def __init__(self, lgt, lat, use_cron, myxpl, log): """ Init the dawndusk API @param lgt : longitude of the observer @param lat : latitude of the observer """ self.use_cron = use_cron self.log = log self.myxpl = myxpl if self.use_cron == False: self._scheduler = Scheduler() self._scheduler.start() else: self._cronquery = CronQuery(self.myxpl, self.log) self.mycity = ephem.Observer(), self.mycity.lon = lat, lgt self.mycity.horizon = '-6' self.job = None self.job_test_dawn = None self.job_test_dusk = None
def setUp(self): global sendplugin self.__myxpl = sendplugin.myxpl self.cronquery = CronQuery(self.__myxpl)
def __init__(self): """ Create the cron class """ XplPlugin.__init__(self, name = 'earth') self.log.debug("__init__ : Start ...") self.config = Query(self.myxpl, self.log) try: delay_cron = int(self.config.query('earth', 'delay-cron')) except: delay_cron = 30 error = "Can't get configuration from XPL : %s" % (traceback.format_exc()) self.log.warning("__init__ : " + error) self.log.warning("Continue with default values.") cron = CronQuery(self.myxpl, self.log) cont = 3 cron_started = False while not self.get_stop().isSet() and cont>=0: try : res = cron.is_running_server() except : pass if res : cron_started = True cont = -1 else: self.log.debug("Can't talk to cron plugin. Retries=%s" % cont) self.get_stop().wait(delay_cron) cont -= 1 if not cron_started : self.force_leave() error = "Can't talk to cron plugin. Exiting ..." self.log.error("__init__ : "+error) return else :"Communication with the cron plugin established.") self.log.debug("__init__ : Try to start the earth API") try: self._earth = EarthAPI(self.log, self.config, self.myxpl, \ self.get_data_files_directory(), \ self.get_stop(), self.get_sanitized_hostname()) except: self.force_leave() error = "Something went wrong during EarthAPI init : %s" % \ (traceback.format_exc()) self.log.error("__init__ : "+error) return self.log.debug("__init__ : Try to create listeners") Listener(self.request_cb, self.myxpl, {'schema': 'earth.request', 'xpltype': 'xpl-cmnd'}) Listener(self.fired_cb, self.myxpl, {'schema': 'earth.basic', 'xpltype': 'xpl-trig', 'current': 'fired'}) Listener(self.basic_cb, self.myxpl, {'schema': 'earth.basic', 'xpltype': 'xpl-cmnd'}) self.add_stop_cb(self._earth.stop_all) self.log.debug("__init__ : Enable the heartbeat") self.enable_hbeat() self._earth.plugin_enabled(True)"Plugin earth correctly started.")