예제 #1
def load_snapshot_cholla_distributed( n_snapshot, data_type, fields, inputDir, subgrid = None, show_progess = True, precision = np.float64):

  base_name = '.h5.'
  fileName = '{0}{1}0'.format( n_snapshot, base_name )

  #Load The first file to get parameters
  fileName = inputDir + fileName

  file = h5.File( fileName, 'r' )
  dims   = file.attrs['dims']
  nprocs = file.attrs['nprocs']
  domain = file.attrs['domain']

  header = {}
  h_keys = file.attrs.keys()
  for key in h_keys:
    data_key = file.attrs[key]
    if data_key.shape == (1,): header[key] = data_key[0]
    else: header[key] = data_key 

  grid_size = dims
  proc_grid = nprocs
  box_size  = domain
  domain = get_domain_block( proc_grid, box_size, grid_size )
  if subgrid == None: subgrid = [ [0,grid_size[0]], [0,grid_size[1]], [0,grid_size[2]], ]
  data_snapshot = load_snapshot_data_distributed( n_snapshot, inputDir, data_type, fields, subgrid, domain, precision, proc_grid,  show_progess=show_progess )
  data_snapshot['header'] = header
  return data_snapshot
예제 #2

# Load Enzo File
snapKey = '{0:03}'.format(nSnap)
inFileName = 'DD0{0}/data0{0}'.format( snapKey)
ds = yt.load( inDir + inFileName )
data = ds.all_data()
h = ds.hubble_constant
current_z = np.float(ds.current_redshift)
current_a = 1./(current_z + 1)

# Set Domain parameters
Lbox = 50000.
proc_grid = [ 4, 2, 2]
box_size = [ Lbox, Lbox, Lbox ]
grid_size = [ 512, 512, 512 ]

# Get the domain decomposition
domain =  get_domain_block( proc_grid, box_size, grid_size )

# Generate Particles ICs
fields_particles = ['mass', 'pos_x', 'pos_y', 'pos_z', 'vel_x', 'vel_y', 'vel_z'  ]
outputBaseName = '{0}_particles.h5'.format(nSnap)
generate_ics_particles_distributed( fields_particles, domain, proc_grid, data, ds, outputDir, outputBaseName, current_a, current_z, h, get_pid_indices=True)

# Get Hydro ICs
data_grid = ds.covering_grid( level=0, left_edge=ds.domain_left_edge, dims=ds.domain_dimensions )
fields_hydro = [ 'density', 'momentum_x', 'momentum_y', 'momentum_z', 'GasEnergy', 'Energy'] #It has to be in this order
outputBaseName = '{0}.h5'.format(nSnap)
generate_ics_grid_distributed( fields_hydro, domain, proc_grid, data_grid, ds, outputDir, outputBaseName, current_a, current_z, h )
예제 #3
def expand_data_particles_to_cholla(proc_grid, box_size, grid_size, inFileName,
                                    outDir, outputBaseName):

    domain = get_domain_block(proc_grid, box_size, grid_size)

    print('\n Loading data file: ', inFileName)
    inFile = h5py.File(inFileName, 'r')
    current_a = inFile.attrs['current_a']
    current_z = inFile.attrs['current_z']

    data = inFile['dm']
    pos_x = data['pos_z'][...]
    pos_y = data['pos_y'][...]
    pos_z = data['pos_x'][...]
    vel_x = data['vel_z'][...]
    vel_y = data['vel_y'][...]
    vel_z = data['vel_x'][...]
    mass = data['mass'][...]
    nPart = mass.shape[0]
    print('  Nparticles: ', nPart)

    nprocs = proc_grid[0] * proc_grid[1] * proc_grid[2]
    for pId in range(nprocs):

        outputFileName = outDir + outputBaseName + ".{0}".format(pId)
        print(' Writing h5 file: ', outputFileName)
        outFile = h5py.File(outputFileName, 'w')
        outFile.attrs['box_size'] = box_size
        outFile.attrs['current_a'] = current_a
        outFile.attrs['current_z'] = current_z

        xMin, xMax = domain[pId]['box']['x']
        yMin, yMax = domain[pId]['box']['y']
        zMin, zMax = domain[pId]['box']['z']

        print(('{0} x[{1} , {2}] y[{3} , {4}] z[{5}, {6}]'.format(
            pId, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, zMin, aMax)))

        indx_x = np.where(((pos_x >= xMin) & (pos_x < xMax)))
        indx_y = np.where(((pos_y >= yMin) & (pos_y < yMax)))
        indx_z = np.where(((pos_z >= zMin) & (pos_z < zMax)))
        # indx = [ idx for idx in range(len(pos_x)) if ( ( idx in indx_x ) )]

        indx_x = set(np.where(((pos_x >= xMin) & (pos_x < xMax)))[0])
        indx_y = set(np.where(((pos_y >= yMin) & (pos_y < yMax)))[0])
        indx_z = set(np.where(((pos_z >= zMin) & (pos_z < zMax)))[0])
        indx = indx_x.intersection(indx_y)
        indx = list(indx.intersection(indx_z))
        n_local = len(indx)
        pos_x_l = pos_x[indx]
        pos_y_l = pos_y[indx]
        pos_z_l = pos_z[indx]
        vel_x_l = vel_x[indx]
        vel_y_l = vel_y[indx]
        vel_z_l = vel_z[indx]
        mass_l = mass[indx]
        print('  n_local: ', n_local)
        print('  Current_a: ', current_a)
        outFile.attrs['n_particles_local'] = n_local
        # outFile.attrs['N_DM_file'] = np.float(nPart)
        outFile.create_dataset('mass', data=mass_l)
        outFile.create_dataset('pos_x', data=pos_x_l)
        outFile.create_dataset('pos_y', data=pos_y_l)
        outFile.create_dataset('pos_z', data=pos_z_l)
        outFile.create_dataset('vel_x', data=vel_x_l * np.sqrt(current_a))
        outFile.create_dataset('vel_y', data=vel_y_l * np.sqrt(current_a))
        outFile.create_dataset('vel_z', data=vel_z_l * np.sqrt(current_a))