예제 #1
class Installer:

    BACKUP_SUFFIX = '.dotdropbak'

    def __init__(self,
        self.create = create
        self.backup = backup
        self.dry = dry
        self.safe = safe
        self.base = base
        self.debug = debug
        self.diff = diff
        self.comparing = False
        self.log = Logger(debug=self.debug)

    def install(self, templater, profile, src, dst):
        """install the src to dst using a template"""
        src = os.path.join(self.base, os.path.expanduser(src))
        dst = os.path.join(self.base, os.path.expanduser(dst))
        self.log.dbg('install {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
        if os.path.isdir(src):
            return self._handle_dir(templater, profile, src, dst)
        return self._handle_file(templater, profile, src, dst)

    def link(self, src, dst):
        """set src as the link target of dst"""
        src = os.path.join(self.base, os.path.expanduser(src))
        dst = os.path.join(self.base, os.path.expanduser(dst))
        if os.path.exists(dst):
            if os.path.realpath(dst) == os.path.realpath(src):
                self.log.sub('ignoring "{}", link exists'.format(dst))
                return []
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would remove {} and link to {}'.format(dst, src))
                return []
            msg = 'Remove "{}" for link creation?'.format(dst)
            if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
                msg = 'ignoring "{}", link was not created'
                return []
            except OSError:
                self.log.err('something went wrong with {}'.format(src))
                return []
        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would link {} to {}'.format(dst, src))
            return []
        base = os.path.dirname(dst)
        if not self._create_dirs(base):
            self.log.err('creating directory for \"{}\"'.format(dst))
            return []
        os.symlink(src, dst)
        self.log.sub('linked {} to {}'.format(dst, src))
        return [(src, dst)]

    def _handle_file(self, templater, profile, src, dst):
        """install src to dst when is a file"""
        self.log.dbg('generate template for {}'.format(src))
        content = templater.generate(src, profile)
        if content is None:
            self.log.err('generate from template \"{}\"'.format(src))
            return []
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            self.log.err('source dotfile does not exist: \"{}\"'.format(src))
            return []
        st = os.stat(src)
        ret = self._write(dst, content, st.st_mode)
        if ret < 0:
            self.log.err('installing \"{}\" to \"{}\"'.format(src, dst))
            return []
        if ret > 0:
            self.log.dbg('ignoring \"{}\", same content'.format(dst))
            return []
        if ret == 0:
            if not self.dry and not self.comparing:
                self.log.sub('copied \"{}\" to \"{}\"'.format(src, dst))
            return [(src, dst)]
        return []

    def _handle_dir(self, templater, profile, src, dst):
        """install src to dst when is a directory"""
        ret = []
        for entry in os.listdir(src):
            f = os.path.join(src, entry)
            if not os.path.isdir(f):
                res = self._handle_file(templater, profile, f,
                                        os.path.join(dst, entry))
                res = self._handle_dir(templater, profile, f,
                                       os.path.join(dst, entry))
        return ret

    def _fake_diff(self, dst, content):
        """fake diff by comparing file content with content"""
        cur = ''
        with open(dst, 'br') as f:
            cur = f.read()
        return cur == content

    def _write(self, dst, content, rights):
        """write content to file
        return  0 for success,
                1 when already exists
               -1 when error"""
        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would install {}'.format(dst))
            return 0
        if os.path.exists(dst):
            samerights = os.stat(dst).st_mode == rights
            if self.diff and self._fake_diff(dst, content) and samerights:
                self.log.dbg('{} is the same'.format(dst))
                return 1
            if self.safe and not self.log.ask('Overwrite \"{}\"'.format(dst)):
                self.log.warn('ignoring \"{}\", already present'.format(dst))
                return 1
        if self.backup and os.path.exists(dst):
        base = os.path.dirname(dst)
        if not self._create_dirs(base):
            self.log.err('creating directory for \"{}\"'.format(dst))
            return -1
        self.log.dbg('write content to {}'.format(dst))
            with open(dst, 'wb') as f:
        except NotADirectoryError as e:
            self.log.err('opening dest file: {}'.format(e))
            return -1
        os.chmod(dst, rights)
        return 0

    def _create_dirs(self, directory):
        """mkdir -p <directory>"""
        if not self.create and not os.path.exists(directory):
            return False
        if os.path.exists(directory):
            return True
        self.log.dbg('mkdir -p {}'.format(directory))
        return os.path.exists(directory)

    def _backup(self, path):
        """backup file pointed by path"""
        if self.dry:
        dst = path.rstrip(os.sep) + self.BACKUP_SUFFIX
        self.log.log('backup {} to {}'.format(path, dst))
        os.rename(path, dst)

    def _install_to_temp(self, templater, profile, src, dst, tmpdir):
        """install a dotfile to a tempdir for comparing"""
        sub = dst
        if dst[0] == os.sep:
            sub = dst[1:]
        tmpdst = os.path.join(tmpdir, sub)
        return self.install(templater, profile, src, tmpdst), tmpdst

    def compare(self, templater, tmpdir, profile, src, dst, opts=''):
        """compare a temporary generated dotfile with the local one"""
        self.comparing = True
        retval = False, ''
        drysaved = self.dry
        self.dry = False
        diffsaved = self.diff
        self.diff = False
        createsaved = self.create
        self.create = True
        src = os.path.expanduser(src)
        dst = os.path.expanduser(dst)
        self.log.dbg('comparing {} and {}'.format(src, dst))
        if not os.path.exists(dst):
            retval = False, '\"{}\" does not exist on local\n'.format(dst)
            ret, tmpdst = self._install_to_temp(templater, profile, src, dst,
            if ret:
                self.log.dbg('diffing {} and {}'.format(tmpdst, dst))
                diff = utils.diff(tmpdst, dst, raw=False, opts=opts)
                if diff == '':
                    retval = True, ''
                    retval = False, diff
        self.dry = drysaved
        self.diff = diffsaved
        self.comparing = False
        self.create = createsaved
        return retval
예제 #2
class Comparator:
    def __init__(self, diff_cmd='', debug=False):
        @diff_cmd: diff command to use
        @debug: enable debug
        self.diff_cmd = diff_cmd
        self.debug = debug
        self.log = Logger()

    def compare(self, left, right, ignore=[]):
        """diff left (dotdrop dotfile) and right (deployed file)"""
        left = os.path.expanduser(left)
        right = os.path.expanduser(right)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('comparing {} and {}'.format(left, right))
            self.log.dbg('ignore pattern(s): {}'.format(ignore))
        # test type of file
        if os.path.isdir(left) and not os.path.isdir(right):
            return '\"{}\" is a dir while \"{}\" is a file\n'.format(
                left, right)
        if not os.path.isdir(left) and os.path.isdir(right):
            return '\"{}\" is a file while \"{}\" is a dir\n'.format(
                left, right)
        # test content
        if not os.path.isdir(left):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('is file')
            return self._comp_file(left, right, ignore)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('is directory')
        return self._comp_dir(left, right, ignore)

    def _comp_file(self, left, right, ignore):
        """compare a file"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('compare file {} with {}'.format(left, right))
        if must_ignore([left, right], ignore, debug=self.debug):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring diff {} and {}'.format(left, right))
            return ''
        return self._diff(left, right)

    def _comp_dir(self, left, right, ignore):
        """compare a directory"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('compare directory {} with {}'.format(left, right))
        if not os.path.exists(right):
            return ''
        if must_ignore([left, right], ignore, debug=self.debug):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring diff {} and {}'.format(left, right))
            return ''
        if not os.path.isdir(right):
            return '\"{}\" is a file\n'.format(right)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('compare {} and {}'.format(left, right))
        ret = []
        comp = filecmp.dircmp(left, right)

        # handle files only in deployed dir
        for i in comp.left_only:
            if must_ignore([os.path.join(left, i)], ignore, debug=self.debug):
            ret.append('=> \"{}\" does not exist on local\n'.format(i))

        # handle files only in dotpath dir
        for i in comp.right_only:
            if must_ignore([os.path.join(right, i)], ignore, debug=self.debug):
            ret.append('=> \"{}\" does not exist in dotdrop\n'.format(i))

        # same left and right but different type
        funny = comp.common_funny
        for i in funny:
            lfile = os.path.join(left, i)
            rfile = os.path.join(right, i)
            if must_ignore([lfile, rfile], ignore, debug=self.debug):
            short = os.path.basename(lfile)
            # file vs dir
            ret.append('=> different type: \"{}\"\n'.format(short))

        # content is different
        funny = comp.diff_files
        funny = uniq_list(funny)
        for i in funny:
            lfile = os.path.join(left, i)
            rfile = os.path.join(right, i)
            if must_ignore([lfile, rfile], ignore, debug=self.debug):
            diff = self._diff(lfile, rfile, header=True)

        # recursively compare subdirs
        for i in comp.common_dirs:
            subleft = os.path.join(left, i)
            subright = os.path.join(right, i)
            ret.extend(self._comp_dir(subleft, subright, ignore))

        return ''.join(ret)

    def _diff(self, left, right, header=False):
        """diff two files"""
        out = diff(modified=left,
        if header:
            lshort = os.path.basename(left)
            out = '=> diff \"{}\":\n{}'.format(lshort, out)
        return out
예제 #3
class Comparator:
    def __init__(self,
        @diff_cmd: diff command to use
        @debug: enable debug
        self.diff_cmd = diff_cmd
        self.debug = debug
        self.log = Logger()
        self.ignore_missing_in_dotdrop = ignore_missing_in_dotdrop

    def compare(self, local_path, deployed_path, ignore=[]):
        """diff local_path (dotdrop dotfile) and
        deployed_path (destination file)"""
        local_path = os.path.expanduser(local_path)
        deployed_path = os.path.expanduser(deployed_path)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('comparing {} and {}'.format(
            self.log.dbg('ignore pattern(s): {}'.format(ignore))

        # test type of file
        if os.path.isdir(local_path) and not os.path.isdir(deployed_path):
            return '\"{}\" is a dir while \"{}\" is a file\n'.format(
        if not os.path.isdir(local_path) and os.path.isdir(deployed_path):
            return '\"{}\" is a file while \"{}\" is a dir\n'.format(

        # test content
        if not os.path.isdir(local_path):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('{} is a file'.format(local_path))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('is file')
            ret = self._comp_file(local_path, deployed_path, ignore)
            if not ret:
                ret = self._comp_mode(local_path, deployed_path)
            return ret

        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('{} is a directory'.format(local_path))

        ret = self._comp_dir(local_path, deployed_path, ignore)
        if not ret:
            ret = self._comp_mode(local_path, deployed_path)
        return ret

    def _comp_mode(self, local_path, deployed_path):
        """compare mode"""
        local_mode = get_file_perm(local_path)
        deployed_mode = get_file_perm(deployed_path)
        if local_mode == deployed_mode:
            return ''
        if self.debug:
            msg = 'mode differ {} ({:o}) and {} ({:o})'
                msg.format(local_path, local_mode, deployed_path,
        ret = 'modes differ for {} ({:o}) vs {:o}\n'
        return ret.format(deployed_path, deployed_mode, local_mode)

    def _comp_file(self, local_path, deployed_path, ignore):
        """compare a file"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('compare file {} with {}'.format(
        if (self.ignore_missing_in_dotdrop and not
                os.path.exists(local_path)) \
                or must_ignore([local_path, deployed_path], ignore,
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring diff {} and {}'.format(
            return ''
        return self._diff(local_path, deployed_path)

    def _comp_dir(self, local_path, deployed_path, ignore):
        """compare a directory"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('compare directory {} with {}'.format(
        if not os.path.exists(deployed_path):
            return ''
        if (self.ignore_missing_in_dotdrop and not
                os.path.exists(local_path)) \
                or must_ignore([local_path, deployed_path], ignore,
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring diff {} and {}'.format(
            return ''
        if not os.path.isdir(deployed_path):
            return '\"{}\" is a file\n'.format(deployed_path)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('compare {} and {}'.format(local_path, deployed_path))
        ret = []
        comp = filecmp.dircmp(local_path, deployed_path)

        # handle files only in deployed dir
        for i in comp.left_only:
            if self.ignore_missing_in_dotdrop:
            if must_ignore([os.path.join(local_path, i)],
            ret.append('=> \"{}\" does not exist on destination\n'.format(i))

        # handle files only in dotpath dir
        for i in comp.right_only:
            if must_ignore([os.path.join(deployed_path, i)],

            if not self.ignore_missing_in_dotdrop:
                ret.append('=> \"{}\" does not exist in dotdrop\n'.format(i))

        # same local_path and deployed_path but different type
        funny = comp.common_funny
        for i in funny:
            source_file = os.path.join(local_path, i)
            deployed_file = os.path.join(deployed_path, i)
            if self.ignore_missing_in_dotdrop and \
                    not os.path.exists(source_file):
            if must_ignore([source_file, deployed_file],
            short = os.path.basename(source_file)
            # file vs dir
            ret.append('=> different type: \"{}\"\n'.format(short))

        # content is different
        funny = comp.diff_files
        funny = uniq_list(funny)
        for i in funny:
            source_file = os.path.join(local_path, i)
            deployed_file = os.path.join(deployed_path, i)
            if self.ignore_missing_in_dotdrop and \
                    not os.path.exists(source_file):
            if must_ignore([source_file, deployed_file],
            ret.append(self._diff(source_file, deployed_file, header=True))

        # recursively compare subdirs
        for i in comp.common_dirs:
            sublocal_path = os.path.join(local_path, i)
            subdeployed_path = os.path.join(deployed_path, i)
            ret.extend(self._comp_dir(sublocal_path, subdeployed_path, ignore))

        return ''.join(ret)

    def _diff(self, local_path, deployed_path, header=False):
        """diff two files"""
        out = diff(modified=local_path,
        if header:
            lshort = os.path.basename(local_path)
            out = '=> diff \"{}\":\n{}'.format(lshort, out)
        return out
예제 #4
class Installer:

    def __init__(self, base='.', create=True, backup=True,
                 dry=False, safe=False, workdir='~/.config/dotdrop',
                 debug=False, diff=True, totemp=None, showdiff=False,
                 backup_suffix='.dotdropbak', diff_cmd=''):
        @base: directory path where to search for templates
        @create: create directory hierarchy if missing when installing
        @backup: backup existing dotfile when installing
        @dry: just simulate
        @safe: ask for any overwrite
        @workdir: where to install template before symlinking
        @debug: enable debug
        @diff: diff when installing if True
        @totemp: deploy to this path instead of dotfile dst if not None
        @showdiff: show the diff before overwriting (or asking for)
        @backup_suffix: suffix for dotfile backup file
        @diff_cmd: diff command to use
        self.create = create
        self.backup = backup
        self.dry = dry
        self.safe = safe
        self.workdir = os.path.expanduser(workdir)
        self.base = base
        self.debug = debug
        self.diff = diff
        self.totemp = totemp
        self.showdiff = showdiff
        self.backup_suffix = backup_suffix
        self.diff_cmd = diff_cmd
        self.comparing = False
        self.action_executed = False
        self.log = Logger()

    def _log_install(self, boolean, err):
        if not self.debug:
            return boolean, err
        if boolean:
            self.log.dbg('install: SUCCESS')
            if err:
                self.log.dbg('install: ERROR: {}'.format(err))
                self.log.dbg('install: IGNORED')
        return boolean, err

    def install(self, templater, src, dst,
                actionexec=None, noempty=False,
                ignore=[], template=True):
        install src to dst using a template
        @templater: the templater object
        @src: dotfile source path in dotpath
        @dst: dotfile destination path in the FS
        @actionexec: action executor callback
        @noempty: render empty template flag
        @ignore: pattern to ignore when installing
        @template: template this dotfile

        - True, None        : success
        - False, error_msg  : error
        - False, None       : ignored
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('installing \"{}\" to \"{}\"'.format(src, dst))
        if not dst or not src:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('empty dst for {}'.format(src))
            return self._log_install(True, None)
        self.action_executed = False
        src = os.path.join(self.base, os.path.expanduser(src))
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            err = 'source dotfile does not exist: {}'.format(src)
            return self._log_install(False, err)
        dst = os.path.expanduser(dst)
        if self.totemp:
            dst = self._pivot_path(dst, self.totemp)
        if utils.samefile(src, dst):
            # symlink loop
            err = 'dotfile points to itself: {}'.format(dst)
            return self._log_install(False, err)
        isdir = os.path.isdir(src)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('install {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
            self.log.dbg('is a directory \"{}\": {}'.format(src, isdir))
        if isdir:
            b, e = self._install_dir(templater, src, dst,
                                     noempty=noempty, ignore=ignore,
            return self._log_install(b, e)
        b, e = self._install_file(templater, src, dst,
                                  noempty=noempty, ignore=ignore,
        return self._log_install(b, e)

    def link(self, templater, src, dst, actionexec=None, template=True):
        set src as the link target of dst
        @templater: the templater
        @src: dotfile source path in dotpath
        @dst: dotfile destination path in the FS
        @actionexec: action executor callback
        @template: template this dotfile

        - True, None        : success
        - False, error_msg  : error
        - False, None       : ignored
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('link \"{}\" to \"{}\"'.format(src, dst))
        if not dst or not src:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('empty dst for {}'.format(src))
            return self._log_install(True, None)
        self.action_executed = False
        src = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.base,
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            err = 'source dotfile does not exist: {}'.format(src)
            return self._log_install(False, err)
        dst = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(dst))
        if self.totemp:
            # ignore actions
            b, e = self.install(templater, src, dst, actionexec=None,
            return self._log_install(b, e)

        if template and Templategen.is_template(src):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('dotfile is a template')
                self.log.dbg('install to {} and symlink'.format(self.workdir))
            tmp = self._pivot_path(dst, self.workdir, striphome=True)
            i, err = self.install(templater, src, tmp, actionexec=actionexec,
            if not i and not os.path.exists(tmp):
                return self._log_install(i, err)
            src = tmp
        b, e = self._link(src, dst, actionexec=actionexec)
        return self._log_install(b, e)

    def link_children(self, templater, src, dst, actionexec=None,
        link all files under a given directory
        @templater: the templater
        @src: dotfile source path in dotpath
        @dst: dotfile destination path in the FS
        @actionexec: action executor callback
        @template: template this dotfile

        - True, None: success
        - False, error_msg: error
        - False, None, ignored
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('link_children \"{}\" to \"{}\"'.format(src, dst))
        if not dst or not src:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('empty dst for {}'.format(src))
            return self._log_install(True, None)
        self.action_executed = False
        parent = os.path.join(self.base, os.path.expanduser(src))

        # Fail if source doesn't exist
        if not os.path.exists(parent):
            err = 'source dotfile does not exist: {}'.format(parent)
            return self._log_install(False, err)

        # Fail if source not a directory
        if not os.path.isdir(parent):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('symlink children of {} to {}'.format(src, dst))

            err = 'source dotfile is not a directory: {}'.format(parent)
            return self._log_install(False, err)

        dst = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(dst))
        if not os.path.lexists(dst):
            self.log.sub('creating directory "{}"'.format(dst))

        if os.path.isfile(dst):
            msg = ''.join([
                'Remove regular file {} and ',
                'replace with empty directory?',

            if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
                err = 'ignoring "{}", nothing installed'.format(dst)
                return self._log_install(False, err)

        children = os.listdir(parent)
        srcs = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(parent, child))
                for child in children]
        dsts = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dst, child))
                for child in children]

        installed = 0
        for i in range(len(children)):
            src = srcs[i]
            dst = dsts[i]

            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('symlink child {} to {}'.format(src, dst))

            if template and Templategen.is_template(src):
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('dotfile is a template')
                    self.log.dbg('install to {} and symlink'
                tmp = self._pivot_path(dst, self.workdir, striphome=True)
                r, e = self.install(templater, src, tmp, actionexec=actionexec,
                if not r and e and not os.path.exists(tmp):
                src = tmp

            ret, err = self._link(src, dst, actionexec=actionexec)
            if ret:
                installed += 1
                # void actionexec if dotfile installed
                # to prevent from running actions multiple times
                actionexec = None
                if err:
                    return self._log_install(ret, err)

        return self._log_install(installed > 0, None)

    def _link(self, src, dst, actionexec=None):
        set src as a link target of dst

        - True, None: success
        - False, error_msg: error
        - False, None, ignored
        overwrite = not self.safe
        if os.path.lexists(dst):
            if os.path.realpath(dst) == os.path.realpath(src):
                msg = 'ignoring "{}", link already exists'.format(dst)
                if self.debug:
                return False, None
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would remove {} and link to {}'.format(dst, src))
                return True, None
            if self.showdiff:
                self._diff_before_write(src, dst, quiet=False)
            msg = 'Remove "{}" for link creation?'.format(dst)
            if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
                err = 'ignoring "{}", link was not created'.format(dst)
                return False, err
            overwrite = True
            except OSError as e:
                err = 'something went wrong with {}: {}'.format(src, e)
                return False, err
        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would link {} to {}'.format(dst, src))
            return True, None
        base = os.path.dirname(dst)
        if not self._create_dirs(base):
            err = 'error creating directory for {}'.format(dst)
            return False, err
        r, e = self._exec_pre_actions(actionexec)
        if not r:
            return False, e
        # re-check in case action created the file
        if os.path.lexists(dst):
            msg = 'Remove "{}" for link creation?'.format(dst)
            if self.safe and not overwrite and not self.log.ask(msg):
                err = 'ignoring "{}", link was not created'.format(dst)
                return False, err
            except OSError as e:
                err = 'something went wrong with {}: {}'.format(src, e)
                return False, err
        os.symlink(src, dst)
        self.log.sub('linked {} to {}'.format(dst, src))
        return True, None

    def _get_tmp_file_vars(self, src, dst):
        tmp = {}
        tmp['_dotfile_sub_abs_src'] = src
        tmp['_dotfile_sub_abs_dst'] = dst
        return tmp

    def _install_file(self, templater, src, dst,
                      actionexec=None, noempty=False,
                      ignore=[], template=True):
        """install src to dst when is a file"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('deploy file: {}'.format(src))
            self.log.dbg('ignore empty: {}'.format(noempty))
            self.log.dbg('ignore pattern: {}'.format(ignore))
            self.log.dbg('template: {}'.format(template))
            self.log.dbg('no empty: {}'.format(noempty))

        if utils.must_ignore([src, dst], ignore, debug=self.debug):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring install of {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
            return False, None

        if utils.samefile(src, dst):
            # symlink loop
            err = 'dotfile points to itself: {}'.format(dst)
            return False, err

        if not os.path.exists(src):
            err = 'source dotfile does not exist: {}'.format(src)
            return False, err

        # handle the file
        content = None
        if template:
            # template the file
            saved = templater.add_tmp_vars(self._get_tmp_file_vars(src, dst))
                content = templater.generate(src)
            except UndefinedException as e:
                return False, str(e)
            if noempty and utils.content_empty(content):
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('ignoring empty template: {}'.format(src))
                return False, None
            if content is None:
                err = 'empty template {}'.format(src)
                return False, err
        ret, err = self._write(src, dst,

        # build return values
        if ret < 0:
            # error
            return False, err
        if ret > 0:
            # already exists
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring {}'.format(dst))
            return False, None
        if ret == 0:
            # success
            if not self.dry and not self.comparing:
                self.log.sub('copied {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
            return True, None
        # error
        err = 'installing {} to {}'.format(src, dst)
        return False, err

    def _install_dir(self, templater, src, dst,
                     actionexec=None, noempty=False,
                     ignore=[], template=True):
        """install src to dst when is a directory"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('install dir {}'.format(src))
            self.log.dbg('ignore empty: {}'.format(noempty))
        # default to nothing installed and no error
        ret = False, None
        if not self._create_dirs(dst):
            err = 'creating directory for {}'.format(dst)
            return False, err
        # handle all files in dir
        for entry in os.listdir(src):
            f = os.path.join(src, entry)
            if not os.path.isdir(f):
                # is file
                res, err = self._install_file(templater, f,
                                              os.path.join(dst, entry),
                if not res and err:
                    # error occured
                    ret = res, err
                elif res:
                    # something got installed
                    ret = True, None
                # is directory
                res, err = self._install_dir(templater, f,
                                             os.path.join(dst, entry),
                if not res and err:
                    # error occured
                    ret = res, err
                elif res:
                    # something got installed
                    ret = True, None
        return ret

    def _fake_diff(self, dst, content):
        fake diff by comparing file content with content
        returns True if same
        cur = ''
        with open(dst, 'br') as f:
            cur = f.read()
        return cur == content

    def _write(self, src, dst, content=None,
               actionexec=None, template=True):
        copy dotfile / write content to file
        return  0, None:  for success,
                1, None:  when already exists
               -1, err: when error
        content is always empty if template is False
        and is to be ignored
        overwrite = not self.safe
        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would install {}'.format(dst))
            return 0, None
        if os.path.lexists(dst):
            rights = os.stat(src).st_mode
            samerights = False
                samerights = os.stat(dst).st_mode == rights
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                    # broken symlink
                    err = 'broken symlink {}'.format(dst)
                    return -1, err
            diff = None
            if self.diff:
                diff = self._diff_before_write(src, dst,
                if not diff and samerights:
                    if self.debug:
                        self.log.dbg('{} is the same'.format(dst))
                    return 1, None
            if self.safe:
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('change detected for {}'.format(dst))
                if self.showdiff:
                    if diff is None:
                        # get diff
                        diff = self._diff_before_write(src, dst,
                        if diff:
                            self._print_diff(src, dst, diff)
                if not self.log.ask('Overwrite \"{}\"'.format(dst)):
                    self.log.warn('ignoring {}'.format(dst))
                    return 1, None
                overwrite = True
        if self.backup and os.path.lexists(dst):
        base = os.path.dirname(dst)
        if not self._create_dirs(base):
            err = 'creating directory for {}'.format(dst)
            return -1, err
        r, e = self._exec_pre_actions(actionexec)
        if not r:
            return -1, e
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('install dotfile to \"{}\"'.format(dst))
        # re-check in case action created the file
        if self.safe and not overwrite and os.path.lexists(dst):
            if not self.log.ask('Overwrite \"{}\"'.format(dst)):
                self.log.warn('ignoring {}'.format(dst))
                return 1, None

        if template:
            # write content the file
                with open(dst, 'wb') as f:
                shutil.copymode(src, dst)
            except NotADirectoryError as e:
                err = 'opening dest file: {}'.format(e)
                return -1, err
            except Exception as e:
                return -1, str(e)
            # copy file
                shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
                shutil.copymode(src, dst)
            except Exception as e:
                return -1, str(e)
        return 0, None

    def _diff_before_write(self, src, dst, content=None, quiet=False):
        diff before writing
        using a temp file if content is not None
        returns diff string ('' if same)
        tmp = None
        if content:
            tmp = utils.write_to_tmpfile(content)
            src = tmp
        diff = utils.diff(modified=src, original=dst, raw=False,
        if tmp:
            utils.removepath(tmp, logger=self.log)

        if not quiet and diff:
            self._print_diff(src, dst, diff)
        return diff

    def _print_diff(self, src, dst, diff):
        """show diff to user"""
        self.log.log('diff \"{}\" VS \"{}\"'.format(dst, src))

    def _create_dirs(self, directory):
        """mkdir -p <directory>"""
        if not self.create and not os.path.exists(directory):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('no mkdir as \"create\" set to false in config')
            return False
        if os.path.exists(directory):
            return True
        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would mkdir -p {}'.format(directory))
            return True
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('mkdir -p {}'.format(directory))
        return os.path.exists(directory)

    def _backup(self, path):
        """backup file pointed by path"""
        if self.dry:
        dst = path.rstrip(os.sep) + self.backup_suffix
        self.log.log('backup {} to {}'.format(path, dst))
        os.rename(path, dst)

    def _pivot_path(self, path, newdir, striphome=False):
        """change path to be under newdir"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('pivot new dir: \"{}\"'.format(newdir))
            self.log.dbg('strip home: {}'.format(striphome))
        if striphome:
            path = utils.strip_home(path)
        sub = path.lstrip(os.sep)
        new = os.path.join(newdir, sub)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('pivot \"{}\" to \"{}\"'.format(path, new))
        return new

    def _exec_pre_actions(self, actionexec):
        """execute action executor"""
        if self.action_executed:
            return True, None
        if not actionexec:
            return True, None
        ret, err = actionexec()
        self.action_executed = True
        return ret, err

    def _install_to_temp(self, templater, src, dst, tmpdir, template=True):
        """install a dotfile to a tempdir"""
        tmpdst = self._pivot_path(dst, tmpdir)
        r = self.install(templater, src, tmpdst, template=template)
        return r, tmpdst

    def install_to_temp(self, templater, tmpdir, src, dst, template=True):
        """install a dotfile to a tempdir"""
        ret = False
        tmpdst = ''
        # save some flags while comparing
        self.comparing = True
        drysaved = self.dry
        self.dry = False
        diffsaved = self.diff
        self.diff = False
        createsaved = self.create
        self.create = True
        # normalize src and dst
        src = os.path.expanduser(src)
        dst = os.path.expanduser(dst)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('tmp install {} (defined dst: {})'.format(src, dst))
        # install the dotfile to a temp directory for comparing
        r, tmpdst = self._install_to_temp(templater, src, dst, tmpdir,
        ret, err = r
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('tmp installed in {}'.format(tmpdst))
        # reset flags
        self.dry = drysaved
        self.diff = diffsaved
        self.comparing = False
        self.create = createsaved
        return ret, err, tmpdst
예제 #5
class Updater:
    def __init__(self,
        @conf: configuration
        @dotpath: path where dotfiles are stored
        @profile: profile selected
        @variables: dictionary of variables for the templates
        @dry: simulate
        @safe: ask for overwrite if True
        @iskey: will the update be called on keys or path
        @debug: enable debug
        @ignore: pattern to ignore when updating
        @showpatch: show patch if dotfile to update is a template
        self.conf = conf
        self.dotpath = dotpath
        self.profile = profile
        self.variables = variables
        self.dry = dry
        self.safe = safe
        self.iskey = iskey
        self.debug = debug
        self.ignore = ignore
        self.showpatch = showpatch
        self.log = Logger()

    def update_path(self, path):
        """update the dotfile installed on path"""
        if not os.path.lexists(path):
            self.log.err('\"{}\" does not exist!'.format(path))
            return False
        path = self._normalize(path)
        dotfile = self._get_dotfile_by_path(path)
        if not dotfile:
            return False
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('updating {} from path \"{}\"'.format(dotfile, path))
        return self._update(path, dotfile)

    def update_key(self, key):
        """update the dotfile referenced by key"""
        dotfile = self._get_dotfile_by_key(key)
        if not dotfile:
            return False
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('updating {} from key \"{}\"'.format(dotfile, key))
        path = self._normalize(dotfile.dst)
        return self._update(path, dotfile)

    def _update(self, path, dotfile):
        """update dotfile from file pointed by path"""
        ret = False
        new_path = None
        self.ignores = list(set(self.ignore + dotfile.upignore))
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('ignore pattern(s): {}'.format(self.ignores))

        left = os.path.expanduser(path)
        right = os.path.join(self.conf.abs_or_rel(self.dotpath), dotfile.src)
        right = os.path.expanduser(right)

        if self._ignore([left, right]):
            return True
        if dotfile.trans_w:
            # apply write transformation if any
            new_path = self._apply_trans_w(path, dotfile)
            if not new_path:
                return False
            left = new_path
        if os.path.isdir(left):
            ret = self._handle_dir(left, right)
            ret = self._handle_file(left, right)
        # clean temporary files
        if new_path and os.path.exists(new_path):
        return ret

    def _apply_trans_w(self, path, dotfile):
        """apply write transformation to dotfile"""
        trans = dotfile.trans_w
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('executing write transformation {}'.format(trans))
        tmp = utils.get_unique_tmp_name()
        if not trans.transform(path, tmp):
            msg = 'transformation \"{}\" failed for {}'
            self.log.err(msg.format(trans.key, dotfile.key))
            if os.path.exists(tmp):
            return None
        return tmp

    def _normalize(self, path):
        """normalize the path to match dotfile"""
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        path = os.path.expandvars(path)
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        home = os.path.expanduser(TILD) + os.sep

        # normalize the path
        if path.startswith(home):
            path = path[len(home):]
            path = os.path.join(TILD, path)
        return path

    def _get_dotfile_by_key(self, key):
        """get the dotfile matching this key"""
        dotfiles = self.conf.get_dotfiles(self.profile)
        subs = [d for d in dotfiles if d.key == key]
        if not subs:
            self.log.err('key \"{}\" not found!'.format(key))
            return None
        if len(subs) > 1:
            found = ','.join([d.src for d in dotfiles])
            self.log.err('multiple dotfiles found: {}'.format(found))
            return None
        return subs[0]

    def _get_dotfile_by_path(self, path):
        """get the dotfile matching this path"""
        dotfiles = self.conf.get_dotfiles(self.profile)
        subs = [d for d in dotfiles if d.dst == path]
        if not subs:
            self.log.err('\"{}\" is not managed!'.format(path))
            return None
        if len(subs) > 1:
            found = ','.join([d.src for d in dotfiles])
            self.log.err('multiple dotfiles found: {}'.format(found))
            return None
        return subs[0]

    def _is_template(self, path):
        if not Templategen.is_template(path):
            return False
        self.log.warn('{} uses template, update manually'.format(path))
        return True

    def _show_patch(self, tpath, fpath):
        """provide a way to manually patch the template"""
        content = self._resolve_template(tpath)
        tmp = utils.write_to_tmpfile(content)
        cmds = ['diff', '-u', tmp, fpath, '|', 'patch', tpath]
        self.log.warn('try patching with: \"{}\"'.format(' '.join(cmds)))
        return False

    def _resolve_template(self, tpath):
        """resolve the template to a temporary file"""
        t = Templategen(variables=self.variables,
        return t.generate(tpath)

    def _handle_file(self, left, right, compare=True):
        """sync left (deployed file) and right (dotdrop dotfile)"""
        if self._ignore([left, right]):
            return True
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('update for file {} and {}'.format(left, right))
        if self._is_template(right):
            # dotfile is a template
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('{} is a template'.format(right))
            if self.showpatch:
                self._show_patch(right, left)
            return False
        if compare and filecmp.cmp(left, right, shallow=True):
            # no difference
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('identical files: {} and {}'.format(left, right))
            return True
        if not self._overwrite(left, right):
            return False
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would cp {} {}'.format(left, right))
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('cp {} {}'.format(left, right))
                shutil.copyfile(left, right)
        except IOError as e:
            self.log.warn('{} update failed, do manually: {}'.format(left, e))
            return False
        return True

    def _handle_dir(self, left, right):
        """sync left (deployed dir) and right (dotdrop dir)"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('handle update for dir {} to {}'.format(left, right))
        # paths must be absolute (no tildes)
        left = os.path.expanduser(left)
        right = os.path.expanduser(right)
        if self._ignore([left, right]):
            return True
        # find the differences
        diff = filecmp.dircmp(left, right, ignore=None)
        # handle directories diff
        return self._merge_dirs(diff)

    def _merge_dirs(self, diff):
        """Synchronize directories recursively."""
        left, right = diff.left, diff.right
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('sync dir {} to {}'.format(left, right))
        if self._ignore([left, right]):
            return True

        # create dirs that don't exist in dotdrop
        for toadd in diff.left_only:
            exist = os.path.join(left, toadd)
            if not os.path.isdir(exist):
                # ignore files for now
            # match to dotdrop dotpath
            new = os.path.join(right, toadd)
            if self._ignore([exist, new]):
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would cp -r {} {}'.format(exist, new))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('cp -r {} {}'.format(exist, new))
            # Newly created directory should be copied as is (for efficiency).
            shutil.copytree(exist, new)

        # remove dirs that don't exist in deployed version
        for toremove in diff.right_only:
            old = os.path.join(right, toremove)
            if not os.path.isdir(old):
                # ignore files for now
            if self._ignore([old]):
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would rm -r {}'.format(old))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('rm -r {}'.format(old))
            if not self._confirm_rm_r(old):

        # handle files diff
        # sync files that exist in both but are different
        fdiff = diff.diff_files
        for f in fdiff:
            fleft = os.path.join(left, f)
            fright = os.path.join(right, f)
            if self._ignore([fleft, fright]):
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would cp {} {}'.format(fleft, fright))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('cp {} {}'.format(fleft, fright))
            self._handle_file(fleft, fright, compare=False)

        # copy files that don't exist in dotdrop
        for toadd in diff.left_only:
            exist = os.path.join(left, toadd)
            if os.path.isdir(exist):
                # ignore dirs, done above
            new = os.path.join(right, toadd)
            if self._ignore([exist, new]):
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would cp {} {}'.format(exist, new))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('cp {} {}'.format(exist, new))
            shutil.copyfile(exist, new)

        # remove files that don't exist in deployed version
        for toremove in diff.right_only:
            new = os.path.join(right, toremove)
            if not os.path.exists(new):
            if os.path.isdir(new):
                # ignore dirs, done above
            if self._ignore([new]):
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would rm {}'.format(new))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('rm {}'.format(new))

        # Recursively decent into common subdirectories.
        for subdir in diff.subdirs.values():

        # Nothing more to do here.
        return True

    def _overwrite(self, src, dst):
        """ask for overwritting"""
        msg = 'Overwrite \"{}\" with \"{}\"?'.format(dst, src)
        if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
            return False
        return True

    def _confirm_rm_r(self, directory):
        """ask for rm -r directory"""
        msg = 'Recursively remove \"{}\"?'.format(directory)
        if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
            return False
        return True

    def _ignore(self, paths):
        if utils.must_ignore(paths, self.ignores, debug=self.debug):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring update for {}'.format(paths))
            return True
        return False
예제 #6
파일: updater.py 프로젝트: maxchaos/dotdrop
class Updater:

    BACKUP_SUFFIX = '.dotdropbak'

    def __init__(self, conf, dotpath, dry, safe, debug):
        self.home = os.path.expanduser(TILD)
        self.conf = conf
        self.dotpath = dotpath
        self.dry = dry
        self.safe = safe
        self.debug = debug
        self.log = Logger()

    def _normalize(self, path):
        """normalize the path to match dotfile"""
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        path = os.path.expandvars(path)

        # normalize the path
        if path.startswith(self.home):
            path = path.lstrip(self.home)
            path = os.path.join(TILD, path)
        return path

    def _get_dotfile(self, path, profile):
        """get the dotfile matching this path"""
        dotfiles = self.conf.get_dotfiles(profile)
        subs = [d for d in dotfiles if d.dst == path]
        if not subs:
            self.log.err('\"{}\" is not managed!'.format(path))
            return None
        if len(subs) > 1:
            found = ','.join([d.src for d in dotfiles])
            self.log.err('multiple dotfiles found: {}'.format(found))
            return None
        return subs[0]

    def update(self, path, profile):
        """update the dotfile installed on path"""
        if not os.path.lexists(path):
            self.log.err('\"{}\" does not exist!'.format(path))
            return False
        left = self._normalize(path)
        dotfile = self._get_dotfile(path, profile)
        if not dotfile:
            return False
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('updating {} from {}'.format(dotfile, path))

        right = os.path.join(self.conf.abs_dotpath(self.dotpath), dotfile.src)
        # go through all files and update
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            return self._handle_dir(left, right)
        return self._handle_file(left, right)

    def _is_template(self, path):
        if Templategen.get_marker() not in open(path, 'r').read():
            return False
        self.log.warn('{} uses template, update manually'.format(right))
        return True

    def _handle_file(self, left, right, compare=True):
        """sync left (deployed file) and right (dotdrop dotfile)"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('update for file {} and {}'.format(left, right))
        if self._is_template(right):
            return False
        if compare and filecmp.cmp(left, right, shallow=True):
            # no difference
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('identical files: {} and {}'.format(left, right))
            return True
        if not self._overwrite(left, right):
            return False
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would cp {} {}'.format(left, right))
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('cp {} {}'.format(left, right))
                shutil.copyfile(left, right)
        except IOError as e:
            self.log.warn('{} update failed, do manually: {}'.format(left, e))
            return False
        return True

    def _handle_dir(self, left, right):
        """sync left (deployed dir) and right (dotdrop dir)"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('handle update for dir {} to {}'.format(left, right))
        # find the difference
        diff = filecmp.dircmp(left, right, ignore=None)
        # handle directories diff
        # create dirs that don't exist in dotdrop
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('handle dirs that do not exist in dotdrop')
        for toadd in diff.left_only:
            exist = os.path.join(left, toadd)
            if not os.path.isdir(exist):
                # ignore files for now
            # match to dotdrop dotpath
            new = os.path.join(right, toadd)
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would mkdir -p {}'.format(new))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('mkdir -p {}'.format(new))

        # remove dirs that don't exist in deployed version
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('remove dirs that do not exist in deployed version')
        for toremove in diff.right_only:
            new = os.path.join(right, toremove)
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would rm -r {}'.format(new))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('rm -r {}'.format(new))
            if not self._confirm_rm_r(new):

        # handle files diff
        # sync files that exist in both but are different
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('sync files that exist in both but are different')
        fdiff = diff.diff_files
        for f in fdiff:
            fleft = os.path.join(left, f)
            fright = os.path.join(right, f)
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would cp {} {}'.format(fleft, fright))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('cp {} {}'.format(fleft, fright))
            self._handle_file(fleft, fright, compare=False)

        # copy files that don't exist in dotdrop
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('copy files not existing in dotdrop')
        for toadd in diff.left_only:
            exist = os.path.join(left, toadd)
            if os.path.isdir(exist):
                # ignore dirs, done above
            new = os.path.join(right, toadd)
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would cp {} {}'.format(exist, new))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('cp {} {}'.format(exist, new))
            shutil.copyfile(exist, new)

        # remove files that don't exist in deployed version
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('remove files that do not exist in deployed version')
        for toremove in diff.right_only:
            new = os.path.join(right, toremove)
            if not os.path.exists(new):
            if os.path.isdir(new):
                # ignore dirs, done above
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would rm {}'.format(new))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('rm {}'.format(new))
        return True

    def _create_dirs(self, directory):
        """mkdir -p <directory>"""
        if os.path.exists(directory):
            return True
        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would mkdir -p {}'.format(directory))
            return True
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('mkdir -p {}'.format(directory))
        return os.path.exists(directory)

    def _overwrite(self, src, dst):
        """ask for overwritting"""
        msg = 'Overwrite \"{}\" with \"{}\"?'.format(dst, src)
        if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
            return False
        return True

    def _confirm_rm_r(self, directory):
        """ask for rm -r directory"""
        msg = 'Recursively remove \"{}\"?'.format(directory)
        if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
            return False
        return True
예제 #7
class Options(AttrMonitor):
    def __init__(self, args=None):
        @args: argument dictionary (if None use sys)
        self.args = args
        if not args:
            self.args = docopt(USAGE, version=VERSION)
        self.log = Logger()
        self.debug = self.args['--verbose']
        if not self.debug and ENV_DEBUG in os.environ:
            self.debug = True
        if ENV_NODEBUG in os.environ:
            self.debug = False
        self.profile = self.args['--profile']
        self.confpath = os.path.expanduser(self.args['--cfg'])
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('config file: {}'.format(self.confpath))

        if ENV_NOBANNER not in os.environ \
           and self.banner \
           and not self.args['--no-banner']:
        # start monitoring for bad attribute
        self._set_attr_err = True

    def _header(self):
        """print the header"""

    def _read_config(self, profile=None):
        """read the config file"""
        self.conf = Cfg(self.confpath, profile=profile, debug=self.debug)
        # transform the configs in attribute
        for k, v in self.conf.get_settings().items():
            setattr(self, k, v)

    def _apply_args(self):
        """apply cli args as attribute"""
        # the commands
        self.cmd_list = self.args['list']
        self.cmd_listfiles = self.args['listfiles']
        self.cmd_install = self.args['install']
        self.cmd_compare = self.args['compare']
        self.cmd_import = self.args['import']
        self.cmd_update = self.args['update']
        self.cmd_detail = self.args['detail']

        # adapt attributes based on arguments
        self.dry = self.args['--dry']
        self.safe = not self.args['--force']
        self.link = LinkTypes.NOLINK
        if self.link_by_default:
            self.link = LinkTypes.PARENTS

        if self.args['--inv-link']:
            # Only invert link type from NOLINK to PARENTS and vice-versa
            if self.link == LinkTypes.NOLINK:
                self.link = LinkTypes.PARENTS
            elif self.link == LinkTypes.PARENTS:
                self.link = LinkTypes.NOLINK

        # "listfiles" specifics
        self.listfiles_templateonly = self.args['--template']
        # "install" specifics
        self.install_temporary = self.args['--temp']
        self.install_keys = self.args['<key>']
        self.install_diff = not self.args['--nodiff']
        self.install_showdiff = self.showdiff or self.args['--showdiff']
        self.install_backup_suffix = BACKUP_SUFFIX
        # "compare" specifics
        self.compare_dopts = self.args['--dopts']
        self.compare_focus = self.args['--file']
        self.compare_ignore = self.args['--ignore']
        # "import" specifics
        self.import_path = self.args['<path>']
        # "update" specifics
        self.update_path = self.args['<path>']
        self.update_iskey = self.args['--key']
        self.update_ignore = self.args['--ignore']
        self.update_showpatch = self.args['--show-patch']
        # "detail" specifics
        self.detail_keys = self.args['<key>']

    def _fill_attr(self):
        """create attributes from conf"""
        # variables
        self.variables = self.conf.get_variables(self.profile,
        # the dotfiles
        self.dotfiles = self.conf.eval_dotfiles(self.profile,
        # the profiles
        self.profiles = self.conf.get_profiles()

    def _print_attr(self):
        """print all of this class attributes"""
        if not self.debug:
        for att in dir(self):
            if att.startswith('_'):
            val = getattr(self, att)
            if callable(val):
            self.log.dbg('- {}: \"{}\"'.format(att, val))

    def _attr_set(self, attr):
        """error when some inexistent attr is set"""
        raise Exception('bad option: {}'.format(attr))
예제 #8
class Templategen:

    def __init__(self, base='.', variables={},
                 func_file=[], filter_file=[], debug=False):
        @base: directory path where to search for templates
        @variables: dictionary of variables for templates
        @func_file: file path to load functions from
        @filter_file: file path to load filters from
        @debug: enable debug
        self.base = base.rstrip(os.sep)
        self.debug = debug
        self.log = Logger()
        loader1 = FileSystemLoader(self.base)
        loader2 = FunctionLoader(self._template_loader)
        loader = ChoiceLoader([loader1, loader2])
        self.env = Environment(loader=loader,
                               trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True,
        # adding variables
        self.env.globals['env'] = os.environ
        if variables:
        # adding header method
        self.env.globals['header'] = self._header
        # adding helper methods
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('load global functions:')
        self._load_funcs_to_dic(jhelpers, self.env.globals)
        if func_file:
            for f in func_file:
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('load custom functions from {}'.format(f))
                self._load_path_to_dic(f, self.env.globals)
        if filter_file:
            for f in filter_file:
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('load custom filters from {}'.format(f))
                self._load_path_to_dic(f, self.env.filters)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('template additional variables: {}'.format(variables))

    def generate(self, src):
        """render template from path"""
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            return ''
        return self._handle_file(src)

    def generate_string(self, string):
        """render template from string"""
        if not string:
            return ''
        return self.env.from_string(string).render()

    def add_tmp_vars(self, newvars={}):
        """add vars to the globals, make sure to call restore_vars"""
        saved_globals = self.env.globals.copy()
        if not newvars:
            return saved_globals
        return saved_globals

    def restore_vars(self, saved_globals):
        """restore globals from add_tmp_vars"""
        self.env.globals = saved_globals.copy()

    def update_variables(self, variables):
        """update variables"""

    def _load_path_to_dic(self, path, dic):
        mod = utils.get_module_from_path(path)
        if not mod:
            self.log.warn('cannot load module \"{}\"'.format(path))
        self._load_funcs_to_dic(mod, dic)

    def _load_funcs_to_dic(self, mod, dic):
        """dynamically load functions from module to dic"""
        if not mod or not dic:
        funcs = utils.get_module_functions(mod)
        for name, func in funcs:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('load function \"{}\"'.format(name))
            dic[name] = func

    def _header(self, prepend=''):
        """add a comment usually in the header of a dotfile"""
        return '{}{}'.format(prepend, utils.header())

    def _handle_file(self, src):
        """generate the file content from template"""
        _, filetype = utils.run(['file', '-b', src],
                                raw=False, debug=self.debug)
        filetype = filetype.strip()
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('\"{}\" filetype: {}'.format(src, filetype))
        istext = self._is_text(filetype)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('\"{}\" is text: {}'.format(src, istext))
        if not istext:
            return self._handle_bin_file(src)
        return self._handle_text_file(src)

    def _is_text(self, fileoutput):
        """return if `file -b` output is ascii text"""
        out = fileoutput.lower()
        if 'text' in out:
            return True
        if 'empty' in out:
            return True
        if 'json' in out:
            return True
        return False

    def _template_loader(self, relpath):
        """manually load template when outside of base"""
        path = os.path.join(self.base, relpath)
        path = os.path.normpath(path)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            raise TemplateNotFound(path)
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            content = f.read()
        return content

    def _handle_text_file(self, src):
        """write text to file"""
        template_rel_path = os.path.relpath(src, self.base)
            template = self.env.get_template(template_rel_path)
            content = template.render()
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            data = self._read_bad_encoded_text(src)
            content = self.generate_string(data)
        return content.encode('utf-8')

    def _handle_bin_file(self, src):
        """write binary to file"""
        # this is dirty
        if not src.startswith(self.base):
            src = os.path.join(self.base, src)
        with open(src, 'rb') as f:
            content = f.read()
        return content

    def _read_bad_encoded_text(self, path):
        """decode non utf-8 data"""
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            data = f.read()
        return data.decode('utf-8', 'replace')

    def is_template(path):
        """recursively check if any file is a template within path"""
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            return False
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            # is file
            return Templategen._is_template(path)
        for entry in os.listdir(path):
            fpath = os.path.join(path, entry)
            if not os.path.isfile(fpath):
                # recursively explore directory
                if Templategen.is_template(fpath):
                    return True
                # check if file is a template
                if Templategen._is_template(fpath):
                    return True
        return False

    def var_is_template(string):
        """check if variable contains template(s)"""
        return VAR_START in str(string)

    def _is_template(path):
        """test if file pointed by path is a template"""
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
            return False
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
                data = f.read()
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            # is binary so surely no template
            return False
        for marker in markers:
            if marker in data:
                return True
        return False
예제 #9
class Updater:
    def __init__(self,
        @dotpath: path where dotfiles are stored
        @variables: dictionary of variables for the templates
        @dotfile_key_getter: func to get a dotfile by key
        @dotfile_dst_getter: func to get a dotfile by dst
        @dotfile_path_normalizer: func to normalize dotfile dst
        @dry: simulate
        @safe: ask for overwrite if True
        @debug: enable debug
        @ignore: pattern to ignore when updating
        @showpatch: show patch if dotfile to update is a template
        self.dotpath = dotpath
        self.variables = variables
        self.dotfile_key_getter = dotfile_key_getter
        self.dotfile_dst_getter = dotfile_dst_getter
        self.dotfile_path_normalizer = dotfile_path_normalizer
        self.dry = dry
        self.safe = safe
        self.debug = debug
        self.ignore = ignore
        self.showpatch = showpatch
        self.templater = Templategen(variables=self.variables,
        # save template vars
        self.tvars = self.templater.add_tmp_vars()
        self.log = Logger()

    def update_path(self, path):
        """update the dotfile installed on path"""
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        if not os.path.lexists(path):
            self.log.err('\"{}\" does not exist!'.format(path))
            return False
        dotfile = self.dotfile_dst_getter(path)
        if not dotfile:
            return False
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('updating {} from path \"{}\"'.format(dotfile, path))
        return self._update(path, dotfile)

    def update_key(self, key):
        """update the dotfile referenced by key"""
        dotfile = self.dotfile_key_getter(key)
        if not dotfile:
            return False
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('updating {} from key \"{}\"'.format(dotfile, key))
        path = self.dotfile_path_normalizer(dotfile.dst)
        return self._update(path, dotfile)

    def _update(self, path, dotfile):
        """update dotfile from file pointed by path"""
        ret = False
        new_path = None
        ignores = list(set(self.ignore + dotfile.upignore))
        self.ignores = patch_ignores(ignores, dotfile.dst, debug=self.debug)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('ignore pattern(s): {}'.format(self.ignores))

        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        dtpath = os.path.join(self.dotpath, dotfile.src)
        dtpath = os.path.expanduser(dtpath)

        if self._ignore([path, dtpath]):
            self.log.sub('\"{}\" ignored'.format(dotfile.key))
            return True
        # apply write transformation if any
        new_path = self._apply_trans_w(path, dotfile)
        if not new_path:
            return False
        if os.path.isdir(new_path):
            ret = self._handle_dir(new_path, dtpath)
            ret = self._handle_file(new_path, dtpath)
        # clean temporary files
        if new_path != path and os.path.exists(new_path):
        return ret

    def _apply_trans_w(self, path, dotfile):
        """apply write transformation to dotfile"""
        trans = dotfile.get_trans_w()
        if not trans:
            return path
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('executing write transformation {}'.format(trans))
        tmp = get_unique_tmp_name()
        newvars = dotfile.get_dotfile_variables()
        if not trans.transform(
                path, tmp, templater=self.templater, debug=self.debug):
            msg = 'transformation \"{}\" failed for {}'
            self.log.err(msg.format(trans.key, dotfile.key))
            if os.path.exists(tmp):
            return None
        return tmp

    def _is_template(self, path):
        if not Templategen.is_template(path):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('{} is NO template'.format(path))
            return False
        self.log.warn('{} uses template, update manually'.format(path))
        return True

    def _show_patch(self, fpath, tpath):
        """provide a way to manually patch the template"""
        content = self._resolve_template(tpath)
        tmp = write_to_tmpfile(content)
        cmds = ['diff', '-u', tmp, fpath, '|', 'patch', tpath]
        self.log.warn('try patching with: \"{}\"'.format(' '.join(cmds)))
        return False

    def _resolve_template(self, tpath):
        """resolve the template to a temporary file"""
        return self.templater.generate(tpath)

    def _handle_file(self, path, dtpath, compare=True):
        """sync path (deployed file) and dtpath (dotdrop dotfile path)"""
        if self._ignore([path, dtpath]):
            self.log.sub('\"{}\" ignored'.format(dtpath))
            return True
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('update for file {} and {}'.format(path, dtpath))
        if self._is_template(dtpath):
            # dotfile is a template
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('{} is a template'.format(dtpath))
            if self.showpatch:
                self._show_patch(path, dtpath)
            return False
        if compare and filecmp.cmp(path, dtpath, shallow=True):
            # no difference
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('identical files: {} and {}'.format(path, dtpath))
            return True
        if not self._overwrite(path, dtpath):
            return False
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would cp {} {}'.format(path, dtpath))
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('cp {} {}'.format(path, dtpath))
                shutil.copyfile(path, dtpath)
                self.log.sub('\"{}\" updated'.format(dtpath))
        except IOError as e:
            self.log.warn('{} update failed, do manually: {}'.format(path, e))
            return False
        return True

    def _handle_dir(self, path, dtpath):
        """sync path (deployed dir) and dtpath (dotdrop dir path)"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('handle update for dir {} to {}'.format(path, dtpath))
        # paths must be absolute (no tildes)
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        dtpath = os.path.expanduser(dtpath)
        if self._ignore([path, dtpath]):
            self.log.sub('\"{}\" ignored'.format(dtpath))
            return True
        # find the differences
        diff = filecmp.dircmp(path, dtpath, ignore=None)
        # handle directories diff
        return self._merge_dirs(diff)

    def _merge_dirs(self, diff):
        """Synchronize directories recursively."""
        left, right = diff.left, diff.right
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('sync dir {} to {}'.format(left, right))
        if self._ignore([left, right]):
            return True

        # create dirs that don't exist in dotdrop
        for toadd in diff.left_only:
            exist = os.path.join(left, toadd)
            if not os.path.isdir(exist):
                # ignore files for now
            # match to dotdrop dotpath
            new = os.path.join(right, toadd)
            if self._ignore([exist, new]):
                self.log.sub('\"{}\" ignored'.format(exist))
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would cp -r {} {}'.format(exist, new))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('cp -r {} {}'.format(exist, new))
            # Newly created directory should be copied as is (for efficiency).
            shutil.copytree(exist, new)
            self.log.sub('\"{}\" dir added'.format(new))

        # remove dirs that don't exist in deployed version
        for toremove in diff.right_only:
            old = os.path.join(right, toremove)
            if not os.path.isdir(old):
                # ignore files for now
            if self._ignore([old]):
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would rm -r {}'.format(old))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('rm -r {}'.format(old))
            if not self._confirm_rm_r(old):
            self.log.sub('\"{}\" dir removed'.format(old))

        # handle files diff
        # sync files that exist in both but are different
        fdiff = diff.diff_files
        for f in fdiff:
            fleft = os.path.join(left, f)
            fright = os.path.join(right, f)
            if self._ignore([fleft, fright]):
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would cp {} {}'.format(fleft, fright))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('cp {} {}'.format(fleft, fright))
            self._handle_file(fleft, fright, compare=False)

        # copy files that don't exist in dotdrop
        for toadd in diff.left_only:
            exist = os.path.join(left, toadd)
            if os.path.isdir(exist):
                # ignore dirs, done above
            new = os.path.join(right, toadd)
            if self._ignore([exist, new]):
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would cp {} {}'.format(exist, new))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('cp {} {}'.format(exist, new))
            shutil.copyfile(exist, new)
            self.log.sub('\"{}\" added'.format(new))

        # remove files that don't exist in deployed version
        for toremove in diff.right_only:
            new = os.path.join(right, toremove)
            if not os.path.exists(new):
            if os.path.isdir(new):
                # ignore dirs, done above
            if self._ignore([new]):
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would rm {}'.format(new))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('rm {}'.format(new))
            self.log.sub('\"{}\" removed'.format(new))

        # Recursively decent into common subdirectories.
        for subdir in diff.subdirs.values():

        # Nothing more to do here.
        return True

    def _overwrite(self, src, dst):
        """ask for overwritting"""
        msg = 'Overwrite \"{}\" with \"{}\"?'.format(dst, src)
        if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
            return False
        return True

    def _confirm_rm_r(self, directory):
        """ask for rm -r directory"""
        msg = 'Recursively remove \"{}\"?'.format(directory)
        if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
            return False
        return True

    def _ignore(self, paths):
        if must_ignore(paths, self.ignores, debug=self.debug):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring update for {}'.format(paths))
            return True
        return False
예제 #10
class Templategen:
    def __init__(self, base='.', debug=False):
        self.base = base.rstrip(os.sep)
        loader = FileSystemLoader(self.base)
        self.env = Environment(loader=loader,
        self.log = Logger(debug=debug)

    def generate(self, src, profile):
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            return ''
        return self._handle_file(src, profile)

    def _handle_file(self, src, profile):
        """generate the file content from template"""
        filetype = utils.run(['file', '-b', src], raw=False).strip()
        self.log.dbg('\"{}\" filetype: {}'.format(src, filetype))
        istext = 'text' in filetype
        self.log.dbg('\"{}\" is text: {}'.format(src, istext))
        if not istext:
            return self._handle_bin_file(src, profile)
        return self._handle_text_file(src, profile)

    def _handle_text_file(self, src, profile):
        """write text to file"""
        template_rel_path = os.path.relpath(src, self.base)
            template = self.env.get_template(template_rel_path)
            content = template.render(profile=profile, env=os.environ)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            data = self._read_bad_encoded_text(src)
            template = self.env.from_string(data)
            content = template.render(profile=profile, env=os.environ)

        content = content.encode('UTF-8')
        return content

    def _handle_bin_file(self, src, profile):
        """write binary to file"""
        # this is dirty
        if not src.startswith(self.base):
            src = os.path.join(self.base, src)
        with open(src, 'rb') as f:
            return f.read()

    def _read_bad_encoded_text(self, path):
        """decode non utf-8 data"""
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            data = f.read()
        return data.decode('utf-8', 'replace')

    def get_marker():
        """return identifier for template dotfile"""
        return BLOCK_START
예제 #11
class Importer:
    def __init__(self,
        @profile: the selected profile
        @conf: configuration manager
        @dotpath: dotfiles dotpath
        @diff_cmd: diff command to use
        @dry: simulate
        @safe: ask for overwrite if True
        @debug: enable debug
        @keepdot: keep dot prefix
        @ignore: patterns to ignore when importing
        self.profile = profile
        self.conf = conf
        self.dotpath = dotpath
        self.diff_cmd = diff_cmd
        self.dry = dry
        self.safe = safe
        self.debug = debug
        self.keepdot = keepdot
        self.ignore = ignore

        self.umask = get_umask()
        self.log = Logger()

    def import_path(self,
        import a dotfile pointed by path
            1: 1 dotfile imported
            0: ignored
            -1: error
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('import {}'.format(path))
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            self.log.err('\"{}\" does not exist, ignored!'.format(path))
            return -1

        return self._import(path,

    def _import(self,
        import path
            1: 1 dotfile imported
            0: ignored
            -1: error

        # normalize path
        dst = path.rstrip(os.sep)
        dst = os.path.abspath(dst)

        # test if must be ignored
        if self._ignore(dst):
            return 0

        # ask confirmation for symlinks
        if self.safe:
            realdst = os.path.realpath(dst)
            if dst != realdst:
                msg = '\"{}\" is a symlink, dereference it and continue?'
                if not self.log.ask(msg.format(dst)):
                    return 0

        # create src path
        src = strip_home(dst)
        if import_as:
            # handle import as
            src = os.path.expanduser(import_as)
            src = src.rstrip(os.sep)
            src = os.path.abspath(src)
            src = strip_home(src)
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('import src for {} as {}'.format(dst, src))
        # with or without dot prefix
        strip = '.' + os.sep
        if self.keepdot:
            strip = os.sep
        src = src.lstrip(strip)

        # get the permission
        perm = get_file_perm(dst)

        # get the link attribute
        linktype = import_link
        if linktype == LinkTypes.LINK_CHILDREN and \
                not os.path.isdir(path):
            self.log.err('importing \"{}\" failed!'.format(path))
            return -1

        if self._already_exists(src, dst):
            return -1

        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('import dotfile: src:{} dst:{}'.format(src, dst))

        if not self._prepare_hierarchy(src, dst):
            return -1

        # handle file mode
        chmod = None
        dflperm = get_default_file_perms(dst, self.umask)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('import mode: {}'.format(import_mode))
        if import_mode or perm != dflperm:
            if self.debug:
                msg = 'adopt mode {:o} (umask {:o})'
                self.log.dbg(msg.format(perm, dflperm))
            chmod = perm

        # add file to config file
        retconf = self.conf.new_dotfile(src, dst, linktype, chmod=chmod)
        if not retconf:
            self.log.warn('\"{}\" ignored during import'.format(path))
            return 0

        self.log.sub('\"{}\" imported'.format(path))
        return 1

    def _prepare_hierarchy(self, src, dst):
        """prepare hierarchy for dotfile"""
        srcf = os.path.join(self.dotpath, src)
        if self._ignore(srcf):
            return False

        srcfd = os.path.dirname(srcf)
        if self._ignore(srcfd):
            return False

        # a dotfile in dotpath already exists at that spot
        if os.path.exists(srcf):
            if self.safe:
                c = Comparator(debug=self.debug, diff_cmd=self.diff_cmd)
                diff = c.compare(srcf, dst)
                if diff != '':
                    # files are different, dunno what to do
                    self.log.log('diff \"{}\" VS \"{}\"'.format(dst, srcf))
                    # ask user
                    msg = 'Dotfile \"{}\" already exists, overwrite?'
                    if not self.log.ask(msg.format(srcf)):
                        return False
                    if self.debug:
                        self.log.dbg('will overwrite existing file')

        # create directory hierarchy
        if self.dry:
            cmd = 'mkdir -p {}'.format(srcfd)
            self.log.dry('would run: {}'.format(cmd))
                os.makedirs(srcfd, exist_ok=True)
            except Exception:
                self.log.err('importing \"{}\" failed!'.format(dst))
                return False

        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would copy {} to {}'.format(dst, srcf))
            # copy the file to the dotpath
                if os.path.isdir(dst):
                    if os.path.exists(srcf):
                    ig = shutil.ignore_patterns(*self.ignore)
                    shutil.copy2(dst, srcf)
            except shutil.Error as e:
                src = e.args[0][0][0]
                why = e.args[0][0][2]
                self.log.err('importing \"{}\" failed: {}'.format(src, why))

        return True

    def _cp(self, src, dst):
        """the copy function for copytree"""
        # test if must be ignored
        if self._ignore(src):
        shutil.copy2(src, dst)

    def _already_exists(self, src, dst):
        test no other dotfile exists with same
        dst for this profile but different src
        dfs = self.conf.get_dotfile_by_dst(dst)
        if not dfs:
            return False
        for df in dfs:
            profiles = self.conf.get_profiles_by_dotfile_key(df.key)
            profiles = [x.key for x in profiles]
            if self.profile in profiles and \
                    not self.conf.get_dotfile_by_src_dst(src, dst):
                # same profile
                # different src
                self.log.err('duplicate dotfile for this profile')
                return True
        return False

    def _ignore(self, path):
        if must_ignore([path], self.ignore, debug=self.debug):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring import of {}'.format(path))
            self.log.warn('{} ignored'.format(path))
            return True
        return False
예제 #12
파일: options.py 프로젝트: davla/dotdrop
class Options(AttrMonitor):
    """dotdrop options manager"""

    def __init__(self, args=None):
        @args: argument dictionary (if None use sys)
        # attributes gotten from self.conf.get_settings()
        self.banner = None
        self.showdiff = None
        self.default_actions = []
        self.instignore = None
        self.force_chmod = None
        self.cmpignore = None
        self.impignore = None
        self.upignore = None
        self.link_on_import = None
        self.chmod_on_import = None
        self.check_version = None
        self.clear_workdir = None
        self.key_prefix = None
        self.key_separator = None

        # args parsing
        self.args = {}
        if not args:
            self.args = docopt(USAGE, version=VERSION)
        if args:
            self.args = args.copy()
        self.debug = self.args['--verbose'] or ENV_DEBUG in os.environ
        self.log = Logger(debug=self.debug)
        self.dry = self.args['--dry']
        if ENV_NODEBUG in os.environ:
            # force disabling debugs
            self.debug = False
        self.profile = self.args['--profile']
        self.confpath = self._get_config_path()
        if not self.confpath:
            raise YamlException('no config file found')
        self.log.dbg('#################### DOTDROP ####################')
        self.log.dbg('version: {}'.format(VERSION))
        self.log.dbg('command: {}'.format(' '.join(sys.argv)))
        self.log.dbg('config file: {}'.format(self.confpath))

        if ENV_NOBANNER not in os.environ \
           and self.banner \
           and not self.args['--no-banner']:
        # start monitoring for bad attribute
        self._set_attr_err = True

    def _get_config_from_fs(cls):
        """get config from filesystem"""
        # look in ~/.config/dotdrop
        cfg = os.path.expanduser(HOMECFG)
        path = os.path.join(cfg, CONFIG)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            return path

        # look in /etc/xdg/dotdrop
        path = os.path.join(ETCXDGCFG, CONFIG)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            return path

        # look in /etc/dotdrop
        path = os.path.join(ETCCFG, CONFIG)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            return path

        return ''

    def _get_config_path(self):
        """get the config path"""
        # cli provided
        if self.args['--cfg']:
            return os.path.expanduser(self.args['--cfg'])

        # environment variable provided
        if ENV_CONFIG in os.environ:
            return os.path.expanduser(os.environ[ENV_CONFIG])

        # look in current directory
        if os.path.exists(CONFIG):
            return CONFIG

        # look in XDG_CONFIG_HOME
        if ENV_XDG in os.environ:
            cfg = os.path.expanduser(os.environ[ENV_XDG])
            path = os.path.join(cfg, NAME, CONFIG)
            if os.path.exists(path):
                return path

        return self._get_config_from_fs()

    def _header(self):
        """display the header"""

    def _read_config(self):
        """read the config file"""
        self.conf = Cfg(self.confpath, self.profile, debug=self.debug,
        # transform the config settings to self attribute
        settings = self.conf.get_settings()
        debug_dict('effective settings', settings, self.debug)
        for k, val in settings.items():
            setattr(self, k, val)

    def _apply_args_files(self):
        """files specifics"""
        self.files_templateonly = self.args['--template']
        self.files_grepable = self.args['--grepable']

    def _apply_args_install(self):
        """install specifics"""
        self.install_force_action = self.args['--force-actions']
        self.install_temporary = self.args['--temp']
        self.install_keys = self.args['<key>']
        self.install_diff = not self.args['--nodiff']
        self.install_showdiff = self.showdiff or self.args['--showdiff']
        self.install_backup_suffix = BACKUP_SUFFIX
        self.install_default_actions_pre = [a for a in self.default_actions
                                            if a.kind == Action.pre]
        self.install_default_actions_post = [a for a in self.default_actions
                                             if a.kind == Action.post]
        self.install_ignore = self.instignore
        self.install_force_chmod = self.force_chmod
        self.install_clear_workdir = self.args['--workdir-clear'] or \

    def _apply_args_compare(self):
        """compare specifics"""
        self.compare_focus = self.args['--file']
        self.compare_ignore = self.args['--ignore']
        self.compare_ignore = uniq_list(self.compare_ignore)
        self.compare_fileonly = self.args['--file-only']
        self.ignore_missing_in_dotdrop = self.ignore_missing_in_dotdrop or \

    def _apply_args_import(self):
        """import specifics"""
        self.import_path = self.args['<path>']
        self.import_as = self.args['--as']
        self.import_mode = self.args['--preserve-mode'] or self.chmod_on_import
        self.import_ignore = self.args['--ignore']
        self.import_ignore = uniq_list(self.import_ignore)

    def _apply_args_update(self):
        """update specifics"""
        self.update_path = self.args['<path>']
        self.update_iskey = self.args['--key']
        self.update_ignore = self.args['--ignore']
        self.update_ignore = uniq_list(self.update_ignore)
        self.update_showpatch = self.args['--show-patch']

    def _apply_args_profiles(self):
        """profiles specifics"""
        self.profiles_grepable = self.args['--grepable']

    def _apply_args_remove(self):
        """remove specifics"""
        self.remove_path = self.args['<path>']
        self.remove_iskey = self.args['--key']

    def _apply_args_detail(self):
        """detail specifics"""
        self.detail_keys = self.args['<key>']

    def _apply_args(self):
        """apply cli args as attribute"""
        # the commands
        self.cmd_profiles = self.args['profiles']
        self.cmd_files = self.args['files']
        self.cmd_install = self.args['install']
        self.cmd_compare = self.args['compare']
        self.cmd_import = self.args['import']
        self.cmd_update = self.args['update']
        self.cmd_detail = self.args['detail']
        self.cmd_remove = self.args['remove']

        # adapt attributes based on arguments
        self.safe = not self.args['--force']

            if ENV_WORKERS in os.environ:
                workers = int(os.environ[ENV_WORKERS])
                workers = int(self.args['--workers'])
            self.workers = workers
        except ValueError:
            self.log.err('bad option for --workers')

        # import link default value
        self.import_link = self.link_on_import
        if self.args['--link']:
            # overwrite default import link with cli switch
            link = self.args['--link']
            if link not in OPT_LINK:
                self.log.err('bad option for --link: {}'.format(link))
            self.import_link = OPT_LINK[link]

        # "files" specifics

        # "install" specifics

        # "compare" specifics

        # "import" specifics

        # "update" specifics

        # "profiles" specifics

        # "detail" specifics

        # "remove" specifics

    def _fill_attr(self):
        """create attributes from conf"""
        # variables
        self.variables = self.conf.get_variables()
        # the dotfiles
        self.dotfiles = self.conf.get_dotfiles()
        # the profiles
        self.profiles = self.conf.get_profiles()

    def _debug_attr(self):
        """debug display all of this class attributes"""
        if not self.debug:
        self.log.dbg('effective options:')
        for att in dir(self):
            if att.startswith('_'):
            val = getattr(self, att)
            if callable(val):
            if isinstance(val, list):
                debug_list('-> {}'.format(att), val, self.debug)
            elif isinstance(val, dict):
                debug_dict('-> {}'.format(att), val, self.debug)
                self.log.dbg('-> {}: {}'.format(att, val))

    def _attr_set(self, attr):
        """error when some inexistent attr is set"""
        raise Exception('bad option: {}'.format(attr))
예제 #13
class Templategen:
    def __init__(self, profile='', base='.', variables={}, debug=False):
        self.base = base.rstrip(os.sep)
        self.debug = debug
        self.log = Logger()
        loader = FileSystemLoader(self.base)
        self.env = Environment(loader=loader,
        # adding variables
        self.env.globals['env'] = os.environ
        if profile:
            self.env.globals['profile'] = profile
        # adding header method
        self.env.globals['header'] = self._header
        # adding helper methods
        self.env.globals['exists'] = jhelpers.exists

    def generate(self, src):
        """render template from path"""
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            return ''
        return self._handle_file(src)

    def generate_string(self, string):
        """render template from string"""
        if not string:
            return ''
        return self.env.from_string(string).render()

    def _header(self, prepend=''):
        """add a comment usually in the header of a dotfile"""
        return '{}{}'.format(prepend, utils.header())

    def _handle_file(self, src):
        """generate the file content from template"""
        _, filetype = utils.run(['file', '-b', src],
        filetype = filetype.strip()
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('\"{}\" filetype: {}'.format(src, filetype))
        istext = 'text' in filetype
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('\"{}\" is text: {}'.format(src, istext))
        if not istext:
            return self._handle_bin_file(src)
        return self._handle_text_file(src)

    def _handle_text_file(self, src):
        """write text to file"""
        template_rel_path = os.path.relpath(src, self.base)
            template = self.env.get_template(template_rel_path)
            content = template.render()
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            data = self._read_bad_encoded_text(src)
            template = self.env.from_string(data)
            content = template.render()

        content = content.encode('UTF-8')
        return content

    def _handle_bin_file(self, src):
        """write binary to file"""
        # this is dirty
        if not src.startswith(self.base):
            src = os.path.join(self.base, src)
        with open(src, 'rb') as f:
            content = f.read()
        return content

    def _read_bad_encoded_text(self, path):
        """decode non utf-8 data"""
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            data = f.read()
        return data.decode('utf-8', 'replace')

    def is_template(path):
        """recursively check if any file is a template within path"""
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            return False
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            # is file
            return Templategen._is_template(path)
        for entry in os.listdir(path):
            fpath = os.path.join(path, entry)
            if not os.path.isfile(fpath):
                # rec explore dir
                if Templategen.is_template(fpath):
                    return True
                # is file a template
                if Templategen._is_template(fpath):
                    return True
        return False

    def _is_template(path):
        """test if file pointed by path is a template"""
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
            return False
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
                data = f.read()
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            # is binary so surely no template
            return False
        for marker in markers:
            if marker in data:
                return True
        return False
예제 #14
class Updater:
    def __init__(self,
        @dotpath: path where dotfiles are stored
        @variables: dictionary of variables for the templates
        @conf: configuration manager
        @dry: simulate
        @safe: ask for overwrite if True
        @debug: enable debug
        @ignore: pattern to ignore when updating
        @showpatch: show patch if dotfile to update is a template
        self.dotpath = dotpath
        self.variables = variables
        self.conf = conf
        self.dry = dry
        self.safe = safe
        self.debug = debug
        self.ignore = ignore
        self.ignores = None
        self.showpatch = showpatch
        self.ignore_missing_in_dotdrop = ignore_missing_in_dotdrop
        self.templater = Templategen(variables=self.variables,
        # save template vars
        self.tvars = self.templater.add_tmp_vars()
        self.log = Logger()

    def update_path(self, path):
        """update the dotfile installed on path"""
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        if not os.path.lexists(path):
            self.log.err('\"{}\" does not exist!'.format(path))
            return False
        dotfiles = self.conf.get_dotfile_by_dst(path)
        if not dotfiles:
            return False
        for dotfile in dotfiles:
            if not dotfile:
                msg = 'invalid dotfile for update: {}'
                return False

            if self.debug:
                msg = 'updating {} from path \"{}\"'
                self.log.dbg(msg.format(dotfile, path))
            if not self._update(path, dotfile):
                return False
        return True

    def update_key(self, key):
        """update the dotfile referenced by key"""
        dotfile = self.conf.get_dotfile(key)
        if not dotfile:
            return False
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('updating {} from key \"{}\"'.format(dotfile, key))
        path = self.conf.path_to_dotfile_dst(dotfile.dst)
        return self._update(path, dotfile)

    def _update(self, path, dotfile):
        """update dotfile from file pointed by path"""
        ret = False
        new_path = None
        ignores = list(set(self.ignore + dotfile.upignore))
        self.ignores = patch_ignores(ignores, dotfile.dst, debug=self.debug)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('ignore pattern(s): {}'.format(self.ignores))

        deployed_path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        local_path = os.path.join(self.dotpath, dotfile.src)
        local_path = os.path.expanduser(local_path)

        if not os.path.exists(deployed_path):
            msg = '\"{}\" does not exist'
            return False

        if not os.path.exists(local_path):
            msg = '\"{}\" does not exist, import it first'
            return False

        ignore_missing_in_dotdrop = self.ignore_missing_in_dotdrop or \
        if (ignore_missing_in_dotdrop and not os.path.exists(local_path)) or \
                self._ignore([deployed_path, local_path]):
            self.log.sub('\"{}\" ignored'.format(dotfile.key))
            return True
        # apply write transformation if any
        new_path = self._apply_trans_w(deployed_path, dotfile)
        if not new_path:
            return False

        # save current rights
        deployed_mode = get_file_perm(deployed_path)
        local_mode = get_file_perm(local_path)

        # handle the pointed file
        if os.path.isdir(new_path):
            ret = self._handle_dir(new_path, local_path, dotfile)
            ret = self._handle_file(new_path, local_path, dotfile)

        if deployed_mode != local_mode:
            # mirror rights
            if self.debug:
                m = 'adopt mode {:o} for {}'
                self.log.dbg(m.format(deployed_mode, dotfile.key))
            r = self.conf.update_dotfile(dotfile.key, deployed_mode)
            if r:
                ret = True

        # clean temporary files
        if new_path != deployed_path and os.path.exists(new_path):
            removepath(new_path, logger=self.log)
        return ret

    def _apply_trans_w(self, path, dotfile):
        """apply write transformation to dotfile"""
        trans = dotfile.get_trans_w()
        if not trans:
            return path
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('executing write transformation {}'.format(trans))
        tmp = get_unique_tmp_name()
        newvars = dotfile.get_dotfile_variables()
        if not trans.transform(
                path, tmp, templater=self.templater, debug=self.debug):
            msg = 'transformation \"{}\" failed for {}'
            self.log.err(msg.format(trans.key, dotfile.key))
            if os.path.exists(tmp):
                removepath(tmp, logger=self.log)
            return None
        return tmp

    def _is_template(self, path):
        if not Templategen.is_template(path, ignore=self.ignores):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('{} is NO template'.format(path))
            return False
        self.log.warn('{} uses template, update manually'.format(path))
        return True

    def _show_patch(self, fpath, tpath):
        """provide a way to manually patch the template"""
        content = self._resolve_template(tpath)
        tmp = write_to_tmpfile(content)
        mirror_file_rights(tpath, tmp)
        cmds = ['diff', '-u', tmp, fpath, '|', 'patch', tpath]
        self.log.warn('try patching with: \"{}\"'.format(' '.join(cmds)))
        return False

    def _resolve_template(self, tpath):
        """resolve the template to a temporary file"""
        return self.templater.generate(tpath)

    def _same_rights(self, left, right):
        """return True if files have the same modes"""
            lefts = get_file_perm(left)
            rights = get_file_perm(right)
            return lefts == rights
        except OSError as e:
            return False

    def _mirror_rights(self, src, dst):
        srcr = get_file_perm(src)
        dstr = get_file_perm(dst)
        if srcr == dstr:
        if self.debug:
            msg = 'copy rights from {} ({:o}) to {} ({:o})'
            self.log.dbg(msg.format(src, srcr, dst, dstr))
            mirror_file_rights(src, dst)
        except OSError as e:

    def _handle_file(self, deployed_path, local_path, dotfile, compare=True):
        """sync path (deployed file) and local_path (dotdrop dotfile path)"""
        if self._ignore([deployed_path, local_path]):
            self.log.sub('\"{}\" ignored'.format(local_path))
            return True
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('update for file {} and {}'.format(
        if self._is_template(local_path):
            # dotfile is a template
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('{} is a template'.format(local_path))
            if self.showpatch:
                    self._show_patch(deployed_path, local_path)
                except UndefinedException as e:
                    msg = 'unable to show patch for {}: {}'.format(
            return False
        if compare and \
                filecmp.cmp(deployed_path, local_path, shallow=False) and \
                self._same_rights(deployed_path, local_path):
            # no difference
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('identical files: {} and {}'.format(
            return True
        if not self._overwrite(deployed_path, local_path):
            return False
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would cp {} {}'.format(
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('cp {} {}'.format(deployed_path, local_path))
                shutil.copyfile(deployed_path, local_path)
                self._mirror_rights(deployed_path, local_path)
                self.log.sub('\"{}\" updated'.format(local_path))
        except IOError as e:
            self.log.warn('{} update failed, do manually: {}'.format(
                deployed_path, e))
            return False
        return True

    def _handle_dir(self, deployed_path, local_path, dotfile):
        """sync path (local dir) and local_path (dotdrop dir path)"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('handle update for dir {} to {}'.format(
        # paths must be absolute (no tildes)
        deployed_path = os.path.expanduser(deployed_path)
        local_path = os.path.expanduser(local_path)

        if self._ignore([deployed_path, local_path]):
            self.log.sub('\"{}\" ignored'.format(local_path))
            return True
        # find the differences
        diff = filecmp.dircmp(deployed_path, local_path, ignore=None)
        # handle directories diff
        ret = self._merge_dirs(diff, dotfile)
        self._mirror_rights(deployed_path, local_path)
        return ret

    def _merge_dirs(self, diff, dotfile):
        """Synchronize directories recursively."""
        left, right = diff.left, diff.right
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('sync dir {} to {}'.format(left, right))
        if self._ignore([left, right]):
            return True

        ignore_missing_in_dotdrop = self.ignore_missing_in_dotdrop or \

        # create dirs that don't exist in dotdrop
        for toadd in diff.left_only:
            exist = os.path.join(left, toadd)
            if not os.path.isdir(exist):
                # ignore files for now
            # match to dotdrop dotpath
            new = os.path.join(right, toadd)
            if (ignore_missing_in_dotdrop and not os.path.exists(new)) or \
                    self._ignore([exist, new]):
                self.log.sub('\"{}\" ignored'.format(exist))
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would cp -r {} {}'.format(exist, new))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('cp -r {} {}'.format(exist, new))

            # Newly created directory should be copied as is (for efficiency).
            def ig(src, names):
                whitelist, blacklist = set(), set()
                for ignore in self.ignores:
                    for name in names:
                        path = os.path.join(src, name)
                        if ignore.startswith('!') and \
                                fnmatch.fnmatch(path, ignore[1:]):
                            # add to whitelist
                        elif fnmatch.fnmatch(path, ignore):
                            # add to blacklist
                return blacklist - whitelist

            shutil.copytree(exist, new, ignore=ig)
            self.log.sub('\"{}\" dir added'.format(new))

        # remove dirs that don't exist in deployed version
        for toremove in diff.right_only:
            old = os.path.join(right, toremove)
            if not os.path.isdir(old):
                # ignore files for now
            if self._ignore([old]):
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would rm -r {}'.format(old))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('rm -r {}'.format(old))
            if not self._confirm_rm_r(old):
            removepath(old, logger=self.log)
            self.log.sub('\"{}\" dir removed'.format(old))

        # handle files diff
        # sync files that exist in both but are different
        fdiff = diff.diff_files
        for f in fdiff:
            fleft = os.path.join(left, f)
            fright = os.path.join(right, f)
            if (ignore_missing_in_dotdrop and not os.path.exists(fright)) or \
                    self._ignore([fleft, fright]):
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would cp {} {}'.format(fleft, fright))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('cp {} {}'.format(fleft, fright))
            self._handle_file(fleft, fright, dotfile, compare=False)

        # copy files that don't exist in dotdrop
        for toadd in diff.left_only:
            exist = os.path.join(left, toadd)
            if os.path.isdir(exist):
                # ignore dirs, done above
            new = os.path.join(right, toadd)
            if (ignore_missing_in_dotdrop and not os.path.exists(new)) or \
                    self._ignore([exist, new]):
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would cp {} {}'.format(exist, new))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('cp {} {}'.format(exist, new))
            shutil.copyfile(exist, new)
            self._mirror_rights(exist, new)
            self.log.sub('\"{}\" added'.format(new))

        # remove files that don't exist in deployed version
        for toremove in diff.right_only:
            new = os.path.join(right, toremove)
            if not os.path.exists(new):
            if os.path.isdir(new):
                # ignore dirs, done above
            if self._ignore([new]):
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would rm {}'.format(new))
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('rm {}'.format(new))
            removepath(new, logger=self.log)
            self.log.sub('\"{}\" removed'.format(new))

        # compare rights
        for common in diff.common_files:
            leftf = os.path.join(left, common)
            rightf = os.path.join(right, common)
            if not self._same_rights(leftf, rightf):
                self._mirror_rights(leftf, rightf)

        # Recursively decent into common subdirectories.
        for subdir in diff.subdirs.values():
            self._merge_dirs(subdir, dotfile)

        # Nothing more to do here.
        return True

    def _overwrite(self, src, dst):
        """ask for overwritting"""
        msg = 'Overwrite \"{}\" with \"{}\"?'.format(dst, src)
        if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
            return False
        return True

    def _confirm_rm_r(self, directory):
        """ask for rm -r directory"""
        msg = 'Recursively remove \"{}\"?'.format(directory)
        if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
            return False
        return True

    def _ignore(self, paths):
        if must_ignore(paths, self.ignores, debug=self.debug):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring update for {}'.format(paths))
            return True
        return False
예제 #15
파일: options.py 프로젝트: davla/setup
class Options(AttrMonitor):
    def __init__(self, args=None):
        @args: argument dictionary (if None use sys)
        self.args = {}
        if not args:
            self.args = docopt(USAGE, version=VERSION)
        if args:
            self.args = args.copy()
        self.log = Logger()
        self.debug = self.args['--verbose'] or ENV_DEBUG in os.environ
        self.dry = self.args['--dry']
        if ENV_NODEBUG in os.environ:
            # force disabling debugs
            self.debug = False
        self.profile = self.args['--profile']
        self.confpath = self._get_config_path()
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('version: {}'.format(VERSION))
            self.log.dbg('command: {}'.format(' '.join(sys.argv)))
            self.log.dbg('config file: {}'.format(self.confpath))

        if ENV_NOBANNER not in os.environ \
           and self.banner \
           and not self.args['--no-banner']:
        # start monitoring for bad attribute
        self._set_attr_err = True

    def _get_config_path(self):
        """get the config path"""
        # cli provided
        if self.args['--cfg']:
            return os.path.expanduser(self.args['--cfg'])

        # environment variable provided
        if ENV_CONFIG in os.environ:
            return os.path.expanduser(os.environ[ENV_CONFIG])

        # look in current directory
        if os.path.exists(CONFIG):
            return CONFIG

        # look in XDG_CONFIG_HOME
        if ENV_XDG in os.environ:
            cfg = os.path.expanduser(os.environ[ENV_XDG])
            path = os.path.join(cfg, NAME, CONFIG)
            if os.path.exists(path):
                return path

        # look in ~/.config/dotdrop
        cfg = os.path.expanduser(HOMECFG)
        path = os.path.join(cfg, CONFIG)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            return path

        # look in /etc/xdg/dotdrop
        path = os.path.join(ETCXDGCFG, CONFIG)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            return path

        # look in /etc/dotdrop
        path = os.path.join(ETCCFG, CONFIG)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            return path

        return ''

    def _header(self):
        """display the header"""

    def _read_config(self):
        """read the config file"""
        self.conf = Cfg(self.confpath,
        # transform the config settings to self attribute
        self._debug_dict('effective settings', self.conf.get_settings())
        for k, v in self.conf.get_settings().items():
            setattr(self, k, v)

    def _apply_args(self):
        """apply cli args as attribute"""
        # the commands
        self.cmd_profiles = self.args['profiles']
        self.cmd_files = self.args['files']
        self.cmd_install = self.args['install']
        self.cmd_compare = self.args['compare']
        self.cmd_import = self.args['import']
        self.cmd_update = self.args['update']
        self.cmd_detail = self.args['detail']
        self.cmd_remove = self.args['remove']

        # adapt attributes based on arguments
        self.safe = not self.args['--force']

        # import link default value
        self.import_link = self.link_on_import
        if self.args['--link']:
            # overwrite default import link with cli switch
            link = self.args['--link']
            if link not in OPT_LINK.keys():
                self.log.err('bad option for --link: {}'.format(link))
            self.import_link = OPT_LINK[link]

        # "files" specifics
        self.files_templateonly = self.args['--template']
        self.files_grepable = self.args['--grepable']
        # "profiles" specifics
        self.profiles_grepable = self.args['--grepable']
        # "install" specifics
        self.install_force_action = self.args['--force-actions']
        self.install_temporary = self.args['--temp']
        self.install_keys = self.args['<key>']
        self.install_diff = not self.args['--nodiff']
        self.install_showdiff = self.showdiff or self.args['--showdiff']
        self.install_backup_suffix = BACKUP_SUFFIX
        self.install_default_actions_pre = [
            a for a in self.default_actions if a.kind == Action.pre
        self.install_default_actions_post = [
            a for a in self.default_actions if a.kind == Action.post
        self.install_ignore = self.instignore
        # "compare" specifics
        self.compare_focus = self.args['--file']
        self.compare_ignore = self.args['--ignore']
        self.compare_ignore = uniq_list(self.compare_ignore)
        # "import" specifics
        self.import_path = self.args['<path>']
        self.import_as = self.args['--as']
        # "update" specifics
        self.update_path = self.args['<path>']
        self.update_iskey = self.args['--key']
        self.update_ignore = self.args['--ignore']
        self.update_ignore = uniq_list(self.update_ignore)
        self.update_showpatch = self.args['--show-patch']
        # "detail" specifics
        self.detail_keys = self.args['<key>']
        # "remove" specifics
        self.remove_path = self.args['<path>']
        self.remove_iskey = self.args['--key']

    def _fill_attr(self):
        """create attributes from conf"""
        # variables
        self.variables = self.conf.get_variables()
        # the dotfiles
        self.dotfiles = self.conf.get_dotfiles()
        # the profiles
        self.profiles = self.conf.get_profiles()

    def _debug_attr(self):
        """debug display all of this class attributes"""
        if not self.debug:
        self.log.dbg('effective options:')
        for att in dir(self):
            if att.startswith('_'):
            val = getattr(self, att)
            if callable(val):
            if type(val) is list:
                self._debug_list('-> {}'.format(att), val)
            elif type(val) is dict:
                self._debug_dict('-> {}'.format(att), val)
                self.log.dbg('-> {}: {}'.format(att, val))

    def _attr_set(self, attr):
        """error when some inexistent attr is set"""
        raise Exception('bad option: {}'.format(attr))

    def _debug_list(self, title, elems):
        """pretty print list"""
        if not self.debug:
        for e in elems:
            self.log.dbg('\t- {}'.format(e))

    def _debug_dict(self, title, elems):
        """pretty print dict"""
        if not self.debug:
        for k, v in elems.items():
            if type(v) is list:
                self.log.dbg('\t- \"{}\":'.format(k))
                for i in v:
                    self.log.dbg('\t\t- {}'.format(i))
                self.log.dbg('\t- \"{}\": {}'.format(k, v))
예제 #16
class Comparator:
    def __init__(self, diffopts='', debug=False):
        @diffopts: cli switches to pass to unix diff
        @debug: enable debug
        self.diffopts = diffopts
        self.debug = debug
        self.log = Logger()

    def compare(self, left, right, ignore=[]):
        """diff left (dotdrop dotfile) and right (deployed file)"""
        left = os.path.expanduser(left)
        right = os.path.expanduser(right)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('comparing {} and {}'.format(left, right))
            self.log.dbg('ignore pattern(s): {}'.format(ignore))
        if not os.path.isdir(left):
            return self._comp_file(left, right, ignore)
        return self._comp_dir(left, right, ignore)

    def _comp_file(self, left, right, ignore):
        """compare a file"""
        if utils.must_ignore([left, right], ignore, debug=self.debug):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring diff {} and {}'.format(left, right))
            return ''
        return self._diff(left, right)

    def _comp_dir(self, left, right, ignore):
        """compare a directory"""
        if not os.path.exists(right):
            return ''
        if utils.must_ignore([left, right], ignore, debug=self.debug):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring diff {} and {}'.format(left, right))
            return ''
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('compare {} and {}'.format(left, right))
        ret = []
        comp = filecmp.dircmp(left, right)
        # handle files only in deployed file
        for i in comp.left_only:
            if utils.must_ignore([os.path.join(left, i)],
            ret.append('=> \"{}\" does not exist on local\n'.format(i))
        for i in comp.right_only:
            if utils.must_ignore([os.path.join(right, i)],
            ret.append('=> \"{}\" does not exist in dotdrop\n'.format(i))

        # same left and right but different type
        funny = comp.common_funny
        for i in funny:
            lfile = os.path.join(left, i)
            rfile = os.path.join(right, i)
            short = os.path.basename(lfile)
            # file vs dir
            ret.append('different type: \"{}\"\n'.format(short))

        # content is different
        funny = comp.diff_files
        funny = list(set(funny))
        for i in funny:
            lfile = os.path.join(left, i)
            rfile = os.path.join(right, i)
            diff = self._diff(lfile, rfile, header=True)

        return ''.join(ret)

    def _diff(self, left, right, header=False):
        """diff using the unix tool diff"""
        diff = utils.diff(left,
        if header:
            lshort = os.path.basename(left)
            rshort = os.path.basename(right)
            diff = '=> diff \"{}\":\n{}'.format(lshort, diff)
        return diff
예제 #17
class CfgAggregator:

    file_prefix = 'f'
    dir_prefix = 'd'
    key_sep = '_'

    def __init__(self, path, profile=None, debug=False):
        high level config parser
        @path: path to the config file
        @profile: selected profile
        @debug: debug flag
        self.path = path
        self.profile = profile
        self.debug = debug
        self.log = Logger()

    def _load(self):
        """load lower level config"""
        self.cfgyaml = CfgYaml(self.path, self.profile, debug=self.debug)

        # settings
        self.settings = Settings.parse(None, self.cfgyaml.settings)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('settings: {}'.format(self.settings))

        # dotfiles
        self.dotfiles = Dotfile.parse_dict(self.cfgyaml.dotfiles)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('dotfiles: {}'.format(self.dotfiles))

        # profiles
        self.profiles = Profile.parse_dict(self.cfgyaml.profiles)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('profiles: {}'.format(self.profiles))

        # actions
        self.actions = Action.parse_dict(self.cfgyaml.actions)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('actions: {}'.format(self.actions))

        # trans_r
        self.trans_r = Transform.parse_dict(self.cfgyaml.trans_r)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('trans_r: {}'.format(self.trans_r))

        # trans_w
        self.trans_w = Transform.parse_dict(self.cfgyaml.trans_w)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('trans_w: {}'.format(self.trans_w))

        # variables
        self.variables = self.cfgyaml.get_variables()
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('variables: {}'.format(self.variables))

        # patch dotfiles in profiles
        self._patch_keys_to_objs(self.profiles, "dotfiles", self.get_dotfile)

        # patch action in dotfiles actions
        self._patch_keys_to_objs(self.dotfiles, "actions",
        # patch action in profiles actions
        self._patch_keys_to_objs(self.profiles, "actions",

        # patch actions in settings default_actions
        self._patch_keys_to_objs([self.settings], "default_actions",
        if self.debug:
            msg = 'default actions: {}'.format(self.settings.default_actions)

        # patch trans_w/trans_r in dotfiles

    def _patch_keys_to_objs(self, containers, keys, get_by_key, islist=True):
        map for each key in the attribute 'keys' in 'containers'
        the returned object from the method 'get_by_key'
        if not containers:
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('patching {} ...'.format(keys))
        for c in containers:
            objects = []
            okeys = getattr(c, keys)
            if not okeys:
            if not islist:
                okeys = [okeys]
            for k in okeys:
                o = get_by_key(k)
                if not o:
                    err = 'bad {} key for \"{}\": {}'.format(keys, c, k)
                    raise Exception(err)
            if not islist:
                objects = objects[0]
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('patching {}.{} with {}'.format(c, keys, objects))
            setattr(c, keys, objects)

    def del_dotfile(self, dotfile):
        """remove this dotfile from the config"""
        return self.cfgyaml.del_dotfile(dotfile.key)

    def del_dotfile_from_profile(self, dotfile, profile):
        """remove this dotfile from this profile"""
        return self.cfgyaml.del_dotfile_from_profile(dotfile.key, profile.key)

    def new(self, src, dst, link, profile_key):
        import a new dotfile
        @src: path in dotpath
        @dst: path in FS
        @link: LinkType
        @profile_key: to which profile
        dst = self.path_to_dotfile_dst(dst)

        dotfile = self.get_dotfile_by_dst(dst)
        if not dotfile:
            # get a new dotfile with a unique key
            key = self._get_new_dotfile_key(dst)
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('new dotfile key: {}'.format(key))
            # add the dotfile
            self.cfgyaml.add_dotfile(key, src, dst, link)
            dotfile = Dotfile(key, dst, src)

        key = dotfile.key
        ret = self.cfgyaml.add_dotfile_to_profile(key, profile_key)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('new dotfile {} to profile {}'.format(
                key, profile_key))

        # reload
        if self.debug:
        return ret

    def _get_new_dotfile_key(self, dst):
        """return a new unique dotfile key"""
        path = os.path.expanduser(dst)
        existing_keys = [x.key for x in self.dotfiles]
        if self.settings.longkey:
            return self._get_long_key(path, existing_keys)
        return self._get_short_key(path, existing_keys)

    def _norm_key_elem(self, elem):
        """normalize path element for sanity"""
        elem = elem.lstrip('.')
        elem = elem.replace(' ', '-')
        return elem.lower()

    def _split_path_for_key(self, path):
        """return a list of path elements, excluded home path"""
        p = strip_home(path)
        dirs = []
        while True:
            p, f = os.path.split(p)
            if not p or not f:
        # remove empty entries
        dirs = filter(None, dirs)
        # normalize entries
        return list(map(self._norm_key_elem, dirs))

    def _get_long_key(self, path, keys):
        return a unique long key representing the
        absolute path of path
        dirs = self._split_path_for_key(path)
        prefix = self.dir_prefix if os.path.isdir(path) else self.file_prefix
        key = self.key_sep.join([prefix] + dirs)
        return self._uniq_key(key, keys)

    def _get_short_key(self, path, keys):
        return a unique key where path
        is known not to be an already existing dotfile
        dirs = self._split_path_for_key(path)
        prefix = self.dir_prefix if os.path.isdir(path) else self.file_prefix
        entries = []
        for d in dirs:
            entries.insert(0, d)
            key = self.key_sep.join([prefix] + entries)
            if key not in keys:
                return key
        return self._uniq_key(key, keys)

    def _uniq_key(self, key, keys):
        """unique dotfile key"""
        newkey = key
        cnt = 1
        while newkey in keys:
            # if unable to get a unique path
            # get a random one
            newkey = self.key_sep.join([key, str(cnt)])
            cnt += 1
        return newkey

    def path_to_dotfile_dst(self, path):
        """normalize the path to match dotfile dst"""
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        path = os.path.expandvars(path)
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        home = os.path.expanduser(TILD) + os.sep

        # normalize the path
        if path.startswith(home):
            path = path[len(home):]
            path = os.path.join(TILD, path)
        return path

    def get_dotfile_by_dst(self, dst):
        """get a dotfile by dst"""
            return next(d for d in self.dotfiles if d.dst == dst)
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def save(self):
        """save the config"""
        return self.cfgyaml.save()

    def dump(self):
        """dump the config dictionary"""
        return self.cfgyaml.dump()

    def get_settings(self):
        """return settings as a dict"""
        return self.settings.serialize()[Settings.key_yaml]

    def get_variables(self):
        """return variables"""
        return self.variables

    def get_profiles(self):
        """return profiles"""
        return self.profiles

    def get_profile(self, key):
        """return profile by key"""
            return next(x for x in self.profiles if x.key == key)
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def get_profiles_by_dotfile_key(self, key):
        """return all profiles having this dotfile"""
        res = []
        for p in self.profiles:
            keys = [d.key for d in p.dotfiles]
            if key in keys:
        return res

    def get_dotfiles(self, profile=None):
        """return dotfiles dict for this profile key"""
        if not profile:
            return self.dotfiles
            pro = self.get_profile(profile)
            if not pro:
                return []
            return pro.dotfiles
        except StopIteration:
            return []

    def get_dotfile(self, key):
        """return dotfile by key"""
            return next(x for x in self.dotfiles if x.key == key)
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def _get_action(self, key):
        """return action by key"""
            return next(x for x in self.actions if x.key == key)
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def _get_action_w_args(self, key):
        """return action by key with the arguments"""
        fields = shlex.split(key)
        if len(fields) > 1:
            # we have args
            key, *args = fields
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('action with parm: {} and {}'.format(key, args))
            action = self._get_action(key).copy(args)
            action = self._get_action(key)
        return action

    def _get_trans_r(self, key):
        """return the trans_r with this key"""
            return next(x for x in self.trans_r if x.key == key)
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def _get_trans_w(self, key):
        """return the trans_w with this key"""
            return next(x for x in self.trans_w if x.key == key)
        except StopIteration:
            return None
예제 #18
class Comparator:
    def __init__(self, diffopts='', ignore=[], debug=False):
        self.diffopts = diffopts
        self.ignore = [os.path.expanduser(i) for i in ignore]
        self.debug = debug
        self.log = Logger()

    def compare(self, left, right):
        """diff left (dotdrop dotfile) and right (deployed file)"""
        left = os.path.expanduser(left)
        right = os.path.expanduser(right)
        if not os.path.isdir(left):
            return self._comp_file(left, right)
        return self._comp_dir(left, right)

    def _comp_file(self, left, right):
        """compare a file"""
        if left in self.ignore or right in self.ignore:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring diff {} and {}'.format(left, right))
            return ''
        return self._diff(left, right)

    def _comp_dir(self, left, right):
        """compare a directory"""
        if left in self.ignore or right in self.ignore:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring diff {} and {}'.format(left, right))
            return ''
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('compare {} and {}'.format(left, right))
        ret = []
        comp = filecmp.dircmp(left, right, ignore=self.ignore)
        # handle files only in deployed file
        for i in comp.left_only:
            if os.path.join(left, i) in self.ignore:
            ret.append('only in left: \"{}\"\n'.format(i))
        for i in comp.right_only:
            if os.path.join(right, i) in self.ignore:
            ret.append('only in right: \"{}\"\n'.format(i))

        # same left and right but different type
        funny = comp.common_funny
        for i in funny:
            lfile = os.path.join(left, i)
            rfile = os.path.join(right, i)
            short = os.path.basename(lfile)
            # file vs dir
            ret.append('different type: \"{}\"\n'.format(short))

        # content is different
        funny = comp.diff_files
        funny = list(set(funny))
        for i in funny:
            lfile = os.path.join(left, i)
            rfile = os.path.join(right, i)
            diff = self._diff(lfile, rfile, header=True)

        return ''.join(ret)

    def _diff(self, left, right, header=False):
        """diff using the unix tool diff"""
        diff = utils.diff(left,
        if header:
            lshort = os.path.basename(left)
            rshort = os.path.basename(right)
            diff = 'diff \"{}\":\n{}'.format(lshort, diff)
        return diff
예제 #19
class CfgYaml:

    # global entries
    key_settings = 'config'
    key_dotfiles = 'dotfiles'
    key_profiles = 'profiles'
    key_actions = 'actions'
    old_key_trans_r = 'trans'
    key_trans_r = 'trans_read'
    key_trans_w = 'trans_write'
    key_variables = 'variables'
    key_dvariables = 'dynvariables'

    action_pre = 'pre'
    action_post = 'post'

    # profiles/dotfiles entries
    key_dotfile_src = 'src'
    key_dotfile_dst = 'dst'
    key_dotfile_link = 'link'
    key_dotfile_actions = 'actions'
    key_dotfile_link_children = 'link_children'
    key_dotfile_noempty = 'ignoreempty'

    # profile
    key_profile_dotfiles = 'dotfiles'
    key_profile_include = 'include'
    key_profile_variables = 'variables'
    key_profile_dvariables = 'dynvariables'
    key_profile_actions = 'actions'
    key_all = 'ALL'

    # import entries
    key_import_actions = 'import_actions'
    key_import_configs = 'import_configs'
    key_import_variables = 'import_variables'
    key_import_profile_dfs = 'import'

    # settings
    key_settings_dotpath = 'dotpath'
    key_settings_workdir = 'workdir'
    key_settings_link_dotfile_default = 'link_dotfile_default'
    key_settings_noempty = 'ignoreempty'
    key_settings_minversion = 'minversion'
    key_imp_link = 'link_on_import'

    # link values
    lnk_nolink = LinkTypes.NOLINK.name.lower()
    lnk_link = LinkTypes.LINK.name.lower()
    lnk_children = LinkTypes.LINK_CHILDREN.name.lower()

    def __init__(self, path, profile=None, debug=False):
        config parser
        @path: config file path
        @profile: the selected profile
        @debug: debug flag
        self.path = os.path.abspath(path)
        self.profile = profile
        self.debug = debug
        self.log = Logger()
        # config needs to be written
        self.dirty = False
        # indicates the config has been updated
        self.dirty_deprecated = False

        if not os.path.exists(path):
            err = 'invalid config path: \"{}\"'.format(path)
            if self.debug:
            raise YamlException(err)

        self.yaml_dict = self._load_yaml(self.path)
        # live patch deprecated entries
        # parse to self variables
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('before normalization: {}'.format(self.yaml_dict))

        # resolve variables
        self.variables, self.prokeys = self._merge_variables()

        # apply variables

        # process imported variables (import_variables)
        # process imported actions (import_actions)
        # process imported profile dotfiles (import)
        # process imported configs (import_configs)

        # process profile include
        # process profile ALL
        # patch dotfiles paths

        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('after normalization: {}'.format(self.yaml_dict))

    def get_variables(self):
        """retrieve all variables"""
        return self.variables

    # parsing

    def _parse_main_yaml(self, dic):
        """parse the different blocks"""
        self.ori_settings = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_settings)
        self.settings = Settings(None).serialize().get(self.key_settings)

        # resolve minimum version
        if self.key_settings_minversion in self.settings:
            minversion = self.settings[self.key_settings_minversion]

        # resolve settings paths
        p = self._norm_path(self.settings[self.key_settings_dotpath])
        self.settings[self.key_settings_dotpath] = p
        p = self._norm_path(self.settings[self.key_settings_workdir])
        self.settings[self.key_settings_workdir] = p
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('settings: {}'.format(self.settings))

        # dotfiles
        self.ori_dotfiles = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_dotfiles)
        self.dotfiles = deepcopy(self.ori_dotfiles)
        keys = self.dotfiles.keys()
        if len(keys) != len(list(set(keys))):
            dups = [x for x in keys if x not in list(set(keys))]
            err = 'duplicate dotfile keys found: {}'.format(dups)
            raise YamlException(err)
        self.dotfiles = self._norm_dotfiles(self.dotfiles)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('dotfiles: {}'.format(self.dotfiles))

        # profiles
        self.ori_profiles = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_profiles)
        self.profiles = deepcopy(self.ori_profiles)
        self.profiles = self._norm_profiles(self.profiles)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('profiles: {}'.format(self.profiles))

        # actions
        self.ori_actions = self._get_entry(dic,
        self.actions = deepcopy(self.ori_actions)
        self.actions = self._norm_actions(self.actions)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('actions: {}'.format(self.actions))

        # trans_r
        key = self.key_trans_r
        if self.old_key_trans_r in dic:
            self.log.warn('\"trans\" is deprecated, please use \"trans_read\"')
            dic[self.key_trans_r] = dic[self.old_key_trans_r]
            del dic[self.old_key_trans_r]
        self.ori_trans_r = self._get_entry(dic, key, mandatory=False)
        self.trans_r = deepcopy(self.ori_trans_r)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('trans_r: {}'.format(self.trans_r))

        # trans_w
        self.ori_trans_w = self._get_entry(dic,
        self.trans_w = deepcopy(self.ori_trans_w)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('trans_w: {}'.format(self.trans_w))

        # variables
        self.ori_variables = self._get_entry(dic,
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('variables: {}'.format(self.ori_variables))

        # dynvariables
        self.ori_dvariables = self._get_entry(dic,
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('dynvariables: {}'.format(self.ori_dvariables))

    def _resolve_dotfile_paths(self):
        """resolve dotfile paths"""
        t = Templategen(variables=self.variables)

        for dotfile in self.dotfiles.values():
            # src
            src = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_src]
            new = t.generate_string(src)
            if new != src and self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('dotfile: {} -> {}'.format(src, new))
            src = new
            src = os.path.join(self.settings[self.key_settings_dotpath], src)
            dotfile[self.key_dotfile_src] = self._norm_path(src)
            # dst
            dst = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_dst]
            new = t.generate_string(dst)
            if new != dst and self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('dotfile: {} -> {}'.format(dst, new))
            dst = new
            dotfile[self.key_dotfile_dst] = self._norm_path(dst)

    def _rec_resolve_vars(self, variables):
        """recursive resolve variables"""
        default = self._get_variables_dict(self.profile)
        t = Templategen(variables=self._merge_dict(default, variables))
        for k in variables.keys():
            val = variables[k]
            while Templategen.var_is_template(val):
                val = t.generate_string(val)
                variables[k] = val
        return variables

    def _merge_variables(self):
        resolve all variables across the config
        apply them to any needed entries
        and return the full list of variables
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('get local variables')

        # get all variables from local and resolve
        var = self._get_variables_dict(self.profile)

        # get all dynvariables from local and resolve
        dvar = self._get_dvariables_dict()

        # temporarly resolve all variables for "include"
        merged = self._merge_dict(dvar, var)
        merged = self._rec_resolve_vars(merged)
        # exec dynvariables
        self._shell_exec_dvars(dvar.keys(), merged)

        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('local variables resolved')

        # resolve profile includes
        t = Templategen(variables=merged)
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            if self.key_profile_include in v:
                new = []
                for k in v[self.key_profile_include]:
                v[self.key_profile_include] = new

        # now get the included ones
        pro_var = self._get_included_variables(self.profile,
        pro_dvar = self._get_included_dvariables(self.profile,
        # exec incl dynvariables
        self._shell_exec_dvars(pro_dvar.keys(), pro_dvar)

        # merge all and resolve
        merged = self._merge_dict(pro_var, merged)
        merged = self._merge_dict(pro_dvar, merged)
        merged = self._rec_resolve_vars(merged)

        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('resolve all uses of variables in config')

        prokeys = list(pro_var.keys()) + list(pro_dvar.keys())
        return merged, prokeys

    def _apply_variables(self):
        """template any needed parts of the config"""
        t = Templategen(variables=self.variables)

        # import_actions
        new = []
        entries = self.settings.get(self.key_import_actions, [])
        new = self._template_list(t, entries)
        if new:
            self.settings[self.key_import_actions] = new

        # import_configs
        entries = self.settings.get(self.key_import_configs, [])
        new = self._template_list(t, entries)
        if new:
            self.settings[self.key_import_configs] = new

        # import_variables
        entries = self.settings.get(self.key_import_variables, [])
        new = self._template_list(t, entries)
        if new:
            self.settings[self.key_import_variables] = new

        # profile's import
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            entries = v.get(self.key_import_profile_dfs, [])
            new = self._template_list(t, entries)
            if new:
                v[self.key_import_profile_dfs] = new

    def _norm_actions(self, actions):
        ensure each action is either pre or post explicitely
        action entry of the form {action_key: (pre|post, action)}
        if not actions:
            return actions
        new = {}
        for k, v in actions.items():
            if k == self.action_pre or k == self.action_post:
                for key, action in v.items():
                    new[key] = (k, action)
                new[k] = (self.action_post, v)
        return new

    def _norm_profiles(self, profiles):
        """normalize profiles entries"""
        if not profiles:
            return profiles
        new = {}
        for k, v in profiles.items():
            # add dotfiles entry if not present
            if self.key_profile_dotfiles not in v:
                v[self.key_profile_dotfiles] = []
            new[k] = v
        return new

    def _norm_dotfiles(self, dotfiles):
        """normalize dotfiles entries"""
        if not dotfiles:
            return dotfiles
        new = {}
        for k, v in dotfiles.items():
            # add 'src' as key' if not present
            if self.key_dotfile_src not in v:
                v[self.key_dotfile_src] = k
                new[k] = v
                new[k] = v
            # fix deprecated trans key
            if self.old_key_trans_r in v:
                msg = '\"trans\" is deprecated, please use \"trans_read\"'
                v[self.key_trans_r] = v[self.old_key_trans_r]
                del v[self.old_key_trans_r]
                new[k] = v
            # apply link value
            if self.key_dotfile_link not in v:
                val = self.settings[self.key_settings_link_dotfile_default]
                v[self.key_dotfile_link] = val
            # apply noempty if undefined
            if self.key_dotfile_noempty not in v:
                val = self.settings.get(self.key_settings_noempty, False)
                v[self.key_dotfile_noempty] = val
        return new

    def _get_variables_dict(self, profile):
        """return enriched variables"""
        variables = deepcopy(self.ori_variables)
        # add profile variable
        if profile:
            variables['profile'] = profile
        # add some more variables
        p = self.settings.get(self.key_settings_dotpath)
        p = self._norm_path(p)
        variables['_dotdrop_dotpath'] = p
        variables['_dotdrop_cfgpath'] = self._norm_path(self.path)
        p = self.settings.get(self.key_settings_workdir)
        p = self._norm_path(p)
        variables['_dotdrop_workdir'] = p
        return variables

    def _get_dvariables_dict(self):
        """return dynvariables"""
        variables = deepcopy(self.ori_dvariables)
        return variables

    def _get_included_variables(self, profile, seen):
        """return included variables"""
        variables = {}
        if not profile or profile not in self.profiles.keys():
            return variables

        # profile entry
        pentry = self.profiles.get(profile)

        # inherite profile variables
        for inherited_profile in pentry.get(self.key_profile_include, []):
            if inherited_profile == profile or inherited_profile in seen:
                raise YamlException('\"include\" loop')
            new = self._get_included_variables(inherited_profile, seen)
            if self.debug:
                msg = 'included vars from {}: {}'
                self.log.dbg(msg.format(inherited_profile, new))

        cur = pentry.get(self.key_profile_variables, {})
        return self._merge_dict(cur, variables)

    def _get_included_dvariables(self, profile, seen):
        """return included dynvariables"""
        variables = {}

        if not profile or profile not in self.profiles.keys():
            return variables

        # profile entry
        pentry = self.profiles.get(profile)

        # inherite profile dynvariables
        for inherited_profile in pentry.get(self.key_profile_include, []):
            if inherited_profile == profile or inherited_profile in seen:
                raise YamlException('\"include loop\"')
            new = self._get_included_dvariables(inherited_profile, seen)
            if self.debug:
                msg = 'included dvars from {}: {}'
                self.log.dbg(msg.format(inherited_profile, new))

        cur = pentry.get(self.key_profile_dvariables, {})
        return self._merge_dict(cur, variables)

    def _resolve_profile_all(self):
        """resolve some other parts of the config"""
        # profile -> ALL
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            dfs = v.get(self.key_profile_dotfiles, None)
            if not dfs:
            if self.key_all in dfs:
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('add ALL to profile {}'.format(k))
                v[self.key_profile_dotfiles] = self.dotfiles.keys()

    def _resolve_profile_includes(self):
        # profiles -> include other profile
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():

    def _rec_resolve_profile_include(self, profile):
        recursively resolve include of other profiles's:
        * dotfiles
        * actions
        this_profile = self.profiles[profile]

        # include
        dotfiles = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_dotfiles, [])
        actions = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_actions, [])
        includes = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_include, None)
        if not includes:
            # nothing to include
            return dotfiles, actions
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('{} includes: {}'.format(profile, ','.join(includes)))
            self.log.dbg('{} dotfiles before include: {}'.format(
                profile, dotfiles))
            self.log.dbg('{} actions before include: {}'.format(
                profile, actions))

        seen = []
        for i in uniq_list(includes):
            # ensure no include loop occurs
            if i in seen:
                raise YamlException('\"include loop\"')
            # included profile even exists
            if i not in self.profiles.keys():
                self.log.warn('include unknown profile: {}'.format(i))
            # recursive resolve
            o_dfs, o_actions = self._rec_resolve_profile_include(i)
            # merge dotfile keys
            this_profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles] = uniq_list(dotfiles)
            # merge actions keys
            this_profile[self.key_profile_actions] = uniq_list(actions)

        dotfiles = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_dotfiles, [])
        actions = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_actions, [])
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('{} dotfiles after include: {}'.format(
                profile, dotfiles))
            self.log.dbg('{} actions after include: {}'.format(
                profile, actions))

        # since dotfiles and actions are resolved here
        # and variables have been already done at the beginning
        # of the parsing, we can clear these include
        self.profiles[profile][self.key_profile_include] = None
        return dotfiles, actions

    # handle imported entries

    def _import_variables(self):
        """import external variables from paths"""
        paths = self.settings.get(self.key_import_variables, None)
        if not paths:
        paths = self._glob_paths(paths)
        for p in paths:
            path = self._norm_path(p)
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('import variables from {}'.format(path))
            var = self._import_sub(path, self.key_variables, mandatory=False)
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('import dynvariables from {}'.format(path))
            dvar = self._import_sub(path, self.key_dvariables, mandatory=False)
            merged = self._merge_dict(dvar, var)
            merged = self._rec_resolve_vars(merged)
            # execute dvar
            self._shell_exec_dvars(dvar.keys(), merged)
            self.variables = self._merge_dict(merged, self.variables)

    def _clear_profile_vars(self, dic):
        """remove profile variables from dic if found"""
        [dic.pop(k, None) for k in self.prokeys]

    def _import_actions(self):
        """import external actions from paths"""
        paths = self.settings.get(self.key_import_actions, None)
        if not paths:
        paths = self._glob_paths(paths)
        for p in paths:
            path = self._norm_path(p)
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('import actions from {}'.format(path))
            new = self._import_sub(path,
            self.actions = self._merge_dict(new, self.actions)

    def _import_profiles_dotfiles(self):
        """import profile dotfiles"""
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            imp = v.get(self.key_import_profile_dfs, None)
            if not imp:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('import dotfiles for profile {}'.format(k))
            paths = self._glob_paths(imp)
            for p in paths:
                current = v.get(self.key_dotfiles, [])
                path = self._norm_path(p)
                new = self._import_sub(path,
                v[self.key_dotfiles] = new + current

    def _import_config(self, path):
        """import config from path"""
        path = self._norm_path(path)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('import config from {}'.format(path))
        sub = CfgYaml(path, profile=self.profile, debug=self.debug)
        # settings is ignored
        self.dotfiles = self._merge_dict(self.dotfiles, sub.dotfiles)
        self.profiles = self._merge_dict(self.profiles, sub.profiles)
        self.actions = self._merge_dict(self.actions, sub.actions)
        self.trans_r = self._merge_dict(self.trans_r, sub.trans_r)
        self.trans_w = self._merge_dict(self.trans_w, sub.trans_w)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('add import_configs var: {}'.format(sub.variables))
        self.variables = self._merge_dict(sub.variables, self.variables)

    def _import_configs(self):
        """import configs from external files"""
        # settings -> import_configs
        imp = self.settings.get(self.key_import_configs, None)
        if not imp:
        paths = self._glob_paths(imp)
        for path in paths:

    def _import_sub(self, path, key, mandatory=False, patch_func=None):
        import the block "key" from "path"
        patch_func is applied to each element if defined
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('import \"{}\" from \"{}\"'.format(key, path))
        extdict = self._load_yaml(path)
        new = self._get_entry(extdict, key, mandatory=mandatory)
        if patch_func:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('calling patch: {}'.format(patch_func))
            new = patch_func(new)
        if not new and mandatory:
            err = 'no \"{}\" imported from \"{}\"'.format(key, path)
            raise YamlException(err)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('imported \"{}\": {}'.format(key, new))
        return new

    # add/remove entries

    def _new_profile(self, key):
        """add a new profile if it doesn't exist"""
        if key not in self.profiles.keys():
            # update yaml_dict
            self.yaml_dict[self.key_profiles][key] = {
                self.key_profile_dotfiles: []
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('adding new profile: {}'.format(key))
            self.dirty = True

    def add_dotfile_to_profile(self, dotfile_key, profile_key):
        """add an existing dotfile key to a profile_key"""
        profile = self.yaml_dict[self.key_profiles][profile_key]
        if dotfile_key not in profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]:
            if self.debug:
                msg = 'add \"{}\" to profile \"{}\"'.format(
                    dotfile_key, profile_key)
                msg.format(dotfile_key, profile_key)
            self.dirty = True
        return self.dirty

    def add_dotfile(self, key, src, dst, link):
        """add a new dotfile"""
        if key in self.dotfiles.keys():
            return False
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('adding new dotfile: {}'.format(key))

        df_dict = {
            self.key_dotfile_src: src,
            self.key_dotfile_dst: dst,
        dfl = self.settings[self.key_settings_link_dotfile_default]
        if str(link) != dfl:
            df_dict[self.key_dotfile_link] = str(link)
        self.yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles][key] = df_dict
        self.dirty = True

    def del_dotfile(self, key):
        """remove this dotfile from config"""
        if key not in self.yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles]:
            self.log.err('key not in dotfiles: {}'.format(key))
            return False
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('remove dotfile: {}'.format(key))
        del self.yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles][key]
        if self.debug:
            dfs = self.yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles]
            self.log.dbg('new dotfiles: {}'.format(dfs))
        self.dirty = True
        return True

    def del_dotfile_from_profile(self, df_key, pro_key):
        """remove this dotfile from that profile"""
        if df_key not in self.dotfiles.keys():
            self.log.err('key not in dotfiles: {}'.format(df_key))
            return False
        if pro_key not in self.profiles.keys():
            self.log.err('key not in profile: {}'.format(pro_key))
            return False
        # get the profile dictionary
        profile = self.yaml_dict[self.key_profiles][pro_key]
        if df_key not in profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]:
            return True
        if self.debug:
            dfs = profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]
            self.log.dbg('{} profile dotfiles: {}'.format(pro_key, dfs))
            self.log.dbg('remove {} from profile {}'.format(df_key, pro_key))
        if self.debug:
            dfs = profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]
            self.log.dbg('{} profile dotfiles: {}'.format(pro_key, dfs))
        self.dirty = True
        return True

    # handle deprecated entries

    def _fix_deprecated(self, yamldict):
        """fix deprecated entries"""

    def _fix_deprecated_link_by_default(self, yamldict):
        """fix deprecated link_by_default"""
        key = 'link_by_default'
        newkey = self.key_imp_link
        if self.key_settings not in yamldict:
        if not yamldict[self.key_settings]:
        config = yamldict[self.key_settings]
        if key not in config:
        if config[key]:
            config[newkey] = self.lnk_link
            config[newkey] = self.lnk_nolink
        del config[key]
        self.log.warn('deprecated \"link_by_default\"')
        self.dirty = True
        self.dirty_deprecated = True

    def _fix_deprecated_dotfile_link(self, yamldict):
        """fix deprecated link in dotfiles"""
        if self.key_dotfiles not in yamldict:
        if not yamldict[self.key_dotfiles]:
        for k, dotfile in yamldict[self.key_dotfiles].items():
            new = self.lnk_nolink
            if self.key_dotfile_link in dotfile and \
                    type(dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link]) is bool:
                # patch link: <bool>
                cur = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link]
                new = self.lnk_nolink
                if cur:
                    new = self.lnk_link
                dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link] = new
                self.dirty = True
                self.dirty_deprecated = True
                self.log.warn('deprecated \"link\" value')

            elif self.key_dotfile_link_children in dotfile and \
                    type(dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link_children]) is bool:
                # patch link_children: <bool>
                cur = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link_children]
                new = self.lnk_nolink
                if cur:
                    new = self.lnk_children
                del dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link_children]
                dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link] = new
                self.dirty = True
                self.dirty_deprecated = True
                self.log.warn('deprecated \"link_children\" value')

    # yaml utils

    def save(self):
        """save this instance and return True if saved"""
        if not self.dirty:
            return False

        content = self._clear_none(self.dump())

        # make sure we have the base entries
        if self.key_settings not in content:
            content[self.key_settings] = None
        if self.key_dotfiles not in content:
            content[self.key_dotfiles] = None
        if self.key_profiles not in content:
            content[self.key_profiles] = None

        if self.dirty_deprecated:
            # add minversion
            settings = content[self.key_settings]
            settings[self.key_settings_minversion] = VERSION

        # save to file
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('saving to {}'.format(self.path))
            self._yaml_dump(content, self.path)
        except Exception as e:
            raise YamlException('error saving config: {}'.format(self.path))

        if self.dirty_deprecated:
            warn = 'your config contained deprecated entries'
            warn += ' and was updated'

        self.dirty = False
        self.cfg_updated = False
        return True

    def dump(self):
        """dump the config dictionary"""
        return self.yaml_dict

    def _load_yaml(self, path):
        """load a yaml file to a dict"""
        content = {}
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            raise YamlException('config path not found: {}'.format(path))
            content = self._yaml_load(path)
        except Exception as e:
            raise YamlException('invalid config: {}'.format(path))
        return content

    def _yaml_load(self, path):
        """load from yaml"""
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            y = yaml()
            y.typ = 'rt'
            content = y.load(f)
        return content

    def _yaml_dump(self, content, path):
        """dump to yaml"""
        with open(self.path, 'w') as f:
            y = yaml()
            y.default_flow_style = False
            y.indent = 2
            y.typ = 'rt'
            y.dump(content, f)

    # helpers

    def _merge_dict(self, high, low):
        """merge high and low dict"""
        if not high:
            high = {}
        if not low:
            low = {}
        return {**low, **high}

    def _get_entry(self, dic, key, mandatory=True):
        """return entry from yaml dictionary"""
        if key not in dic:
            if mandatory:
                raise YamlException('invalid config: no {} found'.format(key))
            dic[key] = {}
            return dic[key]
        if mandatory and not dic[key]:
            # ensure is not none
            dic[key] = {}
        return dic[key]

    def _clear_none(self, dic):
        """recursively delete all none/empty values in a dictionary."""
        new = {}
        for k, v in dic.items():
            newv = v
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                newv = self._clear_none(v)
                if not newv:
                    # no empty dict
            if newv is None:
                # no None value
            if isinstance(newv, list) and not newv:
                # no empty list
            new[k] = newv
        return new

    def _is_glob(self, path):
        """quick test if path is a glob"""
        return '*' in path or '?' in path

    def _glob_paths(self, paths):
        """glob a list of paths"""
        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            paths = [paths]
        res = []
        for p in paths:
            if not self._is_glob(p):
            p = os.path.expanduser(p)
            new = glob.glob(p)
            if not new:
                raise YamlException('bad path: {}'.format(p))
        return res

    def _debug_vars(self, variables):
        """pretty print variables"""
        if not self.debug:
        for k, v in variables.items():
            self.log.dbg('\t\"{}\": {}'.format(k, v))

    def _norm_path(self, path):
        """resolve a path either absolute or relative to config path"""
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        if not os.path.isabs(path):
            d = os.path.dirname(self.path)
            return os.path.join(d, path)
        return os.path.normpath(path)

    def _shell_exec_dvars(self, keys, variables):
        """shell execute dynvariables"""
        for k in list(keys):
            ret, out = shell(variables[k], debug=self.debug)
            if not ret:
                err = 'var \"{}: {}\" failed: {}'.format(k, variables[k], out)
                raise YamlException(err)
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('\"{}\": {} -> {}'.format(k, variables[k], out))
            variables[k] = out

    def _template_list(self, t, entries):
        """template a list of entries"""
        new = []
        if not entries:
            return new
        for e in entries:
            et = t.generate_string(e)
            if self.debug and e != et:
                self.log.dbg('resolved: {} -> {}'.format(e, et))
        return new

    def _check_minversion(self, minversion):
        if not minversion:
            cur = tuple([int(x) for x in VERSION.split('.')])
            cfg = tuple([int(x) for x in minversion.split('.')])
        except Exception:
            err = 'bad version: \"{}\" VS \"{}\"'.format(VERSION, minversion)
            raise YamlException(err)
        if cur < cfg:
            err = 'current dotdrop version is too old for that config file.'
            err += ' Please update.'
            raise YamlException(err)
예제 #20
class CfgYaml:

    # global entries
    key_settings = Settings.key_yaml
    key_dotfiles = 'dotfiles'
    key_profiles = 'profiles'
    key_actions = 'actions'
    old_key_trans_r = 'trans'
    key_trans_r = 'trans_read'
    key_trans_w = 'trans_write'
    key_variables = 'variables'
    key_dvariables = 'dynvariables'

    action_pre = 'pre'
    action_post = 'post'

    # profiles/dotfiles entries
    key_dotfile_src = 'src'
    key_dotfile_dst = 'dst'
    key_dotfile_link = 'link'
    key_dotfile_actions = 'actions'
    key_dotfile_link_children = 'link_children'
    key_dotfile_noempty = 'ignoreempty'

    # profile
    key_profile_dotfiles = 'dotfiles'
    key_profile_include = 'include'
    key_profile_variables = 'variables'
    key_profile_dvariables = 'dynvariables'
    key_profile_actions = 'actions'
    key_all = 'ALL'

    # import entries
    key_import_actions = 'import_actions'
    key_import_configs = 'import_configs'
    key_import_variables = 'import_variables'
    key_import_profile_dfs = 'import'
    key_import_sep = ':'
    key_import_ignore_key = 'optional'
    key_import_fatal_not_found = True

    # settings
    key_settings_dotpath = Settings.key_dotpath
    key_settings_workdir = Settings.key_workdir
    key_settings_link_dotfile_default = Settings.key_link_dotfile_default
    key_settings_noempty = Settings.key_ignoreempty
    key_settings_minversion = Settings.key_minversion
    key_imp_link = Settings.key_link_on_import

    # link values
    lnk_nolink = LinkTypes.NOLINK.name.lower()
    lnk_link = LinkTypes.LINK.name.lower()
    lnk_children = LinkTypes.LINK_CHILDREN.name.lower()

    def __init__(self, path, profile=None, addprofiles=[], debug=False):
        config parser
        @path: config file path
        @profile: the selected profile
        @addprofiles: included profiles
        @debug: debug flag
        self._path = os.path.abspath(path)
        self._profile = profile
        self._debug = debug
        self._log = Logger()
        # config needs to be written
        self._dirty = False
        # indicates the config has been updated
        self._dirty_deprecated = False
        # profile variables
        self._profilevarskeys = []
        # included profiles
        self._inc_profiles = addprofiles

        # init the dictionaries
        self.settings = {}
        self.dotfiles = {}
        self.profiles = {}
        self.actions = {}
        self.trans_r = {}
        self.trans_w = {}
        self.variables = {}

        if not os.path.exists(self._path):
            err = 'invalid config path: \"{}\"'.format(path)
            if self._debug:
            raise YamlException(err)

        self._yaml_dict = self._load_yaml(self._path)
        # live patch deprecated entries

        # parse the config and variables

        # parse the "config" block
        self.settings = self._parse_blk_settings(self._yaml_dict)

        # base templater (when no vars/dvars exist)
        self.variables = self._enrich_vars(self.variables, self._profile)

        # variables and dynvariables need to be first merged
        # before being templated in order to allow cyclic
        # references between them

        # parse the "variables" block
        var = self._parse_blk_variables(self._yaml_dict)
        self._add_variables(var, template=False)

        # parse the "dynvariables" block
        dvariables = self._parse_blk_dynvariables(self._yaml_dict)
        self._add_variables(dvariables, template=False)

        # now template variables and dynvariables from the same pool
        # and execute dvariables
        # since this is done after recursively resolving variables
        # and dynvariables this means that variables referencing
        # dynvariables will result with the not executed value
        if dvariables.keys():
            self._shell_exec_dvars(self.variables, keys=dvariables.keys())
        # finally redefine the template

        if self._debug:
            self._debug_dict('current variables defined', self.variables)

        # parse the "profiles" block
        self.profiles = self._parse_blk_profiles(self._yaml_dict)

        # include the profile's variables/dynvariables last
        # as it overwrites existing ones
        self._inc_profiles, pv, pvd = self._get_profile_included_vars()
        self._add_variables(pv, prio=True)
        self._add_variables(pvd, shell=True, prio=True)

        # template variables
        self.variables = self._template_dict(self.variables)
        if self._debug:
            self._debug_dict('current variables defined', self.variables)

        # template the "include" entries

        if self._debug:
            self._debug_dict('current variables defined', self.variables)

        # parse the other blocks

        # parse the "dotfiles" block
        self.dotfiles = self._parse_blk_dotfiles(self._yaml_dict)
        # parse the "actions" block
        self.actions = self._parse_blk_actions(self._yaml_dict)
        # parse the "trans_r" block
        self.trans_r = self._parse_blk_trans_r(self._yaml_dict)
        # parse the "trans_w" block
        self.trans_w = self._parse_blk_trans_w(self._yaml_dict)

        # import elements

        # process imported variables (import_variables)
        newvars = self._import_variables()

        # process imported actions (import_actions)
        # process imported profile dotfiles (import)
        # process imported configs (import_configs)

        # process profile include

        # add the current profile variables
        _, pv, pvd = self._get_profile_included_vars()
        self._add_variables(pv, prio=True)
        self._add_variables(pvd, shell=True, prio=True)

        # resolve variables

        # process profile ALL
        # patch dotfiles paths

        if self._debug:
            self._dbg('########### {} ###########'.format('final config'))

    # outside available methods

    def resolve_dotfile_src(self, src, templater=None):
        """resolve dotfile src path"""
        newsrc = ''
        if src:
            new = src
            if templater:
                new = templater.generate_string(src)
            if new != src and self._debug:
                msg = 'dotfile src: \"{}\" -> \"{}\"'.format(src, new)
            src = new
            src = os.path.join(self.settings[self.key_settings_dotpath], src)
            newsrc = self._norm_path(src)
        return newsrc

    def resolve_dotfile_dst(self, dst, templater=None):
        """resolve dotfile dst path"""
        newdst = ''
        if dst:
            new = dst
            if templater:
                new = templater.generate_string(dst)
            if new != dst and self._debug:
                msg = 'dotfile dst: \"{}\" -> \"{}\"'.format(dst, new)
            dst = new
            newdst = self._norm_path(dst)
        return newdst

    def add_dotfile_to_profile(self, dotfile_key, profile_key):
        """add an existing dotfile key to a profile_key"""
        profile = self._yaml_dict[self.key_profiles][profile_key]
        if self.key_profile_dotfiles not in profile or \
                profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles] is None:
            profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles] = []
        pdfs = profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]
        if self.key_all not in pdfs and \
                dotfile_key not in pdfs:
            if self._debug:
                msg = 'add \"{}\" to profile \"{}\"'.format(
                    dotfile_key, profile_key)
                msg.format(dotfile_key, profile_key)
            self._dirty = True
        return self._dirty

    def get_all_dotfile_keys(self):
        """return all existing dotfile keys"""
        return self.dotfiles.keys()

    def add_dotfile(self, key, src, dst, link):
        """add a new dotfile"""
        if key in self.dotfiles.keys():
            return False
        if self._debug:
            self._dbg('adding new dotfile: {}'.format(key))
            self._dbg('new dotfile src: {}'.format(src))
            self._dbg('new dotfile dst: {}'.format(dst))

        df_dict = {
            self.key_dotfile_src: src,
            self.key_dotfile_dst: dst,
        dfl = self.settings[self.key_settings_link_dotfile_default]
        if str(link) != dfl:
            df_dict[self.key_dotfile_link] = str(link)
        self._yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles][key] = df_dict
        self._dirty = True

    def del_dotfile(self, key):
        """remove this dotfile from config"""
        if key not in self._yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles]:
            self._log.err('key not in dotfiles: {}'.format(key))
            return False
        if self._debug:
            self._dbg('remove dotfile: {}'.format(key))
        del self._yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles][key]
        if self._debug:
            dfs = self._yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles]
            self._dbg('new dotfiles: {}'.format(dfs))
        self._dirty = True
        return True

    def del_dotfile_from_profile(self, df_key, pro_key):
        """remove this dotfile from that profile"""
        if df_key not in self.dotfiles.keys():
            self._log.err('key not in dotfiles: {}'.format(df_key))
            return False
        if pro_key not in self.profiles.keys():
            self._log.err('key not in profile: {}'.format(pro_key))
            return False
        # get the profile dictionary
        profile = self._yaml_dict[self.key_profiles][pro_key]
        if df_key not in profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]:
            return True
        if self._debug:
            dfs = profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]
            self._dbg('{} profile dotfiles: {}'.format(pro_key, dfs))
            self._dbg('remove {} from profile {}'.format(df_key, pro_key))
        if self._debug:
            dfs = profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]
            self._dbg('{} profile dotfiles: {}'.format(pro_key, dfs))
        self._dirty = True
        return True

    def save(self):
        """save this instance and return True if saved"""
        if not self._dirty:
            return False

        content = self._prepare_to_save(self._yaml_dict)

        if self._dirty_deprecated:
            # add minversion
            settings = content[self.key_settings]
            settings[self.key_settings_minversion] = VERSION

        # save to file
        if self._debug:
            self._dbg('saving to {}'.format(self._path))
            with open(self._path, 'w') as f:
                self._yaml_dump(content, f)
        except Exception as e:
            raise YamlException('error saving config: {}'.format(self._path))

        if self._dirty_deprecated:
            warn = 'your config contained deprecated entries'
            warn += ' and was updated'

        self._dirty = False
        self.cfg_updated = False
        return True

    def dump(self):
        """dump the config dictionary"""
        output = io.StringIO()
        content = self._prepare_to_save(self._yaml_dict.copy())
        self._yaml_dump(content, output)
        return output.getvalue()

    # block parsing

    def _parse_blk_settings(self, dic):
        """parse the "config" block"""
        block = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_settings).copy()
        # set defaults
        settings = Settings(None).serialize().get(self.key_settings)

        # resolve minimum version
        if self.key_settings_minversion in settings:
            minversion = settings[self.key_settings_minversion]

        # normalize paths
        p = self._norm_path(settings[self.key_settings_dotpath])
        settings[self.key_settings_dotpath] = p
        p = self._norm_path(settings[self.key_settings_workdir])
        settings[self.key_settings_workdir] = p
        p = [self._norm_path(p) for p in settings[Settings.key_filter_file]]
        settings[Settings.key_filter_file] = p
        p = [self._norm_path(p) for p in settings[Settings.key_func_file]]
        settings[Settings.key_func_file] = p
        if self._debug:
            self._debug_dict('settings block:', settings)
        return settings

    def _parse_blk_dotfiles(self, dic):
        """parse the "dotfiles" block"""
        dotfiles = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_dotfiles).copy()
        keys = dotfiles.keys()
        if len(keys) != len(list(set(keys))):
            dups = [x for x in keys if x not in list(set(keys))]
            err = 'duplicate dotfile keys found: {}'.format(dups)
            raise YamlException(err)

        dotfiles = self._norm_dotfiles(dotfiles)
        if self._debug:
            self._debug_dict('dotfiles block', dotfiles)
        return dotfiles

    def _parse_blk_profiles(self, dic):
        """parse the "profiles" block"""
        profiles = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_profiles).copy()
        profiles = self._norm_profiles(profiles)
        if self._debug:
            self._debug_dict('profiles block', profiles)
        return profiles

    def _parse_blk_actions(self, dic):
        """parse the "actions" block"""
        actions = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_actions, mandatory=False)
        if actions:
            actions = actions.copy()
        actions = self._norm_actions(actions)
        if self._debug:
            self._debug_dict('actions block', actions)
        return actions

    def _parse_blk_trans_r(self, dic):
        """parse the "trans_r" block"""
        key = self.key_trans_r
        if self.old_key_trans_r in dic:
            msg = '\"trans\" is deprecated, please use \"trans_read\"'
            dic[self.key_trans_r] = dic[self.old_key_trans_r]
            del dic[self.old_key_trans_r]
        trans_r = self._get_entry(dic, key, mandatory=False)
        if trans_r:
            trans_r = trans_r.copy()
        if self._debug:
            self._debug_dict('trans_r block', trans_r)
        return trans_r

    def _parse_blk_trans_w(self, dic):
        """parse the "trans_w" block"""
        trans_w = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_trans_w, mandatory=False)
        if trans_w:
            trans_w = trans_w.copy()
        if self._debug:
            self._debug_dict('trans_w block', trans_w)
        return trans_w

    def _parse_blk_variables(self, dic):
        """parse the "variables" block"""
        variables = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_variables, mandatory=False)
        if variables:
            variables = variables.copy()
        if self._debug:
            self._debug_dict('variables block', variables)
        return variables

    def _parse_blk_dynvariables(self, dic):
        """parse the "dynvariables" block"""
        dvariables = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_dvariables, mandatory=False)
        if dvariables:
            dvariables = dvariables.copy()
        if self._debug:
            self._debug_dict('dynvariables block', dvariables)
        return dvariables

    # parsing helpers
    def _template_include_entry(self):
        """template all "include" entries"""
        # import_actions
        new = []
        entries = self.settings.get(self.key_import_actions, [])
        new = self._template_list(entries)
        if new:
            self.settings[self.key_import_actions] = new

        # import_configs
        entries = self.settings.get(self.key_import_configs, [])
        new = self._template_list(entries)
        if new:
            self.settings[self.key_import_configs] = new

        # import_variables
        entries = self.settings.get(self.key_import_variables, [])
        new = self._template_list(entries)
        if new:
            self.settings[self.key_import_variables] = new

        # profile's import
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            entries = v.get(self.key_import_profile_dfs, [])
            new = self._template_list(entries)
            if new:
                v[self.key_import_profile_dfs] = new

    def _norm_actions(self, actions):
        ensure each action is either pre or post explicitely
        action entry of the form {action_key: (pre|post, action)}
        if not actions:
            return actions
        new = {}
        for k, v in actions.items():
            if k == self.action_pre or k == self.action_post:
                for key, action in v.items():
                    new[key] = (k, action)
                new[k] = (self.action_post, v)
        return new

    def _norm_profiles(self, profiles):
        """normalize profiles entries"""
        if not profiles:
            return profiles
        new = {}
        for k, v in profiles.items():
            if not v:
                # no dotfiles
            # add dotfiles entry if not present
            if self.key_profile_dotfiles not in v:
                v[self.key_profile_dotfiles] = []
            new[k] = v
        return new

    def _norm_dotfiles(self, dotfiles):
        """normalize dotfiles entries"""
        if not dotfiles:
            return dotfiles
        new = {}
        for k, v in dotfiles.items():
            # add 'src' as key' if not present
            if self.key_dotfile_src not in v:
                v[self.key_dotfile_src] = k
                new[k] = v
                new[k] = v
            # fix deprecated trans key
            if self.old_key_trans_r in v:
                msg = '\"trans\" is deprecated, please use \"trans_read\"'
                v[self.key_trans_r] = v[self.old_key_trans_r]
                del v[self.old_key_trans_r]
                new[k] = v
            # apply link value
            if self.key_dotfile_link not in v:
                val = self.settings[self.key_settings_link_dotfile_default]
                v[self.key_dotfile_link] = val
            # apply noempty if undefined
            if self.key_dotfile_noempty not in v:
                val = self.settings.get(self.key_settings_noempty, False)
                v[self.key_dotfile_noempty] = val
        return new

    def _add_variables(self, new, shell=False, template=True, prio=False):
        add new variables
        @shell: execute the variable through the shell
        @template: template the variable
        @prio: new takes priority over existing variables
        if not new:
        # merge
        if prio:
            self.variables = self._merge_dict(new, self.variables)
            self.variables = self._merge_dict(self.variables, new)
        # ensure enriched variables are relative to this config
        self.variables = self._enrich_vars(self.variables, self._profile)
        # re-create the templater
        if template:
            # rec resolve variables with new ones
        if shell:
            # shell exec
            self._shell_exec_dvars(self.variables, keys=new.keys())
            # re-create the templater

    def _enrich_vars(self, variables, profile):
        """return enriched variables"""
        # add profile variable
        if profile:
            variables['profile'] = profile
        # add some more variables
        p = self.settings.get(self.key_settings_dotpath)
        p = self._norm_path(p)
        variables['_dotdrop_dotpath'] = p
        variables['_dotdrop_cfgpath'] = self._norm_path(self._path)
        p = self.settings.get(self.key_settings_workdir)
        p = self._norm_path(p)
        variables['_dotdrop_workdir'] = p
        return variables

    def _get_profile_included_item(self, keyitem):
        """recursively get included <keyitem> in profile"""
        profiles = [self._profile] + self._inc_profiles
        items = {}
        for profile in profiles:
            seen = [self._profile]
            i = self.__get_profile_included_item(profile, keyitem, seen)
            items = self._merge_dict(i, items)
        return items

    def __get_profile_included_item(self, profile, keyitem, seen):
        """recursively get included <keyitem> from profile"""
        items = {}
        if not profile or profile not in self.profiles.keys():
            return items

        # considered profile entry
        pentry = self.profiles.get(profile)

        # recursively get <keyitem> from inherited profile
        for inherited_profile in pentry.get(self.key_profile_include, []):
            if inherited_profile == profile or inherited_profile in seen:
                raise YamlException('\"include\" loop')
            new = self.__get_profile_included_item(inherited_profile, keyitem,
            if self._debug:
                msg = 'included {} from {}: {}'
                self._dbg(msg.format(keyitem, inherited_profile, new))

        cur = pentry.get(keyitem, {})
        return self._merge_dict(cur, items)

    def _resolve_profile_all(self):
        """resolve some other parts of the config"""
        # profile -> ALL
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            dfs = v.get(self.key_profile_dotfiles, None)
            if not dfs:
            if self.key_all in dfs:
                if self._debug:
                    self._dbg('add ALL to profile \"{}\"'.format(k))
                v[self.key_profile_dotfiles] = self.dotfiles.keys()

    def _resolve_profile_includes(self):
        """resolve profile(s) including other profiles"""
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():

    def _rec_resolve_profile_include(self, profile):
        recursively resolve include of other profiles's:
        * dotfiles
        * actions
        returns dotfiles, actions
        this_profile = self.profiles[profile]

        # considered profile content
        dotfiles = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_dotfiles, []) or []
        actions = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_actions, []) or []
        includes = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_include, []) or []
        if not includes:
            # nothing to include
            return dotfiles, actions

        if self._debug:
            self._dbg('{} includes {}'.format(profile, ','.join(includes)))
            self._dbg('{} dotfiles before include: {}'.format(
                profile, dotfiles))
            self._dbg('{} actions before include: {}'.format(profile, actions))

        seen = []
        for i in uniq_list(includes):
            if self._debug:
                self._dbg('resolving includes "{}" <- "{}"'.format(profile, i))

            # ensure no include loop occurs
            if i in seen:
                raise YamlException('\"include loop\"')
            # included profile even exists
            if i not in self.profiles.keys():
                self._log.warn('include unknown profile: {}'.format(i))

            # recursive resolve
            if self._debug:
                    'recursively resolving includes for profile "{}"'.format(
            o_dfs, o_actions = self._rec_resolve_profile_include(i)

            # merge dotfile keys
            if self._debug:
                self._dbg('Merging dotfiles {} <- {}: {} <- {}'.format(
                    profile, i, dotfiles, o_dfs))
            this_profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles] = uniq_list(dotfiles)

            # merge actions keys
            if self._debug:
                self._dbg('Merging actions {} <- {}: {} <- {}'.format(
                    profile, i, actions, o_actions))
            this_profile[self.key_profile_actions] = uniq_list(actions)

        dotfiles = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_dotfiles, [])
        actions = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_actions, [])

        if self._debug:
            self._dbg('{} dotfiles after include: {}'.format(
                profile, dotfiles))
            self._dbg('{} actions after include: {}'.format(profile, actions))

        # since included items are resolved here
        # we can clear these include
        self.profiles[profile][self.key_profile_include] = []
        return dotfiles, actions

    # handle imported entries

    def _import_variables(self):
        """import external variables from paths"""
        paths = self.settings.get(self.key_import_variables, None)
        if not paths:
        paths = self._resolve_paths(paths)
        newvars = {}
        for path in paths:
            if self._debug:
                self._dbg('import variables from {}'.format(path))
            var = self._import_sub(path, self.key_variables, mandatory=False)
            if self._debug:
                self._dbg('import dynvariables from {}'.format(path))
            dvar = self._import_sub(path, self.key_dvariables, mandatory=False)

            merged = self._merge_dict(dvar, var)
            if dvar.keys():
                self._shell_exec_dvars(merged, keys=dvar.keys())
            newvars = self._merge_dict(newvars, merged)
        if self._debug:
            self._debug_dict('imported variables', newvars)
        return newvars

    def _import_actions(self):
        """import external actions from paths"""
        paths = self.settings.get(self.key_import_actions, None)
        if not paths:
        paths = self._resolve_paths(paths)
        for path in paths:
            if self._debug:
                self._dbg('import actions from {}'.format(path))
            new = self._import_sub(path,
            self.actions = self._merge_dict(new, self.actions)

    def _import_profiles_dotfiles(self):
        """import profile dotfiles"""
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            imp = v.get(self.key_import_profile_dfs, None)
            if not imp:
            if self._debug:
                self._dbg('import dotfiles for profile {}'.format(k))
            paths = self._resolve_paths(imp)
            for path in paths:
                current = v.get(self.key_dotfiles, [])
                new = self._import_sub(path,
                v[self.key_dotfiles] = new + current

    def _import_config(self, path):
        """import config from path"""
        if self._debug:
            self._dbg('import config from {}'.format(path))
        sub = CfgYaml(path,

        # settings are ignored from external file
        # except for filter_file and func_file
        self.settings[Settings.key_func_file] += [
            for func_file in sub.settings[Settings.key_func_file]
        self.settings[Settings.key_filter_file] += [
            for func_file in sub.settings[Settings.key_filter_file]

        # merge top entries
        self.dotfiles = self._merge_dict(self.dotfiles, sub.dotfiles)
        self.profiles = self._merge_dict(self.profiles, sub.profiles)
        self.actions = self._merge_dict(self.actions, sub.actions)
        self.trans_r = self._merge_dict(self.trans_r, sub.trans_r)
        self.trans_w = self._merge_dict(self.trans_w, sub.trans_w)

        if self._debug:
            self._debug_dict('add import_configs var', sub.variables)
        self._add_variables(sub.variables, prio=True)

    def _import_configs(self):
        """import configs from external files"""
        # settings -> import_configs
        imp = self.settings.get(self.key_import_configs, None)
        if not imp:
        paths = self._resolve_paths(imp)
        for path in paths:

    def _import_sub(self, path, key, mandatory=False, patch_func=None):
        import the block "key" from "path"
        patch_func is applied to each element if defined
        if self._debug:
            self._dbg('import \"{}\" from \"{}\"'.format(key, path))
        extdict = self._load_yaml(path)
        new = self._get_entry(extdict, key, mandatory=mandatory)
        if patch_func:
            if self._debug:
                self._dbg('calling patch: {}'.format(patch_func))
            new = patch_func(new)
        if not new and mandatory:
            err = 'no \"{}\" imported from \"{}\"'.format(key, path)
            raise YamlException(err)
        if self._debug:
            self._dbg('imported \"{}\": {}'.format(key, new))
        return new

    # add/remove entries

    def _new_profile(self, key):
        """add a new profile if it doesn't exist"""
        if key not in self.profiles.keys():
            # update yaml_dict
            self._yaml_dict[self.key_profiles][key] = {
                self.key_profile_dotfiles: []
            if self._debug:
                self._dbg('adding new profile: {}'.format(key))
            self._dirty = True

    # handle deprecated entries

    def _fix_deprecated(self, yamldict):
        """fix deprecated entries"""
        if not yamldict:
        return yamldict

    def _fix_deprecated_link_by_default(self, yamldict):
        """fix deprecated link_by_default"""
        key = 'link_by_default'
        newkey = self.key_imp_link
        if self.key_settings not in yamldict:
        if not yamldict[self.key_settings]:
        config = yamldict[self.key_settings]
        if key not in config:
        if config[key]:
            config[newkey] = self.lnk_link
            config[newkey] = self.lnk_nolink
        del config[key]
        self._log.warn('deprecated \"link_by_default\"')
        self._dirty = True
        self._dirty_deprecated = True

    def _fix_deprecated_dotfile_link(self, yamldict):
        """fix deprecated link in dotfiles"""
        if self.key_dotfiles not in yamldict:
        if not yamldict[self.key_dotfiles]:
        for k, dotfile in yamldict[self.key_dotfiles].items():
            new = self.lnk_nolink
            if self.key_dotfile_link in dotfile and \
                    type(dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link]) is bool:
                # patch link: <bool>
                cur = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link]
                new = self.lnk_nolink
                if cur:
                    new = self.lnk_link
                dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link] = new
                self._dirty = True
                self._dirty_deprecated = True
                self._log.warn('deprecated \"link\" value')

            elif self.key_dotfile_link_children in dotfile and \
                    type(dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link_children]) is bool:
                # patch link_children: <bool>
                cur = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link_children]
                new = self.lnk_nolink
                if cur:
                    new = self.lnk_children
                del dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link_children]
                dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link] = new
                self._dirty = True
                self._dirty_deprecated = True
                self._log.warn('deprecated \"link_children\" value')

    # yaml utils

    def _prepare_to_save(self, content):
        content = self._clear_none(content)

        # make sure we have the base entries
        if self.key_settings not in content:
            content[self.key_settings] = None
        if self.key_dotfiles not in content:
            content[self.key_dotfiles] = None
        if self.key_profiles not in content:
            content[self.key_profiles] = None
        return content

    def _load_yaml(self, path):
        """load a yaml file to a dict"""
        content = {}
        if self._debug:
            cfg = '\n'
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
                for line in f:
                    cfg += line
            content = self._yaml_load(path)
        except Exception as e:
            raise YamlException('invalid config: {}'.format(path))
        return content

    def _yaml_load(self, path):
        """load from yaml"""
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            y = yaml()
            y.typ = 'rt'
            content = y.load(f)
        return content

    def _yaml_dump(self, content, where):
        """dump to yaml"""
        y = yaml()
        y.default_flow_style = False
        y.indent = 2
        y.typ = 'rt'
        y.dump(content, where)

    # templating

    def _redefine_templater(self):
        """create templater based on current variables"""
        fufile = self.settings[Settings.key_func_file]
        fifile = self.settings[Settings.key_filter_file]
        self._tmpl = Templategen(variables=self.variables,

    def _template_item(self, item, exc_if_fail=True):
        template an item using the templategen
        will raise an exception if template failed and exc_if_fail
        if not Templategen.var_is_template(item):
            return item
            val = item
            while Templategen.var_is_template(val):
                val = self._tmpl.generate_string(val)
        except UndefinedException as e:
            if exc_if_fail:
                raise e
        return val

    def _template_list(self, entries):
        """template a list of entries"""
        new = []
        if not entries:
            return new
        for e in entries:
            et = self._template_item(e)
            if self._debug and e != et:
                self._dbg('resolved: {} -> {}'.format(e, et))
        return new

    def _template_dict(self, entries):
        """template a dictionary of entries"""
        new = {}
        if not entries:
            return new
        for k, v in entries.items():
            vt = self._template_item(v)
            if self._debug and v != vt:
                self._dbg('resolved: {} -> {}'.format(v, vt))
            new[k] = vt
        return new

    def _template_dotfiles_paths(self):
        """template dotfiles paths"""
        if self._debug:
            self._dbg('templating dotfiles paths')
        dotfiles = self.dotfiles.copy()

        # make sure no dotfiles path is None
        for dotfile in dotfiles.values():
            src = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_src]
            if src is None:
                dotfile[self.key_dotfile_src] = ''
            dst = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_dst]
            if dst is None:
                dotfile[self.key_dotfile_dst] = ''

        # only keep dotfiles related to the selected profile
        pdfs = []
        pro = self.profiles.get(self._profile, [])
        if pro:
            pdfs = list(pro.get(self.key_profile_dotfiles, []))
        for addpro in self._inc_profiles:
            pro = self.profiles.get(addpro, [])
            if not pro:
            pdfsalt = pro.get(self.key_profile_dotfiles, [])
            pdfs = uniq_list(pdfs)

        if self.key_all not in pdfs:
            # take a subset of the dotfiles
            newdotfiles = {}
            for k, v in dotfiles.items():
                if k in pdfs:
                    newdotfiles[k] = v
            dotfiles = newdotfiles

        for dotfile in dotfiles.values():
            # src
            src = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_src]
            newsrc = self.resolve_dotfile_src(src, templater=self._tmpl)
            dotfile[self.key_dotfile_src] = newsrc
            # dst
            dst = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_dst]
            newdst = self.resolve_dotfile_dst(dst, templater=self._tmpl)
            dotfile[self.key_dotfile_dst] = newdst

    def _rec_resolve_variables(self, variables):
        """recursive resolve variables"""
        var = self._enrich_vars(variables, self._profile)
        # use a separated templategen to handle variables
        # resolved outside the main config
        t = Templategen(variables=var,
        for k in variables.keys():
            val = variables[k]
            while Templategen.var_is_template(val):
                val = t.generate_string(val)
                variables[k] = val
        if variables is self.variables:

    def _get_profile_included_vars(self):
        """resolve profile included variables/dynvariables"""
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            if self.key_profile_include in v and v[self.key_profile_include]:
                new = []
                for x in v[self.key_profile_include]:
                v[self.key_profile_include] = new

        # now get the included ones
        pro_var = self._get_profile_included_item(self.key_profile_variables)
        pro_dvar = self._get_profile_included_item(self.key_profile_dvariables)

        # the included profiles
        inc_profiles = []
        if self._profile and self._profile in self.profiles.keys():
            pentry = self.profiles.get(self._profile)
            inc_profiles = pentry.get(self.key_profile_include, [])

        # exec incl dynvariables
        return inc_profiles, pro_var, pro_dvar

    # helpers

    def _clear_profile_vars(self, dic):
        remove profile variables from dic if found inplace
        to avoid profile variables being overwriten
        if not dic:
        [dic.pop(k, None) for k in self._profilevarskeys]

    def _parse_extended_import_path(self, path_entry):
        """Parse an import path in a tuple (path, fatal_not_found)."""
        if self._debug:
            self._dbg('parsing path entry {}'.format(path_entry))

        path, _, attribute = path_entry.rpartition(self.key_import_sep)
        fatal_not_found = attribute != self.key_import_ignore_key
        is_valid_attribute = attribute in ('', self.key_import_ignore_key)
        if not is_valid_attribute:
            # If attribute is not valid it can mean that:
            # - path_entry doesn't contain the separator, and attribute is set
            #   to the whole path by str.rpartition
            # - path_entry contains a separator, but it's in the file path, so
            #   attribute is set to whatever comes after the separator by
            #   str.rpartition
            # In both cases, path_entry is the path we're looking for.
            if self._debug:
                self._dbg('using attribute default values for path {}'.format(
            path = path_entry
            fatal_not_found = self.key_import_fatal_not_found
        elif self._debug:
                'path entry {} has fatal_not_found flag set to {}'.format(
                    path_entry, fatal_not_found))
        return path, fatal_not_found

    def _handle_non_existing_path(self, path, fatal_not_found=True):
        """Raise an exception or log a warning to handle non-existing paths."""
        error = 'bad path {}'.format(path)
        if fatal_not_found:
            raise YamlException(error)

    def _check_path_existence(self, path, fatal_not_found=True):
        """Check if a path exists, raising if necessary."""
        if os.path.exists(path):
            if self._debug:
                self._dbg('path {} exists'.format(path))
            return path

        self._handle_non_existing_path(path, fatal_not_found)
        # Explicit return for readability. Anything evaluating to false is ok.
        return None

    def _process_path(self, path_entry):
        This method processed a path entry. Namely it:
        - Normalizes the path.
        - Expands globs.
        - Checks for path existence, taking in account fatal_not_found.
        This method always returns a list containing only absolute paths
        existing on the filesystem. If the input is not a glob, the list
        contains at most one element, otheriwse it could hold more.
        path, fatal_not_found = self._parse_extended_import_path(path_entry)
        path = self._norm_path(path)
        paths = self._glob_path(path) if self._is_glob(path) else [path]
        if not paths:
            if self._debug:
                self._dbg("glob path {} didn't expand".format(path))
            self._handle_non_existing_path(path, fatal_not_found)
            return []

        checked_paths = (self._check_path_existence(p, fatal_not_found)
                         for p in paths)
        return [p for p in checked_paths if p]

    def _resolve_paths(self, paths):
        This function resolves a list of paths. This means normalizing,
        expanding globs and checking for existence, taking in account
        fatal_not_found flags.
        processed_paths = (self._process_path(p) for p in paths)
        return list(chain.from_iterable(processed_paths))

    def _merge_dict(self, high, low):
        """merge high and low dict"""
        if not high:
            high = {}
        if not low:
            low = {}
        return {**low, **high}

    def _get_entry(self, dic, key, mandatory=True):
        """return copy of entry from yaml dictionary"""
        if key not in dic:
            if mandatory:
                raise YamlException('invalid config: no {} found'.format(key))
            dic[key] = {}
            return deepcopy(dic[key])
        if mandatory and not dic[key]:
            # ensure is not none
            dic[key] = {}
        return deepcopy(dic[key])

    def _clear_none(self, dic):
        """recursively delete all none/empty values in a dictionary."""
        new = {}
        for k, v in dic.items():
            if k == self.key_dotfile_src:
                # allow empty dotfile src
                new[k] = v
            if k == self.key_dotfile_dst:
                # allow empty dotfile dst
                new[k] = v
            newv = v
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                # recursive travers dict
                newv = self._clear_none(v)
                if not newv:
                    # no empty dict
            if newv is None:
                # no None value
            if isinstance(newv, list) and not newv:
                # no empty list
            new[k] = newv
        return new

    def _is_glob(self, path):
        """Quick test if path is a glob."""
        return '*' in path or '?' in path

    def _glob_path(self, path):
        """Expand a glob."""
        if self._debug:
            self._dbg('expanding glob {}'.format(path))
        expanded_path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        return glob.glob(expanded_path, recursive=True)

    def _norm_path(self, path):
        """Resolve a path either absolute or relative to config path"""
        if not path:
            return path
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        if not os.path.isabs(path):
            d = os.path.dirname(self._path)
            ret = os.path.join(d, path)
            if self._debug:
                msg = 'normalizing relative to cfg: {} -> {}'
                self._dbg(msg.format(path, ret))
            return ret
        ret = os.path.normpath(path)
        if self._debug and path != ret:
            self._dbg('normalizing: {} -> {}'.format(path, ret))
        return ret

    def _shell_exec_dvars(self, dic, keys=[]):
        """shell execute dynvariables in-place"""
        if not keys:
            keys = dic.keys()
        for k in keys:
            v = dic[k]
            ret, out = shell(v, debug=self._debug)
            if not ret:
                err = 'var \"{}: {}\" failed: {}'.format(k, v, out)
                raise YamlException(err)
            if self._debug:
                self._dbg('{}: `{}` -> {}'.format(k, v, out))
            dic[k] = out

    def _check_minversion(self, minversion):
        if not minversion:
            cur = tuple([int(x) for x in VERSION.split('.')])
            cfg = tuple([int(x) for x in minversion.split('.')])
        except Exception:
            err = 'bad version: \"{}\" VS \"{}\"'.format(VERSION, minversion)
            raise YamlException(err)
        if cur < cfg:
            err = 'current dotdrop version is too old for that config file.'
            err += ' Please update.'
            raise YamlException(err)

    def _debug_entries(self):
        """debug print all interesting entries"""
        if not self._debug:
        self._dbg('Current entries')
        self._debug_dict('entry settings', self.settings)
        self._debug_dict('entry dotfiles', self.dotfiles)
        self._debug_dict('entry profiles', self.profiles)
        self._debug_dict('entry actions', self.actions)
        self._debug_dict('entry trans_r', self.trans_r)
        self._debug_dict('entry trans_w', self.trans_w)
        self._debug_dict('entry variables', self.variables)

    def _debug_dict(self, title, elems):
        """pretty print dict"""
        if not self._debug:
        if not elems:
        for k, v in elems.items():
            self._dbg('\t- \"{}\": {}'.format(k, v))

    def _dbg(self, content):
        pre = os.path.basename(self._path)
        self._log.dbg('[{}] {}'.format(pre, content))
예제 #21
class CfgAggregator:

    file_prefix = 'f'
    dir_prefix = 'd'
    key_sep = '_'

    def __init__(self, path, profile_key, debug=False, dry=False):
        high level config parser
        @path: path to the config file
        @profile_key: profile key
        @debug: debug flag
        self.path = path
        self.profile_key = profile_key
        self.debug = debug
        self.dry = dry
        self.log = Logger()

    def _load(self):
        """load lower level config"""
        self.cfgyaml = CfgYaml(self.path,

        # settings
        self.settings = Settings.parse(None, self.cfgyaml.settings)

        # dotfiles
        self.dotfiles = Dotfile.parse_dict(self.cfgyaml.dotfiles)
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_list('dotfiles', self.dotfiles)

        # profiles
        self.profiles = Profile.parse_dict(self.cfgyaml.profiles)
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_list('profiles', self.profiles)

        # actions
        self.actions = Action.parse_dict(self.cfgyaml.actions)
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_list('actions', self.actions)

        # trans_r
        self.trans_r = Transform.parse_dict(self.cfgyaml.trans_r)
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_list('trans_r', self.trans_r)

        # trans_w
        self.trans_w = Transform.parse_dict(self.cfgyaml.trans_w)
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_list('trans_w', self.trans_w)

        # variables
        self.variables = self.cfgyaml.variables
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_dict('variables', self.variables)

        # patch dotfiles in profiles
                                 "dotfiles", self.get_dotfile)

        # patch action in dotfiles actions
                                 "actions", self._get_action_w_args)
        # patch action in profiles actions
                                 "actions", self._get_action_w_args)

        # patch actions in settings default_actions
                                 "default_actions", self._get_action_w_args)
        if self.debug:
            msg = 'default actions: {}'.format(self.settings.default_actions)

        # patch trans_w/trans_r in dotfiles

    def _patch_keys_to_objs(self, containers, keys, get_by_key, islist=True):
        map for each key in the attribute 'keys' in 'containers'
        the returned object from the method 'get_by_key'
        if not containers:
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('patching {} ...'.format(keys))
        for c in containers:
            objects = []
            okeys = getattr(c, keys)
            if not okeys:
            if not islist:
                okeys = [okeys]
            for k in okeys:
                o = get_by_key(k)
                if not o:
                    err = '{} does not contain'.format(c)
                    err += ' a {} entry named {}'.format(keys, k)
                    raise Exception(err)
            if not islist:
                objects = objects[0]
            # if self.debug:
            #     er = 'patching {}.{} with {}'
            #     self.log.dbg(er.format(c, keys, objects))
            setattr(c, keys, objects)

    def del_dotfile(self, dotfile):
        """remove this dotfile from the config"""
        return self.cfgyaml.del_dotfile(dotfile.key)

    def del_dotfile_from_profile(self, dotfile, profile):
        """remove this dotfile from this profile"""
        return self.cfgyaml.del_dotfile_from_profile(dotfile.key, profile.key)

    def _create_new_dotfile(self, src, dst, link):
        """create a new dotfile"""
        # get a new dotfile with a unique key
        key = self._get_new_dotfile_key(dst)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('new dotfile key: {}'.format(key))
        # add the dotfile
        self.cfgyaml.add_dotfile(key, src, dst, link)
        return Dotfile(key, dst, src)

    def new(self, src, dst, link):
        import a new dotfile
        @src: path in dotpath
        @dst: path in FS
        @link: LinkType
        dst = self.path_to_dotfile_dst(dst)
        dotfile = self.get_dotfile_by_src_dst(src, dst)
        if not dotfile:
            dotfile = self._create_new_dotfile(src, dst, link)

        key = dotfile.key
        ret = self.cfgyaml.add_dotfile_to_profile(key, self.profile_key)
        if ret and self.debug:
            msg = 'new dotfile {} to profile {}'
            self.log.dbg(msg.format(key, self.profile_key))

        if ret and not self.dry:
            # reload
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('reloading config')
            olddebug = self.debug
            self.debug = False
            self.debug = olddebug
        return ret

    def _get_new_dotfile_key(self, dst):
        """return a new unique dotfile key"""
        path = os.path.expanduser(dst)
        existing_keys = self.cfgyaml.get_all_dotfile_keys()
        if self.settings.longkey:
            return self._get_long_key(path, existing_keys)
        return self._get_short_key(path, existing_keys)

    def _norm_key_elem(self, elem):
        """normalize path element for sanity"""
        elem = elem.lstrip('.')
        elem = elem.replace(' ', '-')
        return elem.lower()

    def _split_path_for_key(self, path):
        """return a list of path elements, excluded home path"""
        p = strip_home(path)
        dirs = []
        while True:
            p, f = os.path.split(p)
            if not p or not f:
        # remove empty entries
        dirs = filter(None, dirs)
        # normalize entries
        return list(map(self._norm_key_elem, dirs))

    def _get_long_key(self, path, keys):
        return a unique long key representing the
        absolute path of path
        dirs = self._split_path_for_key(path)
        prefix = self.dir_prefix if os.path.isdir(path) else self.file_prefix
        key = self.key_sep.join([prefix] + dirs)
        return self._uniq_key(key, keys)

    def _get_short_key(self, path, keys):
        return a unique key where path
        is known not to be an already existing dotfile
        dirs = self._split_path_for_key(path)
        prefix = self.dir_prefix if os.path.isdir(path) else self.file_prefix
        entries = []
        for d in dirs:
            entries.insert(0, d)
            key = self.key_sep.join([prefix] + entries)
            if key not in keys:
                return key
        return self._uniq_key(key, keys)

    def _uniq_key(self, key, keys):
        """unique dotfile key"""
        newkey = key
        cnt = 1
        while newkey in keys:
            # if unable to get a unique path
            # get a random one
            newkey = self.key_sep.join([key, str(cnt)])
            cnt += 1
        return newkey

    def path_to_dotfile_dst(self, path):
        """normalize the path to match dotfile dst"""
        path = self._norm_path(path)

        # use tild for home
        home = os.path.expanduser(TILD) + os.sep
        if path.startswith(home):
            path = path[len(home):]
            path = os.path.join(TILD, path)
        return path

    def get_dotfile_by_dst(self, dst):
        get a list of dotfiles by dst
        @dst: dotfile dst (on filesystem)
        dotfiles = []
        dst = self._norm_path(dst)
        for d in self.dotfiles:
            left = self._norm_path(d.dst)
            if left == dst:
        return dotfiles

    def get_dotfile_by_src_dst(self, src, dst):
        get a dotfile by src and dst
        @src: dotfile src (in dotpath)
        @dst: dotfile dst (on filesystem)
            src = self.cfgyaml.resolve_dotfile_src(src)
        except UndefinedException as e:
            err = 'unable to resolve {}: {}'
            self.log.err(err.format(src, e))
            return None
        dotfiles = self.get_dotfile_by_dst(dst)
        for d in dotfiles:
            if d.src == src:
                return d
        return None

    def save(self):
        """save the config"""
        if self.dry:
            return True
        return self.cfgyaml.save()

    def dump(self):
        """dump the config dictionary"""
        return self.cfgyaml.dump()

    def get_settings(self):
        """return settings as a dict"""
        return self.settings.serialize()[Settings.key_yaml]

    def get_variables(self):
        """return variables"""
        return self.variables

    def get_profiles(self):
        """return profiles"""
        return self.profiles

    def get_profile(self):
        """return profile object"""
            return next(x for x in self.profiles if x.key == self.profile_key)
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def get_profiles_by_dotfile_key(self, key):
        """return all profiles having this dotfile"""
        res = []
        for p in self.profiles:
            keys = [d.key for d in p.dotfiles]
            if key in keys:
        return res

    def get_dotfiles(self):
        """get all dotfiles for this profile"""
        dotfiles = []
        profile = self.get_profile()
        if not profile:
            return dotfiles
        return profile.dotfiles

    def get_dotfile(self, key):
        return dotfile object by key
        @key: the dotfile key to look for
            return next(x for x in self.dotfiles
                        if x.key == key)
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def _get_action(self, key):
        """return action by key"""
            return next(x for x in self.actions if x.key == key)
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def _get_action_w_args(self, key):
        """return action by key with the arguments"""
        fields = shlex.split(key)
        if len(fields) > 1:
            # we have args
            key, *args = fields
            if self.debug:
                msg = 'action with parm: {} and {}'
                self.log.dbg(msg.format(key, args))
            action = self._get_action(key).copy(args)
            action = self._get_action(key)
        return action

    def _get_trans_w_args(self, getter):
        """return transformation by key with the arguments"""
        def getit(key):
            fields = shlex.split(key)
            if len(fields) > 1:
                # we have args
                key, *args = fields
                if self.debug:
                    msg = 'trans with parm: {} and {}'
                    self.log.dbg(msg.format(key, args))
                trans = getter(key).copy(args)
                trans = getter(key)
            return trans
        return getit

    def _get_trans_r(self, key):
        """return the trans_r with this key"""
            return next(x for x in self.trans_r if x.key == key)
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def _get_trans_w(self, key):
        """return the trans_w with this key"""
            return next(x for x in self.trans_w if x.key == key)
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def _norm_path(self, path):
        if not path:
            return path
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        path = os.path.expandvars(path)
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        return path

    def _debug_list(self, title, elems):
        """pretty print list"""
        if not self.debug:
        for e in elems:
            self.log.dbg('\t- {}'.format(e))

    def _debug_dict(self, title, elems):
        """pretty print dict"""
        if not self.debug:
        for k, v in elems.items():
            self.log.dbg('\t- \"{}\": {}'.format(k, v))
예제 #22
class Installer:

    BACKUP_SUFFIX = '.dotdropbak'

    def __init__(self,
        self.create = create
        self.backup = backup
        self.dry = dry
        self.safe = safe
        self.workdir = os.path.expanduser(workdir)
        self.base = base
        self.debug = debug
        self.diff = diff
        self.totemp = totemp
        self.showdiff = showdiff
        self.comparing = False
        self.action_executed = False
        self.log = Logger()

    def install(self, templater, src, dst, actions=[], noempty=False):
        """install the src to dst using a template"""
        self.action_executed = False
        src = os.path.join(self.base, os.path.expanduser(src))
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            self.log.err('source dotfile does not exist: {}'.format(src))
            return []
        dst = os.path.expanduser(dst)
        if self.totemp:
            dst = self._pivot_path(dst, self.totemp)
        if utils.samefile(src, dst):
            # symlink loop
            self.log.err('dotfile points to itself: {}'.format(dst))
            return []
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('install {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
        if os.path.isdir(src):
            return self._handle_dir(templater,
        return self._handle_file(templater,

    def link(self, templater, src, dst, actions=[]):
        """set src as the link target of dst"""
        self.action_executed = False
        src = os.path.join(self.base, os.path.expanduser(src))
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            self.log.err('source dotfile does not exist: {}'.format(src))
            return []
        dst = os.path.expanduser(dst)
        if self.totemp:
            # ignore actions
            return self.install(templater, src, dst, actions=[])

        if Templategen.is_template(src):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('dotfile is a template')
                self.log.dbg('install to {} and symlink'.format(self.workdir))
            tmp = self._pivot_path(dst, self.workdir, striphome=True)
            i = self.install(templater, src, tmp, actions=actions)
            if not i and not os.path.exists(tmp):
                return []
            src = tmp
        return self._link(src, dst, actions=actions)

    def _link(self, src, dst, actions=[]):
        """set src as a link target of dst"""
        if os.path.lexists(dst):
            if os.path.realpath(dst) == os.path.realpath(src):
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('ignoring "{}", link exists'.format(dst))
                return []
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would remove {} and link to {}'.format(dst, src))
                return []
            msg = 'Remove "{}" for link creation?'.format(dst)
            if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
                msg = 'ignoring "{}", link was not created'
                return []
            except OSError as e:
                self.log.err('something went wrong with {}: {}'.format(src, e))
                return []
        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would link {} to {}'.format(dst, src))
            return []
        base = os.path.dirname(dst)
        if not self._create_dirs(base):
            self.log.err('creating directory for {}'.format(dst))
            return []
        os.symlink(src, dst)
        self.log.sub('linked {} to {}'.format(dst, src))
        return [(src, dst)]

    def _handle_file(self, templater, src, dst, actions=[], noempty=False):
        """install src to dst when is a file"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('generate template for {}'.format(src))
            self.log.dbg('ignore empty: {}'.format(noempty))
        if utils.samefile(src, dst):
            # symlink loop
            self.log.err('dotfile points to itself: {}'.format(dst))
            return []
        content = templater.generate(src)
        if noempty and utils.content_empty(content):
            self.log.warn('ignoring empty template: {}'.format(src))
            return []
        if content is None:
            self.log.err('generate from template {}'.format(src))
            return []
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            self.log.err('source dotfile does not exist: {}'.format(src))
            return []
        st = os.stat(src)
        ret = self._write(src, dst, content, st.st_mode, actions=actions)
        if ret < 0:
            self.log.err('installing {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
            return []
        if ret > 0:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring {}'.format(dst))
            return []
        if ret == 0:
            if not self.dry and not self.comparing:
                self.log.sub('copied {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
            return [(src, dst)]
        return []

    def _handle_dir(self, templater, src, dst, actions=[], noempty=False):
        """install src to dst when is a directory"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('install dir {}'.format(src))
            self.log.dbg('ignore empty: {}'.format(noempty))
        ret = []
        if not self._create_dirs(dst):
            return []
        # handle all files in dir
        for entry in os.listdir(src):
            f = os.path.join(src, entry)
            if not os.path.isdir(f):
                res = self._handle_file(templater,
                                        os.path.join(dst, entry),
                res = self._handle_dir(templater,
                                       os.path.join(dst, entry),
        return ret

    def _fake_diff(self, dst, content):
        """fake diff by comparing file content with content"""
        cur = ''
        with open(dst, 'br') as f:
            cur = f.read()
        return cur == content

    def _write(self, src, dst, content, rights, actions=[]):
        """write content to file
        return  0 for success,
                1 when already exists
               -1 when error"""
        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would install {}'.format(dst))
            return 0
        if os.path.lexists(dst):
            samerights = os.stat(dst).st_mode == rights
            if self.diff and self._fake_diff(dst, content) and samerights:
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('{} is the same'.format(dst))
                return 1
            if self.safe:
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('change detected for {}'.format(dst))
                if self.showdiff:
                    self._diff_before_write(src, dst, content)
                if not self.log.ask('Overwrite \"{}\"'.format(dst)):
                    self.log.warn('ignoring {}'.format(dst))
                    return 1
        if self.backup and os.path.lexists(dst):
        base = os.path.dirname(dst)
        if not self._create_dirs(base):
            self.log.err('creating directory for {}'.format(dst))
            return -1
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('write content to {}'.format(dst))
            with open(dst, 'wb') as f:
        except NotADirectoryError as e:
            self.log.err('opening dest file: {}'.format(e))
            return -1
        os.chmod(dst, rights)
        return 0

    def _diff_before_write(self, src, dst, src_content):
        """diff before writing when using --showdiff - not efficient"""
        # create tmp to diff for templates
        tmpfile = utils.get_tmpfile()
        with open(tmpfile, 'wb') as f:
        comp = Comparator(debug=self.debug)
        diff = comp.compare(tmpfile, dst)
        # fake the output for readability
        self.log.log('diff \"{}\" VS \"{}\"'.format(src, dst))
        if tmpfile:

    def _create_dirs(self, directory):
        """mkdir -p <directory>"""
        if not self.create and not os.path.exists(directory):
            return False
        if os.path.exists(directory):
            return True
        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would mkdir -p {}'.format(directory))
            return True
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('mkdir -p {}'.format(directory))
        return os.path.exists(directory)

    def _backup(self, path):
        """backup file pointed by path"""
        if self.dry:
        dst = path.rstrip(os.sep) + self.BACKUP_SUFFIX
        self.log.log('backup {} to {}'.format(path, dst))
        os.rename(path, dst)

    def _pivot_path(self, path, newdir, striphome=False):
        """change path to be under newdir"""
        if striphome:
            home = os.path.expanduser('~')
            path = path.lstrip(home)
        sub = path.lstrip(os.sep)
        return os.path.join(newdir, sub)

    def _exec_pre_actions(self, actions):
        """execute pre-actions if any"""
        if self.action_executed:
        for action in actions:
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would execute action: {}'.format(action))
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('executing pre action {}'.format(action))
        self.action_executed = True

    def _install_to_temp(self, templater, src, dst, tmpdir):
        """install a dotfile to a tempdir"""
        tmpdst = self._pivot_path(dst, tmpdir)
        return self.install(templater, src, tmpdst), tmpdst

    def install_to_temp(self, templater, tmpdir, src, dst):
        """install a dotfile to a tempdir"""
        ret = False
        tmpdst = ''
        # save some flags while comparing
        self.comparing = True
        drysaved = self.dry
        self.dry = False
        diffsaved = self.diff
        self.diff = False
        createsaved = self.create
        self.create = True
        # normalize src and dst
        src = os.path.expanduser(src)
        dst = os.path.expanduser(dst)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('tmp install {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
        # install the dotfile to a temp directory for comparing
        ret, tmpdst = self._install_to_temp(templater, src, dst, tmpdir)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('tmp installed in {}'.format(tmpdst))
        # reset flags
        self.dry = drysaved
        self.diff = diffsaved
        self.comparing = False
        self.create = createsaved
        return ret, tmpdst
예제 #23
class Cfg:
    key_all = 'ALL'

    # settings keys
    key_settings = 'config'
    key_dotpath = 'dotpath'
    key_backup = 'backup'
    key_create = 'create'
    key_banner = 'banner'
    key_long = 'longkey'
    key_keepdot = 'keepdot'
    key_ignoreempty = 'ignoreempty'
    key_showdiff = 'showdiff'
    key_deflink = 'link_by_default'
    key_workdir = 'workdir'

    # actions keys
    key_actions = 'actions'
    key_actions_pre = 'pre'
    key_actions_post = 'post'

    # transformations keys
    key_trans_r = 'trans'
    key_trans_w = 'trans_write'

    # template variables
    key_variables = 'variables'
    # shell variables
    key_dynvariables = 'dynvariables'

    # dotfiles keys
    key_dotfiles = 'dotfiles'
    key_dotfiles_src = 'src'
    key_dotfiles_dst = 'dst'
    key_dotfiles_link = 'link'
    key_dotfiles_link_children = 'link_children'
    key_dotfiles_noempty = 'ignoreempty'
    key_dotfiles_cmpignore = 'cmpignore'
    key_dotfiles_actions = 'actions'
    key_dotfiles_trans_r = 'trans'
    key_dotfiles_trans_w = 'trans_write'
    key_dotfiles_upignore = 'upignore'

    # profiles keys
    key_profiles = 'profiles'
    key_profiles_dots = 'dotfiles'
    key_profiles_incl = 'include'

    # settings defaults
    default_backup = True
    default_create = True
    default_banner = True
    default_link = LinkTypes.NOLINK
    default_longkey = False
    default_keepdot = False
    default_showdiff = False
    default_ignoreempty = False
    default_link_by_default = False
    default_workdir = '~/.config/dotdrop'

    def __init__(self, cfgpath, debug=False):
        @cfgpath: path to the config file
        @debug: enable debug
        if not os.path.exists(cfgpath):
            raise ValueError('config file does not exist: {}'.format(cfgpath))
        # make sure to have an absolute path to config file
        self.cfgpath = os.path.abspath(cfgpath)
        self.debug = debug

        # init the logger
        self.log = Logger()

        # represents all entries under "config"
        # linked inside the yaml dict (self.content)
        self.lnk_settings = {}

        # represents all entries under "profiles"
        # linked inside the yaml dict (self.content)
        self.lnk_profiles = {}

        # represents all dotfiles
        # NOT linked inside the yaml dict (self.content)
        self.dotfiles = {}

        # dict of all action objects by action key
        # NOT linked inside the yaml dict (self.content)
        self.actions = {}

        # dict of all read transformation objects by trans key
        # NOT linked inside the yaml dict (self.content)
        self.trans_r = {}

        # dict of all write transformation objects by trans key
        # NOT linked inside the yaml dict (self.content)
        self.trans_w = {}

        # represents all dotfiles per profile by profile key
        # NOT linked inside the yaml dict (self.content)
        self.prodots = {}

        if not self._load_file():
            raise ValueError('config is not valid')

    def eval_dotfiles(self, profile, variables, debug=False):
        """resolve dotfiles src/dst/actions templating for this profile"""
        t = Templategen(variables=variables)
        dotfiles = self._get_dotfiles(profile)
        for d in dotfiles:
            # src and dst path
            d.src = t.generate_string(d.src)
            d.dst = t.generate_string(d.dst)
            # pre actions
            if self.key_actions_pre in d.actions:
                for action in d.actions[self.key_actions_pre]:
                    action.action = t.generate_string(action.action)
            # post actions
            if self.key_actions_post in d.actions:
                for action in d.actions[self.key_actions_post]:
                    action.action = t.generate_string(action.action)
        return dotfiles

    def _load_file(self):
        """load the yaml file"""
        with open(self.cfgpath, 'r') as f:
            self.content = yaml.safe_load(f)
        if not self._is_valid():
            return False
        return self._parse()

    def _is_valid(self):
        """test the yaml dict (self.content) is valid"""
        if self.key_profiles not in self.content:
            self.log.err('missing \"{}\" in config'.format(self.key_profiles))
            return False
        if self.key_settings not in self.content:
            self.log.err('missing \"{}\" in config'.format(self.key_settings))
            return False
        if self.key_dotfiles not in self.content:
            self.log.err('missing \"{}\" in config'.format(self.key_dotfiles))
            return False
        return True

    def _parse(self):
        """parse config file"""
        # parse all actions
        if self.key_actions in self.content:
            if self.content[self.key_actions] is not None:
                for k, v in self.content[self.key_actions].items():
                    # loop through all actions
                    if k in [self.key_actions_pre, self.key_actions_post]:
                        # parse pre/post actions
                        items = self.content[self.key_actions][k].items()
                        for k2, v2 in items:
                            if k not in self.actions:
                                self.actions[k] = {}
                            self.actions[k][k2] = Action(k2, k, v2)
                        # parse naked actions as post actions
                        if self.key_actions_post not in self.actions:
                            self.actions[self.key_actions_post] = {}
                        self.actions[self.key_actions_post][k] = Action(
                            k, '', v)

        # parse read transformations
        if self.key_trans_r in self.content:
            if self.content[self.key_trans_r] is not None:
                for k, v in self.content[self.key_trans_r].items():
                    self.trans_r[k] = Transform(k, v)

        # parse write transformations
        if self.key_trans_w in self.content:
            if self.content[self.key_trans_w] is not None:
                for k, v in self.content[self.key_trans_w].items():
                    self.trans_w[k] = Transform(k, v)

        # parse the profiles
        self.lnk_profiles = self.content[self.key_profiles]
        if self.lnk_profiles is None:
            # ensures self.lnk_profiles is a dict
            self.content[self.key_profiles] = {}
            self.lnk_profiles = self.content[self.key_profiles]
        for k, v in self.lnk_profiles.items():
            if self.key_profiles_dots in v and \
                    v[self.key_profiles_dots] is None:
                # if has the dotfiles entry but is empty
                # ensures it's an empty list
                v[self.key_profiles_dots] = []

        # parse the settings
        self.lnk_settings = self.content[self.key_settings]

        # parse the dotfiles
        # and construct the dict of objects per dotfile key
        if not self.content[self.key_dotfiles]:
            # ensures the dotfiles entry is a dict
            self.content[self.key_dotfiles] = {}
        for k, v in self.content[self.key_dotfiles].items():
            src = os.path.normpath(v[self.key_dotfiles_src])
            dst = os.path.normpath(v[self.key_dotfiles_dst])

            # Fail if both `link` and `link_children` present
            if self.key_dotfiles_link in v \
                    and self.key_dotfiles_link_children in v:
                msg = 'only one of `link` or `link_children` allowed per'
                msg += ' dotfile, error on dotfile "{}".'

            # Otherwise, get link type
            link = LinkTypes.NOLINK
            if self.key_dotfiles_link in v and v[self.key_dotfiles_link]:
                link = LinkTypes.PARENTS
            if self.key_dotfiles_link_children in v \
                    and v[self.key_dotfiles_link_children]:
                link = LinkTypes.CHILDREN

            noempty = v[self.key_dotfiles_noempty] if \
                self.key_dotfiles_noempty \
                in v else self.lnk_settings[self.key_ignoreempty]
            itsactions = v[self.key_dotfiles_actions] if \
                self.key_dotfiles_actions in v else []
            actions = self._parse_actions(itsactions)

            # parse read transformation
            itstrans_r = v[self.key_dotfiles_trans_r] if \
                self.key_dotfiles_trans_r in v else None
            trans_r = None
            if itstrans_r:
                if type(itstrans_r) is list:
                    msg = 'One transformation allowed per dotfile'
                    msg += ', error on dotfile \"{}\"'
                    msg = 'Please modify your config file to: \"trans: {}\"'
                    msg = 'see https://github.com/deadc0de6/dotdrop/wiki/transformations#config-error-with-transformation-list'  # noqa
                    return False
                trans_r = self._parse_trans(itstrans_r, read=True)
                if not trans_r:
                    msg = 'unknown trans \"{}\" for \"{}\"'
                    self.log.err(msg.format(itstrans_r, k))
                    return False

            # parse write transformation
            itstrans_w = v[self.key_dotfiles_trans_w] if \
                self.key_dotfiles_trans_w in v else None
            trans_w = None
            if itstrans_w:
                if type(itstrans_w) is list:
                    msg = 'One write transformation allowed per dotfile'
                    msg += ', error on dotfile \"{}\"'
                    msg = 'Please modify your config file: \"trans_write: {}\"'
                    msg = 'see https://github.com/deadc0de6/dotdrop/wiki/transformations#config-error-with-transformation-list'  # noqa
                    return False
                trans_w = self._parse_trans(itstrans_w, read=False)
                if not trans_w:
                    msg = 'unknown trans_write \"{}\" for \"{}\"'
                    self.log.err(msg.format(itstrans_w, k))
                    return False

            # disable transformation when link is true
            if link != LinkTypes.NOLINK and (trans_r or trans_w):
                msg = 'transformations disabled for \"{}\"'.format(dst)
                msg += ' because link is True'
                trans_r = None
                trans_w = None

            # parse cmpignore pattern
            cmpignores = v[self.key_dotfiles_cmpignore] if \
                self.key_dotfiles_cmpignore in v else []

            # parse upignore pattern
            upignores = v[self.key_dotfiles_upignore] if \
                self.key_dotfiles_upignore in v else []

            # create new dotfile
            self.dotfiles[k] = Dotfile(k,

        # assign dotfiles to each profile
        for k, v in self.lnk_profiles.items():
            self.prodots[k] = []
            if self.key_profiles_dots not in v:
                # ensures is a list
                v[self.key_profiles_dots] = []
            if not v[self.key_profiles_dots]:
            dots = v[self.key_profiles_dots]
            if self.key_all in dots:
                # add all if key ALL is used
                self.prodots[k] = list(self.dotfiles.values())
                # add the dotfiles
                for d in dots:
                    if d not in self.dotfiles:
                        msg = 'unknown dotfile \"{}\" for {}'.format(d, k)

        # handle "include" for each profile
        for k in self.lnk_profiles.keys():
            dots = self._get_included_dotfiles(k)
            # remove duplicates if any
            self.prodots[k] = list(set(self.prodots[k]))

        # make sure we have an absolute dotpath
        self.curdotpath = self.lnk_settings[self.key_dotpath]
        self.lnk_settings[self.key_dotpath] = \

        # make sure we have an absolute workdir
        self.curworkdir = self.lnk_settings[self.key_workdir]
        self.lnk_settings[self.key_workdir] = \

        return True

    def _abs_path(self, path):
        """return absolute path of path relative to the confpath"""
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        if not os.path.isabs(path):
            d = os.path.dirname(self.cfgpath)
            return os.path.join(d, path)
        return path

    def _get_included_dotfiles(self, profile):
        """find all dotfiles for a specific profile
        when using the include keyword"""
        included = []
        if self.key_profiles_incl not in self.lnk_profiles[profile]:
            # no include found
            return included
        if not self.lnk_profiles[profile][self.key_profiles_incl]:
            # empty include found
            return included
        for other in self.lnk_profiles[profile][self.key_profiles_incl]:
            if other not in self.prodots:
                # no such profile
                self.log.warn('unknown included profile \"{}\"'.format(other))
        return included

    def _parse_actions(self, entries):
        """parse actions specified for an element
        where entries are the ones defined for this dotfile"""
        res = {
            self.key_actions_pre: [],
            self.key_actions_post: [],
        for line in entries:
            fields = shlex.split(line)
            entry = fields[0]
            args = []
            if len(fields) > 1:
                args = fields[1:]
            action = None
            if self.key_actions_pre in self.actions and \
                    entry in self.actions[self.key_actions_pre]:
                kind = self.key_actions_pre
                if not args:
                    action = self.actions[self.key_actions_pre][entry]
                    a = self.actions[self.key_actions_pre][entry].action
                    action = Action(entry, kind, a, *args)
            elif self.key_actions_post in self.actions and \
                    entry in self.actions[self.key_actions_post]:
                kind = self.key_actions_post
                if not args:
                    action = self.actions[self.key_actions_post][entry]
                    a = self.actions[self.key_actions_post][entry].action
                    action = Action(entry, kind, a, *args)
                self.log.warn('unknown action \"{}\"'.format(entry))
        return res

    def _parse_trans(self, trans, read=True):
        """parse transformation key specified for a dotfile"""
        transformations = self.trans_r
        if not read:
            transformations = self.trans_w
        if trans not in transformations.keys():
            return None
        return transformations[trans]

    def _complete_settings(self):
        """set settings defaults if not present"""
        if self.key_backup not in self.lnk_settings:
            self.lnk_settings[self.key_backup] = self.default_backup
        if self.key_create not in self.lnk_settings:
            self.lnk_settings[self.key_create] = self.default_create
        if self.key_banner not in self.lnk_settings:
            self.lnk_settings[self.key_banner] = self.default_banner
        if self.key_long not in self.lnk_settings:
            self.lnk_settings[self.key_long] = self.default_longkey
        if self.key_keepdot not in self.lnk_settings:
            self.lnk_settings[self.key_keepdot] = self.default_keepdot
        if self.key_deflink not in self.lnk_settings:
            self.lnk_settings[self.key_deflink] = self.default_link_by_default
        if self.key_workdir not in self.lnk_settings:
            self.lnk_settings[self.key_workdir] = self.default_workdir
        if self.key_showdiff not in self.lnk_settings:
            self.lnk_settings[self.key_showdiff] = self.default_showdiff
        if self.key_ignoreempty not in self.lnk_settings:
            self.lnk_settings[self.key_ignoreempty] = self.default_ignoreempty

    def _save(self, content, path):
        """writes the config to file"""
        ret = False
        with open(path, 'w') as f:
            ret = yaml.dump(content, f, default_flow_style=False, indent=2)
        return ret

    def _norm_key_elem(self, elem):
        """normalize path element for sanity"""
        elem = elem.lstrip('.')
        elem = elem.replace(' ', '-')
        return elem.lower()

    def _get_paths(self, path):
        """return a list of path elements, excluded home path"""
        p = strip_home(path)
        dirs = []
        while True:
            p, f = os.path.split(p)
            if not p or not f:
        # remove empty entries
        dirs = filter(None, dirs)
        # normalize entries
        dirs = list(map(self._norm_key_elem, dirs))
        return dirs

    def _get_long_key(self, path):
        """return a long key representing the
        absolute path of path"""
        dirs = self._get_paths(path)
        # prepend with indicator
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            key = 'd_{}'.format('_'.join(dirs))
            key = 'f_{}'.format('_'.join(dirs))
        return key

    def _get_short_key(self, path, keys):
        """return a unique key where path
        is known not to be an already existing dotfile"""
        dirs = self._get_paths(path)
        pre = 'f'
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            pre = 'd'
        entries = []
        for d in dirs:
            entries.insert(0, d)
            key = '_'.join(entries)
            key = '{}_{}'.format(pre, key)
            if key not in keys:
                return key
        okey = key
        cnt = 1
        while key in keys:
            # if unable to get a unique path
            # get a random one
            key = '{}_{}'.format(okey, cnt)
            cnt += 1
        return key

    def _dotfile_exists(self, dotfile):
        """return True and the existing dotfile key
        if it already exists, False and a new unique key otherwise"""
        dsts = [(k, d.dst) for k, d in self.dotfiles.items()]
        if dotfile.dst in [x[1] for x in dsts]:
            return True, [x[0] for x in dsts if x[1] == dotfile.dst][0]
        # return key for this new dotfile
        path = os.path.expanduser(dotfile.dst)
        if self.lnk_settings[self.key_long]:
            return False, self._get_long_key(path)
        return False, self._get_short_key(path, self.dotfiles.keys())

    def new(self, dotfile, profile, link=LinkTypes.NOLINK, debug=False):
        """import new dotfile
        dotfile key will change and can be empty"""
        # keep it short
        home = os.path.expanduser('~')
        dotfile.dst = dotfile.dst.replace(home, '~', 1)

        # adding new profile if doesn't exist
        if profile not in self.lnk_profiles:
            if debug:
                self.log.dbg('adding profile to config')
            # in the yaml
            self.lnk_profiles[profile] = {self.key_profiles_dots: []}
            # in the global list of dotfiles per profile
            self.prodots[profile] = []

        exists, key = self._dotfile_exists(dotfile)
        if exists:
            if debug:
                self.log.dbg('key already exists: {}'.format(key))
            # retrieve existing dotfile
            dotfile = self.dotfiles[key]
            if dotfile in self.prodots[profile]:
                self.log.err('\"{}\" already present'.format(dotfile.key))
                return False, dotfile

            # add for this profile

            # get a pointer in the yaml profiles->this_profile
            # and complete it with the new entry
            pro = self.content[self.key_profiles][profile]
            if self.key_all not in pro[self.key_profiles_dots]:
            return True, dotfile

        if debug:
            self.log.dbg('dotfile attributed key: {}'.format(key))
        # adding the new dotfile
        dotfile.key = key
        dotfile.link = link
        if debug:
            self.log.dbg('adding new dotfile: {}'.format(dotfile))
        # add the entry in the yaml file
        dots = self.content[self.key_dotfiles]
        dots[dotfile.key] = {
            self.key_dotfiles_dst: dotfile.dst,
            self.key_dotfiles_src: dotfile.src,

        # set the link flag
        if link == LinkTypes.PARENTS:
            dots[dotfile.key][self.key_dotfiles_link] = True
        elif link == LinkTypes.CHILDREN:
            dots[dotfile.key][self.key_dotfiles_link_children] = True

        # link it to this profile in the yaml file
        pro = self.content[self.key_profiles][profile]
        if self.key_all not in pro[self.key_profiles_dots]:

        # add it to the global list of dotfiles
        self.dotfiles[dotfile.key] = dotfile
        # add it to this profile

        return True, dotfile

    def _get_dotfiles(self, profile):
        """return a list of dotfiles for a specific profile"""
        if profile not in self.prodots:
            return []
        return sorted(self.prodots[profile], key=lambda x: str(x.key))

    def get_profiles(self):
        """return all defined profiles"""
        return self.lnk_profiles.keys()

    def get_settings(self):
        """return all defined settings"""
        return self.lnk_settings.copy()

    def get_variables(self, profile, debug=False):
        """return the variables for this profile"""
        # get flat variables
        variables = self._get_variables(profile)

        # get interpreted variables
        dvariables = self._get_dynvariables(profile)

        # recursive resolve variables
        allvars = variables.copy()
        var = self._rec_resolve_vars(allvars)

        # execute dynvariables
        for k in dvariables.keys():
            var[k] = shell(var[k])

        if debug:
            for k, v in var.items():
                self.log.dbg('\t\"{}\": {}'.format(k, v))

        return var

    def _rec_resolve_vars(self, variables):
        """recursive resolve all variables"""
        t = Templategen(variables=variables)

        for k in variables.keys():
            val = variables[k]
            while Templategen.var_is_template(val):
                val = t.generate_string(val)
                variables[k] = val
        return variables

    def _get_variables(self, profile):
        """return the flat variables"""
        variables = {}

        # profile variable
        variables['profile'] = profile

        # global variables
        if self.key_variables in self.content:

        if profile not in self.lnk_profiles:
            return variables

        # profile variables
        var = self.lnk_profiles[profile]
        if self.key_variables in var.keys():
            for k, v in var[self.key_variables].items():
                variables[k] = v

        return variables

    def _get_dynvariables(self, profile):
        """return the dyn variables"""
        variables = {}

        # global dynvariables
        if self.key_dynvariables in self.content:
            # interpret dynamic variables

        if profile not in self.lnk_profiles:
            return variables

        # profile dynvariables
        var = self.lnk_profiles[profile]
        if self.key_dynvariables in var.keys():

        return variables

    def dump(self):
        """return a dump of the config"""
        # temporary reset paths
        dotpath = self.lnk_settings[self.key_dotpath]
        workdir = self.lnk_settings[self.key_workdir]
        self.lnk_settings[self.key_dotpath] = self.curdotpath
        self.lnk_settings[self.key_workdir] = self.curworkdir
        # dump
        ret = yaml.dump(self.content, default_flow_style=False, indent=2)
        ret = ret.replace('{}', '')
        # restore paths
        self.lnk_settings[self.key_dotpath] = dotpath
        self.lnk_settings[self.key_workdir] = workdir
        return ret

    def save(self):
        """save the config to file"""
        # temporary reset paths
        dotpath = self.lnk_settings[self.key_dotpath]
        workdir = self.lnk_settings[self.key_workdir]
        self.lnk_settings[self.key_dotpath] = self.curdotpath
        self.lnk_settings[self.key_workdir] = self.curworkdir
        # save
        ret = self._save(self.content, self.cfgpath)
        # restore path
        self.lnk_settings[self.key_dotpath] = dotpath
        self.lnk_settings[self.key_workdir] = workdir
        return ret
예제 #24
class Installer:
    def __init__(self,
        @base: directory path where to search for templates
        @create: create directory hierarchy if missing when installing
        @backup: backup existing dotfile when installing
        @dry: just simulate
        @safe: ask for any overwrite
        @workdir: where to install template before symlinking
        @debug: enable debug
        @diff: diff when installing if True
        @totemp: deploy to this path instead of dotfile dst if not None
        @showdiff: show the diff before overwriting (or asking for)
        @backup_suffix: suffix for dotfile backup file
        @diff_cmd: diff command to use
        self.create = create
        self.backup = backup
        self.dry = dry
        self.safe = safe
        workdir = os.path.expanduser(workdir)
        workdir = os.path.normpath(workdir)
        self.workdir = workdir
        base = os.path.expanduser(base)
        base = os.path.normpath(base)
        self.base = base
        self.debug = debug
        self.diff = diff
        self.totemp = totemp
        self.showdiff = showdiff
        self.backup_suffix = backup_suffix
        self.diff_cmd = diff_cmd
        self.action_executed = False
        # avoids printing file copied logs
        # when using install_to_tmp for comparing
        self.comparing = False

        self.log = Logger()

    # public methods

    def install(self,
        install src to dst

        @templater: the templater object
        @src: dotfile source path in dotpath
        @dst: dotfile destination path in the FS
        @linktype: linktypes.LinkTypes
        @actionexec: action executor callback
        @noempty: render empty template flag
        @ignore: pattern to ignore when installing
        @is_template: this dotfile is a template
        @chmod: rights to apply if any
        @force_chmod: do not ask user to chmod

        - True, None        : success
        - False, error_msg  : error
        - False, None       : ignored
        if not src or not dst:
            # fake dotfile
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('fake dotfile installed')
            return True, None
        if self.debug:
            msg = 'installing \"{}\" to \"{}\" (link: {})'
            self.log.dbg(msg.format(src, dst, str(linktype)))
        src, dst, cont, err = self._check_paths(src, dst, chmod)
        if not cont:
            return self._log_install(cont, err)

        # check source file exists
        src = os.path.join(self.base, src)
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            err = 'source dotfile does not exist: {}'.format(src)
            return self._log_install(False, err)

        self.action_executed = False

        # install to temporary dir
        # and ignore any actions
        if self.totemp:
            r, err, _ = self.install_to_temp(templater,
            return self._log_install(r, err)

        isdir = os.path.isdir(src)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('install {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
            self.log.dbg('\"{}\" is a directory: {}'.format(src, isdir))

        if linktype == LinkTypes.NOLINK:
            # normal file
            if isdir:
                r, err = self._copy_dir(templater,
                r, err = self._copy_file(templater,
        elif linktype == LinkTypes.LINK:
            # symlink
            r, err = self._link(templater,
        elif linktype == LinkTypes.LINK_CHILDREN:
            # symlink direct children
            if not isdir:
                if self.debug:
                    msg = 'symlink children of {} to {}'
                    self.log.dbg(msg.format(src, dst))
                err = 'source dotfile is not a directory: {}'.format(src)
                r = False
                r, err = self._link_children(templater,

        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('before chmod: {} err:{}'.format(r, err))

        if self.dry:
            return self._log_install(r, err)

        # handle chmod
        # - on success (r, not err)
        # - no change (not r, not err)
        # but not when
        # - error (not r, err)
        # - aborted (not r, err)
        if (r or (not r and not err)):
            if not chmod:
                chmod = utils.get_file_perm(src)
            dstperms = utils.get_file_perm(dst)
            if dstperms != chmod:
                # apply mode
                msg = 'chmod {} to {:o}'.format(dst, chmod)
                if not force_chmod and self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
                    r = False
                    err = 'aborted'
                    if not self.comparing:
                        self.log.sub('chmod {} to {:o}'.format(dst, chmod))
                    if utils.chmod(dst, chmod, debug=self.debug):
                        r = True
                        r = False
                        err = 'chmod failed'

        return self._log_install(r, err)

    def install_to_temp(self,
        install a dotfile to a tempdir

        @templater: the templater object
        @tmpdir: where to install
        @src: dotfile source path in dotpath
        @dst: dotfile destination path in the FS
        @is_template: this dotfile is a template
        @chmod: rights to apply if any
        @ignore: patterns to ignore

        - success, error-if-any, dotfile-installed-path
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('tmp install {} (defined dst: {})'.format(src, dst))
        src, dst, cont, err = self._check_paths(src, dst, chmod)
        if not cont:
            return self._log_install(cont, err)

        ret = False
        tmpdst = ''

        # save flags
        self.comparing = True
        drysaved = self.dry
        self.dry = False
        diffsaved = self.diff
        self.diff = False
        createsaved = self.create
        self.create = True
        totemp = self.totemp
        self.totemp = None

        # install the dotfile to a temp directory
        tmpdst = self._pivot_path(dst, tmpdir)
        ret, err = self.install(templater,
        if self.debug:
            if ret:
                self.log.dbg('tmp installed in {}'.format(tmpdst))

        # restore flags
        self.dry = drysaved
        self.diff = diffsaved
        self.create = createsaved
        self.comparing = False
        self.totemp = totemp

        return ret, err, tmpdst

    # low level accessors for public methods

    def _link(self, templater, src, dst, actionexec=None, is_template=True):
        install link:link

        - True, None        : success
        - False, error_msg  : error
        - False, None       : ignored
        - False, 'aborted'    : user aborted
        if is_template:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('is a template')
                self.log.dbg('install to {}'.format(self.workdir))
            tmp = self._pivot_path(dst, self.workdir, striphome=True)
            r, err = self.install(templater,
            if not r and not os.path.exists(tmp):
                return r, err
            src = tmp
        r, err = self._symlink(src, dst, actionexec=actionexec)
        return r, err

    def _link_children(self,
        install link:link_children

        - True, None        : success
        - False, error_msg  : error
        - False, None       : ignored
        - False, 'aborted'    : user aborted
        parent = os.path.join(self.base, src)
        if not os.path.lexists(dst):
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would create directory "{}"'.format(dst))
                if not self.comparing:
                    self.log.sub('creating directory "{}"'.format(dst))

        if os.path.isfile(dst):
            msg = ''.join([
                'Remove regular file {} and ',
                'replace with empty directory?',

            if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
                return False, 'aborted'

        children = os.listdir(parent)
        srcs = [
            os.path.normpath(os.path.join(parent, child)) for child in children
        dsts = [
            os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dst, child)) for child in children

        installed = 0
        for i in range(len(children)):
            subsrc = srcs[i]
            subdst = dsts[i]

            if utils.must_ignore([subsrc, subdst], ignore, debug=self.debug):
                if self.debug:
                        'ignoring install of {} to {}'.format(src, dst), )

            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('symlink child {} to {}'.format(subsrc, subdst))

            if is_template:
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('child is a template')
                    self.log.dbg('install to {} and symlink'.format(
                tmp = self._pivot_path(subdst, self.workdir, striphome=True)
                r, e = self.install(templater,
                if not r and e and not os.path.exists(tmp):
                subsrc = tmp

            ret, err = self._symlink(subsrc, subdst, actionexec=actionexec)
            if ret:
                installed += 1
                # void actionexec if dotfile installed
                # to prevent from running actions multiple times
                actionexec = None
                if err:
                    return ret, err

        return installed > 0, None

    # file operations

    def _symlink(self, src, dst, actionexec=None):
        set src as a link target of dst

        - True, None        : success
        - False, error_msg  : error
        - False, None       : ignored
        - False, 'aborted'    : user aborted
        overwrite = not self.safe
        if os.path.lexists(dst):
            if os.path.realpath(dst) == os.path.realpath(src):
                msg = 'ignoring "{}", link already exists'.format(dst)
                if self.debug:
                return False, None
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would remove {} and link to {}'.format(dst, src))
                return True, None
            if self.showdiff:
                self._show_diff_before_write(src, dst)
            msg = 'Remove "{}" for link creation?'.format(dst)
            if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
                return False, 'aborted'
            overwrite = True
            except OSError as e:
                err = 'something went wrong with {}: {}'.format(src, e)
                return False, err
        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would link {} to {}'.format(dst, src))
            return True, None
        base = os.path.dirname(dst)
        if not self._create_dirs(base):
            err = 'error creating directory for {}'.format(dst)
            return False, err
        r, e = self._exec_pre_actions(actionexec)
        if not r:
            return False, e
        # re-check in case action created the file
        if os.path.lexists(dst):
            msg = 'Remove "{}" for link creation?'.format(dst)
            if self.safe and not overwrite and not self.log.ask(msg):
                return False, 'aborted'
            except OSError as e:
                err = 'something went wrong with {}: {}'.format(src, e)
                return False, err
        os.symlink(src, dst)
        if not self.comparing:
            self.log.sub('linked {} to {}'.format(dst, src))
        return True, None

    def _copy_file(self,
        install src to dst when is a file

        - True, None        : success
        - False, error_msg  : error
        - False, None       : ignored
        - False, 'aborted'    : user aborted
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('deploy file: {}'.format(src))
            self.log.dbg('ignore empty: {}'.format(noempty))
            self.log.dbg('ignore pattern: {}'.format(ignore))
            self.log.dbg('is_template: {}'.format(is_template))
            self.log.dbg('no empty: {}'.format(noempty))

        # check no loop
        if utils.samefile(src, dst):
            err = 'dotfile points to itself: {}'.format(dst)
            return False, err

        if utils.must_ignore([src, dst], ignore, debug=self.debug):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring install of {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
            return False, None

        if utils.samefile(src, dst):
            # loop
            err = 'dotfile points to itself: {}'.format(dst)
            return False, err

        if not os.path.exists(src):
            err = 'source dotfile does not exist: {}'.format(src)
            return False, err

        # handle the file
        content = None
        if is_template:
            # template the file
            saved = templater.add_tmp_vars(self._get_tmp_file_vars(src, dst))
                content = templater.generate(src)
            except UndefinedException as e:
                return False, str(e)
            # test is empty
            if noempty and utils.content_empty(content):
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('ignoring empty template: {}'.format(src))
                return False, None
            if content is None:
                err = 'empty template {}'.format(src)
                return False, err

        # write the file
        ret, err = self._write(src,
        if ret and not err:
            if not self.dry and not self.comparing:
                self.log.sub('install {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
        return ret, err

    def _copy_dir(self,
        install src to dst when is a directory

        - True, None        : success
        - False, error_msg  : error
        - False, None       : ignored
        - False, 'aborted'    : user aborted
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('deploy dir {}'.format(src))
        # default to nothing installed and no error
        ret = False, None

        # create the directory anyway
        if not self._create_dirs(dst):
            err = 'creating directory for {}'.format(dst)
            return False, err

        # handle all files in dir
        for entry in os.listdir(src):
            f = os.path.join(src, entry)
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('deploy sub from {}: {}'.format(dst, entry))
            if not os.path.isdir(f):
                # is file
                res, err = self._copy_file(templater,
                                           os.path.join(dst, entry),
                if not res and err:
                    # error occured
                    ret = res, err
                elif res:
                    # something got installed
                    ret = True, None
                # is directory
                res, err = self._copy_dir(templater,
                                          os.path.join(dst, entry),
                if not res and err:
                    # error occured
                    ret = res, err
                elif res:
                    # something got installed
                    ret = True, None
        return ret

    def _write(self, src, dst, content=None, actionexec=None, chmod=None):
        copy dotfile / write content to file

        - True, None        : success
        - False, error_msg  : error
        - False, None       : ignored
        - False, 'aborted'    : user aborted
        overwrite = not self.safe
        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would install {}'.format(dst))
            return True, None

        if os.path.lexists(dst):
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                    # broken symlink
                    err = 'broken symlink {}'.format(dst)
                    return False, err

            if self.diff:
                if not self._is_different(src, dst, content=content):
                    if self.debug:
                        self.log.dbg('{} is the same'.format(dst))
                    return False, None
            if self.safe:
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('change detected for {}'.format(dst))
                if self.showdiff:
                    # get diff
                    self._show_diff_before_write(src, dst, content=content)
                if not self.log.ask('Overwrite \"{}\"'.format(dst)):
                    return False, 'aborted'
                overwrite = True
        if self.backup and os.path.lexists(dst):
        base = os.path.dirname(dst)
        if not self._create_dirs(base):
            err = 'creating directory for {}'.format(dst)
            return False, err
        r, e = self._exec_pre_actions(actionexec)
        if not r:
            return False, e
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('install file to \"{}\"'.format(dst))
        # re-check in case action created the file
        if self.safe and not overwrite and os.path.lexists(dst):
            if not self.log.ask('Overwrite \"{}\"'.format(dst)):
                self.log.warn('ignoring {}'.format(dst))
                return False, 'aborted'

        if content:
            # write content the file
                with open(dst, 'wb') as f:
                shutil.copymode(src, dst)
            except NotADirectoryError as e:
                err = 'opening dest file: {}'.format(e)
                return False, err
            except Exception as e:
                return False, str(e)
            # copy file
                shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
                shutil.copymode(src, dst)
            except Exception as e:
                return False, str(e)
        return True, None

    # helpers

    def _get_tmp_file_vars(self, src, dst):
        tmp = {}
        tmp['_dotfile_sub_abs_src'] = src
        tmp['_dotfile_sub_abs_dst'] = dst
        return tmp

    def _is_different(self, src, dst, content=None):
        returns True if file is different and
        needs to be installed
        # check file content
        if content:
            tmp = utils.write_to_tmpfile(content)
            src = tmp
        r = utils.fastdiff(src, dst)
        if r:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('content differ')
        return r

    def _show_diff_before_write(self, src, dst, content=None):
        diff before writing
        using a temp file if content is not None
        returns diff string ('' if same)
        tmp = None
        if content:
            tmp = utils.write_to_tmpfile(content)
            src = tmp
        diff = utils.diff(modified=src, original=dst, diff_cmd=self.diff_cmd)
        if tmp:
            utils.removepath(tmp, logger=self.log)

        if diff:
            self._print_diff(src, dst, diff)
        return diff

    def _print_diff(self, src, dst, diff):
        """show diff to user"""
        self.log.log('diff \"{}\" VS \"{}\"'.format(dst, src))

    def _create_dirs(self, directory):
        """mkdir -p <directory>"""
        if not self.create and not os.path.exists(directory):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('no mkdir as \"create\" set to false in config')
            return False
        if os.path.exists(directory):
            return True
        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would mkdir -p {}'.format(directory))
            return True
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('mkdir -p {}'.format(directory))
        if not self.comparing:
            self.log.sub('create directory {}'.format(directory))

        os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
        return os.path.exists(directory)

    def _backup(self, path):
        """backup file pointed by path"""
        if self.dry:
        dst = path.rstrip(os.sep) + self.backup_suffix
        self.log.log('backup {} to {}'.format(path, dst))
        os.rename(path, dst)

    def _pivot_path(self, path, newdir, striphome=False):
        """change path to be under newdir"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('pivot new dir: \"{}\"'.format(newdir))
            self.log.dbg('strip home: {}'.format(striphome))
        if striphome:
            path = utils.strip_home(path)
        sub = path.lstrip(os.sep)
        new = os.path.join(newdir, sub)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('pivot \"{}\" to \"{}\"'.format(path, new))
        return new

    def _exec_pre_actions(self, actionexec):
        """execute action executor"""
        if self.action_executed:
            return True, None
        if not actionexec:
            return True, None
        ret, err = actionexec()
        self.action_executed = True
        return ret, err

    def _log_install(self, boolean, err):
        """log installation process"""
        if not self.debug:
            return boolean, err
        if boolean:
            self.log.dbg('install: SUCCESS')
            if err:
                self.log.dbg('install: ERROR: {}'.format(err))
                self.log.dbg('install: IGNORED')
        return boolean, err

    def _check_paths(self, src, dst, chmod):
        check and normalize param
        returns <src>, <dst>, <continue>, <error>
        # check both path are valid
        if not dst or not src:
            err = 'empty dst or src for {}'.format(src)
            if self.debug:
            return None, None, False, err

        # normalize src and dst
        src = os.path.expanduser(src)
        src = os.path.normpath(src)

        dst = os.path.expanduser(dst)
        dst = os.path.normpath(dst)

        return src, dst, True, None
예제 #25
class Templategen:
    def __init__(self,
        @base: directory path where to search for templates
        @variables: dictionary of variables for templates
        @func_file: file path to load functions from
        @filter_file: file path to load filters from
        @debug: enable debug
        self.base = base.rstrip(os.sep)
        self.debug = debug
        self.log = Logger()
        self.variables = {}
        loader1 = FileSystemLoader(self.base)
        loader2 = FunctionLoader(self._template_loader)
        loader = ChoiceLoader([loader1, loader2])
        self.env = Environment(loader=loader,

        # adding variables
        self.variables['env'] = os.environ
        if variables:

        # adding header method
        self.env.globals['header'] = self._header
        # adding helper methods
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('load global functions:')
        self._load_funcs_to_dic(jhelpers, self.env.globals)
        if func_file:
            for f in func_file:
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('load custom functions from {}'.format(f))
                self._load_path_to_dic(f, self.env.globals)
        if filter_file:
            for f in filter_file:
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('load custom filters from {}'.format(f))
                self._load_path_to_dic(f, self.env.filters)
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_dict('template additional variables', variables)

    def generate(self, src):
        render template from path
        may raise a UndefinedException
        in case a variable is undefined
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            return ''
            return self._handle_file(src)
        except UndefinedError as e:
            err = 'undefined variable: {}'.format(e.message)
            raise UndefinedException(err)

    def generate_string(self, string):
        render template from string
        may raise a UndefinedException
        in case a variable is undefined
        if not string:
            return ''
            return self.env.from_string(string).render(self.variables)
        except UndefinedError as e:
            err = 'undefined variable: {}'.format(e.message)
            raise UndefinedException(err)

    def add_tmp_vars(self, newvars={}):
        """add vars to the globals, make sure to call restore_vars"""
        saved_variables = self.variables.copy()
        if not newvars:
            return saved_variables
        return saved_variables

    def restore_vars(self, saved_globals):
        """restore globals from add_tmp_vars"""
        self.variables = saved_globals.copy()

    def update_variables(self, variables):
        """update variables"""

    def _load_path_to_dic(self, path, dic):
        mod = utils.get_module_from_path(path)
        if not mod:
            self.log.warn('cannot load module \"{}\"'.format(path))
        self._load_funcs_to_dic(mod, dic)

    def _load_funcs_to_dic(self, mod, dic):
        """dynamically load functions from module to dic"""
        if not mod or not dic:
        funcs = utils.get_module_functions(mod)
        for name, func in funcs:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('load function \"{}\"'.format(name))
            dic[name] = func

    def _header(self, prepend=''):
        """add a comment usually in the header of a dotfile"""
        return '{}{}'.format(prepend, utils.header())

    def _handle_file(self, src):
        """generate the file content from template"""
            import magic
            filetype = magic.from_file(src, mime=True)
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('using \"magic\" for filetype identification')
        except ImportError:
            # fallback
            _, filetype = utils.run(['file', '-b', '--mime-type', src],
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('using \"file\" for filetype identification')
            filetype = filetype.strip()
        istext = self._is_text(filetype)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('filetype \"{}\": {}'.format(src, filetype))
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('is text \"{}\": {}'.format(src, istext))
        if not istext:
            return self._handle_bin_file(src)
        return self._handle_text_file(src)

    def _is_text(self, fileoutput):
        """return if `file -b` output is ascii text"""
        out = fileoutput.lower()
        if out.startswith('text'):
            return True
        if 'empty' in out:
            return True
        if 'json' in out:
            return True
        return False

    def _template_loader(self, relpath):
        """manually load template when outside of base"""
        path = os.path.join(self.base, relpath)
        path = os.path.normpath(path)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            raise TemplateNotFound(path)
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            content = f.read()
        return content

    def _handle_text_file(self, src):
        """write text to file"""
        template_rel_path = os.path.relpath(src, self.base)
            template = self.env.get_template(template_rel_path)
            content = template.render(self.variables)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            data = self._read_bad_encoded_text(src)
            content = self.generate_string(data)
        return content.encode('utf-8')

    def _handle_bin_file(self, src):
        """write binary to file"""
        # this is dirty
        if not src.startswith(self.base):
            src = os.path.join(self.base, src)
        with open(src, 'rb') as f:
            content = f.read()
        return content

    def _read_bad_encoded_text(self, path):
        """decode non utf-8 data"""
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            data = f.read()
        return data.decode('utf-8', 'replace')

    def is_template(path, ignore=[]):
        """recursively check if any file is a template within path"""
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)

        if utils.must_ignore([path], ignore, debug=False):
            return False
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            return False
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            # is file
            return Templategen._is_template(path, ignore=ignore)
        for entry in os.listdir(path):
            fpath = os.path.join(path, entry)
            if not os.path.isfile(fpath):
                # recursively explore directory
                if Templategen.is_template(fpath, ignore=ignore):
                    return True
                # check if file is a template
                if Templategen._is_template(fpath, ignore=ignore):
                    return True
        return False

    def var_is_template(string):
        """check if variable contains template(s)"""
        return VAR_START in str(string)

    def _is_template(path, ignore):
        """test if file pointed by path is a template"""
        if utils.must_ignore([path], ignore, debug=False):
            return False
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
            return False
        if os.stat(path).st_size == 0:
            return False
        patterns = [re.compile(marker.encode()) for marker in markers]
            with io.open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                m = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
                for pattern in patterns:
                    if pattern.search(m):
                        return True
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            # is binary so surely no template
            return False
        return False

    def _debug_dict(self, title, elems):
        """pretty print dict"""
        if not self.debug:
        if not elems:
        for k, v in elems.items():
            self.log.dbg('  - \"{}\": {}'.format(k, v))
예제 #26
class Installer:
    def __init__(self,
        @base: directory path where to search for templates
        @create: create directory hierarchy if missing when installing
        @backup: backup existing dotfile when installing
        @dry: just simulate
        @safe: ask for any overwrite
        @workdir: where to install template before symlinking
        @debug: enable debug
        @diff: diff when installing if True
        @totemp: deploy to this path instead of dotfile dst if not None
        @showdiff: show the diff before overwriting (or asking for)
        @backup_suffix: suffix for dotfile backup file
        self.create = create
        self.backup = backup
        self.dry = dry
        self.safe = safe
        self.workdir = os.path.expanduser(workdir)
        self.base = base
        self.debug = debug
        self.diff = diff
        self.totemp = totemp
        self.showdiff = showdiff
        self.backup_suffix = backup_suffix
        self.comparing = False
        self.action_executed = False
        self.log = Logger()

    def install(self, templater, src, dst, actions=[], noempty=False):
        """install the src to dst using a template"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('install {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
        self.action_executed = False
        src = os.path.join(self.base, os.path.expanduser(src))
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            self.log.err('source dotfile does not exist: {}'.format(src))
            return []
        dst = os.path.expanduser(dst)
        if self.totemp:
            dst = self._pivot_path(dst, self.totemp)
        if utils.samefile(src, dst):
            # symlink loop
            self.log.err('dotfile points to itself: {}'.format(dst))
            return []
        isdir = os.path.isdir(src)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('install {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
            self.log.dbg('is \"{}\" a directory: {}'.format(src, isdir))
        if isdir:
            return self._handle_dir(templater,
        return self._handle_file(templater,

    def link(self, templater, src, dst, actions=[]):
        """set src as the link target of dst"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('link {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
        self.action_executed = False
        src = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.base,
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            self.log.err('source dotfile does not exist: {}'.format(src))
            return []
        dst = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(dst))
        if self.totemp:
            # ignore actions
            return self.install(templater, src, dst, actions=[])

        if Templategen.is_template(src):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('dotfile is a template')
                self.log.dbg('install to {} and symlink'.format(self.workdir))
            tmp = self._pivot_path(dst, self.workdir, striphome=True)
            i = self.install(templater, src, tmp, actions=actions)
            if not i and not os.path.exists(tmp):
                return []
            src = tmp
        return self._link(src, dst, actions=actions)

    def link_children(self, templater, src, dst, actions=[]):
        """link all dotfiles in a given directory"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('link_children {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
        self.action_executed = False
        parent = os.path.join(self.base, os.path.expanduser(src))

        # Fail if source doesn't exist
        if not os.path.exists(parent):
            self.log.err('source dotfile does not exist: {}'.format(parent))
            return []

        # Fail if source not a directory
        if not os.path.isdir(parent):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('symlink children of {} to {}'.format(src, dst))

                'source dotfile is not a directory: {}'.format(parent))
            return []

        dst = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(dst))
        if not os.path.lexists(dst):
            self.log.sub('creating directory "{}"'.format(dst))

        if os.path.isfile(dst):
            msg = ''.join([
                'Remove regular file {} and ',
                'replace with empty directory?',

            if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
                msg = 'ignoring "{}", nothing installed'
                return []

        children = os.listdir(parent)
        srcs = [
            os.path.normpath(os.path.join(parent, child)) for child in children
        dsts = [
            os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dst, child)) for child in children

        for i in range(len(children)):
            src = srcs[i]
            dst = dsts[i]

            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('symlink child {} to {}'.format(src, dst))

            if Templategen.is_template(src):
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('dotfile is a template')
                    self.log.dbg('install to {} and symlink'.format(
                tmp = self._pivot_path(dst, self.workdir, striphome=True)
                i = self.install(templater, src, tmp, actions=actions)
                if not i and not os.path.exists(tmp):
                src = tmp

            result = self._link(src, dst, actions)

            # Empty actions if dotfile installed
            # This prevents from running actions multiple times
            if len(result):
                actions = []

        return (src, dst)

    def _link(self, src, dst, actions=[]):
        """set src as a link target of dst"""
        overwrite = not self.safe
        if os.path.lexists(dst):
            if os.path.realpath(dst) == os.path.realpath(src):
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('ignoring "{}", link exists'.format(dst))
                return []
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would remove {} and link to {}'.format(dst, src))
                return []
            msg = 'Remove "{}" for link creation?'.format(dst)
            if self.safe and not self.log.ask(msg):
                msg = 'ignoring "{}", link was not created'
                return []
            overwrite = True
            except OSError as e:
                self.log.err('something went wrong with {}: {}'.format(src, e))
                return []
        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would link {} to {}'.format(dst, src))
            return []
        base = os.path.dirname(dst)
        if not self._create_dirs(base):
            self.log.err('creating directory for {}'.format(dst))
            return []
        # re-check in case action created the file
        if os.path.lexists(dst):
            msg = 'Remove "{}" for link creation?'.format(dst)
            if self.safe and not overwrite and not self.log.ask(msg):
                msg = 'ignoring "{}", link was not created'
                return []
            except OSError as e:
                self.log.err('something went wrong with {}: {}'.format(src, e))
                return []
        os.symlink(src, dst)
        self.log.sub('linked {} to {}'.format(dst, src))
        return [(src, dst)]

    def _handle_file(self, templater, src, dst, actions=[], noempty=False):
        """install src to dst when is a file"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('generate template for {}'.format(src))
            self.log.dbg('ignore empty: {}'.format(noempty))
        if utils.samefile(src, dst):
            # symlink loop
            self.log.err('dotfile points to itself: {}'.format(dst))
            return []
        content = templater.generate(src)
        if noempty and utils.content_empty(content):
            self.log.warn('ignoring empty template: {}'.format(src))
            return []
        if content is None:
            self.log.err('generate from template {}'.format(src))
            return []
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            self.log.err('source dotfile does not exist: {}'.format(src))
            return []
        st = os.stat(src)
        ret = self._write(src, dst, content, st.st_mode, actions=actions)
        if ret < 0:
            self.log.err('installing {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
            return []
        if ret > 0:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('ignoring {}'.format(dst))
            return []
        if ret == 0:
            if not self.dry and not self.comparing:
                self.log.sub('copied {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
            return [(src, dst)]
        return []

    def _handle_dir(self, templater, src, dst, actions=[], noempty=False):
        """install src to dst when is a directory"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('install dir {}'.format(src))
            self.log.dbg('ignore empty: {}'.format(noempty))
        ret = []
        if not self._create_dirs(dst):
            return []
        # handle all files in dir
        for entry in os.listdir(src):
            f = os.path.join(src, entry)
            if not os.path.isdir(f):
                res = self._handle_file(templater,
                                        os.path.join(dst, entry),
                res = self._handle_dir(templater,
                                       os.path.join(dst, entry),
        return ret

    def _fake_diff(self, dst, content):
        """fake diff by comparing file content with content"""
        cur = ''
        with open(dst, 'br') as f:
            cur = f.read()
        return cur == content

    def _write(self, src, dst, content, rights, actions=[]):
        """write content to file
        return  0 for success,
                1 when already exists
               -1 when error"""
        overwrite = not self.safe
        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would install {}'.format(dst))
            return 0
        if os.path.lexists(dst):
            samerights = False
                samerights = os.stat(dst).st_mode == rights
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                    # broken symlink
                    self.log.err('broken symlink {}'.format(dst))
                    return -1
            if self.diff and self._fake_diff(dst, content) and samerights:
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('{} is the same'.format(dst))
                return 1
            if self.safe:
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('change detected for {}'.format(dst))
                if self.showdiff:
                    self._diff_before_write(src, dst, content)
                if not self.log.ask('Overwrite \"{}\"'.format(dst)):
                    self.log.warn('ignoring {}'.format(dst))
                    return 1
                overwrite = True
        if self.backup and os.path.lexists(dst):
        base = os.path.dirname(dst)
        if not self._create_dirs(base):
            self.log.err('creating directory for {}'.format(dst))
            return -1
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('write content to {}'.format(dst))
        # re-check in case action created the file
        if self.safe and not overwrite and os.path.lexists(dst):
            if not self.log.ask('Overwrite \"{}\"'.format(dst)):
                self.log.warn('ignoring {}'.format(dst))
                return 1
        # write the file
            with open(dst, 'wb') as f:
        except NotADirectoryError as e:
            self.log.err('opening dest file: {}'.format(e))
            return -1
        os.chmod(dst, rights)
        return 0

    def _diff_before_write(self, src, dst, src_content):
        """diff before writing when using --showdiff - not efficient"""
        # create tmp to diff for templates
        tmpfile = utils.get_tmpfile()
        with open(tmpfile, 'wb') as f:
        comp = Comparator(debug=self.debug)
        diff = comp.compare(tmpfile, dst)
        # fake the output for readability
        self.log.log('diff \"{}\" VS \"{}\"'.format(src, dst))
        if tmpfile:

    def _create_dirs(self, directory):
        """mkdir -p <directory>"""
        if not self.create and not os.path.exists(directory):
            return False
        if os.path.exists(directory):
            return True
        if self.dry:
            self.log.dry('would mkdir -p {}'.format(directory))
            return True
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('mkdir -p {}'.format(directory))
        return os.path.exists(directory)

    def _backup(self, path):
        """backup file pointed by path"""
        if self.dry:
        dst = path.rstrip(os.sep) + self.backup_suffix
        self.log.log('backup {} to {}'.format(path, dst))
        os.rename(path, dst)

    def _pivot_path(self, path, newdir, striphome=False):
        """change path to be under newdir"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('pivot new dir: \"{}\"'.format(newdir))
            self.log.dbg('strip home: {}'.format(striphome))
        if striphome:
            path = utils.strip_home(path)
        sub = path.lstrip(os.sep)
        new = os.path.join(newdir, sub)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('pivot \"{}\" to \"{}\"'.format(path, new))
        return new

    def _exec_pre_actions(self, actions):
        """execute pre-actions if any"""
        if self.action_executed:
        for action in actions:
            if self.dry:
                self.log.dry('would execute action: {}'.format(action))
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('executing pre action {}'.format(action))
        self.action_executed = True

    def _install_to_temp(self, templater, src, dst, tmpdir):
        """install a dotfile to a tempdir"""
        tmpdst = self._pivot_path(dst, tmpdir)
        return self.install(templater, src, tmpdst), tmpdst

    def install_to_temp(self, templater, tmpdir, src, dst):
        """install a dotfile to a tempdir"""
        ret = False
        tmpdst = ''
        # save some flags while comparing
        self.comparing = True
        drysaved = self.dry
        self.dry = False
        diffsaved = self.diff
        self.diff = False
        createsaved = self.create
        self.create = True
        # normalize src and dst
        src = os.path.expanduser(src)
        dst = os.path.expanduser(dst)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('tmp install {} to {}'.format(src, dst))
        # install the dotfile to a temp directory for comparing
        ret, tmpdst = self._install_to_temp(templater, src, dst, tmpdir)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('tmp installed in {}'.format(tmpdst))
        # reset flags
        self.dry = drysaved
        self.diff = diffsaved
        self.comparing = False
        self.create = createsaved
        return ret, tmpdst