class GetFrontpageDocumentsTestCase(TestCase):
    """Tests for the ``get_frontpage_documents`` templatetag."""
    longMessage = True

    def setUp(self):
        super(GetFrontpageDocumentsTestCase, self).setUp()
        # Two documents that should be on the front page
        self.en_doc = DocumentFactory(
            language_code='en', is_published=True, is_on_front_page=True)
        self.de_doc = self.en_doc.translate('de')
        self.de_doc.is_published = True

        # And one that should not be on the front page

    def test_tag(self):
        req = RequestFactory().get('/')
        req.LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en'
        context = RequestContext(req)
        result = tags.get_frontpage_documents(context)
        self.assertEqual(result.count(), 1, msg=(
            'It should only return one document.'))
        self.assertEqual(result[0], self.en_doc, msg=(
            'Should return the one english document that has'
            ' is_on_fron_page=True'))

        req.LANGUAGE_CODE = 'de'
        context = RequestContext(req)
        result = tags.get_frontpage_documents(context)
        self.assertEqual(result.count(), 1, msg=(
            'It should only return one document.'))
        self.assertEqual(result[0], self.de_doc, msg=(
            'Should return the one german document that has'
            ' is_on_fron_page=True'))