def render(self, doc: docx.document.Document) -> None: if self.titre: doc.add_paragraph(self.titre, "Illustration Index Heading") paragraph = doc.add_paragraph() run = paragraph.add_run() fldChar = OxmlElement('w:fldChar') # creates a new element fldChar.set(qn('w:fldCharType'), 'begin') # sets attribute on element instrText = OxmlElement('w:instrText') instrText.set(qn('xml:space'), 'preserve') # sets attribute on element instrText.text = self.command # change 1-3 depending on heading levels you need fldChar2 = OxmlElement('w:fldChar') fldChar2.set(qn('w:fldCharType'), 'separate') fldChar3 = OxmlElement('w:t') fldChar3.text = "Right-click to update field." fldChar2.append(fldChar3) fldChar4 = OxmlElement('w:fldChar') fldChar4.set(qn('w:fldCharType'), 'end') r_element = run._r r_element.append(fldChar) r_element.append(instrText) r_element.append(fldChar2) r_element.append(fldChar4) p_element = paragraph._p
def render(self, doc: docx.document.Document) -> None: table = doc.add_table(self.rows, self.cols, self.callback.render(table) if self.caption: doc.add_paragraph( Docx.DEFAULT_TABLEAU + self.key + " : " + self.caption, Docx.DEFAULT_STYLE_LEGENDE_TABLEAU)
def render(self, doc: docx.document.Document) -> None: imagePath = 'images/' + self.filename # autosize en fonction de l'orientation last_section = doc.sections[-1] if last_section.orientation == WD_ORIENTATION.LANDSCAPE: # @UndefinedVariable pylint: disable=no-member width = self.DEFAULT_WIDTH_LANDSCAPE else: width = self.width # ajuster de sorte que l'image ne sorte pas de la page verticalement im = ratio = im.size[0] / float(im.size[1]) computedHeight = width / ratio if last_section.orientation == WD_ORIENTATION.LANDSCAPE: # @UndefinedVariable pylint: disable=no-member if computedHeight > self.MAX_HEIGHT or ( self.height and self.height > self.MAX_HEIGHT): width = None height = self.MAX_HEIGHT else: height = self.height else: if computedHeight > int(self.MAX_HEIGHT_PORTRAIT) or ( self.height and self.height > self.MAX_HEIGHT_PORTRAIT): width = None height = self.MAX_HEIGHT_PORTRAIT else: height = self.height doc.add_picture(imagePath, width, height) if self.caption: doc.add_paragraph( Docx.DEFAULT_FIGURE + self.key + " : " + self.caption, Docx.DEFAULT_STYLE_LEGENDE_FIGURE)
def render(self, doc: docx.document.Document) -> None: last_section = doc.sections[-1] last_orientation = last_section.orientation s = doc.add_section(self.start_type) if not last_orientation == self.orientation: new_width, new_height = s.page_height, s.page_width s.orientation, s.page_height, s.page_width = self.orientation, new_height, new_width
def render(self, _: Paragraph, doc: docx.document.Document) -> None: doc.add_paragraph(self.text,
def render(self, doc: docx.document.Document) -> None: doc.add_page_break()
def render(self, doc: docx.document.Document) -> None: p = doc.add_paragraph(self.text, for obj in self.subs: obj.render(p, doc)