예제 #1
	def __init__(self, x0, y0, z0, R, n):
		class SphereSurface(SubDomain):
			def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
				return on_boundary
		class X_Symmetric(SubDomain):
			def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
				return near(x[0], x0)
		class Y_Symmetric(SubDomain):
			def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
				return near(x[1], y0)
		class Z_Symmetric(SubDomain):
			def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
				return near(x[2], z0)
		self.geometry = Sphere(Point(x0, y0, z0), R, segments=n) - Box(Point(x0 + R, y0, z0 - R), Point(x0 - R, y0 - R, z0 + R)) - Box(Point(x0 - R, y0 + R, z0), Point(x0 + R, y0, z0 - R)) - Box(Point(x0, y0, z0), Point(x0 - R, y0 + R, z0 + R))
		self.mesh = generate_mesh(self.geometry, n)
		self.domains = MeshFunction("size_t", self.mesh, self.mesh.topology().dim())
		self.dx = Measure('dx', domain=self.mesh, subdomain_data=self.domains)
		self.boundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", self.mesh, self.mesh.topology().dim()-1)
		self.sphereSurface = SphereSurface()
		self.sphereSurface.mark(self.boundaries, 1)
		self.x_symmetric = X_Symmetric()
		self.x_symmetric.mark(self.boundaries, 2)
		self.y_symmetric = Y_Symmetric()
		self.y_symmetric.mark(self.boundaries, 3)
		self.z_symmetric = Z_Symmetric()
		self.z_symmetric.mark(self.boundaries, 4)
		self.ds = Measure('ds', domain=self.mesh, subdomain_data=self.boundaries)
		self.dS = Measure('dS', domain=self.mesh, subdomain_data=self.boundaries)
예제 #2
def test_save_mesh_value_collection(tempdir, encoding, data_type):
    dtype_str, dtype = data_type
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, 4, 4, 4)
    tdim = mesh.topology.dim
    meshfn = MeshFunction(dtype_str, mesh, mesh.topology.dim, False)
    meshfn.name = "volume_marker"
    mp = cpp.mesh.midpoints(mesh, tdim, range(mesh.num_entities(tdim)))
    for i in range(mesh.num_cells()):
        if mp[i, 1] > 0.1:
            meshfn.values[i] = 1
        if mp[i, 1] > 0.9:
            meshfn.values[i] = 2

    for mvc_dim in range(0, tdim + 1):
        mvc = MeshValueCollection(dtype_str, mesh, mvc_dim)
        tag = "dim_{}_marker".format(mvc_dim)
        mvc.name = tag
        mesh.create_connectivity(mvc_dim, tdim)
        mp = cpp.mesh.midpoints(mesh, mvc_dim,
        for e in range(mesh.num_entities(mvc_dim)):
            if (mp[e, 0] > 0.5):
                mvc.set_value(e, dtype(1))

        filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "mvc_{}.xdmf".format(mvc_dim))

        with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, encoding=encoding) as xdmf:

        with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename) as xdmf:
            read_function = getattr(xdmf, "read_mvc_" + dtype_str)
            mvc = read_function(mesh, tag)
예제 #3
    def create(mesh, domain_ids, invert=False):
    Creates a wrapped mesh from a super mesh for a given collection
    of domain IDs.

      mesh (:class:`dolfin.Mesh`)
        The mesh.
      domain_ids (:class:`[int]`)
        List of domain IDs
      invert (:class:`bool`)
        Invert list of domain IDs

        The wrapped mesh
        if invert or isinstance(domain_ids, list) or isinstance(
                domain_ids, tuple):
            if isinstance(domain_ids, int): domain_ids = (domain_ids, )

            subdomains = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 3, mesh.domains())
            combined_subdomains = CellFunction("size_t", mesh, 0)
            for domain_id in domain_ids:
                combined_subdomains.array()[subdomains.array() ==
                                            domain_id] = 1

            submesh = SubMesh(mesh, combined_subdomains, 0 if invert else 1)
            submesh = SubMesh(mesh, domain_ids)

        submesh.__class__ = WrappedMesh

        return submesh
예제 #4
def load_data(mesh, mesh_f, dim, data):
    Represent mesh_f over dim entities of mesh as collection of vertices.
    Can have mesh as mesh function or (h5_file, data_set)
        h5_file, data_set = mesh_f
        mf = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, dim, 0)
        h5_file.read(mf, data_set)
    except ValueError:
        mf = mesh_f
        data_set = '%d dim entites' % mf.dim()
    # Mapf for encoding entities as vertices
    mesh.init(dim, 0)
    e2v = mesh.topology()(dim, 0)

    tags = set(mf.array())
    # Don't encode zero - we initialize to it
    if 0 in tags: tags.remove(0)
    info('%s evolves tags %r' % (data_set, tags))

    for tag in tags:
        data[(dim, tag)] = np.array([e2v(e.index()) for e in SubsetIterator(mf, tag)],
    return data
예제 #5
def test_save_1d_mesh(tempdir, encoding):
    filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "mf_1D.xdmf")
    mesh = UnitIntervalMesh(MPI.comm_world, 32)
    mf = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology.dim, 0)
    mf.values[:] = numpy.arange(mesh.num_entities(1))
    with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, encoding=encoding) as file:
예제 #6
def boundaries(mesh):
    boundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1, 0)
    for f in facets(mesh):
        boundaries.array()[f.index()] = 0
        for v in vertices(f):
            boundaries.array()[f.index()] += v.global_index()
    return boundaries
예제 #7
    def test_convert_diffpack(self):
        from dolfin import Mesh, MPI, MeshFunction, mpi_comm_world
        if MPI.size(mpi_comm_world()) != 1:
        fname = os.path.join("data", "diffpack_tet")
        dfname = fname + ".xml"

        # Read triangle file and convert to a dolfin xml mesh file
        meshconvert.diffpack2xml(fname + ".grid", dfname)

        # Read in dolfin mesh and check number of cells and vertices
        mesh = Mesh(dfname)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_vertices(), 27)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_cells(), 48)
        self.assertEqual(len(mesh.domains().markers(3)), 48)
        self.assertEqual(len(mesh.domains().markers(2)), 16)

        mf_basename = dfname.replace(".xml", "_marker_%d.xml")
        for marker, num in [(3, 9), (6, 9), (7, 3), (8, 1)]:

            mf_name = mf_basename % marker
            mf = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mf_name)
            self.assertEqual(sum(mf.array() == marker), num)

        # Clean up
예제 #8
        def __init__(self, mesh_path=None):
            self.global_preprocessing_time = Stopwatch()
            self.local_preprocessing_time = Stopwatch()
            self.solving_time = Stopwatch()

            if mesh_path is not None:
                self.PATH = mesh_path

            logger.debug('Loading mesh...')

            # with XDMFFile(self.PATH + '.xdmf') as fh:
            #     self._mesh = Mesh()
            #     fh.read(self._mesh)
            # with XDMFFile(self.PATH + '_boundaries.xdmf') as fh:
            #     mvc = MeshValueCollection("size_t", self._mesh, 2)
            #     fh.read(mvc, "boundaries")
            #     self._boundaries = cpp.mesh.MeshFunctionSizet(self._mesh, mvc)
            # with XDMFFile(self.PATH + '_subdomains.xdmf') as fh:
            #     mvc = MeshValueCollection("size_t", self._mesh, 3)
            #     fh.read(mvc, "subdomains")
            #     self._subdomains = cpp.mesh.MeshFunctionSizet(self._mesh, mvc)

            self._mesh = Mesh(self.PATH + '.xml')
            self._subdomains = MeshFunction("size_t", self._mesh,
                                            self.PATH + '_physical_region.xml')
            self._boundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", self._mesh,
                                            self.PATH + '_facet_region.xml')

            self._degree = None
예제 #9
    def test_convert_diffpack_2d(self):

        from dolfin import Mesh, MPI, MeshFunction, mpi_comm_world

        fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "diffpack_tri")
        dfname = fname+".xml"

        # Read triangle file and convert to a dolfin xml mesh file
        meshconvert.diffpack2xml(fname+".grid", dfname)

        # Read in dolfin mesh and check number of cells and vertices
        mesh = Mesh(dfname)

        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_vertices(), 41)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_cells(), 64)
        self.assertEqual(len(mesh.domains().markers(2)), 64)

        mf_basename = dfname.replace(".xml", "_marker_%d.xml")
        for marker, num in [(1,10), (2,5), (3,5)]:

            mf_name = mf_basename % marker
            mf = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mf_name)
            self.assertEqual(sum(mf.array()==marker), num)

        # Clean up
예제 #10
def test_closed_boundary(advection_scheme):
    # FIXME: rk3 scheme does not bounces off the wall properly
    xmin, xmax = 0., 1.
    ymin, ymax = 0., 1.

    mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(xmin, ymin), Point(xmax, ymax), 10, 10)

    # Particle
    x = np.array([[0.975, 0.475]])

    # Given velocity field:
    vexpr = Constant((1., 0.))
    # Given time do_step:
    dt = 0.05
    # Then bounced position is
    x_bounced = np.array([[0.975, 0.475]])

    p = particles(x, [x, x], mesh)

    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    v = Function(V)

    # Different boundary parts
    bound_left = UnitSquareLeft()
    bound_right = UnitSquareRight()
    bound_top = UnitSquareTop()
    bound_bottom = UnitSquareBottom()

    # Mark all facets
    facet_marker = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1)

    # Mark as closed
    bound_right.mark(facet_marker, 1)

    # Mark other boundaries as open
    bound_left.mark(facet_marker, 2)
    bound_top.mark(facet_marker, 2)
    bound_bottom.mark(facet_marker, 2)

    if advection_scheme == 'euler':
        ap = advect_particles(p, V, v, facet_marker)
    elif advection_scheme == 'rk2':
        ap = advect_rk2(p, V, v, facet_marker)
    elif advection_scheme == 'rk3':
        ap = advect_rk3(p, V, v, facet_marker)
        assert False

    # Do one timestep, particle must bounce from wall of
    xpE = p.positions()

    # Check if particle correctly bounced off from closed wall
    xpE_root = comm.gather(xpE, root=0)
    if comm.rank == 0:
        xpE_root = np.float64(np.vstack(xpE_root))
        error = np.linalg.norm(x_bounced - xpE_root)
        assert(error < 1e-10)
예제 #11
  def dP(self, domain = "all"):
    Convenience wrapper for integral-point measure. If the mesh does not contain
    any cell domains, the measure for the whole mesh is returned.

      domain (:class:`string` / :class:`int`)
        name or ID of domain

        the measure
    if not self.mesh_has_domains(): return Measure('dP', self.mesh)

    if not self._dP.has_key(domain):
      v = TestFunction(self.FunctionSpace())
      values = assemble(v*self.dx(domain)).array()
      # TODO improve this?
      markers = ((np.sign(np.ceil(values) - 0.5) + 1.0) / 2.0).astype(np.uint64)

      vertex_domains = MeshFunction('size_t', self.mesh, 0)
      vertex_domains.array()[:] = markers

      self._dP[domain] = Measure('dP', self.mesh)[vertex_domains](1)

    return self._dP[domain]
예제 #12
파일: test.py 프로젝트: alogg/dolfin
    def test_convert_diffpack(self):
        from dolfin import Mesh, MPI, MeshFunction
        if MPI.num_processes() != 1:
        fname = os.path.join("data", "diffpack_tet")
        dfname = fname+".xml"
        # Read triangle file and convert to a dolfin xml mesh file
        meshconvert.diffpack2xml(fname+".grid", dfname)

        # Read in dolfin mesh and check number of cells and vertices
        mesh = Mesh(dfname)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_vertices(), 27)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_cells(), 48)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.domains().markers(3).size(), 48)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.domains().markers(2).size(), 16)

        mf_basename = dfname.replace(".xml", "_marker_%d.xml")
        for marker, num in [(3, 9), (6, 9), (7, 3), (8, 1)]:

            mf_name = mf_basename % marker
            mf = MeshFunction("uint", mesh, mf_name)
            self.assertEqual(sum(mf.array()==marker), num)
        # Clean up
예제 #13
def test_save_and_read_meshfunction_3D(tempdir):
    filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "meshfn-3d.h5")

    # Write to file
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, 2, 2, 2)
    mf_file = HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, "w")

    # save meshfuns to compare when reading back
    meshfunctions = []
    for i in range(0, 4):
        mf = MeshFunction('double', mesh, i, 0.0)
        mp = cpp.mesh.midpoints(mesh, i, range(mesh.num_entities(i)))

        # NB choose a value to set which will be the same on every
        # process for each entity
        mf.values[:] = mp[:, 0]
        mf_file.write(mf, "/meshfunction/group/%d/meshfun" % i)

    # Read back from file
    mf_file = HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, "r")
    for i in range(0, 4):
        mf2 = mf_file.read_mf_double(mesh,
                                     "/meshfunction/group/%d/meshfun" % i)
        assert numpy.all(meshfunctions[i].values == mf2.values)

예제 #14
def test_save_3D_facet_function(tempdir, encoding, data_type):
    dtype_str, dtype = data_type
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, 4, 4, 4)
    mf = MeshFunction(dtype_str, mesh, mesh.topology.dim - 1, 0)

    if (MPI.size(mesh.mpi_comm()) == 1):
        for facet in Facets(mesh):
            mf[facet] = dtype(facet.index())
        for facet in Facets(mesh):
            mf[facet] = dtype(facet.global_index())
    filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "mf_facet_3D_%s.xdmf" % dtype_str)

    with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, encoding=encoding) as xdmf:

    with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename) as xdmf:
        read_function = getattr(xdmf, "read_mf_" + dtype_str)
        mf_in = read_function(mesh, "facets")

    diff = 0
    for facet in Facets(mesh):
        diff += (mf_in[facet] - mf[facet])
    assert diff == 0
예제 #15
  def create(mesh, domain_ids, invert=False):
    Creates a wrapped mesh from a super mesh for a given collection
    of domain IDs.

      mesh (:class:`dolfin.Mesh`)
        The mesh.
      domain_ids (:class:`[int]`)
        List of domain IDs
      invert (:class:`bool`)
        Invert list of domain IDs

        The wrapped mesh
    if invert or isinstance(domain_ids, list) or isinstance(domain_ids, tuple):
      if isinstance(domain_ids, int): domain_ids = (domain_ids,)

      subdomains = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 3, mesh.domains())
      combined_subdomains = CellFunction("size_t", mesh, 0)
      for domain_id in domain_ids:
        combined_subdomains.array()[subdomains.array() == domain_id] = 1

      submesh = SubMesh(mesh, combined_subdomains, 0 if invert else 1)
      submesh = SubMesh(mesh, domain_ids)

    submesh.__class__  = WrappedMesh

    return submesh
예제 #16
    def __init__(self, U_m, mesh):
        """Function spaces and BCs"""
        V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 2)
        Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.vu, self.vp = TestFunction(V), TestFunction(Q)  # for integration
        self.u_, self.p_ = Function(V), Function(Q)  # for the solution
        self.u_1, self.p_1 = Function(V), Function(Q)  # for the prev. solution
        self.u_k, self.p_k = Function(V), Function(Q)  # for the prev. solution
        self.u, self.p = TrialFunction(V), TrialFunction(Q)  # unknown!

        U0_str = "4.*U_m*x[1]*(.41-x[1])/(.41*.41)"
        x = [0,
             .41 / 2]  # evaluate the Expression at the center of the channel
        self.U_mean = np.mean(2 / 3 * eval(U0_str))

        U0 = Expression((U0_str, "0"), U_m=U_m, degree=2)
        bc0 = DirichletBC(V, Constant((0, 0)), cylinderwall)
        bc1 = DirichletBC(V, Constant((0, 0)), topandbottom)
        bc2 = DirichletBC(V, U0, inlet)
        bc3 = DirichletBC(Q, Constant(0), outlet)
        self.bcu = [bc0, bc1, bc2]
        self.bcp = [bc3]
        # ds is needed to compute drag and lift.
        ASD1 = AutoSubDomain(topandbottom)
        ASD2 = AutoSubDomain(cylinderwall)
        mf = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, 1)
        ASD1.mark(mf, 1)
        ASD2.mark(mf, 2)
        self.ds_ = ds(subdomain_data=mf, domain=mesh)
예제 #17
def test_save_mesh_value_collection(tempdir, encoding, data_type):
    dtype_str, dtype = data_type
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, 4, 4, 4)
    tdim = mesh.topology.dim
    meshfn = MeshFunction(dtype_str, mesh, mesh.topology.dim, False)
    for c in Cells(mesh):
        if c.midpoint()[1] > 0.1:
            meshfn[c] = dtype(1)
        if c.midpoint()[1] > 0.9:
            meshfn[c] = dtype(2)

    for mvc_dim in range(0, tdim + 1):
        mvc = MeshValueCollection(dtype_str, mesh, mvc_dim)
        tag = "dim_%d_marker" % mvc_dim
        mesh.init(mvc_dim, tdim)
        for e in MeshEntities(mesh, mvc_dim):
            if (e.midpoint()[0] > 0.5):
                mvc.set_value(e.index(), dtype(1))

        filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "mvc_%d.xdmf" % mvc_dim)

        with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, encoding=encoding) as xdmf:

        with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename) as xdmf:
            read_function = getattr(xdmf, "read_mvc_" + dtype_str)
            mvc = read_function(mesh, tag)
예제 #18
def test_save_2D_facet_function(tempdir, encoding, data_type):
    if invalid_config(encoding):
        pytest.skip("XDMF unsupported in current configuration")

    dtype_str, dtype = data_type

    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.comm_world, 32, 32)
    mf = MeshFunction(dtype_str, mesh, mesh.topology.dim - 1, 0)

    if (MPI.size(mesh.mpi_comm()) == 1):
        for facet in Facets(mesh):
            mf[facet] = dtype(facet.index())
        for facet in Facets(mesh):
            mf[facet] = dtype(facet.global_index())
    filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "mf_facet_2D_%s.xdmf" % dtype_str)

    with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, encoding=encoding) as xdmf:

    with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename) as xdmf:
        read_function = getattr(xdmf, "read_mf_" + dtype_str)
        mf_in = read_function(mesh, "facets")

    diff = 0
    for facet in Facets(mesh):
        diff += (mf_in[facet] - mf[facet])
    assert diff == 0
예제 #19
def test_save_3D_cell_function(tempdir, encoding, data_type):
    if invalid_config(encoding):
        pytest.skip("XDMF unsupported in current configuration")

    dtype_str, dtype = data_type

    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, 4, 4, 4)
    mf = MeshFunction(dtype_str, mesh, mesh.topology.dim, 0)
    for cell in Cells(mesh):
        mf[cell] = dtype(cell.index())
    filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "mf_3D_%s.xdmf" % dtype_str)

    with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, encoding=encoding) as file:

    # mf_in = MeshFunction(dtype_str, mesh, mesh.topology.dim, 0)
    with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename) as xdmf:
        read_function = getattr(xdmf, "read_mf_" + dtype_str)
        mf_in = read_function(mesh, "cells")

    diff = 0
    for cell in Cells(mesh):
        diff += (mf_in[cell] - mf[cell])
    assert diff == 0
예제 #20
def test_mesh_function_assign_2D_cells():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.comm_world, 3, 3)
    ncells = mesh.num_cells()
    f = MeshFunction("int", mesh, mesh.topology.dim, 0)
    for c in range(ncells):
        f.values[c] = ncells - c

    g = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 2)
    assert ncells == len(f.values)
    assert ncells == g.size()

    f2 = MeshFunction("int", mesh, g, 0)

    for c in range(mesh.num_cells()):
        value = ncells - c
        assert value == g.get_value(c, 0)
        assert f2.values[c] == g.get_value(c, 0)

    h = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 2)
    global_indices = mesh.topology.global_indices(2)
    ncells_global = mesh.num_entities_global(2)
    for c in range(mesh.num_cells()):
        if global_indices[c] in [5, 8, 10]:
        value = ncells_global - global_indices[c]
        h.set_value(c, int(value))

    f3 = MeshFunction("int", mesh, h, 0)

    values = f3.values
    values[values > ncells_global] = 0.

    assert MPI.sum(mesh.mpi_comm(), values.sum() * 1.0) == 140.
예제 #21
def mplot_cellfunction(
        cell_function: df.MeshFunction) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, Any]:
    """Return a pseudocolor plot of an unstructured triangular grid."""
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    tri = mesh2triang(cell_function.mesh())
    ax.tripcolor(tri, facecolors=cell_function.array())
    return fig, ax
예제 #22
    def test_convert_diffpack_2d(self):

        from dolfin import Mesh, MPI, MeshFunction

        fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "diffpack_tri")
        dfname = fname + ".xml"

        # Read triangle file and convert to a dolfin xml mesh file
        meshconvert.diffpack2xml(fname + ".grid", dfname)

        # Read in dolfin mesh and check number of cells and vertices
        mesh = Mesh(dfname)

        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_vertices(), 41)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_cells(), 64)
        self.assertEqual(len(mesh.domains().markers(2)), 64)

        mf_basename = dfname.replace(".xml", "_marker_%d.xml")
        for marker, num in [(1, 10), (2, 5), (3, 5)]:

            mf_name = mf_basename % marker
            mf = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mf_name)
            self.assertEqual(sum(mf.array() == marker), num)

        # Clean up
예제 #23
def test_mesh_function_assign_2D_facets():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.comm_world, 3, 3)
    tdim = mesh.topology.dim
    num_cell_facets = cpp.mesh.cell_num_entities(mesh.cell_type, tdim - 1)

    f = MeshFunction("int", mesh, tdim - 1, 25)
    connectivity = mesh.topology.connectivity(tdim, tdim - 1)
    for c in range(mesh.num_cells()):
        facets = connectivity.connections(c)
        for i in range(num_cell_facets):
            assert 25 == f.values[facets[i]]

    g = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 1)
    assert mesh.num_entities(tdim - 1) == len(f.values)
    assert mesh.num_cells() * 3 == g.size()
    for c in range(mesh.num_cells()):
        for i in range(num_cell_facets):
            assert 25 == g.get_value(c, i)

    f2 = MeshFunction("int", mesh, g, 0)

    connectivity = mesh.topology.connectivity(tdim, tdim - 1)
    for c in range(mesh.num_cells()):
        facets = connectivity.connections(c)
        for i in range(num_cell_facets):
            assert f2.values[facets[i]] == g.get_value(c, i)
예제 #24
def transfer_markers(mesh, f, markers=None):
    Let mesh be a mesh embedded into mesh(f). Transfer all markers from f 
    to the mesh.
    # Check that we are embdded
    parent_mesh = f.mesh()
    assert parent_mesh.id() in mesh.parent_entity_map

    # If we are embedded then the transfer is only possible of the lower
    # dimensional entities
    assert f.dim() < mesh.topology().dim()
    cdim = mesh.topology().dim()
    edim = f.dim()  # That of entities

    # All not zeros
    if markers is None: markers = set(f.array()) - set((0, ))

    # The idea is to look up mesh.entities in parent by vertex ids
    child_parent_vertex = mesh.parent_entity_map[parent_mesh.id()][0]
    child_parent_cell = mesh.parent_entity_map[parent_mesh.id()][cdim]
    # child_entity -> as vertex in child -> as vertex in parent
    # \- connected child cells -> parent -> cells -> parent cell entities as vertex
    # Entity in terms of vertices
    mesh.init(edim, 0)
    ch_e2v = mesh.topology()(edim, 0)
    # The connected cell; we already have child to parent for cell
    mesh.init(edim, cdim)
    ch_e2c = mesh.topology()(edim, cdim)
    # Then parent entities
    parent_mesh.init(cdim, edim)
    p_c2e = parent_mesh.topology()(cdim, edim)
    # In terms of vertices
    parent_mesh.init(edim, 0)
    p_e2v = parent_mesh.topology()(edim, 0)
    child_f = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, edim, 0)
    ch_values = child_f.array()
    # Assignee
    p_values = f.array()

    for entity in range(len(ch_values)):
        # As vertices in parent
        e_as_vertex = set(child_parent_vertex[v] for v in ch_e2v(entity))

        ch_cells = iter(ch_e2c(entity))
        # One of the cells entities should match
        for ch_cell in ch_cells:
            for p_entity in p_c2e(child_parent_cell[ch_cell]):

                found = p_values[p_entity] in markers and set(p_e2v(p_entity)) == e_as_vertex
                # Can assign color
                if found: break
            if found:
                ch_values[entity] = p_values[p_entity]
    return child_f
예제 #25
def test_save_3D_vertex_function(tempdir, encoding, data_type):
    dtype_str, dtype = data_type
    filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "mf_vertex_3D_%s.xdmf" % dtype_str)
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, 4, 4, 4)
    mf = MeshFunction(dtype_str, mesh, 0, 0)
    mf.values[:] = numpy.arange(mesh.num_entities(0), dtype=dtype)
    with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, encoding=encoding) as file:
예제 #26
 def refine_meshes(self, subdomain):
     sub1_marker = MeshFunction("bool", self.mesh1,
     sub2_marker = MeshFunction("bool", self.mesh2,
     subdomain.mark(sub1_marker, True)
     subdomain.mark(sub2_marker, True)
     self.mesh1 = refine(self.mesh1, sub1_marker)
     self.mesh2 = refine(self.mesh2, sub2_marker)
예제 #27
def test_open_boundary(advection_scheme):
    xmin, xmax = 0.0, 1.0
    ymin, ymax = 0.0, 1.0
    pres = 3

    mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(xmin, ymin), Point(xmax, ymax), 10, 10)

    # Particle
    x = RandomRectangle(Point(0.955, 0.45), Point(1.0,
                                                  0.55)).generate([pres, pres])
    x = comm.bcast(x, root=0)

    # Given velocity field:
    vexpr = Constant((1.0, 1.0))
    # Given time do_step:
    dt = 0.05

    p = particles(x, [x, x], mesh)

    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    v = Function(V)

    # Different boundary parts
    bound_left = UnitSquareLeft()
    bound_right = UnitSquareRight()
    bound_top = UnitSquareTop()
    bound_bottom = UnitSquareBottom()

    # Mark all facets
    facet_marker = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1)

    # Mark as open
    bound_right.mark(facet_marker, 2)

    # Mark other boundaries as closed
    bound_left.mark(facet_marker, 1)
    bound_top.mark(facet_marker, 1)
    bound_bottom.mark(facet_marker, 1)

    if advection_scheme == "euler":
        ap = advect_particles(p, V, v, facet_marker)
    elif advection_scheme == "rk2":
        ap = advect_rk2(p, V, v, facet_marker)
    elif advection_scheme == "rk3":
        ap = advect_rk3(p, V, v, facet_marker)
        assert False

    # Do one timestep, particle must bounce from wall of
    num_particles = p.number_of_particles()

    # Check if all particles left domain
    if comm.rank == 0:
        assert (num_particles == 0)
예제 #28
def read_mesh():
    # mesh = Mesh("data/backward_facing_step.xml")
    # subdomains = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, "data/backward_facing_step_physical_region.xml")
    # boundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, "data/backward_facing_step_facet_region.xml")
    mesh = Mesh("data/hyperelastic_cube.xml")
    subdomains = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, "data/hyperelastic_cube_physical_region.xml")
    boundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, "data/hyperelastic_cube_facet_region.xml")
    restrictions = MeshRestriction(mesh, "data/hyperelastic_cube_interface_restriction.rtc.xml")
    return (mesh, subdomains, boundaries, restrictions)
예제 #29
def _test_eigen_solver_sparse(callback_type):
    from rbnics.backends.dolfin import EigenSolver

    # Define mesh
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)

    # Define function space
    V_element = VectorElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), 2)
    Q_element = FiniteElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
    W_element = MixedElement(V_element, Q_element)
    W = FunctionSpace(mesh, W_element)

    # Create boundaries
    class Wall(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary and (x[1] < 0 + DOLFIN_EPS
                                    or x[1] > 1 - DOLFIN_EPS)

    boundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1)
    wall = Wall()
    wall.mark(boundaries, 1)

    # Define variational problem
    vq = TestFunction(W)
    (v, q) = split(vq)
    up = TrialFunction(W)
    (u, p) = split(up)
    lhs = inner(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx - div(v) * p * dx - div(u) * q * dx
    rhs = -inner(p, q) * dx

    # Define boundary condition
    bc = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant((0., 0.)), boundaries, 1)]

    # Define eigensolver depending on callback type
    assert callback_type in ("form callbacks", "tensor callbacks")
    if callback_type == "form callbacks":
        solver = EigenSolver(W, lhs, rhs, bc)
    elif callback_type == "tensor callbacks":
        LHS = assemble(lhs)
        RHS = assemble(rhs)
        solver = EigenSolver(W, LHS, RHS, bc)

    # Solve the eigenproblem
        "linear_solver": "mumps",
        "problem_type": "gen_non_hermitian",
        "spectrum": "target real",
        "spectral_transform": "shift-and-invert",
        "spectral_shift": 1.e-5
    r, c = solver.get_eigenvalue(0)
    assert abs(c) < 1.e-10
    assert r > 0., "r = " + str(r) + " is not positive"
    print("Sparse inf-sup constant: ", sqrt(r))
    return (sqrt(r), solver.condensed_A, solver.condensed_B)
예제 #30
def convert_meshfunctions_to_submesh(mesh, submesh, meshfunctions_on_mesh):
    assert meshfunctions_on_mesh is None or (isinstance(
        meshfunctions_on_mesh, list) and len(meshfunctions_on_mesh) > 0)
    if meshfunctions_on_mesh is None:
        return None
    meshfunctions_on_submesh = list()
    # Create submesh subdomains
    for mesh_subdomain in meshfunctions_on_mesh:
        submesh_subdomain = MeshFunction("size_t", submesh,
        assert submesh_subdomain.dim() in (submesh.topology().dim(),
                                           submesh.topology().dim() - 1)
        if submesh_subdomain.dim() == submesh.topology().dim():
            for submesh_cell in cells(submesh):
                    submesh_cell.index()] = mesh_subdomain.array()[
        elif submesh_subdomain.dim() == submesh.topology().dim() - 1:
            for submesh_facet in facets(submesh):
                    submesh_facet.index()] = mesh_subdomain.array()[
        else:  # impossible to arrive here anyway, thanks to the assert
            raise TypeError(
                "Invalid arguments in convert_meshfunctions_to_submesh.")
    return meshfunctions_on_submesh
예제 #31
def test_save_3D_edge_function(tempdir, encoding, data_type):
    dtype_str, dtype = data_type
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, 4, 4, 4)
    mf = MeshFunction(dtype_str, mesh, 1, 0)
    for edge in Edges(mesh):
        mf[edge] = dtype(edge.index())

    filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "mf_edge_3D_%s.xdmf" % dtype_str)
    with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, encoding=encoding) as file:
예제 #32
def test_advect_periodic_facet_marker(advection_scheme):
    xmin, xmax = 0.0, 1.0
    ymin, ymax = 0.0, 1.0

    mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(xmin, ymin), Point(xmax, ymax), 10, 10)
    facet_marker = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1)
    boundaries = Boundaries()
    boundaries.mark(facet_marker, 3)

    lims = np.array([
        [xmin, xmin, ymin, ymax],
        [xmax, xmax, ymin, ymax],
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymin],
        [xmin, xmax, ymax, ymax],

    vexpr = Constant((1.0, 1.0))
    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)

    x = RandomRectangle(Point(0.05, 0.05), Point(0.15, 0.15)).generate([3, 3])
    x = comm.bcast(x, root=0)
    dt = 0.05

    v = Function(V)

    p = particles(x, [x * 0, x**2], mesh)

    if advection_scheme == "euler":
        ap = advect_particles(p, V, v, facet_marker, lims.flatten())
    elif advection_scheme == "rk2":
        ap = advect_rk2(p, V, v, facet_marker, lims.flatten())
    elif advection_scheme == "rk3":
        ap = advect_rk3(p, V, v, facet_marker, lims.flatten())
        assert False

    xp0 = p.positions()
    t = 0.0
    while t < 1.0 - 1e-12:
        t += dt
    xpE = p.positions()

    # Check if position correct
    xp0_root = comm.gather(xp0, root=0)
    xpE_root = comm.gather(xpE, root=0)

    if comm.Get_rank() == 0:
        xp0_root = np.float32(np.vstack(xp0_root))
        xpE_root = np.float32(np.vstack(xpE_root))
        error = np.linalg.norm(xp0_root - xpE_root)
        assert error < 1e-10
예제 #33
def read_h5(h5Path):
    mesh = Mesh()
    hdf = HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), h5Path, 'r')
    hdf.read(mesh, '/mesh', False)
    subdomains = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 3)
    boundaries = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 2)

    hdf.read(subdomains, '/subdomains')
    hdf.read(boundaries, '/boundaries')

    return mesh, subdomains, boundaries
예제 #34
 def __init__(self, n=16, divide=1, threshold=12.3,
              left_side_num=3, left_side_denom=4):
     """ Store parameters, initialize data exports (latex, txt). """
     # left_side_num/denom are either height, assuming base is 1,
     #   or left and bottom side lengths
     self.n = n
     self.threshold = threshold / left_side_denom ** 2
     self.left_side = [0] * (n + 1)
     self.bottom_side = [0] * (n + 1)
     self.left_side_len = left_side_num * 1.0 / left_side_denom
     self.left_side_num = left_side_num
     self.left_side_denom = left_side_denom
     self.folder = "results"
     self.name = "domains_{}_{}_{}".format(n, divide, threshold)
     self.filename = self.folder + "/" + self.name + ".tex"
     self.matrixZname = self.folder + "/matrices_Z/" + self.name
     self.matrixQname = self.folder + "/matrices_Q/" + self.name
     self.genericname = self.folder + "/" + self.name
     self.textname = self.folder + "/" + self.name + ".txt"
     f = open(self.textname, 'w')
     self.latex = "cd " + self.folder + "; pdflatex --interaction=batchmode" \
         + " {0}.tex; rm {0}.aux {0}.log".format(self.name)
     self.shift = 0
     # common mesh, ready to cut/apply Dirichlet BC
     self.mesh = Triangle(self.left_side_num, left_side_denom)
     while self.mesh.size(2) < self.n * self.n:
         self.mesh = refine(self.mesh)
     for i in range(divide):
         self.mesh = refine(self.mesh)
     boundary = MeshFunction("size_t", self.mesh, 1)
     self.plotted = plot(
     print 'Grid size: ', self.n ** 2
     print 'Mesh size: ', self.mesh.size(2)
     # setup solver
     self.solver = Solver(self.mesh, left_side_num, left_side_denom)
     self.mass = self.solver.B
     self.stiff = self.solver.A
     print np.unique(self.stiff.data)
     # save dofs
     f = open(self.genericname+'_dofmap.txt', 'w')
     for vec in self.solver.dofs:
         print >>f, vec
예제 #35
파일: misc.py 프로젝트: nschloe/maelstrom
def square_with_obstacle():
    # Create classes for defining parts of the boundaries and the interior
    # of the domain
    class Left(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return near(x[0], 0.0)

    class Right(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return near(x[0], 1.0)

    class Bottom(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return near(x[1], 0.0)

    class Top(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return near(x[1], 1.0)

    class Obstacle(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return between(x[1], (0.5, 0.7)) and between(x[0], (0.2, 1.0))

    # Initialize sub-domain instances
    left = Left()
    top = Top()
    right = Right()
    bottom = Bottom()
    obstacle = Obstacle()

    # Define mesh
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(100, 100, "crossed")

    # Initialize mesh function for interior domains
    domains = CellFunction("size_t", mesh)
    obstacle.mark(domains, 1)

    # Initialize mesh function for boundary domains
    boundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1)
    left.mark(boundaries, 1)
    top.mark(boundaries, 2)
    right.mark(boundaries, 3)
    bottom.mark(boundaries, 4)

    boundary_indices = {"left": 1, "top": 2, "right": 3, "bottom": 4}
    f = Constant(0.0)
    theta0 = Constant(293.0)
    return mesh, f, boundaries, boundary_indices, theta0
예제 #36
파일: common.py 프로젝트: mikaem/Oasis
def derived_bcs(V, original_bcs, u_):

    new_bcs = []

    # Check first if user has declared subdomains
    subdomain = original_bcs[0].user_sub_domain()
    if subdomain is None:
        mesh = V.mesh()
        ff = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1, 0)
        for i, bc in enumerate(original_bcs):
            bc.apply(u_[0].vector())  # Need to initialize bc
            m = bc.markers()  # Get facet indices of boundary
            ff.array()[m] = i + 1
            new_bcs.append(DirichletBC(V, Constant(0), ff, i + 1))

        for i, bc in enumerate(original_bcs):
            subdomain = bc.user_sub_domain()
            new_bcs.append(DirichletBC(V, Constant(0), subdomain))

    return new_bcs
예제 #37
def test_ale():

    # Create some mesh
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(4, 5)

    # Make some cell function
    # FIXME: Initialization by array indexing is probably
    #        not a good way for parallel test
    cellfunc = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh.topology().dim())
    cellfunc.array()[0:4] = 0
    cellfunc.array()[4:]  = 1

    # Create submeshes - this does not work in parallel
    submesh0 = SubMesh(mesh, cellfunc, 0)
    submesh1 = SubMesh(mesh, cellfunc, 1)

    # Move submesh0
    disp = Constant(("0.1", "-0.1"))
    ALE.move(submesh0, disp)

    # Move and smooth submesh1 accordignly
    ALE.move(submesh1, submesh0)

    # Move mesh accordingly
    parent_vertex_indices_0 = \
        submesh0.data().array('parent_vertex_indices', 0)
    parent_vertex_indices_1 = \
        submesh1.data().array('parent_vertex_indices', 0)
    mesh.coordinates()[parent_vertex_indices_0[:]] = \
    mesh.coordinates()[parent_vertex_indices_1[:]] = \

    # If test passes here then it is probably working
    # Check for cell quality for sure
    magic_number = 0.28
    rmin = MeshQuality.radius_ratio_min_max(mesh)[0]
    assert rmin > magic_number
예제 #38
    def __init__(self, mesh, num, denom, method="CR"):
        """ Assemble matrices and cache matrices. """
        self.V = FunctionSpace(mesh, method, 1)
        # save coordinates of DOFs
        self.dofs = np.reshape(self.V.dofmap().tabulate_all_coordinates(mesh),
                               (-1, 2))
        u = TrialFunction(self.V)
        v = TestFunction(self.V)
        self.boundary = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, 1)
        # assemble matrices
        a = inner(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx
        b = u * v * dx
        self.A = uBLASSparseMatrix()
        self.A = assemble(a, tensor=self.A)
        self.B = uBLASSparseMatrix()
        self.B = assemble(b, tensor=self.B)
        size = mesh.size(2)
        # cell diameter calculation
        self.H2 = (num ** 2 + denom ** 2) * 1.0 / size
        # print "Theoretical cell diameter: ", sqrt(self.H2)
        # print "FEniCS calculated: ", mesh.hmax()

        # Matrices have rational entries. We can rescale to get integers
        # and save as scipy matrices
        scaleB = 6.0*size/num/denom
        self.scaleB = scaleB
        self.B *= scaleB
        r, c, val = self.B.data()
        val = np.round(val)
        self.B = sps.csr_matrix((val, c, r))
        # check if B is diagonal
        assert len(self.B.diagonal()) == self.B.nnz
        # find B inverse
        self.Binv = sps.csr_matrix((1.0/val, c, r))
        scaleA = 1.0*num*denom/2
        self.scaleA = scaleA
        self.A *= scaleA
        r, c, val = self.A.data()
        self.A = sps.csr_matrix((np.round(val), c, r))

        self.scale = scaleA/scaleB
        print 'scaling A by: ', scaleA
        print 'scaling B by: ', scaleB
        print 'eigenvalues scale by:', self.scale
예제 #39
파일: misc.py 프로젝트: nschloe/maelstrom
def coil_in_box():
    mesh = Mesh("../meshes/2d/coil-in-box.xml")

    f = Constant(0.0)

    # Define mesh and boundaries.
    class LeftBoundary(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary and x[0] < GMSH_EPS

    left_boundary = LeftBoundary()

    class RightBoundary(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary and x[0] > 2.5 - GMSH_EPS

    right_boundary = RightBoundary()

    class LowerBoundary(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary and x[1] < GMSH_EPS

    lower_boundary = LowerBoundary()

    class UpperBoundary(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary and x[1] > 0.4 - GMSH_EPS

    upper_boundary = UpperBoundary()

    class CoilBoundary(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return (
                and x[0] > GMSH_EPS
                and x[0] < 2.5 - GMSH_EPS
                and x[1] > GMSH_EPS
                and x[1] < 0.4 - GMSH_EPS

    coil_boundary = CoilBoundary()

    # heater_temp = 380.0
    # room_temp = 293.0
    # bcs = [(coil_boundary, heater_temp),
    #        (left_boundary, room_temp),
    #        (right_boundary, room_temp),
    #        (upper_boundary, room_temp),
    #        (lower_boundary, room_temp)
    #        ]

    boundaries = {}
    boundaries["left"] = left_boundary
    boundaries["right"] = right_boundary
    boundaries["upper"] = upper_boundary
    boundaries["lower"] = lower_boundary
    boundaries["coil"] = coil_boundary

    boundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1)
    left_boundary.mark(boundaries, 1)
    right_boundary.mark(boundaries, 2)
    upper_boundary.mark(boundaries, 3)
    lower_boundary.mark(boundaries, 4)
    coil_boundary.mark(boundaries, 5)

    boundary_indices = {"left": 1, "right": 2, "top": 3, "bottom": 4, "coil": 5}
    theta0 = Constant(293.0)
    return mesh, f, boundaries, boundary_indices, theta0
예제 #40
def les_setup(u_, mesh, assemble_matrix, CG1Function, nut_krylov_solver, bcs, **NS_namespace):
    Set up for solving the Germano Dynamic LES model applying
    Lagrangian Averaging.

    # Create function spaces
    CG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    p, q = TrialFunction(CG1), TestFunction(CG1)
    dim = mesh.geometry().dim()

    # Define delta and project delta**2 to CG1
    delta = pow(CellVolume(mesh), 1. / dim)
    delta_CG1_sq = project(delta, CG1)

    # Define nut_
    Sij = sym(grad(u_))
    magS = sqrt(2 * inner(Sij, Sij))
    Cs = Function(CG1)
    nut_form = Cs**2 * delta**2 * magS
    # Create nut_ BCs
    ff = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1, 0)
    bcs_nut = []
    for i, bc in enumerate(bcs['u0']):
        bc.apply(u_[0].vector())  # Need to initialize bc
        m = bc.markers()  # Get facet indices of boundary
        ff.array()[m] = i + 1
        bcs_nut.append(DirichletBC(CG1, Constant(0), ff, i + 1))
    nut_ = CG1Function(nut_form, mesh, method=nut_krylov_solver,
                       bcs=bcs_nut, bounded=True, name="nut")

    # Create functions for holding the different velocities
    u_CG1 = as_vector([Function(CG1) for i in range(dim)])
    u_filtered = as_vector([Function(CG1) for i in range(dim)])
    dummy = Function(CG1)
    ll = LagrangeInterpolator()

    # Assemble required filter matrices and functions
    G_under = Function(CG1, assemble(TestFunction(CG1) * dx))
    G_under.vector().set_local(1. / G_under.vector().array())
    G_matr = assemble(inner(p, q) * dx)

    # Set up functions for Lij and Mij
    Lij = [Function(CG1) for i in range(dim * dim)]
    Mij = [Function(CG1) for i in range(dim * dim)]
    # Check if case is 2D or 3D and set up uiuj product pairs and
    # Sij forms, assemble required matrices
    Sijcomps = [Function(CG1) for i in range(dim * dim)]
    Sijfcomps = [Function(CG1) for i in range(dim * dim)]
    # Assemble some required matrices for solving for rate of strain terms
    Sijmats = [assemble_matrix(p.dx(i) * q * dx) for i in range(dim)]
    if dim == 3:
        tensdim = 6
        uiuj_pairs = ((0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2))
        tensdim = 3
        uiuj_pairs = ((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1))

    # Set up Lagrange functions
    JLM = Function(CG1)
    JLM.vector()[:] += 1E-32
    JMM = Function(CG1)
    JMM.vector()[:] += 1

    return dict(Sij=Sij, nut_form=nut_form, nut_=nut_, delta=delta, bcs_nut=bcs_nut,
                delta_CG1_sq=delta_CG1_sq, CG1=CG1, Cs=Cs, u_CG1=u_CG1,
                u_filtered=u_filtered, ll=ll, Lij=Lij, Mij=Mij, Sijcomps=Sijcomps,
                Sijfcomps=Sijfcomps, Sijmats=Sijmats, JLM=JLM, JMM=JMM, dim=dim,
                tensdim=tensdim, G_matr=G_matr, G_under=G_under, dummy=dummy,
예제 #41
def femsolve():
    ''' Bilineaarinen muoto:

        a(u,v) = L(v)
        a(u,v) = (inner(grad(u), grad(v)) + u*v)*dx
        L(v) = f*v*dx - g*v*ds
        g(x) = -du/dx = -u1, x = x1
        u(x0) = u0
        Omega = {xeR|x0<=x<=x1}


    from dolfin import UnitInterval, FunctionSpace, DirichletBC, TrialFunction
    from dolfin import TestFunction, grad, Constant, Function, solve, inner, dx, ds
    from dolfin import MeshFunction, assemble
    import dolfin
#    from dolfin import set_log_level, PROCESS

    # Create mesh and define function space
    mesh = UnitInterval(30)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 2)

    boundaries  = MeshFunction('uint', mesh, mesh.topology().dim()-1)


    class Left(dolfin.SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14   # tolerance for coordinate comparisons
            return on_boundary and abs(x[0]) < tol

    class Right(dolfin.SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return dolfin.near(x[0], 1.0)
    left = Left()
    right = Right()
    left.mark(boundaries, 1)
    right.mark(boundaries, 2)

#    def u0_boundary(x):
#        return abs(x[0]) < tol
#    bc = DirichletBC(V, Constant(u0), lambda x: abs(x[0]) < tol)
    bcs = [DirichletBC(V, Constant(u0), boundaries, 1)]
    # Define variational problem
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    v = TestFunction(V)
    a = (inner(grad(u), grad(v)) + u*v)*dx
    g = Constant(-u1)
    L = Constant(f)*v*dx - g*v*ds(2)
 #   set_log_level(PROCESS)
    # Compute solution
    A = assemble(a, exterior_facet_domains=boundaries)
    b = assemble(L, exterior_facet_domains=boundaries)
    for bc in bcs: 
        bc.apply(A, b)
    u = Function(V)
    solve(A, u.vector(), b, 'lu')
    coor = mesh.coordinates()
    u_array = u.vector().array()
    a = []
    b = []
    for i in range(mesh.num_vertices()):
        print('u(%3.2f) = %0.14E'%(coor[i],u_array[i]))
    import numpy as np
예제 #42
파일: test.py 프로젝트: alogg/dolfin
    def test_convert_triangle(self): # Disabled because it fails, see FIXME below
        # test no. 1
        from dolfin import Mesh, MPI
        if MPI.num_processes() != 1:
        fname = os.path.join("data", "triangle")
        dfname = fname+".xml"
        # Read triangle file and convert to a dolfin xml mesh file
        meshconvert.triangle2xml(fname, dfname)

        # Read in dolfin mesh and check number of cells and vertices
        mesh = Mesh(dfname)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_vertices(), 96)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_cells(), 159)

        # Clean up

        # test no. 2
        from dolfin import MPI, Mesh, MeshFunction, \
                           edges, Edge, faces, Face, \
                           SubsetIterator, facets, CellFunction
        if MPI.num_processes() != 1:
        fname = os.path.join("data", "test_Triangle_3")
        dfname = fname+".xml"
        dfname0 = fname+".attr0.xml"

        # Read triangle file and convert to a dolfin xml mesh file
        meshconvert.triangle2xml(fname, dfname)

        # Read in dolfin mesh and check number of cells and vertices
        mesh = Mesh(dfname)
        mfun = MeshFunction('double', mesh, dfname0)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_vertices(), 58)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_cells(), 58)

        # Create a size_t CellFunction and assign the values based on the
        # converted Meshfunction
        cf = CellFunction("size_t", mesh)
        cf.array()[mfun.array()==10.0] = 0
        cf.array()[mfun.array()==-10.0] = 1

        # Meassure total area of cells with 1 and 2 marker
        add = lambda x, y : x+y
        area0 = reduce(add, (Face(mesh, cell.index()).area() \
                             for cell in SubsetIterator(cf, 0)), 0.0)
        area1 = reduce(add, (Face(mesh, cell.index()).area() \
                             for cell in SubsetIterator(cf, 1)), 0.0)
        total_area = reduce(add, (face.area() for face in faces(mesh)), 0.0)

        # Check that all cells in the two domains are either above or below y=0
        self.assertTrue(all(cell.midpoint().y()<0 for cell in SubsetIterator(cf, 0)))
        self.assertTrue(all(cell.midpoint().y()>0 for cell in SubsetIterator(cf, 1)))
        # Check that the areas add up
        self.assertAlmostEqual(area0+area1, total_area)
        # Measure the edge length of the two edge domains
        edge_markers = mesh.domains().facet_domains()
        self.assertTrue(edge_markers is not None)
        length0 = reduce(add, (Edge(mesh, e.index()).length() \
                            for e in SubsetIterator(edge_markers, 0)), 0.0)
        length1 = reduce(add, (Edge(mesh, e.index()).length() \
                            for e in SubsetIterator(edge_markers, 1)), 0.0)
        # Total length of all edges and total length of boundary edges
        total_length = reduce(add, (e.length() for e in edges(mesh)), 0.0)
        boundary_length = reduce(add, (Edge(mesh, f.index()).length() \
                          for f in facets(mesh) if f.exterior()), 0.0)
        # Check that the edges add up
        self.assertAlmostEqual(length0+length1, total_length)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(length1, boundary_length)

        # Clean up
예제 #43
class Solver(object):

    First order FEM with CR elements.

    Nonconforming CR elements give lower bounds for eigenvalues
    after apropriate postprocessing is applied.

    def __init__(self, mesh, num, denom, method="CR"):
        """ Assemble matrices and cache matrices. """
        self.V = FunctionSpace(mesh, method, 1)
        # save coordinates of DOFs
        self.dofs = np.reshape(self.V.dofmap().tabulate_all_coordinates(mesh),
                               (-1, 2))
        u = TrialFunction(self.V)
        v = TestFunction(self.V)
        self.boundary = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, 1)
        # assemble matrices
        a = inner(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx
        b = u * v * dx
        self.A = uBLASSparseMatrix()
        self.A = assemble(a, tensor=self.A)
        self.B = uBLASSparseMatrix()
        self.B = assemble(b, tensor=self.B)
        size = mesh.size(2)
        # cell diameter calculation
        self.H2 = (num ** 2 + denom ** 2) * 1.0 / size
        # print "Theoretical cell diameter: ", sqrt(self.H2)
        # print "FEniCS calculated: ", mesh.hmax()

        # Matrices have rational entries. We can rescale to get integers
        # and save as scipy matrices
        scaleB = 6.0*size/num/denom
        self.scaleB = scaleB
        self.B *= scaleB
        r, c, val = self.B.data()
        val = np.round(val)
        self.B = sps.csr_matrix((val, c, r))
        # check if B is diagonal
        assert len(self.B.diagonal()) == self.B.nnz
        # find B inverse
        self.Binv = sps.csr_matrix((1.0/val, c, r))
        scaleA = 1.0*num*denom/2
        self.scaleA = scaleA
        self.A *= scaleA
        r, c, val = self.A.data()
        self.A = sps.csr_matrix((np.round(val), c, r))

        self.scale = scaleA/scaleB
        print 'scaling A by: ', scaleA
        print 'scaling B by: ', scaleB
        print 'eigenvalues scale by:', self.scale

    def solve(self, dirichlet=lambda x: False, plotted=None):
        Find eigenvalues given a boundary condition function.

        dirichlet is a function returning True if x is on Dirichlet BC.
        d = Dirichlet()
        d.mark(self.boundary, 1)
        if plotted is not None:
        #    plotted.write_png()

        # indices for non-Dirichlet rows/columns
        indices = np.nonzero(np.apply_along_axis(
            lambda x: not dirichlet(x), 1, self.dofs))[0]
        # remove Dirichlet rows and columns from A
        self.AA = (self.A[indices, :]).tocsc()[:, indices]
        # remove Dirichlet rows and columns from B
        self.BB = (self.B[indices, :]).tocsc()[:, indices]
        self.BBinv = (self.Binv[indices, :]).tocsc()[:, indices]
        # solve using scipy
        eigs, eigfs = ssl.eigsh(self.AA, k=2, M=self.BB, sigma=0, which='LM')
        self.raweigs = [eigs[0], eigs[1]]
        eig = eigs[0]
        # turn eigf into a function
        eigf = np.array(eigfs[:, 0]).flatten()
        # we were solving only for some dofs, rest is 0
        # u = Function(self.V)
        # u.vector()[:] = 0
        # u.vector()[indices] = eigf
        # find algebraic residual
        # both L2 norm of u and B norm of eigf should equal 1
        # print assemble(u*u*dx), self.BB.dot(eigf).dot(eigf)
        res = self.AA.dot(eigf) - eig * self.BB.dot(eigf)
        resnorm = np.sqrt(self.BBinv.dot(res).dot(res))
        self.residual = [resnorm, 0]
        # apply Carstensen-Gedicke transformations to eig
        # kappa^2 less than 0.1932
        eig = (eig - resnorm) / (1 + 0.1932 * (eig - resnorm) *
                                 self.H2 / self.scale)
        # scale back the eigenvalue
        eig = eig/self.scale
        # find residual for the second eigenvalue (for gap calculations)
        eigf = np.array(eigfs[:, 1]).flatten()
        res = self.AA.dot(eigf) - eigs[1] * self.BB.dot(eigf)
        resnorm = np.sqrt(self.BBinv.dot(res).dot(res))
        self.residual[1] = resnorm
        # return (eig, u)  # pair (eigenvalue,eigenfunctions)
        return (eig, None)  # pair (eigenvalue,eigenfunctions)
예제 #44
파일: misc.py 프로젝트: nschloe/maelstrom
def peter():
    base = "../meshes/2d/peter"
    # base = '../meshes/2d/peter-fine'
    mesh = Mesh(base + ".xml")

    subdomains = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, base + "_physical_region.xml")

    workpiece_index = 3
    subdomain_materials = {1: "SiC", 2: "carbon steel", 3: "GaAs (liquid)"}

    submesh_workpiece = SubMesh(mesh, subdomains, workpiece_index)
    W = VectorFunctionSpace(submesh_workpiece, "CG", 2)
    Q = FunctionSpace(submesh_workpiece, "CG", 2)

    # Define melt boundaries.
    class LeftBoundary(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            # Be especially careful in the corners when defining the r=0 axis:
            # For the PPE to be consistent, we need to have n.u=0 *everywhere*
            # on the non-(r=0) boundaries.
            return (
                and x[0] < GMSH_EPS
                and 0.005 + GMSH_EPS < x[1]
                and x[1] < 0.050 - GMSH_EPS

    class SurfaceBoundary(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return (
                and 0.055 - GMSH_EPS < x[1]
                and 0.030 - GMSH_EPS < x[0]
                and x[0] < 0.075 + GMSH_EPS

    class StampBoundary(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            # Well well. If we don't include the endpoints here, the PPE turns
            # out inconsistent. This is weird since the endpoints should be
            # picked up by RightBoundary and StampBoundary.
            return (
                and 0.050 - GMSH_EPS < x[1]
                and x[1] < 0.055 + GMSH_EPS
                and x[0] < 0.030 + GMSH_EPS

    class LowerBoundary(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            # Danger, danger.
            # If the rightmost point (0.075, 0.010) is excluded, the PPE will
            # end up inconsistent.
            # This is actually weird since it should be picked up by
            # RightBoundary.
            return on_boundary and (
                x[1] < 0.005 + GMSH_EPS
                or (x[0] > 0.070 - GMSH_EPS and x[1] < 0.010 + GMSH_EPS)

    class RightBoundary(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary and x[0] > 0.075 - GMSH_EPS

    left_boundary = LeftBoundary()
    lower_boundary = LowerBoundary()
    right_boundary = RightBoundary()
    surface_boundary = SurfaceBoundary()
    stamp_boundary = StampBoundary()

    # Define workpiece boundaries.
    wp_boundaries = MeshFunction(
        "size_t", submesh_workpiece, self.submesh_workpiece.topology().dim() - 1
    left_boundary.mark(wp_boundaries, 1)
    lower_boundary.mark(wp_boundaries, 2)
    right_boundary.mark(wp_boundaries, 3)
    surface_boundary.mark(wp_boundaries, 4)
    stamp_boundary.mark(wp_boundaries, 5)

    # For local use only:
    wp_boundary_indices = {"left": 1, "lower": 2, "right": 3, "surface": 4, "stamp": 5}

    # Boundary conditions for the velocity.
    u_bcs = [
        DirichletBC(W, (0.0, 0.0), stamp_boundary),
        DirichletBC(W, (0.0, 0.0), right_boundary),
        DirichletBC(W, (0.0, 0.0), lower_boundary),
        DirichletBC(W.sub(0), 0.0, left_boundary),
        DirichletBC(W.sub(1), 0.0, surface_boundary),
    p_bcs = []

    # Boundary conditions for the heat equation.
    # Dirichlet
    theta_bcs_d = []
    # Neumann
    theta_bcs_n = {}
    # Robin, i.e.,
    #    -dtheta/dn = alpha (theta - theta0)
    # (with alpha>0 to preserve coercivity of the scheme).
    theta_bcs_r = {
        wp_boundary_indices["stamp"]: (100.0, 1500.0),
        wp_boundary_indices["surface"]: (100.0, 1550.0),
        wp_boundary_indices["right"]: (300.0, Expression("200*x[0] + 1600", degree=1)),
        wp_boundary_indices["lower"]: (
            Expression("-1200*x[1] + 1614", degree=1),
    return (