<color>">\g<text></font>',
        'colortext': r'**\g<text>**',
        # Use anonymous hyperlink references to avoid warnings if the link
        # name appears twice
        #'linkURL':   r'\g<begin>`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__\g<end>',
        #'linkURL':   r'\g<begin>`\g<link>`_\g<end>' + '\n\n.. ' + r'__\g<link>: \g<url>' + '\n\n',  # better (?): make function instead that stacks up the URLs and dumps them at the end; can be used for citations as well
        'linkURL2':  r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__',
        'linkURL3':  r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__',
        'linkURL2v': r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__', # no verbatim, does not work well
        'linkURL3v': r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__', # same
        'plainURL':  r'`<\g<url>>`_',
        'inlinecomment': r'color{red}{(**\g<name>**: \g<comment>})',
        # the replacement string differs, depending on the match object m:
        # (note len(m.group('subst')) gives wrong length for latin-1 strings,
        # seems to work for utf-8, if problems: replace lambda function
        # with an ordinary function where you can debug and test!
        #'chapter':       lambda m: '%s\n%s' % (m.group('subst'), '%'*len(m.group('subst').decode(encoding))),
        'chapter':       lambda m: '%s\n%s' % (m.group('subst'), '%'*len(m.group('subst'))),
        'section':       lambda m: '%s\n%s' % (m.group('subst'), '='*len(m.group('subst'))),
        'subsection':    lambda m: '%s\n%s' % (m.group('subst'), '-'*len(m.group('subst'))),
        'subsubsection': lambda m: '%s\n%s\n' % (m.group('subst'), '~'*len(m.group('subst'))),
        'paragraph':     r'**\g<subst>**\n',  # extra newline
        'abstract':      rst_abstract,
        #'title':         r'======= \g<subst> =======\n',  # doconce top section, must be the highest section level (but no higher than others, need more code)
        'title':         None, # taken care of in ref_and_label_commoncode
        'date':          r':Date: \g<subst>\n',
        'author':        rst_author,
        'figure':        rst_figure,
        'movie':         rst_movie,
        #'comment':       '.. %s',  # rst does not like empty comment lines:
        # so therefore we introduce a function to remove empty comment lines
        # (we insert an extra blank first to be safe)
        'comment':       lambda c: '' if c.isspace() or c == '' else '\n.. %s\n' % c,
        #'linebreak':     r'| \g<text>',  # does not work: interfers with tables and requires a final blank line after block
        'linebreak':     r'<linebreakpipe> \g<text>',  # fixed in rst_code/sphinx_code as a hack
        'footnote':      rst_footnotes,
        'non-breaking-space': ' |nbsp| ',
        'horizontal-rule': '---------',
        'ampersand2':    r' \g<1>&\g<2>',
    if option('rst_mathjax'):
        # rst2html conversion requires four backslashes here for one of them
        # to survive
        INLINE_TAGS_SUBST['rst']['math'] = r'\g<begin>\\\\( \g<subst> \\\\)\g<end>'
        INLINE_TAGS_SUBST['rst']['math2'] = r'\g<begin>\\\\( \g<latexmath> \\\\)\g<end>'

    ENVIRS['rst'] = {
        'quote':         rst_quote,
        'warning':       rst_warning,
        'question':      rst_question,
        'notice':        rst_notice,
        'summary':       rst_summary,
        'block':         rst_block,
        'box':           rst_box,

    CODE['rst'] = rst_code  # function for typesetting code

    LIST['rst'] = {
        {'begin': '', 'item': '*', 'end': '\n'},
        # lists must end with a blank line - we insert one extra,

        {'begin': '', 'item': '%d.', 'end': '\n'},

        {'begin': '', 'item': '%s', 'end': '\n'},

        'separator': '\n',
    from common import DEFAULT_ARGLIST
    FIGURE_EXT['rst'] = {
        'search': ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.pdf', '.eps', '.ps'),
        'convert': ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg')}
    CROSS_REFS['rst'] = rst_ref_and_label
    INDEX_BIB['rst'] = rst_index_bib

    TABLE['rst'] = rst_table
    EXERCISE['rst'] = plain_exercise
    TOC['rst'] = lambda s: '.. contents:: Table of Contents\n   :depth: 2'
    QUIZ['rst'] = rst_quiz
    INTRO['rst'] = """\
.. Automatically generated reStructuredText file from DocOnce source

    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11830242/non-breaking-space
    from common import INLINE_TAGS
    if re.search(INLINE_TAGS['non-breaking-space'], filestr):
        nbsp = """
.. |nbsp| unicode:: 0xA0

        if 'TITLE:' not in filestr:
            import common
            if common.format in ('rst', 'sphinx'):
                errwarn('*** error: non-breaking space character ~ is used,')
                errwarn('    but this will give an error when the document does')
                errwarn('    not have a title.')
            INTRO['rst'] += nbsp
예제 #7
파일: rst.py 프로젝트: KGHustad/doconce
def ref_and_label_commoncode(section_label2title, format, filestr):
    filestr = fix_ref_section_chapter(filestr, format)

    # Deal with the problem of identical titles, which makes problem
    # with non-unique links in reST: add a counter to the title
    debugtext = ''
    section_pattern = r'^\s*(={3,9})(.+?)(={3,9})(\s*label\{(.+?)\})?'
    all_sections = re.findall(section_pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    # First count the no of titles with the same wording
    titles = {}
    max_heading = 1  # track the top heading level for correct TITLE typesetting
    for heading, title, dummy2, dummy3, label in all_sections:
        entry = None if label == '' else label
        if title in titles:
            titles[title] = [entry]
        max_heading = max(max_heading, len(heading))

    # Typeset TITLE so that it gets the highest+1 (but no higher) section sevel
    max_heading += 2  # one level up (2 =)
    max_heading = min(max_heading, 9)
    pattern = r'^TITLE:\s*(.+)$'
    if format == 'sphinx':
        # Title cannot be more than 63 chars...
        m = re.search(pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        if m:
            title = m.group(1).strip()
            if len(title) > 63:
                errwarn('*** error: sphinx title cannot be longer than 63 characters')
                errwarn('    current title: "%s" (%d characters)' % (title, len(title)))
    filestr = re.sub(pattern, '.. Document title:\n\n%s \g<1> %s\n' %
                     ('='*max_heading, '='*max_heading),
                     filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    # Make new titles
    title_counter = {}   # count repeated titles (need to append counter to make unique links)
    sections = []
    for heading, title, dummy2, dummy3, label in all_sections:
        label = None if label == '' else label
        if len(titles[title]) > 1:
            if title in title_counter:
                title_counter[title] += 1
                title_counter[title] = 1
            # Add much whitespace so we can recognize the titles after
            # formats are compiled and remove the number
            new_title = title + '         (%d) ' % title_counter[title]
            sections.append((heading, new_title, label, title))
            if label in section_label2title:
                section_label2title[label] = new_title
            sections.append((heading, title, label, title))
    # Make replacements
    for heading, title, label, old_title in sections:
        if title != old_title:
            debugtext += '\nchanged title: %s -> %s\n' % (old_title, title)
        # Avoid trouble with \t, \n in replacement
        title = title.replace('\\', '\\\\')
        # The substitution depends on whether we have a label or not
        if label is not None:
            title_pattern = r'%s\s*%s\s*%s\s*label\{%s\}' % (heading, re.escape(old_title), heading, label)
            # title may contain ? () etc., that's why we take re.escape
            replacement = '.. _%s:\n\n' % label + r'%s %s %s' % \
                          (heading, title, heading)
            title_pattern = r'%s\s*%s\s*%s' % (heading, re.escape(old_title), heading)
            replacement = r'%s %s %s' % (heading, title, heading)
        filestr, n = re.subn(title_pattern, replacement, filestr, count=1)
        if n > 1:
            raise ValueError('Replaced more than one title. BUG!')

    # remove label{...} from output
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^label\{.+?\}\s*$', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    cpattern = re.compile(r'^label\{[^}]+?\}\s*$', flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = cpattern.sub('', filestr)
    filestr = re.sub(r'label\{[^}]+?\}', '', filestr)  # all the remaining

    import doconce

    return filestr
예제 #8
파일: rst.py 프로젝트: KGHustad/doconce
def rst_code(filestr, code_blocks, code_block_types,
             tex_blocks, format):
    # In rst syntax, code blocks are typeset with :: (verbatim)
    # followed by intended blocks. This function indents everything
    # inside code (or TeX) blocks.

    for i in range(len(code_blocks)):
        code_blocks[i] = indent_lines(code_blocks[i], format)
    for i in range(len(tex_blocks)):
        tex_blocks[i] = indent_lines(tex_blocks[i], format)

    # Fix labels
    if option('rst_mathjax'):
        for i in range(len(tex_blocks)):
            tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(' label{', ' \\label{')

    filestr = insert_code_and_tex(filestr, code_blocks, tex_blocks, 'rst')

    # substitute !bc and !ec appropriately:
    # the line before the !bc block must end in [a-zA-z0-9)"...]
    # followed by [\n:.?!,] see the bc_regex_pattern global variable above
    # (problems with substituting !bc and !bt may be caused by
    # missing characters in these two families)
    filestr = re.sub(bc_regex_pattern, r'\g<1>::\n\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
    # Need a fix for :: appended to special comment lines (---:: -> ---\nCode::)
    filestr = re.sub(r' ---::\n\n', ' ---\nCode::\n\n', filestr)
    filestr = re.sub(r'^!ec\n', '\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^!ec\n', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    #c = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z0-9)"])[:.]?\s*?!bt\n', re.DOTALL)
    #filestr = c.sub(r'\g<1>:\n\n', filestr)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^!bt\n', '.. latex-math::\n\n', filestr, re.MULTILINE)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^!bt\n', '.. latex::\n\n', filestr, re.MULTILINE)

    if option('rst_mathjax') and (re.search(r'^!bt', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE) or re.search(r'\\\( .+ \\\)', filestr)):
        # First add MathJax script in the very beginning of the file
        from html import mathjax_header
        latex = indent_lines(mathjax_header(filestr).lstrip(), 'rst')
        filestr = '\n.. raw:: html\n\n' + latex + '\n\n' + filestr
        # Replace all the !bt parts by raw html directive (make sure
        # the coming block is sufficiently indented, we used 8 chars above)[[[
        filestr = re.sub(bt_regex_pattern, r'\g<1>\n\n.. raw:: html\n\n        $$', filestr,
        filestr = re.sub(r'^!et *\n', '        $$\n\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        # Remove inner \[..\] from equations $$ \[ ... \] $$
        filestr = re.sub(r'\$\$\s*\\\[', '$$', filestr)
        filestr = re.sub(r'\\\]\s*\$\$', '$$', filestr)
        # Equation references (ref{...}) must be \eqref{...} in MathJax
        # (note: this affects also (ref{...}) syntax in verbatim blocks...)
        filestr = re.sub(r'\(ref\{(.+?)\}\)', r'\eqref{\g<1>}', filestr)
        # just use the same substitution for tex blocks as for code blocks:
        filestr = re.sub(bt_regex_pattern, r'\g<1>::\n', filestr,
        #filestr = re.sub(r'^!et *\n', '\n\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        filestr = re.sub(r'^!et *\n', '\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    # Fix: if there are !bc-!ec or other environments after each
    # other without text in between, there is a difficulty with the
    # :: symbol before the code block. In these cases, we get
    # !ec::, !et::, !bbox:: etc. from the above substitutions.
    # We just replace these by empty text.
    filestr = re.sub(r'^(!(b|e)[a-z]+)::', r'\g<1>', filestr,

    # Check
    for pattern in '^!bt', '^!et':
        c = re.compile(pattern, re.MULTILINE)
        m = c.search(filestr)
        if m:
Still %s left after handling of code and tex blocks. Problem is probably
that %s is not preceded by text which can be extended with :: (required).
""" % (pattern, pattern))

    # Final fixes

    filestr = fix_underlines_in_headings(filestr)
    # Ensure blank line before and after comments
    filestr = re.sub(r'([.:;?!])\n^\.\. ', r'\g<1>\n\n.. ',
                     filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = re.sub(r'(^\.\. .+)\n([^ \n]+)', r'\g<1>\n\n\g<2>',
                     filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    # Line breaks interfer with tables and needs a final blank line too
    lines = filestr.splitlines()
    inside_block = False
    for i in range(len(lines)):
        if lines[i].startswith('<linebreakpipe>') and not inside_block:
            inside_block = True
            lines[i] = lines[i].replace('<linebreakpipe> ', '') + '\n'
        if lines[i].startswith('<linebreakpipe>') and inside_block:
            lines[i] = '|' + lines[i].replace('<linebreakpipe>', '')
        if inside_block and not lines[i].startswith('<linebreakpipe>'):
            inside_block = False
            lines[i] = '| ' + lines[i] + '\n'
    filestr = '\n'.join(lines)

    # Remove too much vertical space
    filestr = re.sub(r'\n\n\n+', '\n\n', filestr)

    return filestr
예제 #9
파일: rst.py 프로젝트: sjsrey/doconce
def define(
    # all arguments are dicts and accept in-place modifications (extensions)

    FILENAME_EXTENSION["rst"] = ".rst"
    BLANKLINE["rst"] = "\n"

    encoding = "utf-8"  # 'latin-1'

    INLINE_TAGS_SUBST["rst"] = {
        "math": r"\g<begin>\g<subst>\g<end>",
        "math2": r"\g<begin>\g<puretext>\g<end>",
        # math and math2 are redefined below if --rst_mathjax
        #'math':      r'\g<begin>:math:`\g<subst>`\g<end>',  # sphinx
        #'math2':     r'\g<begin>:math:`\g<latexmath>`\g<end>',
        "emphasize": None,  # => just use doconce markup (*emphasized words*)
        "bold": r"\g<begin>**\g<subst>**\g<end>",
        "verbatim": r"\g<begin>``\g<subst>``\g<end>",
        "label": r"\g<subst>",  # should be improved, rst has cross ref
        "reference": r"\g<subst>",
        # colortext cannot employ pure HTML code. Recipe: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4669689/how-to-use-color-in-text-with-restructured-text-rst2html-py-or-how-to-insert-h (this is too comprehensive). Use bold instead.
        #'colortext': r'<font color="\g<color>">\g<text></font>',
        "colortext": r"**\g<text>**",
        # Use anonymous hyperlink references to avoid warnings if the link
        # name appears twice
        #'linkURL':   r'\g<begin>`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__\g<end>',
        #'linkURL':   r'\g<begin>`\g<link>`_\g<end>' + '\n\n.. ' + r'__\g<link>: \g<url>' + '\n\n',  # better (?): make function instead that stacks up the URLs and dumps them at the end; can be used for citations as well
        "linkURL2": r"`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__",
        "linkURL3": r"`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__",
        "linkURL2v": r"`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__",  # no verbatim, does not work well
        "linkURL3v": r"`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__",  # same
        "plainURL": r"`<\g<url>>`_",
        "inlinecomment": r"color{red}{(**\g<name>**: \g<comment>})",
        # the replacement string differs, depending on the match object m:
        # (note len(m.group('subst')) gives wrong length for latin-1 strings,
        # seems to work for utf-8, if problems: replace lambda function
        # with an ordinary function where you can debug and test!
        #'chapter':       lambda m: '%s\n%s' % (m.group('subst'), '%'*len(m.group('subst').decode(encoding))),
        "chapter": lambda m: "%s\n%s" % (m.group("subst"), "%" * len(m.group("subst"))),
        "section": lambda m: "%s\n%s" % (m.group("subst"), "=" * len(m.group("subst"))),
        "subsection": lambda m: "%s\n%s" % (m.group("subst"), "-" * len(m.group("subst"))),
        "subsubsection": lambda m: "%s\n%s\n" % (m.group("subst"), "~" * len(m.group("subst"))),
        "paragraph": r"**\g<subst>**\n",  # extra newline
        "abstract": rst_abstract,
        #'title':         r'======= \g<subst> =======\n',  # doconce top section, must be the highest section level (but no higher than others, need more code)
        "title": None,  # taken care of in ref_and_label_commoncode
        "date": r":Date: \g<subst>\n",
        "author": rst_author,
        "figure": rst_figure,
        "movie": rst_movie,
        #'comment':       '.. %s',  # rst does not like empty comment lines:
        # so therefore we introduce a function to remove empty comment lines
        # (we insert an extra blank first to be safe)
        "comment": lambda c: "" if c.isspace() or c == "" else "\n.. %s\n" % c,
        #'linebreak':     r'| \g<text>',  # does not work: interfers with tables and requires a final blank line after block
        "linebreak": r"<linebreakpipe> \g<text>",  # fixed in rst_code/sphinx_code as a hack
        "footnote": rst_footnotes,
        "non-breaking-space": " |nbsp| ",
        "horizontal-rule": "---------",
        "ampersand2": r" \g<1>&\g<2>",
    if option("rst_mathjax"):
        # rst2html conversion requires four backslashes here for one of them
        # to survive
        INLINE_TAGS_SUBST["rst"]["math"] = r"\g<begin>\\\\( \g<subst> \\\\)\g<end>"
        INLINE_TAGS_SUBST["rst"]["math2"] = r"\g<begin>\\\\( \g<latexmath> \\\\)\g<end>"

    ENVIRS["rst"] = {
        "quote": rst_quote,
        "warning": rst_warning,
        "question": rst_question,
        "notice": rst_notice,
        "summary": rst_summary,
        "block": rst_block,
        "box": rst_box,

    CODE["rst"] = rst_code  # function for typesetting code

    LIST["rst"] = {
        "itemize": {"begin": "", "item": "*", "end": "\n"},
        # lists must end with a blank line - we insert one extra,
        "enumerate": {"begin": "", "item": "%d.", "end": "\n"},
        "description": {"begin": "", "item": "%s", "end": "\n"},
        "separator": "\n",
    from common import DEFAULT_ARGLIST

    FIGURE_EXT["rst"] = {
        "search": (".png", ".gif", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".pdf", ".eps", ".ps"),
        "convert": (".png", ".gif", ".jpg"),
    CROSS_REFS["rst"] = rst_ref_and_label
    INDEX_BIB["rst"] = rst_index_bib

    TABLE["rst"] = rst_table
    EXERCISE["rst"] = plain_exercise
    TOC["rst"] = lambda s: ".. contents:: Table of Contents\n   :depth: 2"
    QUIZ["rst"] = rst_quiz
    ] = """\
.. Automatically generated reStructuredText file from DocOnce source

    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11830242/non-breaking-space
    from common import INLINE_TAGS

    if re.search(INLINE_TAGS["non-breaking-space"], filestr):
        nbsp = """
.. |nbsp| unicode:: 0xA0

        if "TITLE:" not in filestr:
            import common

            if common.format in ("rst", "sphinx"):
                print "*** error: non-breaking space character ~ is used,"
                print "    but this will give an error when the document does"
                print "    not have a title."
            INTRO["rst"] += nbsp
예제 #10
파일: rst.py 프로젝트: sjsrey/doconce
def ref_and_label_commoncode(section_label2title, format, filestr):
    # .... see section ref{my:sec} is replaced by
    # see the section "...section heading..."
    pattern = r"[Ss]ection(s?)\s+ref\{"
    replacement = r"the section\g<1> ref{"
    filestr = re.sub(pattern, replacement, filestr)
    pattern = r"[Cc]hapter(s?)\s+ref\{"
    replacement = r"the chapter\g<1> ref{"
    filestr = re.sub(pattern, replacement, filestr)

    # Need special adjustment to handle start of sentence (capital) or not.
    pattern = r"([.?!]\s+|\n\n|[%=~-]\n+)the (sections?|chapters?)\s+ref"
    replacement = r"\g<1>The \g<2> ref"
    filestr = re.sub(pattern, replacement, filestr)

    # Remove Exercise, Project, Problem in references since those words
    # are used in the title of the section too
    pattern = r"(the\s*)?([Ee]xercises?|[Pp]rojects?|[Pp]roblems?)\s+ref\{"
    replacement = r"ref{"
    filestr = re.sub(pattern, replacement, filestr)

    # Deal with the problem of identical titles, which makes problem
    # with non-unique links in reST: add a counter to the title
    debugtext = ""
    section_pattern = r"^\s*(={3,9})(.+?)(={3,9})(\s*label\{(.+?)\})?"
    all_sections = re.findall(section_pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    # First count the no of titles with the same wording
    titles = {}
    max_heading = 1  # track the top heading level for correct TITLE typesetting
    for heading, title, dummy2, dummy3, label in all_sections:
        entry = None if label == "" else label
        if title in titles:
            titles[title] = [entry]
        max_heading = max(max_heading, len(heading))

    # Typeset TITLE so that it gets the highest+1 (but no higher) section sevel
    max_heading += 2  # one level up (2 =)
    max_heading = min(max_heading, 9)
    pattern = r"^TITLE:\s*(.+)$"
    if format == "sphinx":
        # Title cannot be more than 63 chars...
        m = re.search(pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        if m:
            title = m.group(1).strip()
            if len(title) > 63:
                print "*** error: sphinx title cannot be longer than 63 characters"
                print '    current title: "%s" (%d characters)' % (title, len(title))
    filestr = re.sub(
        ".. Document title:\n\n%s \g<1> %s\n" % ("=" * max_heading, "=" * max_heading),
    # Make new titles
    title_counter = {}  # count repeated titles
    sections = []
    for heading, title, dummy2, dummy3, label in all_sections:
        label = None if label == "" else label
        if len(titles[title]) > 1:
            if title in title_counter:
                title_counter[title] += 1
                title_counter[title] = 1
            new_title = title + " (%d) " % title_counter[title]
            sections.append((heading, new_title, label, title))
            if label in section_label2title:
                section_label2title[label] = new_title
            sections.append((heading, title, label, title))
    # Make replacements
    for heading, title, label, old_title in sections:
        if title != old_title:
            debugtext += "\nchanged title: %s -> %s\n" % (old_title, title)
        # Avoid trouble with \t, \n in replacement
        title = title.replace("\\", "\\\\")
        # The substitution depends on whether we have a label or not
        if label is not None:
            title_pattern = r"%s\s*%s\s*%s\s*label\{%s\}" % (heading, re.escape(old_title), heading, label)
            # title may contain ? () etc., that's why we take re.escape
            replacement = ".. _%s:\n\n" % label + r"%s %s %s" % (heading, title, heading)
            title_pattern = r"%s\s*%s\s*%s" % (heading, re.escape(old_title), heading)
            replacement = r"%s %s %s" % (heading, title, heading)
        filestr, n = re.subn(title_pattern, replacement, filestr, count=1)
        if n > 1:
            raise ValueError("Replaced more than one title. BUG!")

    # remove label{...} from output
    # filestr = re.sub(r'^label\{.+?\}\s*$', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    cpattern = re.compile(r"^label\{[^}]+?\}\s*$", flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = cpattern.sub("", filestr)
    filestr = re.sub(r"label\{[^}]+?\}", "", filestr)  # all the remaining

    import doconce


    return filestr
예제 #11
파일: rst.py 프로젝트: sjsrey/doconce
           ENVIRS, QUIZ, INTRO, OUTRO, filestr):
    # all arguments are dicts and accept in-place modifications (extensions)

    FILENAME_EXTENSION['rst'] = '.rst'
    BLANKLINE['rst'] = '\n'

    encoding = 'utf-8'  # 'latin-1'

    INLINE_TAGS_SUBST['rst'] = {
        # math and math2 are redefined below if --rst_mathjax
        #'math':      r'\g<begin>:math:`\g<subst>`\g<end>',  # sphinx
        #'math2':     r'\g<begin>:math:`\g<latexmath>`\g<end>',
        None,  # => just use doconce markup (*emphasized words*)
        r'\g<subst>',  # should be improved, rst has cross ref
        #colortext cannot employ pure HTML code. Recipe: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4669689/how-to-use-color-in-text-with-restructured-text-rst2html-py-or-how-to-insert-h (this is too comprehensive). Use bold instead.
        #'colortext': r'<font color="\g<color>">\g<text></font>',
        # Use anonymous hyperlink references to avoid warnings if the link
        # name appears twice
        #'linkURL':   r'\g<begin>`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__\g<end>',
        #'linkURL':   r'\g<begin>`\g<link>`_\g<end>' + '\n\n.. ' + r'__\g<link>: \g<url>' + '\n\n',  # better (?): make function instead that stacks up the URLs and dumps them at the end; can be used for citations as well
        r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__',
        r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__',
        r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__',  # no verbatim, does not work well
        r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__',  # same
        r'color{red}{(**\g<name>**: \g<comment>})',
        # the replacement string differs, depending on the match object m:
        # (note len(m.group('subst')) gives wrong length for latin-1 strings,
        # seems to work for utf-8, if problems: replace lambda function
        # with an ordinary function where you can debug and test!
        #'chapter':       lambda m: '%s\n%s' % (m.group('subst'), '%'*len(m.group('subst').decode(encoding))),
        lambda m: '%s\n%s' % (m.group('subst'), '%' * len(m.group('subst'))),
        lambda m: '%s\n%s' % (m.group('subst'), '=' * len(m.group('subst'))),
        lambda m: '%s\n%s' % (m.group('subst'), '-' * len(m.group('subst'))),
        lambda m: '%s\n%s\n' % (m.group('subst'), '~' * len(m.group('subst'))),
        r'**\g<subst>**\n',  # extra newline
        #'title':         r'======= \g<subst> =======\n',  # doconce top section, must be the highest section level (but no higher than others, need more code)
        None,  # taken care of in ref_and_label_commoncode
        r':Date: \g<subst>\n',
        #'comment':       '.. %s',  # rst does not like empty comment lines:
        # so therefore we introduce a function to remove empty comment lines
        # (we insert an extra blank first to be safe)
        lambda c: '' if c.isspace() or c == '' else '\n.. %s\n' % c,
        #'linebreak':     r'| \g<text>',  # does not work: interfers with tables and requires a final blank line after block
        r'<linebreakpipe> \g<text>',  # fixed in rst_code/sphinx_code as a hack
        ' |nbsp| ',
        r' \g<1>&\g<2>',
    if option('rst_mathjax'):
        # rst2html conversion requires four backslashes here for one of them
        # to survive
            'math'] = r'\g<begin>\\\\( \g<subst> \\\\)\g<end>'
            'math2'] = r'\g<begin>\\\\( \g<latexmath> \\\\)\g<end>'

    ENVIRS['rst'] = {
        'quote': rst_quote,
        'warning': rst_warning,
        'question': rst_question,
        'notice': rst_notice,
        'summary': rst_summary,
        'block': rst_block,
        'box': rst_box,

    CODE['rst'] = rst_code  # function for typesetting code

    LIST['rst'] = {
        'itemize': {
            'begin': '',
            'item': '*',
            'end': '\n'
        # lists must end with a blank line - we insert one extra,
        'enumerate': {
            'begin': '',
            'item': '%d.',
            'end': '\n'
        'description': {
            'begin': '',
            'item': '%s',
            'end': '\n'
        'separator': '\n',
    from common import DEFAULT_ARGLIST
    FIGURE_EXT['rst'] = {
        'search': ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.pdf', '.eps', '.ps'),
        'convert': ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg')
    CROSS_REFS['rst'] = rst_ref_and_label
    INDEX_BIB['rst'] = rst_index_bib

    TABLE['rst'] = rst_table
    EXERCISE['rst'] = plain_exercise
    TOC['rst'] = lambda s: '.. contents:: Table of Contents\n   :depth: 2'
    QUIZ['rst'] = rst_quiz
    INTRO['rst'] = """\
.. Automatically generated reStructuredText file from DocOnce source

    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11830242/non-breaking-space
    from common import INLINE_TAGS
    if re.search(INLINE_TAGS['non-breaking-space'], filestr):
        nbsp = """
.. |nbsp| unicode:: 0xA0

        if 'TITLE:' not in filestr:
            import common
            if common.format in ('rst', 'sphinx'):
                print '*** error: non-breaking space character ~ is used,'
                print '    but this will give an error when the document does'
                print '    not have a title.'
            INTRO['rst'] += nbsp
예제 #12
파일: rst.py 프로젝트: sjsrey/doconce
def ref_and_label_commoncode(section_label2title, format, filestr):
    # .... see section ref{my:sec} is replaced by
    # see the section "...section heading..."
    pattern = r'[Ss]ection(s?)\s+ref\{'
    replacement = r'the section\g<1> ref{'
    filestr = re.sub(pattern, replacement, filestr)
    pattern = r'[Cc]hapter(s?)\s+ref\{'
    replacement = r'the chapter\g<1> ref{'
    filestr = re.sub(pattern, replacement, filestr)

    # Need special adjustment to handle start of sentence (capital) or not.
    pattern = r'([.?!]\s+|\n\n|[%=~-]\n+)the (sections?|chapters?)\s+ref'
    replacement = r'\g<1>The \g<2> ref'
    filestr = re.sub(pattern, replacement, filestr)

    # Remove Exercise, Project, Problem in references since those words
    # are used in the title of the section too
    pattern = r'(the\s*)?([Ee]xercises?|[Pp]rojects?|[Pp]roblems?)\s+ref\{'
    replacement = r'ref{'
    filestr = re.sub(pattern, replacement, filestr)

    # Deal with the problem of identical titles, which makes problem
    # with non-unique links in reST: add a counter to the title
    debugtext = ''
    section_pattern = r'^\s*(={3,9})(.+?)(={3,9})(\s*label\{(.+?)\})?'
    all_sections = re.findall(section_pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    # First count the no of titles with the same wording
    titles = {}
    max_heading = 1  # track the top heading level for correct TITLE typesetting
    for heading, title, dummy2, dummy3, label in all_sections:
        entry = None if label == '' else label
        if title in titles:
            titles[title] = [entry]
        max_heading = max(max_heading, len(heading))

    # Typeset TITLE so that it gets the highest+1 (but no higher) section sevel
    max_heading += 2  # one level up (2 =)
    max_heading = min(max_heading, 9)
    pattern = r'^TITLE:\s*(.+)$'
    if format == 'sphinx':
        # Title cannot be more than 63 chars...
        m = re.search(pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        if m:
            title = m.group(1).strip()
            if len(title) > 63:
                print '*** error: sphinx title cannot be longer than 63 characters'
                print '    current title: "%s" (%d characters)' % (title,
    filestr = re.sub(pattern,
                     '.. Document title:\n\n%s \g<1> %s\n' %
                     ('=' * max_heading, '=' * max_heading),
    # Make new titles
    title_counter = {}  # count repeated titles
    sections = []
    for heading, title, dummy2, dummy3, label in all_sections:
        label = None if label == '' else label
        if len(titles[title]) > 1:
            if title in title_counter:
                title_counter[title] += 1
                title_counter[title] = 1
            new_title = title + ' (%d) ' % title_counter[title]
            sections.append((heading, new_title, label, title))
            if label in section_label2title:
                section_label2title[label] = new_title
            sections.append((heading, title, label, title))
    # Make replacements
    for heading, title, label, old_title in sections:
        if title != old_title:
            debugtext += '\nchanged title: %s -> %s\n' % (old_title, title)
        # Avoid trouble with \t, \n in replacement
        title = title.replace('\\', '\\\\')
        # The substitution depends on whether we have a label or not
        if label is not None:
            title_pattern = r'%s\s*%s\s*%s\s*label\{%s\}' % (
                heading, re.escape(old_title), heading, label)
            # title may contain ? () etc., that's why we take re.escape
            replacement = '.. _%s:\n\n' % label + r'%s %s %s' % \
                          (heading, title, heading)
            title_pattern = r'%s\s*%s\s*%s' % (heading, re.escape(old_title),
            replacement = r'%s %s %s' % (heading, title, heading)
        filestr, n = re.subn(title_pattern, replacement, filestr, count=1)
        if n > 1:
            raise ValueError('Replaced more than one title. BUG!')

    # remove label{...} from output
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^label\{.+?\}\s*$', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    cpattern = re.compile(r'^label\{[^}]+?\}\s*$', flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = cpattern.sub('', filestr)
    filestr = re.sub(r'label\{[^}]+?\}', '', filestr)  # all the remaining

    import doconce

    return filestr
예제 #13
파일: rst.py 프로젝트: sjsrey/doconce
def rst_code(filestr, code_blocks, code_block_types, tex_blocks, format):
    # In rst syntax, code blocks are typeset with :: (verbatim)
    # followed by intended blocks. This function indents everything
    # inside code (or TeX) blocks.

    for i in range(len(code_blocks)):
        code_blocks[i] = indent_lines(code_blocks[i], format)
    for i in range(len(tex_blocks)):
        tex_blocks[i] = indent_lines(tex_blocks[i], format)

    # Fix labels
    if option('rst_mathjax'):
        for i in range(len(tex_blocks)):
            tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(' label{', ' \\label{')

    filestr = insert_code_and_tex(filestr, code_blocks, tex_blocks, 'rst')

    # substitute !bc and !ec appropriately:
    # the line before the !bc block must end in [a-zA-z0-9)"...]
    # followed by [\n:.?!,] see the bc_regex_pattern global variable above
    # (problems with substituting !bc and !bt may be caused by
    # missing characters in these two families)
    filestr = re.sub(bc_regex_pattern,
                     flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
    # Need a fix for :: appended to special comment lines (---:: -> ---\nCode::)
    filestr = re.sub(r' ---::\n\n', ' ---\nCode::\n\n', filestr)
    filestr = re.sub(r'^!ec\n', '\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^!ec\n', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    #c = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z0-9)"])[:.]?\s*?!bt\n', re.DOTALL)
    #filestr = c.sub(r'\g<1>:\n\n', filestr)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^!bt\n', '.. latex-math::\n\n', filestr, re.MULTILINE)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^!bt\n', '.. latex::\n\n', filestr, re.MULTILINE)

    if option('rst_mathjax') and (re.search(
            r'^!bt', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
                                  or re.search(r'\\\( .+ \\\)', filestr)):
        # First add MathJax script in the very beginning of the file
        from html import mathjax_header
        latex = indent_lines(mathjax_header(filestr).lstrip(), 'rst')
        filestr = '\n.. raw:: html\n\n' + latex + '\n\n' + filestr
        # Replace all the !bt parts by raw html directive (make sure
        # the coming block is sufficiently indented, we used 8 chars above)[[[
        filestr = re.sub(bt_regex_pattern,
                         r'\g<1>\n\n.. raw:: html\n\n        $$',
        filestr = re.sub(r'^!et *\n',
                         '        $$\n\n',
        # Remove inner \[..\] from equations $$ \[ ... \] $$
        filestr = re.sub(r'\$\$\s*\\\[', '$$', filestr)
        filestr = re.sub(r'\\\]\s*\$\$', '$$', filestr)
        # Equation references (ref{...}) must be \eqref{...} in MathJax
        # (note: this affects also (ref{...}) syntax in verbatim blocks...)
        filestr = re.sub(r'\(ref\{(.+?)\}\)', r'\eqref{\g<1>}', filestr)
        # just use the same substitution for tex blocks as for code blocks:
        filestr = re.sub(bt_regex_pattern,
        #filestr = re.sub(r'^!et *\n', '\n\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        filestr = re.sub(r'^!et *\n', '\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    # Fix: if there are !bc-!ec or other environments after each
    # other without text in between, there is a difficulty with the
    # :: symbol before the code block. In these cases, we get
    # !ec::, !et::, !bbox:: etc. from the above substitutions.
    # We just replace these by empty text.
    filestr = re.sub(r'^(!(b|e)[a-z]+)::',

    # Check
    for pattern in '^!bt', '^!et':
        c = re.compile(pattern, re.MULTILINE)
        m = c.search(filestr)
        if m:
            print """
Still %s left after handling of code and tex blocks. Problem is probably
that %s is not preceded by text which can be extended with :: (required).
""" % (pattern, pattern)

    # Final fixes

    filestr = fix_underlines_in_headings(filestr)
    # Ensure blank line before and after comments
    filestr = re.sub(r'([.:;?!])\n^\.\. ',
                     r'\g<1>\n\n.. ',
    filestr = re.sub(r'(^\.\. .+)\n([^ \n]+)',
    # Line breaks interfer with tables and needs a final blank line too
    lines = filestr.splitlines()
    inside_block = False
    for i in range(len(lines)):
        if lines[i].startswith('<linebreakpipe>') and not inside_block:
            inside_block = True
            lines[i] = lines[i].replace('<linebreakpipe> ', '') + '\n'
        if lines[i].startswith('<linebreakpipe>') and inside_block:
            lines[i] = '|' + lines[i].replace('<linebreakpipe>', '')
        if inside_block and not lines[i].startswith('<linebreakpipe>'):
            inside_block = False
            lines[i] = '| ' + lines[i] + '\n'
    filestr = '\n'.join(lines)

    # Remove too much vertical space
    filestr = re.sub(r'\n\n\n+', '\n\n', filestr)

    return filestr
예제 #14
def ref_and_label_commoncode(section_label2title, format, filestr):
    filestr = fix_ref_section_chapter(filestr, format)

    # Deal with the problem of identical titles, which makes problem
    # with non-unique links in reST: add a counter to the title
    debugtext = ''
    section_pattern = r'^\s*(={3,9})(.+?)(={3,9})(\s*label\{(.+?)\})?'
    all_sections = re.findall(section_pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    # First count the no of titles with the same wording
    titles = {}
    max_heading = 1  # track the top heading level for correct TITLE typesetting
    for heading, title, dummy2, dummy3, label in all_sections:
        entry = None if label == '' else label
        if title in titles:
            titles[title] = [entry]
        max_heading = max(max_heading, len(heading))

    # Typeset TITLE so that it gets the highest+1 (but no higher) section sevel
    max_heading += 2  # one level up (2 =)
    max_heading = min(max_heading, 9)
    pattern = r'^TITLE:\s*(.+)$'
    if format == 'sphinx':
        # Title cannot be more than 63 chars...
        m = re.search(pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        if m:
            title = m.group(1).strip()
            if len(title) > 63:
                errwarn('*** error: sphinx title cannot be longer than 63 characters')
                errwarn('    current title: "%s" (%d characters)' % (title, len(title)))
    filestr = re.sub(pattern, '.. Document title:\n\n%s \g<1> %s\n' %
                     ('='*max_heading, '='*max_heading),
                     filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    # Make new titles
    title_counter = {}   # count repeated titles (need to append counter to make unique links)
    sections = []
    for heading, title, dummy2, dummy3, label in all_sections:
        label = None if label == '' else label
        if len(titles[title]) > 1:
            if title in title_counter:
                title_counter[title] += 1
                title_counter[title] = 1
            # Add much whitespace so we can recognize the titles after
            # formats are compiled and remove the number
            new_title = title + '         (%d) ' % title_counter[title]
            sections.append((heading, new_title, label, title))
            if label in section_label2title:
                section_label2title[label] = new_title
            sections.append((heading, title, label, title))
    # Make replacements
    for heading, title, label, old_title in sections:
        if title != old_title:
            debugtext += '\nchanged title: %s -> %s\n' % (old_title, title)
        # Avoid trouble with \t, \n in replacement
        title = title.replace('\\', '\\\\')
        # The substitution depends on whether we have a label or not
        if label is not None:
            title_pattern = r'%s\s*%s\s*%s\s*label\{%s\}' % (heading, re.escape(old_title), heading, label)
            # title may contain ? () etc., that's why we take re.escape
            replacement = '.. _%s:\n\n' % label + r'%s %s %s' % \
                          (heading, title, heading)
            title_pattern = r'%s\s*%s\s*%s' % (heading, re.escape(old_title), heading)
            replacement = r'%s %s %s' % (heading, title, heading)
        filestr, n = re.subn(title_pattern, replacement, filestr, count=1)
        if n > 1:
            raise ValueError('Replaced more than one title. BUG!')

    # remove label{...} from output
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^label\{.+?\}\s*$', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    cpattern = re.compile(r'^label\{[^}]+?\}\s*$', flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = cpattern.sub('', filestr)
    filestr = re.sub(r'label\{[^}]+?\}', '', filestr)  # all the remaining

    import doconce

    return filestr