def generate_output(setup, title, img_height, conts_to_display, skin, imgs=[]): """Recursively generate output for setup+continuations.""" #not the penultimate bag, need to go deeper if len(setup.continuations[0].continuations) > 0: #store images in list to print at the end new_imgs = imgs.copy() #don't think this needs to be a deepcopy new_imgs.append(fumen_to_image(setup.solution.fumen, img_height, skin)) # this naming scheme could get messy, anything better? maybe Setup 1-A-A? # but I'm not sure what to do if more continuatons than 26, maybe just AA, then AAA new_ctd = conts_to_display - 1 if conts_to_display > 1 else 1 for i, s in enumerate(tqdm(setup.continuations, unit="setup", leave=False)): generate_output(s, title + (" - Sub-Setup %d" % i), img_height, new_ctd, skin, new_imgs) else: h2(title) with div(): for url in imgs: img(src=url) #final setup with conts, still need to display it's image img(src=fumen_to_image(setup.solution.fumen, img_height, skin)) conts_to_display -= 1 for cont in setup.continuations[:conts_to_display]: img(src=fumen_to_image(cont.solution.fumen, img_height, skin)) with p(): total_conts = len(setup.continuations) text("Showing ") b("%d" % min(conts_to_display, total_conts)) text(" of ") b(a("%d continuations" % total_conts, href=fumen_url + setup.to_fumen()))
def suggestions_for_goal(): def suggestion(): url = "{% url 'suggestion' the_goal.slug the_suggestion.slug %}" with column(2) as result: with a(href=url): with django_with("the_suggestion.get_current_revision as the_revision"): suggestion_image() return result def list_of_suggestions(): with django_for("the_chunk in the_suggestions|chunks:6") as result: with div(_class="row small-gap-below profile--suggestion-list"): with django_for("the_suggestion in the_chunk"): suggestion() with django_empty(): h5("No suggestions yet") return result with span() as result: with div(_class="row"): with column(4): with h4(_class=""): text("Suggestions for ") a("{{ the_goal }}", href=goal_url) with django_with("the_goal|suggestions_by:global_user as " "the_suggestions"): list_of_suggestions() return result
def suggestions_for_goal(): def suggestion(): url = "{% url 'suggestion' the_goal.slug the_suggestion.slug %}" with column(2) as result: with a(href=url): with django_with( "the_suggestion.get_current_revision as the_revision"): suggestion_image() return result def list_of_suggestions(): with django_for("the_chunk in the_suggestions|chunks:6") as result: with div(_class="row small-gap-below profile--suggestion-list"): with django_for("the_suggestion in the_chunk"): suggestion() with django_empty(): h5("No suggestions yet") return result with span() as result: with div(_class="row"): with column(4): with h4(_class=""): text("Suggestions for ") a("{{ the_goal }}", href=goal_url) with django_with("the_goal|suggestions_by:global_user as " "the_suggestions"): list_of_suggestions() return result
def reviews_for_goal(): def review(): with django_with("the_review.revision as the_revision") as result: with django_with("the_revision.suggestion as the_suggestion"): url = ( "{% url 'suggestion' the_goal.slug the_suggestion.slug %}" "#sg-review-{{ }}") with column(2) as result: with a(href=url): suggestion_image() return result def list_of_reviews(): with django_for("the_chunk in the_reviews|chunks:6") as result: with div(_class="row small-gap-below profile--suggestion-list"): with django_for("the_review in the_chunk"): review() with django_empty(): h5("No reviews yet") return result with span() as result: with div(_class="row"): with column(4): with h4(_class=""): text("Reviews for ") a("{{ the_goal }}", href=goal_url) with django_with("the_goal|reviews_by:global_user as the_reviews"): list_of_reviews() return result
def goal_header(): with div(_class="text-center"): h1("{{ request.goal.title }}") with div(_class="button-grp"): button( "Suggestions", _class="btn btn-default", onclick="location.href='{% url 'goal' request.goal.slug %}';" ) button( "Members", _class="btn btn-default", onclick="location.href='{% url 'members' request.goal.slug %}';" ) with django_if("request.global_user"): with button( _class="btn btn-default", onclick=( "location.href='{{ profile_url }}';" ) ): text("Profile") with django_with( "request.global_user.notifications|unread " "as unread_notifications" ): with django_if("unread_notifications.count"): text(" ({{ unread_notifications.count }})")
def list_them(): with django_for("the_notification in notifications") as result: with div(_class="row"): text("{{ the_notification.html|safe }}") with django_empty(): h5("No notifications yet") return result
def reviews_for_goal(): def review(): with django_with("the_review.revision as the_revision") as result: with django_with("the_revision.suggestion as the_suggestion"): url = "{% url 'suggestion' the_goal.slug the_suggestion.slug %}" "#sg-review-{{ }}" with column(2) as result: with a(href=url): suggestion_image() return result def list_of_reviews(): with django_for("the_chunk in the_reviews|chunks:6") as result: with div(_class="row small-gap-below profile--suggestion-list"): with django_for("the_review in the_chunk"): review() with django_empty(): h5("No reviews yet") return result with span() as result: with div(_class="row"): with column(4): with h4(_class=""): text("Reviews for ") a("{{ the_goal }}", href=goal_url) with django_with("the_goal|reviews_by:global_user as the_reviews"): list_of_reviews() return result
def format(trait, objs, *args, **kwargs) -> Htmlish: # TODO would be nice to have spinboard imported here for type checking.. res = T.div(cls='pinboard') title = trait.title(objs) link = res.add(T.div(T.a(title, href=link))) with adhoc_html('pinboard', cb=lambda children: res.add(*children)): with T.table(): for _, obj in objs: if not isempty(obj.description): with with T.span(obj.description, cls='description') with # TODO wtf is min?? with'min'): T.a(f'{fdate(obj.when)}', href=obj.blink, cls='permalink timestamp') with'min'): text('by ') trait.user_link(user=obj.user) with for t in obj.ntags: trait.tag_link(tag=t, user=obj.user) # TODO userstats return res
def writeContent(self): self.writeln('<h1>Using Webware with Dominate</h1>') self.writeln( '<p>Dominate is a Python library that can be used in Webware' ' applications to generate HTML programmatically.</p>') if not dominate: self.writeln( f'<p>Please install <a href="{self.homepage}">Dominate</a>' ' in order to view this demo.</p>') return content = div(id='content') with content: h2('Hello World!') with table(cls="NiceTable").add(tbody()): tr(th('Demo table', colspan=3)) r = tr() r += td('One') r.add(td('Two')) with r: td('Three') para = p(__pretty=False) with para: text('This content has been produced with ') a('Dominate', href=self.homepage) text(' programmatically.') self.write(content)
def sources_summary(cls, items): # TODO FIXME need adhoc thing? key = lambda i: i.user for sub, cnt in cls.sources_stats(items, key=key): with T.div(): cls.FTrait.user_link(sub) text(f': {cnt}')
def sources_summary(cls, items): # TODO eh. sort in reverse? key = lambda i: i.user for sub, cnt in cls.sources_stats(items, key=key): with T.div(): cls.FTrait.user_link(sub) text(f': {cnt}')
def add_images(self, ims, txts, links, width=400): """add images to the HTML file Parameters: ims (str list) -- a list of image paths txts (str list) -- a list of image names shown on the website links (str list) -- a list of hyperref links; when you click an image, it will redirect you to a new page """ self.t = table(border=1, style="table-layout: fixed;") # Insert a table self.doc.add(self.t) with self.t: with tr(): for im, txt, link in zip(ims, txts, links): with td(style="word-wrap: break-word;", halign="center", valign="top"): with p(): with a(href=link): img(style="width:%dpx" % width, src=im) br() # attrs_path = os.path.join(self.web_dir,'attributes', txt) # with open(attrs_path, "r") as attr_log_file: # attrs_str # save the message # attrs_str.replace('\n','<br>') text(txt)
def sources_summary(cls, items): # TODO FIXME clearly looks it could be generic.. key = lambda i: i.subreddit for sub, cnt in cls.sources_stats(items, key=key): with T.div(): cls.FTrait.user_link(sub) text(f': {cnt}')
def slide_title(): h1('multiplayer 2D gaming') h2('with python-arcade') with p(style='font-size: 0.7em'): text('@caleb_hattingh ● ') # a('', href='') a('', href='')
def failed(fixture_test_path, test_name, actual_hash, expected_hash): doc = dominate.document(title=test_name) recorded_path = fixture_test_path / "recorded" actual_path = fixture_test_path / "actual" download_failed = False if not recorded_path.exists(): recorded_path.mkdir() try: download.fetch_recorded(expected_hash, recorded_path) except Exception: download_failed = True recorded_screens = sorted(recorded_path.iterdir()) actual_screens = sorted(actual_path.iterdir()) with doc: _header(test_name, expected_hash, actual_hash) if download_failed: with p(): strong("WARNING:") text(" failed to download recorded fixtures. Is this a new test case?") with table(border=1, width=600): with tr(): th("Expected") th("Actual") html.diff_table(recorded_screens, actual_screens) return html.write(REPORTS_PATH / "failed", doc, test_name + ".html")
def upload_form(self): with tags.form( id=self.config['upload_name'], onsubmit=self.config['onsubmit'], enctype='multipart/form-data', method=self.config['upload_method'], action=self.config['upload_route'], cls='card p-3 bg-light'): tags.h5('Upload an image', cls='card-title') with tags.div(cls='form-group row'): with tags.div(cls='col-12'): # This requires JavaScript to show the filename. # # # 'style' is necessary to avoid overlapping in Safari and # Chrome on iOS: # with tags.div(cls='custom-file', style='overflow: hidden;'): tags.input( type='file', cls='custom-file-input p-1 rounded', id=self.config['upload_name'], name=self.config['upload_name']) tags.label( 'Choose file', fr=self.config['upload_name'], cls='custom-file-label bg-light') with tags.div(cls='form-group row'): with tags.div(cls='col-3'): with tags.button(type='submit', cls='btn btn-primary'): util.text('Submit')
def suggestion_description_div(): column(2) with column(8): h5( "Published by {{ }}, " "{{ the_suggestion.pub_date|naturaltime }}" ) text("{{ the_revision.description|markdown }}")
def comment_body(): column(2) with column(8): with div( _class="comment--description", style="padding-left: {{ the_comment.indent }}px;" ): text("{{ the_comment.body }}")
def create_homepage(entries): print("Updating homepage.") pagegroups = [entries[i:i+12] for i in range(0, len(entries), 12)] pagegroup_count = len(pagegroups) pagenum = 1 for group in pagegroups: h = create_numbered_page(entries) l = h.body[1].add(ul(id="results-list")) for entry in group: post_link = urllib.parse.urljoin( "posts/", entry['slug']) if pagenum != 1: post_link = "../" + post_link tile = l.add(li(h2(a(entry['name'], href=post_link)))) obit_link = a( entry['headline'], href=entry['obit_url']) with tile: if entry['short_desc']: text(entry['short_desc'], escape = False) p(a("Read more »", href=post_link)) p("New York Times obit: ", __pretty = False).add(obit_link) nav = h.body[1].add(div(id="page-nav")) pagination = nav.add(ul(id="pagination")) page_links = [home] page_links.extend([urllib.parse.urljoin(home, str(page)) for page in range(2, pagegroup_count + 1)]) pagination.add(li(a("«", href=home))) for index in range(len(page_links)): number = index + 1 page = pagination.add(li(a(number, href=page_links[index]))) if number == pagenum: with page: attr(cls="current-page") pagination.add(li(a("»", href=page_links[-1]))) firstpage = True if pagenum == 1 else False if firstpage: filename = "site/index.html" else: os.makedirs("site/{}".format(pagenum), exist_ok=True) filename = "site/{}/index.html".format(pagenum) with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(h.render()) pagenum += 1
def result(): with span() as content: with a( _class="sg-notification sg-notification-read-{{ is_read }}", href="{{ target_url }}", ): text("{{ }} {{ did_what }}") return (content, )
def noscript(self): with tags.noscript(): with tags.div(cls='container'): with tags.div(cls='row mt-3 justify-content-center'): with tags.div(cls='col-md-8 col-lg-6'): with tags.div( cls='alert alert-warning text-center', role='alert'): util.text('Enable JavaScript for better experience')
def result(): with span() as content: with a( _class="sg-notification sg-notification-read-{{ is_read }}", href="{{ target_url }}", ): text("{{ }} reviewed your suggestion " "{{ suggestion.get_current_revision.title }}") return (content, )
def slide_run_examples(): h2('lots of examples') exnames = ['bouncing_ball', 'sprite_collect_coins', 'sprite_move_keyboard'] with ul(): for example in exnames: cmd = f'arcade.examples.{example}' with code_bullet(btn_text=example, cmd=cmd): text('(venv) $ python -m arcade.examples.') mark(example)
def player_inputs(): h2('1. Player input state') p('send client 🠊 server') with ul(): with li(): b('inputs ') text('not "speed" or "position"') li('Use dataclasses:') code_block('', highlights=['class PlayerEvent'])
def client_code1(): h2('Client code needs TWO loops!') with ul(): li('python-arcade: game loop') li('asyncio: IO loop') with li(): b('Cannot ') text('run both loops in same thread') p('Least-effort solution: run asyncio loop in a thread')
def image(self, src, alt): with tags.figure(cls='figure'): tags.img(cls='figure-img img-fluid rounded', src=src, alt=alt) with tags.figcaption( cls='figure-caption', # Requires browser-specific hyphens to work in different browsers. style=('-webkit-hyphens: auto; ' '-moz-hyphens: auto; ' '-ms-hyphens: auto; ' 'hyphens: auto;')): util.text(alt)
def slide_why_arcade(): h2('Why Python-Arcade?') with ul(): li('Easy to install') li('OpenGL (via Pyglet)') li('Modern (Python 3 only, type annotations)') with li(): code('(0, 0)') text(' is at the bottom-left') li('Very clean, simple API') with li(cls='fragment'): strong('Examples 🎁🎁🎁')
def create_mainpage_html(local, url_list, path, web_title): _html = dmtags.html(style="background-color:#fcfbeb;") _head, _body = _html.add(dmtags.head(dmtags.title(web_title)), dmtags.body(cls="main_page")) with _head: dmtags.comment("The page is genarated on {} by Ein".format( time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))) dmtags.meta(charset="utf-8", name="viewport", content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1") href="", rel="stylesheet") href= "", rel="stylesheet")"" "b2fa53022b0ae5a26d6f140c38b860a210c21040/css/custom.css", rel="stylesheet") href="" + "mlZTTLLyNAbUvljzDH8-S0Pxq2nA9fnFF3SwU0w0wF8PlMu_hv3WhLMdlFodKbQ=s0", rel="shortcut icon", type="image/") main_div = _body.add( dmtags.div( style= "text-align:center; font-family: 'Noto Sans JP', sans-serif; font-size:36px;" )) with main_div: _p1 = dmtags.p(style="color:#470000;") for url in url_list: _p2 = dmtags.p(style="font-size:20px;") with _p2: dmtags.a(url[0], href="{}".format(url[1])) with _p1: text("{}".format(web_title)) # create html file if local: os.chdir(path) os.chdir(os.pardir) with open("{}.html".format(web_title), "w", encoding='utf8') as f: f.write("<!DOCTYPE html>\n") f.write(_html.render()) else: with open("{}\\{}.html".format(path, web_title), "w", encoding='utf8') as f: f.write("<!DOCTYPE html>\n") f.write(_html.render())
def top_right_div(): with django_if("user.is_authenticated"): with django_if("request.member"): suggestion_buttons() with django_if("request.global_user"): goal_buttons() top_right_menu() with django_else(): with a(href="{% url 'auth_login' %}"): text("{% trans 'Log in' %}")
def _delimited_text(self): assert isinstance(self._value, list) if not self._value: return values = iter(self._value) with td(colspan=1, class_name='value') as column: text(next(values)) for value in values: span('/', class_name='delimeter') text(value) return column
def result(): with span() as content: with a( _class="sg-notification sg-notification-read-{{ is_read }}", href="{{ target_url }}", ): text( "{{ }} {{ did_what }}" ) return ( content, )
def suggestion_buttons(): url_update_suggestion = ( "location.href='{% url 'update-suggestion' request.goal.slug " "suggestion.slug %}';") url_new_suggestion = \ "location.href='{% url 'new-suggestion' request.goal.slug %}';" with django_if("suggestion and suggestion.owner == request.global_user"): with button(_class="btn btn-info", onclick=url_update_suggestion): text("Edit Suggestion") with button(_class="btn btn-success", onclick=url_new_suggestion): text("New Suggestion")
def test_text(): from dominate.util import text d = div() with d: text('Hello World') assert d.render() == \ """<div>Hello World</div>""" assert div(text('<>', escape=False)).render() == \ """<div><></div>""" assert div(text('<>')).render() == \ """<div><></div>"""
def test_text(): from dominate.util import text d = div() with d: text('Hello World') assert d.render() == \ '''<div>Hello World</div>''' assert div(text('<>', escape=False)).render() == \ '''<div><></div>''' assert div(text('<>')).render() == \ '''<div><></div>'''
def goal_buttons(): url_new_goal = \ "location.href='{% url 'new-goal' %}';" url_join_goal = \ "location.href='{% url 'join-goal' request.goal.slug %}';" with django_if("not request.goal"): with button(_class="btn btn-success", onclick=url_new_goal): text("New Goal") with django_if("request.goal and not request.member"): with button(_class="btn btn-success", onclick=url_join_goal): text("Join Goal")
def result(): with span() as content: with a( _class="sg-notification sg-notification-read-{{ is_read }}", href="{{ target_url }}", ): text( "{{ }} reviewed your suggestion " "{{ suggestion.get_current_revision.title }}" ) return ( content, )
def goal_header(): with div(_class="text-center"): h1("{{ request.goal.title }}") with div(_class="button-grp"): button( "Suggestions", _class="btn btn-default", onclick="location.href='{% url 'goal' request.goal.slug %}';" ) button( "Members", _class="btn btn-default", onclick="location.href='{% url 'members' request.goal.slug %}';" ) with django_if("request.global_user"): with button(_class="btn btn-default", onclick=("location.href='{{ profile_url }}';")): text("Profile") with django_with("request.global_user.notifications|unread " "as unread_notifications"): with django_if("unread_notifications.count"): text(" ({{ unread_notifications.count }})")
def suggestion_buttons(): url_update_suggestion = ( "location.href='{% url 'update-suggestion' request.goal.slug " "suggestion.slug %}';" ) url_new_suggestion = \ "location.href='{% url 'new-suggestion' request.goal.slug %}';" with django_if( "suggestion and suggestion.owner == request.global_user" ): with button(_class="btn btn-info", onclick=url_update_suggestion): text("Edit Suggestion") with button(_class="btn btn-success", onclick=url_new_suggestion): text("New Suggestion")
def result(): with django_block("head") as head: text("{{ }}") with django_block("content") as content: with div(_class="row"): column(2) with column(8): goal_form() text("{% init_django_jcrop %}") return ( "{% extends 'base.html' %}", "{% load django_jcrop_tags %}", head, content, )
def top_left_div(): with a(href="{% url 'home' %}"): text("Shared Goals") with a(href="{% url 'about' %}"): text("| About") with a(href="{% url 'tos' %}"): text("| Terms") with a(href="{% url 'feedback' %}"): text("| Give feedback")
def result(): with django_block("content") as content: goal_header() with div(_class="row"): column(2) with column(8): suggestion_form() text("{% init_django_jcrop %}") inline_script(settings.BASE_DIR, "suggestion/init_suggestion_form.js") return ( "{% extends 'base.html' %}", "{% load notification_tags %}", "{% load shared_goals_tags %}", "{% load django_jcrop_tags %}", content, )
def comment_form(): django_csrf_token() with p(): text("{{ comment_form.body.errors }}") with label( _for="{{ comment_form.body.id_for_label }}", _class="form-label" ): text("{{ reply_header }}") with textarea( name="body", _class="form-field" ): text("{{ comment_form.body.value }}") with div(): button( "Submit", name="submit", value="save" ) button( "Save draft", name="submit", value="cancel" )
def result(): with django_block("content") as content: goal_header() with django_with("suggestion as the_suggestion"): with django_with("revision as the_revision"): with div(_class="row small-gap-below"): column(4) with column(4): suggestion_image() with div(_class="row small-gap-below"): column(2) with column(8): with p(): text("This is a previous version of a ") a("suggestion", href=suggestion_url) text(" by {{ }}") text("{{ the_revision.description|markdown }}") return ( "{% extends 'base.html' %}\n", "{% load humanize %}", "{% load markdown_deux_tags %}", "{% load notification_tags %}", content, )
def published_review_header(): revision_href = ( "{% url 'revision' request.goal.slug " "the_review.revision.suggestion.slug %}" ) column(2) with column(2): readonly_rateit("{{ the_review.rating }}") with column(6): with django_if("the_review.description"): text("Review ") with django_else(): text("Rating ") with django_if( " !=" ): text("of a ") with a(href=revision_href): text("previous version ") text("by {{ the_review.header }}")
def comment_header(): column(2) with column(8): with div( id="sg-comment-{{ }}", style="text-indent: {{ the_comment.indent }}px;" ): text("{{ }}") with django_if("the_comment.reply_to"): text("(=> {{ }})") text(", {{ the_comment.pub_date|naturaltime }}")
def top_right_menu(): with a( _class="btn dropdown-toggle", data_toggle="dropdown", href="#" ): text("{{ user.first_name }}") span(_class="caret") with ul(_class="dropdown-menu"): with li(): with a(href="{% url 'auth_logout' %}"): text("{% trans 'Log out' %}") with a(href="{% url 'auth_password_change' %}"): text("{% trans 'Change password' %}")
def goal_form(): django_csrf_token() with p(): with django_if("show_errors"): text("{{ form.title.errors }}") with label( _for="{{ form.title.id_for_label }}", _class="form-label" ): text("Title") input_( id="id_title", type="text", name="title", maxlength="100", value="{{ form.title.value }}", _class="form-field" ) with django_if("show_image_form"): with div(_class="goal-form--image"): text("{{ crop_settings|django_jcrop_widget }}") with p(): with django_if("show_errors"): text("{{ form.image.errors }}") with label( _for="{{ form.image.id_for_label }}", _class="form-label" ): text( "Upload an image to illustrate your goal") text("{{ form.image }}") button( "Upload", id="upload-submit", name="submit", value="upload" ) with div(): with div(_class="small-gap-above small-gap-below"): with label( _class="form-label" ): text("{{ submit_button_header }}") button( "{{ post_button_label }}", name="submit", value="save" ) button( "Cancel", name="submit", value="cancel" )
def review_comments_notice(): text("Note: updating your review will remove ") with a(href="#comments-on-my-review"): text("{{ review.published_comments|length }} related comments")
def suggestion_form(): django_csrf_token() with p(): with django_if("show_errors"): text("{{ form.type.errors }}") with label( _for="{{ form.type.id_for_label }}", _class="form-label" ): text( "Will you suggest a one-time Action, " "or a continuous Practice?" ) text("{{ form.type }}") with p(): with django_if("show_errors"): text("{{ form.title.errors }}") with label( _for="{{ form.title.id_for_label }}", _class="form-label" ): text("Title") input_( id="id_title", type="text", name="title", maxlength="100", value="{{ form.title.value }}", _class="form-field" ) url_markdown = '' with p(): with django_if("show_errors"): text("{{ form.description.errors }}") with label( _for="{{ form.description.id_for_label }}", _class="form-label" ): text("Describe your suggestion") with label( _class="form-label pull-right" ): input(type="checkbox", id="chkPreview") span("Preview") with span(style="font-size: 10px;"): with a(href=url_markdown): text("Markdown") text(" allowed") with textarea( id="description", name="description", rows="16", _class="form-field" ): text("{{ form.description.value }}") div( id="descriptionPreview", _class="tiny-gap-above small-gap-below", data_ajax_url=( "{% url 'preview-suggestion' request.goal.slug %}" ) ) with django_if("show_image_form"): text("{{ crop_settings|django_jcrop_widget }}") with div(_class="suggestion-form--image"): with p(): with django_if("show_errors"): text("{{ form.image.errors }}") with label( _for="{{ form.image.id_for_label }}", _class="form-label" ): text( "Make your suggestion look good by uploading an image") text("{{ form.image }}") button( "Upload", # todo reenable automatic upload # _class="hidden", id="upload-submit", name="submit", value="upload" ) with div(): with div(_class="small-gap-above small-gap-below"): with label( _class="form-label" ): text("{{ submit_button_header }}") button( "{{ post_button_label }}", name="submit", value="save" ) button( "Cancel", name="submit", value="cancel" ) with django_if("show_delete_button"): button( "Delete this suggestion", name="submit", value="delete", _class="btn btn-danger suggestion--delete-button" )
def published_review_description(): column(2) with column(8): with div(_class="review--description"): text("{{ the_review.description }}")
def review_form(): django_csrf_token() with p(): with label( _for="{{ form.rating.id_for_label }}", _class="form-label" ): text("{{ post_button_header }}") text("{{ form.rating.errors }}") input_( id="id_rating", type="hidden", name="rating", value="{{ form.rating.value }}", _class="form-field" ) div( id="rateit-review", _class="rateit", data_rateit_resetable="false", data_rateit_value="{{ form.rating.value }}" ) with p(): text("{{ form.experience.errors }}") with label( _for="{{ form.experience.id_for_label }}", _class="form-label" ): text( "Do you have any experience with the suggested " "{{ latest_revision.suggestion.get_type_display }}?" ) text("{{ form.experience }}") with p(): text("{{ form.description.errors }}") with textarea( name="description", rows="10", _class="form-field" ): text("{{ form.description.value }}") with div(): button( "{{ post_button_label }}", name="submit", value="save" ) button( "Cancel", name="submit", value="cancel" )
def header(): with div(_class="row") as result: with column(4): with h4(_class=""): text("Notifications:") return result