예제 #1
class CT_ColorFilter(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-autoFilter.xsd)
    dxfId = OptionalAttribute('dxfId', ST_DxfId) # Differential Format Record Id
    cellColor = OptionalAttribute('cellColor', XsdBoolean, True) # Filter By Cell Color
예제 #2
class CT_DocGrid(BaseOxmlElement):
    type = OptionalAttribute('w:type', ST_DocGrid)
    linePitch = OptionalAttribute('w:linePitch', ST_DecimalNumber)
    charSpace = OptionalAttribute('w:charSpace', ST_DecimalNumber) 
예제 #3
class CT_SmartTagPr(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-workbook.xsd)
    embed = OptionalAttribute('embed', XsdBoolean, False)  # Embed SmartTags
    show = OptionalAttribute('show', ST_SmartTagShow, 'all')  # Show Smart Tags
예제 #4
class CT_Blip(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<a:blip>`` element, specifies image source and adjustments such as
    alpha and tint.
    embed = OptionalAttribute('r:embed', ST_RelationshipId)
    link = OptionalAttribute('r:link', ST_RelationshipId)
예제 #5
class CT_CellProtection(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-styles.xsd)
    locked = OptionalAttribute('locked', XsdBoolean)  # Cell Locked
    hidden = OptionalAttribute('hidden', XsdBoolean)  # Hidden Cell
예제 #6
class CT_CustomFilter(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-autoFilter.xsd)
    operator = OptionalAttribute('operator', ST_FilterOperator, 'equal') # Filter Comparison Operator
    val = OptionalAttribute('val', ST_Xstring) # Top or Bottom Value
class CT_SST(BaseOxmlElement):
    si = ZeroOrMore('ssml:si')
    extLst = ZeroOrOne('ssml:extLst')  # None

    count = OptionalAttribute('count', XsdUnsignedInt)  # String Count
    uniqueCount = OptionalAttribute('uniqueCount',
                                    XsdUnsignedInt)  # Unique String Count
예제 #8
class CT_ChartsheetProtection(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-sheet.xsd)
    password = OptionalAttribute('password', ST_UnsignedShortHex)  # Password
    content = OptionalAttribute('content', XsdBoolean, False)  # Contents
    objects = OptionalAttribute('objects', XsdBoolean, False)  # Objects Locked
예제 #9
class CT_TableStyleElement(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-styles.xsd)
    type = RequiredAttribute('type', ST_TableStyleType)  # Table Style Type
    size = OptionalAttribute('size', XsdUnsignedInt, 1)  # Band Size
    dxfId = OptionalAttribute('dxfId', ST_DxfId)  # Formatting Id
예제 #10
class CT_DynamicFilter(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-autoFilter.xsd)
    type = RequiredAttribute('type', ST_DynamicFilterType) # Dynamic filter type
    val = OptionalAttribute('val', XsdDouble) # Value
    maxVal = OptionalAttribute('maxVal', XsdDouble) # Max Value
class CT_PhoneticPr(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type: 
    fontId = RequiredAttribute('fontId', ST_FontId)  # Font Id
    type = OptionalAttribute('type', ST_PhoneticType)  # Character Type
    alignment = OptionalAttribute('alignment',
                                  ST_PhoneticAlignment)  # Alignment
예제 #12
class CT_Ind(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<w:ind>`` element, specifying paragraph indentation.
    left = OptionalAttribute('w:left', ST_SignedTwipsMeasure)
    right = OptionalAttribute('w:right', ST_SignedTwipsMeasure)
    firstLine = OptionalAttribute('w:firstLine', ST_TwipsMeasure)
    hanging = OptionalAttribute('w:hanging', ST_TwipsMeasure)
예제 #13
class CT_Top10(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-autoFilter.xsd)
    top = OptionalAttribute('top', XsdBoolean, True) # Top
    percent = OptionalAttribute('percent', XsdBoolean, False) # Filter by Percent
    val = RequiredAttribute('val', XsdDouble) # Top or Bottom Value
    filterVal = OptionalAttribute('filterVal', XsdDouble) # Filter Value
예제 #14
class CT_Fonts(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<w:rFonts>`` element, specifying typeface name for the various language
    ascii = OptionalAttribute('w:ascii', ST_String)
    hAnsi = OptionalAttribute('w:hAnsi', ST_String)
    hint = OptionalAttribute('w:hint', ST_Hint)
    eastAsia = OptionalAttribute('w:eastAsia', ST_String)
예제 #15
class CT_Spacing(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<w:spacing>`` element, specifying paragraph spacing attributes such as
    space before and line spacing.
    after = OptionalAttribute('w:after', ST_TwipsMeasure)
    before = OptionalAttribute('w:before', ST_TwipsMeasure)
    line = OptionalAttribute('w:line', ST_SignedTwipsMeasure)
    lineRule = OptionalAttribute('w:lineRule', WD_LINE_SPACING)
예제 #16
class CT_ChartsheetPr(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-sheet.xsd)
    tabColor = ZeroOrOne('ssml:tabColor')  # None

    published = OptionalAttribute('published', XsdBoolean, True)  # Published
    codeName = OptionalAttribute('codeName', XsdString)  # Code Name
예제 #17
class CT_DataRef(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-sheet.xsd)
    ref = OptionalAttribute('ref', ST_Ref)  # Reference
    name = OptionalAttribute('name', ST_Xstring)  # Named Range
    sheet = OptionalAttribute('sheet', ST_Xstring)  # Sheet Name
    rid = OptionalAttribute('r:id', ST_RelationshipId)  # relationship Id
예제 #18
class CT_PageSz(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<w:pgSz>`` element, defining page dimensions and orientation.
    w = OptionalAttribute('w:w', ST_TwipsMeasure)
    h = OptionalAttribute('w:h', ST_TwipsMeasure)
    orient = OptionalAttribute(
예제 #19
class CT_SmartTagType(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-workbook.xsd)
    namespaceUri = OptionalAttribute('namespaceUri',
                                     ST_Xstring)  # SmartTag Namespace URI
    name = OptionalAttribute('name', ST_Xstring)  # Name
    url = OptionalAttribute('url', ST_Xstring)  # Smart Tag URL
예제 #20
class CT_PageSetUpPr(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-sheet.xsd)
    autoPageBreaks = OptionalAttribute('autoPageBreaks', XsdBoolean,
                                       True)  # Show Auto Page Breaks
    fitToPage = OptionalAttribute('fitToPage', XsdBoolean,
                                  False)  # Fit To Page
예제 #21
class CT_CellSmartTag(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-sheet.xsd)
    cellSmartTagPr = ZeroOrMore('ssml:cellSmartTagPr')  # Smart Tag Properties

    type = RequiredAttribute('type', XsdUnsignedInt)  # Smart Tag Type Index
    deleted = OptionalAttribute('deleted', XsdBoolean, False)  # Deleted
    xmlBased = OptionalAttribute('xmlBased', XsdBoolean, False)  # XML Based
예제 #22
class CT_Cfvo(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-sheet.xsd)
    extLst = ZeroOrOne('ssml:extLst')  # None

    type = RequiredAttribute('type', ST_CfvoType)  # Type
    val = OptionalAttribute('val', ST_Xstring)  # Value
    gte = OptionalAttribute('gte', XsdBoolean, True)  # Greater Than Or Equal
예제 #23
class CT_PageBreak(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-sheet.xsd)
    brk = ZeroOrMore('ssml:brk')  # Break

    count = OptionalAttribute('count', XsdUnsignedInt, 0)  # Page Break Count
    manualBreakCount = OptionalAttribute('manualBreakCount', XsdUnsignedInt,
                                         0)  # Manual Break Count
예제 #24
class CT_Break(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-sheet.xsd)
    id = OptionalAttribute('id', XsdUnsignedInt, 0)  # Id
    min = OptionalAttribute('min', XsdUnsignedInt, 0)  # Minimum
    max = OptionalAttribute('max', XsdUnsignedInt, 0)  # Maximum
    man = OptionalAttribute('man', XsdBoolean, False)  # Manual Page Break
    pt = OptionalAttribute('pt', XsdBoolean, False)  # Pivot-Created Page Break
예제 #25
class CT_Hyperlink(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-sheet.xsd)
    ref = RequiredAttribute('ref', ST_Ref)  # Reference
    rid = OptionalAttribute('r:id', ST_RelationshipId)  # Relationship Id
    location = OptionalAttribute('location', ST_Xstring)  # Location
    tooltip = OptionalAttribute('tooltip', ST_Xstring)  # Tool Tip
    display = OptionalAttribute('display', ST_Xstring)  # Display String
예제 #26
class CT_Filters(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-autoFilter.xsd)
    filter = ZeroOrMore('ssml:filter') # Filter
    dateGroupItem = ZeroOrMore('ssml:dateGroupItem') # Date Grouping
    blank = OptionalAttribute('blank', XsdBoolean, False) # Filter by Blank
    calendarType = OptionalAttribute('calendarType', ST_CalendarType, 'none') # Calendar Type
예제 #27
class CT_Scenarios(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-sheet.xsd)
    scenario = OneOrMore('ssml:scenario')  # Scenario

    current = OptionalAttribute('current', XsdUnsignedInt)  # Current Scenario
    show = OptionalAttribute('show', XsdUnsignedInt)  # Last Shown Scenario
    sqref = OptionalAttribute('sqref', ST_Sqref)  # Sequence of References
예제 #28
class CT_ProtectedRange(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-sheet.xsd)
    password = OptionalAttribute('password', ST_UnsignedShortHex)  # Password
    sqref = RequiredAttribute('sqref', ST_Sqref)  # Sequence of References
    name = RequiredAttribute('name', ST_Xstring)  # Name
    securityDescriptor = OptionalAttribute('securityDescriptor',
                                           XsdString)  # Security Descriptor
예제 #29
class CT_InputCells(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-sheet.xsd)
    r = RequiredAttribute('r', ST_CellRef)  # Reference
    deleted = OptionalAttribute('deleted', XsdBoolean, False)  # Deleted
    undone = OptionalAttribute('undone', XsdBoolean, False)  # Undone
    val = RequiredAttribute('val', ST_Xstring)  # Value
    numFmtId = OptionalAttribute('numFmtId', ST_NumFmtId)  # Number Format Id
예제 #30
class CT_SheetPr(BaseOxmlElement):
    Complex type (sml-sheet.xsd)
    tabColor = ZeroOrOne('ssml:tabColor')  # Sheet Tab Color
    outlinePr = ZeroOrOne('ssml:outlinePr')  # Outline Properties
    pageSetUpPr = ZeroOrOne('ssml:pageSetUpPr')  # Page Setup Properties

    syncHorizontal = OptionalAttribute('syncHorizontal', XsdBoolean,
                                       False)  # Synch Horizontal
    syncVertical = OptionalAttribute('syncVertical', XsdBoolean,
                                     False)  # Synch Vertical
    syncRef = OptionalAttribute('syncRef', ST_Ref)  # Synch Reference
    transitionEvaluation = OptionalAttribute(
        'transitionEvaluation', XsdBoolean,
        False)  # Transition Formula Evaluation
    transitionEntry = OptionalAttribute('transitionEntry', XsdBoolean,
                                        False)  # Transition Formula Entry
    published = OptionalAttribute('published', XsdBoolean, True)  # Published
    codeName = OptionalAttribute('codeName', XsdString)  # Code Name
    filterMode = OptionalAttribute('filterMode', XsdBoolean,
                                   False)  # Filter Mode
    enableFormatConditionsCalculation = OptionalAttribute(
        'enableFormatConditionsCalculation', XsdBoolean,
        True)  # Enable Conditional Formatting Calculations