def assemble_vector(form: ufl.form.Form, constraint: MultiPointConstraint, b: _PETSc.Vec = None) -> _PETSc.Vec: """ Assemble a linear form into vector b with corresponding multi point constraint Parameters ---------- form The linear form constraint The multi point constraint b PETSc vector to assemble into (optional) Returns ------- PETSc.Vec The assembled linear form """ if b is None: b = constraint.function_space.dofmap.index_map, constraint.function_space.dofmap.index_map_bs) t = Timer("~MPC: Assemble vector (C++)") with b.localForm() as b_local: b_local.set(0.0) dolfinx_mpc.cpp.mpc.assemble_vector(b_local, form, constraint._cpp_object) t.stop() return b
def apply_lifting(b: _PETSc.Vec, form: List[_fem.FormMetaClass], bcs: List[List[_fem.DirichletBCMetaClass]], constraint: MultiPointConstraint, x0: List[_PETSc.Vec] = [], scale: float = 1.0): """ Apply lifting to vector b, i.e. .. math:: b <- b - scale * K^T (A_j (g_j - x0_j)) Parameters ---------- b PETSc vector to assemble into form The linear form bcs List of Dirichlet boundary conditions constraint The multi point constraint x0 List of vectors scale Scaling for lifting Returns ------- PETSc.Vec The assembled linear form """ t = Timer("~MPC: Apply lifting (C++)") with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: x0 = [stack.enter_context(x.localForm()) for x in x0] x0_r = [x.array_r for x in x0] b_local = stack.enter_context(b.localForm()) dolfinx_mpc.cpp.mpc.apply_lifting(b_local.array_w, form, bcs, x0_r, scale, constraint._cpp_object) t.stop()
def mesh_3D_dolfin(theta=0, ct=CellType.tetrahedron, ext="tetrahedron", num_refinements=0, N0=5): timer = Timer("Create mesh") def find_plane_function(p0, p1, p2): """ Find plane function given three points: """ v1 = np.array(p1) - np.array(p0) v2 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p0) n = np.cross(v1, v2) D = -(n[0] * p0[0] + n[1] * p0[1] + n[2] * p0[2]) return lambda x: np.isclose(0,, x) + D) def over_plane(p0, p1, p2): """ Returns function that checks if a point is over a plane defined by the points p0, p1 and p2. """ v1 = np.array(p1) - np.array(p0) v2 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p0) n = np.cross(v1, v2) D = -(n[0] * p0[0] + n[1] * p0[1] + n[2] * p0[2]) return lambda x: n[0] * x[0] + n[1] * x[1] + D > -n[2] * x[2] tmp_mesh_name = "tmp_mesh.xdmf" r_matrix = rotation_matrix([1 / np.sqrt(2), 1 / np.sqrt(2), 0], -theta) if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: # Create two coarse meshes and merge them mesh0 = create_unit_cube(MPI.COMM_SELF, N0, N0, N0, ct) mesh0.geometry.x[:, 2] += 1 mesh1 = create_unit_cube(MPI.COMM_SELF, 2 * N0, 2 * N0, 2 * N0, ct) tdim0 = mesh0.topology.dim num_cells0 = mesh0.topology.index_map(tdim0).size_local cells0 = entities_to_geometry( mesh0, tdim0, np.arange(num_cells0, dtype=np.int32).reshape((-1, 1)), False) tdim1 = mesh1.topology.dim num_cells1 = mesh1.topology.index_map(tdim1).size_local cells1 = entities_to_geometry( mesh1, tdim1, np.arange(num_cells1, dtype=np.int32).reshape((-1, 1)), False) cells1 += mesh0.geometry.x.shape[0] # Concatenate points and cells points = np.vstack([mesh0.geometry.x, mesh1.geometry.x]) cells = np.vstack([cells0, cells1]) cell = Cell(ext, geometric_dimension=points.shape[1]) domain = Mesh(VectorElement("Lagrange", cell, 1)) # Rotate mesh points =, points.T).T mesh = create_mesh(MPI.COMM_SELF, cells, points, domain) with XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_SELF, tmp_mesh_name, "w") as xdmf: xdmf.write_mesh(mesh) MPI.COMM_WORLD.barrier() with XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_WORLD, tmp_mesh_name, "r") as xdmf: mesh = xdmf.read_mesh() # Refine coarse mesh for i in range(num_refinements): mesh.topology.create_entities(mesh.topology.dim - 2) mesh = refine(mesh, redistribute=True) tdim = mesh.topology.dim fdim = tdim - 1 # Find information about facets to be used in meshtags bottom_points = r_matrix, np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]]).T) bottom = find_plane_function(bottom_points[:, 0], bottom_points[:, 1], bottom_points[:, 2]) bottom_facets = locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, bottom) top_points = r_matrix, np.array([[0, 0, 2], [1, 0, 2], [0, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2]]).T) top = find_plane_function(top_points[:, 0], top_points[:, 1], top_points[:, 2]) top_facets = locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, top) # Determine interface facets if_points = r_matrix, np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]).T) interface = find_plane_function(if_points[:, 0], if_points[:, 1], if_points[:, 2]) i_facets = locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, interface) mesh.topology.create_connectivity(fdim, tdim) top_interface = [] bottom_interface = [] facet_to_cell = mesh.topology.connectivity(fdim, tdim) num_cells = mesh.topology.index_map(tdim).size_local # Find top and bottom interface facets cell_midpoints = compute_midpoints(mesh, tdim, range(num_cells)) top_cube = over_plane(if_points[:, 0], if_points[:, 1], if_points[:, 2]) for facet in i_facets: i_cells = facet_to_cell.links(facet) assert (len(i_cells == 1)) i_cell = i_cells[0] if top_cube(cell_midpoints[i_cell]): top_interface.append(facet) else: bottom_interface.append(facet) # Create cell tags num_cells = mesh.topology.index_map(tdim).size_local cell_midpoints = compute_midpoints(mesh, tdim, range(num_cells)) top_cube_marker = 2 indices = [] values = [] for cell_index in range(num_cells): if top_cube(cell_midpoints[cell_index]): indices.append(cell_index) values.append(top_cube_marker) ct = meshtags(mesh, tdim, np.array(indices, dtype=np.intc), np.array(values, dtype=np.intc)) # Create meshtags for facet data markers = { 3: top_facets, 4: bottom_interface, 9: top_interface, 5: bottom_facets } # , 6: left_facets, 7: right_facets} indices = np.array([], dtype=np.intc) values = np.array([], dtype=np.intc) for key in markers.keys(): indices = np.append(indices, markers[key]) values = np.append(values, np.full(len(markers[key]), key, dtype=np.intc)) sorted_indices = np.argsort(indices) mt = meshtags(mesh, fdim, indices[sorted_indices], values[sorted_indices]) = "facet_tags" fname = f"meshes/mesh_{ext}_{theta:.2f}.xdmf" with XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_WORLD, fname, "w") as o_f: o_f.write_mesh(mesh) o_f.write_meshtags(ct) o_f.write_meshtags(mt) timer.stop()
def assemble_vector(form: _forms, constraint: MultiPointConstraint, b: _PETSc.Vec = None) -> _PETSc.Vec: """ Assemble a compiled DOLFINx form into vector b. Parameters ---------- form The complied linear form constraint The multi point constraint b PETSc vector to assemble into (optional) """ _log.log(_log.LogLevel.INFO, "Assemble MPC vector") timer_vector = Timer("~MPC: Assemble vector (numba)") # Unpack Function space data V = form.function_spaces[0] pos = V.mesh.geometry.dofmap.offsets x_dofs = V.mesh.geometry.dofmap.array x = V.mesh.geometry.x dofs = V.dofmap.list().array block_size = V.dofmap.index_map_bs # Data from multipointconstraint coefficients = constraint.coefficients()[0] masters_adj = constraint.masters c_to_s_adj = constraint.cell_to_slaves cell_to_slave = c_to_s_adj.array c_to_s_off = c_to_s_adj.offsets is_slave = constraint.is_slave mpc_data = (masters_adj.array, coefficients, masters_adj.offsets, cell_to_slave, c_to_s_off, is_slave) slave_cells = extract_slave_cells(c_to_s_off) # Get index map and ghost info if b is None: index_map = constraint.function_space.dofmap.index_map vector =, block_size) else: vector = b # Pack constants and coefficients form_coeffs = _cpp.fem.pack_coefficients(form) form_consts = _cpp.fem.pack_constants(form) tdim = V.mesh.topology.dim num_dofs_per_element = V.dofmap.dof_layout.num_dofs # Assemble vector with all entries with vector.localForm() as b_local: _cpp.fem.assemble_vector(b_local.array_w, form, form_consts, form_coeffs) # Check if we need facet permutations # FIXME: access apply_dof_transformations here e0 = form.function_spaces[0].element needs_transformation_data = e0.needs_dof_transformations or form.needs_facet_permutations cell_perms = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.uint32) if needs_transformation_data: V.mesh.topology.create_entity_permutations() cell_perms = V.mesh.topology.get_cell_permutation_info() if e0.needs_dof_transformations: raise NotImplementedError("Dof transformations not implemented") # Assemble over cells subdomain_ids = form.integral_ids(_fem.IntegralType.cell) num_cell_integrals = len(subdomain_ids) is_complex = numpy.issubdtype(_PETSc.ScalarType, numpy.complexfloating) nptype = "complex128" if is_complex else "float64" ufcx_form = form.ufcx_form if num_cell_integrals > 0: V.mesh.topology.create_entity_permutations() for i, id in enumerate(subdomain_ids): cell_kernel = getattr(ufcx_form.integrals(_fem.IntegralType.cell)[i], f"tabulate_tensor_{nptype}") active_cells =, id) coeffs_i = form_coeffs[(_fem.IntegralType.cell, id)] with vector.localForm() as b: assemble_cells(numpy.asarray(b), cell_kernel, active_cells[numpy.isin(active_cells, slave_cells)], (pos, x_dofs, x), coeffs_i, form_consts, cell_perms, dofs, block_size, num_dofs_per_element, mpc_data) # Assemble exterior facet integrals subdomain_ids = form.integral_ids(_fem.IntegralType.exterior_facet) num_exterior_integrals = len(subdomain_ids) if num_exterior_integrals > 0: V.mesh.topology.create_entities(tdim - 1) V.mesh.topology.create_connectivity(tdim - 1, tdim) # Get facet permutations if required facet_perms = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.uint8) if form.needs_facet_permutations: facet_perms = V.mesh.topology.get_facet_permutations() perm = (cell_perms, form.needs_facet_permutations, facet_perms) for i, id in enumerate(subdomain_ids): facet_kernel = getattr(ufcx_form.integrals(_fem.IntegralType.exterior_facet)[i], f"tabulate_tensor_{nptype}") coeffs_i = form_coeffs[(_fem.IntegralType.exterior_facet, id)] facets =, id) facet_info = pack_slave_facet_info(facets, slave_cells) num_facets_per_cell = len(V.mesh.topology.connectivity(tdim, tdim - 1).links(0)) with vector.localForm() as b: assemble_exterior_slave_facets(numpy.asarray(b), facet_kernel, facet_info, (pos, x_dofs, x), coeffs_i, form_consts, perm, dofs, block_size, num_dofs_per_element, mpc_data, num_facets_per_cell) timer_vector.stop() return vector
def assemble_matrix(form: _forms, constraint: MultiPointConstraint, bcs: List[_bcs] = None, diagval: _PETSc.ScalarType = 1., A: _PETSc.Mat = None): """ Assembles a compiled DOLFINx form with given a multi point constraint and possible Dirichlet boundary conditions. NOTE: Strong Dirichlet conditions cannot be on master dofs. Parameters ---------- form The compiled bilinear form constraint The multi point constraint bcs List of Dirichlet boundary conditions diagval Value to set on the diagonal of the matrix(Default 1) A PETSc matrix to assemble into (optional) """ timer_matrix = Timer("~MPC: Assemble matrix (numba)") V = constraint.function_space dofmap = V.dofmap dofs = dofmap.list.array # Pack MPC data for numba kernels coefficients = constraint.coefficients()[0] masters_adj = constraint.masters c_to_s_adj = constraint.cell_to_slaves cell_to_slave = c_to_s_adj.array c_to_s_off = c_to_s_adj.offsets is_slave = constraint.is_slave mpc_data = (masters_adj.array, coefficients, masters_adj.offsets, cell_to_slave, c_to_s_off, is_slave) slave_cells = extract_slave_cells(c_to_s_off) # Create 1D bc indicator for matrix assembly num_dofs_local = (dofmap.index_map.size_local + dofmap.index_map.num_ghosts) * dofmap.index_map_bs is_bc = numpy.zeros(num_dofs_local, dtype=bool) bcs = [] if bcs is None else bcs if len(bcs) > 0: for bc in bcs: is_bc[bc.dof_indices()[0]] = True # Get data from mesh pos = V.mesh.geometry.dofmap.offsets x_dofs = V.mesh.geometry.dofmap.array x = V.mesh.geometry.x # Pack constants and coefficients form_coeffs = _cpp.fem.pack_coefficients(form) form_consts = _cpp.fem.pack_constants(form) # Create sparsity pattern and matrix if not supplied if A is None: pattern = create_sparsity_pattern(form, constraint) pattern.assemble() A =, pattern) A.zeroEntries() # Assemble the matrix with all entries _cpp.fem.petsc.assemble_matrix(A, form, form_consts, form_coeffs, bcs, False) # General assembly data block_size = dofmap.dof_layout.block_size num_dofs_per_element = dofmap.dof_layout.num_dofs tdim = V.mesh.topology.dim # Assemble over cells subdomain_ids = form.integral_ids(_fem.IntegralType.cell) num_cell_integrals = len(subdomain_ids) e0 = form.function_spaces[0].element e1 = form.function_spaces[1].element # Get dof transformations needs_transformation_data = e0.needs_dof_transformations or e1.needs_dof_transformations or \ form.needs_facet_permutations cell_perms = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.uint32) if needs_transformation_data: V.mesh.topology.create_entity_permutations() cell_perms = V.mesh.topology.get_cell_permutation_info() # NOTE: Here we need to add the apply_dof_transformation and apply_dof_transformation transpose functions # to support more exotic elements if e0.needs_dof_transformations or e1.needs_dof_transformations: raise NotImplementedError("Dof transformations not implemented") is_complex = numpy.issubdtype(_PETSc.ScalarType, numpy.complexfloating) nptype = "complex128" if is_complex else "float64" ufcx_form = form.ufcx_form if num_cell_integrals > 0: V.mesh.topology.create_entity_permutations() for i, id in enumerate(subdomain_ids): coeffs_i = form_coeffs[(_fem.IntegralType.cell, id)] cell_kernel = getattr(ufcx_form.integrals(_fem.IntegralType.cell)[i], f"tabulate_tensor_{nptype}") active_cells =, id) assemble_slave_cells(A.handle, cell_kernel, active_cells[numpy.isin(active_cells, slave_cells)], (pos, x_dofs, x), coeffs_i, form_consts, cell_perms, dofs, block_size, num_dofs_per_element, mpc_data, is_bc) # Assemble over exterior facets subdomain_ids = form.integral_ids(_fem.IntegralType.exterior_facet) num_exterior_integrals = len(subdomain_ids) if num_exterior_integrals > 0: V.mesh.topology.create_entities(tdim - 1) V.mesh.topology.create_connectivity(tdim - 1, tdim) # Get facet permutations if required facet_perms = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.uint8) if form.needs_facet_permutations: facet_perms = V.mesh.topology.get_facet_permutations() perm = (cell_perms, form.needs_facet_permutations, facet_perms) for i, id in enumerate(subdomain_ids): facet_kernel = getattr(ufcx_form.integrals(_fem.IntegralType.exterior_facet) [i], f"tabulate_tensor_{nptype}") facets =, id) coeffs_i = form_coeffs[(_fem.IntegralType.exterior_facet, id)] facet_info = pack_slave_facet_info(facets, slave_cells) num_facets_per_cell = len(V.mesh.topology.connectivity(tdim, tdim - 1).links(0)) assemble_exterior_slave_facets(A.handle, facet_kernel, (pos, x_dofs, x), coeffs_i, form_consts, perm, dofs, block_size, num_dofs_per_element, facet_info, mpc_data, is_bc, num_facets_per_cell) # Add mpc entries on diagonal slaves = constraint.slaves num_local_slaves = constraint.num_local_slaves add_diagonal(A.handle, slaves[:num_local_slaves], diagval) # Add one on diagonal for diriclet bc and slave dofs # NOTE: In the future one could use a constant in the dirichletbc if form.function_spaces[0] is form.function_spaces[1]: A.assemblyBegin(_PETSc.Mat.AssemblyType.FLUSH) A.assemblyEnd(_PETSc.Mat.AssemblyType.FLUSH) _cpp.fem.petsc.insert_diagonal(A, form.function_spaces[0], bcs, diagval) A.assemble() timer_matrix.stop() return A