def _get_msg_by_key(self, consumer: Consumer, key: str, offset: int, key_partition: int, need_num: int, timestamp: int): """ 获取消息(倒序查询), 我们用key区分topic下的具体消息 :param consumer: :param key: :param offset: :param key_partition: :param need_num: need_num is the number of message that you need, if it's not enough, return direct. :param timestamp: if timestamp not equal to 0, then all inquire records need recorded before timestamp :return: """ key_byte = key.encode("utf-8") not_enough = True current_offset = offset key_records = list() while not_enough: if current_offset <= self.ONCE_GET: seek_position = 0 max_record = current_offset if current_offset != 0 else self.ONCE_GET else: seek_position = current_offset - self.ONCE_GET max_record = self.ONCE_GET # seek至指定position 开始poll record(顺序poll的, 因此需要处理下再返回), key_partition), seek_position) records = consumer.poll(timeout_ms=10000, max_records=max_record) if records == {}: log.tag_error(InquireErr.TimeOut, "Inquire [%s] records failed, time out" % key) raise ActionError(InquireErr.TimeOut) records_value = records[consumer.get_topic_partition( self.topic, key_partition)] # 筛选出所需key的record if timestamp == 0: _records = [ _record for _record in records_value if _record.key == key_byte ] else: _records = [ _record for _record in records_value if _record.key == key_byte and _record.timestamp <= timestamp ] # 该partition下所有records遍历完毕则退出 current_offset = current_offset - self.ONCE_GET if current_offset <= 0: not_enough = False if len(_records) < need_num - len(key_records): _records.extend(key_records) key_records = copy.deepcopy(_records) continue else: _records = _records[len(_records) - need_num + len(key_records):] _records.extend(key_records) key_records = copy.deepcopy(_records) not_enough = False return key_records
def get_msg_with_offset(self, key: str, offset: int = 0, need_num: int = 20, timestamp: int = 0): """ 获取消息(倒序查询), 我们用key区分topic下的具体消息 :param key: :param offset: :param need_num: :param timestamp: :return: """ key_byte = key.encode("utf-8") with Consumer(self.group_id) as consumer: # 获取key默认分配的分区 key_partition = self.get_default_partition_by_key( key_byte, consumer) partitions = [(self.topic, key_partition)] consumer.assign(partitions) # seek offset to the end consumer.seek_many(partitions, is_begin=False) last_offset = consumer.position(partitions[0]) if last_offset == 0: return [] # 如果无记录则直接返回 if offset > last_offset: raise ActionError(InquireErr.OffsetErr) current_offset = offset records = self._get_msg_by_key(consumer, key, current_offset, key_partition, need_num, timestamp) return records
def test_metrics(self): """ 测试获取获取consumer的性能记录 :return: """ with Consumer() as consumer: performance = consumer.metrics() print(performance)
def test_assign(self): """ 测试手动分配consumer topic分区 :return: """ partitions = [(TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 0)] with Consumer() as consumer: consumer.assign(partitions)
def test_topics(self): """ 测试获取topics :return: """ with Consumer() as consumer: result = consumer.get_topics() self.assertTrue(TestClientAdmin.test_topic in result ), "Test get topics failed, can't get all topics"
def test_commit(self): """ 测试commit offset :return: """ offset = (TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 0, 7) with Consumer(self.Test_Group_Id) as consumer: # 测试普通commit consumer.commit(offset) # 测试async commit consumer.commit(offset, async_commit=True)
def test_subscribe(self): """ 测试订阅topic :return: """ topics = [TestClientAdmin.test_topic] with Consumer() as consumer: consumer.subscribe(topics) result = consumer.subscription() self.assertTrue( TestClientAdmin.test_topic in result), "Test subscribe topic failed, topic not subscribe."
def test_highwater(self): """ 测试查询highwater offset :return: """ with Consumer(self.Test_Group_Id) as consumer: # 模拟手动分配topic partitions partitions = [(TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 0)] consumer.assign(partitions) result = consumer.highwarter(TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 0) self.assertTrue(result is None ), "Test get highwater offset failed, offset error"
def test_committed(self): """ 测试查询指定的topic partition最后一个committed offset :return: """ offset = (TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 0, 7) with Consumer(self.Test_Group_Id) as consumer: # mock commit offset consumer.commit(offset) result = consumer.committed(TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 0) self.assertEqual( result, 7 ), "Test get last committed offset of topic partition failed, offset error"
def test_seek(self): """ 测试手动修改offset :return: """ with Consumer() as consumer: # 模拟手动分配topic partition partitions = [(TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 0)] consumer.assign(partitions)[0], 1) result = consumer.position(partitions[0]) self.assertEqual(result, 1), "Test seek failed, seek offset is not 1"
def test_partition_for_topic(self): """ 测试查询指定topic的分区metadata :return: """ with Consumer(self.Test_Group_Id) as consumer: # 模拟生成topic的单个分区的metadata # offset = (TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 0, 7) # consumer.commit(offset) result = consumer.partition_for_topic(TestClientAdmin.test_topic) print(result) self.assertTrue( len(result) > 0 and type(result) == set), "Test get partition of topic failed, return error"
def get_default_partition_by_key(self, key: bytes, consumer: Consumer): """ 根据key获取指定的topic分区, 注意: 由于available_partitions_for_topic属于kafka, 我们获取不到可用的分区列表, 但由于当key不为None时, 可用分区参数没有用到(详情请见DefaultPartitioner), 因此key必须不为None :param key: :param consumer: Consumer实例 :return: """ # 获取topic的所有分区 partition = consumer.partition_for_topic(self.topic) par_list = [_par for _par in partition] choice_partition = DefaultPartitioner().__call__( key, par_list, par_list) return choice_partition
def test_end_offsets(self): """ 测试获取指定partitions的最后一个offset :return: """ with Consumer() as consumer: # 模拟手动分配topic partitions partitions = [(TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 0)] # 测试获取指定partitions的最开始offset result = consumer.end_offsets(partitions) for key, value in result.items(): self.assertTrue(key.topic == TestClientAdmin.test_topic), "Test get end offset failed, " \ "topic error" self.assertTrue( value == 0), "Test get end offset failed, offset type error"
def test_assignment(self): """ 测试获取consumer 当前topic分区 :return: """ with Consumer() as consumer: # 模拟手动创建topic partitions partitions = [(TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 0)] consumer.assign(partitions) # 测试获取topic partitions all_partition = consumer.assignment() result = all_partition.pop() self.assertTrue(result.topic == TestClientAdmin.test_topic), "Test get consumer topic " \ "partition failed, topic error" self.assertTrue( result.partition == 0 ), "Test get consumer topic partition failed, offset type error"
def test_offsets_for_time(self): """ 测试根据根据timestamp查询topic partition最早offset :return: """ # 模拟手动创建topic partitions partitions = [(TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 0), (TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 1), (TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 2)] timestamp = get_now_time_timestamp() with Consumer(self.Test_Group_Id) as consumer: result = consumer.offsets_for_time(partitions, timestamp) for key, value in result.items(): self.assertTrue( key.topic == TestClientAdmin.test_topic ), "Test get offset by time failed, topic error" self.assertTrue( value is None ), "Test get offset by time failed, offset error"
def test_unsubscribe(self): """ 测试取消订阅 :return: """ topics = [TestClientAdmin.test_topic] with Consumer() as consumer: # 模拟订阅 consumer.subscribe(topics) result = consumer.subscription() self.assertTrue( TestClientAdmin.test_topic in result), "Test unsubscribe topic failed, topic not subscribe." # 测试取消订阅 consumer.unsubscribe() result = consumer.subscription() if result is not None: self.assertTrue(TestClientAdmin.test_topic not in result), "Test unsubscribe topic failed, " \ "topic not unsubscribe."
def test_poll(self): """ 测试批量获取records :return: """ test_data = { "test_msg": "test", "time_test": 1000, } test_data_str = json.dumps(test_data) with Consumer() as consumer: # 模拟手动分配topic partition partitions = [(TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 0), (TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 1), (TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 2)] consumer.assign(partitions) with Producer() as producer: producer.send_message(TestClientAdmin.test_topic, test_data_str.encode("utf-8"), "test_key") producer.send_message(TestClientAdmin.test_topic, test_data_str.encode("utf-8"), "test_key") consumer.seek_many(partitions) self.assertEqual(consumer.position(partitions[0]), 0), "Test poll failed, seek many to begin failed" self.assertEqual(consumer.position(partitions[1]), 0), "Test poll failed, seek many to begin failed" self.assertEqual(consumer.position(partitions[2]), 0), "Test poll failed, seek many to begin failed" result = consumer.poll(100) self.assertEqual(len(result[list(result.keys())[0]]), 2), "Test poll failed, missing data" for key, value in result.items(): self.assertEqual( value[0].topic, TestClientAdmin.test_topic), "Test poll failed, data error" offset_num = 0 for _par in partitions: offset_num += consumer.position(_par) self.assertEqual(offset_num, 2), "Test poll failed, offset total error"
def test_resume(self): """ 测试resume恢复 :return: """ topic_partition = [(TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 0), (TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 1), (TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 2)] with Consumer() as consumer: # 模拟挂起 consumer.assign(topic_partition) consumer.pause(topic_partition) result = consumer.get_paused() self.assertEqual(len(result), len( topic_partition)), "Test resume failed, mock pause data failed" # 测试resume consumer.resume(topic_partition) result = consumer.get_paused() self.assertEqual(len(result), 0), "Test resume failed, resume not succeed"
def test_seek_many(self): """ 测试批量seek :return: """ topic_partition = [(TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 0), (TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 1), (TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 2)] with Consumer() as consumer: # 模拟手动分配topic partition consumer.assign(topic_partition) consumer.seek_many() result = consumer.position(topic_partition[0]) self.assertEqual( result, 0), "Test seek to the beginning failed, seek offset is not 0" consumer.seek_many(topic_partition, is_begin=False) result = consumer.position(topic_partition[0]) print(result) self.assertEqual( result, 0), "Test seek to the end failed, seek offset is not 0"
def test_pause(self): """ 测试挂起分区请求 :return: """ topic_partition = [(TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 0), (TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 1), (TestClientAdmin.test_topic, 2)] with Consumer() as consumer: # 模拟手动分配topic partitions consumer.assign(topic_partition) # 测试pause挂起功能 consumer.pause(topic_partition) # 测试获取挂起分区信息 result = consumer.get_paused() self.assertEqual(len(result), len(topic_partition)), "Test pause and get pause error, " \ "missing topic partition data" _topic_partition = [(_par.topic, _par.partition) for _par in result] for _partition in _topic_partition: self.assertTrue(_partition in topic_partition), "Test pause and get pause error, " \ "result is not equal to request"