예제 #1
 def consolidate_texts(cls, iterator):
     pending = None
     contents = None
     for span in iterator:
         if not isinstance(span, MarkdownItem):
             raise AssertionError("Item in text consolidation isn't"
                                  " MarkdownItem: {}".format(type(span)))
         if span.spanType is SpanType.TEXT:
             if contents is None and pending is None:
                 pending = span
                 if contents is None:
                     contents = []
                 if pending is not None:
                     pending = None
             if pending is not None:
                 yield pending
                 pending = None
             if contents is not None:
                 yield MarkdownItem(None, SpanType.TEXT, ''.join(contents))
                 contents = None
             yield span
     if pending is not None:
         yield pending
         pending = None
     if contents is not None:
         yield MarkdownItem(None, SpanType.TEXT, ''.join(contents))
         contents = None
예제 #2
 def resolve_all_doc_uri(cls, blockType, text, custom=None):
     output = []
     outputTail = None
     for child in text:
         if child.blockType is BlockType.DOC_URI:
             for grandchild in child.contents:
                 if cls.can_contain(blockType, grandchild):
                     if outputTail is None:
                         outputTail = []
                     if outputTail is not None:
                             blockType, None, outputTail, custom))
                         outputTail = None
             if outputTail is None:
                 outputTail = []
     if outputTail is not None:
         output.append(MarkdownItem(blockType, None, outputTail, custom))
     return output
예제 #3
 def test_doc_resolver(self):
     docResolver = DocResolver()
     # Test that paragraph cannot contain paragraph.
             BlockType.PARAGRAPH, MarkdownItem(BlockType.PARAGRAPH, None,
     # Test that list item can contain paragraph.
             BlockType.LIST_ITEM, MarkdownItem(BlockType.PARAGRAPH, None,
    def outputs(self, maxWidth=None):
        yield " " * self.indentStart
        yield "/**"
        yield "\n" if self._swiftSource else " "

        # In the next statement, + 1 because the continuation leaders have one
        # more space than the initial leader.
        indentContinue = " " * (self.indentStart + 1)
        # Following code would preserve the original indentation, which might be
        # wanted as an option.
        # indentContinue = " " * (
        #     self.indentStart + 1 if self.indentContinue is None
        #     else self.indentContinue)
        if self.markdownItems is not None:
            # import json
            # def json_dump(iterator, indent=4):
            #     return json.dumps(tuple(
            #         item.asTuple() for item in iterator), indent=4)

            # print("CommentBlock outputs{}".format(json_dump(self.markdownItems)))
            # In the next statement, 3 is the length of " * " which will be the
            # comment leader.
            outputs = MarkdownItem.output_all(
                , None if maxWidth is None
                else maxWidth - (self.indentStart
                                 + (2 if self._swiftSource else 3)))

            for index, line in enumerate(''.join(outputs).splitlines(True)):
                if index > 0 or self._swiftSource:
                    yield indentContinue
                    if not self._swiftSource:
                        yield "* "
                yield line

        yield "\n"
        yield indentContinue
        yield "*/"
예제 #5
    def doc_uri(self, groups):
        name, uri = CommentLine.group_startswith(groups, 'doc')
        if self.verbose:
            print('DocRenderer doc_uri', groups, name)
        contentLines = self.docGetter.get_content(uri, self.docPath)
        content = ''.join(contentLines)
        if content == "":
            return []

        markdownItems = MarkdownParser(self.docGetter).get_markdown_items(
            self.docPath, content)

        # If len(contentLines) is 1 then destructure the markdown() return
        # value, i.e. remove the paragraph layer.
        if len(contentLines) == 1:
            if markdownItems[0].type is BlockType.PARAGRAPH:
                markdownItems = markdownItems[0].contents
                raise NotImplementedError()

        return [MarkdownItem(BlockType.DOC_URI, None ,markdownItems)]
예제 #6
 def inline_html(self, text):
     if self.verbose:
         print('DocRenderer inline_html(,\n{})'.format(text))
     return [MarkdownItem(None, SpanType.INLINE_HTML, text)]
예제 #7
 def text(self, text):
     if self.verbose:
         print('DocRenderer text(,{}\n{})'.format(len(text), text))
     return [MarkdownItem(None, SpanType.TEXT, text)]
예제 #8
 def emphasis(self, text):
     if self.verbose:
         print('DocRenderer emphasis(,\n{})'.format(text))
     return [MarkdownItem(None, SpanType.EMPHASIS, text)]
예제 #9
 def codespan(self, text):
     if self.verbose:
         print('DocRenderer codespan(,\n{})'.format(text))
     return [MarkdownItem(None, SpanType.CODESPAN, text)]
예제 #10
 def autolink(self, link, is_email=False):
     if self.verbose:
         print('DocRenderer autolink(,{},{})'.format(link, is_email))
     return [MarkdownItem(None, SpanType.AUTOLINK, link)]
예제 #11
 def block_code(self, code, language=None):
     if self.verbose:
         print('DocRenderer block_code(,{},{})'.format(code, language))
     return [MarkdownItem(BlockType.BLOCK_CODE, None, code)]
예제 #12
    def process_at_commands(cls, iterator):
        Take an iterator of paragraphs and split each to ensure that any
        at-commands are at the start of a paragraph. Also:
        -   Join adjacent texts, to prevent wrong handling of parameter names
            with embedded _ characters later.
        -   Strip leading whitespace from every line after the first in each
        # Splitting is necessary if there is an embedded newline-at in a text
        # item that is a direct child of the paragraph.

        for paragraph in iterator:
            # Don't attempt to resolve at commands in code blocks.
            if paragraph.blockType is BlockType.BLOCK_CODE:
                yield paragraph
            # Unresolved at this time is that non-paragraphs sometimes come
            # through here, like lists also come through here. It seems to be OK
            # though, because those could have at commands that need to be
            # resolved.

            # Start a list of Markdown items that will become child items in the
            # yielded paragraphs.
            contents = []

            for span in cls.consolidate_texts(paragraph.contents):
                if span.spanType is not SpanType.TEXT:

                if not isinstance(span.contents, str):
                    raise AssertionError(
                        "Text in paragraph contents aren't str.")
                # The following returns a list with an odd number of items,
                # because the pattern has a capture group.
                splits = re.split(cls.atPattern, "".join(tuple(
                    # Strip any leading whitespace from lines after the first.
                    (line if lineIndex <= 0 else line.lstrip())
                    for lineIndex, line in enumerate(

                # Following lines are handy to check what's coming out of the re
                # split.
                # for index, split in enumerate(splits):
                #     print('{:>02d} "{}"'.format(index, split))

                # Note that splits never has an even number of items. If splits
                # has one item, this loop runs zero times.
                for splitIndex in range(0, len(splits) - 2, 2):
                    if not(splits[splitIndex] == "" and splitIndex == 0):
                            None, SpanType.TEXT
                            , splits[splitIndex] if splitIndex <= 0
                            else ''.join(splits[splitIndex - 1: splitIndex + 1])
                    yield MarkdownItem(
                        paragraph.blockType, None, contents, paragraph.custom)
                    contents = []
                # Sweep up the items that weren't processed by the loop, either
                # one or two items.
                    None, SpanType.TEXT, ''.join(splits[-2:])))
            yield MarkdownItem(
                paragraph.blockType, None, contents, paragraph.custom)